Games for 150+ IQ anons?

Games for 150+ IQ anons?

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Other urls found in this thread:!F0t23CSR!EEn18EYp40NzVyg--B-JVQ


but magic isn't real


just watch anime lol

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>couple episodes later

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Are you ready to leave the internet this year once WTC5 drops?

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tfw didn't realize who the culprit was until ep 7

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Any other VNs where the story is autistically convoluted and impossible to figure out until you start pretending that one guy was crossdressing for like 10 years?

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what game is that?


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Simpsons VN

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But it's the third game

I recall Remember11 being pretty out there.

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thanks, but that is that a VN right? what are some good ones, i'm tired of vidya and want to give them a try

Eve Online. You're a genius if you don't touch it.

The highest IQ game, of course.

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Is this any good? The art doesn't really make it seem worth it

>good ones

good entry drug vn is saya no uta, it's short enough and strong enough to make anyone get into it

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just read umineko

its fucking long as fuck and will probably take you a month

it is worth it, best thing I've ever read

also leave this thread so you don't get spoiled, because putting things together yourself is one of the best parts of the story

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Wait a second...

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Umineko has excellent OST but otherwise it's a huge mess.

Higurashi is far better. You should try it first.
Higanbana is decent too

You can't appreciate transgressive art.

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Is reading VNs supposed to be smart or something?

what's a mess about umineko? I enjoyed it far more despite reading higurashi first

does Higurashi have an actual ending? In 10+ years of threads I've never heard anyone mention it, and I never read very far myself.

How come no VN mindfucks harder than ever17?

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The villain is defeated, everyone in the main cast lives, and the cycle is broken

>can't even tell OPs intent

>even with one wing you can fly back to the beloved homeland

Oh so THAT'S what she(male) meant by this

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what is a drug vn?
thanks, i'll try it then

I want to punch Kokichi in the face

Sounds like an ending. It's weird because all I ever heard people talk about is cat eyes, unexpected guests, needles in food, baseball bats and phone booths. The early stuff.

gateway drug? entry drug? babby's first vn? english of much hards

Ending is pretty straightfoward and happy.

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ps3 art fags need to hang themselves. original art is the definitive way to read umineko.

the story throws you a shit load of arguments and theories while the solution is a fucking stupid disappointing mess you absolutely couldn't have found before, forced romance, nothing matter since trick > magic, the rythm is shit

Only goats can't appreciate Ryukishi art

Food in the bombs?

is there a way to play with the original art but also have the voice acting


yes, it's literally an option while installing

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Do you mean of the anime or the VN? I felt the anime missed a lot out.

Is that shit real?

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there's shitloads of hints, even in part 1
I figured out the /whodunnit/ by part 2

the romance was also fun as fuck, if you didn't enjoy battler and beato having a turn to shit on erika you had to have been going into the story looking for things to complain about instead of just reading it to enjoy it.

also when I realized the real reason why everything is happening as it does and battler tries explaining it to ange in part 8 I was crying for like 6 hours straight

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The end to umineko was such an ass pull "No more than 18 people on this island"

"Hurr durr. people can mean the same one by different names" fuck off

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t. never read their Jung

The whole thing was a fight against a witch, of course she's going to be pulling wordplay bullshit on you, the whole point is for you to be able to figure out everything with the hints given despite that

kyrie is a cute little cuckoldry-powered hate machine and second best aunt in game

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The culprit is kanon and George
With this theory i can resolve the games with the same culprit and accomplices

Oh fuck me. Why steamed hams is so familiar? I cant put my finger to it where i have heard that before.

Oh well, thanks anyway

I did, but you can ass pull to infinity with a thesaurus to deny there ever being less than 18 people/entities/ singular bodies.

I recommended this VN to my dad and he realized who is the killer earlier than me. Considering that he is a 62 years old boomer this makes me feel like a retard

she's the stepmother except actually mother
it's a meme you dip

she's a part of the rokkenjima aunt gang, that makes her an aunt

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Yea Forums - Anime

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since ever, forever

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What do, Yea Forums?

