This was a mistake.
This was a mistake
yeah cdpr shills bought the vote anyway
Tbh this does something much better than the actual VGA.
Reviewing games of the year AFTER the year has ended.
You can't complain about votations because that's pretty much what Yea Forums has voted for.
Complaining about these awards prove how low and miserable, these awards have been running since 2013, they even fucking pay you to make OC so they show is actually fun and original. Yet, Yea Forums just shitpostes it like it always does and gives not a single thank you to all the people working for fucking free to make you have fun a single time of the year.
I really fucking hope denuvo or something similar gets so advanced no one will be able to pirate games, because it's pretty fucking obvious you guys don't understand the effort or time that goes into these things, "i dunt liek d votes xd lol watter best vote?shitwards"
rigged by discordfags and everybody knows about that.
Everyone has collectively shit on this autistic newfag fest since its inception.
The guys who run it are complete spergs though and flip the fuck out when people criticize how godawful it is
as an awards show, it's terrible. as a reflection of the absolute shit state of this board, it's flawless.
internet polls have been rigged since the start of the internet itself you absolute monger, get some friends if you want your choice to win
I thought it was OK
This was recorded proof that Yea Forums really has become reddit
considering a vast majority of the votes come from reddit
yeah. that's literally this entire board you dumb ironic shitposting faggot
I know and I hate to be reminded of it
Of course the votes are retarded. Infact voting is the worse thing about the whole debacle. Why the fuck would you have this shit where obviously majority of the votes have never played half the games on the list? Its literally a popularity contest and never based on actual merit, the worst kind of award show votes. The only reason why its better than the vgas is cause at least its not actual corporate shilling. Actually no, it is still corporate shilling because its a bunch of dumbfucks voting for their corporate masters so I guess it doesn't have that either.
Spotted one of the autistic newfags running this trainwreck
why the singular? Every year has been an embarrassment.
Votes are getting less and less each year.
You can't make a show around a tiny fraction of posters and present it as the general opinion of this board.
chinese touch was very topical
>Poll raids didn't exist before discord
Is yelling "DISCURB" the new "REBBIT"?
>except literally nobody on reddit voted and the links posted here work for 30 minutes
Autistic bogeyman to cope with Yea Forums having shit taste
>tfw dosed the entire chat and forced the cuck mods to put the chat in slow and sit me out for ten minutes
>continued dosing them after I was freed
Why do you guys care so much about the votes and not about the show itself?
I don't run anything, and I've been here way longer than you buddy
you are aware of the dedicated autist that posts the vga thread link to reddit right?
Cause the voting process is a huge part of the award show and what gets shown IN the award show???????
because the show sucks as well
You're fucking pathetic and everyone has shit on your godawful "award show" since you first tried shilling it here years ago.
Fuck off newfag
This. There is a reason why award shows for movies where its all based on the popular vote is fucking laughable.
>he thinks people literally pass the link around secret reddit discords and get enough traction to outnumber the people voting on Yea Forums
Scary coping mechanisms
We should instead vote on representatives to vote for us instead. I volunteer.
2011, 2012, and 2017 were unironically the best shows.
Sorry this vote doesn't represent me because my favorite games didn't win and like 6 redditors voted spoiling the vote anyway.
is there somewhere a list, I'm not going to watch hours of this cringefest
You think its supposed to be taken seriously? Are you retarded? Even the people making it r clearly having a fun time with it
Why would you trust and consume anything that comes out of this retarded shithole?
Only the most contrarian autism can come out of this
I just want actual experts to vote and not retards who keep posting dumb ass smash rosterfaggotry constantly cause they only play one game not to vote. Thanks.
can you post it
>You can't complain about votations because that's pretty much what Yea Forums has voted for.
Except that this shit show was overrun by plebbit in its forst run already.
>I'm a retarded newfag
That's why you should report and hide the "Yea Forums"GA threads.
sage goes in all fields.
>actual experts
of course it was, this kind of shit is meaningless
Aka, people who enjoy and appreciate all the genres(or most if you cant get that) and that has played all the games featured in VGAs, and has respectable opinions on games
>Chinese joke is incredibly overplayed
It really is just like Yea Forums.
Reminder that trannies and SJWs are seething because the results triggered them. They sperged the fuck out when SJWs won the crimes against gaming award once again.
