Mod is better than the base game

>mod is better than the base game
Enderal thread

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.24 - (1920x1080, 1.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:

redpill me on this mod

german autism

Plot holes and unfinished plotlines everywhere but otherwise okay

>In both games Bandits outnumber citizens and guards 20 to 1
How is it better exactly?

>sneaking around in the woods
>see a peculiar looking guy standing in the road
>sneak up on him
>not sure if friend or foe
>he turns around and pulls out his weapon
>summon my elemental and start throwing spells at him
>dude hits like a truck
>chug all of my health pots
>I have to kite him by running down a bridge then jumping into the water, giving me time to heal with a scroll
>he finally dies
>but he's not dead
>in a kneeling position
>he transforms into a fucking huge werewolf
>I keep kiting him while my elemental does most of the damage
>eventually kill him
>get a completion mark for finding and killing a certain number of mythical creatures
>loot is actually good

man I can't wait

it's skyrim but acceptable to like on Yea Forums

It's its own thing, completely separate from TES with its own lore, story, characters as well as talent tree, music, voice acting, it's pretty fucking good.
The world design is top tier, way above anything in Skyrim, forests are lush and cities have a ton of buildings you can enter with unique interiors and stuff.

If you can bear the first few hours and the constant reminder that you're indeed still playing Skyrim, it gets really interesting, there's a good amount of happenings and areas in both the main quest and the side quests that are on par with the best stuff from TES games
If you were planning on revisiting Skyrim or Oblivion for one reason or another, you might as well just play this

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>If you were planning on revisiting Skyrim or Oblivion
I think the Enderal dev team will bring their Oblivion total conversion mod onto steam

How the hecking heck do I equip Phasmalist summons with spells? My navigator won't use the books I gave him

The Rhalata questline is pure kino.

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I like skyrim

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>start game
>23 fps on medium

Gamebryo is a piece of shit but unless you're on a toaster, it should be that bad.

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Still can't change brightness and exclusive fullscreen makes the game crash, I tried everything.

Those are the best games

Why won't my phasmalism use spells or attack anything this mod is so broken

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If I pull that mask off, will you die?

It has a train.

I take I should use the essential mods to fix the UI as well?
Anything else?

SkyUI is already included in the steam version but you can add Immersive UI yourself.

>forests are lush
Bethesda could do that too, tho, if they wanted.
But they have to sell the game so they aim for optimization.
Enderal just vomits a fuckton of grass all over the world that take a load on the cpu.
Mod seems ok so far, but the levelling system seems boring.

Is it normal that everything destroys me in the beginning?

Looks like a can go raw then.
I only played Skyrim on release and I remember having to install mods to fix basic shit. Didn't even touch the DLC.

I miss TES music a little because my nostalgiaboner for Jeremy Soule is too strong

Oblivion OST is god tier.
Every time I'm having a rough time I listen to it and I remember spending all days playing that on high school.

>base game
Who ever played the base Skyrim ?
Never finished Skyrim unmodded. +100 modded Skyrim is a masterpiece !

>keeps randomly crashing during a loading screen

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I did back in 2011

The world looks the same though? Isn't that the city built on that huge rock bridge? Also, do I still have to go through a loading screen every time I walk into a building?

Tried this mod because of you shills.
It's fucking fun__.

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Really enjoying Enderal desu. Google around for more total conversions and came across something named Falskaar. Might take a dive into that after Enderal. Is it on a relatively similar level to Enderal? Quality wise I mean.

Anyone know how to fix crashing during the loading screen on startup?

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Germans outclassing everyone again with their chronic attention to detail.

No lol Falskaar is shit and flat.

>levelling system seems boring
Zoomer get ye gone.

falskaar is garbage and not total conversion

Don't forget to check out Ark's crypt

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>if they wanted

This is why it's stupid to give Bethesda your money.

It's all reused assets from Skyrim, most of them, but rearranged in a way that make the areas feel fresh, and there isn't a lot of copy-pasting like in skyrim. Dungeons in particular feel more unique even when they're reusing generic dwemer assets.

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There's literally are megathreads about this on the Steam forums and the official dev forums.

I did too but never finished it unmodded !

Try Discworld, it's unfinished but funny as fuck.

Isn't that already included according to user?

Falskaar sucks. One of the reason why I was so skeptical about Enderal at first.

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Different mod

No. Just get the lite version and use oblivion

>reusing generic dwemer assets.
It's amazing what german autism can do with them, they made a giant fucking spaceship that feels like a giant fucking spaceship.

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what are some essential mods to improve enderal? even if it's just cosmetic stuff i'm fine with it, better yet would be a good sex mod
is there a list of compatible mods?

Jespar keeps reminding me of Edér

Unlike Eder, he was right about everything.

Eder is much more attractive desu

>that moment when all went to shit in a good way

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God I love the undercity. Killer ambient OST too. Funny how Bethesda often gets/got praised for level design when they're actually really mediocre at it.

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Is the mod made for special edition?

