Holy shit! This will revolutionize mobile gaming.
Holy shit! This will revolutionize mobile gaming
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now you can enter your credit card details twice as accurately
>drop double screen $2000 meme phone
>completely shatters
welp better buy a new one
How's that supposed to fit in my pocket? Have smartphone companies gone too far?
Thinner than Samsung's 3310 knockoff and no fucking notch.
My pockets are only so deep if I crouch down I'm gonna bend the thing
>Costs even more than Samsung one
Yeah no thanks
>bendable material
but why?
This doesn't look useful in any way
How the fuck do you put a case on these? do you need a case for each side?
Only women and children break phone screens. I've dropped my phones so many times and I've never had a break.
>mobile gaming
95% of mobile gaming is done at home while taking a shit. That's what $300 iPads are for. Not $2000 phones.
>putting case on phones that cost $2000
Why? Do you hate yourself that much? If you're buying $2000 and too afraid to drop it then don't fucking buy $2000 phone, retard
>special foldable case
That'll be another $100 sir enjoy your new tech investment
Cargo pants will be relevant again
Tablets have been a thing for a decade now.
I have a better idea
Now I can see all those compressed JPGs of poorly drawn waifus I paid several dollars for on a larger screen!
What kind of a person buys a $2000 phone? The same kind that buy a $700 phone. Nobody wants to be that person with a cracked screen.
>Protecting your investment is retarded
>Not protecting your daily driver phone from drops
Sorry im not a human gimble
Just a marketing gimmick to outplay Samsung on exposure. Real juice is in the bendable screen tech, not how they apply it in this scenario
t. butthurt Apple/Samsung shitter
Huiwailongdong chinkies are dabbing on everyone in the mobile phone market. Enjoy sucking their testicles
This was my tablet good god time needs to slow down
What fucking investment? It's just a toy.
Nice try chinese hacker
If you can't replace or repair your $700 at any point in time then don't fucking buy such a phone, jesus. And no, it's not the same kind of person, it's targeted at retards, super tech enthusiasts and rich people. Which one is you?
>literal beta test hardware
>lol huewei strong
Cringe and bluepilled
I didn't even think about app support. Wouldn't you have to restart the app for it to format correctly if you put it in tablet mode?
Its almost as if you need to invest in a beta product before it becomes a real product
>not an investment
Wanna help me fill out my game collection richanon?
Is this what amerilards believe?
>I don't know what investment means.
Why do you keep posting this exact thread? Are paid shills just this obvious now?
I'm neither of those nice projecting mr chingchongdingdong.
Whats more likely to happen
>Own it for a month
>bullshit start happening
>screen portions become desynched from hardware errors of some kind.
>have to send it in to be repaired for a (((FEE)))
>consumers hear about it and stop buying/spread bad word about it
>Product failure for trying to be too different.
I'd rather phones get bigger batteries than bigger folding fuck off screens. Fuck off.
How does it bend?
So, any new smartphones in the market that allows me to use a small plastic pen for touching the touch screen instead with my dirty finger?
For only the small price of a fucking laptop computer
Do you even know what investment means?
Anything with an exclamation point is a shill or sarcastic
L-looks good
>mobile gaming
Is that even a thing? I remember everyone was panicking about it killing the entire industry in 2012 or so and here we are.
Yes this seems like an investment not one where you'd necessarily make money back however
I hope the prototype product you made out of thin air and no investor interest catches on user
>those shaking hands
Being an alocholic is suffering
It is a computer and more portable than a laptop. What's the difference.
Note 9.
So where were you when you realized smartphones/tablets are the future of gaming?
With how powerful they are becoming they would only need a few things to completely take over,
>developer support
>video output or streaming
>a universal bluetooth controller
Bye-bye nintendo, sony, microsoft. And yes, even PC.
>I STILL have no idea what investment means!
If he fucks up, he will be executed. Of course he's nervous
>tiny ass screen
>no keyboard
If you're considering $2000 an investment in an early gimmick tech in an industry where people change their drivers every 1/2/3 years and you can barely afford the investment itself then you've a fucking troglodyte, cause there's no external case against aging tech.
You're right user I'm gonna sell all my consoles then I can buy a folding phone AND a case
A laptop has good software and peripherals.
Friendly reminder that these foldable screens look like shit
The biggest issue with phone gaming is the shitty fucking buttons and android dependency. I don't see how this fixes either.
So are you telling me people being interested and buying into a beta product doesn't drive company stocks? you may be delusional
>here's your phone bro
You're not investing in shit, you're a consumer buying a product. Not Huawei nor Samsung testing waters with $2000 phones, they do it so they can get tons of exposure for themselves for being first and better. You're literally a tool for buying this one, unless you're REALLY into the idea
Normalfag platform. Fuck off.
Have you SEEN how thin some laptops are now, with enough power to play some decent games. A messenger bag is a small price to play. I actually don't know how other guys survive without one. I can keep my laptop, various handhelds if I want, backup sweater, umbrella and food with out it even weighing a whole lot. It's basically a purse for men but not actually one.
Still does everything I'd do on a laptop, but I'm more likely to carry this than that.
Like what? Given the fact Android is just Linux, I haven't found anything that doesn't run on it that I need. As for peripherals, I can't even pretend to know what people are using. It's not like people are using optical media, or random USB gimmicks.
Why has it taken me so long to see how shit this place has gotten
It's a phone and a tablet in one, normies will eat that shit up
based huawei
I'm not saying I'd buy one I'm just saying you could use $2000 in better ways and anyone who buys it is basically investing in folding phones
blackberry passport silver still has the coolest design
It's a lot cheaper than your $43,000 gaming PC or even your $10,000 PS3.
Basically asking to get mugged carrying that around. Otherwise I would agree with you.
