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Other urls found in this thread:

You reading it with my voice, son

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his voice really does fit better in HR, i barely remember anything he said in MD


Didn't they replace his voice actor?

Attached: d32e4769fc2e9d19b48901e3e857dc1783dfcbe63bbfcbd528b645cdcd157459.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

I think he got blacklisted or something

Adam... who are we?

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did you buy those praxi kits, adam?

Attached: serif.jpg (1207x859, 369K)


Damn if that isn't developer oversight that's actually really cool

The voice actor was LITERALLY too Deus Ex for the marxist trash running the studio.

Let that sink in for a minute. This is a franchise that's based on exposing the propaganda that (((globalist elites))) use to pit people against each other as a pretense for a police state, and now it's been co-opted by marxist trash devs promoting (((globalist elite))) propaganda. I'm glad the last Deus Ex failed so hard, I want those shit head marxist devs squandering on welfare instead of prospering. Aside from being gassed, it's what leftists deserve.

Attached: marxistdevs.jpg (736x414, 67K)

Yes, he said bad things about trannies, so they replaced him.

If you actually think that they changed him cause of this video, then maybe you have some mental problems

What is cool,what is implied?

no he just didn't want to reprise the role because he wasn't being offered enough money

What voice tho


One of the subtler story points of of Deus Ex MD is that Adam Jensen died in Panchaea and the player character is a clone. There's lots of evidence for this but it isn't explicitly spelled out. It's possible, then, that Sarif is also not the Sarif we know, maybe some kind of handler like Auzenne.


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>not bringing him back for MD
what the fuck were they thinking?

Pritchard, patch me to Serif

Is MD worth playing at all? I loved HR.

What do you have against getting rid of all the characters people bonded with and replacing them with people of color, are you some kind of ignorant bigot?

Can I borrow your copy of FFXXV?

>Falling for the cover-up
Fucking sheep. It's all in the numbers.

>it's all in the numbers
>game financially bombs like all woke games

I'll give it up, you got an IRL chuckle from me. Pic related, me.

Attached: GetWokeGoBroke.jpg (638x298, 68K)

What am I in for ?

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god damn he was such a good character

Director's Cut or original?

He's in that shitty System Rift DLC

Original. I bought it in 2012 but never played it. What does the DC add ?

>find his autistic fanfiction about Delara
>no way to bring it up in a conversation

Attached: 350[1].png (350x361, 130K)

>that hateboner they had for eachother until things get serious

Really well played.

It's the basic expansion pack sequel.
The main story is significantly shorter and less consequential. But there are tons more side missions and the mechanics & level design both see incremental improvements.
If you're a fan of HR and you're not spending $60 you'll enjoy it a lot. If you didn't like HR it won't change your mind.

Hard to say whether you'll like it or not but at least play until the first boss before writing it off.

It adds a ton of bugs but also integrates the "Missing Link" DLC into the main game storyline. The DLC FWIW is worth playing but also completely breaks the flow of the story. It also fixes the bosses somewhat which were a major problem in the original game since they were heavily combat oriented.

It removes piss filter (a con in my opinion), adds ability to throw back enemies' grenades I think, redesigns boss fights to allow stealth approach for non-combat builds, incorporates standalone dlc into main game, and adds dev commentary.

I'd count Missing Link integration as a negative. It really fucks with the pacing of the game, especially if you've been doing NG+

it puts the expansion that HR got into the middle of the game itself (where it belongs timeline-wise) as opposed to being an extra that you play separately

>and adds dev commentary
>Welcome to Deus Ex: Human Revolution! After 9 years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait

Didn't know about the dev commentary. Is it any good? Might pick it up if it gets a good sale assuming that's the case.

pretty sure you get a big discount by default for owning the original release/missing link

The guy in MD sounded like he was doing a less exaggerated version of Sarif's voice which kind of fit the melancholy tone of MD. I imagine Stephen Shellen would have just made people laugh.


It seems pretty unlikely anyone survived Panchea. I always suspected that Sarif was also a clone or replacement.

Based Gabeposter

I played through with it on.
I think its pretty alright, but most of it is talking about stuff they wanted to add in but couldn't. Some of the commentary is just the devs talking about how they like a cutscene and other pointless stuff.

Don't play with it on in your first playthrough as well, some of it talks about stuff that is going to happen later on. The commentary talks over the cutscenes and mission dialogue as well, so you'll miss them.


It's apparently on a hefty sale right now anyway, so cannot see if there is some special for owning the original. Still, I would prefer to know if the commentary is any good, since I don't have any strong opinions on the other changes.
If it's on the same level as I would gladly hand over my cash.

>I would prefer to know if the commentary is any good
It was genuinely interesting but at the same time very disappointing because they often brought up all the stuff they had to cut like the entire hub of Upper Hengsha.

And Montreal being a proper hub originally. The game was probably a GOAT 10/10 on paper.

holy fuck how?

top : soulless
bottom : soul

gaming is dead

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No worries, have played the original twice. I realized last time I played trough it that I had ghosted the entire playthrough non-lethally on the hardest difficulty, exempt for a single alarm triggered on the first mission. I have wanted to rectify that someday, and a dev commentary might be a good enough excuse to start it all over a third time.

Did you fix that firewall, yet?

Fuck you.

You don't "fix" an entire firewall, you find a hole and you plug it

You'd probably like the commentary - it's a lot of talking though, here's an example:


how's your shitty fanfiction, i mean screenplay going?

I wish they would do one for Mankind Divided. I'm curious to see how they feel the game turned out.

I sure am glad they replaced all the established characters in the sequel with mutts and the story with an expy of BLACK LIVES MADDER


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imagine being cucked by mj12

Aaadam, sonnn, you gotta do that thing for me Adam. You gotta trust me on this Adam we're all in this together. So stop reading this in my voice Adam.

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I never asked for this.

I can't do that, boss.

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That sounds really neat actually!
So it's just triggered as you play? No valve-style activation nodes?

It auto-triggers, yes.


He really wasn't

So is the game any good? Loved the first Dude Sex but never got around playing this. People comment on certain things like the cover system, boss fights, bugs on the DC, the integration of the Missing Link.

It's very different from the original Deus Ex. Basically the only thing it has in common is that it follows the same design philosophy - linear story with some branches in each chapter, hub levels rather than open world, expansive level design with many combat and stealth options, etc. It's the details where things start to come apart. So because of that there are a lot of people who don't like HR but the only way you'll know is by playing it yourself.

Just finished mankind divided and its fine, but all the Aug lives matter shit bugs me. Every Aug you meet you love and are desperate to help and they're all black or Hispanic or whatever and all a pioneer and just caught in bad situations but never bad themselves.
Also the fact that whatever his face who heads Monsanto who's a billionaire but yo he's okay because he looks out for augs guys!
It was so in my face I couldn't take it.
Weapons are so fucking awful compared to the first. No railgun upgrade for pistol or explosive for revolver. Boring.
Also 30 minute unskippable credits at the end of the game. Cringe as fuck.

>Also 30 minute unskippable credits at the end of the game.
For what purpose? I suppose you can just alt+f4

It is a world where augs are universally despised because they went crazy and killed millions of people. Clanks are lucky they weren't de-augmented and jailed.

There's a mid-credits scene for sequel bait but I guess it doesn't matter because there never will be one.

