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This would be the best horror game ever made if it wasn't so unnecessarily long.

ya. should be half the length - two/thirds at most. after a while i was just hoping it would end already

That's what made it such a good horror game, though. You want it to end but it keeps dragging you through hell.

Attached: AL.webm (842x474, 2.94M)

Reminder that you can hide if you sit in the corner of the opening outside of the ventways and it's coming out of that vent. Doesn't see you.

>sequel never
still my favorite game of this generation
based SEGA finally understanding that Alien is infinitely superior to Aliens

How would a fight between Mr. X and a xenomorph go?

>That's what made it such a good horror game, though. You want it to end but it keeps dragging you through hell.

EXACTLY! And it's one of the other reasons why the movies are so fucking good too.

>Mr. X probably rip something off
>Alien spews acid blood everywhere
>Unless it's a large amount of acid constantly raining on him he'll probably be mostly unscathed and go heal/get mutations that heal

like a fight between him and the licker goes.
they don't interact with each other

if Mr. X got a grip of one it would die. And the Xenomorph likely couldn't damage him with tail or claws or the mouth.
You would have to literally juice a Xenomorph and pour almost ALL of the acid blood in one on him to do actual damage.

I'm now thinking of what qualities a Tyrant-spawned xenomorph would have
And wasn't there a comic where some fuck tried to implant an alien embryo inside an android and plopped it in an alien infested planet?

Is any Alien movie past Aliens worth the time?


>Alien 3: Assembly Cut/Special Edition
>Alien Covenant

I don't know, I got kinda bored with it, at one point it stopped being scary and intense, and just became kind of a drag.
>in the beginning
>hear a noise
>get nervous as fuck
>frantically look around to see what made it while also looking where to hide
>later on
>at this point know when it's him making the noise
>''oh there's the annoying fucker again, let me just wait here for a bit until he goes back up a vent so I can continue''
It got old, ya know.

Play it on easy, it quicker since the alien isn't on your ass all the time

Covenant was horrible.

Oh its the door again

They should've done more smaller scenarios, maybe with randomized item placement.

You are not immersing yourself, of course its boring.


Pleb. No it wasn't. Prometheus was the garbage dumpster. I don't even know what you're talking about. Covenant was the first time we've seen the Alien since Alien Resurrection and it delivered beautifully both in terms of the cinematography and gore. Prometheus was fucking boring. I was disappointed as fuck that Ridley made the Engineers humanoid and stupid looking as fuck!

Alien Covenant was awesome. Especially the way Michael Fassbender got to be all creepy and shit.

Great game but had some notable flaws.
Biggest one for me was the stupid segment early on where you and the xenomorph trigger the explosive trap and you have to escape the burning room.

So for the past hour or so you've been dealing with the xenomorph at every turn, and the other enemies have all basically disappeared.
Immediately after this there's this nice big room with human enemy patrols and lots of paths through it.

You'd think from both a game design and narrative standpoint, the alien just got BLOWN THE FUCK UP literally a few minutes ago and they're giving you a break from it to deal with human enemies again for the first time in several hours.
But no. Alien shows up immediately and kills the guys in the room. Explosion was literally pointless.

Covenant had horrible dialogue, dumb as fuck characters, and atrociously fake looking CGI visuals.



I feel you, It's what made it so intense for me though. Even though it became a little repetitive or tedious at moments it all added up to the next segment being even that much more scary and exciting. Idk, I really liked it.

Covenant was retarded and of course only retards who likes it

U have no taste sir

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No Alien movie past Alien is worth the time

I like it how the alien beats the shit out of the humans. You could watch her do it a thousand times and there will always be something unique to see. Its something I wish RDR2 had because the open world gets stale as nothing interacts with each other outisde of scripted events. But man that allien likes to play mind games with me, its pretty smart and cheeky. Sometimes I run just to stire her up

Nice try lad. I just think you're a little sour about it that's all. Let's get James Cameron to make us one.

>got to be all creepy and shit.

So this is how Covenant fans talk. "All retarded and shit".