I don't think there are any essential mods you'll "need" like SkyUI for Skyrim (SkyUI and a couple others are included in Enderal anyway) and I've noticed most Enderal mods are weapon/armor edits or other smaller things.
The faster arrows mod is something you'll absolutely want if you're going to be an archer though.

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No, for oldrim. You can buy it in some russian store for like three bucks.


Osex works with enderal.

>fuck stability and not needing 4 different binaries to slightly reduce crashes

It's actually bad, but since it's a skyrim mod plebs eat it up and ignore the obvious problems it has.
Use your time to play a good game instead.

>be fucking level 2
>go north to the Fogville docks
>get raped by NotFalmers
>come back later at level 5
>brute force my way through the NotFalmers
>upgrade my iron sword to a steel sword
>go up to hill
>barely manage to kill the ice wizard couple
>upgrade my steel sword to a silver sword
>go up the hill and find Fogville
>upgrade my shitty bow to a rune bow
>get in the sewers
>upgrade my shitty armor to runic armor
>come back to the Sun Coast
>everything is easy

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> Bethesda often being praised for level design

Well that's fucking news to me. The only thing that stands out made by them are Telvanni towers in Morrowind, and only because they fit in the overall atmosphere of the island

So do my mods on Skyrim cross over to this or is this a whole new package?

They might fuck with the game. Backup your shit and delete everything, just to be safe.

that will be 40 bucks plus tip

A whole new package. Don't worry about your skyrim build, it installs itself into a separate folder. Same for saves and settings.

the zones are set level, not level scaling like skyrim. Sun Coast and Hearlands are the beginning areas. Pretty much the further away from Ark you go the harder it is.

I got it for free.

I can get it for free too, but that still doesn't change the fact that they are selling it for 40 bucks.

The price of it has nothing to do with the stability increases. Cope harder.

Cope with not wasting money on free shit?


No they wont unless you're using the Enderal from skyrimnexus.
The steam version of enderal with its own page has its own folder and shit.

It looks so comfy, what could possibly go wrong?

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Anyone else playing Sinistrope?
I'm not sure what to combine it with, I started putting point in Phasmalist but I keep reading that it's shit


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Sinistrope by itself is honestly good enough to carry you through the game, anything else is extra. Personally I chose Phasmalist as well for the enchanting bonuses and playing pokemon with the spirits.

Top aesthetics.

I used the death magic spells and summons for my first character when I played Enderal years back.
I was heavy armor/melee otherwise and I found a fireball staff pretty early on so I was basically a dark knight with a magical rocket launcher.

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>music changes when important information is revealed in dialogue
Pure kino.

the mod has really good sound design. I liked when the aged man was playing music while you were snooping around his house.

What are some other recent (5 years max) games that can scratch a similar itch to this mod?

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anyone found a way to make the game not crash when alt tabing in exclusive fullscreen? I need to alt tab frequently and plying in exclusive full screen is the only way to change the brightness.

>tfw no qt demon waifu
Why even live?

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>playing phophet's "Fleshless" theme
Pure kino

>my wares it is you want to see, so I promise you, they'll bring you glee!

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I could never get into Skyrim, but for some reason Enderal has sucked me in like nothing else I've played. On the way to Ark for the first time, and it feels like there's so much fucking game left to explore. Totally worth paying Todd $20 for the OG Skyrim since I only had the SE version

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Kill jester


Speaking of Agnod, where is that fucking Phasmalist soul in the Navigation Chamber? I keep hearing the sound but I can't find it.

Did you level up Net of Souls?

Oh, you can only see higher souls with high ranks? That explains a lot.
Thanks anyway.

How is magic in this game? Did they add any utility spells?

How do I make this not run like shit? Mouse aim feels floaty as fuck and my fps randomly drops down to the low 20s for split seconds while traveling the starting ruins. 2070 i7 8700k

Blood in the Sand. Karymea or Darius?

Depends on what you needed. There is a phantom chest spell that allows you to access limited capacity chest from any place, mark/return spell that allows you to place a mark anywhere outdoors and then return to it from anywhere...

Someone in the last thread managed to use the debug menu to unlock the wolf mount reward despite siding with the elf autist

I'm rarted how do it

It's a mod, not a debug menu. Here
It's also at workshop

What do they eat?

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Crusty bread

Crispy meat

products from the Sun Coast

There's a decent amount of utility spells, however a lot of the utility is in memories and combo classes

>expecting just more dirty quarter
>mfw first 5 minutes
The best slam area I have ever seen in videogames is in a fucking mod to Skyrim.

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Wasnt the SE free for anyone who bought the game on PC?

So what the fuck does this do better than Skyrim exactly? Most of the stuff itt just seems like skyrim with a slightly different coat of paint

exploration for example
level design

There's a harbor full of fishermen, and to the northeast there are miles of farmland.

it's mostly like skyrim except the dungeons are less copy/pasted and there's some kind of ominous atmosphere

The centurions and bosses could really use a ranged attack, they're so fucking slow so you can just kite them and occasionally turn around to blast them with spells with no threat to you.

i want to play it in VR but the mod is not compatibile with Skyrim SE Q_Q

Drop shadows to medium

How do I spectralize gear?

