Reminder: We will get PS4 lke graphics on a nintendo system in 2030

>Released in 2017, has the graphics of a Xbox 360 which got released in 2005
Remider: We will get a Nintendo Console in 2029/30 that will have the graphics power of a Xbox One / PS4 and everyone will be excited about it. Just imagine Mario, Pokémon and Donkey Kong in 4K when every other console is already doing 8K at least. Not that I would want any 4K Mario. It will probably just still be 1080p but just with the graphics power of a PS4.

Attached: Nintendo-Switch-PS4-sales-797760.jpg (590x350, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how many of Yea Forums do you think will be alive in 2030

nintendo wont be making consoles by that time

>N-Nintendo is done for this time, guys!

Reminder: No matter how much you want Nintendo to die, it won't happen.


Attached: 1550981816365.gif (272x281, 1.99M)

Reminder that if you're playing consoles you shouldn't argue graphics because PC is the only way you'll experience the best performance. I own a gaming PC, a PS4 and a Switch so please stay mad

furukawa himself said he wants nintendo to go to the mobile market

after the switch there probably wont be another nintendo console

i hope we all make it

Attached: 1497944930320.jpg (645x773, 87K)

I don't want them to die. I really like my Switch. If I had to chose between my Switch and my PS4 I would give away my PS4. It is just that the Switch has the games and graphics of the Xbox 360 which came out in 2005.
Nintendo is always lacking behind so I GUESS that we will get PS4 like graphics by 2029/30. THAT'S STILL many years to come. I can't imagine Mario or Zelda with such graphics. They are good the way they are right now but it's just interesting to see how much they are lacking behind.

Oh and yes while I really enjoy my Switch I am a PC gamer.

I hope the wojakposters die off but the rest of us make it.

>>Released in 2017, has the graphics of a Xbox 360 which got released in 2005
Actually, it has graphics above Wii U, which was released around 2012

I hope I'll be dead if my life continues be like this.

>furukawa himself said he wants nintendo to go to the mobile market
No you fucking retard, he said he wanted Nintendo to take a chance in the mobile market.

Why are nintendo fans like this? he didn't say anything that insinuated this once.

Mobile hardware already stagnated. Nintendo is at a dead end and their new gimmick will be a copy of VR cardboard for switch U.

The wii u itself had x360 graphics, so does the switch

>PS4/xbone owners are gimped to overpriced shitty 6 year old hardware
>Switch owners are gimped to overpriced shitty 12 year old hardware
Why do people still buy consoles?
Same reason you retards buy Apple products I guess.

Attached: 598732.jpg (900x900, 76K)

Yeah I have no idea where they'll go next. Back to making real consoles? Doubt it since Playstation isn't going anywhere. Pure handheld? Doubt it since mobiles are just becoming more and more common. Switch 2 just sounds lame as fuck.

Neither PS4 or Xbone are particularly overpriced. In fact, they're cheap as fuck.

This means I still have some years before I am exclusively playing older games only.

Attached: 1522894114629.gif (500x384, 360K)

I'm a massive nostalgia faggot so I've been contempt with console graphics after the PS2 launched. I just want good fucking games and most games in current year have just been pretty CGI movies.

you right.

but a bunch of autists are going to start posting specs and clock speeds as if they mean something to prove you wrong. not that the switch has a single game the ps3 or 360 couldn't handle in most capacities.

That's only because they sport hardware that's 9+ years old. Shit barely runs at 25 fps on those shitboxes.

It's not like PC's are any better. Windows hasn't been functional since XP.

>delusion: the Post

They weren't on launch, they were overpriced, underpowered shitboxes, and they're still underpowered shitboxes now, just Sony is more interested in software sales than hardware sales now so they drop the price.

You retards were wrong 30 years ago, and you will continue to be wrong.

Attached: Old video game post 3.jpg (659x884, 179K)

>PC owners are gimped to buy meaningless gimmicky upgrades as well as stupid accessories.
I haven't upgraded my computer in six years and I don't plan to until at least 2020, all the games I want to play run.

Nah, they're not that old. You can get a PS4 for $300 that plays pretty much everything at an acceptable 1080p 30/60 fps. It's not great but it's a decent entry point price considering how retard expensive PC has gotten.

they are both over priced but the switch is the absolute most overpriced console of all time at it's launch. even more overpriced than ps3 imo.

They're not underpowered relative to price. Both Xbone/PS4 are cheaper than just a GPU.

Buy a 200$ PC and play them at 5fps then.

Have you actually played any of them? Genuinely curious.

I had a PC that could play games with better graphics than the PS4 while nerds were still struggling to maintain 720p at 30fps on a PS3, that didn't stop weenies from being excited about PS4 graphics even though they were horribly outdated.

Graphics on consoles simply don't matter, the only thing that matters is whether or not it has cool exclusives that make it worth owning since only a tard plays multiplats on a console anyway.

Hopefully Nintendo sticks with this handheld/console thing going forward anyway, not having to buy both a console and a handheld to play their games is really nice, and I love that I can bring that shit to work with me. I don't even really use the Switch in docked mode since I generally just hop on my computer if I'm home anyway. I can't really see myself going back to console gaming on a TV any time soon.

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Stop seething and argue the arguments instead, you fucking retard.

Nice one Troy.

That's my point.
A decent PC can last you for years and keep playing everything on high/ultra at great framerates.
Getting a console means you'll be purchasing hardware that is already several years outdated on release day and games will only perform half as good and you;re stuck with this piece of shit until either a revision comes out or next gen comes around.

>but the switch is the absolute most overpriced console of all time at it's launch
Pretty great price for such an amazing handheld imo

nah consoles are pc graphics mate just with the resolution/framerate pc players used 6-7 years ago(and more...)


Non idort faggots need to be culled like the rabid vermin they are. Please stay mad at your poverty and lack of taste.

Everybody wants everything to die. It just depends on the time.
>early-middle PS3: yeah, Sony's gaming division will die soon
>WiiU: yeah, Nintendo will die soon
>xbone (until, like, a year ago): yeah, Microsoft's gaming division will die soon

I'd say vista was the last good windows after thag it went to shit 10 was s good effort in the right direction but they're fucking it up too

>person 1: Nintendo won't be making more consoles.
>person 2: You guys keep saying that since 90ies. It's simply not true, user.
>person 1: You are a retard. Argue the arguments instead.

>Just imagine Mario, Pokémon and Donkey Kong in 4K
but it'll still be stupid cel shaded graphics and Yoshis made out of yarn

I don't see it.

400 USD is about 150 dollars too much IMO. the only thing it has that drives up the price is the gimmicky controller had it just not been removable im sure the device could have been much cheaper.

Didn't Nvidia sell the exact same handheld for half the price?

>Graphics on consoles simply don't matter

Attached: Switch Experience.jpg (1352x760, 132K)

So.... just go to bat for them like a sperg as a knee jerk reaction?

That sucks, the PS4 has such soulless games outside of Wipeout Omega Colleciton

Last gen, Nintenfags were bragging about 60 fps.

This gen, they're now downplaying everything but their handful of bing bing exclusives.

Aw he's retarded.

Not even in the slightest,only the chip was the same,literally everything is different

Do you really think someone who thought PC Engine was gonna be the next big thing knows what the fuck they're tslkimg about?

>it's simply not true.

Why because someone was wrong about it before? so they must be wrong about it now?

This is your brain on nintendo.

Still got more 60fps games than the two other consoles combined.

And here we have some user who hates Nintendo, but hopes to see improvements on Yuzu emulator so he could play all those Nintendo games on his PC. Assuming he has one.

PS3 would never handle a game like BOTW or Odyssey. Neither the architecture and software, RAM, or the graphics and processing capabilities would ever handle a game like that.

I'm not that user, I only explained his post. Console wars are stupid anyway, I just want good games.

>vista was the last good windows

There won't be PS5. Why? Because I say so.

See how this works?

That's a blatant lie but ok.

Attached: switch shit version.png (959x380, 185K)

To be fair the pc engine was doing well, the problem is shitters have a major confirmation bias and will eat anything that supports their narrative.

PS3 played Red Dead Redemption just fine. If it can deal with a Rockstar open-world game, it sure as hell can deal with some cartoon bing bing open world game.

Attached: RDR-red-dead-redemption-14765660-1280-720.jpg (1280x720, 410K)

>only this thing that makes the entire system was the same, but controllers are different!

I'm not even arguing that not affording the consoles is a bad thing, it's the false sense of superiority over graphics when you're not even getting the best experience in that department. Consoles serve a different purpose to PC, they're meant to be easily accessible and simple to use as well as cheaper than gaming PC's. The Switch has a different purpose than Xbone and PS4, it's meant to offer a console experience on the go as well as in your home, therefore it makes compromises in the tech department. Also Nintendo has a very polished design philosophy and generally puts gameplay first, they're generally prioritizing framerate over resolution, all this is added value despite lacking graphical performance and detail. It's literally to each their own, but if anyone is claiming graphics to be an absolute deal breaker they should be playing on PC, that's just how it is.

