Cyberpunk 2077

Literally counting the days lads.
The hype is killing me.

Attached: cyber.jpg (2020x718, 191K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait to play a strong, white male.

In 2077 there are no white males or even males
Everyone either uses gender neutral or female pronouns

Solo of Fortune
First Big Kill
Something to prove

Even more incentive to show the righteous path.

Samurai rockerboy
First big kill
Unfinished business
is the true kino combo

What the fuck are you counting for? It has no release date.

Literally what do any of those choices even provide you with?

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:( I hope we get a date soon

it will be a huge disappointment. Have you seen demo?

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100% coming out in oct/nov this year

pretty good idea. Wonder how deep exactly do those choices affect the game. Ex lover seems the worst choice no one will chose though

Also im interested if the DLCs/Expasion will add to those choices as they seem to be lacking a bit

I think it’ll be fair. The shilling/shitposting will flare up a month out and after release but overall probably a 7-8.5 overall.

>source: my ass

I swear you guys want to be cucked by your SJW conspiracy sometimes

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I'd imagine it's like Mass Effect's 'war hero/sole survivor/ruthless' / 'spacer/colonist/earthborn' choices, in that they change a few lines of dialogue here-and-there and give you a different side-quest or two, but obviously I'm pulling this out of my ass and have no evidence

Ps4 port would be heavily censored

for me it's Solo of Fortune/First Big Kill/Something to Prove

Is this game ever actually going to release?

I'm happy for you. Even games I want to play never have me hyped and I often don't get them until months after release.

praying to the gods I'll have an actual PC by then...


I'm actually hoping the world isn't too big. Especially since they said/focused on verticality a few times.

is this your first rpg?

You're fucking retarded if you think they'll release the game this year.

I can't wait for the real cyberpunk when I'll be able to toss my useless male body aside and get a female bodyshell.

hey my ass is a very credible source compared to those filthy game journos

>Buying/pirating games at launch
>Not waiting at least 6 months extra

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me to man, hope i can play as a corporate dog

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>a corporate dog
I'd let her put me on a leash, if you know what I mean.


good boy

Attached: stout legs.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

yikes, what happened to rpg character creation

Seriously, why can action games like Saint's Row or Dragon's Dogma have awesome character creation and AAA RPG title fails at that aspect?

Attached: saints.png (1440x900, 527K)

>tfw no dominating corporate gf

Attached: Blade runner.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Just find a regular corporate job and look for a team with a hot dominating boss. The only part that you won't get is the >gf

Don't you have a tranny discord to fuck off back to?

>a finished cd projekt game
>coming out a sensible time after announcement
Pick one

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>counting the days
theres no release date yet, why are you lying

full circle

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Have you not seen the recent GDC slides?

I just want too see what situation the world is in geo-politically. E3 demo said they were in the 'Free State of Northern California'
>Pic is unrelated but its a good game

Attached: Medal of Honor - European Assault.jpg (260x226, 18K)

He could be counting the days since the announcement.


>implying you are really white if you're much of a defeatist pussy

Pretty baste

did you miss the fact that it's on tab one out of five, you blind anons?

Really, how many days have you counted already?

It'd be fun for a playthrough or 5.

any random screenshot of SR4 is more cyberpunk than 2077 (according to Yea Forums)

Attached: 20181201215452_1.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

Is there even a set date?

Post the link you larping faggot.
Every single fucking thread on every single fucking board I'll be there until you post the link to your make believe Discord.

I was hoping for more in-depth character creation and a more open concept based on the original pitch but it looks like they're just making a first-person Mass Effect game.
Could still be decent, I guess.

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Cyberpunk 2020 had the world go an-cap with several "free-states" recognized by the UN under a political union of the worlds most powerful corporations.

Oh wow look at those immense character background options that will get maybe three lines of dialogue related to them at most during the majority of the story.

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Yea Forums thinks the game is cyberpunk, why are you lying? One guy starts a thread and suddenly he's all of Yea Forums even though every one is tearing him apart.

>INB4 Britain leaves the EU and just goes full isolationist.
Best outcome.

Saints Row was about fun.
But then the SJWs got them.
It was a sad fate.

>not going full Commonwealth
for shame

It's not a conspiracy, it's actually super simple.

>most journos (gaming journos in particular) are leftists
>game developers are given bonuses if their game gets more than a certain score on Metacritic
>therefore, game devs put SJW shit in their games in an attempt to get higher scores from journos and get their 10K bonuses


You're assuming the Queen isnt undesputed Godess-Queen of the world and every world leader pays homage to the true eternal Anglo.

lol this is CDproject. The game will have at least 3 major delays on obscure ETA's before they even drop an actual date.


This. Obviously.
If most journalists were right-wing it'd be the other way round. You're influenced by those around you.

Because you're not one in real life, lol

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Agent of Mayham was focused on Diversity first, everyone else after.
And if you could not tell it sold poorly and played like shit.
No clue what they're going to do now.

Its litteraly just a freezeframe screen cap from the demo, you can also see that there were many more tabs they simply didnt show.
I dunno why I'd expect shitposters to think before posting though.

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>Agent of Mayham
didnt played it

I'm remembering a certain screencap where an user described a woman's tendency to scream rape at everything as her just wanting to talk about her fetish. Could everyone constantly falseflagging as SJWs for (you)s really be sissy/cuckold fetishists?

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It will sell well no matter what, the hype is out of control already and they have yet to properly advertise it. No matter put a release date.

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The extra tabs do not change the fact that those initial starter options related to your background will be fucking worthless outside of a few throwaway dialogue options.

Fuck im on nofap but that just make me break my streak.

I still don't know what's up with that render.
Was she supposed to be blond and they just used this outdated piece of art in the demo or what?

Yeah but I'm not really talking about those tabs though, am I? Talking about this "backstory" silliness.

yeah, that is a pretty hot luigi

its from a demo
dont take it granted


Man that is hard to look at, that chromatic abberation or whatever effect it is makes my eyes fucking bleed

did you expect the game to have an revolutionary AI games master coming forward with a tailor made story? No shit a fully voiced AAA release is only going to have a few background choices.

me on the left

i'm going to play as a black female

That doesn’t change the fact that your character’s “backstory” will likely have absolutely no affect on the game and will only provide different dialogues at the beginning.

