Why do Western Developers think that writing quirky and ''epic xD'' characters spouting shitty memes are funny and...

Why do Western Developers think that writing quirky and ''epic xD'' characters spouting shitty memes are funny and likeable? Like this faggot, or half of Borderlands 2 cast, characters in Anthem, etc

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lmgtfy.com/?q=pathfinder hitbox

Mirage is a fortnite parody, he's cringe on purpose

Because their main target are underage people.

soiboy humor

most game devs are cringey retards

>Why do Western Developers think that writing quirky and ''epic xD'' characters spouting shitty memes are funny and likeable
They grew up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer

he's a goofy twat, that's the point

Mortal Kombat and Injustice too

Most people love Rick and Morty and not in the ironic Yea Forums way. Most people have very shit taste in humor.

Kids love them and they're piss easy to write.

>He dosn't like black Sonic

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he is pretty fucking awful, you're right

The only quip in the game that slightly made me exhale out my nostrils was mirage fumbling over his "bamboozle" line

I tried to play Borderlands 2 and it was one of the most overrated games I've played. The art style blends everything into a mess making gunplay feel like pointless time wasting and every character just pissed me off. Was I meant to laugh at the quirky Reddit robot?

everybody shits on it

Most of the devs are newfags who discovered the internet after 2010.

Because characters like that are consistently received well by the public, they are just hit or miss when you actually attempt to reproduce them.

why is the only 100% definitely caucasian white male in the game all about toxicity and darwinism

>basedboy face

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To me, it seems like it's working. He's made to be hated. He's a prick.
So all in all it's a good character i guess.

His bio literally says he's an attentionwhore who is prone to lying. He's not meant to be likable but he still ends up being likable because he's voiced by Sonic the Hedgehog.

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>Unironircally picking Gibraltar.

Good god man, do you enjoy being a slow as shit, worthless, giant hitbox? His dome shield is literally used more to fuck with his teammates but retarded ass placement vs. actually being useful and stopping enemies.

Play something decent like Wraith or Bang.

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I hate this faggot so much, his line where he says the kill leader is cocky is dumb as shit too.

He's not slow, it's just that the slow animation while running makes it look like he is.

The robot was a much better character in the first game, they made him too annoying in 2


>the only cis white male literally gasses marginalized races and sexualities

When you think about it only one white character makes sense statisticaly
It is kind of suspect they made him the gasser though.

>Still upset about borderlands after all these years.

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Mirage isn't THAT memey. They've got one of everything. Black, gay, ugly, gender neutral, cocky, serious, memey. They literally have just made agame and slapped the personalities on afterwards, and I prefer that. i don't care what my character is/was/looks like or what tehy fuck. I don't care if a dev decides to include those facts and even display their gender preferences. I pay ZERO attention to it and decide if I like a character by their kit.

That's why i think Gibraltar is shit, not becuase he's gay.
I think caustic is shit because he's slow at putting down his main play mechanic, not because he';s an edgy wannabe villain. ADN that's why i like Lifeline, despite her voice actress doing a TERRIBLE Jamaican accent, and why i like Bangalore despite them trying to hard to make a "HEY GUYS GIRLS CAN BE MANLY BADASSES TOO".

Stop investing your time into trivial unimportant matters and there will be less chatter about it all.

>being a cocky idiot (a trope that’s existed for decades) is reddit humor now

All characters move at the same speed.

Gibraltar's dome and airstrike are breddy good actually. His biggest weakness is that he's a huge target. That's also the reason why Wraith, Bangalore and Lifeline are so good, their hitboxes are tiny, which is why you see every KDRwhore play as those 3 characters. They gotta give bigbodies some sort of tradeoff.

>Slow as shit in a game baseda round fast paced movement and shooting
>Ult that makes no sense for a defense class. It's actually all right but it's on Gibraltar lol
>pointless gun shield

I honestly believe swapping Banglaore's ult with Gibraltar's makes sense. Maybe not for balance but definitely for class archetype.

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to get the humor.

>Gender neutral
Fake news, it's a pyro situation where nobody knows thier gender because of the mask.

my friends want to play mirage but because they hate the voice lines so bad they always have to mute dialogue audio & they can't be bothered doing it every time they play him so they just stopped playing him

Female voice actress, deepened. They meant to make it unknown/neutral.

Onions consumption

Fucking autists desu m8.
I don't even hear the characters half the time because I'm actually playing the game.

Do you retards even play the game?