You shills would probably be a lot more effective if you didn't overhype people by pretending this mods changes anything substantial about Skyrim.
The only real gameplay tweak is levelling skills through books which is honestly a total downgrade.
All that's really changed through this mod is the world, which has good setpieces terribly stitched together, and the story, which is abysmal.

It feels laggy as fuck going back to this from SE.

This dude drops the mythical fireball spam spell, was worth killing him for. Fuck Myrads

I did a little experimenting with this very thing, what are you trying to ghostify user?

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I don't know, I don't even know how to do it, I crafted a talisman and now I'm asked to spectralize weapons but I'm not seeing that option anywhere

Can Phasnamlism apparitions use healing spells on themselves?

You have to wear the amulet, at the bench you'll be able to spectralize the item if you have the materials. A special inventory will pop up for you to stick the item in.

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II love this game, the exploration and character/rpg development is easily better in every conceivable way. But god damn does it crash a lot, good thing it only takes like 15 seconds to relaunch the game.

Yes yes, everything is shit, carry on

>Finally manage to get my Phasmalism to use spells
>10 minutes of reliable spell flinging later he decides to pick up a greatsword and exclusively use that
Fuck this buggy ass tree, I'm cheating in memory points and going Sinistrope

All you're saying is that you don't like the design choices. All that means is that the game isn't for you and you should move on to another game. Even if you don't like the choices, since they're designed to be that way, other anons might.
If I don't like a game, unless it has glaring problems, I play something I actually enjoy instead of whine on a soviet gulak board about how it's not built upon my own personal tastes and liking.

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Where do I buy a book to store all my blueprints?
The loading tip said the banker sells that but he doesn't give me any option like that.

Sorry user but there aren't any.
RPG genre is pretty much dead, and RPGs with good stories are even deader,

What the fuck is this place.

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Ask the banker to buy a house, he will open the trade. You can buy furniture blueprints, the blueprint book, some learning books and the house deeds there.


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Dragon's Aerie

Is there any waifufaggotery in this mod?

Maybe Risen 3, but it would help if you told us what you liked about this mod.

same as it always was in the og skyrim
you alt tab into it then you alt tab into it AGAIn and then you wait a bit

There are optional romances, but thats pretty much it.

so it's normal if I can't move the cursor for a little while?

>40 hours later
>just realized there was a quarter I never visited

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Still haven't found a single heart for the wishing well :(

What I meant is that once you alt tab OUT of the game, you have to alt tab INTO the game twice to get it running again.

okay I'll try it, thanks

Exploration, interesting locations with lots of quests, and danger.

yeah I can't think of anything recent like that. The last two asscreeds and maybe The Witcher 3 but they're more action games than RPGs.

Do you get any followers besides spooky ghosts and summons? Sure, Entropy provides lots of fun toys, but it ain't the same as standard followers.

Can you fight windmills with this mod too?

Not quite. Sometimes you have a follower but only for the main quest and they only follow you if you keep on the quest path (like Jasper on the way to Ark)

>tfw bonerippers

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>tfw no Don Quixote game

you cannae kill the jester

Does using console commends to give yourself currency disable achievements?

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I was gonna say Super Don but yeah that shit ain't anywhere close

you can mod achieves back in user

all those lost resources on that fucking broken engine.
the combat will always be utter shit as you fling your weapons in the air, nothing has any weight to it. nothing.
it will always be shit and I immediately uninstall skyrim after installing it and playing for 2 hours.

>he doesn't mod it

>playing vanilla

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Not sure I can do that in standalone Enderal. Its a separate executable from Skyrim, with its own achievements.

yeah i think the mod im talking about uses scripts so it'd be a no go. I think anyway

does anyone one know if I can make f.lux work in exclusive fullscreen? So far it disables it but I can only play at night and without f.lux I get tired very fast (like 20 minutes).

I was told I had to edit my ENB.ini file for something, what is it?

>Doing one of the new side quests added in the DLC
>My character has a prophet vision of a character we're searching for knocking on the door of a noble's house

Enderal? More like Adderal which you need to play this autismfest, lol

you mean the red message at the top left of the screen? It's nothing, ignore it.

Okay, this is epic.

Alright, you can stop stroking your own dick now.


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>19 hours in
>still not a single piece of gear that boosts 2h

>you need 40 handicraft to make the door
Fucking really? Does anyone have an ID for that?

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Just type help "the name of the door" into the console

There are multiple sets you find that give 2 handed damage as a set bonus, and I even found two set gloves that straight up give % two handed damage as well.

You literally see the death of a healer guy in the beginning of the game.

Yup, found it, it seems. Called Solid Door, gonna try it.

>level 5 souls require 90 enchanting
these fuckers better be good. Got the Starling navigator and Petrified One.

I tried installing it as a mod so I could use my current Skyrim mods loadorder and it didnt even start.
So instead I have to install it as its own game.
Is there a overhaul pack for this that install the best bodies/hair mods?

