This is why I haven't bought any new games in years

No restrictions

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Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like Second Life. If not, has the same playerbase anyway.

how can you not see which game that is from the computer/cup and pencil behind the glossy tits

It's Skyrim 2: the remakening


OP, I...

This is creation kit simulator 2

I'll give you a hint: BUY MY GAME!

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I see you're the lowest of waifufags, but man, FO4 is just irredeemable shit.

Are F4 porn mods better than Skyrim's yet? Thinking of reinstalling, but the last time I checked the mod support was kind of shit.

>bethesda games
no amount of mods can fix the absolute shit gameplay
when will we get a better game to become the goto porn mod game?

Attached: ew.gif (400x225, 1.14M)

fuck consoletards

It still is F4 only shines with being a pretty dress up sim.

depends on if those ATF faggots get off their asses and make Sims 4 better

it's salright just ignore the story and download some mods bitch ...also she is covered jannies

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You have to buy it to find out.

>Dude just mod it and it becomes fun lmao

>ignore the story
so all you're left with is a shitty fps and bag lady simulator

Are you installing nude mods now, Todd?

soon... soon...

Attached: santa monica.png (2560x1440, 1.95M)

Fallout 4 would have died years ago if not for the waifushits propping up its corpse every couple of months when some new variation of a body mod drops with a compatible line of skimp to slap on it.


we're going home, bros...

No im listening to DAGOTHWAVE

in the light of silence of a dream within a dream

Hold on a minute? Is this what i think it is? SOMEONE REALLY MAKING IT?

ey nigguh dumb dat imgur

>Those nonexistent hips

Attached: Absolutely_disgusting3.jpg (400x300, 65K)

Yea Forums has no idea what a woman looks like

>santa monica

i don't care what they look like
people are fucking delusional if they think this shit is better in real life than in their head
real women literally cannot compete

True, its usually all I see fags who like the game talking. excluding the general where they write up autistic greentext stories of fantasies they have with Cait or Clover.

i think so... it's time... we're going home bros...

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People have been claiming to be porting VTMB to a new engine for well over a decade. Nothing ever comes of it.

Wait, is this a thing paradox is doing or what?

not wrong but also if you want an idealised digital wife you should at least try to make it look like a human

You haven't bought any new games in years due to grotesque character mods?

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you're alright by me

Fallout 4 has the best gameplay in the series.

Fallout 4

Its a pity that F76 couldn't have improved on that.

Name 1

game other that todd's legacy that give you so much control and that is actually a game + constantly updated daily with new free shit.

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Thats not saying much.

>bethshit generals have a bad rep for porn mods
>hit one of them looking for porn mods
>it's just a bunch of degenerate characterfags chatting with each other
Even the generals for Todd's games let me down.

What part of idealized you don't understand.

No amount of mods can fix everything that's wrong with Fallout 4.
>dress up like a whore
>"I miss my son and want him back"
It's shit, Jim.

>"I miss my son and want him back"

>No restrictions
vidya was literally best back in the snes/ps1 days, when limitations increased creativity
'you can do literally anything you want' rarely makes for fun games, except for autists

Then you have autists like Caitfag shitting up the place and rambling on about how much they loved their used goods waifu.

My character has no children

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Being a concerned mother searching for her son who loses her way to random raider gang rapes and casual prostitution just makes the sex mods hotter really.

Fallout 4 has its own equivalent to skyrim's alternate start that lets you drop the backstory. I'm don't feel like looking it back up for you on nexus, though.

This, for fuck's sake. I just want to play the same grizzled and mocking old fuck I always play, not some whinny shit.

alt start works for skyrim/new vegas because you have no backstory
you're son isn't an integral part of the main story

It really has been years because apparently this has been around for three. Never did pay much attention to Fallout 4's modding scene, especially after Skyrim's mess.


This guy gets it. I swear to god, you faggots are beyond vanilla.

and what does it do about the part where your son is head of the institute?

I have gotten off to people being dipped in acid. Don't you DARE think you can step to me, you son of a bitch.

> people being dipped in acid
Like, what acid and for porn or torture/murder purposes?

>not liking russian tardmods that look and play like garbage means i'm vanilla

Look, you play through Fallout 4's story once and never again.
>but that just leaves mucking around the commonwealth doing the exact same shit I did before
Life's a bitch ain't it?

Shit taste.

Where can I download those mods?

For murder. I found the way she screamed when the ligaments ripped off her when she tried to run away erotic. I've also gotten off to a girl being raped and then her head being blown off with a shotgun upon climax. Just because I want a specific scenario to jerk it to once in a while doesn't mean even for a goddamn second that I'm vanilla. It's a power thing. It's the same reason why almost everything I get off to is or resembles rape in someway.

Time traveler

Nexus is just one click of a way...
It's not spread out like Skyrim mods are.

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I think you got the wrong game there, sweetie. Skyrim is three doors back.

You're a terrible person and should probably talk to a shrink.

This is a new game announcement, not a port.

>bragging about beeing an irredeemable degenerate faggot
i hope you get a bullet

alright chief

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Fuck you I just got done fapping earlier

Fuck you!

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you have to buy them all to find out

You mean GUNplay.