>That one samefag who insists its not cyberpunk every chance he gets
he's on his way here ready to spout his nonsense rhetoric, get told he doesn't understand cyberpunk at all then refuse to provide a counter argument other than "nup i'm right" all over again.

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First how do you know that? Second you're making it sound as if more options would be more likely to have an impact on playthrough.

what exactly is the problem with this?

it was buggy as shit, rushed to meet deadlines, and poorly advertised.
>Agent of Mayham was focused on Diversity first
i don't see a problem in a game built around having a big roster, and that had nothing to do with the other blunders.


Attached: Heroine.jpg (273x348, 15K)

A throwaway line your preset character mutters in a non-player controlled cutscene.

Daily reminder Vee just gunned down this level 2 scavenger for no reason, as he was wheel chairing a disabled child out for the child's birthday party. Proof that you're the bad guy.

Attached: Murder 2077.jpg (866x578, 22K)

I mean yeah?
A video game can never be as in depth as pen and paper with a gm.

You're wasting logic on retards and shitposters, user.

>First how do you know that?
Because that's how it's worked in every single RPG that's done this shit.

>Second you're making it sound as if more options would be more likely to have an impact on playthrough.
How the hell did you get that from "this shit will change nothing and is worthless." It's literally the illusion of choice of depth where there is none, take the options away and nothing will change.

>Options 3, 3 and 1 for me, please.

Attached: literallyme.jpg (597x666, 42K)

Why are y’all like this when not even your most rampant sjw wants or believes this bullshit

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what a qt

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so wait, you're arguing for no background stories? Man, you crack me up, user

Than what the fuck you are complaining about?

>you are a good citizen and work for the corps
>never have a shot at having domfu gf
>be a runner scumbag
>corporate agents onto you left and right
Why do girls always want the bad girls?

No, I expected it not to be limited by VAs the same way FO4 was.

But it can be more in-depth than Mass Effect.

Only part that worries me is when she finishes the job, a guy walks out. If I play as a guy I dont want to get railed thanks.

Horseshoe theory.

>No, I expected it not to be limited by VAs the same way FO4 was.
well then you're delusional. I much prefer text based or pen and paper RPGs, but like, you've got to be reasonable with your expectations given the medium, and this medium is big blockbuster AAA video game

I'm not but I will identify as one.

why is that a problem lol?

Jesus Christ is this brainlet hour? I'm saying the options are worthless and somebody wasted a good day designing that UI for "features" that won't impact anything.

It's pretty obvious what I'm complaining about. CDPR pretending to add features when in actuality it's a placebo UI choice and not much else. It's Mass Effect's background choices all over again.

A smaller cast of character would had probably saved them the time to fix the shitty repetitive gameplay.
Instead we got wonderful missions like Daisy worrying over lesbian lover as she blew shit up for no reason.
It wasn't even funny, they were taking it seriously as well.

Can't wait to play as a girl.

>coming out in oct/nov this year
You'll be lucky if it comes out before 2021.

Bitch looks like Sasha Foxxx.

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>I swear you guys want to be cucked
True, people love having things to be mad about more then to enjoy these days.
>SJW conspiracy
There's certainly a sjw agenda in the media though, no denying that. People complaining about it in Cyberpunk are retarded though.

user, just a guess here, but the back ground choices probably just impact stats. Similar to M&B Warband.

There have been plenty of WRPGs that weren't limited by VAs. Why is it delusional to think such a thing is possible?

its really not worth fighting over the game until it comes out.

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I'm pretty sure that scene has multiple variations and the guys at CDPR just kept it the same for brownie points.

1-2-3 for the ultimate city slicker path

>one person wasted a good day
>"features" that won't impact anything.
>yet few dialog options
So it's a day spent well.

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>play as girl
>have to get fucked by that one mexican sidekick dude
Nah, I'm out. Forced sexual encounters are cancer. What if I want to roleplay as a character who swore off sexual relationships for whatever reason? What if I want to roleplay as a lesbian cyberpunk chick?
Might pirate if the filesize isn't too huge, but I ain't paying for this.

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Jesus Christ why do autists get so fucking bent out of shape because a minor customization feature gets added to your character sheet?

Im just not into dudes. Maybe this is ultra-conservative Northern Irish speak coming in but I just want to stay away from gays. I dont have a problem with them, I just dont want tgo associate with any.

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underrated jej

it sets up the reason for why you're in the city; a defining moment in your youth; who your idol is, and presumably, where your aspirations lay

that's really all it needs to be; I'm not expecting three+ distinctly different campaigns out of a AAA video game, because that's bizzaro world expectations. I don't understand why having a little bit of a bio for your character is a bad thing, even if it isn't remotely as meaningful as you'd get when in a P&P; it obviously seems as if moment-to-moment choices, ala Deus Ex or Dishonered, are more of what the game is going for

>why night city
>night city
bwaahahahahahahhaha what

I highly doubt they'll force you to fuck/get fucked. I can't imagine many people being happy about that whether it be their dyke getting railed by a dude or their guy taking a dick in the ass.

i dont like her chastity belt

How do you know it's forced? Have you actually played the game?

>in a cdpr game
are you high or something

the only bad thing about it are the dialogues. they are so shit and poorly written. i hope they won't be too bad in the final product


yes he did

This isn't an RPG lad. This is a moviegame shooter.

>for brownie points
You’re overestimating people putting together an e3 demo. It’s already surprising enough that they played it through with both a male and female protagonist and had dialogue reflecting that already in place and tested for a live audience. He’s probably in there because they already had female nudity prominently featured in the demo thus far and the character artist insisted.

what's the weapon selection like, user? I mean, you've played the game, so I thought I'd ask

NIGHT, you absolute retard

How the fuck is this not Cyberpunk?

Attached: cyuberpunk.jpg (859x444, 43K)

>*Smacks lips*

TW3 had some roleplay aspects. If you had no agency whatsoever in Geralt's choices, he wouldn't ever end up with anyone other than Yennefer, but you can change that if you want to RP as a Geralt who prefers Triss or to just stay single.
Very limited, but it's still player agency changing the character aka roleplay.