I've found two set pieces very early (on the road to ark with Jasper) that boost 2h damage

you can click on the door and it will show the name iirc

Its not for SSE :( so no VR.
No VR no Play

>boot "game"
>horrible Clichera setting
>still clunky as fuck combat
>re-used Skyrim assets glaringly reminding you this is just a Skyrim mod

I tried, I guess. Good effort, but wholly pointless.

Do mods work ? I hope they don't otherwise I'll go full autimo before playing it

some of the more superficial mods like body mods or sex mods work just fine, but for gameplay you would need to use specific mods built for enderal. There's a few on steam workshop.

Do you complain about "recycled assets" when you see that someone has the same chair as you, for example? No? That's what I thought, moron.

those skill books can get expensive. I remember one play through I installed a prostitution mod just to get some extra money to get them.

why the FUCK ondusi's key doesn't work on the bank vaults?

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But things like the no turning in mid swing and tkdodge stuff is fine, right?

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If that were true they’d just give us an actual good rpg instead of using todd howards botches

>still clunky as fuck combat
Duh, you can't change that because it's skyrim and bethesda's monkey coding prevents any actual fun modding

>there comes a point where you just have to live with it

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how do I get into Yero's tower without putting points into a tree I have no interest in whatsoever?
the unlock scrolls dont work on doors for whatever reason

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They do, aim on the lower half of the door

If it doesn't unlock then just hit ~, click the door, and type unlock. :^)

>without putting points into a tree I have no interest in whatsoever?
you just need to invest points into lockpicking, you dont need to unlock stuff from the Trickster tree


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somehow I can pick expert locks but nothing below

apparently once you reach rank 50 you can pick every lock up to adept. Anyway the content inside Yero's tower is pretty high level.

>tfw too smart for simple locks

where is the promised quest about veiled woman?

Frostcliff Tavern

Where is Yero's tower anyways?

Made my day

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>this fucking quest
My sides

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So what's so special about this? Is it just a modpack that newcomers can use to jump right into modded Skyrim?

Behind the Sun Temple

do you use a ENB?

It's literally a new game that uses beth's engine. New setting, new story, new characters, etc.

I can't give him his diploma though, he just stares at his phasmalist table and wont talk to me

It takes the majority of Skyrim's issues (level scaling, boring world, boring story, too easy) and fixes them.

Yep, a custom one I've made for Enderal. Only has basic stuff that improves the existing graphics, no changes for palette or whatsoever.

Is thaumaturge dual casting better than that one which increases armour spells by 35%

> hurr What if shit ain't really real man like what If I am the bad guy!
Fuck this mod and Fuck Skyrim. This is a clever attempt to make you buy old Shitrim again don't fucking fall for it.

oh ok. I just really liked the dusk color on your screenshot, wondered if I could get something like that.

in the middle of a fight the armour spells increase is probably better, dual casting is more interesting for elementalism imo

Literally every single person in the world has Skyrim.

I literally bought skyrim again for this mod, best 14 bucks I've spent this year so far

It's most likely native Enderal stuff.

>14 bucks
>when you can buy it for 3 bucks in ru store
The fuck

Mod so great it even has Ryan Gosling posting before Bladerunner 2049

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But is enderal on ru store?

yeah from a ru store, I'm not buying shit from there, I had games taken away in the past

why the fuck cant you place markers on the map?

You need only skyrim for that. I meant ru steam key for skyrim.

based and blackpilled

not cool

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>both Ryan Gosling posting and Bane posting
Tharael, the Ultimate Meme

Placing custom markers is disabled due to the 2D paper map.

But that mission was added after gooseposting, it's a new one.

Did you helped the father in the end?
I did.

This is my first time playing it. Oh well.

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I think it was just if you had all the dlc, have all the dlc and got SE for free, also this mod intrigues me, hadn't heard of it before but probably going to try now

It doesn't matter, he still succeeds.

Tharael isn't the first character to say this kind of thing, are the writers just extremely bitter virgins or something?

Bandits are the citizens.

The only reasonable thing to do desu.


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i cannot accept that


But he's such a lovable edgelord!

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>"when i see blood the demon tries to take control of my body :("
>"then why the fuck did you choose to become a soldier?"

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Please be patient Calia has autism

Phasmalist turned out to be so garbage, it's not even worth playing.

Even the black guardian apparently since he's all let's wait for the next cycle together like good pals and I'll help you and literally two second later wants you to "kill" it

What are the Weird Gems for?

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how to fix mouse acceleration

the story hook once you get to Ark is pretty good

>literal deus vult crusaders
>literal atheists/anti-theists
>working together

it made me stop and figure out what the fuck was going on

Go to \Users\[Username]\My Documents\My Games\Enderal
Open the EnderalPrefs.ini file with notepad (or do it in launcher)
Find the line bMouseAcceleration=1 (located under [Controls]) (If there is no line, add it)
Replace the 1 with a 0
Save the file

also, any idea what patch speedhack is?
when I start the game it says it's on

this thing specifically
is this normal

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It is, apparently.

