What's the reasoning behind using animal characters in games instead of humans?
What's the reasoning behind using animal characters in games instead of humans?
they cool
People like animals
why not
humans are boring. The only real problem with animal characters are furries but there's little legal action that can be done to remove them.
easier and more socially acceptable to say "crocodiles are the worst" than it is to say "black people are the worst"
it's all allegorical.
Most people aren’t gunna remember generic white soldier guy, but if you make him a tiger or some shit then BAM, instant brand recognition
Sex sells
Nobody will cry that there are not enough black people
You would
Has there even been an anthro game in the past x years? I can't even think of anything besides solatorobo and that shit was like 10 years ago or whatever. Not counting night in the woods since it's mostly VN or delta/undertale since it's 5 minutes long
>egregiously off-model
Might as well be a different character at that point.
Because the human soul has an inherent desire to better itself and this manifests as anthropomorphic animals
>op best character in respective game
>has the most depth of the cast, extremely relatable situation of hardship and trying to get by in a small rural town
>mc ruins her life by guilting her into a soured friendship
>mc then proceeds to ruins own life thanks to tumblr tier mental illness
>climax of the game has an extremely retarded political message
>the whole game is just a fapfic that it's okay to be a worthless mentally ill schizo NEET as long as your parents accept slaving over you and your friends stay together due to guilt
y i k e s
The whole game is just missed potential
Hopefully they make a sequel/prequel that's more fleshed out
You get to completely avoid both /pol/ and Resetera with their incessant whining about character politics.
You can make a species be a matriarchy and neither group will give a shit because they're giant bug people instead of MUH RELATABLE HUMANS. It gives you maximum freedom when it comes to story telling in this day and age. You're able to freely explore realistic depictions of e.g. racism with fictional insults without worrying about being blacklisted by spineless numales or have Yea Forums perpetually shit up your game.
Hollow Knight
Animal Crossing.
easier to make distinct characters without having to use minute facial features or hairstyles to make them different from each other
Give it time.
Better blank canvas
Animation can help us express ourselves better than acting can
it's harder to pull the racism card
Easier to avoid uncanny
it's kawaii, nigga.
do you hate winnie the pooh as well?
I hope there’s a Day in the woods sequel where everyone gets the ending they deserve
Plus a less of a focus on political and more social issues like homophobia, poverty, clearing up false rumors, education, and if you have to get political have a 1:1 Charlottesville VA protests with mini games showing both can be disgustingly cruel
Unfortunately /Pol/ runs deep I’ve hated /Pol/ since it’s started (I hate politics in general)
Even just writing short stories for Yea Forums I see
“Why is MC a nigger?”
“Remove the niggers then it’s good”
“Niggers can’t run a space station”
People can't cry about lack of diversity if characters aren't human. Also cute if done well.
Anthropomorphic animals lead to more distinguished shapes and are prone to more proportional variation in their anatomy to express whatever theme is going on with the character. Human-human characters are a bit more restricted on the receptor side.
OwO It's because~
You can use animal characteristics to emphasize certain personality traits or association common amongst humanity. Other than that, it's natural way to give caricatures more diverse looks. Also, humanity tends to view realistic humans with stronger base impulses. Jealousy, envy, sexual desire. Using animal characters makes them more innocent, and arguable letting more people approach said characters with open minds.
That’s right I just compared these 2 insults
>Fuck off nigger
A Yea Forums standards but will get you in trouble IRL
>Fuck off head eater
Insightful true and scientifically accurate
All of those are valid complaints, nigger.
The better question is why do people feel the need to get excessively triggered over someone else's artistic creativity and freedom?
>implying making them animals doesn't increase sexual desire
This is Yea Forums
If it ain’t stupid we ain’t replying
Dust: An Elysian Tale
Sonic Mania
Freedom Planet
>works of fictions must be 1:1 replicas of reality
>inb4 suspension of disbelief
>having that shallow of an imagination
based retard
So I can fap to them and make big titted drawings of them
Not everybody is a furfag, user, you're all just extremely vocal about it.