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How did you lads do on the ep 8 puzzle with bern?

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>anime umineko

What a smug looking waifu

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>tfw thought the obvious answer was a trap but ended up being the one you had to choose

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Who /still thinking about umineko/ here?

Terrible. Took me days. I thought that Shannon who was not a culprit saying that all the children confirmed their parents death meant that the parents were confirmed dead.

Never actually read/played Umineko,so what's the actual best way to play this game on peecee?

Steam version with ps3 sprites and voices.

It's a bit pricey.

Get it from mongrel

dont listen to that nu art fag. the original art has more nuance to it.

steam version with ps3 or original sprites, the voice acting is worth it as well just for beato laughing.
Should be obvious what you need to do with a google search

original sprites have their own charm but the Ps3 ones are still the better way to play it the first time imo

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What about this ''gold'' edition,worth waiting?

Yeah it should be coming out any day now.

Fuck I wish i still had my notepad I used to write everything down when I was doing it. But I figured that battler was a culprit based on him NEVER confirming any deaths and nanjo being actually dead because if i remember correctly both george and maria confirm his death.

I had far better reasoning cause i had my notes but fuck it. But that's the farhest I got without hints, didn't think much on battler checking his parents even though I took everything he said as a lie.

>ps3 sprites
Both umineko and higurashi original sprites are way more expressive and lend themselves to the atmosphere more I feel

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Huh,I guess I'll wait that instead.Thanks user.

>actually drew that shit out in paint to solve it
never ever

and by that I mean probably going to be at least another year+ given the new stuff coming and the manga official english version slowly coming to a close

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Why did Rudolf say he'll probably be killed tonight? It is probably the biggest red flag presented right at the beginning and everything was just bells and whistles to hide the truth.

Old art is something you can only really appreciate after you beat it and immerse yourself in the fanbase.
I can see how it would turn people off coming into the series.

There's nothing like hamhands, I tell you.

The ham hands in higurashi are way too distracting though. I wouldn't be able to take any of the horror/suspense seriously with that shit. I think the new art works fine.

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>Old art is something you can only really appreciate after you beat it and immerse yourself in the fanbase.
I read it just fine with original art back when it was the only thing available. I dont get this argument at all youre trying to present.

>and by that I mean probably going to be at least another year+ given the new stuff coming and the manga official english version slowly coming to a close
The Gold Version has to get funded first and if they set the funding goal high and it fails we'll never get them.
Looking how long it's taking them to even launch the kickstarter I have little hope for Umineko Gold

Didn't some /jp/ user on the 07th general scour twitter and find out the / one of the person(s) in charge of the launch had got a cancer diagnosis or something right before the launch? I'd imagine that put some kinks in the process

Yeah yeah user of course there are people like you. But most people looking at umineko for the first time would be put off by the artwork. Yes, its expressive, but really only Erika and Beato look good.
The PS3 sprites are a better experience for a first time player these days.

Right there.

Damn that fucking sucks. It's a shame too cause I thought that the dubbing they did for the characters was pretty good and i'm not even a dubfag.

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one of the stupidest "games" i have ever "played"/read, it was pretty good until episode 4, even if the killer was pretty much shove in your face in Epi 2, then they introduce that lil sister bitch and the story nosedive faster than i ever felt possible, why? why not just been about Beato vs battler? why introduce so much shounen crap and magic BS to the point of it getting absurd and more of a joke instead of mystery, i forced myself to finish it as at the end i was pissed and could not give a crap about anyone anymore

>magic BS
Oh boy

>t. witch

i'm talking about the shounen battles, summoning gigantic towers and spears crap, it just got way over the top from Epi5 onward specially after 1/mid 4 focus so much on mysteries/tricks and the witches were intriguing until it too absurd for me to care.