This dudes lines are all the same basically

It's a known for years character trope, you fucking dumbass. Internet liquifies kids brains these days, god damn it.

>His dome shield is literally used more to fuck with his teammates but retarded ass placement vs. actually being useful
His dome shield is actually very useful when used at long distances and his ultimate is rather OP

I hate when people who simply main and are good at playing a select choice of typically cheese classes (like lifeline and wraith mains. lifeline is literally an unlimited self heal DPS) project their shittiness and inadequacies onto other perfectly designed, balanced classes.

Literally not even the meta classes, just lowest of the skill ceiling required in serious comp, like pyro is in TF2

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>Has systems based around voice callouts.
>Still wants to pull off the Pyro Style mysterious person character.
>Somehow has to do voice acting for a character that's supposed to be ambiguous.
They did a pretty good job pulling that off with Bloodhound desu.

glad to know you retards have never actually played as him

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You do know every character runs/slides/sprints at the same speed, right? You're right about the hitbox, but every character moves the same speed without outside input.

>no fun allowed

let me guess OP wants to replace them all with a frowny faced white guy with a shaved head

HAH! Everybody here just got bumbled... bangoled... blued... bombal... fooled.

His movement speed is the same as every other character. The dome helps defuse engagements and makes healing/reviving pretty safe. His ult is extremely good at softening up enemy squads and giving your breathing room while you help your teammates, and his gun shield at least soaks up some damage.

Like I said above, the reason he's shit (compared to "top tier" picks) is because he's so easy to hit. None of your abilities matter if you keep getting downed because enemies can land bullets on you without even trying. Caustic has it even worse because he's just as big, has no ability to soak up damage and his skills are way more situational while ALSO affecting teammates. I love the man's abilities but fuck me he's grueling to play.

I wanna fuck him!

I don't know what you're trying to say in that second half there. Pyro is underpowered in TF2, unless you were aiming towards him as a 'balanced' option, in which case, back to the underpowered argument. There's a reason why you only play scout,soldier,demo,medic and VERY RARELY sniper in 6's.

Name one (1) meme Mirage spouts.


Lifelines and Wraith "mains" are utter garbage who choke the moment they have to pick something else. Whoever thought that "Heals self faster, can ress faster and with a shield" as a passive was equal to "becomes vaguely less visible for 5 seconds after being knocked down" or "Isn't hurt by his own abilities" needs to get a shotgun mouthwash.

Bamboozling, which was sort of a meme in Titanfall 2 already.

A several hundred years old dictionary word is a meme now? Drown yourself in acid.

He's right tho, it IS a meme in Titanfall 2

i totally understand. my friend bought mirage and also stopped playing him because of the maximum over-quipping. characters like him and bangalore are examples of writers who think more words = more funny, dirty bomb had the same problem with it's characters but at least it was fun.

They want the capeshit audience.

>Heals self faster, can ress faster and with a shield
Don't forget, also gets free healthkits that can outheal the ring and free level 3 armor.

I really hope they adjust the balance in this game soon. It's only been a few weeks and the meta is already stale as fuck. I'm tired of seeing Wingmen and Peacekeepers every game too.

The way people kept using it turned it into somewhat of a meme, but that's about it. The word itself ain't. Don't know why you're being so hostile, pal.

Can you shut the fuck up, you stupid nigger? I agree with your sentiment, but if you can't formulate why you hate something and have to string "xD" to the end of it to show such, then you need to piss off, because no one will value the opinion of a faggots who can't explain why he hates something, but proceeds to dust it off with an "xD" just assuming people will get what you're saying

Because Marvel movies did exceptionally well and the early ones are riddled with quips so the new blood thinks that is what makes a great script.

Actually come to think of it it's strange that no chinks.

Oh ,good. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with the opinion that the game needs a serious balance patch. The meta needs a change-up, and it needs one badly. Wingman making the actual DMR pointless is just sad. If I had a dime for every Lifeline toting around a wingman, or Wraith rushing around with a peacemaker abusing her ridiculously tiny hit box while thinking they're hot shit.

>why do developers appeal the must gullible and naive audience aka the zoomers


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Balance is relative
You can call Gibraltar balanced and all the other heroes except caustic overpowered, or recognise that they're underpowered

pyro still gets "w+m1!" salt in pubs, which is the only mode worth playing in tf2

Pyro did have a voice, too (kind of).

This game has some of the worst character design I've seen in a long time. I can see it being successful for being a very polished f2p battle royale, but as soon as I picked some generic chingchong chick who said something like WEE WEEL WEEN I never went back.