Cause they're hot.
Having sexual desires of a fictional character isn’t going to make them furfags.
easy furfag money
It depends on what those desires are based on.
People who hate furries are far more vocal than actual furries.
Because people who rape animals deserve death.
Good one m8
You'll see furry as a proper sexual orientations in a few years
and that's a good thing
That's not a furry, user. That's someone into bestiality.
>the people who hate one of the most narcissistic online demographics is more vocal than said demographic.
I'll never forgive what you've done to /tg/, among the other slow boards that got irreparably fucked by your kind's faggotry.
Because people can.
It's the same thing.
>One is the attraction to humanoids with animal features who are as sentient as humans
>One is the attraction to a house cat
It really isn't.
Just like how every weeb that likes lolis are pedophiles that rape children.
He's not wrong though.
Humans in that artstyle would look like shit
There is some overlapping but not as much as the radicals think. Also, there's still a very large step from fetishizing feral animals into actually raping live animals. Just like there's still a very large step from any fringe fetish like guro or lolicon into actually doing those thing in real life.
No amount of mental gymnastics will save you animal rapist.
Cute way to express traits of a character, also humans are boring because every other game has them
>you will never have a dragon GF
>Mental gymnastics
You mean what you're doing? Because the fucking leap from "fictional sentient animal person" to "a regular dog" is Olympics worthy.
I still have no idea what the fuck were they thinking
Reptiles are nasty and their genitals are disgusting
They were thinking big muscular dragons obviously.
>What's the reasoning behind using animal characters in games instead of humans?
I'm currently making a game with furries as the main cast, with the point of the game being furry and SU-fandom bait for easy cash. I will gladly explain it to you.
Basically, furries are retards. They'll buy anything so long as it has furries in it. So just making your game furry is a good way to rake in the cash with little effort.
What's more, animal characters appeal to autists, because they're unique and it's easy to insert yourself amongst them. To tell human characters apart, you need to actually give them personalities and be good at designing them. It's hard to get right and only a few games manage it
With furries you don't really need to put in any effort. You can steal designs off off furaffinity, change them around some, and then bam, new character.
It's also easier to design because you can also go totally overboard with the designs. A human character that's twice the width and three times the height of another would look dumb and ridiculous. With furries, it doesn't look out of place. Just make them a different species.
Because it makes my dick hard and if you have a well designed furry I will probably be more interested in it
To add sex appeal
I was under the impression that /tg/ has always been diet /d/ because neckbeards are deviant motherfuckers.
well, whenever they're not going wildly off topic that is.
>A human character that's twice the width and three times the height of another would look dumb and ridiculous.
Like giants aren't a thing in generic fantasy? Fucking idiot.
Where are his pants?
Animals are easier to draw and design.
Easier to make appealing designs.
This is a good point. You can actually write things like this and not be crucified if its animals.
>Not counting these 3 games that fit the criteria
Why? Anyway Overgrowth
>and not be crucified if its animals
mainly because you can turn their accusations back at them, for associating a character's negative traits to (insert "oppresed" minority here).
People who hate pedophiles are more vocal than pedophiles too, does this mean pedophilia is good?
Because today people have become more dangerous to each others than animals.
[citation needed]
It's one of the earliest forms of abstraction of personality traits. The audience reading the story can get an idea for what the character is like if they take the stereotypes of animals they're familiar with and apply them to a character. Cat man is smug and sneaky, fox boy is excitable and impulsive, bunny girl is horny and energetic, that sort of thing. In OP's case, though, it's a side effect of earlier drafts of the story going into allegorical race conflict arcs, like the old asshole crocodile getting annoyed at cats and mice for their agility, and all those allegorical elements being thrown into a bin once the writer heard about Zootopia and threw a shitfit.