Not the same user, but the weapon selection must be pretty good since in first encounter you get a massive shotgun.

>It's Mass Effect's background choices all over again
I had conversations with Shepard's mother in ME a few times across the series on account of being a spacer. It really doesn't need to be much more than that, it's just enough to get a little bit of a background on the go and that's it.

Canon Geralt would have ended up a single horndog and you know it

bc it has a sun

I can see them giving you a side quest unique to your chosen background as well as different responses unique to your chosen backgrounds, but that's about it.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at 14.05.08.png (570x774, 130K)

>counting the days
>no release day

How could I forget the sun!
*browses reddit*

Attached: WE DID IT REDDIT!.jpg (480x360, 11K)

there's a day/night cycle, you absolute retard

>wiki said it so it must be true

Is this some race thing or are you one of those mouthbreathers who thinks the sun should have dimmed in every cyberpunk setting?

>Gameplay shows RPG elements
>RPG systems
>Devs say its an RPG
>Devs have alwways made RPG's
>Wiki says its an RPG

Neck yourself

Oh okay

Stay seething shill

so what's your issue now?
Night City was founded by Richard Night, it has nothing to do with either niggers or perpetual nighttime.

Lore-master in this thread.

Attached: Lore master.jpg (400x625, 105K)

gonna make
>white male/solo of fortune/first big kill/unfinished business
>east asian female/corporate god/death of sibling/something to prove

I read all the rule books every day.

>that autism

Attached: pop.jpg (375x441, 72K)

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How do the Bogs fit in with this timeline? Have they colonised Pluto yet?

Attached: BOGGED.jpg (708x617, 66K)

It was founded by a guy who's last name was night you absolute retard.

I hope we can go full "Syndicate", be an agent for a Megacorp and sabotage the opposition.

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Well Im going Syndicalist. Anti-corp rebel.

So the first mod for this is going to be one that makes the game night 24/7 right?

>game includes queer relationship
>95% of the audience consists of young straight males recreating their lesbian porno fantasies

Attached: 1535315891658.jpg (580x563, 236K)

The Bogs have uploaded themselves to the internet, they are gods now.

Attached: pepe-confused.jpg (1024x904, 74K)

yeah, it will be heavily used by tards who think blade runner is the only example of cyberpunk

Looks like the guy was a bad lay.

Good picks. Not sure what I'm going to go for yet, but I'm not expecting too much of a difference from the options at all, but I guess we'll see.

His used his fist instead of his penis. He doesnt want enjoyment, he just wants to cause pain.

>Yea Forums is literally triggered by the sun
Way to live up to the basement dweller stereotype

Attached: sdznbfgm.jpg (4608x2592, 1.47M)

It'll be a mod that makes every woman in the game have massive tits.
second mod will be the night mod and hopefully they will add in spyware that steals your banking details if you use it.

That thing that you said, it did not make any sense.

you try fucking a substance abusing Mercenary who has killed 10 guys that day and see if she even bothers to go though the motions.

Yea Forums thinks the game is cyberpunk, why are you lying? One guy starts a thread and suddenly he's all of Yea Forums even though every one is tearing him apart.

I'm waiting you faggot

Attached: Cyberpunk.png (1874x894, 472K)

>not even your most rampant sjw wants or believes this bullshit


See post:

>Literally outing yourself as that autist OP
Wow user! How did you predict that the game everyone thought was going to be shit would turn out shit? You're a genius.

>young straight males get their minds uploaded into female robo-bodies and fuck each other as their lesbian fantasies
Cyberpunk is a post-gender society.

They also go by the names Neuromancer and Wintermute while being AIs

>they were taking it seriously as well
That sounds like the real problem here as far as Saints Row games go

user, I think the game looks great. I'm saying that both you and the other retard are autistic.

lmao anyone with half a brain could tell that game was gonna blow. Given EA and Bioware's recent history anyone could have seen it coming.

I think Cyberpunk* is going to be great, not Anthem, ofc everyone knew that would be a dud outside of biodrones

>blocks your path
also i hope i can join either the trauma team, or the organ dealers

>She paid legit money for this

>hope i can join either the trauma team, or the organ dealers
realistically, seems like the best you'd get is a couple optional side-quests


Must be a well paying Job.
I wonder how militarised the police are if these are ambulances. Image the actual military.

They've already said that there will be no "joining" of any factions at all, you will never be more than a merc

I don't think you'll be able to join them but you'll probably get to use their services and have run ins with them.
TT are picked from some major badasses.. which you aren't apparently.


>Image the actual military
I get the impression that it's just a bunch of PMCs and not a formalised national military, but I'm not clued into the universe, it's just what makes sense given their being whole nation states which are corporation controlled and not gov't

You can't

The police, depending on the branch can either be heavily armed beat cops to psycho hunting badasses.

remember this?

Attached: cyberpunkroles.png (552x1496, 949K)


Attached: So supreme 3.jpg (600x338, 70K)

The american government still exists in the Cyberpunk Universe, but it is mostly corps running the show.

there was a nipple


Attached: 697898.png (375x390, 304K)

Corporates are the best, money is the only thing that matters in the world. Prove me wrong.

does the federal gov't have any jurisdiction over the corp. controlled states?

>deleted file because of a virtual nipple in a video game
absolutely pathetic

He isn't wrong in that literally anyone with half a brain cell could Anthem was going to flop given the mass effect 3 shitshow, most people seemingly bored of Dragon Age and not caring much about inquisition and the Andromeda shitshow. Bioware has completely fallen from grace and Anthem just screamed "EA told us to make this to compete with Destiny even though every normalfag has moved from those types of games to battle royale." normalfags loved the witcher 3 and CDPR is going to make sure to remind them that cyberpunk was created by the same dev.

tell that to chink moot

Im guessing its more like the UK's Queen. Technically she can step in and dissolve parliament and take direct control anytime she wants. And she'd have plently of people supporting her, but she's never going to do so.
So the government can technically put restrictions on corps, and people will support them, but they'd never do that.