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Isn't Lifeline meant to be like half chink? Also one of the upcoming characters is asian. I think he's korean.

Yeah, it's starting to get pretty annoying. I think just those 2 guns particularly are troublesome because their TTK is just so absurdly low compared to everything else. Wingman shouldn't be able to 2 shot full armor and health while also getting 12 shots in its magazine and while being the most ammo economical gun in the game. Peacekeeper shouldn't be able to 2 shot from the hip, while also being as accurate as a rifle once upgraded. It outclasses the fucking Mastiff and is way more common. I'm sick of matches that turn into Peacekeeper duels where everyone hops around like a retard and tries to land a meatshot.

I also hope they give taller characters some advantage over smaller characters as well. And buff Caustic and Mirage for fucks sake. Caustic is a worse Bangalore minus the free threatscope, and Mirage is worthless against anyone with half a brain.

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>we made it bad on purpose

>very polished
Yeah right, google apex glitches, it's fucking broken

agreed, the ring in this game is more of a suggestion than a threat. they also need to nerf the base damage of the wingman as well as removing its ability to accept extended mags. The peacekeeper should also have its spray pattern adjusted so a body shot doesn't give you a free headshot every time you shoot center mass.

i also think sniper rifles need a projectile speed buff. its impossible to snipe effectively past 100 meters.

is the target audience

I'm so tired of this shit in video games and movies.

>It outclasses the fucking Mastiff
It really doesn't though, mastiff deals stupid damage

I would prefer a buff to sniper projectile range over speed.
But that might make them too good if you can snipe niggers front a kilometre away.

Speaking of range they should give every character a pair of binoculars, make them take a few seconds to get out and put away.

>fucking hate his voicelines
>it's the only character I can win with

Save me from this hell.

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The Peacekeeper has straight up more range, holds more ammo and is more common. Still does close to the same amount of damage if you land your shots.

Wingman needs a nerf to its fire rate or way more recoil. Damage is fine.

>tfw exclusively playing pathfinder
it sucks that anyone can easily oneclip me with smg 200 meters away but I fucking love that grapple

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Remember people. You play the same type of games as them.

I don't. Get fucked.

>tfw caustic main
gassing people will never not be fun
preventing them from opening doors will never not be fun
forcing people to not enter your little area will never not be fun

>The Peacekeeper has straight up more range
The choke sure, the choke is also a noobtrap in many situations. It's a shotgun, you use it to deal massive burst in close range
Mastiff also has tighter spread by default
>holds more ammo
2 more bullets in the magazine, but the reload is more than twice as long
> and is more common.
Irrelevant to this discussion
>Still does close to the same amount of damage if you land your shots.
Bodyshot is kind of close with 110 to 144, mastiff has 2x headshot multiplier and deals 288 damage with full pellets for an easy onehit even if you miss some, meanwhile peacekeeper deals 165 with a wider spread

>literally the worst character in the game mechanically
>also the worst "character"

yeah it checks out desu senpai

>if it doesn't pander to me, it's bad

>Game is literally just repackaged TF2 content shoved into a BR game mode that could have easily been a part of TF2 with a free download access for everyone and a paid unlock for the rest of the game
>Literally no rewards for people who previously owned/played TF2

Respawn are faggots for this shit.

>slinging into engagements and blasting squads point blank when they least expect it
>grappling enemies early game when they try to run away from you and giving them the spicy uppercut
>ziplining your squad to victory

No better feeling. Don't worry robro, our day will come.

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>System Smash

Gee, I wonder who the audience might be.

Joss Whedon should be executed for starting this shit.


games for children have childish humour these days. it makes sense, but I still get the disgust, since in the past even children's games had humour that could amuse adults.

if you can land a shot on someone 1000m away you deserve to get a one-shot, because they were either camping or AFK.

>anime-watching incel picks the edgy faggot ninja class and thinks she’s actually good
Fucking writes itself. Wraith is terrible, Bang + LLine + BHound is the meta team comp

>slow as shit
All characters move at the same speed, if you weren’t a Fortnite shitter you’d know
>defensive ability that gives your position away
Imagine being so bad you use the dome wrong. You don’t use it when your opponent still hasn’t seen you, you use it to pick up your teammates or give cover in a bad spot
>pointless gun shield
That extra bit of shield will win you duels if you’re actually good. It’s not a shitter crutch.


you already feel entitled to tf3 and now you feel entitled to free shit ingame?