It fixes engine's problems.

I thought the kruats were still playing that one goofball RPG they designed to play one handed on a keyboard for some fucking reason

Not him but would this affect mouse sensitivity in the menu? In-game its fine but any menu the mouse is super sensitive.

The game is pretty much Gothic in Skyrim engine.

Nvidia updated its drivers yesterday and now I'm getting a "failed to render" error when trying to play. I haven't found a solution that works, anyone got an idea?

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You mean Sexlab thread?

Yes. It's a must-have fix.

Install the previous version of drivers?

That makes sense then.

This game is too beautiful

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Yea, I figured my best bet would be to just rollback

Oh how Incredible this game is after 90+ mods of fixes

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why does everything looks so sweaty

Jesus fucking Christ. I can't seem able to make the Enderal mods show up in the Data Files menu.

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Who was in the wrong here?

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no idea

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cleary the drug addicted prositute

The guy gives you free books so obviously he's in the right

>Coke Whore is out of her fucking mind and wasted her money on shitty drugs.
>Does retarded shit and gets herself killed.

Druggies sure are retards.

>guy who uses fathers investments to make his own business prosper, while still paying his sisters rent
>whore who is addicted to glimmerdust selling her body in the undercity and upset that onii-chan won't let her spend their entire inheritance on more glimmerdust
hard choice

1080ti, [email protected], 16GB ram and I still get frame drops into the 30-40s

from the workshop? You have to install them first, click steam workshop in the game launcher.

Why am i getting 30 fps in towns

Nah, Nexus. The NMM does it's job, but it doesn't show up.

>crash to desktop
>infinite loading screens
>crash on zone transition
>crash on save
>crash on load


Is this mod on the Steam workshop?

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No, in the steam itself.

Phasmalism is a total meme, complete waste of memory points.

>Tfw no respec.

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>level scaling
Not a problem
>boring world
>boring story
I liked it
>too easy
Crank it up to Legendary and the enemies become sponges.

The real problem with Skyrim is the combat is fucking TRASH

Cool. Is it independent of my already installed workshop mods as well?

Kingdom come.


Yes, don't worry about your steam installation.

>level scaling
>not a problem

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Fuck me, *skyrim

>Not a problem
>I liked it
>Crank it up to Legendary and the enemies become sponges.
that is almost as bad

Yeah, it's got its own folder with the same structure as Skyrim, you can mod it separatly.

No clue then, I'm getting perfect 60 fps almost everywhere on a i7-2600K and 980

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This is not even a proper argument

What the fuck is wrong with you

Someone tell me why Phasmalism is trash. I already have 2 memory points in and I just want to have a little NPC helper following me around.

Thanks. Any recommended mods before I boot it up?

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It's a shame it got memed into the ground. I really enjoyed it.

>found endgame gear in a chest at a campsite in the woods near one of the early quests just by walking around a bit
>don't have the skill to use it properly but use it anyway
>as soon as my skill gets high enough to use it I shred everything and most weapons bounce off me

Most rewarding bit of exploration I've done in an RPG in a long time

are quests time sensitive? that dude from arena tells me to meet him in 2 hours, but desu he was very easy to stunlock and I dont think i will be able to do other **** quests for now

According to the Nexus page of the old respec mod the author is working to fix it for Forgotten Stories.

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Thank fuck, I got several dozen hours in before realizing my mistake and realizing it was also preventing me from getting a class synergy.

Has a lot been added since it first released? is it worth it to replay it again.

>get more fever every time you go back to town unless you spend a shitload of memory points into the skill
wew lad

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Dozen sidequests and two kino questlines involving the Undercity's Rhalata and Ark's merchant guild Golden Sickle.

turn off enboost
but that also disables their built in enb which blows i havnt played it yet because of that idk if they can fix it.

shout out to old three river for being the laggiest area ever

It's late game skill tree. Later souls are busted as hell.

Literally how is it a problem?
You just need to install Ordinator so the perks become actually balanced and half the perk trees aren't useless and there you go, functional skyrim.

I think i'm just gonna stick with summoning skeletons.

>No clue then, I'm getting perfect 60 fps almost everywhere on a i7-2600K and 980
Teach me sempai

>It's okay that enemies scale up with you so there's no real sense of progression, rather than having some areas be populated by lesser foes while other areas are more dangerous and trickier to navigate while you're still a novice.

>that fucking name
How can someone be so unashamedly autistic about the way they play videogames

There's no sense of progression because the vanilla perks are all passive increases you fucking retard.
With Ordinator you gain new abilities that you didn't have before like timed block and teleporting behind people, there's your sense of progression.

Okay, I'm spooped.

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I went lycanthropy first, did I fuck up? I feel like I fucked up

That's not mine.

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>sense of progression is "nothing personnel, kid"'ing enemies
Come on, now.

Are you retarded? The whole arguement was that vanilla skyrim is shit and you're saying it's not shit if you mod it.

>implying Jespar Dal'Varek is any better
Stay autistic friend

Damn, SureAI knows their shit.