>just played and finished the first Deus Ex
>start Human Revolution DC
>all these references to Manderley in the emails about the cover up
Well, so much for any mystery as to who is really behind it now. Probably should have expected it too with that Bob Page tease at the very beginning, but I just thought that was a nice reference at first

thank you.

This is what I don't get. Augs literally became zombies and murdered millions of people. But I'm supposed to feel sorry for them that the police keep an eye on them now?
Also the whole cops shooting augs in the street was so obviously a dev trying to make out a parralel between augs and black people. Up to riding in the back of the bus (train). Its so on the nose it just felt stupid.
Because the devs are egotistical bastards. Also I'm not kidding its 30minutes. You get an achievement for sitting through it. Yeah you have to alt f4 it.

I think I finished HR 4 times, maybe it's time to go back?

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Fucking whore, there should be an option to break her jew nose.

He seems like he would be great for dream sequences.

Everything changed at 2012 user. If people are doing world building, its automatically fucked because they're using game design majors which is just an extension of liberal arts and sociology without any of the technical-know-how.

It was fun. I really liked the voice acting in it and I usually hate western VAs in anything. It seems like they went full retard in the sequel though so I skipped it.

MD was great tho, pirate it or buy it, doesn't matter, give it a shot, it improves on many aspects of HR except one thing, story pacing
while side quests of MD are great the story pacing itself is all over the place, that is why many people feel like the game was only half made even tho you can spend good 45h on first run if you wanna do most things

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man I was just thinking about this game last night

all this movie shit narrative experience video games could learn a lot from this game

lots of dialogue while you're still running around playing the game
cut scenes are short and usually gameplay ends and starts right up around them in the same setting
knows that it is still a video game, so never goes full balls to the walls on 'muh production value' in the story telling dept and doesn't detract from the gaming experience

as someone who never played the 90s version, this game pretty much felt like robocop: the game


*grabs tissues*


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The game play is great. The story and characters are awful. Also the setting. Prague is a shit hub. Prague at night is great with the red light district but there's barely anything to do at night and then its over. Bad characters, bad setting and bad story.
Human revolution is way more cyber punk. It feels like MD is backwards in terms of technology compared to HR.

>It feels like MD is backwards in terms of technology compared to HR.

That's intentional

>MD is backwards in terms of technology compared to HR
As it should be.

What is this, a download for ants?

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That's a good theory but its never explained in game. They never come out and say technology was set back because all the augs murdered a billion people in an hour or something. Its never touched upon.
It feels poor.
Also the characters are just bad. Nothing beat trying to save fly girl in HR. There's nothing even remotely close to that feeling in MD.

Jensen! The bird's fixes and i'm taking off. Now get on with the damned mission! And... thanks, Spy Boy

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reminder you can save her

Absolutely kino

>doing a pacifist run
>get to this scene

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>tfw you didnt have any EMP grenades

Attached: ▄█ █▄█ ▄█▀ ▀█▀.png (1024x768, 43K)

>didn't know you could save her
>later find her body in some science lab

wtf bros

So I guess canonically she lives?

I want him back

Anons have said they've saved her on the hardest difficulty ghost and non lethal but it sounds impossible to me. The only way I can save her in give me deus ex is with a sniper

what the shit man, I just played human revolution for the first time yesterday

I guess it makes sense with the sale and all

>canonically lives
One of the things MD did right. Malik best girl, Megan deserves to be Typhooned

Just stock up on EMP grenades and your good.

That's great.

Best time to chug all that candy

>Not posting bouncing the basketball off Manderley's face in his office in Deus Ex 1.

lemme help you

Attached: DXMD 2017-02-09 16-32-53-59.jpg (1920x1080, 127K)

It has some faults like you mentioned and stealth is a bit overpowered but ultimately I was getting the same good feelings I got from playing the original playing HR. As a lot of people said at the time, it really had no business being as good as it was. Can't comment on MD.

basically, have to be frame perfect with the stun gun, use peps on the machine gunners, emp on the robot (which you then have to move the unconcious bodies out of the way before it blows up)

You mean main game content that was torn out and sold as DLC separate from the game, just like the missing link in HR.

Dude get the Director's Cut instead, it's better solely for having the missing link put back into the main game. In vanilla you have play that mission as a separate DLC and it's literally a main part of the middle of the game.

>not bringing manderley along on your world tour

Attached: manderlios.jpg (1680x1050, 110K)

it doesn't fit anywhere into the main game though

>get extra battery upgrade
>doesn't recharge on its own
Why'd I even bother, I know why they did it that way, but that doesn't mean I like it. Especially when 1 non-lethal takedown uses 1 full battery

The energy system is fucking stupid.

It's a lot better in MD.

Illuminati, pretty sure Page hadn't gone full MJ12 yet in the timeline.

It's possible, Did it myself. Actually I can't even remember struggling with this.

nobody really knows what really happened to him. all i know is that now he runs a conspiracy theory news channel on youtube which might be a joke.

Someone post this one please

MDs energy is still shit. You lose energy too quickly even fully upgraded. There's no way to increase your minimum charge if you run out of cells and having to use cells is unintuitive as fuck. Would be better if cells increased your minimum recharge for a period and increased cell charge instead of going into pause menu or inv just to use them and then then running out 5 sec later. I ended up playing the whole game on minimum charge which was playable but stupid. I want to have fun with my augs not be gimped by my energy.

MJ12 are just the renegade chads of the Illuminati.

I've actually never seen this gif before, amazin.

Attached: jlp.jpg (673x1000, 207K)

why are there no mods for HR
which stupid motherfucker made icarus system a fucking cutscene
it's even more idiotic than the takedown custscene
god fucking damnit how retarded can you be to make that design decision

Well after the the Aug mass murder sperg out in HR, extreme regulation of tech was brought in.

that video was an act, but he has other ones that are not as out there but still crazy

While the minimum charge level is still a problem, I disagree about cells being unintuitive. They're easily accessible in the quick inventory menu, you can buy them everywhere, and you can even craft them in a pinch.
And just having an energy recharge system is great for encouraging you to use your augs, some augs consume very little energy when you measure it in terms of the reduction in recharge level.

>Get into container
>Time skip much further into the story with no explanation
>Not part of the main game/story

MJ12 is entirely Bob Page's doing and he's the only member of the Illuminati Council in it.

>that whole clone/double agent/brainwash plot of MD that starts to reveal itself through a sidequest and will never be finished because the franchise is dead

not that one retard

If you don't want to be at minimum charge all the time don't waste all your energy.

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I like how subtle it was. Most games don't trust you to find out all the details of that plot yourself.

what the fuck

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>a sidequest

There's much more than that going on

is postal 2 a deus ex game

Attached: thinking.jpg (645x773, 36K)

In vanilla you literally skipped ahead after getting the container with no explanation. You still have Pritchard asking where you've been and that you've been offline for ages. Back when the game came out people were all like "wtf?" then they were like here's this DLC that's that part of the game that was skipped over. Sure it wasn't cut content retard.

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completely forgot about that shit wasnt there like a woman following you and shit but it goes nowhere, you never find her

reading comprehension


getting in*

missing link was made after dxhr was done though
just because something existed in the preproduction phases of development doesn't mean it's cut content

Sarif really let himself go after Panchea.