Still true, Even Sony darling naughty dog said they don't believe in 60fps and it's a waste of time.

>computationally extremely expensive volumetric fog that is literally indistinguishable in appearance from 1997 openGL fog
Dude video games lmao gotta buy the newest graphics machine gamers!!! Top graphics only the best!!!!!

Attached: 1550755938071.png (907x599, 450K)

Honestly the way to go is Switch and PC. Switch and PC have games. PS4 exclusives you can watch Let's Plays on YouTube and get the exact same experience.

Remember when they told you to argue the arguments? they have arguments that are better than "because i say so" They have arguments like "the furukawa has said himself that he wants to go the mobile market" unless we are calling mobile devices "consoles."

Or they can keep the switch as their handheld and release a real console that will get all multiplat releases and not just years old scrap. They only need to release a "Switch Mini" and the "Nintendo 4K" that would be perfect.

Still not true. Red Dead Redemption is way more demanding than some overly stylized cel-shaded Nintendo cartoon game.


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>Nintendo making consoles in 2030

Attached: Nintendo going mobile.jpg (953x566, 89K)

Still true, how many 60 fps games do they have?
Sony hasn't made one since the ps2 days.

>tfw it really is still just openGL fog but enabling "volumetric fog" just turns on a bitcoin miner

Attached: 1549555573589m.jpg (1024x576, 42K)

I dont even know what to say .
Ok I guess?
They just share 1 thing and???? I mean they are also protable I guess... but what more? they are just different systems nothing is the same

Both PS4 and Xbone have more 60 fps titles than Nintendo's Happy Meal tablet.

Attached: Switch Doom running in cinematic frame rate.webm (1066x600, 2.8M)

He WANTS to go mobile market does not mean they WILL.
You DO understand the difference, no?

>move away from home console development
They already did.

So that is two you just posted, and they aren't even exclusives.
try harder

Nintendo knows full well Switch was their last ditch effort to remain relevant in the dedicated systems market. They can't compete anymore. Playstation drove them out of consoles. Mobile drove them out of handhelds. They're cornered and all they can stand on is a Switch that failed its FY target by a whole 3 million units.

Pretty much all Nintendo first party games run at 60fps, I have yet to play a single non sprite based indie game on PS4 that runs higher than 48fps or whatever Kingdom Hearts 3 was running at.

2025 at best due to diminishing returns.

I didn't know only exclusives could be 60 fps titles.

But it is true that Nintendo's cheap indie-tier games often reach 60 fps due to how shit poor the production values are. All they need to do is simply port the Gamecube assets over.

Attached: switch.jpg (1578x1306, 325K)


>Still this SEETHING after two years
Maybe get a hobby

I have yet to play a single 60 fps Nintendo game that doesn't look straight outta late 90's.

Attached: switch xenoblade.jpg (1427x766, 219K)

Yeh I saw many videos explaining how the Switch is way more powerful than the PS3 or Xbox 360 and everythig was analyzed. Well it is nice that the numbers are on their side but I just don't see it. I jude with my eyes.
Skyrim is just like Xbox Skyrim. LA Noir looks and plays even worse than on the Xbox 360.
>but...but user it is a BAD PORT
>The Switch runs new Doom
I am certain so would the 360 if they had ported it to the 360. So far I haven't seen anything on the Switch that wouldn't have been possible on the 360.

Heck why did it take them ages to port Asscreed III to the Switch? It was a fucking WiiU title. We all knew it would come. Look when this was originally released on the PC, PS3 and 360. When I saw it in motion in the direct it ran at 15 FPS. Really embarassing.
Anyway they will just fucking port everything the WiiU had to offer but New Super Mario 3d World (the only game I care about). It is only a matter of time when.

So yeh where are the BETTER graphics? Show me the TRUE power of the Switch. So far we are playing Xbox 360 games. Don't get me wrong I like the Xbox 360 and it's games but people telling me
>NO the Switch is NOT lacking one generation behind
still need to show me prove.

>PS4 game

But considering you just want to watch your movie "games", I get it.

You guys say this a lot but anyone even back it up? How much money is a roughly equivalent iPad or other tablet compared to the switch?

Again, PS4 has more 60 fps titles than Switch. Nintendo's only real AAA game dips to the fucking 10's during gameplay.

Attached: zeldafps.jpg (709x793, 78K)

>They can't compete anymore. Playstation drove them out of consoles.
Switch has sold 32 million units in less than two years
>Mobile drove them out of handhelds.
3ds sold 75 million units

>muh wii u
it flopped, the console before and after it were and are successes.

okay and it doesn't mean that they WON'T.

I'm not even those people who you were responding to, but you sound ridiculous. I can tell that you're a nintendo fan who "doesn't want to lose" it's fascinating to me really. but the home console market is shrinking and may be completely usurped by mobiles in the future. nintendo MIGHT have foresight into that.

You will dismiss anything people post, so nobody should put in any effort at all.
Fuck off, if you think Doom would run at all on systems with that little ram you are a moron.

And Switch is not a real console. It's a handheld with an HDMI port.

>posts Xenoblade in handheld mode
of course you did

Yeah just look at that awful performance.

Attached: 1543989736985.png (1334x824, 53K)

You can't even post a single 60 fps ps4 game, how desperate are you.
Best part is you SEETHINGly posting Nintendo webms, showing how mad you actually are.

You say this like the PS4 or Xbone actually maintain 60fps.

Nintendofags weren't bragging, they were laughing at the peasants still playing multiplats at an unstable 30fps but bragging about their powerful console

>PS4 has more 60 fps titles than Switch
objectively false


i-it's not real, it's an illusion!! *grips copy of bloodborne*

Well, it would run on such systems.
But "run" would've been a stretch to call it.

RDD was all skyboxes, brainlet

Can't you just emulate switch on a gaming pc? seems pointless to own that little tablet.

same with trump in 2020

What happened?

Attached: 14772825906341.png (640x1900, 258K)

But Wolfenstein that was posted earlier is 60 fps on PS4. It runs at 20 fps on Switch.

Some of us leave our computer once in a while and have friends to play games with.

Objectively true. The only 60 fps titles on Switch are those that look like straight up indie games (Nintendo's games for instance)

Attached: switch wolfenstein.webm (854x480, 2.6M)

What is up with all the snoyfags posting shit right now?
How obsessed are they to need five threads, but only talk about Nintendo without even mentioning their own games?

>And Switch is not a real console

Why would you play a PC game on consoles?

what in the everloving fuck are you talking about

And animations
And draw distance
And physics

All of those things superior to Bore of the Walking Sim

He didn't post that one though, and it's "60" fps, like the switch verison is "30".

>Still no proof of a single 60 fps ps4 title
Holy shit, COPE harder

The 64 and the GC dropped because graphics don't fucking matter.

It does that seldom. Meanwhile, Bloodborne has suck terrible frame pacing that it's a choppy mess the entire game and gives the impression if dropping to single digits at times. It's fucking horrendous and embarrassing.

>implying umlimited growth potential
>implying it is difficult for Nintendo to make profit when they charge modern tech prices for 8 year old mass produced parts

Attached: 1550202648030.jpg (446x596, 43K)

>b-but PC!

>Objectively true
Not him but that's incorrect

dude I LOVE constant stuttering to load shaders but man it's totally not an issue it'll just be like that for your entire first entire playthrough hehe that is if it even works but we'll be there soon emulation is flawless except for PS3 emulation that's a scam and atlus will bring salvation!!!

What games? They mostly play shitty ports of PC games

>but the home console market is shrinking

Attached: dWPcX2w.jpg (1500x884, 200K)

>This is the only Sony thread on Yea Forums right now
Pretty pathetic, why are only snoyfags like this?
You never hear pc or xbone players SEETHE like this.

All those titles shown in webms are 60 fps on PS4 or thereabout. Switch version can't even maintain a pathetic 30 fps.

Attached: Switch WWE.webm (1066x600, 2.86M)

Is this the hourly snoy cope general?
Nintendo can't stop winning and it makes the snoycucks jealous and seething

Attached: Lmaoingatyourlife.jpg (300x222, 15K)

Fortnite that runs 60 fps on mobiles is sub 30 fps on Switch.

I'm planning to end it before I'm 30
I'm a closet gay and miserable

Attached: 1550914749993.png (479x479, 185K)

It’s almost like the switch is a handheld or something

The Gamecube sold 20 million units while the Wii sold 100 million units.