I hope there’s cool rain weather affects so I can put in some custom mp3s to the radio and bliss out in Vs apartment with the blinds open

I just hope theres multiple apartments you can buy and customise. Daddy wants his NEET cave.

Corps technically have more authority than the government does, and they do flex of them when the government gets uppity.

Maybe ally with the organ dealers but I highly doubt you'll be able to join or hang out with Trauma.

I believe they said it’s possible to buy multiple apartments, but not customize them.

My guess is that there’s your middle line apartment (demo one), a crappy one, a ganger one, and a corpo apartment. I just hope whatever nice apartment is the highest tier one has big windows.

>but not customize them.
mods will fix it

very lame choices, CDPR could do at least like Dragon Age Origins

I'd love to try a tabletop session of this or vampire the masquerade but I have no friends, late alone ones who'd be interested in that. plus I'd be worried my first character would be some boring generic fag since I've never played one of these before.

I'll be your friend user!

Attached: Frens compooter.jpg (750x597, 30K)

>Dragon Age Origins
hope not

There better be a crappy one. The starting apartment was a shithole and comfy as fuck in vtmb. I found myself getting surprisingly attached to the place by the end of the game, just wish there was more to do in it.

That would mean they'd have to make an actual RPG.

I worded that wrong, I meant they didn’t mention if you could customize them.

tfw thinking of revisiting that apartment in whatever the new vampire project is that they’re teasing for GDC reveal

this game will be my introduction to the universe, and I think it's looking pretty great, but I really don't like its terminology, feels a bit too cheesy and lame

Are they still hoping to release before june this year? Pretty nice if so

10$ for end of the year or next year Q1

CDPR only said: "Early 2019." But Im predicting some time in 2020.

Give me a rundown on the childhood hero's.
I feel like people expecting the game to allow you to play as all these classes in it hurt its reception on here more then the sun shit. They say V is suppose to be your character and all but it's not really, no matter what your a solo for hire, just you also know some hacking or tech shit on top of being a competent fighter.

T-Thanks fren.
What makes you so sure they'll be revealing it at GDC? God I hope it's a remake that restores cut content and actually finishes the game. Don't know how I'd feel about a sequel given its paradox.

I dropped this game the second they announced cop isn't a valid career.

Attached: dredd-motion-poster.jpg (680x478, 282K)

>CDPR only said: "Early 2019."
Literally bullshit

The cops are a corrupt institution serving the dead nation know as the U.S.A. The only law left is the law you govern yourself by. And the law you apply to others.

>two gender options
Nice, the game doesn't suffer from mental illness.

The final release as gender selection on a slider.

delet this

nice argument and source


transgender is transhumanism, there's no difference

It'll be 2020 since thats when the original pen and paper is set.

yes but surely you can agree theres a lot of flexibility in how a solo operates?
Solos aren't tied to any faction intrinsicly and their abilities change entirely from person to person. Some are fomer deckers, nomads and cops others are just wannabe rockerboys who picked up a side job to pay the bills without becoming a corporate suck up.

Does your dad work at CDPR?

Wrong, they tweeted *beep* as their second tweet. One beep is morse code is E, and we can only assume it has 6 characters due to the tweet having 6 characters. Its code for a release date.
The * is E and the beep are just those letters and the other * is E again. Translating too EbeepE. EbeepE has 3 vouls and which month as 3 vouls? Correct, march.
2077 will release march 2019

Attached: beep.jpg (521x210, 15K)

yes there is, one is disgusting and the other is man made evolution

Attached: da18-Djn_400x400.jpg (240x240, 11K)

I hope I can kill all the shitskins

Sure I can understand why solo makes the most sense for a MC but in still kind of dissapointed about it. So far the game still looks decent so I'll likely get it anyway.

Attached: 1542223893119.jpg (600x591, 46K)

>ascending your mortal coil is the same as cutting your dick off

there is a huge difference between
>I wanna crudely change my sex
>I wanna be one with the machine/and or the entirety of humanity
you twat

>Wearing underwear
>Still censored
What the fuck?

Attached: Capture.png (286x332, 142K)

Not that guy but the burden of proof is on you when you claim CDPR announced a release date when everybody knows they didn't.

There are some retards who know nothing about game development that randomly spouted 2019 with no basis whatsoever but that's about it.

No, its my mom now. Pic related.

Attached: mam.jpg (142x142, 6K)

or it means E3
where they showed the trailer

Why do black people want to slay the Queen? What has she done to them?

So there's going to be trannies in this right? I recall someone posting a page from a book and it showed how there's people who mod their bodies to unironically look like clowns or essentially furries?

>all the triggered cucks don't want to acknowledge this and think Cyberpunk is some kind of a straight edge alt-right genre

Yes you can install a dick in-universe.

Int: 2 (I'm not big into books.)
Cool: 6 (You're gonna burn alright)
Tech: 6 (My vision is augmented)
Strength: 3 (Except send YOU back to the people. In a body bag!)
Constitution: 3 (You mechs may have copper wiring to re-route your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.)
Reflexes: 5 (Take your best shot, Flatlander Woman.)

Attached: JESUS CHRIST.png (233x615, 149K)


Probs gonna be like one or two, it is a science fiction world so of course they'll have decided not to take their own lives

wish they would upload more vid from the game
the waiting game is killing me

>thinking cyberpunk 2077 will even have attributes
The gameplay video they've shown of is as cinematic and scripted as a Call of Duty game.

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (400x386, 34K)

Sauce on GDC reveal?

You are gonna be pissed when the RPG aspect will be much deeper than you think and the game will be called a masterpiece.
See you again at the end of the year.

nah mate I reckon trannies make more sense in a futuristic dystopia than a medievil fantasy, the problem is retards like you fail to understand that tranhumanism is litteraly about improving upon your body not moving to the side because you wanna be a girl.

A person who decides in a world filled with augmentation marvels that getting a robotic vagina to replace their dick is a priority, is probably a loser with no taste.

There is stats though. Iirc you see them right at the end of the character creation, there's just no class system. You also see them on V's jacket when it's hanging up in their apartment.