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That's the 100-skill sneak perk, you dont get that shit right away
Yes I'm saying that. Get Ordinator and see for yourself

>get dual casting thaumaturgy
>magic armor lasts for 10 minutes
>37% magic resistance
>massive life pool bonus
>keeper perk for another 15% magic resistance
>leech life at alarming rates
Come at me wild mages and whatever shits, I'm busted.

What a way to expose yourself

I used the console to give myself 1,000 mana, fuck the shitty game making spells drain all of your mana in 2 seconds

>can't tell every single good npc to get the fuck out of enderal asap
Every day like the last indeed.

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Wait until you get inside.

the whole world is fucked lad.

N-not in the elixir ending

But I spent months creating Jespar. He's a bisexual, handsome mercenary of insane skill (he's also got a secret life as a famous assassin but SPOILERS)

He's very tolerant and hates religion, in all honesty I based him after myself on this part, haha. He also has a scar on his face but it was from having sex and not in a fight, I did that little twist to subvert expectations!

He also really hates love because he's been hurt too many times and he knows girls just go for good looking guys and not nice guys anyway

Ah yes, the one where you end up in a coma

What is reality anyway

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That's ENBoost, its in the options in the launcher. It helps the game not run like shit.

you can literally see yero's corpse back there



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How do I stop getting killed in like 2-3 hits? I'm trying a battlemage run and I can't afford both the heavy armour training books and the magic ones

behind the book you dummy


That wouldn't be Yero's corpse though, he's the magister who Allah Snackbar'd himself and all those kids, that corpse must be someone else.

But how can you tell that it's Yero's corpse

Tell that to Qalian. And to the protag.

you actually have austim

its okay so do I

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heavy armor with magic is not great, light armor would be the best. Heavy armor slows you down so you can't evade attacks and if you're magic and one-handing it you can't block. If you want to keep at it though I think there is a specific wanderer unique that mixes heavy armor and magic so if you kill them you can get their secret memories.

Qalian was one of very few people with access to the body swapping technology, protag is literally one of the only 4-5 people on the planet who were chosen as emissaries. Yero had red madness, he didn't body swap shit

Thaumaturgy. Mentalism and Light Magic have spells to boost your survivability.

its Gothic's level system. Money actually has purpose, instead of you just accumulating a whole bunch of useless gold like skyrim

>implying skyrim's leveling system is any more entertaining

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What? Ordinator is super simple, it's just a perk change and the perks aren't even complex. Shut the fuck up, drone.

Noted, cheers lads


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i spent 12 hours just fucking around in the under-city soon as i got to ark.

i came out like level 15

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Never really installed standalone mods off of steam before, do my mods from the normal skyrim transfer over or no?

No, it is treated as a seperate game

Would it be possible to install mods on Enderal, or would it break the game?

Depends on the mod.

>implying skyrim's leveling system is any more entertaining
It is because I have to actually do the thing to git gud at it
Even if it offers no rewarding gameplay experience, it offers a roleplaying experience. The book system offers nothing.

Everyone who plays enderal knows what ordinator is my guy. not many people who have never modded skyrim play overhaul mods lmao

just go download Forgotten stories off steam.

its fun

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the book system offers an actual role play experience.

you learn from reading on how to actually do shit. than putting it into practice. besides the lore reasons for how you level up your skills. it offers an actually balanced way of progressing to end game. its better than skyrims incredibly poorly executed level up reward system

Did they do anything to fix how bad Entropy spells were in Forgotten Stories?

Don't know i don't play wild mages.

only entropy spells i use are the ones that summon animal spirits. and so far they have kinda carried my butt, especially pooh bear

>the book system offers an actual role play experience.
Only if you want to roleplay as a sheltered individual who knows jothing of the real world.
When all your knowledge comes from books it invalidates yoyr actual actions in the game.
>it offers an actually balanced way of progressing to end game.
When you get skill points using money, and one of the skills helps you get more money, no, it's not balanced. You'd be a retard not to dump everything into Rhetoric.

What are some of the must-do quests? I mean in terms of lengths/writing/fun. I am afraid of missing the good stuff (There is so much to explore that I have just been letting side quests pike up).

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Everything about it screams 20 fps to me

You can't learn everything though, you can't actually read a book unless you have learning points from levelling up.
Compared to Skyrim where you can get literally every skill to 100 by doing something for a day

> it offers a roleplaying experience
oh me laffin hard. There is no fucking roleplay in Skyrim.


>In Skyrim, you can level Marksman to 100 by shooting a horse for hours on end
>In Enderal, you can level archery to 100 by zapping people to death and never even touching a bow
I prefer the system that requires actual investment in the skill, even if it's mostly superficial and easily exploited.

Compared to Enderal it sure does

Quests in Enderal have more than one way of ending though.


>you can level archery to 100 by zapping people to death and never even touching a bow
You literally can't because of natural barriers and lack of money.

Um you can literally just go to an npc and train archery to max level without touching a bow in skyrim if you want.