Oh and a large accumulative history of games in general too
Not gonna pretend every year will be better than the last but man this year's VGA were pretty fucking weak and predictable. I didn't like the editing and presentation much too.
Way too generic, even if it was a parody (except the part where tencent bought them), the skits were borign as fuck, so many ones where a dude just recorded a monologue. Regardless if it was ironic or not, the delivery on the lines felt weak and cringy.
Hope they can improve for the next year.
>not a single thank you
fuck off, nobody asked you to do anything, stop trying to become a victim, it's only making you look more pathetic
>not a single thank you to all the people working for fucking free
no one asked you to
>Everything I don't like is reddit
why the fuck would they go through so much effort to filter out reddit votes and keep committing to Yea Forums of all fucking places if they were actually reddit
Yea Forums is filling up with actual NPCs
>reddit spacing
Yeah the bracket style had no impact when it came to announcing the winner. Took too long also.
both 2016 and specially 2017 were pretty good with the cyberpunk and TV commercial style. The skits were decent too.
I don't know what happened this year. Either the efforts were put in the wrong direction or the quality values dropped like a rock.
What's stopping them from doing that?
isn't that how democracies work? or are you just going to pretend your opinion still matters if you didn't vote?
The announcers need to insult Yea Forums's shit taste more
>>reddit spacing
Award show isn't self hating enough to truly reflect Yea Forums, it has occasional self depreciating jokes but in the way that awards are read and presented the thing still takes itself too seriously.
The Reddit Games awards
>The Nier Automata awards
This year's was better since for once there was actually a good variety of games winning awards they deserved instead of a sweep like it usually is. Even if I disagree with some of the awards Smash won, it was still a decent show.
Honestly anybody voting for muh SJW's in 2018 needs to fucking have their head checked. That shit died in 2016 and there's been way more egregious shit in 2018 like Lootboxes or Fallout 76 in general than a few trannies complaining about dumb shit on a site no one visits.
Did Ricardo kill the Japanese humor threads after that dumb skit?
t. ranny
go dilate yourself faggot
idgaf fuck you stupid seething nigger, they need to win on every creimes against gaming award, forever.
The more radical we become the better, hence we make day of the rope soon, are you in on board? You better be, or else...
God, the last time I watched this was the one with the best gamers and Duke, I think? That was like, what 2012? 2013? Has the quality dropped even lower since that time?
Got any proof that Yea Forums voted
Because the numbers are made up.
If they're gonna fake numbers for reddit then why the fuck wouldn't they actually call themselves the reddit game awards
because Yea Forums has a much better reputation than reddit right?
I'm glad they killed the joke, now all zoomers will look like retards whenever they post the pasta and not clever.
Votes are filtered so that only votes from a referral link from Yea Forums count.
Yea Forums is more influential overall then reddit
Votes are made up by one person and that's a lie he tells you
The positive awards thankfully weren't sweeped but Hunt Down the Freeman was robbed of some of the Worst X awards because retards on Yea Forums jumped on the Fallout 76 hate bandwagon without thinking.
how can you guys be so delusional in two different directions like this
>you can't make an electoral college
If you don't think for one second that sjws are still a very real cancer, you need to look the fuck outside.
the show fucking sucks dude
>Todd VS Todd
What the fuck is wrong with you, Yea Forums?
This thread is the living proof of why it's dying.
Half of you are legit retards, like i'm completly sure you guys have no education whatsoever, the other half just shitposts. god i hate this website
Positive awards are a istake. The Yea ForumsGAs should be 100% negative awards. It's not like we like video games anyway
Are you pretending that Yea Forums isn't influential as fuck? Both FNAF and Minecraft came from fucking Yea Forums. And if this board creates a meme then you KNOW it will appear on hot topic shirts in like 5 months
Because why would Yea Forums vote on a different websites poll?
Got any proof that the numbers are real?
I liked this years show and I really want another one next year.
In my opinion the best one was the first one that was livestreamed and uncensored.
I really enjoyed the show this year, really impressive job everyone who put it together, you should be proud of yourselves
>Smash won
lost all credibility here
least worst is the only vote that shouldn't be tallied. too many roster autists.
Yeah, it was garbage.