Samsung is doing it so you BET that Apple is gonna make theirs. For $3.5k
As a man I'm kind of barred from this as an option.
Ok then, explain to me how you plan to profit from being an early adopter of this expensive piece of technology. Then explain to me why this product will be more beneficial to you than a non folding tablet that costs a fraction of the price, or why it's more beneficial than a normal smart phone that costs a fraction of the price.
Based Samsung dabbing on the appletards.
Not killed it, but poisoned it. The cancer started with oblivion's horse armor, but the mobile market unveiled the true extent of how retarded consumers are and microtransaction jewery is bleeding into the console scene more and more
>smartphones remove headphone jack to be thinner
>bulky again to transform into a meme tablet
Having it be hereditary is even worse.
That's not about gender, that's about luck of material. I've had a phone I dropped on concrete repeatedly last forever and never get more than a dent on the corner.
Meanwhile, got a different one that shattered when I looked at it wrong.
That is the point I'm trying to make.
Literally all Blackberry has to do is re-release their old phones with modern hardware. That's all. Fuck. They're all good physically.
how the fuck did the chinks btfo the gooks so fucking hard.
It's like a second Vietcong
The mate x looks miles better than the galaxy F (to pay respects)
>$10,000 PS3
Holy shit, mine only cost $599. Did I get the deal of a lifetime?
Actually, I'd be interested in a smaller version of this with a proper clamshell design. God I miss how durable phones used to be before everything had a glass touch screen.
>be me
>own tech channel
>get a folding phone
>show it in a video
>normies love it and get massive feelings of FOMO
>video starts trending on youtube
>more people buy them
>company reaches out to me and makes me a shareholder
>don't even have to use that shitty phone
You guys, this is what an investment is
holy fucking yikes
android is so shit that their phones has 12 gb ram
even gaymen pc doesn't need that amount of ram
I fucking bet my ass the folds in these phones have dogshit durability. Enjoy even more planned obsolescence.
>living in a 3rd world country
I want it, especially if I can slightly bend the screen and use it as a DS emulator
Guess what it can also carry.
No you're not. Grow some balls.
Android is only based on Linux, Android itself is a jury-rigged aberration full of freemium shovelware that barely meets casual daily needs, let alone scratch the surface of the odd specific needs.
>Toronto is a third world co-
yeah no richfags can do that shit
ill enjoy buying things cheaper than retail after they actually fix all the defects and offer a complete product. buying new phones within the year they come out is some delusional status faggot trend anyway
How? It's a smart phone smart phones are useful. It flips into a smart phone with more screen size.
How can you fail to see the uses in that?
god if anyone needs a better example of the reality of slippery slopes they need look no further than fucking horse armor
10 years ago, bethesda was universally shat on for pulling that shit, and now it's not only accepted but expected
a decade is all it took to brainwash a new generation into accepting jewish cock into their mouth
just imagine playing games on something bigger than your phone's screen right now!
My ps3 is worth 10k? I guess I could live without it
>it probably could sell to a dumbass for this price if you just say it has a special serial number or something
BTFO SOnY shill
they make great products.
>>company reaches out to me and makes me a shareholder
Why do people invest in expensive gold and silver when tin is easier to find and cost a fraction of the price? Exclusivity. whether you like it or not doesn't matter
No that was the launch price zoomer, see
I'm not a blind boomer I don't need to have a tablet
Toronto is Chinese soon
Don't joke like this. People are stupid enough to believe this is possible.
If you buy a finished product, you are not investing into anything but your own entertainment as long as you're not using that product to get more money in the long run.
You are investing if you buy shares from the company that manufactures the products themselves since you are effectively a part of developing and selling the product itself.
Calling a 2k phone an investment is dumb because it is, like the other user said, a 2k electronic toy.
The fuck?
I completely forgot about that, FOMO is a serious disease
>clamshell that'll just trap dust and scratch both screens
>no physical keyboard
>calls it a purse himself
>tells others to grow balls
Dude, come on. Those things are only acceptable if you're an openly gay male, that's not a solution for everyone.
None of that changes what was said. If you want that trash heap GNU Android allows you to install it in the host or you can go full chroot/lxc.
Better yet, if you don't like Android you can just install whatever you want on the device like sailfish or something else.
From a usability standpoint, I don't think a laptop has any actual advantage. Even if you want to harp on the keyboard, you could just get one of your choosing, you're not bound to use the one attached to it.
Didn't they JUST hack the newer ps3s? What's even the point of owning one of these? They're even prone to failure.
t. Xiao Quingwei
å…四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
Again, I know only a dumbass would buy a 2k phone they think it's the future though
okay... so it's for blind boomers then?
seems like you found it's market of people it would be useful to.
>biggest battery drain on phones is the screen
>make a phone with twice as much screen
Enjoy your 4 hour battery life
no it won't, you stupid useless fuck
fuck you
phones already have a 4 hour battery life
Because gold doesn't tarnish, both gold and silver have actual uses and they're way less abundant than tin. Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
If you have the income, why not? If you can't afford it, then it's a dumb thing to buy.
It's all relative.
Where the fuck do you live where guys aren't normally using messenger bags? Butfuck texas? Are you that insecure that you think a modified backback is gonna make it so girls wont want to fuck you?
>A bleeding edge smart phone is just like a commodity!
Jesus Christ you are retarded
i love americans. you guys are so funny.
No, for the galaxy fold at least.
It was a feature they mentioned.
No, just a new entry point for almost all later slim models, not the super slims.
My Moto G6 has like, two entire days of battery life. You've really got to upgrade sometime.
>he doesn't know about bad posture
>he doesn't know about one sided should strain
>he doesn't want to be healthy when he's old
I don't know, user. Messenger bags may look cooler, but they're not as ergonomic or as good for your posture as you think.