Alien 3 is only worth it for the last 10 minutes or so. The rest of it is a bunch of bald British dudes (and Charles Dutton) yelling "FUCK" in the dark.

I don't know if best, but it would definitevely benefit from some cuts here and there.
>that mission where you trap the alien, and the dude opens the door to let you escape and alien escapes too
A waste of time


The only hope for the franchise is a reboot. With the same creature. No origins story keep it a mystery. Forget about all sequels and prequels.

The second option is a sequel to Aliens or the first wich was about to happen until Mr Scott went all jealously and destroyed his own property. He even admitted he did not know WHY the people like the Alien so much.

Damn dude, no need to get all heated about it and treat me like shit. Objectively I enjoyed Covenant, got a problem?

congratulations on one of the most brainlet posts of all time

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One of my favorite VR experiences of all time, and before REmake 2, it was my favorite horror game of the last 5 years.

Fucking kill yourself.
1>3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>piss>>>>>your mother>>>>>

I heard it was short and the AI was bad. Was I being memed?

>xenomorph stomps as much as Mr X

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>CA will never make a siquel, or anything new, creative and that is not Total War

>unnecessarily long
you can beat it in a day.

And thank you! For being one of the biggest assholes of all time

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It's a very long game by modern standards. For a single player horror game it is meaty as fuck, compare with any RE or Silent Hill where they're like 3 hours or less on your second playthrough.

And no, the AI for the alien is really great and keeps you on your toes. Once in a while you get something retarded that makes you laugh like the Alien just walking right past you but that's very rare, especially after patches.
Human enemies are straight up fucktarded though. That doesn't matter much because they are just fodder to be eaten by the alien for your entertainment.

Seriously I am a big fan of Alien but that movie should have never seen the light of day. Absolutely horrible.

The alien is no longer a creepy mystery animal from another planet somewhere dark and deep in space. Its made by an adroid made by HUMANS. The most unoriginal BORING concept ever. So all that mystery is humans. Its so fucking retarded. All the engineers are killed by David and now it does not make sense how the engineer ship with an Engineer inside is found by the Nostromo crew. Its such a fucked up mess.

Also it made the Alien a dumb animal. Its not hiding somewhere in the dark. No its angry and jumping and running in full daylight like a fucking dog.

Fuck that piece of shit.

Yes, very much so.

one of the best games ever made and the best alien related thing since alien, fite me

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>never ever a blade runner game developed by this dev team

my dream game lads

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>You want it to end but it keeps dragging you through boredom.
Oh boy, here's another section and it has technical trouble, what a fucking surprise.
* power / computer / hydraulic / life support / toilet / system failure - fix before proceeding to next fucked section.*

Gtfo faggot

>the facehugger death sounds

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>mfw reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Blade Runner is just like 20% of it

HA! Neither should Prometheus seen the light of day!

Play alien isolation on your PS4 with mic detection during hayfever season.

In space, no-one has any antihistamines

This is my biggest problem with all horror games where you can't fight back and why I think I generally prefer something more actiony like Dead Space or a survival/resource management thing like RE/SH. After some hours I grow resistant to the horror but there can still be tense or interesting gameplay moments through other means. A well written story also does so much to keep my interest going.

True. Ridley scott should never touch the franchise ever again. Fuck those two movies.

James Cameron and David Fincher should also never have touched it.

you can fight back in alien isolation tho, the alien is pretty much mr x

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>resurrection above aliens

you're either trolling or a retard.

If you guys haven't seen it yet someone made Aliens as a roller coaster ride.

He's right user, Resurrection rocks in comparison to Aliens. Just sayin...

True, thats why this game is so great. It ignores all sequels and prequels everything is like the first movie that made it so great.

not him but Aliens is overrated by normie dudebros and the whole movie is a fucking meme. Space marines are a fucking meme.

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True A L I E N whore. And I've been a long time fan for years. I actually like all the films but Yea Forums universally sucks on A L I EN 1979's dick. None of the sequels get the bumps and love they deserve at all.