We're at 4channel.
the nice, totally safe for work version of Yea Forums. And don't you forget it.

Why are you all so fucking gay?

Read the Rosenhan Experiment. Shrinks don't know shit.
>B-b-but it's an old test.
Time the test was done doesn't change human nature.
Go die in a fire. The world is fucked and you ain't shit.

This + Silent protag mod fixes that shit
Although, it's not perfect in that if you do quests especially the main quest it will become apparent the mod can't mask 100% of the original dialogue and motivations of the character, so you still get some lines that are unchanged.
IIRC, last time I played, the conversation with Father was very much unchanged

What happens if I pirate it instead?

what wrong with abs?

>Todd fanboys find this shit attractive
The absolute state of Bethesdafags

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I mean, I agree with you, but it's Yea Forums, we're ALREADY in the worst shithole of the internet where degenerates and crazies come to gather, you can't really expect them to go elsewhere
Look at this faggot for example
What red blooded man of common sense would hate abs? None, I tell you

Dude... I just didn't want to be a meany and tell him/you to kill him/your-self

The sims 3

If you have to play and mod Skyrim to just fuck around with big tittied anime girl why not play a game specifically made to fuck around with big tittied anime girls like koikatu?

That would be painful

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Yea Forums defiantly isn't the worst place on the internet.

Yeah, but the gameplay is ass

There's nothing feminine about abs. You like men. You want to blow ripped chads such as myself.

>wide as fuck manshoulders
>no hips

You belong here less than the tryhard you're replying to.

Every complaint against Fallout 4 is always in the sphere of bad roleplaying/writing/engine performance, not gameplay. What does it do worse versus the older games? I can't think of anything.

Chances are you might be on several watch lists for this shit user. Just saying admitting to liking things of that nature calls into question how far along you are from actively participating in such acts. Its just like those people that go on about gays only to get caught in the act of getting bummed with their secret gay lover.

Well, of course it isn't. I'm just saying you shouldn't really be outraged if some sicko posts on Yea Forums about his death fantasies. It's the natural way of this site, as much as I wish those people were restricted to their containment sites

No, for the one muscle group that women can develop visibly without steroids is abs. And in fact isn't uncommon at all between girls that hit the gym

Modded Fallout 4

>What does it do worse versus the older games?
turns an rpg series into an fps

Honey select you inbred monkeyfucker; there's an entire dedicated discord full of people who will gladly do tech support for it, tens of thousands of character cards in existence publicly available on a single booru, and dozens of free hacked versions from every corner of the earth

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Koikatsu is anime, stupid. You need third degree autism to make non-chink looking faces in Honey Select and even then they don't really look the part. Then you have shit like Klub 17 or something along these lines with awful la goblina aesthetics. Bethshit is popular for a reason.

>admitting to liking things of that nature calls into question how far along you are from actively participating in such acts
whoa, are you an fbi profiler or something
those are some real hot opinions

Long story short, don't worry about it.

Well, I'd say skills, perks and so on tie to the GAMEplay.
I do agree Fallout 4 has better gunplay than 3 or Vegas (as low as a bar that is) but I don't agree it has better gameplay as a whole. Because it lacks what made the other games fun
I guess some people would group perks and traits under roleplay, and some perks do fit that role more than anything, but clearly perks also serve the function of building a more interesting, fun character to play based off whatever playstyle you choose
In 4 perks are infamous for being shitty +%

Fuck off faggot, your inferior taste is not welcome on this board

do any of these modded bethesda games have body replacements with half decent armpits? I could be into this degeneracy as long as it caters to my extremely specific fetish

How is the state of sex mods in Fallout compared to Skyrim

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That already happened with Fallout 3, and 1 and 2 had such terrible combat mechanics it wasn't even a loss.

Honestly I don't think so, I don't think I've ever seen a skyrim/f4 body mod that had good armpits, especially considering these games aren't exactly done with extreme stretching of the characters in mind

Really poor. 4 more so than 3/NV due to changes made to the engine.

I've never seen decent armpits on anything come to think of it.

yep, vidya armpits have pretty much always been completely awful, especially on 3d models
maybe next decade


Fallout, I recognize the shitty computer behind.

>Skyrim has the best fucking mods but the Skeleton rig keeps breaking

>Fallout 4 has only surface level cosmetic mods and the shit on Loverslab is coded like ass and panders to the worst fetishes

Why is it only fucking Todd titles that get a huge surplus of adult mods.

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Because of tits?

Modding tools rushed out of the door and a solid established community.

So what does one do in these games with these mods? Just play the regular story mode except have huge tits?

Because fallout isn't a sexy setting. Look at the OP image for fucks sake, would you want to fuck there?

the intel room maybe
or on top of ack ack's corpse
idk man i just wanna fuck

>post apocalyptic peak societal degeneracy isn't a sexy setting

>haven't bought any new games
>sexy bunny girl
Go home ResetERA. You're triggered.

almost every inch of the game is covered in dirt and most places dont even have working plumbing.