Nothings wrong with purses. i get jealous that girls get purses they seem so fucking useful.
>Are you that insecure
Coming from the guy trying to convince others that his purse isn't queer.
That's because you're not using it.
Looks like a great tool for emulation
And a skirt is ideal for the summer, but you don't see people wearing kilts.
>be girl
>carry a purse
>purse contains everything needed to survive in a modern society
>purse gets stolen
>everything is gone
The baffling thing is how women usually don't have or don't use pockets.
All you need is god damn near $2000 to get one and you are set. You could build a gaming PC and buy a PS4 and switch for what one of those folding phones cost.
Fanny packs are where it's at dudes
What do i need to do to get something like this, but with a good OS and updated hardware?
They have one pocket that they use.
>fanny packs
Please, user no.
$2000 meme phone that I guarantee will have screen ghosting.
>Are you that insecure
No but you sure are having to justify this shit to a group full of people who you've never or will ever meet.
It's gay as fuck. Now you can accept that it's gay as fuck but you still like them, which is fine, or you can keep trying to convince others it's not and just make yourself look more retarded.
They're not bumfuck huge like purses and it's so much harder for them to get stolen.
My phone easily lasts all day long while playing a mobage
That's another level of retarded reasoning, congratz
What are you insecure?
Have you heard of this thing called a wallet?
I'm not saying they're not useful but I'd rather wear a diamond covered purse than a fanny pack.
Buy a surface pro and install gentoo?
A milli a milli a milli a milli a milli
Whatever you say "chad"
Just because people don't say something to your face doesn't mean they're not thinking it.
I'm not even 30 yet, but the technology is going too fast. We're destroying ourselve demgraphicaly and food wise.
don't they have fruit roll up T.V.s nowadays? Now that is innovation
how is a bigger screen going to revolutionize mobile gaming
Good, I can't wait to die.
Something like this?
user, i already have a computer.
A phone is what i'm looking for.
A professional model could wear anything and it would look great. Not understanding your aesthetic factor and using accessories like these turn you into an incel.
name seven uses for a flip phone with the thickness of a textbook and unfolds into a pseudo-tablet
Is it so big i need to put it on a table to be able to type properly? If so, then it's as good as dead to me.
Good thing I understand my aesthetic factor
me on the right
The folding tech could possibly be used in future handheld consoles. I don’t see how these hybrid devices will significantly impact mobile gaming. What can you do with them that you can’t with a regular tablet?
Men used to have the equivalent in cargo pants, but women didn't like the way they looked one day, so away they went. Meanwhile women wear fucking pajamas and no one gives a shit. I'd also kill to have my balls exposed to open air in the summer without being judged. But women can wear men's clothes and no one gives a shit
Women that complain about being women should be shot, full stop.
Fold it up and put it in your pocket
Fold it around your dick and "fuck" your waifu jpg
I'm willing to bet if Leo, Dwayne and Jason saw that today, they'd gringe at themselves. Granted, it doesn't look that bad anymore since the whole 80's style resurrection is happening and all.
what the fucking point ?
Buttmad CIA agent
Leo still looks good, Dwayne's hair and turtleneck are just plain bad though and Jason is dressed like a 14 year-old and would definitely cringe.
who /never played a smartphone game/ here
that fucking tear in the middle, yup yup hurry up hide the screen
"And your total bill comes out to $2349.99 plus tip"
Leo looks like he's on a vacation so it doesn't look that bad. Dwayne looks like the picture was taken late 80's before Smackdown fame. Bateman looks like the asbergers kid from school.
I keep seeing you americans post a bunch of blank white squares on the internet, is this some new meme?
Huawei is literally buying their cpus, memory, and screens from samsung.
You really don't understand how the mobile phone business works, do you?
There is no money to be made anymore in the smartphone market, and like every market with tiny margins, the chinks are there to make $1 for every phone they sell because they're fucking retards living in poverty.
Meanwhile Samsung probably makes more money when Huawei sells a phone than Huawei themselves. The irony.
What tear?
>revolutionize mobile gaming.
>mobile gaming
What ?
>Huawei is literally buying their cpus, memory, and screens from samsung.
So why should I pay an extra 500 for Samsung you fucking retard?
For mandatory TouchWiz and botnet?
If you can utilize both halves of the screen independently, it could mean the new renaissance of local multiplayer if used in a handheld paired with as "mobile" controllers as switch has.
This is faggier than the messenger purse. I've only seen gay people wear this shit
Man I miss physical keyboards for phones.
This shit has been around for like a decade yet no one has bothered to really sell them commercially. So not expecting anything.
It didn't work as the main gimmick of a specialized console, why would it now?
Now fold it the other way
>cost 2600$ and have only a 4500 batery
>have to hold it by the tiny edge
HAHAHAHAAH that's so fucking shit.
guys guys, samsung is withdrawing of phone market, sony too.
Chill bruh, your incel is showing.
>It didn't work as the main gimmick of a specialized console
Maybe they should've thought about have 'great' local MP was back in the day with 1(one) small and shitty screen.
Is it too much to ask for phone makers to just put some damn physical buttons on their shit instead of focusing on the fucking screen all the time?
I can see the goddamn screen already. You don't need to make it bigger. I dont want to rub on the fucking screen every time I want to do something.
simple as
As opposed to two small shitty screens? Without physical buttons even?
>Samsung S10 is $1599
>iphone XS whatever is like $1500
>I bought a OnePlus 6T which has roughly the same specs for $600, including a case and screen protector
What the fuck are Apple and Samsung thinking?
can't wait to play diablo immortalâ„¢ on it
>As opposed to two small shitty screens?
That shit was awesome when console allowed for lan games (or pcs for that matter).
>Without physical buttons even?