I onder how much cool shit was in the 3 Tb of info Fox gave to AC to make Isolation

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2 is garbage
I fucking hated how retarded were troops.
Every time they were on screen i felt like i'm watching some glorified blockbuster-propaganda about American army. They were acting out of the picture, very cheerful, not very horror like
They killed movie for me.

Attached: Under table oops.webm (1920x1080, 2.74M)

You do realize it was an allegory for America getting BTFO by Vietnam, right? They were supposed to be cocky until they got their shit caved in and realized how fucked they were.
But you're just baiting for (You)s so it's not like anything anyone says will fucking matter so I don't even know why I'm replying


>hiding under a desk from the ayylmao
>it hisses and sprints into some human who is screaming for their life
>hear it kill him and then stomp off
its a fantastic game, really enjoyed it fuck working joes

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>You do realize it was an allegory for America getting BTFO by Vietnam, right?
No. When i watch horror movie i expect only horror, not some political bullshit, even if it's some meta >BUT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BAD CHARACTERS i don't give a fuck.
They are bad and not ejoyable and if they serve to push some kind of political agenda it's even worse
>But you're just baiting for (You)s
FUCking kill yourself faggot

What place does that have in a fucking cosmic horror movie? Unless you're doing some Jacob's Ladder shit that sounds completely inappropriate thematically.

>I fucking hated how retarded were troops.
Didn't like being reminded of yourself?

And you sound completely retarded!

It was an Allegory for sci-fi horror because of the horrors of WAR you idiot. Also it pampered to the generation of the time that was all for the stricken war heroes of the war coming back home. There were a lot of cultural benefactors.

Sorry you're a brainlet

We need a game where you hide from both of them

I won't because you're right

Xenos rival him in strength and have good reflexes. as far as their teeth and claws, they're some sort of organic titanium

But can you fuck the Xeno and make her a queen?

>yfw Blade Runner and Alien take place in the same universe

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>it had allegories and metaphors, that make it good!

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Okay well now you know
Thank you for admitting you're 12 year old fishing for (You)s.

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>Okay well now you know
That doesn't make the movie more enjoyable for me.
I don't give a fuck about Clapistan or their war with gooks.
I wanted space horror like Alien 1.
2 has completely different narrative and atmosphere.
>Thank you for admitting you're 12 year old fishing for (You)s.
I'm 31.
Again with your "my opinion is absolute" bullshit? I bet you are mr. 56% yourself, that would explain your ego and how much you like that shitty movie

Attached: AI 2015-12-29 17-45-31-50.jpg (2560x1440, 1.26M)

fucking vents man, those always got me killed. never again

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>I'm 31
Holy shit you must be the saddest fucking man on the planet to get assblasted about Aliens on a video game forum. Please reevaluate your life decisions.

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>Time for the cryo and morgue area
>Take two steps out from beginning door, alien pops down and wanders about
>It goes back in vents and vanishes off detector range
>Walk out again
>It makes a beeline to pop down again the moment I get out in the middle of the room, maybe 15 steps at most
The alien was an asshole in this part. Over and over and over he popped out in that one tiny section as much as he did in every other place in the entire game combined.

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Nice progection, faggio
I'm married, 2 sons, run my own electronics store. I'm successful and have a good taste in movies, while you sit in your mothers basement and jerk off to gooks.

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He sure loves VLC

Do you have 500 confirmed kills though?

I'm sure your wife's sons have terrible taste in movies too

Attached: stickwiththeprod.webm (800x600, 1.93M)

that's pretty fucking creative

Those threads were hysterical

Reminder that hide and seek is not good horror game design.

Best Isolation memory
>new area
>i had was trying to get away from the alien
>Saw me so i tried to run for it.
>Turn a corner and get a bullet from three stupid human i didn´t knew were there.
>Quickly crouch and move aside behind a table
>Alien who was chasing me turns the corner runs directly at them and slaughtered all.
>Moments later he fucks off letting me the path clean to the elevator to get me out of the level

Poor guy thinks he's JC Denton

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he just didn't prod with the prod enough.

does the mod "alien unleashed" or something like that really makes the game better?
also, anybody tried the new hard mode they released later? thinking of replaying the game.

