I've got this friend who still regularly plays his Xbox 360
>Hey user, I just started playing Skyrim for the first time. What a great game. Have you played it?
I've got this friend who still regularly plays his Xbox 360
This is not your personal blog.
>great game
your friend is mentally handicapped
Well there are many things you could say now. First of all look at the picture. WHY THE FUCK is the original Xbox 360 still that expensive? The prices are insane.
You could also comment that the Xbox 360 has a great library and you also play yours or you say the Xbox 360 was a mistake and you hate it.
You might as well just post a Todd Howard here. There are many possible things you could say so it really isn't a personal blog post.
Relax faggot, you should of started with that argument then the "hey my friend suck huge dicks" now guess what this thread is about. Such low effort in your part.
Are those used or in box?
Yeah, fuck him. You shouldn't hang out with people who play games that came out 2+ years ago.
I think it is still boxed. I used BING and searched for Xbox 360 and this showed up. Still those prices are insane for such an old system. I would have expected like 150 or even 100 USD but not 500. You get a Xbox One for less. So really what the fuck is up with those prices?
Skyrim came out almost 10 years ago though. Granted I still play it on my Switch.
>yeah i called him a faggot, that’ll teach him
Calm down Nancy, don't get your panties in a bunch.
Yes and? Let me guess, you are one of these mindfucked corp drones that think anything made new is better than what came in the past right? Keep getting that ass fucked by consumerism.
I played Skyrim on my PS3 and enjoyed it
>got a piss poor 4 slim last black friday
>enjoyed me some bloodborne, spider-man, red dead 2, etc
>find the screenshot library after all these months
>option to copy images to usb
>oh so that's how people do
>try to insert my usb
>not flat enough to fit the console's port
Actually I am a pirat. My friends prefer to buy their games but since they are cheap they buy old and used games. That's why they also still play Xbox 360. You should note that they make double the money I have got yet they are cheap as fuck.
That wasn't my original point, but your friends being cheap fucks I won't fault, these days everyone is trying to get into my pockets to sell the cheapest shit they can make, which I don't really need. It's sad to see how people are suckered into buying worthless houses, expensive cars, or a hobby that doesn't really benefit them or are making them happy in the end.
How about sexdoll's?
Lmao I literally just bought a 500gb Xbox 360 e for 60 bucks, totally functional from a pawn shop on eBay. The regards probably thought it was an older model
What do you even intend to play on it? I can't think of any 360 exclusives worth a damn that aren't weird shmups
Pony up the cash, nerd.
That's some n64 shit right there.