>Hey man i know how hard it was to lose your folks


>Hey man i know how hard it was being alone on the frontier

CDPR has only made 1 critically acclaimed game. I don't see how anyone can be hyped for a game in a genre they have no experience in. I guess cyberfags are really starving.

At least I am confident it'll be satisfying from a technical standpoint.

>aka a brief overview
>Mad its scripted so they can show off to their big wigs and investors
how do you people remember to breathe

All of the witcher games have over 85% ratings though

>such a weak race they need fictitious characters to feel powerful

whites are fags lol

At best it'll be the same as mass effects background choices, affecting some dialogue and maybe giving a unique side quest related to your characters backstory. At worst they never get mentioned and give a few extra points in some stats.

>critically acclaimed
who gives a fuck?

Attached: 1546848335269.png (680x680, 378K)

This. Its just a section of the game they polished up to look presentable for the demo to wow investors and normalfags.

why are you speaking english?

The boob physics on the mostly dead girl in the bathtub was 10/10, but seems absent on the MC. Wonder if that'll get added in. Hopefully that wasn't just a baked animation.

Why do you care what a soi journalist thinks? I've seen articles bitching about the dude who hangs out with you in the demo because he's a stereotype and shit.

Imagine the smell.

Earlier games sold like dogshit because they were dogshit games that didn't impressed anyone except fans of the books.

Critically acclaimed games bring in money. And before you say something dumb, I don't mean only the specialized critics, I mean the general public at large.

Attached: Witcher-670x337.jpg (670x337, 27K)

demo loooked good, whats wrong with it?

earlier games sold like dogshit because they were eurojank, that's it.

and Yea Forums was full of people who had never heard of the series before they played the games but loved them, you dumb cunt newfag

but they literally said june 2019 was their target


>earlier games sold like dogshit because they were eurojank, that's it
I bet you tell yourself that to stop crying at night

Attached: doubt.jpg (677x1024, 58K)

you're fucking autistic jesus christ

based and redpilled.
it's when you grow up you realise it.

This but kinda unironically

this is CDPR we're talking about, it get delayed to 2021 and then again to 2023 when they release teaser for the release announcement and then delay it again.

Attached: C97.gif (202x227, 365K)

I still like the simplicity of Witcher 1 Geralt and looking back wish cdred didn't try to rig in a crafting system when it was essentially fucking wasted effort anyway. Who ever used non-Witcher gear? Geralt didn't waste his time rummaging through every drawer to steal iron ore and thimbles for crafting like in Witcher 2 + 3. The only shit he carried was booze, herbs and the rare piece of meteorite ore which you used to upgrade your silver sword with each chapter.

>tranhumanism is litteraly about improving upon your body
But you do realize shit like that is already in CP2020 game and is treated like augmentation right? Mr Studd/Midnight Lady implants literally contribute points for cyberpsychosis and can be used by either gender. IIRC you could use both at the same time. It also gives you charisma . It's quite literally treated as transuhmanism. It's just part of a body enhancement/modifier that's relatively popular for the genre.
You going "reee trannies" in a setting where people literally transform their bodies into actual clowns and implant fur on their skin to be actual furrfags is retarded. It just outs you as a newfag to all of this who's just triggered by the genre.
Cyberpunk is all about being a punk degenerate with futuristic opportunities. Installing a bigger vibro dick is relatively tame and it would actually make sense if your character is a prostitute. Or if you need to infiltrate some organization and need a complete shell makeover.

Drop the straight edge larp dude.

Attached: 1551031769812.jpg (300x262, 40K)

I better be able to be the last bastion of hope, killing degenerates and their corporate enablers wholesale.

>being a tranny makes you mentally ill

Threads pretty much dead. Its been nice shitposting with you all. Maybe I'll start a 2077 thread tomorrow since OP wont. I hope you enjoyed my shitposts:
Love you all.

Attached: Mboi.png (164x211, 41K)

They said that they learned their lesson about announcing date to early, maybe this time it will be better in that aspect.

>the schizophrenic waifufag with his mutt waifu and shilling his bootleg cyberpunk dmc rip-off isn't here
I'm surprised, he never misses these threads to shit on the game and shill his waifus shitty netflix show.

Goodbye friend user.

seething shitskins

kek yeah, any implants can fuck you up if you do them too much
last I heard cyberpsychosis will be in 2077 but who knows how they'll handle it

me too


He's not wrong. Guess what happens to recessive genes such as blue eyes and blond hair when you flood them with Mexicans and middle-easterners?

I mean, look at Clapistan. They basically speak Mexican for the most part. It's even reflected in 2077 demo lmao.

There was a humanity cost or some shit for the augs you could install in the demo so maybe it just functions as "you can't go over the limit otherwise you'll go nuts" type shit, limiting how many you can have and forcing you to decide what abilities you want. Or you could actually potentially snap and maybe frenzy like you would in vtmb, or just get a debuff from it?

>my shitskin ass is on FIRE!!!!!!!!

shit without citations gets deleted real quick

>Guess what happens to recessive genes such as blue eyes and blond hair when you flood them with Mexicans and middle-easterners?
brainlet post

It's /pol/ that's been screaming about muh ginger babies, not me.

you are an idiot lmao

nah, they release this on consoles as well and that kind of systems are far too complex for them to handle amids of gameplay.

It'll most likely just a a hard cap on how many implants you can have.

Attached: bruh look at this dude.png (1148x643, 742K)

Out of the thread for a while; it was their twitch stream recently.

Gon a be a bit until it gets released fren. They saw Red Dead 2 and realized they really need to bring their A game now that the bar has been raised.


>Competeing with rockstar

Few have tried, all have failed. Pretty sure there's a collective understanding that Rockstar is king. They're the JonTron's of the video game industry. Slow, quality, well received content that makes bank.

lol, if anything RDR2 proved that Rockstar is done, they will pull sales, but so does EA, but both EA and R* make bad games now, CDPR has nothing to worry about game wise, sales wise they wont reach R*, but who cares about that

They showed it way to early. By the time it comes out all the hype will die off, at least for me

Why the fuck are there studs on the benches?

Where can I see the bathtub girl reference?
For research purposes.