Would you a Xenomorph?

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I just read the synopsis of the game on Wikipedia. I don't really understand the plot. Ripley blew up the Nostromo, so how would it have been located?

Holy hell

The one after Hard? It's alright, it permamently disables your map and fucks with your detector and making items even more scarce just enrages my boner

Attached: AI 2019-02-24 16-42-49-95.jpg (3840x2160, 1.56M)

>run my own electronics store
So you make a living reselling things other people have made at a markup? A line cook at McDonalds literally contributes more of their own work to society than you and probably has better taste in movies.

Yes, Alien 3. Resurrection doesn't seem so bad now that Covenant lowered the bar even further.

Ends in pregnancy

>anybody tried the new hard mode they released later?
yes, it was pretty bullshit. the previous hardest difficulty was too easy and gave you too many items. this one makes items almost completely non-existant and has the alien virtually tied to you with a 10 foot rope. it would go up in a vent just to jump immediately back down faced the other way and come run at me, or turn to go down one hallway and immediately turn around and come back to where I'm hiding.
instead of tweaking it, they seemed like they just said fuck it and it made a swinging door effect on the difficulty.

Resurrection was pretty kino. No matter what people say about it there are a lot of things going for it that make it better than 3 in the least.

Allan is behind you

Fuck yeah. I wanna know that feel, bro.

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Dammit Giger stop making everything so fucking sexual, I already fapped.

>A line cook at McDonalds literally contributes more of their own work to society than you
>giving a fuck about others people
The only important thing in this world is you and your relatives and that you are make their and your life good.
By what means is this achieved is not important

Whatever do you mean? Check out this cool alien fortress. Nothing weird here.

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holy shit I'd kill for that

Stick with the prod.

I hate how the smoothness of everything makes it 10x more sexy. Fuckin Giger.

the real question is what would a xenomorph gestated in a mr. X would look like?

I would like a Dune game aswell, with Giger's cool designs.

Thoughts on the human skull under their domes? I always found it fascinating since despite it making up a portion of their skull, there's no eyes in the sockets. Just something vaguely human yet not human. Especially when they walk upright.

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Attached: AI 2016-03-08 20-36-04-71.jpg (2560x1440, 1.36M)

I want to reinstall Isolation now

Covenant was saved only because of Michael Fassbender's performance, everything else is shit

Fuck are you talking about. Most people sucks Aliens and Cameron's dick even more.

Honestly I'd like a Homeworld Deserts of Kharak kind of spinoff where you're part of a baserunner crew. I know it's not HW without the RTS and commanding play, but I really want some smaller scale that shows off just how fucking massive everything is in HW.

the original 1979 alien design is absolute peak kino, not much in this world comes close to how hard they nailed that design, the execution of the costume and how it's shot in the movie

>xenos rival him in strength
No they don't. They're strong but not even that strong for their size.

I’m convinced the man went to hell and fucked demons and returned to show us what it was like.

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Now I want to see Shodan made by Giger. Would probably be stupidly sexy.

The dinosaur legs are a bummer. The original was best.

Combine his shit with the voice and that’s too much spooky sexy for this world.


Almost all lines WJoe say is quote-friendly.

Attached: ouch.webm (1920x1080, 2.3M)

based H.R. Giger
risked his life for us and fucked a succubus
truly a hero

I'm glad that the Isolation Xeno takes the best aspects of Big Chap (transparent dome w/ skull) and the post Aliens design (digitigrade legs, longer tail) and puts them in one design.

Even the test footage is eerie.

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no bully

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Do not bully the Allen!

Only part I didn't like about it was every part that involved the robots. It was stupid that any time you encountered them the game just so happens to take all your weapons away. It's annoying to have absolutely no way to kill them and eventually smashing them over the head becomes impossible.

He's made several female faces that could work for Shodan.

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>film grain turns to shit in 4K

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Non-bullying causes accidents.