>complex moral choices in story
>lethal or pacifict
>quotable protag

>Square said so so it must be true
Did you think one time use pre-order rewards and MTX praxis were justified as well?

he even has sunglasses and wears a trenchcoat

Attached: b2e3311b2f3e1471eacf3d5c9e779f32.png (420x420, 203K)

its a prequel obviously


have you played director's cut? the way they tried to insert missing link into the main game makes it feel really out of place.

the developers themselves said it in the developer commentary you cunt

I always thought Postal dude was Gordon Freeman's less successful pothead loser brother/cousin

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I did save her
feels good desu

I blowed robot before stunning machine gunners, need a bit of luck though

you mean meth head

Yes, some photographer woman. Probably hired by the same people who fucked with Jensen's memory or cloned him. I actually like that it all was just hinted at and not an in your face thing.

People say to stock on EMP grenades, but you only need one. What you need is energy bars+ the invisibility aug. You go around performing take downs and tasing everyone while recovering energy with the bars. The only things to watch out for are to take care not to kill one of the soldiers you took down with the explosion of the machine by the EMP and not to take too long to take all of the out even when you take the buff dudes and the attack machine down.

Is this clone thing touched upon in HR? Or was it a new plot point introduced in MD?

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>Probably hired by the same people
She's the one who killed Orlov when Jensen got too close and her email implies that Delara is an Illuminati mole

I've played both, HR at launch and just finished the the Director's Cut a couple of days. The Missing link didn't feel out of place in the slightest for me and the game felt better for having it actually in it this time.

It's new in MD.

>Work for Square
>Everything you say has to be approved
When will you retards learn not to take devs and or publishers word for it when it comes to anything in this industry?

Well in HR they do talk about memory transference tech in certain side quests and on certain pocket diaries and in certain terminal emails iirc.

and/or the publisher's*

I mean, Sharif probably does lose his "soul" prior to MD

nah you're approaching this from the modern viewpoint of "reeee cut content"
you can tell by how the dlc level was designed that it wasn't something they literally just cut out of the game
and it basically gets confirmed by the dev commentary, even if you were to take a pinch of salt with it
you're just being autistic and angry and it's not healthy and I reckon you should stop

>I really liked the voice acting in it and I usually hate western VAs in anything.
Western VA most of the time is decent if it's in a WESTERN game.
If western person tries to imitate KURAE MASAKA thing in dub of jrpg then it's usually cringe.



Thanks for this, these old ass personal websites are good shit.

I started replaying mankind divided recently, the game just feels really good. Probably my 2016 game of the year. But it is made worse by being too short. 1 boss, 1 hub, bullshit

>recently try to pacifist run deus ex
>watch save Malik tutorial
>no one is dead
>play the rest of the game with no deaths
>still dont get pacifist for some reason
FUCK THIS GAME. and in a different playthrough I realized how janky this game is and why I probably didn't get it
>sneaking into the boat while it's raining outside.
>take the upstairs route
>stun gun enemily from outside.
>camera in the area so I try to move the body outside on the metal walkway
>he dies once he touches the metal outside.
I legit saved and loaded that area 4 or 5 times just to be sure I didn't fuck up but he died every single time and I dont know why. All I did was drag his body outside. Not on electrified area or anything just as soon as his body left the boat he turned from unconscious to dead. I will never know what I did in my real pacifist run to get a similar effect but I still consider me completing pacifist even though the game didn't give me the achievement.

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>MD opens with a news report about a plane being hijacked and crashed by an aug with flashbacks to the Incident
>break into the Palisade CEO's secret room and you find evidence that it was actually shot down by the Illuminati

HR laid the groundwork with strong implications that Jensen's miraculous ability to accept augmentation is not a coincidence, but that he was genetically engineered for that purpose.

As much as I dislike MD's overall main story, the developers did a great job with the sidequests and subtle plot points.

when does this fucking game end? I'm at the bit where Tong gets the scientist arm implanted but I'm already bored with it. Is it worth powering through or do I just watch the ending on a youtube video.

Once you leave China there's two levels and that's about it.

The easiest way to do pacifist is to go full stealth and attack as few people as possible. I mean, if you're achievement hunting anyway. If you're not then it doesn't really matter

The fucking boss where your shit gets taken away made me stop playing. I tried for weeks and couldn't do it. You can't make a bulletsponge boss and take away fucking health regen.

Holy shit, interesting read. I only did 1 playthrough of MD so I missed a lot

Assuming he isn't playing the director's cut or has the DLC, in which case you also have to do a kinda tedious mission on a boat where you lose all your powers temporarily.

First time I played I tried pacifist, but didn't get it. Only after I finished the game and went to check why that I discovered that enemies could die by being dragged through stair flights.

is it me or does the game go on for too long? I did every single side mission up to that point and the story's ok but it's always the exact same thing. Look for vents and stuff, hack a buncha shit, maybe knock a few guys out if i feel like it...

Maybe it just isn't for you.

There's actually a ton of different ways things can go down in MD. It's one of the reasons I enjoy it a lot.

Kys soulfag.

>he took the biochip

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Was I the only one left underwhelmed by Human Revolution?

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The game is so buggy when it comes to unconscious enemies just dying out of nowhere that i've missed out on the pacifist achievement twice even though i never killed anybody and only used non lethal takedowns, stungun and tranq rifle. Fully upgraded 10mm and revolver for boss fights only., got it first time in MD though.
For example just dragging a body out of view can cause it to go from unconscious to dead. Reloading a save can also cause enemies to go from unconscious to dead, it's quite irritating.

I had the opposite happen in MD
>pacifist run so far
>hunting down Eliza's memory
>turn on a generator that kills two soldiers
>continue pacifist run, including marchenko
>got the achievement
Right now I'm doing a ghost run, I've never had more fun doing nothing

>IW story changes
It's the exact same shit as DX: none of your previous choices matter, your ending is decided entirely by what you do in the final level

yes, invisible war is one of the worst games i have ever played. thief stealth doesn't make up for the terrible combat, terrible level design, and brainlet writing.

Jaded boomer nostalgiafag gtfo.

>energy doesn't need to be carefully managed in HR
stopped reading there

MD is better, you can chuck bodies off buildings and they don't die.

As long as they don't get stuck in the floor that is.

It's not even an issue or a hard fight with the chip even on Give Me Deus Ex, all you need is an upgraded revolver with explosive rounds or upgraded 10mm with armour piercing, not even a heavy weapon and he dies easily.

There are no good endings to any deus ex game

>stopped reading there
You known damn well that the last bar of energy regenerates, and that's enough to peform every useful augmentation in the game.

Deus Ex Invisible War was cancelled though

If you're happy waiting for energy to recharge while you're being shot at. If anything there's a major deficit of energy restoring items in HR.

>It's the exact same shit as DX: none of your previous choices matter, your ending is decided entirely by what you do in the final level
In Deus Ex and Invisible War you had a final level that had multiple optional objectives in it, and depending on how you solved it, you would get a different ending

In Human Revolution you literally have a computer with four buttons, and you press one to get your ending cutscene

Do you not see the difference between these approaches?

>If you're happy waiting for energy to recharge while you're being shot at
Wait for what? You already spend most of your time in cover slowly crawling forward, there's no need to ever wait

I don't think anyone's going to defend HR's ending.