This isn't about graphics this is about stagnation. The Switch is a brand new console with no innovation in its games due to restriction, runs old ass games like shit, has input delay, a d runs at sub 720p, a res in itself that should have died in 2010. Its still hosting games that have near unplayble resolutions that ruin art direction, visual clarity, and overall gameplay.

People should fucking care retard, theres such a thing as hardware making games a worse playing experience and the Switch does it in more ways than most, in a fucking brand new console.

Attached: 6783662_020_36c9.jpg (854x1280, 176K)

But no seriously, why are you playing shitty ports of PC games on consoles?
You /do/ have a PC for multiplats, right?
Don't tell me you only own one console, you're not that poor and pathetic are you?
It'd be pretty foolish to buy a console for anything more than exclusives

Attached: MHGU.png (1032x774, 1.33M)

>discussing philosophy or sunday night HBO
Holy shit

Sure fag, nobody believes you.
Just how pathetic do you have to be to save this many images of a system you supposedly don't care about?

>Switch I am a PC gamer
No you're not. You're using the PC as a crutch because the Switch is lackluster.

>The Switch is a brand new console with no innovation in its games due to restriction
The PS4 and Xbox One have innovative games?
I didn't know 2013 laptop tier hardware was all we needed for games to evolve to the next level

>draw distance

>buying a game you can emulate for free on PC

>Emulating handhelds
Most games are meant to be played in a comfortable position.

>You're using the PC as a crutch because the Switch is lackluster.

>he seriously only has one gaming platform
>he doesn't buy consoles/handhelds once they have enough cool exclusives and use PC for everything else

Attached: 555-come-on-now.jpg (600x375, 38K)

Are you legit going to argue that multiplats play with lower frame rate on PS4 than Switch?

Attached: switch-payday.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

> I love that I can bring that shit to work with me
What shitty job is this?

I have friends that like to spend time with me and play games
Whens the last time you had a friend ask you to play games with you because they enjoy spending time with you?

Attached: 1313717142001.png (493x402, 6K)

That is a whole lot of assumptions.

Why I need to wait shitendo until 2030 if I can play right fucking now on others system?

It's the classic Nintenfag argument. They love PC when it comes to defending how garbage Switch is.

But in emulation threads they're all seething madly over BoTW running better on PC than Switch.

Night audit at a luxury resort, its an eight hour shift with two hours of work

These are the only PS4 exclusive games, which are not ports or remasters, which can run 60fps.

Blacklight: Retribution
Grand Turismo Sport (frequent drops)
MLB 14: The Show
Nights of Azure***
Primal carnage:Extinction
Resogun (*****)
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
Sword art online lost song
Tearaway Unfolded
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
Wipeout : Omega Collection
Yakuza Kiwami

See no first party games here.

Nintendo went full retard after the gamecube. They have purposely locked themselves from the main multiplatform releases. They also had 2 systems in case of an eventual failure, now they can only count on their handhelds sales.

Attached: super mario make reaction and anal.png (196x136, 45K)

And what forces you to emulate it sitting in an uncomfortable position? You know you can plug your computer to a tv and use a controller of your chosing, right? You're not bound by some magic to a chair, desk and m+kb.

Luckily my friends own PC for multiplayer gaming, not a Nintendo happy meal tablet that also requires a subscription at trash frame rates.

>Still trying
How pathetic, anybody who doesn't play multiplats on PC is a cuck, might as well bend over and take that BBC.
And you didn't answer the question, just how pathetic do you have to be to save this many images of a system you supposedly don't care about?

Once you remove ports and remasters from Switch library, you end up with just Pokemon Let's Go.

Oh sorry, a shit racing game with dips and a sports game.

He's not wrong. I have a Switch and it's performance is fucked for 95% of its games. Every game also gas input lag.

>But in emulation threads they're all seething madly over BoTW running better on PC than Switch.
Why would I be upset about emulation?
Do you actually think falseflaggers posting screaming wojaks are actual Nintendo fans?
I'm pretty sure we all use emulators, why would I ever complain that I can play Nintendo games at higher resolutions and with more anti aliasing?
This is the kind of shit I spent $2000 building a computer for

Attached: Dolphin_2019-02-24_09-24-41.png (915x973, 182K)

>decide to take a shot at the mobile market
>shut down the rest of the company
A bold strategy.

>Luckily my friends
Stopped reading there.

You sound like you're about to break down in tears.

I see a bunch of multiplats, yet again ps4 still has no games

Yes, and they allow for devs to push forward. The Switch is the stagnation of the industry, just so Nintendo can release the same games for the 8th time.

>he says this even though PC gaming isn't suited for local co-op
>implying PCfags have friends who want to spend time with them anyways

fuck what other people think, user. that's the golden rule that changed my life. If they love you, they will accept you. If they don't accept the things that make you happy, then they don't deserve to be in your life

Worse than fucking Vita

Attached: switch-vita.jpg (1924x1200, 482K)

Says the guy spamming switch webms

Thats nice, me and my friends own both because we aren't poor.
We don't really like to huddle around my computer to emulate local multiplayer games, so its much more convenient to just bring our switches or plug one into a TV and play that way when we hang out. PC is more fun to play when you aren't in the same room imo

Attached: firefox_2019-02-22_00-27-33.png (844x797, 431K)

>Baten Kaitos
Mein neger!

What game is this? I thought the only FPS on Switch is Doom but this sure isn't Doom. Wolfenstein II then?

Are you legitimately retarded? You can just plug your PC to your TV and enjoy millions of local multiplayer games just like that. I love how you try to make it sound like Switch is some kind of premium product when it does everything worse than PC (even the one thing it specializes in).

I have every platform, I just pretend to be a PC gamer to suggest the Switch is good. It's a trash console and I haven't met or seen a PC gamer that ever claims to have or use one outside of Nintendo fanboys.

I really wonder, do Sonybros get paid for posting the same images multiple times every single day? Don't they have games to play?


just imagine somebody saving dozens of gifs to "really show those tendies!"

the home console market is shrinking.

Just imagine being this assblasted when making the claim that Switch games run fine only to get BTFO when objective proof shows otherwise.

>ou can just plug your PC to your TV and enjoy millions of local multiplayer games just like that.
Why would I lug my PC out of my office when I can just grab my Switch?
You make it sound like 300 bucks is a huge investment, I spend more than that on coffee every month.
Do you not have a job?

Last of us is 60 fps, this list isn't comprehensive in the slightest when I can bring one up easily.

Splatoon 2
Bayonetta 2
Yoshi's Crafted World
Travis Strikes Again

I do have a controller, but I don't bother buying a TV for my bedroom, and if I were to buy one now, it would cost more than just using the Switch or the Vita.
Furthermore, I don't use it only in my bedroom, I also use it in the living room or in my backyard. I have had handheld consoles since 92 and to this day I cannot emulate them on anything but a handheld itself. Phones also suck because pressing fake buttons on a screen is not comfortable.
PC-only fags need to understand that there is more to gaming than just getting console ports to run with extra blurry light.

Their games are all shit, only possible explanation for this kind of thread even existing.
Because why else are they literally the only ones doing it?

Sounds like a really stupid way to spend your time desu, not sure why you care so much about consolewars, but you do you I guess. I'm just here to talk about videogames


fucking kill yourself, its better than 4 in every way and has like 50 more hours of content than 4 had, stop sucking sony's dick when they have like 4 games worth playing and maybe 2 coming this year while the Switch had more in their first year alone

You'll have to explain that part, user. Why do you think so? Because playing gacha games on your phone 30 mins a day somehow hurts sales of home consoels?

They have invented these things called HDMI cords. But really I didn't expect much from a retard who buys Nintendo happy meal tablets in adult age.

If what you are saying in anyway were to be true it would be fucking amazing. Cause that shit would be playable on the go in a sort of portable mode. Which will be fucking neato as all fuck really. Fucking dumbass.

>Has adult friends that still get together and play videogames
This is why Nintendo fans are fucking losers.

I said no remasters. That's a port faggot.

Definitely more 60fps games than ps4, you posting not 60fps games doesn't really show anything but the fact that you are an asshurt fanboy

Well, nice to meet you then.

Are you retarded? he even shows that he has a switch and anyone that only has one machine to play on ins a mong and he's right.

>wahhhhh stop posting facts about my beloved console!!!!

Graphics are the meme that killed the game variety.

Reminder: graphics aren't important in the slightest unless you're a zoomer who doesn't even like playing games, just looking at them. Like not even bothering to read a book if there aren't any pictures.

Wow this retard can't read the post. user clearly stayed not counting ports and remasters.

Unlike you who spends his time arguing with people on Mongolian hentai board...?

All those games shown are 60 fps on PS4.

Good joke

What about frame rate? Is that also a meme?

Attached: switchdas.jpg (1432x759, 132K)


not everybody lives in a one room apartment like a loser.
Some people live in a real house, where hdmi wouldn't reach.