Did you miss the part where i said "a handheld with controllers"?
I'm saying Samsung is winning no matter what. They've been investing in tech they know the yellow-northern-bugmen can't copy because it's too advanced for their retarded communist brains to emulate. China's only good at shitting out absolute garbage tech that's 5+ years old.
>So why should I pay an extra 500 for Samsung you fucking retard?
Huawei's phone is $600 more than Samsung's, you absolute fucking mongoloid.
How is spending that much on a phone going to net you profits?
Something is only an investment if it is used to yield capital down the line.
Buying a phone at retail is not the same as investing in the tech the manufacturer produces.
Fucking hell.
You don't buy those for the tech
For instance I bought an Apple phone just to look richer than I am, along with my timbs
You literally can't pick girls up these days with Android
Imagine spending $600 on a phone and thinking your the smart consumer.
I was thinking of getting a 6t since the idea of the new one plus 7 has some 5g bullshit and nothing over here even has that shit.
They're literally just selling status at this point.
no thanks, chang, id rather the CPC not have all my personal info
>mobile gaming
they're thinking people are stupid enough to pay.
There's a Chinese guy who proposed to a girl with 99 iphones only to be rejected.
I did. Regardless, everyone is done with hunching over tiny screens period.
Good gook, You've earned 100 World of Warcraft gold for this post, but keep working your 16 hour workdays and try not to kill yourself or we'll deduct your daily allotment of 100 rice from your dinner.
I don't understand how people dont think this is cool. Just the fact that it exists in a functioning capacity means that phones can actually get smaller again because if you need more phone, you just unfold it. I'd love to go back to an HTC Incredible size phone but then flip it open to a Note.
>everyone is done with hunching over tiny screens period
>in world where everyone and their mothers and fucking dogs are constantly hunching over tiny screens
basic bitch posting should be bannable.
Yeah well I'm black, never got rejected
Status symbol
Expensive = good and luxury
Owning it means you have enough money for shit which makes women wet.
The tech inside doesn´t matter.
That was years ago, now even the entry phones are xbox huge exactly because of that demand.
Tienanmen Square 1989
Third worlders didn't make Toronto shitty, they chose to live there because it was already shit and reminded them of home.
>Horny and lonely as fuck one day at the office after a business meeting
>Need a quick fap
>Head to restroom
>Load up some porn
>6 inch screen
>Have to squint to see the whole picture in a it's glory
>Say fuck this and unfold the phone
>6 inches becomes 14.5inch widescreen 4:3 ratio
>Now fully immersed in my fapping
That's why.
You ever tried fapping while watching porn on your phone? It's annoying as fuck.
and people are still hunching over them like they live in Notre Dame.
because it's fucking stupid and you're stupid for liking it. who gives a shit if the screen folds? wtf good is it?
you probably bought a vive too because you thought it was "cool just for existing"
18+ kid
Are you trying to say that people are NOT glued to their smartphones all the time?
Well, that's their shit posturing, not the phone's fault. You won't get anyone to deal with tiny screens now, for whatever reason.
The latest ipad is about as powerful as an xbox 360
What a shitty trend.
But the OnePlus is unique enough that people ask me about it all the time.
With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.
>no buttons
Can't wait for some real applications for this instead of marketing gimmick for retards with more money than common sense.
That's a lot of ass pain there.
Yeah, better it go to American oligarchs instead.
There's no use arguing with retards user. The rest of us just read posts like that and laugh at retards being retards. It is and it is and we can't change it, so just enjoy it.
You're obsessed with hunching and ignoring the point. No one wants tiny screens.
its from people holding the phone below eye level by default. They don't do this due to size, they do it out of convenience.
This phone just adds more weight to the equation, meaning people will be more likely to take the route of least resistence and hold the phone low like they already do.
This will make people's hunching problems worse.
>thinking it's about who gets money and not the chink botnet
Oh you poor uninformed chink soul.
Are these phones good drawpads?
They just think you're retarded because you bought a chinese phone
But wheres the games??
>So where were you when you realized smartphones/tablets are the future of gaming?
I was watching steve jobs unveil the iphone 12 years ago. It wasn't the phone that impressed me, it was the OS and app store. I thought for sure apple would make a play for the game market and try to horn in on nintendo's mobile turf. And then they didn't. And nobody else did.
I don't know how they all fucked it up so bad. All they had to do was create phones with controls on the bezel and the money would have flowed in.
Exactly. This shows it really works so there's a lot of potential for it. Reminds me how Tesla gets a lot of shit, but at least its getting more and more companies pushing out functioning electric cars rather than them just sitting on the tech.
>this will probably be söytendos next gimmick
my samsung zeal has at least two, up to a week if I'm not using it. I was commenting on the fact that my friends' phones are always dead no matter what
Do you realize the chinese government shuts down young communist groups in their own country because they are collectively fighting for labor rights?
They aren't communists, they're fascist calling themselves communists.
Oh, and they aren't even winning, samsung makes more money when Huawei sells a phone than Huawei does.
But what's even funnier to me is that you think the uncreative, uninventive, unenterprising Chinks could ever invent Quantum anything.
Are you seriously just trolling or ignorant?
Everybody is constantly using their smartphones which completely invalidates your argument about no one wanting tiny screens. Hunched or not.
Just don't dig your grave any deeper.
here's your drawpad, bro
Nintendo NEVER use things that are either expensive or fragile.
And this is pretty much both.
Plastic forever, cheap forever.
Unless they manage to find something powerful for very cheap, then they jump on it like hungry wolves.
The way you say that somehow implies the money did not flow in.
Well... They did literally take an nvidia shield tablet and slap 2 remotes on each end with the switch so..
We're going back to the 1980s when you needed a dedicated holster for your portable phone.