MD's was a lot better at least from a gameplay choices perspective. There are a ton of different ways it can play out, and you get recognition for it and all your sidequests during the ending scene.

if you killed enemies during tutorial, it counts

>In DX you have to do some tedious bullshit to push an ending button
>in HR you have to do some tedious bullshit to push an ending button, only the buttons are all in the same room
>you choices in the game up to that point don't matter at all
>Helios loves you even if you're a child murdering psycopath
>Order/Templars will accept you even if you've opposed them all game
>Taggart still begs you to push his propaganda even if you've told him he's a faggot in every conversation

But no it's the buttons in a row that's the issue here

That's pretty shitty considering it just throws you right into it with a combat rifle lol.

I played Invisible War without even knowing what Deus Ex was and was pretty amazed. It's a great game and had a lot of gameplay freedom. HR is good and polished but very rigid in gameplay, lots of cinematic, locked on rails actions.

I couldn't wait to uninstall IQ from my machine when I reached the end. One of the worst games I've ever slogged through

The only instances in HR where I felt the only way I could proceed was through combat were the boss fights, and they were improved significantly in the DC.

That run I had watched pacifist starts for the tutorial as well. Itd pretty tricky at some parts.

>"You Dentons sure hung us out to dry." I interpret this to mean that Mr. Manderley wants to go with me to Hong Kong to get drunk!
Fucking genius.

Attached: 1519147564862.gif (250x180, 954K)


He got really into the pizzagate stuff.

When Mankind Divided 2 is coming out?

How exactly did they improve the boss fights and add other options to fight besides shooting them?

>The only instances in HR where I felt the only way I could proceed was through combat were the boss fights

>game starts with mandatory walking segment with megan
>negotiation with terrorist at the 1st mission locks you in a cutscene, preventing you from simply shooting him on sight
>hundreds of instances throughtout the game where your control as a player is taken away to have jensen do stupid shit, most egregiously when he gets ambushed by bosses

Your memory is very spotty. Human Revolution can barely even be called an immersive sim with how often it removes player agency.

it's easy to avoid them to be honest

You use terminals in rooms to activate turrets or bots against them.


so when are they gonna make a third game guys

Yeah I'm not gonna defend any of that. Having some of your basic actions like the Icarus aug or your takedowns take you into the cutscene zone was uncanny and unimmersive too.

There were a few boss fights in the original where you could carry hacked turrets from earlier into the elevator.

git gut

Attached: DX HR stats.jpg (937x100, 29K)

So, did anyone here actually bother to finish The Fall?

>game starts with mandatory walking segment with megan
This is such a retarded thing to complain about. You might as well complain about the beginning of the original DX "locking you into a cutscene" as well.

>replayed Deus Ex and Deus Ex HR countless times
>never played Deus Ex 2 or Mankind Divided

Should I play it?

I like HR a lot, but that shit has no place in a Deus Ex game. Neither do the ugly prerendered cutscenes where Jensen suddenly becomes a fucking retard.

MD is just as worthy of your time as HR was. Invisible War, eh it's worth a shot.

>You might as well complain about the beginning of the original DX "locking you into a cutscene" as well.
That would be an idiotic analogy. Both Human Revolution and the original DX have opening cutscenes (both with Walton Simons in them, coincidentally) After that, the game starts. in DX, you're fully in control, and the game never takes control away from the player. JC never does things in cutscenes.

In HR however, Jensen acts outside of the player's control all the time, doing stupid shit like walking into blatant ambushes.

Favorite track from series?

kek how?

>Sounds subtle and mysterious which fits the game as it's a techno-thriller
>HR OST le generic try to sound epic

>The second crucial ability which made telling much of the story possible is the ability to carry a solitary person, and then board Jock's helicopter, and then arrive at a destination with the solitary person still in one's arms

jesus christ i had no idea about any of this
i knew something was off about that vault though i just didn't know what

>jensen is clone
what about making clones OF jensen rather than he being one of the clones?

A fun time

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Then there would be no body with scars from aug removal in a box alongside other debris from Panchea

Absolutely. MD is pretty much HR1.5.

B-bros...what did they mean by this...?

Does anyone have issues with MD looking washed out? I hear it's a problem with SDR displays but I've had friends say it's fine for them.

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I miss him

it's got the same issue as HR but with grey instead of piss

What is this?

>Let's start with your childhood user.

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A box

Is it the same for all the boxes or just that specific one?

augmentation could technically explain it but the Sarif clone goes in tune with the Jensen theory as well

HR actually looks much worse without the Blade Runner filter.

Ex-Swat, and you'd be surprised

well yes since it's a very rough hack and the whole game was designed to be unified under a yellow filter
they'd need to completely redo the games textures and then probably the locations to fit the new colour levels

Sarif isn't a clone, his blood type, height, etc wouldn't be different if he was. More likely it's and impostor wearing his face? Maybe Quinn from the missing link? He did have that surgical scar all around his face as if he could swap them out.

this game is yellow


It was the only thing outside the bugs that i really disliked about the DC, made the game feel a bit soulless.

why the fuck did they change his blood type?
>age, hair and weight change with time so that's normal
>eye color can be excused by him getting augments due to losing them in the panchea explosion, same with height due to longer augmented legs

System rift was even more bland than Criminal Past. MD needed a good few more years, instead marketing got their hands on it and spit out a half finished game with monetization schemes

I reckon Sarif died at Panchea, and it's an impostor.


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yeah, the DC is a fucking stupid idea to begin with, born of publisher meddling and f*cus testers

I went in with the worst expectations based on all the reviews, and had a blast till the ending which will probably never be continued. The story DLCs are pretty good too. I detest the hubs though, I preferred techno Detroit or shanghai from HR. The overall more "desert" look is lame, but when you exit the hub to do missions, that's where it shines. For me at least. So yes, it is.

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>which will probably never be continued
but why? its fucking guaranteed money if they do it right.

> if they do it right.
Suits never ever look at it like that. They never see a game failing as having anything to them or the shit decisions they made. If it flops it's because the IP isn't popular anymore and people aren't interested in it.

square don't like money

That's a pretty big "if"

to do with them*

what if they made a MD sequel but it was a CRPG? I would jizz but i know some people wouldnt like it

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yup, they'll blame the IP before they admit to the fact that they release an unfinished game that was years away from a proper release

Was Quinn illuminati?

hopefully cyb2077 sells well and they take a hint that a properly done game in the genre can be popular

Juggernaut Collective

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It would flop because people don't like microtransactions in singleplayer games or cut content spliced into dlcs. MD could've been fantastic, but it's all about jewing the customers these days.


>associate of Janus

>falling for the "MD Adam is a clone" red herring

>Deus Ex is dead forever
how do i cope with this lads

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sort of
he's a part of the juggernaut collective, which is run by janus who is actually a high ranking illuminati member (Volkard Rand)
but their goals might not entirely be in line with the illuminati and it might just be Rand doing stuff on the side

or maybe he wants to take over the illuminati (as does bob page with his MJ12) and maybe the idea was in a later game they'd be going head to head against one another and obviously Rand would be the loser (along with the rest of the illuminati)

>who is actually a high ranking illuminati member (Volkard Rand)
not confirmed

>yfw witnessing K I N O

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By replaying the games minus Invisible War and that other mobile trash heap

What is the studio that made HR and MD working on right now? Have they said publicly that they probably won't make another Deus Ex game?