Think one of the only games the put legit fear in me. Those eyes that appear during the phone call got me too well.

best girl

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based and shitpilled

Subahibi has a non-linear narrative with lots of little details that you only notice on rereads.

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forgot to ask anons, how is the series ordered? are there many games or how's the deal?

Kaede as Lambda is fucking hot


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Everything's right here.

The VNs were released in episodes. Each subsequent one contains the previous ones. Umineko no naku koro ni Episode 4 contains episodes 1-4. Umineko no naku koro ni Chiru Episode 8 containts episodes 5-8.

But why did she jump off the boat.

>the whole mystery would be solved in episode 1 if Battler actually groped Shanon's fake tits

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And here's Higurashi. It comes before Umineko, but they're separate stories and honestly if you're only going to read one I'd go for Umineko.

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa

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Baldr Sky's last route mindfucked me a million times more than E7 did. Not even joking.
You'll understand when you get to it in 2020.

Real redpilled on the tranny question

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I like Umineko, but even R07 calls it a "sound novel".
It's not a book, sure, but it's a novel, not a game.

politics, warfare etc.
at that level you use real life NPC's to obtain your goals

I'm not saying it's a high IQ game, but i just heard 4 different people that play games regularly saying they dropped Hollow Knight because it was too obtuse and couldn't figure out where to go. So you need to at least not be a retard to enjoy it.

literally me

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That's so guy that exclusively reads VNs/Manga and thinks he's an intellectual.

That's so guy that exclusively watches commercical television and thinks he's an average guy.

Her problem what was her fucking?

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Lack of fucking

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where the heck is this from?

Umineko Netflix adaptation

Battler Netflix

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6 made it super fucking obvious, I don't understand how anyone could not know at that point

wait a sec
r07 actually got gud since umineko?

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>had a hunch Shannon and Kanon were the same person from a few lines Battler said about them in ep 1
>thought I'd been proven wrong in ep 2 when you could see them talking to each other
>realised in ep 3 I'd been right all along
Who /intellectual/ here?

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what pistol

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He got another artist for coloring and maybe more.

That damt witch still piss me off. I was fully prepeared to solve Her secret and show that there is no witch. And the She came, by front doors...

>Start reading a VN
>Second part puts me in the shoes of /r9k/ the character

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>Didn't read higurashi
>turned my brain off and wanted to read a nice VN then be done with it, didn't know the game wanted me to solve anything
>didn't figure anything out till ep 6
I don't deserve to post erika pictures

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I don't think it was made clear enough how the narration worked. It said "no lies contained in narration" but I would have preferred it if it just said "narration text can be taken as red truth", that would have been clearer. I was under the impression that the narrator could say something like "the group discovered x's corpse" even if x wasn't dead as long as the group believed they were dead. I thought the whole no lies thing was just so you couldn't make some retarded theory like "this scene didn't actually happen it's just a lie like how Beato lies about magic"

After a while you'd twig that you've never seen them in the same place in such a relatively small space.

Mind you if you start applying that logic to real life things get a bit odd.

>Started Higurashi nearly a year ago
>Barely at the beginning of part 5
Should I just reread the entire thing? Is the anime a good way to get a recap? I feel like I've probably forgotten too many details to figure anything out at this point.

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I thought George did it.

I don't really think it's possible to guess that Shannon and Kanon are the same person in Episode 1, sure, there are some hints, but they only make sense much later.
Unless, of course, you were spoiled on narrative tricks.

My dumb ass got spoiled before even starting it.

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There's too much shit to spoil.

>seen this webm for years
>recently started Higurashi
>get to this scene and immediately recognize the house and start cracking up, ruining the atmosphere
Fucking TODD

I got spoiled but then pondered how quickly someone can change clothing.

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I liked how it contextualized bullying in terms of Wittgenstein's theory of pictures.

where could I buy it?
next comiket?