The broader audience likes it

the map is filled with mountains and cliffs anyway, there are few places your bullets can travel even 500meters.

I think snipers in this game are fine, they're good for pathfinder since he can reposition between high grounds easily. They just need to tone down peacekeeper and wingman slightly.


If there's one advantage that Fortnite has is the characters don't talk. They just stay quiet and look cute instead of trying to sound like a super tough military character like Bangalore.

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Considering I already paid and supported the content being repackaged for this year's ago, yes, yes I do.

>they're good for pathfinder since he can reposition between high grounds easily.

yeah, too bad your team cant and they end up taking the brunt of the aggro you cause by sniping at people 300m away. the meta is not starting fights, and snipers are ALL ABOUT starting fights.


>playing through Anthem because I’m an idiot
>sitting through agonizing cutscenes
>quirky line
>quirky line
It’s fucking TORMENT. I swear to fucking god, Marvel movies destroyed everything. We can’t have ANYTHING with serious tone anymore, every single fucking scene, whether it’s a movie or video game, has to be completely undermined by an autistic quirky quip that completely annihilates the tone. I don’t fucking understand it, do people actually enjoy this garbage? In the MCU it sorta works at least because of the character dynamics and all the egos on the screen at once, but god fucking damn it we don’t need every single video game to be le reddit quirky quipfest.

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True, I feel at a disadvantage too often because my friends move in to engage while I have no view of the enemies I damaged at all. This is why I prefer the G7 over any other sniper weapon, it's a great mid range rifle so I can distance myself closer and hopefully be able to move in with my team when needed.

>paid and supported the content being repackaged

nigger you bought a videogame. that doesn't mean you are entitled to compensation forever from that company.

What kind of retard does it take to actually play fucking battle royale games?

What is wrong with people today?

>Mastiff also has tighter spread by default
not really, since mastiff's spread is this weird ass horizontal spread. Even if pellets might be closer to the center, they are less likely to hit, since for the bulk of the characters, they are much taller than they are wide. (probably even gibraltar but I'm not sure)

because of that, the bottom spread is better in practical scenarios, even when it's further offcenter

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what is wrong with battle royale games? yeah the genre is oversaturated and most of the games are unfinished trash, but hating something because it's popular is retarded as fuck.

I admit, I didn't know what the purpose was until I gave it an honest try either.
Basically, they're bite-sized game experiences. Each one's kinda different, and it ends when you die. Think.. a multiplayer roguelike. Really easy to pick up, play a couple rounds, and drop in under 30 minutes.

God I fucking hate Bangalore players. They're either smarmy tier whores, or wannabe military fags who just adore her obnoxious dialogue. You can bet nine times out of ten that the champion in each game is gonna be a Bang/Wraith whale.

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>Pick up multiplayer FPS
>Get into a match
>Have fun

>Pick up battle royale game
>Wait for matchmaking
>Start with nothing
>Scrounge up weapons
>Maybe get into an early fight, maybe not
>Long periods of fucking nothing

It's like people who enjoy this retarded shit haven't played a goddamn multiplayer shooter in their life.

not that user but you can think an entire genre is flawed
for example I think turn based JRPGs are garbage because they rely almost exclusively on either grinding or luck
similarly, you could think battle royales are flawed because a very large portion of the game is simply spent on walking around & looking for weapons instead of actually fighting

a genre can have flaws & he might not simply hate it because it's popular, because then he'd also have to hate FPS for the same reason
>they're bite-sized game experiences
a match takes up to 20-30 minutes if you don't just die when you first land
you can play a casual cs match in that time

Mate if Tribes was still alive I'd be playing Tribes but Tribes is fuckin' dead.

Battle royale is for people that suck at FPS. Brainlets, children, and normies.

Nu-Yea Forums is all of those things. Just look at this thread.

I like playing bangalore because it's basically a requirement for bloodhound to be good and she's pretty good on her own
I've got a lot of mates that enjoy picking bloodhound so if they do I usually go bang

tribes died a long time ago when they added that explosive sticky smg

Not the other guy but the reality is the mastif is the only gun in the game that can one tap someone from purple, not even the 50cal can.

In that respect it will always be 'the best' shotgun.

The modern lefty generation now in "creative" positions in entertainment grew up on Joss Whedon tier shit writing in TV shows and movies, where witty quips and snarky attitudes substituted actual personalities. It's all they know, they never held actual conversations with real people.