Nah Juggernaut Collective and associate of Janus. Quinn isn't even his real name, just someone he's impersonating.

it got leaked in the art book and it's very heavily implied in the game itself

It was put "on-hold" according to news articles a few years ago.

back in 2016 they got dumped on some Avengers game but i got a feeling its become vaporware

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You know a studio's in the doghouse when they dumped with capeshit/movie tie ins.

they get*

>tfw the voice actor for Sarif hasn't had a job for years
>is being targeted by some unknown group
Top 10 Tragic Heroes Deaths

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shut up, prichard

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Cloak, stun gun, tranq rifle, and plenty of marsbars to refill the battery. You have to move fast though and do not miss a single shot.

>hopefully cyb2077 sells well and they take a hint that a properly done game in the genre can be popular

The Cyberpunk gameplay demo looked as cinematic and on rails as a Call of Duty game. You are deluded if you think it will be a proper immersive sim.

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>that FB post or wherever it was about his kid being harassed after school by men in suits

What the fuck is this guy's life

>a promotional video looks on rails
What a fucking concept!

Based retard.

I've stopped being picky with the current cancerous state of the game industry

Relax. If you've played through The Witcher series, or at least played The Witcher 3, then you'll understand that there's going to be an amazingly fleshed out game coming. I mention playing through the whole series because Projekt Red did have a hiccup with Witcher 2 where is seemed to become more "on rails" than Witcher 1. That's how it felt to me anyway. Witcher 3 had a vast open world with literally 100 hours of content before finishing the main quest. Also, what

original is superior, the dc removed the yellow filter, misses some graphical effects, ruins the pacing with the missing link and adds lots of bugs because it was done with a beta build of the original game

Keksimus maximus

Eliza is cute. CUTE!

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This whole thread makes me hurt for a new DE game. Fucking SQUENIX.

>all the best girls are just an illusion

Bruh, I'm like a heroin addict for Cyberpunk shit. Deus Ex, Shadowrun. If Cyberpunk 2077 scratches that itch, it could be a fucking CoD style game and I would love the ever loving shit out it.

Literally improved everywhere except for story and length. The story is fucking dogshit and it's a travesty they decided Ghost in the Shell was their inspiration instead of what Deus Ex is.

Aside from the dicksucker story and some of the design as in graphical it's a great game.

He lives Deus Ex now

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HR was so good
MD was such shit
How did they manage to fuck it up so badly?

To add this, it's short, but it's packed to the tots with small details and side quests that create more questions about what's going on and make the world feel a bit for real the deeper you dive.

The new augs are awesome, plus it's fun to go NewGame+ and really go all out.

It's worth a play through if it's on sale (like it is now).

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MD is far better than HR, though. Don't buy into Yea Forums memes and actually play it yourself.

It literally killed the franchise you fucking absolute triple nigger


I blame Square. If you play the game there's unresolved threads, like the DLC that felt like it could have been part of the game and a whole nother area. A certain storage locker and the whole cell block area of the agency that goes unused the entire game.

The game felt like they were working on the game when there was suddenly an email that went out saying, "wrap up what you're working on and prepare to ship it" then the release date was announced.

Eat shit shill

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If I work for the government can I get a sexy therapist like this too? Goddess tier

And Square's shit business practices killed any chance MD had of doing well.

That was Squeenix, bub.

I think you mean the original was so good while HR and MD were both shit

So what really happened to this guy?

No, armour is fine and has been in use longer.

He's subscribed to Markiplier and Pewdiepie lol.

DX is god tier
HR was a good reboot
MD was absolute trash

Also the terrible writing and bad game design

Not the same person

They have their own strengths.
HR had the better story and characters (Haas, Malik, Pritchard, Sarif, Elisa)
MD had a great world and detailed environments, fantastic level design.

>lol yeah lets clone the biggest enemy of the illuminati and a random nobody ex-cop
Sounds like a cope for shitty writing to me



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HR is genuinely good game, the only people who don't like it are the Deus Ex autists. There is only one let down but I won't spoil it for you, you'll know it when it happens.


He wasn't just a random nobody though, ever since Jensen was a child, he was experimented on. And I'm pretty sure he's the only human as of 2022 to be able to adapt to augs.

Some of the designs were inspired. The cult level where you have to stop that dude from pacifying random augs and keeping them against their will.
The way Prague slowly gets locked down over time and reflects the escalation in the conflict.
The quest where you help your inferior Pritchard replacement and get an Aug boost in the process.

>hes an anglo

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where the fuck is his upper lip?

He's the only known person to adapt to augs without neuropozene. Even if he's your enemy, you'd want to know how to clone him.

They can clearly insert control chips into augs, so who's to say clone Adam isn't now a sleeper agent for them? Get him into the Juggernaut collective and TF29 and you now have a constant feed of what they're up to. Insert Delara as his handler to make sure he's maintaining cover and hasn't become self aware and you're golden.

The game was fucked from the beginning
The whole "cyber apartheid" is ridiculously stupid and such an obvious shoehorn to get some racial politics into their game
It makes no sense with context to the lore and the previous games
Racial supremacy has always been a matter of civilised vs percieved barbarism, the strong dominating the weak
How do you oppress people who are literally beyond human? Not to mention all the rich and powerful were augmented (other than the humanity front)
But somehow the un-augmented managed to oppress the majority, who are also stronger, faster, smarter, richer? What an absolute cop out
They didnt even make a serious attempt to explain it they just brushed it aside with "oh augs went crazy so they willingly submitted to being treated like shit"

Unless its told in game, seems like a cope.
Fucked up details on a wikipedia page dont confirm anything.

He was designed to be new a species of superhuman, the next step in evolution. Hence why when you read the files they keep referring to Adam and Eve and why Adam is called Adam.
Basically like the Overman in Armoured Trooper VOTOMS.


Not to mention the whole point of DX is to demonstrate the dangers of such technology.
HR seemed to understand this with its endings, but I wonder if they actually did because MD certainly missed the whole point.

Schizophrenia, from the looks of it. The people in his comment section seem to have the same ideas.

Then who's Eve?


Anons anus

The justification being is anyone with augs went kill crazy at the end of HR. In the mind of the everyman, yeah you'd want to keep those people away from the general population in case it happens again.

The rich and powerful have augs, of course they do. They're fully aware of the issue, who's to say they're not using the fear to keep the proletariat in line? Nothing keeps people in line like fear and cultivating an Us vs Them mentality. It's not the rich augs that are being rolled out to the ghetto, it's the poor, the ones that can't or don't have the bravery to fight back, not to mention they aren't outfitting everyone with weapons grade augs. The rest probably went willingly to join those like them in hopes of being accepted again.

One detail I wish they made was people that opted out of augments to replace limbs. The attitude of "better a cripple than an Aug".


fetal alcohol syndrome


>HR seemed to understand this
HR's writing was just as dumb. MD is is just a continuation of HR's themes.

OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augs were merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augswere only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.

While HR was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. Despite it being a prequel (meaning things should be LESS advanced, not more), now augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. All strata of society are shown as being obsessed by the controversies surrounding augmentation. This is taken to absurd extremes even lower-class people and homeless bums are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. This makes no sense. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.

Augmentations in HR are nothing but a shallow metaphor for topical social issues like the pro-life debate. Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR and MD are sensationalist garbage that's already dated.