I just want EP 9

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Nice touch with the hands btw

same exact thing happened to me

You fucking tricked me Yea Forums.
This is the chicken stand all over again but with even more psuedoscience.

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What a marvelous image

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I adore the Muppets and that has made my day.

To answer OP and bring this thread back on topic

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It seems you have forgotten to put in SSS+ tier in your chart.

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>weebshit is highest IQ

Ok this one was gold.
Not even Umineko could pull that one off so perfectly.

Did mutts wake up or something?

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VN's are better than 90% of the shit western developers shit out and its a fact

vanilla skyrim on ps3

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>Watching text with images are games now
Literally in the name of the genre, you brainlets.

Superior chart

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What VN?

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oh gee how comfy i LOVE the 30 second loading screens when i want to go outside, or the game just even crashes some times instead when i want to go out. Such a fucking comfy experience god damn so much fun

Leave the lunarians to me...

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Natsuhi, please come back, your husband is at it again with the moon!

I'm not gonna spoil a twist.

Diminuitive DetonatorsDisguised as Dinner

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*Blocks your development*

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Dwarf Fortress

jesus shes fat and greasy

Swan Song.

/r9k/ is more competent than he first appears, he just has no confidence.

Someone sell me on this "game"

>Krauss was an ancient /biz/poster
how did I not notice

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Is that Momokun?

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>Momokun Cosplay
I don't know, man.

It's really good and fun

underrated girl

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The in food bombs

Doesn't subahibi have bestiality?

Minecraft with Erika

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Just listen to the soundtrack

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Meta-murder mystery that challenges you to solve it, very colorful characters, and fucking elder god tier music

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her mother is better

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Higurashi >>>>>> Umineko

Just 1 very short scene (with cut CG in the official release). You wouldn't fap to it anyway, it's supposed to make you feel awful. That whole chapter is just depression-core. At least there's an alternative good end.

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poker, chess, day trading, driving around in your Bentley, ... there are many

Once I find ten tons of gold I'm going to get all of those Umineko paintings in life-size and put them in the lobby of my mansion.

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*blocks your path*

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minecraft with dlanor

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If its avoidable and there's no rape in the rest of it I'll play.

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This is guy is I dare say, Based and Redpilled

>Pussied out on meeting Ange, making it so she pointlessly suffers
FUCK Battler blanco

You should definitely give it a pass then.

The prologue can be a bit hard to get through and will only make sense after you've read the entire thing. The real VN starts after it, so keep that in mind.

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This is objectively the best song in the VN.

How do you laugh in red truth
Why did she jump off the boat at the last second after getting what she wanted

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I remember playing the BGM music folder up and down back then, and you are wrong.
Won't say this is the best one, but it's better than what you have posted:


Laughing isn't a statement so it can't be false. You only start to choke once you try to say something in red that is false

>fine to meet Eva
>Eva so genuinely bitchy that she doesn't even hint to Ange that he's alive

For fuck's sake, learn to trim your Youtube links:

You are probably the type of person that leaves personal identifiers in links when using or posting them, right?

I respect that

(s)he was already dead, battler was telling a story that was 'magic', and 'battler (as in the personality, not the human)' jumped off with her and drowned as well, leaving that bit of himself behind to become toya

I didn't read the manga so I might be wrong but that was my interpretation

It's unnecessary mess akin to Kingdom Hearts and Yea Forums should stay away from it since they have such horrible reading comprehension.

You aren't wrong but 4chanx linkifys everything so I don't worry about it

why suddendly those charts contain the "muh spanish meems based on the dragon ball ones xd" shit tier?, can't we be more """""original"""""?

because they are fun

Because only spics care about powerlevels

In the manga it's all pretty much as you see it. And your interpretation doesn't explain how Battler retains so much about what really happened in his subconcious.

Good luck.
And remember: THINK!