Mastiff fires a lot faster doesn’t it?

every nation does that, but when it's in japanese you think it's deep and thoughtful because you can't understand it

So what's the fps players refuge in todays world?
Singleplayer FPS?

>literally the worst character in the game mechanically

Scrub player confirmed.

>everything is DA LIBS fault
>only LIBS enjoy joss whedon and quip-based comedy!
>LIBS have no friends unlike me!

imagine being this bitter

The point of a br isn’t the combat tho, it’s surviving til the end. This makes the combat a lot more tense because every encounter could mean game over.

Sure, ingame it's like this though
Left is hipfire, right is ads and further away
Mastiff has most of the pellets gathered in the middle and benefits from ads
Yes, 0.97 to 1.3 sps

Attached: mastiff peace.png (730x474, 753K)

Stop niggerposting.

Jesus Christ almost tought this shit couldn't get any more laughable.

>implying matchmaking in other shooters doesn't take just as long, or even LONGER than BR
Everything else just sounds like your own opinion faggot.

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You ok dude?


You remember servers you little shiteating cunt?

I'm fairly sure Wraith is supposed to be asian, but since western devs can't model asians, she just looks white-ish.

I have played thousands of hours of traditional shooters and enjoy BR games a whole lot
what are you going to do about it fag

Laugh at you eating shit like a retard mostly.

servers are for old-man games, matchmaking is the future.

Yeah, he should that shitty ironic /pol/ humour everyone does here. That'd be way better.

If you're trying to imply that having dedicated servers makes or breaks or multiplayer shooters, you're retarded.

if you're too dumb for basic reading comprehension or following a conversation, you're retarded.

This game crashes way too often. Holy shit man. Was just playing with a peak team and fully equiped myself. And I get fucking dropped.

Yeah, because CSBlows BR was really good, right?

Valve couldn't make a game if they tried.

This game needs spectator modes or at least a killcam. Cheater go unnoticed and unpunished because of that.

hipfire would hit more pellets
if you ads from further, you'd likely use at least a level 1 choke charge which would also hit more pellets

yes, but it's risky to use that firerate, since you only get 4 shots, so you'd likely want to take the time to hit all four

mastiff is the best shotgun IF you only need it for short range (which is 95% of the scenarios but sometimes you still want the short-mid range peacekeeper + choke offers)
however, that has nothing to do with the spread, which is actually detrimental
the only reason mastiff is the king is because it's the only shotgun that has a x2 headshot bonus. If it was x1.5 like the other shotguns, I'd always keep peacekeeper over it

>hipfire would hit more pellets
Yeah and also deal less damage
>if you ads from further, you'd likely use at least a level 1 choke charge which would also hit more pellets
Choke takes time, ads with mastiff only takes as long as ads takes

>mastiff is the best shotgun IF you only need it for short range (which is 95% of the scenarios but sometimes you still want the short-mid range peacekeeper + choke offers)
But then you just use your midrange AR weapon


>Why do Western Developers think that writing quirky and ''epic xD'' characters spouting shitty memes are funny and likeable?
They grew up on a steady diet of Tarantino and Joss Whedon and are so up their own ass about media and post-modern thinking that they think a character who's never made a genuine, honest statement in their entire lives is fun or engaging.

>Tarantino writes bad dialogue

Attached: okretard.gif (400x332, 1.21M)

he didn't say it was bad
he said it was ironic and insincere, which it is

every single fucking thing out of jap writing is cringy as fuck how can the west compete?

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dudebro characters sucked as well
almost all are really forgettable.

western devs cant make interesting characters.

All I'm gonna say is have fun with your shit opinion. If you think Whedon and Tarantino's dialogue is comparable, you're already too far off and ignorant to be convinced otherwise.

>Scrub player confirmed.
His kit is entirely reliant not on you being good, but others being bad.

say "western" as in everything not japanese makes all your arguments invalid as you are a weeb that puts japan on a pedestal. So, your opinions are auto trash, ken-sama

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>Why do Western Developers think that writing quirky and ''epic xD'' characters spouting shitty memes are funny and likeable?

Because it's incredibly likeable for kids, the main consumers of these games.