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much like those three years i spent getting high and fucking my alcoholic gf in the inner city...

i literally cannot think about Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, or either Skyrims without becoming horny
i will never be able to mod these games, holy shit

Lose battles and watch four second sex animation loop play
Win battles and watch four second sex animation loop play
Pay NPCs and watch four second sex animation loop play
Get paid by NPCs and watch four second sex animation loop play

I'm honestly not sure if you're joking or not.


If you can read and type ... you can mod.

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And all the water is irradiated and they don't have nearly enough food to survive anywhere and they should be dead from eating 200 year old canned food. The shitty setting and rulesets introduced with 3 didn't stop you before, why would they stop you now?

And fantasy medieval europe isn't?

Personally, I go in and change every minor detail to something sexy.

For example in Skyrim:
>All statues replaced with big tittied versions of the Gods
>Bar maidens dancing in Inn's looking for dick
>Replace all the companions with NSFW substitutes including face/hair/clothe changes
>add optional companions who are strictly eye candy
>additional physics to ass/tits

It just makes the game more enjoyable for a single piece of shit such as myself. I honestly cant consider it fappable, but its nice to see a pair of tits at every turn in an otherwise boring world.

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skyrim or skyrim: se for lewd mods?

I pirated fallout 2 recently and got a warning from my isp ;p

Gotta respect this honesty.

Can relate.

Need more of that butt

I do this every time I mod my game and get tired of it ruining the setting five minutes after I'm done jacking off.

Legendary Edition only if you really must have old janky sexlab mods. SE has all the more modern vanilla sexmods LE does and is the better version of Skyrim overall.

Besheda should finnaly give up and just create adult games...

gotchu brutha

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>Bethesda is essentially leading the pack for base games to add adult mods to

>Fallout76 was a multiplayer game with a broken engine.

>TES6 will use the same engine and probably wont be available for years to come.

Its absolute pain being stuck with Fallout 4 being the most modern single player title from Bethesda. I can put titties everywhere I want, but fuck me, I hate actually playing through the real content for the tenth time.

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Pretty much this. It's not like these games have a good story or gameplay. It just enhances my experience.

>only 3D thick that looks good belongs to a game lacking in porn mods

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This is literally THE PERFECT BODY TYPE


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That's terrible

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So uhh... what will the new fallout game be?


post more

>You need third degree autism to make non-chink looking faces in Honey Select and even then they don't really look the part.

You were saying?

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Whoever is making these costumes, keep making more, this shit is good.
Maker her white and change her hair to pic related. Take another screenshot, same position.

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Lydia is ...

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I stand by my post.

Stop telling the truth, you goof ball

Holy shit I need more of Lydia


Well you're wrong

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why so greasy?

A disproportional bimbo.

I've been making a conscious effort to work on my backlog so I've pretty much bought nothing in the last few months except the RE2 Remake and the new Rabi-Ribi DLC.

Will the new bethesda game have good waifus?

what build should i use in NV to have as much content open to me as possible
any particular stats get alot of checks

I thought Fallout 4 had no adult content after BethSoft locked down the way to add custom animations?

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These mods are the last bastion of freedom in gaming.
Western games have fallen to the beasts.

Attached: Bimbos all over the shop.png (1920x1080, 2.94M)

VATS her head off her shoulders and share a screenshot of that yeah

They found a way but it was too late by then, the scene already died. There's the absolute minimum and that's it.

lol wut

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>mod in skimpy clothes for all NPC's to wear
Good shit my dude, Grea-

>mod also applies to the eldery
>80 year old raildroad map wrinkled face complete with turkey gobbler hard cuts at the neck to a banging 10/10 smooth body and clothes to match

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Sad stuff. Guess Skyrim's still the main game for depraved mods then.

Like I said, bare minimum.

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predictions on the new bethesda title?

>mods are the last bastion of freedom in gaming
not for long.
>skyrim 6: elsweyr comes out
>always online with forced multiplayer
>paid mods only

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based and musclemommy pilled

Fallout 3/NV Remaster
with co-op

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It better be on the Fallout 4 engine so we can easily use the mods and also have settlements then..


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Skyrim unironically has more variety than Koikatu, or most dedicated porn games for that matter. I'm not proud of how much confidence
I have in that statement.

Fallout 77

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>tfw like the idea of modding
>hate the reality, tedium, troubleshooting, and keeping up with updates reality of it

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depends on the game, Skyrim SE and FO4 are really easy to mod

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mod organizer 2

Dude I had such a sexy muscle orc in Skyrim classic but I accidentally deleted the save and chargen folder during cleanup switching to sse ... along with this character.

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I want her to kidnap me and keep me around as her little spoon husband pet

koikatu gets boring and the "simulation" part is totally half-assed. honey select is even more boring.

>sexy muscle orc in Skyrim classic

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Maybe you'll actually enjoy modding. Who knows, you might awaken to hidden autism once you get started.

Is there already a mod that makes stats and perks work like they did in 3 and NV?

Sauce me on that armor, I see it everywhere but I never found it.