>implying this and Rosatrice won't be confirmed in EP9

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it's the same exact trick as beato/shannon/kanon. when they 'die' they stop acting as that individual but are obviously still able to retain their memories and behaviors. Also, It's not so much about what he retained but moreso about what he reasoned. Part 3 Was him assuming that eva was the culprit because she also lived, for example.

it is funny at first but being posted over and over, it gets tiresome.

and apparently other faggots still find it funny.

Is this a boy or a girl?


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nah, just keep reading
ep 5 is really fun to read i think

was WTC 4 bad or something? No one ever seems to talk about it

>tfw you will never hang with bros in a bath while having a completely non-homoerotic conversation about beating off as much as you can

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Garbage tier game with even more garbage tier art

Yeah nobody like trannys

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Read Higanbana

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Should the last two be switched and root double removed?

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I didn't realise this was a >games only women understand thread

This is a >games only christians understand thread

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What are I/O and Root double? Never even seen those before.

root double is fine, personally id put it on the same line or around VLR on that chart

You must be stupid. Chapter 2 has several "Someone talks with Shannon, leaves, and then Kanon comes out of nowhere to comfort her" scenes. It happened so much that I ended up saying "Yeah I get it you can stop now".

I/O is my favorite VN.
Its a mess I know
But I don't care
Its from the director of Remember11 who was a writer in E17.

put another danganronpa on the very bottom

what do you think about death march club

>We're sorry, but...
>...even if we accept...
>...there are only 17 people on the island.
show me a more kino moment in a VN

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Switch Root Double with Danganronpa

The only vns worth reading are created by Type Moon. Thank you and goodnight


Jesus was carried out using a different exit. Boom, checkmate christfags.

>death march club
I hope its good but the artstyle just doesn't suit me. And Kotaru and Kodaka can easily fuck it up.

428 is highest IQ VN
it even has minimum IQ required to read it in its title

That moment. I said out loud "holy shit" I miss Erika.

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Danganronpa is loved by discord trannies and women. It should be as low as possible.

he's just creative director
and uchikoshi can do good shit if he's under control

How many times will they rebuild the towers? 5th already

I mean he can but after ZTD I'm skeptical.

your right, becaus lower its placed higher IQ it is

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This image is annoying since it makes me diamonds and there's no good Umineko porn and ESPECIALLY no good Umineko moms porn.

Reading Danganronpa is a good way to pick up weeb chicks

>the funny parts
Fucking awesome
>the serious parts
Meh, a drag
>Oosawa's parts
Somehow, pretty damn good

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he wasnt controlled and it was in no money hell for too long
remember that ZTD had some unknown original script that he got "bored of", which is why he turned ZTD into telltale shit

True that.
Really, the games are fun if you don't take them seriously. The backstory sucks balls.

kys retard
I bet you're the same fag in /vn/

>caring about the fanbase

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>serious parts
Kano, Stanley and Tateno are kino, Achi is the only bad one
Osawa is truly amazing

If trannies love something then I rather associate myself with that shit

you just got ownd nerd you know that? LOL

Houses in Fata Morgana
Remember 11

I love how, despite the craziness and surrealism of routes C and D, E really made sense of everything and built to a damn good ending.

To be fair you have to have a really high iq to appreciate V3s ending

Man you're so tsundere. At least now you're honest with your feelings.

freudian slip

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trannies love Umineko btw because they can relate to insane bitch Sayo and how all she needed was to be accepted in order to not plan to kill the entire famlily

My annoying fucking roommate cannot shut the fuck up about Remember 11. I didn't like Ever17, for that matter. By the way, would you guys recommend re-reading Umineko? I honestly forgot a lot of stuff.

We'll just have to agree that picrelated is the best side character

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Any DI chads?
Fatekeks should consider suicide btw

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Though Yanagishita is a very, very close runner-up.

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Tell me his contact I'll divert the r11 talk to me

I love him, but can't top my boy Nasubi

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Is r11 really that good?