No I think Tarantino is much better than Whedon's bullshit but he's still guilty for contributing to ironification of western entertainment

i think caustic is more cringey than bargain bin kyle crane

calm down, sjw. you can play those trannies all you want

I love Mirage. He might not be the best, but his one-liners/voice acting is absolute top tier. It's also very satisfying to successfully fool a squad into revealing their position. I don't care too much about his look but I think he would be better as a handsome blonde white man

How fucking good if Bangalore? I can't imagine someone not picking her up if she's available. Sometimes my teammates get fucked up while I'm close-by looting, and I often run to get their badges WITH the enemy squad still present, I just run in and drop a smoke bomb, grab the 2 badges and run the fuck out so quick, the enemies don't know what just happened

6/8 pellets is 108
full peacekeeper is 110

damage isn't relevant though, since we're just talking about the spread pattern. Don't try to move the goalposts

Spread pattern is damage though

Her smoke launcher has absurd utility and it pairs well with so many other characters. Pretty much everyone benefits from either them or the enemy being obscured by smoke.

Japs do the same shit.

yes, but if both had the same pellet count & damage per pellets, it becomes clear that peacekeeper's spread is better
at the very start your(?) point was that mastiff had a better spread because the pellets are tighter packed, but because of the way the spread is made (horizontal line rather than "circle") it's actually worse in a practical scenario

When I was younger, those kinds of quirky characters were awesome. Now they're just annoying. That's why Borderlands 2 aged like shit for me. The only character I still like is Hansome Jack, and thats only because of the story behind him

I just play her because she has straightforward abilities and doesn't disadvantage herself with a huge hitbox. I like her dialog but I don't take it seriously, I think it's supposed to be a parody of over the top tacticool shit but maybe it's just me who takes it that way.

>Titanfall 2 is 100x better of a game than this shit with 50x the content
>Costs less than a single skin
>People will still garbled Apex Legends down because of meme streams

Fuck the industry.

>Costs less than a single skin
But that's wrong.

Playing Apex really makes me wish I'd played the Titanfall games in their heyday. It doesn't really seem practical to try and get into them now, I'll definitely play 3 if and when it ever comes out though.

It WAS 5 bucks

That's insinuating that you're going to hit all your peacekeeper pellets, which is not very likely
Left was also really close, right is a more realistic range

TiFa2 is well alive right now

Its a blast

I bought the Deluxe Edition for $10. Base game was $5 for a while.

just spend the couple bucks needed to get Origin access for one month and play it that way, it's gotten a revival thanks to Apex but that's unlikely to last so there's really no point in playing for more than a month, anyway.

Hey! Fuck you!

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Leon Kennedy does the exact same thing, but you fags eat that shit up.

>makes free to play game
>only way of profiting is to sell visual items
>actually expecting people to give a fuck about visual items when every character is hideous to the point of no salvation

Remember when Japan was funny? Because I fucking don't.

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>You play the same types of games as them.
I'd rather play a game with a bunch of kids than be in a community filled with smelly waifufags

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RE4 is immune to criticism on Yea Forums because it's so """campy""" and """self-aware""".

>That's insinuating that you're going to hit all your peacekeeper pellets,
that's insinuating you're going to hit all the center spread pellets with mastiff

you can't say "oh those peacekeeper pellets are going to miss, but the mastiff pellets that have the same horizontal offset are going to hit"

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Because you’re starting to grow out of games most games coming out now are targeted at the new generation (meme, thinks not being as hard)

Zipline into mid air uppercut

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t. subhuman nigger

Not a terrible idea, I've got Origin Access right now because of Anthem anyway. I'm just not convinced I'll be able to git gud enough in a few weeks to have fun with it though, jumping into a high skill curve game where everybody else still active is a god is always kinda shitty.

Female Writers

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>getting bamboozled vs doing the bamboozling isn't a known meme
You have to go back

>he still doesn’t understand how quips became the plague they are

It’s, ironically, cynicism that’s to blame. Nobody believes a straightlaced hero anymore. Nobody is willing to buy into an utterly heroic protagonist.
The character has to have an edge, they have to be a bit of an asshole, it else it feels phony.

Funny thing is that cynicism is also why we’re turning against that archetype.
We now recognize that no-talent frauds are just imitating a type of writing designed to make for more “human.” We now automatically distrust “quippy” dialogue even if it’s well-written (which it usually isn’t).

Soon enough well get nu-post-cynical protagonists in some form and Yea Forums will hail them as amazing and /ourguys/.

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you do realize that apex is meant to be promotional material for the inevitable titanfall 3
Imagine a tf3 with a f2p multiplayer(pay for cosmetics only)and a 30 dollar campaign.

Yes, when you're making fun of something, it's okay for it to be a purposefully bad representation of something

>start game
>get flanked by an enemy 3 minutes in
>die because my equipment it subpar
>restart ad nauseum

Why do people like this BR trash?