Do you live in a 1 room apartment?
I would have to buy a 50-60ft HDMI cable to do what you're suggesting, why would I do that when I already own a switch and have a lot of fun playing games like Smash Bros and Mario Kart with my buddies anyway?

Its not like we can't fire up some co-op games on steam when we don't have time to get together

Y-yeah! Switch games like Mario and uhhh…. That one port or uhhhh that shitty tech demo????

and nintendo is known for their variety
oh wait, they're not
switch games are the exact same shit they had on the N64, the GC, the Wii and the Wii U
there's nothing new
there's no variety

>graphics matter

Attached: 1550933429197.gif (652x562, 626K)

Thanks user

We play tabletop games and still bust out the instruments and jam once in a while too.
Don't you and your friends have fun hobbies you enjoy together?

Bayonetta 2 is a port.

Smash and splatoon may as well be ports as well.

In that case, the Switch has tons of shit performing games.

4 whole games, none of wich run best on ps4 or even well at all.
How impressive, you can run those on a literal potato at 120
Congrats, you played yourself.

Reminder that 4K is already pushing retina ratios at common viewing distances, and 8K is literally a pointless meme

Attached: [angrily adjusts hoodie].png (600x900, 169K)

A single nintendo video game has more innovation than 20 aaa games put together.

This, everyone knows the story is the most important thing THEN graphics.

Who cares about the graphics of a game if the story sucks?

Do you guys even know what you're arguing about anymore?

Why wait? Just kill your self now.

...but only in PlayStation vs Nintendo discussions. But try and say how PC is the ultimate platform if you want best graphics... oh boy.

T. Under 10 year steam account who built it because Nintendo was going under.

shitty tech demo? what the fuck are you even talking about?

Attached: 1542102688321.gif (307x343, 22K)

4K feels like a meme too desu senpai. I tried it at a buddies house and it didn't seem like it was worth the current prices. I'm more than happy to stick with 1080p for a while, 4K just feels like its a bit excessive.

>and have a lot of fun playing games like Smash Bros and Mario Kart with my buddies anyway?
I imagine a fat 30 or so balding nu-male reading this. Nothing personnel.

They do when they hinder gameplay, artistic vision, and in the case of the Switch, hold back game scope and innovation. It's why Nintendo can't stop making the same anime or cartoon games with literally nothing exciting about them.

Is the Switch even as powerful as the 360? I genuinely can't imagine the Switch being able to run something like Halo Reach or Gears of War 3.

More home consoles were sold last gen than this gen. and more the gen before that.

>But try and say how PC is the ultimate platform if you want best graphics... oh boy.
"Ye thats right, thats why I buy multiplats on my computer and not consoles"

jokes on you, i watch my tv from 50 feet and need all the K's i can get

And r/pcmasterrace will get mad at you for saying that when PC itself was one of the platforms that suffered the most from it, were it went from having cool pre-rendered strategy games and simulation to fucking ugly more casual versions of said games and then nothing. All the things that defined PC gaming in the 90s suffered terribly in the late 2010's
But did r/pcmasterrace care? Of course not, they are all PS3/Xbox kids, they probably haven't even touched a tycoon game, all they care about is playing a console-core third-person shooter or souls-like RPG running at 120 FPS with the latest gimmick.

Attached: vgo6zpewgszy.jpg (430x462, 17K)

Yes, actually. I'm just bored. Nintendo fans are doing this as a job, im just having fun because fanboys seathe at facts.

Snoyfags are just triggered little children, just look how they never make threads about their own games but only about analvore wojaks and shitpposting.
Jannies should just instaban any thread like this, really clean this place up

Thanks for proving my point, user.

yeah man im sure there's plenty of aaa garbage that can't be done without graphics

>Is the Switch even as powerful as the 360? I genuinely can't imagine the Switch being able to run something like Halo Reach or Gears of War 3.
The Wii U was more powerful than the 360, and the Switch is more powerful than the Wii U.

The difference between the PS4 and the Switch isn't as large as memers would have you believe. We've reached a point where we're getting severely diminishing returns in regards to hardware upgrades.

There honestly isn't a fuck of a lot of difference between the PS3 and the PS4

Ah fucked up on Bayo. Thanks for the call out. Smash and Splatoon are not ports. That's a common argument to try to discredit Switch's library.

switchfag here. i wanna build a pc, where do i get started bros

Ah I see, you and your friends are losers with shit jobs and no lives.

holy shit, imagine being that much of a delusional sonyfag that you shit on nintendo for being unoriginal yet all of their games are cinematic over the shoulder movie games. The mario games alone have more variety than anything the PS4 has to offer. Can't wait for Days gone, a cinematic over the shoulder movie game, but this time you get to drive a motorcycle!

To be fair, last gen was carried hard by the Wii and the gen before by the ps2.
Neither of which will be replicated any thime soon, nothing will ever attract as many normalfags ever again.

It's sad that people believe this, when they have shown nothing but stagnation for several generations. They are literally the Apple of gaming

the game is fun

its sadder you can't prove me wrong

I'm a manager at a luxury resort, one of my friends is a microbiologist with a PHD, the others run a tech start up making apps for a few different corporate clients
I'm sure your job is very nice too, but I have no complaints about my work. I'm just glad I have lots of time to spend with my friends and family without having to worry about my finances.

This gen isn't over yet, and PS2 had a high failure rate. How many people do you know who bought at least 2 PS2 consoles? I'm sure you know a few.

It isn't without technical downgrades. He's just memeing. It's about potential power vs practical, where most games, even first party ones, need res scaring at fucking 720p to even hold a shitty frame rate.

If you had a Switch, you would know blurry visuals and slow down (with input delay) is common in most of its library. Having a constant power supply does wonders for performance and the Switch is made with portable performance in mind (ie shit)

PS1 was my first console, then PS2. PS3 sucked so I skipped on it and kept playing on the PS2 through 2006-2008 while also investing in a PC, then PC only until 2011, when I got a 3DS because of Megaman Legends 3, I really liked the thing, and the next year I would get a PSP and then a DS and a Vita.
I don't have a steam account lol, why would I pay for things I can get for free?

>and the Switch is made with portable performance in mind (ie shit)
Looks a heck of a lot better than my 3DS or Vita desu

The Switch struggles with open rooms. And again, Nintendo games are fucking objectively ugly


For one, god of war had better combat than anything Ninrendo studios made in 2 gens. Two, Mario Oddysey just copies Ape Escape ideas for 99% of its scenarios.


You can't prove stupid wrong, more if stupid wants to stay stupid.

Sure, we totally believe you after Matthewmatosis blew you the fuck out of the water.
Try harder next time.

No shit, those are 2011 mobile hardware games. My point still stands, even newer games are suffering immensely, like daemon x machina it's coming to a point where games are becoming worse versions of themselves because the hardware is garbage.

so you're dumber than me since you can't prove me wrong?


Yup. quite a few people i know had 2 ps2s.
wasn't the wii u sorta the last gen one? wii being a gen before that?

With nintendo it gets kinda blurry with their half steps.

You are not a PC gamer, period. You are a pretend PC gamer

When I think of Apple, I think of a company that steals innovations that Android devices do first, then tries to push it as their own. Sounds kind of like Sony.

I’m about to fix the Switch

>5000mAh battery
>CPU @ 1.15GHz
>Docked GPU @ 820MHz
>Undocked GPU @ 360MHz
>6GB LPDDR4 - 4GB reserved for games

All that’s different is a bigger battery and 2GB more ram for better bandwidth.
The battery will offset the drain from overclock (although still underclocked)
The extra ram will help because the system is bandwidth starved as fuck.

But Nintendo are Jews and charge over price for shit.
They could’ve easily done this at the same price point and they would’ve had decent third party support.

Attached: A7CF99AA-DEDD-4306-9AE6-C52461523093.jpg (720x720, 56K)

Sorry im candian it was 400 here.

iPad prices varies depending on the model, the screen size and the amount of storage. iPad mini is $400 to $530. Regular iPad is $330 to $560. iPad Pro is $800 to $1900.

You're kidding yourself if you think the switch is on par with the 360
Resolution maybe, but it's a handheld device that is capable of way more than the 360 ever was

Sincerely, I have no particular desire to be accepted on the r/pcmasterrace circlejerk and I have no desire to get the acceptance of some retard on Yea Forums who probably things Witcher is a good series.

Holy shit Nintendies are seething ITT

Attached: shitch45.jpg (3960x1183, 2.65M)

They do when the games aren't fun.

Attached: shitch44.jpg (3960x1183, 3.25M)

>visual design being butchered to sub 720p doesn't matter!!!
>performance doesn't matter!!!!
>games being limited by hardware significantly doesn't matter!!!
Sure thing kid.

Attached: EHBUcDy.jpg (1125x633, 121K)

one is a good video game.