>mod skyrim a lot
>forsworn bandit charges me
>she's half naked and jiggling like flan
>whack her
>feel bad

Orcs make me feel funny

Attached: 1528266810466.gif (960x540, 604K)

I enjoy modding when its relatively tedium free

>just download
>mostly everything is compatible
>few if any errors
>once spent an entire week browsing and just downloading mods/maps/addons/sweps till the addon folder swells to 10GB

>mod organizer
>load order
>hidden conflicts
>millions of ways shit can go wrong
>spend more time troubleshooting than actually playing

fuck it don't have the energy anymore

>made by the transgender paradox devs
No I'm okay thx

is that a lesbian start mod?

mods are the only reason I buy bethseda games, without mods I am not a customer. No exceptions.

i just treat the sex mods like any other mod that adds immersion. nude bodies because humans are actually nude. sex mods because people like to have sex. so i just have a normal mod list, go out and adventure then dump my loot into a chest in my house and go have sexy time with my harem.

Not today thot

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>no sexy vampires at all
c-cant wait..

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Won't matter if use the mod since the game wasn't designed around it and you'll constantly be disappointed because it's still not like the previous games.

Modding bethesda games is more like playing amateur game dev. You can customize your experience without the hassle of learning to code. Although, you might learn it eventually since modding these games is also like a never ending rabbit hole.

>buying games

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Demi sexual trans Muslim 5 o'clock shadow vampires you mean.

>T&A mods
Whatever floats your boat.


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The suspension of disbelief is broken when you're doing a main quest and your drugged out whore of a mother main character is speaking in proper sentences and acts like coming out of the Vault was two days ago.


>fallout 4 faces are always a slightly different skin tone than bodies even when using an all in one character reskin mod
help me Yea Forums

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Daily free content

god i hope the new bethedsa release is just a single player experience set in 76, what a wasted map.

Got a link for those DOA races?

Based user

it was here before became retarded

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what body are you using

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>that fuzz on the skin texture
when games are finally able to show girls with real fuzz on their skin i will never stop fapping

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I think it's subsurface scattering

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once in game

type slm 14 in the console to change appearance
flip through presets 4-8

choose one
type in the console for the specific character to match skin

player.setrace MomijiRace

player.setrace kasumiRace

player.setrace AyaneRace

player.setrace HitomiRace
be sure to save

I think you can change hair of Momiji, Ayane and Hitomi but not Kasumi.

Thank you kind sir
Screenshots of Kasumi?

I remember people saying Fallout 4's mod scene didn't last that long. If that's so won't that affect how people see Elder Scrolls VI in term of modding potential? Also what are some communities that are rife with mod support at the moment?

japs make porn game
>first thing EVERY person does is download mods for more slider options, uncensored, and futa

>devs make 10 more games inseries devoid of expanded slider options, official decensor options, or futa

western dev makes a porn game
>lackluster cg art tied to grinding levels in an archaic and dull grid/ text based overworld
>everyone just downloads the cg instead

fans make western game into porn game with mods:
>get exactly what you want
>ai routines allows npcs to fuck each toher without you having to manually select positions and wrestle with a shitty camera
>can make whatever waifu you want

i don't get how we don't have a corruption of champions full conversion mod for skyrim yet
the devs would rake in billions

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who the fuck would continuously play a fallout game?

Settlement building

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I apologize for my shit-posting. Carry on.

>see that people are making pov sfm futa porn in skyrim
>absolutely no documentation of what mods they used

Attached: babby.gif (385x383, 373K)

don't get to excited. that settlement runs at sub 20 fps.

last time I checked when you get this big the game becomes a slideshow

Isnt it easier to just do this in the creation kit? You get better controls for one.

> slideshow
it was made in the creation kit and crashed whenever unpaused

>absolutely no documentation of what mods they used
Enhanced Camera and Schlongs of Skyrim

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yo ho fiddle de dee

Be honest. Do bandits and supermutants and such still spawn inside there? Are those walls just for looks?

Fuck. Maybe I should just learn to code and make my own post apocalyptic town simulator.

That's one of the biggest things I hate about fallout 4 ... fucking settlement building. It would have been nice to just have like a little mode where you build just a little shelter for yourself but they took it too far. So many areas of the game are just settlement bait for you. Imagine if half of those areas were cities/small faction towns ... like the little places between the main hubs in skyrim. 200 years

>Do bandits and supermutants and such still spawn inside there?
that's a problem with all of 4, Bethesda said they fixed it but all they did was turn down how often your settlements get attacked

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God says fuck the Irish

It's up on wayback machine. For archival purposes:

Tribal Clothe UUNP Bodyslide HDT:


Attached: tumblr_ocgoxhrK5y1v2dyaxo1_r1_1280.jpg (1024x576, 48K)

>This image was taken seconds before a tragic housefire erupted
There were no survivors.

When 4 first released, I thought that when you take all the settlements around a surrounding city, you could then begin building in the city. Like you take Sanctuary, Red Rocket, Outpost Zimoja, Starlight Drive in, Abernathy Farm, and then you could start rebuilding Concorde.


Attached: 1467156383761.jpg (1920x1200, 576K)

You must have a serve case of autism to have build all that shit up. I would have given up on this game entirely if not for the Sim Settlement mods that have now fully replaced any need for me to build.

Do tell more, I hate settlement building.

Not him but Artist usually have some type of weirdness about them, at least the modder made the best out of his purchase, what you have you done?

