RIP Terraria 2
RIP Minecraft
RIP Cubeworld
RIP Terraria 2
Isn't cubeworld not a Minecraft clone though.
>it's literally a 3D terraria
My dick is diamonds.
Unironically semi-hype. Any word on a release?
I just want a better framework for my autistic tech modpacks.
Beta confirmed for March. Release probably in June/July.
RIP videogames
But will it have soul like Minecraft?
RIP cute user
It's endorsed by notch and I don't think he would do that if it was soulless.
The current iteration of Minecraft is bonafide SOULLESS.
Wait why rip user? Did he say candlejack or someth
Just 6 biomes?
The only good thing that will come out of this game are the ERP servers.
Compared to the Alpha/Beta days it's like a soul drought, but even now it has much more than most games.
They are called zones, and I believe each zone has biomes in it.
I wonder how fucked Re-Logic is. They've been delaying Terraria 2 and had to cancel the outsourced shitty spinoff they had planned. They've been burning money for so long that they've become irrelevant before releasing their game.
Source for that claim?
isn't riot funding this game? if so it can't be very soulful
I think they are an investor but I don't see why that would affect the game unless they push for microtransactions and shit.
Delete those nasty player model textures and then we'll talk.
how far along is this? my autism for progress-based rogue-lite RPGs won't last forever
Closed alpha has been going on since November. Closed beta was confirmed by emails. As for release, that's up for debate.
this. i haven't seen much about this game but those textures are just awful.
investors carry a lot of influence, just look at the chinks
>RIP Terraria 2
It's never gonna come out anyway.
Is it single player? I didn't hear much about it but please for the love of God let this game have a single player feature. I don't want to have to get screwed over by thousands of autistic griefers in a battle royale-esque meme server filled with idiots.