>60fps vs 24fps
True, only Yea Forums will pretend low framerates look okay.

Please elaborate on how you plan on fitting all this.

Attached: 1539167269309.jpg (750x500, 131K)

Let me guess, do you flip burgers?

Yeah, i have both of those games, and i will say especially in splatoons case that it feels like an enhanced rework more than an "all new game" to me.

Attached: this kills the Nincel.webm (750x520, 2.8M)

life: the act of living
Go forth and make it happen user. You're probably a neet fuck just like I was. It takes many years of hardcore mental and physical toil to whip yourself back into shape. But if you have focus, you will succeed. I cannot change your life within the span of a comment on Yea Forums, but I can tell you, that it is 100% possible for you to turn things around and become a happy person. It just requires you to have faith and make a lot of effort (and endure hardship to some extent, as it will be tough to do). The reward will be that you can become a proud person, looking back on this moment in your life and thinking: ''Yeah, I've turned things around, I'm now leaving a cool life that I made for myself.''

I wish you good luck. If you keep whining, instead of acting, you deserve nothing.

>take a screenshot
>stretch it
>looks like shit


Reminder that you can play Zelda/smo and Pokémon in 4K and 60fps on PC FOR FREE

Yeah. Odyssey was a fucking letdown.

Is this supossed to be impressive?
that is literally the most basic auto combat I have ever seen, thought about getting this game but not anymore.

Looks like shit

>enemies just stand around and watch you beat the shit out of them
>press X and O to awesome

10/10 gameplay bro

>graphics dont matter, artstyle does!!
Shitch games have neither

Attached: zelda artstyle ugly.jpg (1276x1438, 499K)

Fits Nintendo better
>overpriced hardware that's often outdated, refused
>tons of ports and refusing old stuff
>the same games every cycle with minimal improvement
>always attempts to add a gimmick that's unnecessary
>has a rabid fan base of manchildren that defend stupid design
>generally seems to attract younger kids and stupid adults



Better parts
Bigger battery doesn’t automatically mean bigger in size.

Either DO it or DONT, but stop WHINING about it you literal fag.

don't you know user 3ds and the vita are portable so the're the same thing.

>The smartest argument snoyfags can come up with

yeah jumping high in mario game number 400 is so much better

Attached: This kills Nincels.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Spiderman isn't even close to 24.

Mario also needs a dynamic res and looks like shit.

Attached: Super-Mario-Odyssey9.jpg (1280x720, 195K)

you sound like you're having a lot of fun there mario

PS/XBOX will never have SMASH BROS

abyssmal gameplay loop

Show me the combat of Mario again

the Switch battery is the same size as most 1-1,5k smartphones.
There is a very real limitation right now, at least at that price point.


Of course Nintendorks think graphics dont matter when all they get is shit looking games lmao

Attached: super-mario-odyssey_2801774.jpg (600x338, 74K)

Your titles are starting to get repetitive Eric, you're can't even be bothered to number them anymore.

Attached: 1536486681810.png (637x718, 198K)

Mad because Snoy, after so many years on the market, doesn't have a mascot?

>literally plays itself
Barely counts as gameplay at all, fucking hell

Bing bing *wow this gameplay looks bad and is not as complex as a basic easy platformer* wahhooooo
God you Nintendo fags are hilarious, I want to shove your face in the mud so bad. Made to be bullied like the losers you are.

Graphicsfags are the worst

mine worked just fine
like other user said, the wii was a breakout success... and I'd like to chime in and say that the ps2 is the most SUCCESFUL CONSOLE EVER MADE. It's also the best console ever made. the ps3 was decent, so is the ps4, but it's definitely not such an earth-shaking product that the ps2 was. introducing DVD machines in every household alone was such an absolute killer move. It alone skyrocketed dvd as the de facto new media medium... can't top that. See how DVD is STILL sold more than bd's?


Why would a game system need a mascot? You need mascots when you're like McDonald's and Disney trying to market a brand to literal kiddies. I'm glad they're not dropping to that low level.

>press X and O to awesome
oh no does the Nintenniggie not like when he's supposed to press more than one button? im sorry youre so used to only pressing one button over and over again in Mario so mario jumps high and goes BING BING WAHOOOO

Is that your argument?
Maybe try harder next time, buddy.

Oh user, you are retarded. Yes, pretend its not an issue, you win through delusion.


>God you Nintendo fags are hilarious, I want to shove your face in the mud so bad. Made to be bullied like the losers you are.
You sound like you are about to start crying

Which part is playing itself.

>this is good artstyle according to Nintennigger
Also love how they ignore this post completely btfo'ing their "artstyle" argument lMAOO

Attached: super-mario-odyssey-licht.png (1066x600, 1002K)

those are some TASTY looking sprites user. I'm never into weebshit but this looks really cool. could you help user out and provide the source of material? google says its BoF IV, is this correct?

especially when those graphicsfriends are also consolefriends
people who genuinely cared about graphics would play on PC (or at the worst an xb1x since it's way more capable in terms of hardware than a ps4 pro). sonyfriends fall back on post processing effects and god rays to hide from the autopilot gameplay that plagues first party releases

makes you wonder how shit the boss battles for spiderman were since snoyboys never EVER show footage of them

they had boss battles right or are those too 'video gamey'?

>when the only retort of the Nintenfag is that you have to press buttons

Attached: Nintendo Labotomy.png (2001x1125, 2.8M)

So Spiderman literally has better combat than Breath of the Wild? That's hilarious.

Attached: 259860_01big.jpg (683x1024, 119K)

That's right. Instead, they are against crossplay and are censoring games because they need to protect the chidlren.

You are the child in their eyes, user.

wipeout HD is 60 fps, and a fucking amazing game that I hope you'll play some day (ps3 version has better audio tracks and tastier visuals in zone tho). switch has that janky 'indie' wipeout instead.

yep, bof4. it's turn based so don't expect that gif to represent gameplay, but it's a solid JRPG with nice visuals. xenogears has pretty good spritework on top of 3d levels too if you're into that aesthetic

You're actually braindead.



Attached: nintensoys.webm (1104x620, 1.65M)

All actions there are auto strung together, looks impressive but is barely gameplay.

Yikes dude, im laughing actually. Nintendo fans never fail to disappoint when I comes to appearance and low IQ banter.

Legit, I have yet to meet a socially adjusted Nintendo fan that isn't a complete loser and it's hilarious. There's a reason why most of the hanging industry laughs at you kids.

>likes capeshit
>calls nintendofans manchildren

the irony



Attached: nintenyearold.png (1472x1004, 1.72M)

hmmm too lazy to install my oldass ps2 on my way too big screen downstairs, and also too lazy to download a ps2 emulator and hunt down the rom. I'm too lazy haha. But thanks regardless.

Which PS2 game is this? Looks like a Unity project.

I highly doubt this. The levels in Mario Odyssey are tiny as fuck. Also compare to the 360.

Nintendo censored Smash because Cuckera was whining about it being too problematic.

Attached: Nintendo censors Smash.jpg (1200x800, 169K)

imagine playing a fighting game that has a second-long input window for chaining combos together and big floating prompts just in case you get confused

This thread is irrefutable proof that Sonyfags are the worst fanbase on Yea Forums.
Tons of pre prepared and saved shitpostting images, arguments that make no sense and COPE.
Holy hell, how pathetic.

You want other link, then? Reddit? Resetera?

yeah man just look at all that great stuff Sony's doing with that success

Attached: 1550292128994.jpg (800x996, 337K)

go back

Like what?
There is nothing auto strung. Spiderman has no snapping. Maybe you should play the game?

>Uses PS2 as a pejorative term
Fuck nu-sony

it's a ps1 game user, I recommend it. Get PSX, it's just install and play with no setup required. can't uprez it but you won't need to with pixel graphics

This is the face of SEETHING, try calming down.

I like how incredibly bored/annoyed that booth-girl looks. Imagine having to stand an entire day there looking at that stupid ass tech demo with all these sweaty nerds making themselves look like Darwin's theory of evolution is just wrong at some fundamental level. The whole video is embarassing.

Attached: no Deutsche Grundligkeit here.jpg (720x544, 53K)

Why Nintendo fanboys always look like this?

Attached: 1510301675924.jpg (1536x2048, 565K)

>Switch owners are gimped to overpriced shitty 12 year old hardware

Switch is using mobile harware. Which was like >pic related 12 years ago.

Attached: WormsForts3D-4.gif (240x321, 24K)

This isn't a fighting game at all though, why would you want precise inputs in an adventure game?

>Madame, look at me master this Nintendo game. Are you impressed?

Remember when tendies thought the shitch would be as strong as a PS4?


>3ds sold 75 million units
in fairness, this is a big step down from the ds. and they had to do something they never do - cut the price - to save the 3ds from its disastrous launch period.