Fucking Concord ... what a waste of space
All those unique buildings and bordered up walls.

Fucking Fallout 4.

prudish values are stupid bla bla bla, you are stupid bla bla bla, buy my game bla bla bla ad infinitum

I genuinely believed that the game had some hidden values, that when you cleared out Thicket Excavations, Concorde would become a settlement and have a source of work and income.

Attached: 1467156320180.jpg (1920x1200, 514K)

Not him but Sim Settlements is like some mod that takes the zoning from Simcites and makes it work in F4. Supposedly one of the new releases makes it so that settlements can be rendered into the world and your job is to raid them as part of a new faction at the start of the game. You can kill that prick Preston and just go full warlord on the settlements. I haven't tried it because I gave up on F4 months ago with the settlements being a contributing factor.


If only builds like these were actually doable.

>Download a lot of very specific mods for CBBE
>Get told another body is superior in every way
Good lord it's soo tiresome modding skyrim why isn't there just a giant folder where you can drag a drop mannn.....

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>Get told another body is superior in every way
Atomic Beauty is superior to CBBE

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Fallout 4 is fucking shit though

What you actually do is use bodyslide to make the best bodies.


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Nah the worst part is having one body shape applied to all NPCs with no real variation outside of fat bitch and chicken legs. Having a variety to choose from is what allows you to appreciate the ass and tiddies more. Especially when its got a lot of short/tall girl action.

She ..saved millions?

Default Nora is best girl


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While killing trillions

Looks like shit incel

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Maybe she was harvesting them instead.

>still no immersive first person camera mod
>sex mods are far and few inbetween and broken to hell
Why would you waste time on FO4?

>Make a tall girl and want to her to get fucked my every organism
>The result is just a bunch of clipping
Is there actually a way to fix this? Please don't tell me i have to manually pose them because fuck all that shit, i just want my tall girl!

Attached: 1537345916553.png (651x560, 150K)

Attached: 1539527754174.jpg (1920x1080, 825K)

That's the worst business decision anyone has made in the history of mankind

Todd knows how to entertain.

You'd think modders would just align animations dynamically based on the position of genitalia at this point, but nope.


Attached: Fallout4_2018-03-22_23-48-31-20.jpg (1920x1080, 544K)

Attached: 1521291394917.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

Do you like my waifu Yea Forums?

Attached: enb2019_2_24_04_04_05.jpg (1440x2560, 1002K)

The outfit has heels if you guys were wondering. The pants are assless chaps.

Attached: bunny.png (1755x1078, 381K)

>are assless chaps.

Attached: 1530053354917.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Mind linking the outfit too?

bethesda engine doesnt do subsurface scattering. theres fuzz drawn onto the texture.

BIG ass mod ... lots of skyrim shit ported to fallout. The bunny outfit uses different heels though. It's called Bunny Heart

Thanks, man.

How so? Does it have more polygons?

If it's just default shape then who gives a shit. You can make whatever in bodyslide.


>Fallout 4 even


Attached: rIqEDLB.png (420x420, 282K)

>technology has advanced to a level where men can design and jack off to whatever they want
>they choose this monstrosity


Shouldn't you be in some Catherine FB thread

Attached: ScreenShot213.png (1920x1080, 3.59M)

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>Implementation of fake "subsurface scattering" effect

Though SS is in SkyrimSE's ENB wrapper. Not sure if it's gotten into FO4's yet.

Speaking of which, wasn't SE broken on PC? Some sort of effect missing that is present on consoles or something?

>muh immershun

Some people feel more immersed in a game they've modded to their own liking than what the devs intended it to be

Attached: TESV_2017_07_10_20_05_56_821.jpg (1920x1080, 1.51M)

This body is literally impossible even with surgery. Our body doesn't selectively store fat in certain areas and is ripped and shredded in others, it doesn't work like that.
It's like retards doing situps thinking it's gonna remove the fat from their abs.
I dunno mane.

Attached: 1504266994721.jpg (300x300, 24K)

>This body is literally impossible even with surgery
ok fatty

Attached: 72837-0-1472223043.jpg (1620x2160, 1.95M)

>OP confirmed homo
that's literally a male part, I bet it's a fucking man part in-game too.

Attached: thatamanbaby.jpg (670x603, 41K)

I can't see her tits and neck, this is more realistic and is nothing like OP's pic.

Attached: joe_thelizard_rogan.jpg (909x669, 49K)

What armour? Also what is actually the point of that building?


Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

God. That's my favorite body type.
tfw she will never kidnap me to fill both voids of her losing her husband and boy
tfw she sill never pin me down and ride my dick for hours in amazon position

what about this?

Attached: 1481579622689.jpg (640x640, 66K)

Attached: 1548578552953.jpg (1080x1062, 45K)


Attached: SS 30.jpg (1920x1080, 401K)

>tfw you don't feel like jumping through all those hoops again of downloading, installing mods and make them work

dat's it mane

Functionally or ascetically?

Go on....

Both, cbbe has weirdly thin arms

Attached: 26996-1-1506326947.jpg (1920x1080, 490K)

Gib the fucking outfit mods.

