Is this Yea Forumss Anime?

Is this Yea Forumss Anime?

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Wouldn't it literally be Sword Art Online since there is an entire series of sorted games?

I don't see best girl

>arcade games
probably not

I liked it well enough. Looking forward to season two. Hopefully Tekken gets some focus.

>gay shit
yeah, its Yea Forums as af

>black hair girl has literal autism

help im being attacked by himes. Swarms of himes.

S2 never ever

It has too many video games to be Yea Forums.

creepy face boy is also extremely autistic

Nope, nobody gibs a shidd about fighting games here.

>Gets PC engine instead of SNES
>Even has a portable one
>Gets a Saturn instead of a Playstation
Maximum hipster

>Is this Yea Forumss Anime?
no, this is Yea Forums's Anime.

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>literally anything you can imagine
>"but it's a cute anime girl!"
every time
anime is shit

It was surprisingly good despite the CGI.

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Yea, artstyle is the only Thing i didnt Like

AS a fighting Game fag i could enjoy the fightan Talk and history

The episodes focus mainly on a guy who love street fighter and other arcade games and it has good timeskips when he gets his first home console and so on. The cover girl is absent in many of the episodes.

The artstyle is great in Pupipo by the same artist. The animation is fucking bullshit though because High Score Girl deserved way better.

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3 more episodes covering volume 5 are out in March. After that, who knows.

I enjoyed it mostly because I was born in socal, currently in my 30s and I got to experience tons of arcades and fightans my entire time growing up. I went through a lot of stuff the boy went on the show. Of course, minus the dating and girl stuff... ;______;

Arcades seem comfy as fuck

just read the manga

no Yea Forums is a Kemono Friends board


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Yea Forums is for VN

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Yea Forums is a smashfag haven, where the average poster can't do charge motions nor DP/SPD.
Honestly Yea Forums's anime is probably BNHA.

It really is.

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*Ahem* Fuck Kadokawa

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>girl good at video games
>is this Yea Forums's anime

lol, no

That's my wife's show!

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Oono a best, Hidakafags need no apply.
Akira's sister is fine too.


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>Show called gamers
>They don't game and it's all relationship drama

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no this is

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>Show called gamers
>They don't game
So you're saying it's perfect.

If it was about games it wouldn't be Yea Forums's anime.

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>gets two girls who love him

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This was the superior anime about gamers (they actually play games together) and had better yandere girls

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Is that the one with the big titties girl who hates normalfags, loves the MC but reject his request to be his girlfriend? I forgot how it's called

I've not watched seasonal anime since Chaika

>12FPS CG trying to ape anime but really, is just to save money
>People eat it up
Yeah, sounds like Yea Forums alright. Read the manga you dumb muricans.

she's right there faggot

She rejected him because in her mind they were already married and thought he wanted to downgrade the relationship.

>You will never experience another anime as comfy as season 1 Chaika

I watched the first season like 20-30 times. It just isn't the same anymore.

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sounds utterly retarded