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So much atmosphere.

Playing this with a 65' UHD TV with 7.1 sure feels great.

Using a controller for that analog movement

Attached: Alien Isolation Screenshot 2018.07.20 - (3840x2160, 1.26M)

I really wish horror stuff worked on me. I enjoyed Isolation a lot but it was mostly for the art direction and the general tension of the gameplay, I feel like I really miss out by not being able to get legitimately scared or freaked out by games. I dunno why either, I've never had an issue with suspending disbelief for normal fantasy or sci-fi stuff but horror always just feels so silly to me that I can't take it seriously. I think the only game that's ever come close was the first STALKER, probably because it took place in settings that are inherently creepy to begin with and didn't come from a Western filmmaking tradition so everything was a lot less cliche and familiar.

>tfw no game plying as parker looking for his bonus

Attached: cCFvnsz.jpg (1200x660, 174K)

Explain the bonus situation to me

>art direction and the general tension of the gameplay
Congrats you're beyond jump scare trash.

Now you'll feel the pain of almost never being in the mood for scary games since most rely on muh jump scare HIGH LOUD SFX SKREEEE!!!!!!½

Ayysolation came at the right time for me.

For some reason I get the same feeling in SCP173 (old and clunky but that blink fucker is shits to teh balls for me).


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>p-p-panting and sweating as you run through my corridors

Yeah. That one at least.

this is the dumbest complaint ever and it's in literally every A:I thread

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>tfw no game about space jamming against teams of Joes and ayyliens
>the last match you have to make an amazing full station run as aliens try to block you before you slamdunk into the self destruct panel

That's right Nigguh! I get more than you do, and I get to be petted by the only pussy bearers. Well one of them, since the other got raped.
You can search for how by going to any lewd booru and searching for tags: all_the_way_through

>"No! I want LESS content in my game!"
I don't understand either

Fuck you Ash! leave me alone you non-hooman!

Let me upload mah kitteh pictueh

Attached: lhKpH.png (850x462, 594K)


I thought it was a bit too long.
Trouble is, the game doesn't really do anything new after a while. Once you've played about 2/3rds of the game you've seen the weapons, the mechanics, the tools and gadgets - and then you have to continue doing what you've been doing up until now for several hours.
If they had been more creative with what the player got to do then it would have been fine, but you're doing the same shit. It's solid shit, it's good, but it's all you're doing.
Have a section that mixes up what you've already learned to keep you on your toes. Give a time-limit, have an area that has some special feature, give the player a new thing to play around with.
I like the game but the last hours brought nothing new or challenging to the table.

Attached: Alien Isolation 2015.12.28 - (994x888, 2.2M)

Quantity =/= Quality

The longer isn't necessarily the better, especially in the survival-horror genre

Fucking cheap ass corp tech, they always skimp on everything and then a regular worker have to put up with this shit

I can't fight you, friend, because you speak absolute truth. I have *never* seen a game nail down the atmosphere so perfectly like this one did. It's practically a love letter to the original film.

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what went wrong?

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>you can actually see the skull in the head
I love how detailed they mad the alien model

turning old

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Zoomers are so shit. I remember ten years ago we shat on every AAA title that has a single player shorter than 12 hours. And 12 was a laughable bare minimum.

Games should be long. Especially when you’re paying $60+ for it.

>Made in the USA
United Americas exists in current canon?

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I'm going to catch you.

I'm sorry but I just can't play this game without laughing at Mr.Penis-head

w-what's it gonna do if it gets me?!

i-is it gonna try to go inside my asshole?!!? o_0;

They were on an old and decommissioned space station with old tech. Plus space faring communities are assumed to be behind the times on Earthly matters.

I really hope tre US isn’t canon in the Alien universe because it’s a universe in which corporations have enough money and power to launch hundreds of expeditions to other worlds and start colonies there. And we are to assume these corporations didn’t just buy the countries and change them to suit their needs? Highly unlikely. We are already seeing corporations take over countries TODAY. I could only imagine 500 years from now.