Try reading the article. Literally says more games and acquiring more studio to produce them.

>you must play all games on a single platform
God damn you are fucking retarded.

Lots, plenty of people make it to 20 years old

Attached: AS205.jpg (1000x1000, 126K)


Don't get me wrong, PS2 games are great, Switch games are just ports and creatively bankrupt titles with tired games that look and play like shit.

>not naming it: mother-with-child.jpg

This is the same shit snoybois pull with ps2. They always claim that on paper, the ps2 was the strongest console of the sixth generation, but no game ever prove that, and all of the ps2s most technically demanding games could easily be done on the Xbox or Gamecube.

This the difference between Nintentoddlers and Sony chads.

Attached: 1545084592826.jpg (462x564, 46K)

Attached: 5bfb483d4142f.image.png (800x600, 514K)

>didn't read the article
>reads the coick bait header only
Ok kid, I know you struggle with words. Try doing your Mario ABCs.


It's not an adventure game either, it's an open world action game. Action games benefit from tight combat systems, look at stuff like DmC and Bayo. Adventure games are point and click puzzles.

>button on a screen tell how how to play
Is this tutorial area?

left = soul
right = what the fuck?

The PS2 was weaker than GC/Xbox but it had the excuse of releasing two years earlier. Nintendo's excuse is something else entirely.

feel free to post your proof user

lol, they remade the lion king? Why the fuck would you REMAKE a perfect piece of media? That's like remaking robocop, it can only become TERRIBLE.

Now lets hope they remake starship troopers, so the cancer triangle can be complete.


I don't think the PS2 would've sold as well if it wasn't the cheapest viable option for a DVD player at release. I love my PS2, but the others were way more capable. It was in the right place at the right time and it rode the wave.

>Now lets hope they remake starship troopers
Or Ghostbu--oh wait

omg that picture hahahah. That little boy on the left looking like a complete asshat within the farme of the other 2, perfect

Attached: join the nintendo family.jpg (1195x1600, 535K)

imagine actually thinking top one comes from ps2, lol

Dmc and bayo aren't even close to the same genre.
AND lmao, bayo is literally dial in combos with giant prompts: The game, along with QTEs (which spiderman can turn off) and witch time slow no every half second. Kiddo, please, you are embarassing

Disney have been doing that for a while, it's their "live action" remake.

PS2 sales didn't really skyrocket until DVD players were dirt cheap.

Why do these remakes always choke with skies?

>implying people who buy consoles actually give a shit about graphics
call me when consoles do 4k 120+hz with motion blur reduction lol

Attached: Motion Blur Reduction Nvidia ULMB Lightboost and BenQ DyAc.webm (960x540, 2.86M)


are we gonna act like nintendo fans didn't just have a massive sperg-out over the graphics of the link's awakening remake?

Snoyniggers on Yea Forums did, and they were the only ones.

I will not see it, I have learned from my mistakes. I have been burned once by going to the remake of total recall. thank fuck I have forgotten most of the mostly traumatic experience.

Ah yes, I barely watch hollywood movies anymore on the big screen. So not worth it. I recently tried 2 capeshit movies, I don't understand people that keep seeing these...

Only capeshit I enjoyed was guardians of the galaxy, but the 2nd part was fucking shit again. Oh yeah and pacific rim was kinda funny, which was also ruined by part deux.

Who the fuck cares about graphics?

I'll tell you who.
Insecure fucknuggets whos only platform is the fact their game looks the most realistic.
Realistic is boring, which really has shown to be boring in realism games like Uncharted 4, God of War and The Last of us. Theyre just boring, realism is bornig. Two hours in I just gave up, games are about escapism and fantasy and thats why I enjoy more games that have fun gameplay over a virtual pointless dickswinging contest.
>b-b-but muh salkes of X game
Literally normies buy into the hype due to clever marketing play for like 2 hours and then go back to CoD, Fortnite or FIFA. The satistics are out there to prove this. Only something like 10% have completed God of War 2018, with the figure that only 50% reached the midway point.

The only people that care about graphics are those whos games have nothing to offer but pretty pictures.

>i only post on Yea Forums

feel free to post all those other sites that hate the new artstyle

>Tegra X1
>12 years old

>I love my PS2, but the others were way more capable.
user, let me explain this for once and for all, being the most capable means shit. Understood? Just look at fucking handhelds, the most capable console always sell peanuts, though even home consoles have a history of the best seller and most successful console being more limited hardware than the competition.

Not true, im a Nintendo fan and the game look like garbage and extremely lazy. Sorry, but you're gonna need to fuck off with that.


Keep seething for another two years!

Attached: Lolokbro.png (1080x1192, 1M)

>most successful console being more limited hardware than the competition.
Mostly because the cheaper console always wins, it's the one constant through everything.

we will get pc like graphics on a sony system... well never

The PS4 was more powerful than the Xbone

Tegra X1 came out in Q2 2015 you fuck cunt.

Not really, god of war wasn't realistic in the slightest and it was beautiful and fun.
And again, this whole thread is more about the Switch not only having stagnant graphics, but shit performance as well and various other factors that hinder game playability.

>believing the 4k meme
You'll BARELY notice the difference. There's this video of linus tech tips where the guy tests his entire staff trying to pick out which screen outputs 4k vs 2660 I believe. nobody could guess. Emperors clothing.

Same thing iwth 120 hz, you probably wont notice it. It's just a meme so you run your games slower and you will want to upgrade.

I know that user. Why are you sperging out at me? I agree with you. I'm saying that game quality and third party support matter more. I've owned every console of the generation since the late 90s though so I'm not biased. The XB1X would be the bestselling console if specs remotely mattered (if it wasn't killed by high end PCs)

>They always claim that on paper, the ps2 was the strongest console of the sixth generation
nobody says this. the gamecube and xbox had stronger hardware, but they also came out a year later, so it would have been embarrassing if they didn't.
the real delusion comes from the sega fans who think the dreamcast had stronger hardware than the ps2.

Imagine wasting two whole years of your life posting images like this and you still have to wake up everyday in a world where BotW is one of the greatest video games of all time.


What a loser.

Attached: 1548251843047.png (706x674, 105K)

Sonyfags still claim that, with that one quote they always pull out.

much better

Attached: 1547174818160.webm (853x480, 2.98M)

>Yet another trite Console Wars thread with people shitting on one another with the same webms and screencaps of articles they've been using for over a year

Story time

Attached: cover.jpg (800x1135, 411K)

Seething about what? A console that lost all traction it's second year on the market and couldn't outsell an old ass console while being the only new one in 4 years?

>yet it sells less than a 4 year old console

why not try attack spamming a lynel

>Who the fuck cares about graphics?
People with taste. I love how retards use muh artstyle as excuse for shitty graphics.
Cartoonish games are boring.

Attached: page001.jpg (800x1135, 443K)

now show a webm with 4 or more enemies

Because it wass the anomaly of being more powerful and cheaper than the xbox one

at least give us a cool western drawn comic instead of gundam plsss

It's yet another daily 'Schizo Loser is still traumatised by the success of the Nintendo Switch" thread.

Attached: 1550736453676.gif (375x375, 179K)

Attached: page002-003.jpg (1600x1134, 929K)

Which is why you should always buy a pc, ray tracing is the future fuck the cucks.

top tier gameplay, now this is a 10/10. So much soul.

The switch is having the same problem the PS4 had for years, a lull in new games. The PS4 had to survive on bloodborne alone for the first couple of years, with only shit like the order 1886 and remastered ps3 games to keep players engaged. Even the third party titles at that time were released alongside last gen versions.

Where they stand around and hop in place? Amazing, such great AI.

Maybe next time, this was the only thing I had on hand for a storytime and the art is fairly decent as far as Manga goes.

Attached: page004.jpg (800x1135, 608K)

Congrats on selling 300k more in Tunisia LOL you fucking loser.

Attached: FLOPPING_HARD.png (1080x1487, 247K)

Attached: page005.jpg (800x1135, 346K)

Thats odd, because most switch games play in 1080p 60fps(Some are 1080p 30fps) as Nintendo optimise their games.

Which can't be said for the PS4 which many games struggle to maintain a solid 30.
People who buy the switch don't care about graphics or how pretty some grass looks. They buy it and the games because theyre actually fun to play, fun is something thats lost on sonyqgers.

>my taste is better because I say so.
Whatever you say that makes you feel better mate.
I'm not the one boasting on an anonymous board that my toy is better than your toy and please, lay it off. If you truely cared about graphics, you'd get a gaming PC capabale of at least 1080p 144fps or 4k 60fps.
Jump off a bridge simpleton.

>Snoyfags still SEETHING after two years
How does it feel to still impotently make these threads?
No actual games to talk about?

>A console that lost all traction it's second year on the market and couldn't outsell an old ass console while being the only new one in 4 years?