I think it's this one

I cannot post anymore because the kids there are involved with the "fun" stuff :^)


These threads always make me curious about modded skyrim for fapping, but it seems like by the time I go through all that work of modding and getting everything just right, I'll probably only use it a handful of times and it would have just been faster to jack off to normal hentai instead, not unlike honeyselect.

Attached: 1546951285119.png (300x900, 441K)

Go back.

You're correct. Sometimes it's worth it just for a single, good fap though.

at least use imgur

Post a fucking link, nerd.

Women can have abs


make your own

Give us the tools


atomic beauty has detailed muscles on the model instead of having all the detail through textures, and is compatible with cbbe textures.


Attached: 72850_screenshots_20190219122403_1.jpg (1600x900, 274K)

Yeah, same happened to me with Skyrim, Sims 3 and 4. Multiple times too. Thing is, porn mods can't hold me for long and it's almost always a hassle to set up. Still, FO4 is an uncharted territory for, so might as well.

Attached: newvegas.jpg (1191x670, 242K)

Little secret

I don't actually jerk it to video games. I just like making buff/sexy bitches and blowing heads off/shooting bows in skyrim.

>not the kid mod

huh, thanks user

Do I need seperate bodyslide conversions?

you can't fuck kids in 4

every fucking time

Attached: d1e647dd96b95c5f21fe018e559e1a21-so1.png (1080x1080, 1.18M)

>The Sims
>Conan Exiles

What other mainstream games have good porn mods?

Attached: 1550883117069.png (1282x1755, 1.28M)

Something New Vegas has over 4 :^)

yes, but it's the second most popular body so there are a lot of them.

And then it sells like shit because no modding.

>$41k a month


If Bethesda ever stops allowing mods
That will be the official day gaming dies.

the animations are nice but there's no content other than walking around a small area cycling through animations.

dat ass is intense

Attached: 1530661766524.gif (200x180, 2.97M)

>$41k for Fortnite faces

they couldn't stop it even if they wanted to, mods benefit their games by allowing it to have a longer shelf life

Attached: 1538600118515.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

another fallout 76 is failing garbage

Attached: 1533791808205.jpg (1920x1080, 2.2M)

>mods make the game 100x more fun

So, which mod manager is the best for Fallout 4?

Only retards think otherwise


incels care less about videogames than sjws you cant prove me wrong

Did the reskins get backported anyway?

IIRC, Vortex is the only one being actively supported.

>tfw unistalled both FO4 and Skyrim because no more HDD space
>tfw I had both devious devices and cursed loot perfectly installed
>tfw this entire thread

Attached: 1550145441744.jpg (547x531, 81K)

Of course they care more, they're fucking insane. That doesn't mean they /care/ about video games.

Honestly it adds an additional layer of fun when you kill some bandits, take off one of their armors because its better than yours, and then see a big fat ass ripe for the raping.
Also, when you die and simply have to reload to statt again, its not very fun. But if you lose a fight and get raped for it, and then have to crawl away and then collect your gear back, this becomes extremely fun.

This thread convinced me to get a gaming PC but I wasted money on a PS4 just two weeks ago. Will Best Buy take it back event though it's been opened?

Op here I have used Nexus mod manager since I started modding both Skyrim/see/fallout 4. Just know what you are overwriting. Learn about conflict fixing for large modlists with xedit. Read mod comments from users etc. Never had to reinstall once

>buying a good PC rig just for some fap mods
don't think with your dick, user


survival crafting game like ark where you can train slaves to work for you called thralls
there's a mod on steam that lets you fuck your thralls

Do it brother
Isn't the policy like 30 days or some shit

I just found a staggering 200GB mod pack. I doubt that shit even runs in the first place.

ALWAYS think with your dick.

that takes an insane level of horniness to install

>literally half a million dollars a year, minus a bit for patreon fees
Please tell me there are multiple people working on it otherwise I'm going to kill myself

Wait, isn't that an MMO? How does that work?

3 dudes

You're thinking of age of conan, different game

Attached: PipeHer.png (750x421, 502K)

sauce on that image?

cant find anything in archive

I'm more interested in the mod that fixed her ugly fucking mug desu

japanese fetish model, I found her twitter @ long time ago, but I forgot, sorry

Attached: Valk.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

Enough tits.

Post asses.

What skin texture?

Eri KItami?

Attached: 1527012318307.jpg (1920x1080, 627K)

name rings a bell, but I don't think so, Eri has a insta while the other one a twitter account.

godspeed brother, may you find it soon

>deleted my screenshot folder
might have to replay this shit again

Am I too late to this thread?

Or if you don't wanna sign in youtube:

Patrician taste my good man

Tan Veins folder if I member correctly.

some people take other peoples poop and mix it with water and spray it up their own ass
they like it too

Having dealt with fully sexually modded Oblivion and only partially sexually modded Fallout 4 I can tell you this, don't bother trying to masturbate and play. Just play and admire the titties, and use that for fuel to get your rocks off on something better suited for the job.