>A fucking soiboi man bun
Holy shit literally no one knows how to do character design anymore.


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inspired by akuma

>start game
>get flanked by an enemy 3 minutes in
>win because my equipment is subpar but my skill isn't

That's why.

>a game based around fast paced movement
>fast paced movement
i must have watched my roommate play a different game because Apex looked slow af

sounds terrible my guy, ill just keep playing TF2

Then your friends are the most autistic autists

>He thinks BR requires skill
Bro, wtf? Have you ever actually played a competitive shooter before?

Have you ever killed someone with statistically better weaponry, armor and positioning before? What am I saying, of course you haven't. Please though, feel free to keep insisting that it's not your fault, you just "got unlucky" a few thousand times in a row.

Because it feels good to beat people despite an equipment disparity like that and when you don't you've only wasted a few minutes. It's much better than, say, being stuck with a horrible team for 45 minutes in CS or Overwatch. Apex is pretty generous with loot anyway, by the time you hit the top 5 or so most players will be on a pretty level playing field with whatever setup they prefer.

>start game
>get flanked by an enemy 3 minutes in
>"Fuck this, he just won because he got lucky and had a better gun"
>Try again, get a good gun and die to an enemy squad
>"Urg, fuck this shitty genre they just won because they outnumbered me"
>Try again, get hit from behind by a single guy and die in a 3 v 1 scenario
>"H-h-he just beat us because this genre is stupid and positioning is all that m-matters!"
>Flank and outnumber the enemy while fully equipped and still lose

vertical offset barely matters since you're trying to shoot center of mass anyway
if you can hit that strip you can hit the star

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I unironically enjoy Mirage purely because RCS turns everything he touches into gold. Also because I always read Chrispostings in his voice.

>Why do Western Developers think that writing quirky and ''epic xD'' characters spouting shitty memes are funny and likeable?
Looks at my blocklist of gaming YouTubers that are "popular".

>get matched with team
>one plays Caustic
>one is level 5
>immedietely leave lobby

waste of time desu

oh hi

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It could be that. I don't mind villains with tragic backstories who justify their shit with it or other switch mechanisms but nothing beats for me a bad guy who is just bad and wants money/power/whatever the fuck and tries to get it because he knows that he has a decent chance of getting it so why the fuck not. And if he has a tragic backstory then while it might've made em who they are you won't see them try to use that while crying bitch tears to switch over to the good guys unless it's all part of the master plan because nothing beats baiting out compassion and then shitting on it. Granted such villains usually get jack shit in terms of screen time and thus dialogue so they don't even feel like characters but classic evil characters can still be entertaining as fuck even if all they do is shit on everything they see in all the different ways, at least for me.


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I love how terrible the voice quality is in this. Whenever I get some mushmouthed european who thinks we actually want to hear him butcher the english language instead of just using the pings like a civilized person I like to crank the gain on my microphone's DAC all the way up and blow his audio out.

Most people who used mic never could effectively communicate clearly. Why the fuck do people plug in their mic, say "whats up bro" and then never do any sort of call outs and if they do its when they're downed after going in 1v3. And if they do call outs its always fucking
>"dude hes over there!"
>"hes hiding over there!"
without fucking pinging. they never ping. ahhhhhh

Jibraltar is the epitome of reddit. This is the fucking titanfall universe and this motherfucker is acting like fuckign Maoi from Moana if he were in overwatch. It’s so fucking jarring and annoying to watch. His character screams “please like me, I’m such a le bro, right fellow bros?”

Titanfall 2 is a good game

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I don't see a problem with Mirage as a character
He's a cool guy, if a bit autistic. His kit on the other hand needs to be buffed, his passive and ult are basically useless.

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Because people who make and play these games are out of touch with what's good.


If you don't like mirage then get ready for his brother jericho. They just datamined the names of the next 8 legends. Mirage has 4 other brothers that went missing and with one coming back into the lore get ready to have a full team of mirages family meme voicelining constantly :)

also you can turn off their voices/comments in game


Children love stupid bullshit and getting financially fucked in the ass because it's not their money.

Video Games are primarily created for children.

Accept these facts or find a new hobby.

You can have fun with shit, zoomzoom. I just don't choose to, because it's shit.