I don't consider that great either, but at least it implies proper training and hands-on experience with the skill.

It's a garbage existentialist plot about atheism/nihilism featuring self insert characters written by an edgy 14 year old set in a beautifully designed world with great attention to detail and a superb score.

In short it's like Nehrim.

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How good is werewolf in enderal? Are elemental claws simply damage boosters or do they require some form spellcasting?

It requires a ton of investment into your minions to gain value, you need to actually heal them and give them good equipment to ensure you aren't just blowing arcane fever on useless minions

That doesn't say much

can you play as a Khajiit still?

This, if they ever port it to SE I'll play but I put my fucking time in base Skyrim, I'm done.


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No, your choices for races are all human or a half elf, the races are
>Space elf
>How Swedecucks see themselves
>Historically accurate hyper advanced wakanda techno niggers

but don't swedecucks see themselves as effeminate wimps?

Red Madness isn't actually a disease and just a natural progression of a naturally fucked political caste system, isn't it?

that's an easy hurdle, innit.

Why is everyone scottish

What builds are you guys using or have tried, and how are you or how did you enjoy them?
I tried a psion but I lacked the talent for psionic spells to damage undead, so I used entropy spells as a backup and found them to be much more powerful and mana efficient. Then I started a new character focused on entropy and there was a drastic difference in how much easier the game became. Then I dipped into the stealth tree for the affinity. It's a fun build, but I keep finding myself dreaming about other builds.

Can i be a stealth archer?

Yes, but stealth isn't broken like in skyrim.

>zap people to death
>spend all your money on archery skillbooks
>zappys stop being effective on the enemies you run across because you haven't been putting skillpoints into them

>Level marksman to 100
>Level Destruction to 100
>level one handed to 100
>level two handed to 100
>level unarmed to 100
>level sneak to 100
>level all the other skills i dont fucking remember to 100

Is there even a way to make entropy good since it kills you at the same t ime as doing damage to the enemy?

actual spoilers
it's linked to a bad harvest of wheat. the ergot (rot) in wheat is the precursor to LSD and has profoundly horrible effects on people when ingested. A similar thing happened in real life in Wisconsin when people began killing each other for no reason. One guy even tied up his wife, put her in a boat, set it afloat on the lake, and shot at the boat until it sank.

playing through the Brotherhood of Kor quest and I'm feeling spooped, does it get spookier or am I fine?

what makes the mod good fags?

You read books about archery though, a lot.

I use death breath and life absorb with buffs on mana

Oh you!

>how about a round of gwent

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I finally got it by aiming at the ground in front of the door

i always lose this game, it's like the rng hates me.

user please. They're talking about faces in the walls and a strange noise that I hear along with an ominous tone when I interact with the Kor busts

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Should I play with the overhaul mod or not?

I'm a basic so fella so I'm doing heavy armor + sword and board. I'm at a point where I can kill most enemies with 3-4 power attacks. Master difficulty btw.

What the FUCK is point of frauding when the AI catches you 100% of the time?
What the fuck.

Just keep us all updated on what you find...

How many trees can you get fully specced out? I've been going elementalist but fear I'll outscale the summons I have. I have a bear and it fucks shit up and I spam lightning. However my mana regen is complete ass so I chug shit tons of mana pots every encounter.

I'm thinking of going elementalist / two handed melee build but not sure if I should just go entropy instead to get better pets. Are battle mages viable? I'm level 10 btw about 10 hours in.



Why not?

Okay, will go elementalist / two hand / mentalist for armor buffs.

keep in mind that if you have an affinity (synergy between two talent trees) then your third talent tree should not have more talent points than the other two. it'll cause your affinity to vanish.


...thats it? It would be a lot fucking scarier if I could actually fucking see the statue. The sword looks neat though. Was that really it? no boss fight or secret revealed?

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Yeah I was going to go heavy into elementalist / two handed warrior. then just dump a few points into mentalist to get better ironskin and armor stuff.

Yep, that's what actually made it scarier for me, that and the massive underwater buildings

So is this mod just a new area I travel to with an existing PC?

Or I make a new PC and savefile for it and it isn't connected to Skyrim at all?

And does it break with mods? Because I'm not uninstalling a single one

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It's a totally separate thing. It installs separately through steam. Has its own mods, its own save files, and you have to start a new character.

It's a standalone game with it's own steam page that only uses beth's engine, new plot, characters and all

It makes progression even slower and makes it harder to dual class. So if that's your cup of tea then yes, you should, otherwise don't bother.

>requires you to have standalone version of the game
>only have SE on steam because they literally took the LE page down
Welp fuck off then

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I think the reveal was that Kor was actually a demon or some shit since his statue looks evil
the desert spider queen fucked my shit up though since I'm a mage and there was no room to manuever in the house, had to resort to jumping on the bed where it couldn't reach me

I already have SE. I'm not paying twenty bucks for Skyrim again Todd you fucking faggot. Why doesn't the mod work with SE exactly?