Then again, Joss Bitchass Whedon fucked it up already with Alien Resurrection by having the United Earth Marines or whatever they were called, implying world governments were still a thing, so who knows.

No Man's Sky has basically unlimited content. Does that make it the best game ever?

It has no story

Liar ahead

And there's long swathes of A:I that have no story that add nothing to the game except padding out the length.

Yeah he is a liar because he forgot to mention Prometheus as well which was also kino.

Alien Resurrection is the only one that should be completely avoided.

Playing through a level doesn’t mean there isn’t a story. The story is the motivation behind you doing things.

The reason why no one wants to keep playing No Mans Sky is because there’s no incentive, which a story could’ve added to.

>The story is the motivation behind you doing things.
No the story is things that advance the plot "go press this button" isn't story.

Original Xenomorph from Alien and Isolation would fuck Mr.X without a goddamn problem. Aliens and onward Alien X would have a much better chance.

>going into the hive for the first time

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imagine if the xenomorph actually had a big dripping equine-like penis and raped anyone it caught to death
would that be funny haha

Dunno if I'm retarded but I couldn't for the life of me figure out the stealth in this game, no matter what I tried doing the ayylmao would get me. If I move too far, he gets me. If I stay hidden too long, he finds me. I kind of dropped it pretty early on in the medical bay or whatever because I couldn't get past it and I started playing other games that were nore fun. And before that, I was stuck for about an hour on the very first stealth section with those four people in the mess hall.

Another thing is, I was crafting all these items but it never seemed like a good time to use them. I'm planning to get back to it because I LOVE the visual design but I need to figure out what I've been doing wrong.

Why wouldn't he? It can play almost every video file type you could think of!

Brainlets are so blind to things it’s embarassing

Facehugger does that part for it

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You misunderstand, in old Alien lore The United Americas is Canada, USA, Central American and South American united. The British and Chinese also have super powerful empires in the stars

>can't hurt the alien in any way
>but can almost permanently scare it away

lmao retarded, horror my ass this is a walking simulator with jumpscares

I didn’t misunderstand, I’m saying country governments no matter how they are reshaped, still seem irrelevant in the shadow of the megacorporations. Even a United Earth doesnt seem like a threat to Weyland Yutani

they canonically cannot break metal doors, tyrants go through walls

You joke but it literally happens in the game, everyone is sneezing and coughing all the time

Well, considering the get bought out by Walmart I see your point

behind the dune is pretty good

Fucking zoomers and their ADD.

I wish this got a sequel so bad

>they canonically cannot break metal doors

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>retards whine excessively about Covenant because flute duet made them uncomfortable while ignoring actual flaws in the screenplay like a lander exploding from one shotgun blast in the bay area
Covenant is mostly a good movie and good expansion of the lore despite Scott's senility starting press him in dialogue and stuff (evident in his other movies as well). AI is a great game but suffers from not daring to go much beyond doing 1:1 fanservice of the first movie at any point. At least could've done something more interesting with the Derelict.

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Immerse yourself in lava.

there will be on iOS

Alien Blackout? It's just a FNAF game with an Alien skin.

Covenant was great. I loved the aesthetics of the colonists and their tech (Tennessee was also a great new character). I hope a sequel makes use of him assuming David didn’t genetically experiment on him in cryo

What would happen if a Xenomorph encountered Mr. X? do you think they'd like each other?

Covenant's fucking retarded for the simple reason that the "ultimate lifeform" of the Neomorphs are far more effective than a Xenomorph. It's stupid in the worst way.

Xenos can be put under a jet engine exhaust for good 5 seconds at least and not slow down. They are fucking durable despite being presented as shitty gunfodder in Aliens. Strength is inconsistent. Think they've been displayed ripping through doors in comics and some of the movies but also being incapable of breaking through shit that seems much weaker.

Prometheus was legit some of the best sci-fi production design I've ever seen in a movie. The story was fanfic-tier but I had a lot of fun watching it. Same with Covenant for the Stargate SG-1 vibes.