Needs more physics

Attached: Physics.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

You have to go back

I want to believe but it being paradox has me nervous. If it is a remake of vtmb I hope they don't change shit and try and make it more PC or modernise it.

Check the demo on YouTube. It's about 48 minutes long but pretty early on in it.

Based retard.

>Are there skills? Stats? Perks? How do they improve?
>July 26/18 CP2077 Twitter: "We have Attributes like STR, REF etc. which can be raised by leveling up and Installing body cyberware; Skills, raised by successfully performing actions (Hacking, Crafting, Short Guns, Long Guns etc.); Perks unlocked with both Street Cred and XP."

Attached: statss.jpg (1073x705, 123K)

>if anything rdr2 proved rockstar is done
Wild to see someone posting from an alternate reality

Bitch got alopecia.

Hostile architecture. It’s to prevent homeless people from sleeping in public spaces or people in general loitering.

Attached: 2C4C9AD3-DA10-427D-A266-865E2193F128.png (300x168, 86K)

sorry but i dont care about sales, im not an investor you see, the game was terrible, complete soulless trash, only rockstar could spend all that money and not get GOTY, even an indie company could do better

i legit lol'd

Attached: redfield smile.jpg (295x394, 64K)

Watch some videos on Cyberpunk 2020 lore. Really interesting stuff and it relates to 2077

Attached: DzAfcCtUUAE8o2G.jpg (810x456, 101K)

Nu/v/ would hate it anyway because the game takes a few shots at republicans as well as Democrats iirc.


Attached: 1426632134239.webm (1920x1080, 2.56M)

>Corporate god
>ran away from home
>something to prove


Attached: 1495545154599.jpg (281x250, 12K)

shut the fuck up idiot

holy shit mane i didnt know that where is that from

This but unironically

Attached: V bae.jpg (268x268, 17K)

Sitting down means not getting gains

>create a unique character on startup
>game forced you into first person mode so you never see your character unless its some cutscenes
Why do games do that?

here you go my man

>he doesn't know about nu white wolf
Brace yourself, dude. Pic related.
Literally a gay, black, Muslim SJW.

Attached: 1533056462997.png (1430x804, 284K)

I want The Major's hair on V, if this can happen, I'm preordering, day one buying and getting the most expensive collectors edition

Probably down to the game not being finished. Bearing in mind the game was never actually meant to be shown but CD Projekt said fuck it after audio got leaked from E3 .

That's like saying SNL isn't partisan. It's not even comedy. It's just validation for NPCs.

>10 cool

Attached: Rex.jpg (488x480, 38K)

grim grim grim

Never forget...

Attached: 1531146942881.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

>t. npc

Kinda fucked up

>tfw -1 in my cool stat

Attached: 1550229888182.jpg (936x807, 81K)

>reddit projecting because the "muh dehoomanizing" angle failed
How predictable. The left can't meme.

Attached: 1529140253297.jpg (900x760, 85K)

It won't be this much of a dystopia, will it?


Free States of California is literally just corps running the show, and the US government in the outside world is almost equally weak.

>takes place in California
Now I'm hoping for full pedal to the metal dystopia. Like Cronenberg monstrosities covered in dicks and vaginas screaming about their multiple personality genderkin status.

Attached: 2756E481-5126-47F5-8F73-695B0A3D62F7.gif (512x807, 469K)

Who gives a shit.

So are you going to side with Dum Dum and his gang or corpo mommy?

Attached: 1519790068297.webm (848x480, 2.92M)

user it's 2077. Nu-vagina having SJW otherkin didn't breed and they killed themselves in their 30s. California in 2077 would just be Cyber Mexico.


howling at people who think this LGBT SJW shit will exist when people actually have real problems

Sorry Dum Dum but you and your boys are done done.

Obv corpo mom


Never noticed the guy's eyes flashed when he connected to the robot, neat detail.

You know CDPR already dispelled that fantasy that we were getting an actual Cyberpunk 2020 game and it's just going to be First Person Mass Effect with a few flavor dialog checks depending on which present you choose at the start yea

Meh. IRL body horror is pretty boring after the shock wears off. Otherwise surgeons probably wouldn't exist.
Once you seen funky town you've basically seen it all.
The above is pretty bad, but I'd want an Aztec game if it was about savage spic gore obsession. Like eating hearts for power ups.

Attached: 1483403826351.jpg (136x151, 5K)

Can't wait to play as a degenerate slut that fucks her way out of every problem in her life

Wonder if you actually start with 25 stat points?

I ain't clicking on that shit nigguh

>that url
no thank you i'm good

Attached: 1499660428305.jpg (657x527, 34K)

Imagine playing as an aryan goddess with the palest of skin and golden blonde hair fucking every brown and black dick you can get your legs around.


creepy bastard

I don't care about the blatant virtue signaling. I just wanna know how the FUCK he can still claim to be Muslim after becoming a vampire.

Pretty sure everything about Kindred lyfe is haram as fuck.

That's basically what my first character in cpunk 2077 will be.


if it's anything like Witcher 3 then it will be GOAT

Damn based.

Stop samefagging, newfag. IP count exists.

I want to make your assholes my cum dumpsters.

>corporate dog
finally I can play my lifestyle

why do I click on any shit posted on this fucking site

Attached: 40771221_1914448868859497_2819552459666489344_n.jpg (683x683, 35K)

well, no fuck that shit

Attached: jWGMo_s-200x150.gif (200x150, 1.64M)

u won't, but maybe future dlc? I'm hoping at least one of the expansions take place on the moon, imagine blood and wine but on the moon.

Attached: 2077CC.jpg (2560x7200, 2.73M)

This game won't launch till 2021. I guarantee it.

seems pretty extensive, nice

Morbid curiousity. Might want to head to reddit and avoid watchpeopledie whilst still bluepilled. That place is pretty sterilized and busy screaming about Drumpft.
I figured I needed it as I used to pass out at the sight of my own blood. Now I know not to dilly dally around elevator doors nor visit South America.

So is body stuff not custom? Like breast size and dick size?