I think it was implied when they say that they found the island thanks to a dream of their sect leader, also I'm fairly sure that those underwater structure are the same ones that you see at the beginning of the game

Why did you buy SE though? That's your own fault for being a retard and buying a shit version that hardly any mods even support.

SE didn't exist when the mod came out.

>dark and red glows the winter sky

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3 hours in, and I gave more of a shit about the helpful apothecary guys at that campsite that got blown up by bandits than any NPC in Skyrim. It helps that some of the books even have voice actors reading them to you, crazy mod.

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It has plenty of mod support now and the mods it has are better. Enjoy your jank version


>saw a negative review on the steam page about the voice acting being "tryhard" and "cringey"

It's not the best VO in the world but there's never a point where I'm not enjoying it. It feels like fantasy and it's fantastic

>It has plenty of mod support now and the mods it has are better

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So I only need the original version of Skyrim for this to work? What about the DLC?

Can you still get the secret ending if you don't keep the dreamflower to make the unfiltered potion?

So far the only person I didn't like the VA on was the Elf looking for her lost cat. The old man reading the notes I found was top tier, better than Skyrim's anyway.

Speaking of Skyrim, I swear there's a VA in this mod that worked on it, I heard him at the start in the ship.

whats the source on that armor ?

>Brotherhood of Kor
Did they ever expand on that quest, or is it still the same as it was in the pre-Steam version? Because it was pretty good, but I heard the guy who designed it left the team and they kinda just stuck an ending on it and called it a dya

Is there an easy way to racesmenu yourself into an argonian in this one?
I remember doing it with the non-steam one back when, but I can't figure out how I did it



Yeah, yero’s book voice is an absolute pleasure to listen to.

I wish the mix was better though. Not sure if it was just me but the background rain / other noise was way louder than the VO when reading the books.


>mod is better than the base game

So it's basically every mod ever made for a Bethesda game?

how do I know how many learning points I have left


Hit H to open the hero menu

Press G or H

How do I get this mod? Original Skyrim isn't on sale in Steam anymore, there's only the special edition.

Get some cheapo reselling key.

Either on steam (there's a link on enderal's page) or buy it from resellers

>two souls united by the threads of time

yeah it was earrape for me too

You can still buy original skyrim on steam. See below

It's literally just the same shitty Skyrim gameplay. Not wasting anymore time on this after 2k+ hours.

>Not wasting anymore time on this after 2k+ hours.
you need to use quotation marks if you're going to quote your parents like that

Hoo boy. Better than Hollywood.

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>2k+ hours
I seriously hope those hours were spend on waifu mods.

>he didn't side with the father
Where you gonna romance him too ya queer?

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>Draw me like one of your french girls

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Is there even any fucking point in levelling skills?
The cost required to level them to max does not match the benefits you gain from doing so.
For example, all Elementarism does is SLIGHTLY increases your damage while SLIGHTLY reducing the mana cost when levelled to 100.

All on 360

Also am I forgetting a sidequest here?

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is there even a point in doing anything? I mean, think about it.

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anyone beat this highscore yet?

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You need 90 in the skill to read and usemystical books
Also some spells scale damage with more points in the skill.

I've been doing a full elementalist build and now i'm level 20 and kinda bored of it, is sword and board playthrough fun?

>4 male sexual partners

user, your mod is bugged.

elementalist is boring. Try Sinistrope, thats where a lot of the fun magic and memories are.

doesn't mean you're gay if you have sex with only a few males

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it's not gay if you never make eye contact

there is probably some hidden mechanic or something, that we just haven't figured out.

success rate is determined by some formula which involves your "sleight of hand" skill

Every mod is better than the original game

Like raising the skill that makes you better at using your hands like a pickpocket... No it can't be, too obvious!

Am I understanding this correctly - only Entropy boosts your bound weapon damage? One/Two-Handed weapon skill does nothing for it?

Does the % elemental damage in the elementalist tree affect enchanted spell damage?

Probably should state that in the skill description then.

That fucking spider in one of the buildings that immediately attacks you before even loading the environment. Fucker one-shotted me every time.
I don't remember how I cheesed my way around it but I hope it was removed in the update.

what is a good three talent tree synergy? I want to get the "two affinity" achievement without gimping myself in the process

>restaurant doesn't have unique chairs
shit tier world building

Shit man does this release add anything to the old version released a few years back? I played the fuck out of the mod when it first came out,

thaumaturgy/elementalism+trickster (arcane archer)

two new talent trees, new quests, mechanic overhauls


Jesus Jasper is an edgy faggot if I ever saw one. Muh hedonism and nothing is real, I would say it's a well written character but I'm 100% sure it's one of the writers projecting himself.

>better than skyrim
Not an accomishment.

skyrim is great though, a shit RPG but incredibly immersive adventure game

Yeah, those dungeons, the voice acting, the quests. All immersive as fuck dudester.

what the fuck is Dunwards problem

only the mage souls can use magic ya dingus, in lore its rare for someone to be an arcanist

How to open the second gate at Old Miskahmur

Nvm I'm retarded

there's 3 levers