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Imagine reading 100 hours long NTR.

Wait, it's that reality show guy? Holy shit.

Its not NTR if everyone is Mercurius

Rent free

>foreknowledge foreknowledge
>the desert eagle is the world's heaviest, biggest, most hardcore and impossible to use gun but Shirou can use it flawlessly by being a rad dude
>if it was anyone else even attempting to fire a single bullet would break every bone in their body but Shirou was firing two deagles at a rate of one thousand shots per second without breaking a sweat
>foreknowledge foreknowledge
>it didn't do shit because his opponent is literally immune to gunfire but Shirou still kept at it for 30 minutes because I really like writing this cringeworthy shit
>Shirou got hit by some superhuman monster and broke twenty ribs but kept firing his atomic hand cannon aka the legendary desert eagle, the world's most insane and radical gun
>foreknowledge foreknowledge
>seriously, take a break and go jack off to Shirou right now
>eventually Shirou's opponent went away and was killed by someone else in the following chapter
>"Tch... I'm tired of this damn foreknowledge..." said Shirou as he used his deagle to light a cigarette while playing some totally sick guitar riffs with his huge dick
Masada is a true master, we might as well wrap up the entire genre because it doesn't get any better than this.

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Hiroshimoot ate my picture.

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Do you perchance have the "how VN authors open a window" pasta?

Yep, it's the same guy

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t.seething fatenigger

i kinda wanted to read it because i saw this red haired girl who keeps biting her finger and thought she's cute, but i'm not sure if i'm ready to read this kind of vn now

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No user has +150 IQ.

Which one would you fuckers read if you had the chance to enjoy it all over again: Tsukihime or R11?

Ghost Trick.

Tsukihime is trash because Kohaku and Ciel are nonvirgins and I don't like cuck shit

I have , my genius is intellegence level

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in the PS3 version the music is synced to that scene as well

>intelligence: super genius

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The Silver Case and The 25th Ward

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battler wrote ep4 himself so he was just havin a laff

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super genius

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>implying it wasn't small bombs
Never denied in red

>taking anything in Metaworld literally
Good fucking Lord.

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I can't believe everyone on Yea Forums is a super genius

>absolutely couldn't have found before
based retard

I've read multiple threads full of spoilers for this series over the years and I still have no idea what Umineko is actually about

It's time

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But can she beatt superman??????

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>family gets onto an island
>one auntie mixes LSD with a bit of DMT into tea
>everyone trips the fuck out
>Battler (main hero) had a bad reaction and fell into a coma until 1998, during which he had his hair greyed out
>the entire VN is basically his journey to wake up

>he reads it in english

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>he reads it

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this is now UNO thread

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>secret passages
That breaks knox.

dumb incest wanting imoto

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That's kind of the point of the red truth. It's supposed to be bullshit. But it's not like you couldn't have guessed kanon=shannon early on.

dangan ronpa

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holy kek this is a good meme

I suddenly want Cumberbatch to star in a live action UBW

>One person is the same person
I always hate when this shit pops up in mystery stories because it almost always forces at least one character to be a complete retard on such a scale that it destroys believability, in this case mostly being Jessica, though the rest of her family applies too.

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They used an animal/a pack of animals to move the rock. A fun circumvention of this would be that slaves moved the rock and they weren't considered full fledged humans in those times.

Unironically Into The Breach

Absolute chunnikino

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How much was that in the Japanese version and how much was the translators being Yea Forums loving shitposters?

every day I think about beatrice

why can't beatrice be my gf?

I'm so lonely

If I remember right, he was saying Kyrie would kill him once he told her the truth about switching the babies.

It's not about IQ the riddle itself is impossible to solve unless you know something only the characters know and the plot elements that lead up to the reveal might as well could have been made up on the spot later because there's only a single plot thread that leads to the reveal in a roundabout way and that is the mention of Battler sending Shannon a letter that she never received.