You da real mvp

>lacking in porn mods
Nigga wut. It aint Skyrim but you can still fuck and get fucked like rabbits in FO4

is that really her? can't seem to find that pic after looking around a bit

nice nonetheless

Is there anything that's tastefully 50s? The vanilla shit is awful

Yeah she has a japanese website with a better archive of images i think you can find it there don't have the link.

where should I get the fallout4 dlc? can I just download a cracked version with all the dlc and drag/drop it into my steam version or should I ditch the steam version completely.


DLC are literally esp/esm so it work like a regular mod.

Niero's Handmaiden outfit is pretty 50s but sexy

Lazman female outfit replacer Heels version (Outfit is Womans Casual ... very beginning of the game)

Bodyslide for booty butt cheeks

Attached: Screen245.jpg (1920x1080, 751K)

I remember doing that for skyrim, what dlc is usually required for mods to work?

Oh fugg. More bodysuits?

Honey select has awful lighting effects that cannot be fixed by any amount of custom models or textures. That lighting makes all characters look like retarded plastic dolls.

Skyrim or Skyrim SE? Haven't modded in years

Dunno. Probably all just in case.

Sentinel Lyons is enough for me.

>Skyrim or Skyrim SE?
What do you want to happen?

Attached: 1545756944098.jpg (1920x1080, 2.31M)


which ever version is being supported the most I guess, what do most people use?

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>what do most people use?
Skyrim, but SE has a lot more stability

>Fallout 3 """humans"""
How horrifying.

It satisfied my dick at the time.

You can mod Fallout 4 forever and still not make it a fun or interesting game. The quests are so ass, and the tedium behind collecting a bunch of useless junk to make barely functional settlements doesnt make up for the lack of good design.

Shit level design, boring enemies, horrible dialogue and nothing is really stand out. What the fuck happened?

Attached: 23.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

>Fallout 3

Attached: 2211924-1478446873.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

Know where I can find/where I should look for just the DLC? I've only been able to find far harbor and nuka-world separate from a full game download.

how do i find the best mods for skyrim?

>that schnoze

>What the fuck happened?
Pete Hines

One of the alternate start mods make the dialogue completely different with anything relating to your son/family. Also need silent protagonist

>that schnoze
Do you hate Jill Valentine?

I kinda wish that clothing worked more naturally, and a sweater didn't suck into ever crevace and contour of a model's breasts.

I don't but don't think her nose is that funny

What an asshole in that case.

Attached: ScreenShot31.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

Real women are trash you fucking roastie fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

Hey, you cheated me. That samus outfit isn't on nexus

>wants to return an item because too poor and buy a PC for the express purpose of moding a shit game with nudes
Holy shit you're in for a world of disappointment.

Attached: 385.jpg (317x267, 22K)

out of morbid curiosity what is the worst place on the internet

Unless Caliente bothered to get off their ass, yes Atomic actually has more polygons than CBBE.
In fact CBBE is absolutely abhorrent in terms of vanilla armor conversion polygons. You can see the spikes on the boob areas with CBBE like it's a fucking ps2 game, I shit you not. I have no idea why it stuck around in F4 as a major body mod but I guess it's due to Skyrim fame and people not giving a shit as long as it looks nicer than vanilla.

can I mod a torrented version of fallout 4? because every time I've tried to mod torrented bethesda games it never even slightly works. or am I doing something wrong? because modding purchased copies on steam works just fine

Attached: 1532415364744.jpg (1920x1080, 977K)

that's because modders don't want pieces of shit like you using their mods
most essential mods will not allow you to use them unless using a legit copy

>CBBE is absolutely abhorrent
only in Fallout 4 and Oldrim. CBBE is totally different in SE and has a shit ton of polygons

Attached: 31342-1524614994-2035209830.jpg (1920x1080, 429K)

CBBE basically ruined body mods, no one dares do anything better now because it just pushes them off into obscurity

best body mod for FO4 is wonder body

What skin/body is this? Fallout still?

Well, I was referring to FO4, I don't have experience with SE
I gotta admit I'm interested in SE because it supposedly could handle more complex mods compared to oldrim? Does it have anything noteworthy yet, or just ports of oldrim mods?

I cant mod skyrim/fallout otherwise i'd just spend all my in game time staring at tits.

>lewding with mods in a setting that makes no sense for it
at least Skyrim kinda makes sense, how can you possibly justify this shit in Fallout?


any mods for fallout 4 where i can convert settlement into my personal harem

what? why would people not have sex in fallout?

But you can't customize Atomic to the same extent, can you?

>how can you possibly justify this shit in Fallout?

Attached: 1499139572135.jpg (1920x1080, 413K)

>high quality model
>lowres jagged shadows

Wrong Wonderbody is trash
looks nice in some pictures but garbage ingame.
It has to be only for your character/followers/ body of a 38 year Wyoming woman ingame/ Literally doesn't even have a shithole because it's not immersion.

the problem i always have is the whole guns thing
i can't justify the "oh no, you got me, time to be raep'd xD" after taking a salvo to the face
at least you can wear armor in TES and imagine being literally beat into submission rather than getting run through before actually getting run through

Shit like
Makes no fucking sense giving the setting, Skyrim makes sense because it's fantasy and that's easy to lewd but the Fallout setting is just immersion breaking
this anons gets it

it's still the best as far as detail and actually giving a shit

>but the Fallout setting is just immersion breaking
>Fallout isnt fantasy

wew finally managed to find it after looking through a ton of her pages

seems the original set got deleted or something though

Who even gives a shit? Lewd is lewd man, doesn't matter the setting it's all in your immagination anyway

sci-fi fantasy is inferior to magick-y fantasy
You know exactly what I mean you fuck

>Setting doesn't matter
>all in imagination
Fucking retard, if it was a book it wouldn't matter but since it's a visual medium of course it matters

ayy thats her nice find

>Tits/ass are immersion breaking

This is why western games are in the state they're in right now. Mortal fucking Kombat.