You're so upset its hysterical.

Attached: BTFO_Returns.png (1080x640, 77K)

Don't you find it weird if it truly didn't matter , you wouldn't be in the same threads day by day calling out 'schizos' while demonstrating the same behaviours.
You really have no self awareness.

>coping this hard
higher resolution is very noticable on a large enough screen and framerates below 100 are borderline unplayable. since you like to suck LTTs cock, how does it make you feel that linus recognized the higher framerate 100% of the time within a second or two when he did a blind test comparing 60hz and 120hz?
enjoy your 1080p30fps on your tiny 32inch tv poorfag.

Attached: ulmb2.jpg (767x434, 94K)

after a long day at work and mousing for 8 hours straight, it's fun to just pop something in without effort and lay on couch.

If sony wasn't untrajewish with their PAID ONLINE I'd play more ps4, instead I now use an exbawx controller iwth my pc games.

Still, games like bloodborne, wipeout alone are reason enough for me to not sell the thing.

Attached: page006.jpg (800x1135, 314K)

>According to unconfirmed figures which surfaced yesterday, Switch moved 284K units, compared to PlayStation 4’s 195K and Xbox One’s 101K.

No, it would be more expensive to use such out-dated hardware at that point. You are forgeting these are physical items that need a supply.

I have a gtx 1060x and I tend to not be very into AAA++ games, so I'm not coping at all. I'm just stating facts. I used to be top 10 worldwide instagib 2on2 ictf btw in ut2k4/2k3, so I know my shit.

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He only said that he wants to expand into the mobile market as a pillar of the business, and that he was willing to migrate there more completely if the home console market completely collapsed. There is more nuance behind it that you're implying.

The difference is, Nintendo consoles die in year 4. Once the same games finish up, releases quickly dry up.

OP's mum here; please delete this post. My son is throwing a tantrum.

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Someone here is a schizo alright

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>tfw PC+PS4+Switch master race
Anyone here use PC for multiplats for best experience and only buy exclusives on ps4 or switch?

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>Thats odd, because most switch games play in 1080p 60fps
What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you making up shit?

>I know my shit
clearly you don't if you can't understand the relevance and importance of resolution and higher framerates.

it was retarded of him to even allow a quote like that, every clickbait site in the world just ran with the obvious lie.

Anyone care to suggest some vidya comics to storytime in the future? I'll probably grab Tails Gets Trolled and that one Crash Bandicoot comic

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And then they release a new console, and continue making more money than Sony.

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btw he barely recognized it, he's just got a hard-on for 120 hrz, which I have yet to see solid proof of being a neccesity other than the absolute top tier of fps gods or airjet pilot eyeballs. for 99% of gaming 60 hrz is just fine. So is 30 fps (although 60 is definitely better).

But god of war has more fun combat than most Nintendo made games. And god of war is 45ish fps on the Pro.
>pretending most Switch games don't perform and look like shit
You are hilarious.

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>higher is better
this is how I know you're ae a retard. Just go test 4k yourself, and be objective. At a cereetain distance you WONT be able to notice it. It adds nothing extra.

Upset about what?
You keep posting sales related data, but Nintendo lost in 2018. In fact, didn't Sony online generate more revenue than all of Nintendo?

>But god of war has more fun combat than most Nintendo made games
Nice try, but chad Matthewmatosis already debunked your claim of "gameplay"

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So Nintendo is good because they make money? Alright.

Doesn't Nintendo have paid online?

>Cartoonish games are boring
are you saying fortnite would be 100% better with a different art style and no changes to actual game play?

>45fps is fine

I guess a higher fps is refresing on a console that struggles to maintain 30.
>Still trying to say his neutered God of War is fun
Maybe if it kept to its original roots than implimenting boring souls like combat.
Pro tip, the only people who like GoW 2018's combat are literal brain dead morons.
Thanks for proving youre an idiot.

What the fuck does that prove retard? You been fighting your desperate pathetic infantile crusade against the switch for years. Its now one of the most successful consoles in history and you cannot handle it. What a waste of your life LMAO. Fucking loser.

>irony: the post

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>In fact, didn't Sony online generate more revenue than all of Nintendo?
That was actually just fake news, the quote originated from a random twitter user without sources.

>NDP is worldwide
>One month
>still lost in 2018

>If you truely cared about graphics, you'd get a gaming PC capabal
I have gaming PC, this is not excuse for Nintendo bad graphics. PC can't play exclusives.
>jump off bridge
Why so mad and why willing to defend some corporation to death?

They do? The gameboy lasted over a decade. The Wii lasted around 7 years. The 3DS lasted 6. The DS lasted 6+ years. I'm speaking as someone unbiased- I bought a PS1 in 96, and have owned every sony console too including the Vita which I still occasionally buy games for. I legitimately regret buying a PS4 since the only exclusive things I've enjoyed from it were Bloodborne, Persona 5, and being able to play MHW a few months early. Everything else is possible (in a superior version) on PC.

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>hurr if i'm 5 meters away from my 17 inch screen i can't see the difference between 720p and 4k so resolution don't matter
>30 fps is fine
>I used to be top 10 worldwide instagib 2on2 ictf btw in ut2k4/2k3, so I know my shit
i really hope you're just baiting and not genuinely retarded.

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I wasn't talking about fucking nintendo. I'll never buy nintendo as I'm an adult man. I'm talking about why consoles are fun for the working class as it gives ease of use and a different control method. Not everybody has the luxury or know how to rig your pc to your tv and use a controller (you'd be surprised).

Hell, most people still think it's half MAGIC when I show them popcorn time and think it's some kind of super advanced software they'd never be able to make work.

I don't want to wait until my 40s for Nintendo to actually catch up with the rest of the systems but then still end up being behind. This is one of the main reasons why I started treating Nintendo hardware as complementary and starting getting into PC gaming, and boy am I glad I didn't just buy a PS4 instead seeing how Sony has started going full retard over the years.

Wait, what does profit have to do with quality in this case? Nintendo isn't passing this on to consumers at all, so I'm confused. You are celebrating keeping a soulless cooperation afloat by floating money that isn't yours?

>most switch games play in 1080p 60fps(Some are 1080p 30fps) as Nintendo optimise their games.
Why lying on internet user? Most of them are 720p and 30fps with no AA

it is worse that Spiderman,botw doesnt have any mechanic to deal with multiple enemies,to solve this the enemies keep jumping to give you time to beat one,genius

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so... the exact same as 90% of the nintendo-related "news" that gets posted on this board every day?


The Switch is now one of the most successful consoles of all time and home to some of the most critically acclaimed games ever made.

Nintendo practically has 2019 in the bag already.

And there's nothing you can do. How does it feel?

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Wipeout is also a port, and Snoy killed off the company that made those games, so good luck with seeing more of those games.

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How about instead of just resigning yourself to death when you're 30 (Lets be honest if you were gonna do it you wouldn't put it off until you were 30) you take some action to improve the issues in your life?
Like if you literally want to die you have nothing to lose, change your life dumbass, do different shit, stop feeding the negative habbits with walled up defensive bullshit, you're bullshitting yourself dude, stop it.
Motivation isn't an emotion you feel, people don't "feel" motivated, you just do or do not do something, it's as simple as that, motivation is just a different word for discipline, people don't "feel" disciplined do they?
Being gay unless you live in a third world is completely irrelevant to your miserable situation and if it is there's shit you can do to get away from that, by removing the people who make you miserable for being gay from your life, it's possible.


Yes, when all Switch games struggle with much worse looking titles with input delay.
Also, the combat is more complex than the original trilogy, I played it 2 weeks prior to the release of 4.

Do you have any proof its less complex? Did you even play it? Show PSN and I'll msg you to confirm its your account.

He is talking out of his ass, which is all that he can do.

*ahem* FUCK 0083 AND FUCK NINA

im too much of a pussy to end my life so i just smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day to get lung cancer and die

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no, but I think you are. Obviously you want 60 fps for your shootan, but for a strategy game, or tbs, or some adventure or a third person shooter in campaign mode 30 fps is fine.

It's actually quite hard to optimize your game towards a solid 60 fps. And most people really dont care, or notice. You need an eye to notice, and autistic screechers like you don't move units. You probably pirate your shit, already being a tiny (if loud) minority.

And yes, I used to be god tier in instagib, when it was still played by 10s of thousands ofo active players. You have no clue how that feels, you never will either ;)

Calm down schizo it's just a happy meal kiddie tablet

None of Nintendos exclusives really look that bad at all.
But only ever seem to spam that one image of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Gormotti villiage screens.
Which is laughable at best because outside of that area the game looks better than anything any other competators have shat out in the past 6 years.

You mean the "rumours"?
Then yes, and they are equally fucking retarded.

Does anybody really believe gamepass is coming to Switch?