>but so does EA
EA doesn't pull 17 million copies sold in 6 days at launch week, no

No, the snowflakes would literally die out in Cyberpunk 2077. All the hard drugs, body modifications, gangs would destroy them.

Plus I feel like now I could stuff my organs back into place in a pinch without going into shock.

no body options, no. Purely face/race/gender/tattoos and then augments when in-game, see

>you will never lay naked before her with your hands bound while she stomps on your dick and balls with cyber high heels

Why even live.

Attached: 1503935215144.gif (309x313, 3.64M)

We don't know.

Attached: work in progress does not represent.jpg (1567x122, 16K)

seems incredibly unlikely given fashion plays a huge part in the game, as well as getting augments; it's just a faff getting that stuff to look good with varying body sizes

Ah, good point I didn't even think about it in regards to clothing.

user that's just there to bullshit you. You absolutely won't have extensive sliders and will only have like 10 presets for each general part.

why does she look so upset?

First person games make me physically sick so I can't play this :(

Have you looked over that image just posted? It's a decently extensive creation system by the looks of things, though admittedly, not quite slider-tier.

I wish it resembled the first art and trailer much more, but it still looks alright.
That said, I think appealing to the GTA V crowd did poison the well. Not even meming.

Attached: 1545025605307.jpg (1400x1050, 185K)

>I wish it resembled
Okay, here you go.

Attached: applying makeup in cyberpunk 2077.jpg (3840x2160, 3.29M)

Don't get me wrong, the smaller scale indoor environments looked great. But the game play demo was supremely disappointing.

Hungover and probably regretting whoever she had just fucked.

Such a fucking blunder of a game.

>Hey boys lets make a game with tons of customizing options
>Cant see the fucking character
Polacks are geniuses.

Don't worry we'll get some acid-rain slick streets in the corporate district too so you can get your Blade Runner fix.


>Cant see the fucking character
Except in the character screen, mirrors and window reflections, just like real life.

>lefties think there's a right wing bias in the media
>righties think there's a left wing bias in the media

no matter who I talk to I can't escape this fucking shit

Attached: 1541813240391.jpg (547x444, 64K)

third person is shit

How come I get to see his nipples?

wonder if we get more tattoo options later in the game

How can you count the days to an unknown date?

because male nipples aren't sexual

This shit better have a boob slider or I am swearing off western games for good.

There's an arrow at the end of the row, implying that there's more than you see at first glance


It supposedly has a beard slider, I'm sure they included everything they could think of. Just don't expect Tifa sized orbs.

Sure as hell hope that these aren't the only choices for your class

>beard slider
They are, like the original game.

Attached: nani (1).jpg (1081x669, 63K)

It won't because clothing won't be stretchable like that.

it's not class based, user. You're a solo, that's it

>wants every game to become a consolified third-person cover shooter
Third-person cover shooters provide 0 challenge because they have no gameplay that isn't
>automatically go into sticky cover so you eliminate ALL risk of dying
>press [X] stick your gun out and blind fire at goons
>press [L1] + [X] peek out of cover and finish off last few goons with auto-aim and bullet magnetism
>toss grenade because you can only carry 5 anyway and goon just dropped one

Meanwhile first-person games have been innovating for 30 years and we get titles like HL2, F.E.A.R., Portal, Mirror's Edge, FC2, L4D, Dishonored and Prey. You'd think third-person cover shooters would learn from this and at least try something different but cover shootan' from your safe spot behind some boxes is literally all they can ever offer.

>Ex lover seems the worst choice no one will chose though
I'm picking it on my minimal augmentation character to see if I can moral fag my way through the story and end up with a waifu

I vastly prefer first person, but I could overly-simplify the perspective like you've just done with third person, too; don't be so retarded

Wow, this is the power of frogposting. Why would you lie like this? Don't you care about your fellow man?

>those comments in the thread

I don't feel mentally strong enough to watch that video.

God please don't fill this game with sjw shit please I beg you.

Dum Dum. Fuck corporates and fuck mommyfags.

Going FPS is going to bite them in the ass so hard, for years before they even revealed anything about this game the community was overwhelmingly in favor of third-person, a ton of people are really pissed about it and that's also on top the complete lack of actual roleplaying elements to boot, I'm starting to think Bethesda may actually wipe the floor with them on Starfield now.


Attached: that's not even bait.png (625x626, 95K)


I really don't think you understand the priorities of SJWs, they'll give you every option under the sun as long it doesn't involve sexualizing a female.

Pretty sure every deathklok poster i've ever seen has been levelheaded and reasonable.

>purple makes it cyberpunky
you're the reigning king of faggotry and your chariot awaits

Attached: uow.jpg (466x311, 15K)

>the game only has female and male options
>has shown off the demo female protagonist in her underwear
>first thing you see in the demo is carrying some naked chick with her tits right in the screen

oh no, it's retarded

3rd fags are really pathetic, why people who prefer 1st are still able to play and enjoy some 3rd games, but when it's the opposite you fucking throw retarded tantrum and claim that motion sicnkess from playing 1st games is a thing despite no one heard about it before cyberpunk 2077 and now everyone have it.

I swear this place has more retards than usual lately.

This game will make up for the loss of Prey 2.

Attached: blurry youtube screenshot.jpg (1929x1043, 73K)

literally false flagging so people start hating anti-SJWs more than SJWs. Very sad. Many such cases.

Some games can't even be discussed anymore because it turns into a giant SJW vs anti-SJW war.(Catherine comes to mind.)

What did I over-simplify in your view? Some third-person cover shooters like Uncharted are even more basic than that. Most cover shooters don't even have stances like crouch and prone, no jumping or leaning around corners and the enemies are usually blind as a bat to make whatever passes for stealth even easier. Even MGSV, arguably the most advanced game of the bunch, you can just silently melee KO enemies from the front.

I think it's more about the dystopian setting, the dark cityscape and the glowing shit everywhere.
The screenshot is shite at highlighting any of those, though.

>dark cityscape
That's literally downtown NYC and it's night time (in a game that has both night and day). What about that is cyberpunk?