It's fun, who cares?
Also starting a post with REMINDER should result in a permaban. Faggot.

Will there ever be a DLC or some other material put out that will address the bonus situation? I've been waiting for years to have it figured out

Good post.

>a chestburster of mr.x
True terror

The contrast of super good stuff and super bad stuff in Prometheus is fucking baffling. Looking at shit like the head study scene where they are studying a well-preserved head of an alien lifeform that looks almost but not kinda like a human in a supposedly sterile environment, then this supposedly scientist person runs in drunk in casual clothes while drinking champagne and starts bitching about how they found nothing interesting despite literally finding stuff that would be some of the most fucking meaningful discoveries in human fucking history, and nobody else in the room even raises an eye-brow. Then they fucking decide to fucking "reanimate" the head (!?!?!?) and it EXPLODES (!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?).

I just hope they finish David's storyline in any meaningful way possible.

No, but apparently they are celebrating the franchise's 40th anniversary with a Parker figure.

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I have a feeling David will be the carrier of a new Alienform, birthed from his synthetic body.

It would be an extension of the themes and narratives he has set up already and similar to BR2049 with the Alien twist to it.

I think that’s always been David’s ultimate purpose in the Alien universe.

It's more than that but also yeah.

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You would not want to put your asshole near an Alien egg, son.

I dunno how that would work when the synths have been immune to the black goo and facehugger ejaculate by extension for a while now.

Does a facehugger have enough push to force a large egg up your ass?

It has enough push to get past your epiglottis, it will have enough push to get up your unlubed ass.

>Covenant is mostly a good movie and good expansion of the lore

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Right, but the theme of Alien is always about the evolution of life in many unexpected ways.

I have my doubts.

True. I just kinda hope they do it in some less confusing way. Like, the prequel creatures have been pretty organic, so I can see the justification for giving them the biomechanoid edge, but I dunno if the lorewriters intented there to be a difference and if the common audience even cares about the details. Explaining it could be really fucking difficult for common audiences without them either going a) "that's too unimmersive, I don't believe it!" or b) "this is too convoluted, I'm bored!"

If they do such synthesis of organic and alien tech, I would leave it vague and caused by the theorized higher-than-engineers Creator species' tech. Like, have David go "I've perfected my creation!" and then they mutate further after interacting with some gigeresque ruins and leave it at that, giving a nice hint at some unknown truly alien influence still persisting in the setting and closing David's story arc with a bittersweet realization that there was always something above and beyond him while knowing that at least he got some part to play in the bigger scheme (revitalization of the creators, ala lovecraftian "one day the old gods that were dead will return"), hmm.

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What would the gameplay be like?

Every single movie where they close a door on them. they can melt through them with acid but they can't bust them down. hell they don't even dent them.

Think there's a shot in Aliens when they escape the main complex and they close the door on the aliens and they start banging it so that it starts bulging and breaking. Resurrection also had similar thing when Ripley's clone escapes the holding cell.

>multiple movies show them bursting through doors
>aliens alone has them bursting through reinforced metal doors
Yea nah. we see them lift 500+ predators like paper

How so? It probably won't have a sequel so what's the matter if it's long?

just stick it in

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he cute

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Honestly the first encounter with the humans is the hardest part of the game imo. I couldn't quite figure out how they worked and ended up just running past them hoping to not get oneshotted. Noisemakers are your best friend for the alien.

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The ending credits theme is so good.

This thread inspired me to play this again.
So I popped it into my PS4 and jesus christ the graphics look so much worse than I remembered. I should have gone PC for this one but oh well I guess.

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Only real problem I had with AI is that originally they stated it was possible to find friendly scavengers but after release everyone not a scripted named character is hostile, only difference is some will warn you off while others shoot upon sight.

The complaint is really that not enough is added to spice up the same gameplay loop you get engaged in in the first 30 minutes of the game. Facehuggers show up, that's pretty much it.

play it on ps3 like I did and then everything else will look good

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Objectively right. There's not a differing opinion on this question that isn't complete fucking retardation.

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