I have a similar issue except with the base game. it seems if I don't have the dlc then some core mods dont even work. a couple even give disclaimers saying I NEED the dlc. fuck you todd

all I want is simple stuff like this
but I'm too lazy and cheap to buy fo4 dlc. anyone else attempt heavy modding on fo4 w/ no dlc that can help me out?

Is fallout 4 a better waifu sim than skyrim yet?

>cheap to buy fo4 dlc
pirate it

if you own the base game on steam or whatever you can use pirated dlcs and they'll work just fine.


Bethesda can't do shadows. I don't think they ever got fixed in Skyrim

No point when there's no orcs

Then it's time to mod in female super mutants.

I want it.
But there is no way it'll be even decent in any shape or form.
it's like Sunday dreading Monday stretched out over an unforeseeable period

Attached: burialbob.png (500x500, 269K)

>Thinks modding a game ruins immersion.

Attached: 14c.jpg (207x253, 8K)

What's the best physics mod for lewd mods in Special Edition? I'm trying my hand at putting this mess together.

I'm a brainlet, what's the easiest way to torrent them? any specific one I want to download?

There's a new build coming in a couple of days. Here's hope they added more shit than just the muscle girl.

>what's the easiest way to torrent them?
not be a brainlet
got 'em

if pencil necks on the internet are your source of income then making them self reliant is a bad business model

yes they are

This is completely trivial to fix in outfit studio but most clothing modders just suck or don't care about large breasted characters.

Have mods made Fallout 4 fun yet? Or fuck, at least a little more immersive?

Attached: 1529019897703.jpg (500x374, 28K)

>the guy who made this suit shitcanned his sexy mods because he wanted to 'clean up' so he could be could get in on paid mods
Some things are unforgivable.

>Nuclear apocalypse, complete societal collapse, poverty and desperation, widespread degradation of morals and human dignity on a scale unknown in the real world

>"why are the women behaving like skanks this is inappropriate"

all I said was it didn't make sense, how the fuck do you find perfect new lingerie in the apocalypse 200 years in
If it were like lewding super mutants to be orcs I could understand but that's not the case

Could someone on here take a shot or two of one of these ladies firing a bow, pref mostly nude/tight armor? I'm honestly interested how Skyrim handles that with massive titties.

You think a post apocalyptic world wouldn't have prostitutes and women trying their hardest to use sex appeal to land strong men? If anything it makes more sense

>how the fuck do you find perfect new lingerie in the apocalypse 200 years in
>200 years
Almost all of New California is PreWar by the time of New Vegas. Bethesda just doesn't understand how long 200 years is.

Probaly the same way you find edible deviled eggs lying around people's kitchens 200 years in.

>firing a bow

Attached: 1548205372063.jpg (596x443, 117K)

How can my mod compete with Fallout 4 sex mods?

Attached: katja sex.png (640x480, 175K)

Only thing I did in Fallout 4 was build my settlement with the unlimited building glitch

Attached: autism.jpg (1920x2065, 2.76M)

Attached: 20024-1537657945-937020373.png (3840x2160, 2.98M)


Just you

words cannot express how jumbled the whole modding process is, and likewise how tedious i find it

And they're all properly mirrored to spite him, right?

Jesus, how can the engine even handle all of that? What's your framerate? And why Sanctuary? It's so buggy.

>How can my mod compete with Fallout 4 sex mods?
animated sprites

not rly


Attached: 1467156447634.jpg (1920x1200, 407K)


Even making one nude girl sprite is a bitch.

Why didn't you use a VPN user?

Thanks you kind sir

Ah. Still, Sanctuary is probably one of the worst places to make a big settlement (even just for show). Everyone builds there and Red Rocket. Now, Starlight, that's an interesting place to build. Especially with the giant screen needing to be incorporated.

Never do this again
> kind sir
Same to you

you fucked it up, faggot

Attached: complaints.png (569x629, 656K)


Are there any mods that just outright remove the Minutemen?

Still looks like shit compared to Skyrim

you could just leave them in the museum

The Sims 4 has become that game

>Like quarter of the sliders so all the bodies look the same


Go to nuka world and side with raiders.

>things need to make sense and be lore friendly before I can have fun


Attached: DYH18c9.jpg (3840x2160, 587K)

Dont know if its just the modder in this thread or F4 but the body mods ITT look like shit.
You can get much better mods for skyrim.
Also cbbe is like the entry level body.
Someone posted this and i spent a day replicating it. The tit and butt physics are amazing on it.

Attached: IMG_1284.jpg (3840x2160, 789K)

What's the source of that pic?