He was being melodramatic like the movies

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Alright, post your idea.

hell yeah

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Psychopath spotted.

I don't know and I really don't care

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Fuck I'm retarded meant for

how many erika cosplayers have you fucked? I got my fourth one recently, shame that she was a hambeast, but gotta raise that number somehow

space chem

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Where do you find them lol?
>ywn fuck a petite cute girl that cosplays as erika
end my suffering

EP2 ending.

local cons
they aren't that pretty, even beatrices look better than erikas
virgilias are the hottest ones but I don't like virgilia

is there a game like that?

Not that I disagree with you here but Umineko is also loved by trannies and it's still awesome.

underrated comment

What happened at the end of episode 2? I can't remember.

I still have no idea what the plot of 25th Ward was about.

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This should help you

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rosa musou

>virgilias are the hottest ones
>but I don't like virgilia
not based and bluepilled

is there a single vn that embodies "congratulations, shinji" more than 2236 AD

How many and what about Anges?

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Nah, just Jessica really.

I'll show you just how lukewarm the hell you came from is.

It's about society and the roles we have in it
Humans attempt to create a rigid society where everything is perfect, but people are forced into specific roles and anyone who attempts to break the mold gets killed
Kurumizawa is just some fucking apartment manager with a fetish for hair and he literally chokes to death on some, but he comes back to life though Kamui's power and becomes a God
Uehara (aka (You)) gets killed, and is resurrected like how Kurumizawa was - as a digitalman. However, you have the full backing of Kamui Uehara, and therefore mantle the perfect essence of Kamui to defeat Kurumizawa's final attack - an onslaught of 100 endings that you must survive to escape the 25 Wards.
The other storylines have a similar theme of escaping the "perfect" prison - Sumio takes Ayame and they escape together, Tsuki says "fuck it" and leaves the city after killing his past, and Tokio survives the city being subject to genocide and becomes a ghost hunting vape shaman boomer.

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Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.

What are these edits from?

Wait which one is this?
We got Higurashi and Umineko
Is this Chikonia?

I am perfect. Everything I do is flawless.

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There's a difference between laughing at, and laughing with.

Didn't think about it that way. There were also quite a bit of other themes.
The perfect facade of the society we try to create to hide what's underneath. How even good people can do awful things if their perspective is skewed and they have enough power. Meru stuff was also done very tastefully, in my opinion.
I just don't get moment-to-moment stuff.
Why are there few Shiroyabus? Is it a thematic implication that if he forgets who he really is, he can end up as Joker?
Who conducted this whole thing, ELBOW?
The hell was with Tokio's red room?
The main ending of Correctness just confuses me.
There are a few more, but I've already forgotten about them.

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Umineko is alright, but it's not Subahibi.

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Small words from a small being, trying to attack what it doesn't understand.


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It's it worth it to watch if I haven't watched the anime?, I've read the VN not long ago, and I've seen a bunch of anons reccomend the damefame version.

Thanks, i've been googling "moon hotel stupid" for a long time and didn't find anything

i'd even give you a mega link, but i've lost it somewhere. it was uploaded here few times, so maybe someone else has it

if anything, it wouldn't be worth to watch it if you only saw anime and haven't played vn. it's full of jokes that go way beyond whatever pieces of story were in anime

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Its WTC5

Umineko threads are the only thing keeping me alive.

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>i'd even give you a mega link, but i've lost it somewhere. it was uploaded here few times, so maybe someone else has it
Don't worry it's the next post


It's a cutie

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>Houses in Fata Morgana
It tried reading it but it was very ugly and boring. I'm pretty sure it's made for bored women.

Oh ok, then I'll give it a try, thx user.