You'e quoting the price of the highest storage models for the Samsung and the iPhone, which adds $500. Don't get me wrong $1,000 is still insane, but very few people are actually buying those. But also this
I guess it did. But not money from people looking to play games, which was my point.
yeah, its called PC
You can't have true communist or socialist groups, because humans are programmed to make kingdoms, and capitalism is the kludge we created to keep the kingdoms from existing because they fucking sucks.
So when you try something that don't actively stop the growth of kingdoms, you end up with one.
>My fucking Game Boy Micro with a flash cart is still a better option for mobile gaming than a phone.
>company soon will be disallowed to sell in the US
get a backpack bud
You didn't even read the original discussion, fuck off.
legit thought that was a gun holster
Otherwise known as fagbags.
is someone gonna post the copypasta
Just buy a gen behind when it's on sale or something. I bought my S9 for $600, and it seems to be working fine
Am I the only one that missed flip phones? Their design is pretty neat and compact.
Pic related was my last one before I had to switch to smartphones. I lost it because I didn't notice my school pants pocket had a hole in it and I dropped it in a public bus, and noticed too late after I got home. I miss that thing so much.
>going on about money for china
>calling others retarded
this is not the full video, right?
I'm the one who fucking started it retard.
You are seriously just ignorant.
If the chinks don't care about money, they'll never win in the global market. Yeah, you're fucking retarded.
Backpacks are good to carry things around you might need at some point. If you need to constantly put things in/out of the bag messenger back is better for that as it's easier to access. I have this WW1 era british haversack and it's been pretty handy on everyday carry stuff. Pic related it's the same sack as mine.
get a samsung zeal off ebay that's what I did
The line was already crossed years ago, I had enough trouble getting a non-gargantuan phone two and a half years ago and it's somehow gotten exponentially worse from there. It's fucking ridiculous how insanely difficult getting a sensibly sized phone is, everyone wants you to buy a fucking full-sized TV strapped to a baseband and some stupid gimmick features you never need.
user, that's a copypasta
Tablets existed, you know. And they were great
Something something D-PAD
Then you have alzheimer. Fuck off.
I just want the tactile feel of opening it to answer a call or closing it to hang up.
have you ever tried playing mobile game on a tablet its absolute cancer. ts only useful for more efficient multitasking machine which phones sorely lack
That's pretty cool actually, when people ask me if I'm gay for wearing that I just tell them its from WW1, because its totally not a manpurse.
tablets suck at everything
TFW used to watch dumb shortstack bimbo of a classmate literally hurl her phone on the floor as she pretended to drop it by accident regularly
It was some old ass blackberry thing but still.
I've literally never broke a phone but classmates would go on about how they did regularly
Just bought an S8 after my xperia Z2 died.
I am not buying a new phone until the galaxy S16 or some shit that sucks my dick for me and emails it to a hookers armpit
Having a broke phone signals that you party a lot
Flip Phone is patrician carry. If I need to use a computer, I'll use a tablet, not a tiny ass phone.
Flip and Feature Phones are making a comeback in popularity, especially now that all these smartphones are pushing four digit price tags.
and like that it suddenly all makes sense
nani the fuck
So what youre saying is that you want a flip phone with a screen the size of a tablet?
Well golly user do I have the product for you!
assuming youre not a poorfag
having a broke ass signals you get fucked in it a lot
>Woah bigger screen from regular screen, ITS SO USEFUL AND CONVENIENT
Shit nobody asked for on phones and could have benefited from something else.
Or you could wait until it becomes a basic feature in a few years and buy a cheap one. This is retarded, it's like people complaining about the price of VR all over again.
Any videos where it gets tossed off a building yet?
>still cheap
Maybe for those gimped phone-oriented products
give me a smarphone with not-shit hardware that i can comfortably carry in my front pocket
I bought a Lenovo Explorer for $150 and I can play every good VR game in the market.
Huawei P20 Pro or the S8/9 really
Fuck off white pig.
Redmi Note 5
>VR game
so nothing
more like go awei am I right guys
>Conceal carry your phone as usual
>Phone vibrating
>A cop sees that you are drawing something from under your jacket and feels threatened
>He shoots
>You die
It's not a bendable screen, it's just on a hinge.
Fuck no. I want dedicated tools, not a gimmicky swiss army knife.
I have a tiny flip phone for calls and text.
I have a modestly sized 8" tablet or internet and other shit.
Most of the time, I don't need to be carrying the tablet with me, I just need the phone.
ok but have you guys ever considered that if you all stopped reinforcing this stupid idea then it wouldn't exist? And then we'd all be able to have our own version of a purse?
Isn't that a nice thought? A world where men are allowed to have anything other than a backpack or briefcase for their shit?
You're holding us all back from that world. You're keeping us all caught in this "carrying stuff is gay" trap just because you're scared of stepping out of line. Literal sheep.
Cute poorfags.
Back in the day (the glorious 90's) we had Nokia phones, those were so fucking great, you could drive a truck over them and they will not get a single scratch, you could also throw them at someone, crack his skull and the phone would still be in pristine condition.
A phone that can turn into a tablet is pretty cool. Not 2 grand cool, but cool. Honestly there is no phone even worth $1000. I don't know why people are dropping that much right now when all they get out of it is a slightly better camera and possessor speed.
They deserve it though. Just look how you're acting now.
It's a crazy world we are living. Lusting over men in skirts is not gay but using a functional bag is.
>That's not about gender,
anyone else notice there are a lot more normies on here on sunday?
>convenience is stupid
>Ive never used anything with combined features before. That's why I still use a pager!
Kill yourself
none of these look very compact
thanks anyway
Having a separate phone and tablet is vastly more convenient. Each are significantly more reliable while also being cheaper separately as they don't have any stupid gimmicks.
what do they deserve? A purse? A world where they're only allowed a backpack?