*tips fedora*

No they are perfectly in touch with what stupid children will sink all their money into.
Vince Zampella and Jason West are some of the slickest businessmen I have ever seen.

forgot my image :3

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You realize they confirmed they're not working on Titanfall 3

because the writers are unlike people with no talent

>hes low!
>hes 1 hes actually 1!
>focus my firing onto the supposed low person
>he still has fucking shields.

Since when. They tweeted that shit recently.

>just am now informed of this fact after playing mirage for two weeks

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You are completely fuckin' retarded if you truly believe that.

>what are healing and shield items

He's like Johnny Cage and Deadpool combined. His personality matches his special abilities and he stands out as an original.


But... but.. Gibby gets me easy free triple kills with his ult.

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To be fair the hand animations while running give the feeling of slowness, so herd derp tier players can't tell GIbraltar moves at the same speed as others.

Thats why I main mah boy caustic! Only good character in the game

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Doesn't wraith move faster though?

>why are people who make video games bad at writing

Mirage is a wise cracking fool. Plus he makes of gays when he says "This match is gonna be extragay - extravagant is the word." If anything some resetera tranny is gonna post something about it and it will be removed. They easily could have made him like some generic emo like Wraith.

Both of them write dialog laden in irony, self-awareness, pop-culture references, and post-modernism. The difference is that Tarantino uses this as a device to support a film that's, in all likelihood, already dripping with so many references to other movies and told in such a non-linear style that the dialog fits into his fast and loose directing method and makes the movie enjoyable as a character-driven film even if you don't know exactly what's going on. Joss Whedon is where bad writers draw most of their real inspiration from, where you get the feeling that every line of dialog from the characters is said with a wink and a cheeky grin straight at the camera. Nobody takes anything seriously because it's just a dumb video game/movie/whatever an even though the characters don't know that, that's how they act.

The entire first act of Borderlands is filled with cheeky shit like this, it thinks it's being clever for calling out the cliches they use by using character dialog rather than subverting your expectations of the cliche through gameplay, or thinking "Butt Stallion" was such comedy gold they had to use it three times

>doing good, grappling around and blasting people with shotgun
>game crashes

>doing awful
>game runs fine

I am!

no, her hands just move faster as she runs

far cry new dawn is fucking unbearable for this

the first guy you have to go help is some annoying soiboi faggot, the girl you can help after that is some obnoxious stoner, both characters speak like they're out of a cartoon

western games are full of this shit now

Mirage is fun. Hell, he don't need to show up at all to win. :D

>i see you've opted to play our robot and not one of our gay or black characters user
>it'd be a shame if someone made his hitbox twice as large as he is

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Thank you based pork chop man.

am i the only one who finds it real fucking heard to see the enemy sometimes?

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How is this character's personality bad? He sounds fine.

Why does this guy sound like he's straight out of Hatred?

that and keeping my sights on them when im firing and they dissapear in front of me from all the effects. thats why i like the 2 good shotguns

Do you have the setting that reduces resolution to keep a constant fps?

antialiasing makes everything blurry. turn it off

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On the outside of the ring when everything's orange I can't see anything and some of the iron sites obstruct view

>tfw you grapple around a building and land in a squad of 3 peacemakers and wingmen

Taking them to that extreme is a win-win, honestly. If the audience likes that crap, then you're good. If they hate it, well, he's a parody of the concept so he's MEANT to be irritating, right?

You're memeing, but there's a lot of people here that think this way

Imagine unironically believing this.

is this shit for real?

lmgtfy.com/?q=pathfinder hitbox

Imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet

All the space between pathfinders legs (crotch area) and between his arms is part of hitbox where it isn't with other heroes, he also has an entire head of distance on top of his already existing head that can be headshot


9 hours in paint for this demonstration, all the red shit is part of his hitbox where as you can literally shoot between the feathers on bloodhounds hat and not his hitbox

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>Why do Western Developers think
You mean the marketing department. Games are made by a room full of people these days, the suits are in charge, devs are just handymen.

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>a pathfinder stands still for a second
>dies due to being a walking mozambique drill

Wasn't talking about the hitbox, bro. Stay delusional.




Do characters in this game actually have any differences besides skills and (presumably) hitboxes?


wait so different characters can climb varying heights of obstacles?
that's pretty fucking neat if so, there's a few walls (like the wall at the top of slopes near airbase) that are just BARELY too high to climb when I tried it, maybe some characters can climb it then
not sure if you include passives in skills, but there's those too.

Also cosmetic shit like finishers etc.

yea titanfall 3 will never be worked on forever CONFIRMEd

This. Whedon ruined fiction.

>they made the white character act like a real white person