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>Why are there few Shiroyabus? Is it a thematic implication that if he forgets who he really is, he can end up as Joker?
They're all the sons of Format Kamui if I recall
>Who conducted this whole thing, ELBOW?
Probably, they're behind killer7 and FSR as well
>The hell was with Tokio's red room?
It's inside his mechanical eye. Slash is a digital ghost that lives inside it, like how he sees the other remnant psyches. It seems to be a mix of all his jumbled memories and his warped perception of the present. Meru comes in and saves him from himself. Afterwards, he starts being able to remember what was happening.
At least, I THINK that was what was happening.
>The main ending of Correctness just confuses me.
Jabroni gets killed by Sumio after he goes insane from the death filing. He comes back as an Observer like Kurumizawa is. He murders Uehara and various other people because they are becoming Kamui. Kurumizawa reveals himself to have been the weird isometric cursor you played the entire game with, as well as the "digital man" that walks between the stories. Then he escapes. Also, Tsuki apparently killed the mayor who was attempting to force him to give up where Osato's body was.
I need to replay it though, this is based off of my memory.

Thanks for trying to explain all that.

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>want to rewatch Ciconia trailer
>search "WTC5 trailer"
What did R07 mean by this?

>Taking everything in the fantasy world as literal
>Literally changing the goalpost after being proven wrong is super intelligence

you're fucked. umineko worship is slowly but surely dying every year, we're boomers

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Surely WTC5 will be good though, r-right?

Infinity fans and Umineko fans are both dying out
We're gonna have to move into the home and collect our pensions soon

When They Skate 5

>Infinity fans
>dying out
you have no idea what is going to happen

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Not even Kingdom Hearts is as convoluted as Umineko

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it's somewhat likely that it will make an official comeback, at least in part, within the next couple of years

even if not, i'll keep coming

>Remember11 gets another updated re-release
>Still no SELF route

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Why would they build 3 more on top of the 2?

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not talking about remember11, because that's the one i have handled

Boomercore VNs are a lot more fun to play than zoomercore ones

I'll keep an ear out

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That would be sad, I really like what R11 tried to do, with it's narrative, but it took me some hours of investigation.

Oh yeah, now that there are some infinity anons here, I have only read R11, what are the other VNs (apart from E17) that I have to read?, and in what order?.

The only "official comeback" we will probably see for it is Uchi ripping off E17 over and over again.

you were supposed to play them in order of never7 to ever17 to remember11 but now it's fucked so it doesn't matter

i guess do never7 first because it's worse

well, it's not like i'm some high rolling insider, but i did hear something that makes me legitimately believe that one game among n7, e17, r11, 12r, and c18 will be localized officially, or that it is at the very least being considered right now, and if that happens you could expect the rest to follow

don't forget that one time ever17 showed up in steamdb (but it wouldn't surprise me if they used the shit 360 remake)

Please don't listen to the Remember11 cuck in these threads. It's an incomplete story that ends 2/3 of the way through and blueballs you, and up until then it plays exactly the same as any other game made by the author. Avoid.

small brain detected

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The order is Never7 > Ever17 > Remember11
Never7 is comfy but not very special. For maximum meme points, start it on April 1st of this year.
Ever17 has some elements that are better appreciated if you played Never7.
Remember11 also sort of fucks with your expectations coming from Ever17 but it's the most standalone of the three.
There's also a game called 12Riven but it'll never ever be translated and it's apparently not good anyway. Then there's the game Code__18, which has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Finally, there's Uchikoshi's projects afterwards (Zero Escape, Punch Line, that weird game with the V-Tuber ARG that hasn't come out yet) and Nazakawa's shit (I/O, Root Double, other stuff nobody cares about)

If you liked the music, you can follow two guys behind it (Takeshi Abo and Chiyomaru The Idea Guy) to Science Adventure series.

Thx anons

I like to play all the Sci Adv games, I've played the S;G ones, now I want to play Chaos;Head and Chaos:Child, but I'm waiting for the Noah translation.

>Never7 and Ever17 felt like near future sci-fi when they came out
>Now we've passed 2017 and are close to April 2019

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Also reminder