Besides, they even fail at being a shallow metaphor for social issues. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.

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Didn't he go crazy and yell about bees?

Play the game.

>Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug
Augments don't cost millions and a great many people got them because their jobs were offering deals on getting auged up and supplied NuPoz

It's literally just "rich people screw over the poor" but with robot arms and drug addiction instead of American Dreams and shitty insurance

No it isn't augments he wasn't built for use with cybernetic augments, that was what Doctor Reed discovered she could use him for.
He wasn't the only the child in the experiments, there were others but they were defective and terminated so it's likely there were male and female subjects. Adam the MC was the first successful subject and they were going to cut him up and use his genetics on the next batch of children until two of the scientists, a security guard, and Walters took him, causing the fire that burned the facility down.
The lab was owned by White Helix which was a subsidiary of VersaLife, owned by Bob Page. So if Adam was made for augmentation it's likely it was the nanotech augmentation that Page was obsessed with.

the fruit flies thing was a joke video he made for his friends youtube channel.

>The justification being is anyone with augs went kill crazy at the end of HR. In the mind of the everyman, yeah you'd want to keep those people away from the general population in case it happens again.
I already mentioned that
Doesnt explain anything
Who decided to segregate augs? How did they manage to convince all augs to cooperate considering the upper class were augs? How do the poor suddenly usurp positions of power away from augs and "oppress" them?

>The rich and powerful have augs, of course they do. They're fully aware of the issue, who's to say they're not using the fear to keep the proletariat in line?
The proletariat are augs too.

>Nothing keeps people in line like fear and cultivating an Us vs Them mentality. It's not the rich augs that are being rolled out to the ghetto, it's the poor, the ones that can't or don't have the bravery to fight back, not to mention they aren't outfitting everyone with weapons grade augs. The rest probably went willingly to join those like them in hopes of being accepted again.
So the bad guys are being asshole hypocrites for literally no reason and you're basing this all on an assumption?

>One detail I wish they made was people that opted out of augments to replace limbs. The attitude of "better a cripple than an Aug".
I agree that would have made more sense. If they showed the upper class willingly getting de-augmented as some form of protest.

Still the writing sucks.

Or yeah it could be referring to the merging of human and AI.

So he's going to be first to use nanotech augs?

Aug Hookers. Who's to say they did it willingly. There's real world situation where hookers aren't doing it because they want to and are forced into worse and worse situations by their johns.

Also from a product standpoint, in a world where you have augmentations for people that got their legs blown off, you're bound to get Aug fetishists. Who wouldn't offer that.

Plus with your new Aug arms you can give a turbo handjob and get your client off that much faster.

There's a couple of side missions that show hookers getting screwed over by the dealers because they can't pay their debts. Most of the poor just get augs by getting involved into shady businesses. It's like said

>using the word "proletariat"
>"cultivating an us vs them mentaility" as an end in and of its self

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>So the bad guys are being asshole hypocrites

There are plenty of real world examples, i.e. celebrities protesting the wall from within their fenced in compound in their million dollar house with 24/7 security.

The rich and powerful always have a "rules for thee, not for we" attitude, and the game does a pretty good job of depicting that.

audible kek
I love human creativity


You seem to think the common aug has any real power. I don't know why. Most people don't come anywhere close to Jensen's military grade augs and would easily get their shit pushed in by cops with batons. I don't know if you were paying attention but both lethal and non lethal means of disabling people have advanced alongside augmentation technology. The police showing up in body armour and threatening to shoot you is still something that's going to end poorly even if you have robot arms that could tear a man in two.

I don't think so, imo Paul and JC are built from Adam's DNA and iirc the first successfully nano augmented people. So Jensen is likely dies before being able to be equipped with any nanotech, besides it's not like there's much of him left for use with nanotech, he's mostly machine, a tank, like Gunther and Navarre.

It makes sense in the context of the world. Do you think the illuminati in game sees anyone in the general population as their equal?

Will we ever get another Deus Ex or is it dead?

Jensen likely dies*

Augmented strippers, Adam!

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>still never played MD
>replays of the first DE I always quit around Hong Kong now

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Czechian girls look like THAT?

Evidence being that there's armor piercing ammo, emp ammo, along with guns that cam switch between those on the fly. Not to mention you've got those cops in hulk buster armor.

Like he said, not every augment is capable of jumping up to a fire escape or firing blades out of your forearms like emo Spiderman.

Hips that never tire and can ride forever Adam!
Turbo handjobs that can get you off in seconds Adam!

From Deus Ex bible
>Since Paul himself was considered too valuable to experiment on, Majestic 12 scientists created a number of clones of Paul. These clones were allowed to grow until their brains (especially the language centers) were fully developed. Then the scientists performed experiments on each of the child clones, trying to find the "sweet spots" in the brain that would allow the clones to control nanites and receive information.
>For most of the clones, the experiments failed, and the clones were left as drooling vegetables -- or worse. Many of these failed experiments were destroyed. A few were allowed to live, so the scientists could perform further physiological and nano-technological studies on them as they grew older.
>In one or two cases, though, the experiments were successful. These successes proved to the cabal leaders that direct mental control of nano-technology was possible.
And side quest from HR
>Adam Jensen was born on March 9, 1993. At a very young age, he was one of a group of infants subjected to experimental genetic therapy treatments by White Helix Labs, a subsidiary of VersaLife. All of the children, aside from Jensen, died as a result of the treatments. Two scientists in charge of Adam found out they had succeeded with him, but had grown too attached to let VersaLife continue experimenting on him. Not wanting any more children to undergo the same treatments, they burned down the facility where the experiments had taken place. They were later murdered by the Illuminati and reported as fire casualties, but their plan worked, and infant Jensen was rescued by a kind-hearted nurse named Michelle Walthers. Walthers was acquainted with a couple who desired a child and at age five he was unofficially[2] adopted by loving parents, Arthur and Margie Jensen.
I imagine Illuminati cloned Jensen like Paul to experiment on them, so clone Jensen from MD is roughly 5 years younger than original one. Jensen

If the ads are to be believed.

Chicks with cyborg arms are hot.

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apex and rdr2 are the 2 most woke games of the decade lmao

Funny but at the same time i'm not gonna say that doesn't sound appealing.

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>witcher 3
>amazingly fleshed out
Hahahaha! What!?

>HR's writing was just as dumb. MD is is just a continuation of HR's themes.
Not in the slightest but I'll read what you have to say before I comment.

>OG Deus Ex (and IW) was never about augmentation. Augs were merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers.
The dangers of technology are pretty face value user. Massive surveillance, what is essentially indebted slavery. Domination by massive multinational corporations and conglomerations in tandem with government power. Its basically taking modern American capitalism and showing its logical end point, which is a pretty common theme in cyberpunk.
>There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augswere only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.
Yes augments weren't the focus of DX, the aug controversy was supposed to have taken place in the past, in HR.
But there arent "5 augmented people", its strongly implied that practically everybody who isnt eating shit in the streets is augmented in some way. But it isnt the focus of the story you're right.
>While HR was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. Despite it being a prequel (meaning things should be LESS advanced, not more), now augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. All strata of society are shown as being obsessed by the controversies surrounding augmentation.
Augments are just way more obvious in HR since they are more primitive. This is actually explained in game too. Its the new fad and its in vogue at the moment.