That's completely down to console games offering you no option to customize the FOV depending on how far you sit from the screen and how big your screen is. Play some real first-person games with FOV sliders and you won't have any issue at all. I got motion sickness playing BioShock (1) too and I've been playing first-person games since Wolfenstein 3D, but it was entirely down to the FOV which was 60 degrees when it should've been 90+.

why did you take the most boring screenshot ever?

Because you're too retarded/newfag to understand my post.

I get not buying at launch but if a crack is available why wait, CDPR don't even put DRM in their games so It'll be available day one.

Unfortunately he will be right again.

Attached: CDPR_SJW_Cyberpunk2077.png (1128x180, 57K)

>Fuck DRM, pirating because of it!
>They don't even put DRM in their games, why are you waiting to pirate it?

iirc it's permanently night time ingame unless you fight back the evil guys in every district and get back in control. Or maybe it's just all the time night because I remember getting the option to switch to daytime after beating the game.
Also, there's literal overlord structures flying above the city and you regain control of the area by hacking shit. I guess it doesn't really count because it's a computer simulation, though.

But hey, there's flying cars!

>skills raised by actions
oh no no no no no, they're copying the dogshit mechanics Bethesda invented
>dude just press spacebar 1000 times to level up acrobatics and let a rat bite you for 0 damage for an hour to level up your armor skill
TES systems are trash. might as well just save yourself a LOT of wasted time and use a cheat to set every skill to 100 to bypass that tedious "gameplay"

>believing some random user post
l m a o

It made sense and was believable until the part about devs and first trailer. This trailer wasn't even made by CDPR but Platige image

It won't flop. For better or for worse.

>face, hair, scars, other
I wonder what's behind the "other" tab.

blemishes, freckles, dirt etc., probably

Of course, same as all Witcher trailers. Doesn't change the fact that initial reveal of their cyberpunk game promised many different things that are nowhere to be found in the current game they are making.

Actually body types were confirmed.

Attached: interview.png (702x678, 80K)

>Screencapping an obvious shitpost
>Being in a newfag in the year of our lord twentieth nineteenth

If we have hollywood celebs posting on Yea Forums then why not some random dev of AAA studio? this site is fucking mainstream and overrun with normies anyway.

>Can ask anything about the game
>Ask if some mentally ill can roleplay themselves

Attached: coach.gif (320x240, 1.61M)

lefties are scum

>promised many different things
Oh yeah, such as?

in an environment of anonymity, anything that isn't opinion based is a lie until proven otherwise

You think it's shitpost but all the facts are checking out. Just google ruiner and interviews with devs.


Is it on PC?

Nah dude it's a Super Nintendo exclusive

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

May I fucking remind you that this game is based upon an existing thing. Nothing was scrapped because they already had the framework from said existing thing.


Attached: cyberpunkplane.webm (1092x614, 661K)

I don't care about DRM or anything. I never pay for video games that aren't multiplayer, and I'm not going to start just because some devs make it easier to pirate thier games.

It didn't promise anything, it was just announcement that they got the ip and recruitment video for people who want to work on it. Game looks like it supposed to be from the beginning because it's adaptation of cyberpunk 2020 not blade runner or cyberpunk genre in general. Quote from the 2013
>There are lots of cyber games around, but there's not a lot of punk in those games," he said. We want to put more punk into ours. We do not want to make a dark and hopeless world. We are not doing Blade Runner. It will be full of rock and roll.

Attached: 1549140755618.jpg (1919x1080, 919K)

Gameboy colour m8

They're alienating a good percentage of people just for something that could be fixed by a dev with a single function.

An OPTION to have third party view would not ruin the game. The world's most popular games are all third party games. Given the choice between first person view and third person view, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will always choose third person view. We have plenty of games that offer both options and yet people use third person view most often than not.

based cdpr

>You think it's shitpost but all the facts are checking out.
Did you miss this part?

You're actually a cuck lmfao

Skills raising by using said skills is not actually a bad mechanic, it's just that the surrounding mechanics in Skyrim sucked.

complex character creator
freedom of choice what story to pursue
tpp and fpp
lots of vehicles, including flying vehicles
seamless multiplayer

wasn't it created in the 90s?

>They're alienating a good percentage of people just for something that could be fixed by a dev with a single function.
The perspective of the player is a fundamental aspect of a VIDEOgame. TPS and FPS aren't interchangeable, devs take the player's visual information into account when they design cover, enemy placement, and simple things like how large rooms are.


Attached: DxMw8PZWkAE2FDs.jpg (765x576, 65K)


So you got ALL of this information from a 40 second video of a girl with spike arms being shot in the head by a police officer?

the fuck is that hairline

They should've made this game 3rd person, i like looking at my character

There were lots of information in the year after that trailer. Then it all quiet down, and then few years later we get what we have now. It's obvious they had different plans then threw them away.
Also that asian guy videos on CDPR overtime controversies confirm that.

Glad it's first person. Third person is fucking trash.

You are delusional, it isn't so easy like slapping camera behind character. It would require to remake all the animation from the beginning, remake all the places where fight will take place. Remodel all rooms and halls because of 3rd camera autism in samll enviroment. Also they did not alienate you enough to not come to game thread months after info it will be 1st person.

good doggo

Oh so wait, we're changing from initial reveal to
>the year after
>Some random faggot that has no relation to CDPR confirms that



Are you having a giggle m8? I just wanted to know if it would be on PC the same day as on consoles.

>actual fucking role playing in RPG game
Instead we're getting some on-rails story mode with illusion of choice

This game fails as cyberpunk. Needs a fucking name change.

>complex character creator
still in
still in
>freedom of choice what story to pursue
still in
>tpp and fpp
still in
>lots of vehicles, including flying vehicles
still in
>seamless multiplayer
ok, not in the launch version but who gives a shit about MP anyway.


Attached: brainlet_01.jpg (645x729, 57K)

>GTA series
>Fallout series
>Metal Gear Solid
And so on, the list goes on and on.

As a game dev and a mod developer, it's exactly like slapping a camera behind a character. That's the standard way to do it. Literally with a game that has both third person and first person is a game that allows the user to change the location of the camera either inside or right above. Or any number of locations for different scenes. Games like GTA allows players to place the camera location on the side of the cars to create a cinematic action scene.