>1080p and 60fps

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The guy literally is a known analyst that works in the industry, retard. And it was taken from the fiscal report.

They look much worse than games on other platforms

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my condolences.

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>Implying that other consoles won't be replaced by shitty 'cloud' gaming systems by 2030
I hope you're looking forward to playing games with half a second of lag, and the quality of a YouTube video.

Just like Pachter is the most reputable analyst in gaming.

it didn't sell enough. it makes sense. you can easily remake something later with new people. Liverpool studios (formerly the excellent psychnosis) was about 120 or 200 people. That's a LOT of money for so little output. I can imagine sony just closing the studio, reforming a new company somewhere in silence iwth the 20 or so talented people, and the 'social media marketeers and coffee ladies and useless QQ/QA designers' getting a nice job somewhere else.

THat's business, if you can't stand it, don't discuss it.

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The Wii and 3DS didn't last that long at all. The tail end of hose consoles have no fucking releases, just late ports, localizations, and awful remasters. Name some top games released in the last 2 years of the Wii.

>720p games looking good

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Imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch. An underpowered Fischer price my first console with nothing but shoddy ports. Imagine using a children’s toy in public. Jesus Christ how humiliating.

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Want to know a secret about why BOTW is so beautiful and sold a tonne and got many awards?

Because despite its "shit" graphics, it still managed to be a completely fun game and people looked beyond that. Something that your 10IQ mind can't comprihend I guess.

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yeah you got told, try flipping your resolution from 4k to 2660 or something, keep your head at normal viewing distance and just really look. See if you can spot the diffferences. You probably can't, like most people can't. It's just a fucking meme. Just use your eyeballs like I do, you'll be in for a disappointment.

You always seem really upset about that "kiddie tablet" and those "children's games". Why is that? And stop stealing my banter you schizo loser, it only makes you look more pathetic.


Huh, I thought you said this source was invalid?
In any case, I different. I have a Switch and it's still shit. Unless Nintendo is writing checks, I'm not going to pretend a console is food because it makes someone else wealthy.

>it looks good!
>prove him not!
>b-but it's fun!!11
You have IQ of a monkey

I'm definitely njot a nintendo fan but this looks objectively like SHIT. Wind waker looks so much better, and cleaner.

Imagine giving a shit about the consoles people on the internet so much that you have to spam the same Nintendo/Sony wojak images instead of actually playing video games. Jesus christ how humiliating.

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>I'm not going to pretend a console is food
Fukcing hell, Yea Forums and the food analogies.

Yeah I saw a bunch of Normies playing a switch out in Town, they were playing Mario Kart and then changed to Smash Bros.

I'm sure you are just mad because you're a fat pathetic loser insecure about himself whilst still cooped up in his mothers basement.

>Thats odd, because most switch games play in 1080p 60fps
Why do Nintendo fans always lie? This is why you can never trust their 'opinions'

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I think my biggest problem with the newest zelda 'aesthetics' if you can call it that, is the washed out colour palette. How did they manage to make everything look so lame and brownish? So little vibrancy... dull even.

I thought nintendo was famed for their use of primary colours well... this game could have used some..

>Already autosaging
I probably won't do Gundam next time, would you rather TGT or Sonichu?

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Why did you quote my post twice?

>I saw a bunch of Normies playing a switch out in Town

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put me in the screenshot for plebbit

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Cope? you play games at 720p with dynamic resolution going as low as 500p with crappy framerate LOL

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>still ignoring screen size entirely
you are a total dullard.

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HmmmSo he works for Nintendo too?

Double the attention

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I'm sure you're used to the same grey and brown and black thats always used in your "mature" games.
I'm surprised you can even pick out colour.

Jesus Christ
Imagine "gameplay" on this thing

I meant good, autocorrect on this tablet is hilarious. I have a Shitch bud.

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I said he was a retard, not a shill.
Can you even read?

Sure you did, son. I’m sorry that the truth wounds you so. Have mummy make you a nice cup of tea.

Nice lie

RIP Zack

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We all believe you, totally.

I really don't care about your stupid meme picture. Just.use.your.eyes.

Also maybe it's because I grew up with VGA screens, but for me 2440 is pleeenty, but 1080 is also just fine, even 720p, as long as it runs nice and the game looks fine..

Seriously who cares as much as to keep a stupid picture in their fodler as to 'convince others' about what they probably can't even notice themselves?

It's just embarassing that you care so much. Learn to enjoy the things you have you stupid sperg. I'm glad that TB retard is struck with asscancer because he popularized this whole retarded 'pc elitist' meme as a fucking excusve for his TERRIBLE fps gameplay (muh frames, muh fov sliders!)

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i bet you believe they show movies at the cinema in 1080p. don't reply to me again dullard.

When did you hear me say I was glad with the grey and brown games of the ps3 era? (some had some cool aesthetics, like kz2, but that's the only one I can think of), I'm accusing zelda of the same you fucking sperg. Is your entire world just diametric in nature? Limited retard. Yes, zelda looks like fucking shit, enjoy the game regardless if you're such a fan.

So which is wrong? Only the things you dislike?
Fyi this is from Sony itself.

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Anyone still reading?

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thanks desu
anyway, xenoblade was mid 2012 (6 years after launch) and it was still getting regular third party releases/stuff like motion control pikmin past that point. Rodea was 2015 and the last notable title if you want to cap it off at that point, 9 years in. do you count the extended PS2 support as annual fifa titles?

It can be both, you fanboy

>herka derka hurrr durrr random insult without basis
I'll reply to you when you have some actual information to share that's useful. Grow some eyeballs and stop being such a whiny cunt.

What, you want to see my hacked Shitch? I don't talk about stuff I don't own or try, not like you.


Oh hey almost-quads

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Yeah, nobody would lie on the internet.

Those were all old localizations.

Reminder never to trust the guys at ((((Anaheim Electronics))))

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>cherrypicks the lowest point
a classic

>BOTW is so beautiful

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The state of OP.

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Lots of salty nincels in this thread in defense mode for their gaytendo shitch. Imagine seething so hard.

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>this retard probably thinks upping resolution on classic games makes a game 'look betterer'

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it's still support and an active console in the west
i'm not really sure why we're still doing this anyway

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Someone is offering to sell me their old Wii for $30. I can use dolphin on my computer just fine. But is there any good reason to take them on the offer? Like maybe some games don't emulate well or you need the motion controls? Also is it really easy to hack?

Why would I want to play a game that drops to 16fps?


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Is that a yes or no? I'm lying in bed.


how come weeb drawings almost all look identical? Such a conservative and dead artstyle...

cool strawman mister '30 fps is fine for video games and screensize doesn't matter when it comes to resolution'

People played Bloodborne

Moat of the game is 20 fps. So many games seem to be getting worse on The Switch

Nobody is reading your stupid weeb comic you fucking autist, kys

The Wii is piss easy to hack, and you can set it up to run pretty much any console up to the PS1 pretty well and handhelds up to the GBA. If you wanna make an emulation box tho you're better off making a RetroArch machine however

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It doesn't drop to 16fps user. Played it yesterday. This is not Switch.

I didnt say that latter part you daft cunt. I told you that playing a lower resolution is fine because I'm not some moron that burns money through the floor because he needs 8x AA on his overpriced and useless 4k screen.

>Moat of the game is 20 fps
Stop with the castle analogies, we're in modern times great great great grandpa.

Wow why do characters from the same book look the same?

I'd rather read this shit than "Hate on Sony/Nintendo thread #2538971"

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this is just getting sadder and sadder. you know what, user? i'm starting to feel bad about this. picking on the handicapped kid just isn't very satisfying. instead, i'm going to brighten up your life a little. i'm going to be that one shining ray of light in your bleak existence.

i will let you have the last word.

so come on, let me have it. make it count. i'll gladly take it if it means you'll experience the sweet taste of victory for once in your life, and you can go to bed knowing you achieved something.

The average is like 24 fps, it definitely does.

stop posting this shit man, the artstyle is atrocious. Youre polluting a quality shitposting thread.

I don't care aboat you, sealad. I care about decent framerates on my consoles, switch doesn't offer an ocean of games that sail well.

keep posting it, fuck OP

>I wont respond to you again
>I wont respond to you again for real!
You're embarassing. Confession time user. How many pictures have you stored in a special folder that 'proves' that 4k is useful?
It's time to seriously reconsider your life's priorities. You are truly pathetic.

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Bloodborne definitely drops when those blood effects start up
What do you gain from defending a piece of hardware? I own both a PS4 and a Switch and both have shitty framerates. 25FPS is the standard on base PS4 games, and the pro often still targets 30.



You can't use those two words in the same sentence my dude

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This might be a good page to stop on though since the thread's gonna die any minute now and I don't want to bother with any more captchas. Reminder that the 2-3 hours this thread has been up could have been spent playing video games!

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