The guy in MD was the voice actor for Garrus in Mass Effect.


>This is taken to absurd extremes even lower-class people and homeless bums are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. This makes no sense. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for?
This is also explained. They are augmented for their work and are basically forced to work as slaves as they are now dependant on neuropozyne. There's a sidequest that goes into this whole thing in China. The masses of augmented homeless people are impled to be layed off workers.

>Augmentations in HR are nothing but a shallow metaphor for topical social issues like the pro-life debate.

>Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR and MD are sensationalist garbage that's already dated.
I strongly disagree you havent really made the case for why that is.
Mankind Divided I understand, because the whole premise is stupid and doesn't make sense in any realistic context.
But HR is definitley plausible. Not any more than any other cyberpunk movie/game with similar themes (Blade Runner for instance).

>Besides, they even fail at being a shallow metaphor for social issues. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.
I agree 100%, exactly why MD is so buttfuckingly stupid.

I just don't see the point of cloning Sarif, though. I'd understand if his company was relevant after the crash and they needed his influence, but cloning him just to see his business fail and struggle with the aftermath seems pretty pointless.

Thats not what I think
HR makes it very clear that augmentations have caused a class divide
The upper class are almost entirely augmented, the lower class are either in a form of augmented slavery to their dependence on neuropozyne from their employers, or they're rallying behind the humanity front
A cyber apartheid is dumb as fuck even after the events of HR

Augs can make you smarter, faster, stronger, literally superior in any and all ways.

One of the things that sets the original apart from the prequels is that the original talked about things that could happen in the future, meme wars, etc etc. The prequels on the other don't do this outside of the already in your face cybernetics, they keep referencing the past or current day politics. The end of HR is horrendous as well, pick ending and expect something to do with what's been going on in the game? Nah here watch a video about starving Africans before the credits roll.

other hand*

So is it worth picking up MD next time it goes on sale for like $5?


5 bucks sure
Wouldnt pay any more than that
In fact just pirate it dont give those jews your money

>that bug where you could suckerpunch this bitch and her kazakhstani boyfriend with no fuss

Throw in the $6 for the season pass as well. The Prison and System Rift DLCs are pretty good.

Did you like HR?
If you liked HR then $5 is a steal.

The Cyber Apartheid is justified though. If you're neighbor went kill crazy and you had to barricade yourself in your home to hide from them, wouldn't you cut off or minimize contact with them?

In the game the ways to control and handle augs has improved as evidenced by the police force.

Even if the augs make you better, you still have to be employed, and there's an innate human desire to "belong", so if you are ostracized from general society, you're going to seek a tribe somewhere else.

You could be the most skilled landscaper in town, but no one is going to hire you if the rumor going around is that you're a child molester.

it is better than human revolution. deal with it fags. HR has a lot of levels that just feel like first person mgs, MD feels more like actual deus ex. it is just a shame it doesn't really advance the plot that much.

I work in the Medical Sevice industry because of Deus Ex Human Revolution. Ask me anything.

Device* (Sorry i'm tired)

>The Cyber Apartheid is justified though. If you're neighbor went kill crazy and you had to barricade yourself in your home to hide from them, wouldn't you cut off or minimize contact with them?
Maybe? How does that result in cyber niggers riding in the back of the bus?
Its not like they consciously murdered people

>In the game the ways to control and handle augs has improved as evidenced by the police force.
Yes but by WHOM
The upper class ARE augs so are they oppressing themselves? Why??

>Even if the augs make you better, you still have to be employed, and there's an innate human desire to "belong", so if you are ostracized from general society, you're going to seek a tribe somewhere else.
You're just waxing meaningless rhetoric here

>You could be the most skilled landscaper in town, but no one is going to hire you if the rumor going around is that you're a child molester.
You've lost me

>DXHR was 8 years ago
> can still hear Sarif's voice in my head
> miss the atmosphere
> that scene where Adam 's glasses retract just to see his gf
> that kino trailer
Man, I really miss this game, read up on MD but never got around to playing it. The fact alone that they changed Sarif's voice saddened me and all the illuminati clone thing seemed a bit too stretched to me

They'll get my money for dragon quest anyway.

Looks like it's actually on sale right now. $4.50 for just MD. $8 something for game plus season pass. or $7 something for every game bundle

How did you miss the point of Deus Ex HR so hard? Did you see the robot arms and think it was cool?

>all the illuminati clone thing seemed a bit too stretched to me
That's because it's not true.

Dahmer went nuts and killed and ate a bunch of people
If they released him from prison do you think he'd be treated like a normal person, or would everyone be freaked out?

Tinfoil faggots just coping with their garbage game

>want to replay through dxhr
>don't want to play through the missing link again

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then uninstall it?

>ads vs reality

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>Did you see the robot arms and think it was cool?
Yes. So I studied Biomedical Engineering. Was tough.

>Placing that giant fucking stop-gap in the middle of the game and make it unskippable in the Director's Cut

That was a retarded idea.

>tfw still own physical pc version of vanilla human revolution

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I have the directors cut

Well, she can still give you those augmented handjobs and you'll actually be glad that it only takes seconds for you to cum.

The only version I play
Directors Cut removed the best bit the piss filter

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Is there still a way to get the missing link for the original Deus Ex HR?

Even though I got lost a shit bunch of times in Dx1 at china I still hate the hubs of HR and MD
Fuck these places. Empty trash

yeah pirate it

>The upper class ARE augs so are they oppressing themselves? Why

They're not oppressing themselves because they don't see the general Aug population as equals. Do you think someone powerful sees injustice against someone that looks like them and thinks "I better stand up for them, they look like me". Hell no, it's fuck you, got mine. Pull yourself up by your augmented bootstraps like I did. And they go back to their cocktail parties with their rich friends.

Why? Because it cultivates a nice nebulous us vs them mentality and keeps the population from seeing the real injustices of their world.

Who? The illuminati who wish to control the population and technological development, and augmentations threaten that balance since it does make people harder better faster stronger.

Manufacture a problem, and sell the solution to that problem.
E.g. Nestle taking water, creating droughts, then selling water to humanitarian organizations who send the water back to those drought stricken areas.

>only talk to Smiley like three times in the whole game

Mankind Divided criminally underused its characters.


Does anyone have any other old gem websites like these? I like to read seanbaby's classic site once in a while




>Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug?
To compete in the worker market, both in physical and mental work.
>How can they even afford it?
By cucking to corporations. They are literally becoming corporate slaves just to survive.

The whole point is that its a slippery slope and its end point is pure oppression through technology
Why would you see that and think "gee I want to get in on this"

Not anytime soon. They stressed that the franchise is not dead, but it's SquareEnix we're talking about here.

They can't even part with the IP and developer like they did with Hitman, because it's Eidos proper.

Because Deus Ex is a crazy exaggeration that the FDA would not allow in real life.

are you autistic?

Deus ex: Retribution Forever
The new battle royale game from square enix

>why would you not want to be an all-powerful cyborg overlord?

>Listen to Walton Simmons activating my killswitch!