How am I acting? I only want to spread some critical thinking skills, it drives me nuts when I see prisoners laughing at someone who's trying to get out of the cage.
What a virgen move. Lmao of course you haven't had any opportunities to break it, mommy's good boy basement is fucking carpeted.
Fucking chads like myself break at least one a year on the construction site, fucking a one night stand or lifting.
actually no, they're not just laughing. The other prisoners ARE the cage. They bitch about wanting to be free but the second someone tries to just leave they all lock arms and push 'em back into the middle.
It's fucking bonkers my dude
So do you still use a pager?
It's cheaper and more reliable than texting since that's all it does!
a "politically correct"?
>Buying Hwuei and letting the Chinese government monitor your daily activities
awww, I made the chinky-chong angry. Want to fight a war about it? Come on pussies, do it! Fight the west and see what would happen.
We'll slaughter your whole race and you'll be birthing 3 armed babies for the next 100 years like the vietnamese.
We will fuck you harder than the Japanese already did. Remember that? Remember when the Japanese raped all your women and you were powerless to stop it because your country is a bunch of retarded rice farmers? I bet you have some Japanese ancestry, that must really get you steamed, to know you're a bastard rape child.
The problem is you make assumptions, evident by your use of "prisoners". I mock these people because I don't require one myself. It's prissy.
You don't have to listen to my mockery, but that's not going to stop me from doing it. Don't take it personally I guess.
how am I gonna read manga on a flip phone?
thats the only thing I do besides listening to music or having a little chat
No, a pager is less reliable as I would have to run to the nearest payphone to call whomever paged me.
The portability of a phone but the usability of a tablet. Fuck...the ZOG zombies will live.
Use a tablet, like I said.
Everyday I wake up and think "how can I exploit or oppress minorities today?".
me too, I have no idea why people like touch screen keyboards, they're shit.
well, I don't really need one either. I'm only arguing for the sake of the principle. Like the idea that people that have dicks can't use a small bag slung over the shoulder to carry shit... It's fucking retarded. There's no way you can explain it that makes it sound not-retarded. And everyone should know it's retarded, and I suspect we all do on some level, but we all still go along with it.
I'm just too autistic to let it go without a rant, is all.
what is this image supposed to be about? i dont get it
>Breaking a phone in the gym
/fit/ here, how the fuck is that even possible? I know you're shitposting, but MS paint a scenario where you'd break a phone in a gym.
>on the construction site
that's a paltry excuse. I've had the same phone for 3 years on jobs and drop it regularly without breaking it. The first day after getting a waterproof case I dropped it in the toilet by accident
I keep my phone and wallet in my jacket pocket and have never once gotten a sideways look for reaching in there
a note on this , the pen scratch the screen
The fallacy and irony of liberal commies that benefit off all the virtues of capitalism but think by empathy alone they are somehow not disadvantaging minorities across the world.
don't you have pockets?
get a messenger bag if you have a bunch of shit to carry around
Understandable and fair.
I bought my phone in late 2016 and it has everything I need but it's really broken. What do new phones do to justify an upgrade?
>5 points have been added to your social standing account by the Chinese communist party
but user isnt that what your handy dandy flip phone is for?
Remember the curved screen push? Remember the first few times foldable phones were tried? No one wants this shit, they just think they do.
t. boomer
It also gets you counter culture cred with people. I use my smartphone at home and carry my old flip phone when I'm out and about.
who asked for this?
>Work at phone store.
>Women come in all the time looking for a case or their brand new phone.
>While browsing they drop the phone and break it
>walk out of the store pissed
>This happens at least once a week
>Its ALWAYS women
stop it madman
winnie the poo dont gonna be happy
Keep up the good work
Do you laugh at them or are you pretty good with keeping your mirth under wraps?
don't they have retard-proof handles now
what's the big deal? it's just a phwoooooahly shit!
Pick one.
but think of the rhythm games...!!
>Misspelled words, fails at grammar.
>Works at a construction
>One night stands
>Not careful enough
How does it feel to have a 2 digits IQ?
Isn't this the same tech that the Chinese stole from Samsung months ago on the news? I can't wait for cheap Huawei knockoffs.
I wish I could get a case/cover like this for my Note 8. The 18:9 aspect ratio is stupid for a normal phone but it'd be perfect for a pocketable micro-laptop. They made them back in the Note 1-3 days but nobody seems to do it for the recent ones.
>a 2 digits IQ?
something something glass walls
>mfw nokia is kill
Same, dropped mine on the street, floor in school, metal on the bus, wooden floors, nothing but a minor scratch from the street once and I don't even have a case for it. Yet I always heard people breaking their entire screen from one drop
phones are for work, manchild
>dude why are you buying insurance
>buying something from a chinese corporation known for espionage and thievery (in fact, this tech was itself stolen by chinese spies)
Simply Epic Games
good lord the 90s were disgusting
They were getting too close to the unbreakable object.
Nintendo gave in to the jewish commands and stopped producing nintendium
>rated for 2000 folds at least!
So you can fold it 5 times a day and it will last 1 year.
>button on the right side.
>Treat it like clamshell
>Manufacture joycon-esque attachment
The perfect DS emulator.
underated mobile gaming commentary
kids man, they will learn eventually. you don't just keep getting fucked over by an entire race of people and not change your behavior eventually. Let em become data slaves. Maybe you or I can own one in the future.
Chad doesn’t work at the construction site while in school though; he does summer internships with boutique banks.
>being this worked up over a purse
and this is exactly why you are ridiculed
From the people close to me, men destroy their screens by dropping them on the floor, while women usually drop them on the toilet and it gets fried by the water. Honestly the latter has been happening to girls i know so much those last two years. They then leave it sealed in a bag of rice for 2 weeks to drain away the hydration, and it may actually work on some cases, but it always ALWAYS leaves some defects behind like muffled sound from the speakers.
>I have to pay for entertainment that people worked to create
This is a disgusting idea
what a meme, it'll see little use, moving parts are bad, imagine having your entire fucking screen a movable part, the less moving parts the better.
legend says, Jobs actually died of laughter hearing similar thought
may as well just use a flip phone
I wish it folded the other way. That'd let you use it on a table like a tiny laptop or hold it like a DS for games, and it'd protect the screens when closed too. The Samsung one folds the "right" way but each half is too narrow to work well for either of those roles.
>He doesnt know about the Nokia 9
iPhone SE is the main good phone right now
I used to have a note5 and the pen never scratched it. How hard does someone have to be drawing to do that? Did they dip it in tar and iron filings first?
why does it have 7 cameras on the back?
>Capitalism stops kingdoms from being made
>Every corporation is basically a kingdom in its own right with clearly defined hierarchies
You're a retard mate. Not that I'm bashing capitalism because I fully support it but capitalism is basically modern feudalism.
There's a G6 now? I'm on G5+
Because the people who made the Light camera, with the 16 lenses, let people buy the kit. In short, Nokia wanted to make a camera setup capable of shooting the best possible photos in the smallest possible configuration
Because they're running out of ideas for pointless features to shove into phones to inflate their prices.
I bought a Huawei Mate 20 Pro after only using Samsung. It's a great phone but the screen started getting these weird green marks around the edge after a month of use, they show really badly when the screen is on low brightness but are practically invisible at high brightness. I was dissappointed and will think twice before being confuciuspilled again.
It's legit a great new thing because now you can have both your phone and a tablet in your pocket. They could easily market this to the artsy type people
>spend $2000 on a foldable tablet
>spend $30 on a kindle fire
>works at construction
Back to work, drone. Need to squeeze a few more years out of you before the robots replace your useless ass.
Nigga maybe you should spend 2000 dollars on a good optometrist instead
You shouldn't be fucking squinting to see your phone
I want it to read manga on the go.
real chinese don't browse Yea Forums, you are basically taking the bait of some larper
get two and tape them together
It's never a bad idea to shit on the chinese, they are the worst and deserve ridicule.
This foldable screen would probably be great for the next DS
That would be awesome.
I don't know why they don't do something like that.
I hate touchscreen keyboards, and i can't be the only one.
I like this idea.
looks like an dumbass to take a bait
go on some chinese site to actually do your work
Embrace our new chinese overlords
chinese """""people""""" are literally one step away from being machines
Is that what you're taught at school?
>what are warranties?
>You ever tried fapping while watching porn on your phone? It's annoying as fuck.
Everyone does it, retard.
Without physical buttons, mobile gaming will always be trash. The exceptions being strategy games like solitaire, sudoku, crosswords. . .etc.
From the thumbnail I thought the wallpaper was a deer chick opening her shirt.
This pic is bait and I always fall for it.
>mfw still using redmi note 3 pro
why do people buy new phones every year?
Now zoomers will have 2 screens to smash. Two of the younger people I work with have gone through 4 phones each over the course of a few months.
>be me
>buy a Huawei Nexus 6P
>its alright
>a year later
>phone starts shutting off at 40%
>like, battery literally drains to 0% instantly
>if you check the battery chart it is a vertical fucking drop
>phone has to get charged back up before it will turn on again
>find other people running into the same problem on the google product forums, get told to contact huawei
>they refuse to do anything
>google refuses to replace their broken chink hardware with a new 6P, only a disgusting refurbished one
Neat design desu but you should never trust chink hardware
I can't fathom how a case would work for this The phone folds flush
Fucking wizards... I want some of the Light too, dammit.
The only trustworthy chink phone is Oneplus.
I bought an iPhone XS Max to replace both my DSLR and Sony camcorder.
I will use them for work daily. They're hardly toys.
Nowadays you send all kinds of shit through texting apps (links, location, media, documents etc) so each time you get something other than pure text, you are forced to switch to your tablet to open it, which is pretty inconvenient.
Funny how companies are slowly realising new gimmicks as part of that"smart marketing" plan.I bet it would be possible 5 years ago.
>yfw next year they announce microwaveable phones
That was 5 years ago
even a retard thinks your retarded
Holy shit Samsung utterly and eternally BTFO
If this was updated and spread around again people would still fall for it given how retarded apple users are.
We have all the countries in Africa&Middle-East, USA, Australia, Russia, Venezuela, France, Germany and Sweden but somehow China still manages to claim the worst hellhole on planet Earth -title.
Now I understand
Robots can post on Yea Forums?
No, unlike in china we get to make up our own minds. Overwhelmingly, we've all independently come to the conclusion that the chinese people are trash.
No user this site has recaptcha we can't get past it.
You're perfectly safe
Most normies whole life consist of listening to pop music and watching youtube. Of course they think it's fine to spend that much on a phone.
Then do it on Baidu dumbass, what good is it yelling in an echo chamber like Yea Forums? If you actually want to shit on the Chinese do it on their own tuff.
>twice the screen size
>ten times the price
>so you can read your email even better!
>also no physical buttons lol who needs that
Are they literally mocking us?
It's luck, my screen shattered after the dropping it like 20 times, after that I must have dropped it more than 10 times but it didn't break more.
The whole point of foldables is to have a bigger screen without sacrificing portability. That's it.
You mean XBox One.
Sauce user pls
>tfw upgrading from a Note 5 to an S10+
I can finally play Bang Dream without lag.
is based.
No wonder Americans try desperately to exclude them from the new G5 networks.
Capitalism is based until someone who is not supposed to win outcompetes you.
i don't trust any sort of phone with hinges/mechanical parts
Yeah , I fell for the meme , I bought a pixel 2 XL , I like it ,its a nice phone , but I overbought.
I'm still rocking my blue XPeria Z3 Plus, camera is still amazing and it does everything I need it to. I also think it's still the best looking phone out there, personally. Very clean design, perfect size and weight. When this one dies I'll probably go OnePlus though, Sony phones are pretty hit or miss, though I think they deserve some more attention.
you can just tell it will fall off your hands easily
I got a chinkphone for $300 and i still think i overbought.
this picture makes me angry
Not having to carry around both.
Biggest gripe with phones right now is that typing on them is a pain in the dick, so I can't really do much. Having a phone that folds out to twice its size will give a much larger keyboard so that I can actually shitpost on Yea Forums without having to autocorrect half the post.
Why do they think niggers make cellphones? Also what the fuck is that one nigger doing with the shrimp?
Phone posting is cancer, true shitposters sit behind a battlestation in a dark room.
I like the physical keyboard but it seems like it'd be difficult to type on it when the keys are so small.
>Horny and lonely as fuck one day at the office after a business meeting
>Need a quick fap
Are you serious, nigga?
Get a small backpack and clip the thing across your chest. If you wanna be a dork.
Also lets start a fashion company and give all dresses pockets we'll be rich user
but tablets already exist
>dude we created fireworks lmao
also might be a fucking leaf
much better than using touch screens
>accidentally touch a key you didn't want to use
>physical won't input if you just touch it; even if you did, you can just easily hit backspace. And though you use your thumbs rather than all 5 fingers, it's easy to get used to after a few days
>mean while touch shit will input the key. On top of that it lags like fuck sometimes if you're just buying an average one. Oh btw if you want a physical keyboard to connect with your tablet, buy our additional keyboard goy!
that is not a good design
What model if you done mind me asking
>be me
>work hard to make thing
>nice chinaman I hired to work for me quit one day
>next day chinamen is working for bigger company with the thing I worked hard for and they sell it for cheaper
>have to live under a bridge and suck dick just to get by after my business went under
I thought this was america
Let's turn this thread in an unironically good mobile games
I prefer this design for physical keyboards
Too bad nobody makes anything similar anymore.
Each smartphone i owned started glitching in some way within 2 years of very careful usage.
Fuck this shit.
because its mobile software. I'd buy this in a second if it ran straight windows so I can actually do shit with it. I'd just buy a shit phone so I can make calls and some other hardware to do actual shit. Goddamn shame.
>But concerns that Huawei devices pose national security risks have seriously hurt its ability to grow abroad. Intelligence agencies in the United States have said American citizens shouldn't use Huawei phones, and US government agencies are banned from buying the company's equipment. Security concerns have caused problems in the United Kingdom. New Zealand and Australia have barred Huawei equipment from its 5G mobile networks.
I dont know why, but this makes sense.
Too bad Huawei is leading in both foldable phones and 5G. Brainwashed tards like you still talk about them copying tech from other people who they dont't even have. lol
Pocophone F1
Everytime I watch the News they always get so fucking butthurt about Huawei, I legit have no idea why other than them wanting people to buy apple.
It's definitely not.
Games run well on powerful phones, power costs.
They mine the precious metals that many modern electronics contain. It isnt always voluntary. The chemicals used to process those materials leave stain or burns on skin. You'll also notice he's putting the diamond on her finger.
The shrimp dude is likely in the same situation as the sweatshop worker making the shirt, working all day for pennies in terrible environments.
The only games I play on my phone are NetHack, Stone Soup, and Templar Battleforce. Once Caves of Qud is ported to Android this year I'll be playing that, too.
Was meant for
we have come full circle
That's your loss, user.
lol at the butthurt amerimutt replies
The problem with mobile games is the controls, not the graphics. Turnbased is pretty much the only shit that works.
you are literally a pussylips homo because you are too much of a fag to do your own thing
>guh ah I cant do that what would jerry from work think if he saw me with that. I need to think of how my fellow males see me
>despises Huawei
>posts chinese cartoon
Welcome to society.
I don't have problem with the controls in anything else than FPS games. Maybe my tiny fingers help.
Connecting a PS4 controller is easy, just turn on bluetooth and hold the share + home button.
why not fold it inward to protect both screens
Literally the tranny mindset.
>I'll wear a dress if I want to, I'm allowed to do my own thing
Like sure, but don't expect everyone to take you seriously.
Why would I want to play bad games?
Then the hinges will be on the screen
Calling everything bad without knowing what's out there is just stupid, user. Maybe you thought that you were being funny, but you weren't. Just stupid.
too early to buy shit like this
it will most likely have tons of bugs and fuck up a large portion of the time
best to wait till the 3rd or 4th gen when they perfect the technology
no thanks chang
>tfw you still have your trusty LG G2
The only games I will ever play on my phone will either be a single purchase or completely free with no ads. No microtransactions, no ads in the program.
Play Oddmar.
imagine buying a huawei
the absolute state of it
>tablet is the middle ground between mobile and laptop
>flexible is the middle ground between tablet and mobile
So you be saying if I was still carrying around a nokia and a laptop I would be getting all the features you're asking 2k for
Play Chaos Rings 3.
>in-app purchases
then you need a third screen for candybar mode, no one would be stupid to do that...
Tablets are unironically the best way to read manga. Can't imagine reading it off a PC screen or a phone screen anymore.
It's one time purchase on iOS, I thought it was the same on android.
Play Monster Hunter Stories.
I don't play bad games.
Same, also with webnovels.
They're both really good.
I have a note 9 with 8 gigs of ram and I still dont play mobile games
it was just a bad joke lol let it go
at last i truly see