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I'm not the guy who decided on a career based on a fucking video game about robot legs

Ah yes just as the UN doesn't allow Israel to slaughter innocent people and how the US government totally doesnt spy on everyone and everything

>There are no more significant racial divisions, a good thing, but this is far from a utopian world where all men are created equal. In addition to economic divisions, there are divisions among men based on augmentation. Specifically, the totally human of this world look down their noses at those who have been mechanically augmented.
>Despite the effectiveness, and in some cases, the necessity of body modification, augmented humans are considered monsters. They look like primitive Borg and are widely feared by humans. The nano-augmented characters (like the player) are the first augmented humans who can "pass." To look at one, you might not even notice he or she is not a full human. This creates a tension among the three types of humans:

>Total humans consider themselves purse and are at the top of the heap. They need augmented humans but fear and distrust them. Most total humans don't even know nano-augmented humans exist.

>Mechanically augmented humans have their own airport security systems and have to register with government authorities. They are second-class citizens, looked down upon even by the non-augmented poor. There's no way a mechanically augmented human can pass for normal for very long. They're not allowed in certain locations and have separate facilities, ostensibly tailored to their unique needs but really as a way of controlling them.

>Nano-augmented humans are resented by their mechanically augmented brothers and sisters. They're as powerful as mechanically augmented humans but suffer none of the stigma associated with augmentation. They can pass through airport security and mingle with humans freely.

If you could have one of Adam's augmentations in real life which would you pick?

Its dead, Jim.

Biomedical Engineers get paid lots though so it was a good career move on his part really even if he did it for a silly reason.

>Implying Tai Yong Medical and Sarif Industries didn't lobby and bribe the FDA to allow this shit in the first place.

One of the first things you do in HR is find out FEMA has a secret lab for Aug experiments.

The option to not have any
>soiling your human body with t*ch

I'm going to ask you to never post something like that again.

>MD is far better than HR, though.

The gameplay is a lot better, but everything else including soundtrack, art direction and story are all much worse.

I'll take an arm with a giant blade in it.

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Hopefully on e3.

The Icarus Landing System

>How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augmentations for?

It's like college loans. You blow six figures on a piece of paper to stay competitive with other people in your job market in the hopes that you don't end up in poverty as a part time bus driver. Same with augs in HR, people put up with the extreme negatives in order to keep pace with everyone else. Then you had guys like Sarif who just thought transhumanism is awesome.

robot dick


>not the persuasion system

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>samizdat is silhouette
That's kinda neat and makes sense.

Oh shit you right I forgot about that.

Honestly I love all the fanservice in MD. It really feels like they made an attempt to bridge the gap between HR and DX.

And nobody has augs to combat your persuasion
You could literally have anything you want

"Fuck me"
later Yea Forumsirgins

didnt work on quinn tho

Lmfao never seen this before

>nobody picking the invisibilty

fuck sake, you could chow down on a bunch of protein bars and red bull, hide in an alley, cloak and then run out and rape the prettiest girl you see right in de pusse for 5 seconds then run off to recharge and do it again

Dude was augged down to his balls. Who knows what he had under the hood.

That makes sense because they belong together.

Is Adam a nice name?
asking for a friend

He was augmented tho

>for 5 seconds then run off to recharge and do it again
Check out Mr super stamina over here.

Just fucking punch him lmao

If you know how to play it, it's not that difficult

Funny how Orchid is basically rapid gray death. Just shows how fucked up Page, making people intentionally suffer more for chaos.

never seeing as MD bombed

>noticing pill bottle in trash...complete
>guilting about past...complete
>socratic argumentative method...loading
>acquisition of vagina...loading

Reminder that the original version is better than Director's Cut

Hopefully we get another series reboot in a few years featuring JC

I don't see the connection. I thought Orchid was anti-neuropozyne.

5198588059 thats david sarifs voice actors phone number. if you call and pretend to be a deus ex character he plays along i am not joking.

His arms, I like the idea of picking up a dumpster and throwing it at someone, or punch a hole in a wall fun funsies

What dlc should I install if any. Got it off steam sale last summer but never got around to playing it.
Looking to do pacificist on hardest difficulty like I did with HR before going on a rampage on second playthough.

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dont do it that phone number calls the dolphin porn mustard gas company

a criminal past is probably the best part of the game, but should be played afterwards. the rest are pretty mediocre and don't really tie into the main plot at all.

A Criminal Past and System Rift. The rest is ho-hum shit.

The hardest difficulty (harder than "give me deus ex") is locked on your first play

I think there's three actual content DLCs the rest are single use microtransactions and skins

It's also the ultimate anti aug countermeasure. Page and the illuminati are against augmentations for the general population since it upsets the balance between the rich and the poor.

What better way to scare people out of getting augs that the looming threat of a toxin that only affects the augmented.

the hardest difficulty is just gmdx but if you die it erases your save. I had to go lethal to make it through that.

Why would anyone name their studio trashtown

Both made by Versalife and Page. It's obviously work in progress, considering how fast JC found a cure for it. That's why universal constructor is so important, you can't counter it.

based in California, maybe

also the fact that nobody bothered to try some cosmetic finish on the augs

I'm not sure. The Orchid seems like a biological agent that induces mechanical aug rejection while the Grey Death is literally just nano augs that reproduce without limit to induce rejection.
>It's obviously work in progress, considering how fast JC found a cure for it.
The Grey Death works perfectly fine. Bob Page mentions that to make a new Grey Death all he has to do is "find a very large prime number and multiply". I can only see this as a reference to cryptography, in which case it suggests Ambrosia is just another nanomachine that securely communicates with the Grey Death nanomachines and instructs them to stop the uncontrolled multiplication. In that case deactivating the Grey Death nanomachines is just a case of obtaining the encryption keys so you can produce your own Ambrosia nanomachines or otherwise hacking the Grey Death nanomachines.

>the smarter, faster, richer are being attacked by the inferior beings

I see at last. Augmentation is an analogy for whiteness.

because of this thread i'm reinstalling it again kek
i played it over 30 times and i got it since day 1, prepare for a great journey and take your time exploring, reading pads/ listening to NPCs
one thing i'd suggest, try to listen to the game's original soundtrack and atmosphere while playing, you wont regret it :)

The devs are working with Crystal Dynamics on the Avengers game, plus working on a Guardians of the Galaxy game. Once those are done, the original Jensen trilogy will be finished.

whats your favourite soundtrack from HR anons?
for me its
Main menu> The Mole> Penthouse >Hengsha Daylight .
also i found the "Endings" track merges pretty good with "icarus" if you played them after each other.

>he's begun playing Deus Ex: IRL

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Not wrong.

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fuck off pheromoneschad, just because i only get one battery bar worth of energy accumulation

That's more cute than hot tbhfamalam.

Genocide a*gs

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>all that cottage cheese

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I hate how every time I notice the OST while playing the game it just reminds me of XCOM EW and pulls me out of my immersion.

>Not saving Malik nonleathally

>all that cottage cheese

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Main Menu is great but First and Last is my favourite. Versalife from Mankind Divided is another one I recommend listening to.

>mfw both Deus Ex scores removed from Spotify a couple months ago

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I don't get why you find that bit so funny.


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Very good choices all around.

Mine are pretty much the same. These are some good ones as well:

I liked this one as well until it gets to the combat part or whatever:

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fun fact, for the twisted jack scenes genndy just hired a calarts team and told them to do their best at animating samurai jack

Where's the one where she's giving a dude a hand job?

she looks like she's in pain

I liked these two: