I want to live in Japan so badly

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I want to live in Gensokyo so badly!

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japan isn't like in your shitty cartoons you dumb fuck

You can gets thots anywhere user. Please tell me you want to live there for something a lot more important than just that.

Op i dont know how to tell you that but real life women dont look like that and they wont fall for you just because you exists.

they will be offended by you scent

>I want to live in anime so badly

Today I will remind them....


No you don't. You want to live in the fictional version of Japan. Which is fine; I'd love to live in City Hunter's Tokyo and live the like of Ryo, but it's not the same as reality.

Japan is an ethno state, stay in your own shitty country. White people are garbage race with a death wish, just die out quietly.

I like Japan and go on vacation there once in a while but I wouldn't really want to live there.
Also why the fuck don't they have a terrace anywhere?
Where the fuck am I supposed to drink beer on a sunny day.

Japs don't want you living in there

Been there 2 times already for 1,5 months
It's nothing like in animes
Yet it is simply so comfy
I can't describe it
Euro poor is so shit in every way
But in nipland where every you go it feels great just being there
There is so much to do
So much to see and experience
Behind every corner is something new

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>Muh Anime
Do it faggot, then stream your suicide in glorious nippon once you get treated like the dirty foreigner you are

I think I can probably get a good job there by age 30.

Yes I don't think nips girls are attractive at all

No no, let him find out for himself.

This makes me uncomfortable.
Did the girls even want to do that???

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Like I said I know already
It's still the best place to be in

Japan isn't super amazing and unless you speak Japanese you won't find the QTs you're looking for.

alcohol is cheap tho, so my alcoholism is all g

Fuck real women

Too much of a beta to score a white woman, has to prey on young innocent jap girls, Sad!

Living might be fun, working there is awful.

English teachers pay really well, they're treated like royalty there

I'd like to visit and try some authentic jap women. But live there? Nah.

Any games with this setting other than yakuza 0 and old arcade games?

lol no

I live in Japan.
I became an alcoholic.
Currently sipping on my 3rd 500ml strong zero of tonight.

Japan is not Germany
They are very friendly there you dumb nazi

Just play one of the Era Games.If you don't mind it mostly being text based with portraits.

I have a better career, just need to move to company with nice Japanese office so I can make western pay.

How is this vidya? Also
>gaijin thinks Japan is like in the animes

No, thanks!

It's a peaceful, clean and safe ethnostate that will literally make you realize Hitler was right.

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>innocent jap girls

I wish, the Yamato Nadeshiko is a dying breed.

Japanese cat

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I'd rather live in pre 9/11 murrica, but have a little tokyo neighborhood close by for the arcades and the jap cuties trying to pretend they live in the motherland.

>i visited it for 1,5 months
>it's paradise
you don't know shit,euro boy.

dunno what line of work you're in but unless it pays extra for "gaijin expertise" you'd be better off in your own country

What's the context for this again?

>That beta kiss
Yet more alpha than the drones outside, funny shit

Nope which is why my dick is so rock hard

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No I don't but it's closest place still

No, no woman wants to be kissed.

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I never said paradise tho

>wouldn't mind living in japan
>absolutely do not want to have a job and work in Japan

The double edged sword. If I could just save up money and buy a house in bumfuck rural Japan and live the rest of my days there then I would in a heartbeat though.

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yakuza, also they hide their crime stats

Yet everyone loves and watches one piece
Explain that atheists!

Look for an English teaching job. It pays peanuts but at least your get to be poor in Animeland

Programmer. I'd take paycut but whatever, still make enough.

if you can find a like-minded opposite-sex partner there are plenty of rural towns that'll set you up with a liveable income and baby money if you move to their rapidly depopulating shithole

kek, source?

>48.5% income tax
Keep it, commie.

It's like a old pedo kissing an unsuspecting child, gross

I have a friend, age 34, who is renting out his house and moving there in 2 months. He says, "I know a guy opening a convenience store, so I'll work there" and plans on going to school FOR Japanese language while there instead of now, before moving there.

He's leaving a pretty good job here where he could be management in a few years more. I don't know what he expects to happen in Nipland; he's not even a weeb but he thirsts after that Jap pussy. He's been there twice for vacations and not managed to snag a chick.

I want him to do what his heart tells him, but shit, this sounds like an awful idea. I'm weeb as fuck and *I* wouldn't want to live in Japan, especially with a tenuous plan like his.

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why burguers and whites always have a boner for japan?

I wish I knew. This pic is old AF just happened to be on my computer for the longest time.

That sounds pretty reasonable if he's happy working in a convenience store.

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>Where the fuck am I supposed to drink beer on a sunny day.
The park? The train station? Absolutely anywhere you want because its actually legal to drink in public/

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From the chanting, I'm pretty sure they are protesting against the Chinese.

>I went on holiday somewhere
>It was good
Congraduations on the holiday.
You had a HOLIDAY.
Now imagine living in Japan, having to deal with the first bank you went to rejecting you because you haven't been in Japan for 6 months yet.
Then having not one, not two, not three but four fucking agents rejecting you on a rental property because you're a gaijin.
Now also imagine being treated as a outsider all day everyday and 箸上手.
Or the idea if you lose your job you have 3 months to gtfo or be kicked out and banned from japan for 5 years.

>I want to teach english in japan
Good luck finding a job when you go back to your own country.

But hey, least Japan has anime and hentai.

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because there's nothing else to do, or because it's depressing there?

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The one stipulation is I doubt they have decent enough internet there. It seems nice to relax for a couple weeks but I'd undoubtedly get bored and retract to my current life style.

Honestly, I'm such a fucking weeb I would probably don't mind having a 12h work day if I like my job and live in the country I love.

They wouldnt want to if they wouldnt want to fag

that's true. also big fuckin' spiders out inaka

Yakuzas run all the arcades and are all over akihabara and kabukicho. They're pretty reasonable guys. They call themselves "honorable organizations" so in their minds they are good guys with trad values. Yakuzas donate whenever an earthquake or tragedy strikes.

Most Yakuza are good lads. It's sad how a few psychos ruined their reputation

This is a lie.

>if you can find a like-minded opposite-sex partner
Uh what about same sex? I have family in rural Japan and have actually considered moving to an area around them, but I don't want to go there if I'll get lynched by the locals for being gay.

Source? Literally none of the searches are working.

He's got savings. I'm just not so sure moving to a foreign country on a whim to a 'maybe' job while you don't even speak their language is a wise idea. Even so, I haven't said anything negative because I'm not going to shit on someone for following their dreams.

The only thing you can say is "what's your plan if it doesn't go as you expected? Can you pick up your life again over here?"

Women are property, don't confuse my post again

My boss dont. But he said he watched spirited away several times.

No one wants you to pollute anything but a cemetery so stop trying to ruin communities.

If you can handle being alone for the time you life in Japan then its fine. Don't expect to find a mate there.

Wait are you serious?

As long as he can come back there's no problem, even if it doesn't really work out as expected it can be a cool experience

You should let him do what he wants. Not many people have dreams. If he has one, he should reach for it now instead of wondering "what if ?" later.

Shhh they don't understand how making out works

you won't get lynched but they won't give you baby money 'cause, y'know, no biological bebes and all that. they also probably wouldn't set you up with a job 'cause the whole point is to increase the local population so their city doesn't die out


How the fuck did you not know this? Yes its legal to drink in public in Japan.

You've been a tourist, you haven't experienced the actual everyday life in Japan.

>Behind every corner is something new

The longer you stay there the less you will feel like this

Probably not that difficult. When the savings run out he'll just kick out the tenant and move back to his house, I suppose. He's a concierge in Vegas, so there's tons of other hotels to work at. I think it's going to be disappointing as this guy
says. If you can't bag chicks here, not like you're going to be pulling mad pussy as average white skeleton man over there.

I don't want you here, you fat weeaboo EOP.

Luckily I know a faggot like you will never be able to qualify for a long term visa.

>go to Japan for five months
>get way too used to having a convenience store two minutes away and a drink machine at the corner
>even the canned mackerel tasted better over there
I hate it.

Nevermind, found it - finally.

Shizuku Ninomiya in Kyoukai no Kanata

Just making sure.

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Japan has done lot of cracking down on Yakuza activity. These days a person belonging to Yakuza can't even have a bank account. It's dying out. Only older guys belong to Yakuza any more and they have trouble hiring young guys because they think education and real world jobs are offering more future than Yakuza. This is all due to Japan putting them tighter during recent years.

>tfw I'm permanently moving to Japan in a couple of months
My body is ready, bros...

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JET fag here, depends where you work. If you're a JETfag in the countryside you get paid more than your Japanese coworkers who are there to 8pm every night.
If you're an eikawa cuck in Tokyo you might as well kill yourself.

Optimal English teaching is working part-time for two or more schools; however, this hard for people with no teaching experience in schools or not even a fucking TEFL cert. At most you can probably earn between 70~80k USD per year. But then you're not actually climbing a ladder.
University English TEACHERS (not ALTs) have it good too, but you need to have a masters for that 99% of the time.

Reminder: If you are on the bottom of the social totem pole in your own country, you'll be on the bottom of the totem pole in Japan.

You aren't Joker, kiddo.

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>He says, "I know a guy opening a convenience store, so I'll work there" and plans on going to school FOR Japanese language while there instead of now, before moving there.

So basically he's going to work illegally? Sounds like a good idea to get kicked and banned.

Well, yeah. Like I said, I'm worried for him but not going to naysay. Who knows, maybe he WILL find some random perfect girl over there. Guess stranger shit has happened and I can't blame anyone for hating American women with a passion.

Do you live in Saudi-Arabia or why does it seem so unbelievable to you

Why are you moving there? What city will you be living in?

be sure to embarrass yourself. the less social self-awareness you have, the better.

I know exactly what you mean. I look at pictures and imagine myself walking through the city or an alleyway at 2am and buying something from a vending machine. The place just seems like it has a very comfy atmosphere to it.

Lol America is literally going to collapse and balkanized in 10 years dude. The globohomo elites are pushing for immigration because they want it to happen faster. They already reduced democracy to an ethnic headcount.

Once chaos sweeps the U.S. globohomo corporations like Walmart will install their own forms of local government. On the other hand Japan will still be Japan, bidets and all.

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You can speak Japanese, right?

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Is it a smart idea, considering you don't know Japanese?

It's comfy to visit, but living there would be a nightmare. Imagine the workload you're expected to do. I hope you like working till dark every night

Why is it that the stories about living in Japan are either "best time of my life" or "worst experience ever, Japan is the worst?"

Open container is illegal in most public places in America

>japan, korea, china: soulless
>rest of the world: soul

Kyoto. I work for Nintendo.

fucking weebs nice video games thread btw you guys are total not cancer

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I lived/studied/worked for 2 years there. And started a relationship there.

This user has exactly my feelings about it.

Don’t let cynics on 4channel tell you otherwise. Godspeed on your dream user.

t. europoor

it would only be fun if you were a rich NEET who could hang out at the arcades all day like some gaijin Brian Kuh or something

Nigga I don't live in Japan. Though when I was visiting my uncle there I was hiding the beer he asked me to buy the entire way home like as if that 6-pack was a gun and I was walking in front of 20 police stations in America. GOD DAMN IT I KNEW I HEARD SNICKERS.

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Depends on where you go and what you're able to do, something dependent on your knowledge of Japanese and if you have company

Cool just like my uncle!

Tokyo, my company is transferring me there (on my request).

Been studying Japanese for 2 years, I'm far from fluent but I spent 2 months there last year (scouting out the place, networking with my company, etc) and I was able to hold an everyday conversation and read basic stuff without problem. Also my company is paying for weekly Japanese classes, even though I don't need to use Japanese to do my job (international western company).

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Everything about your post reeks of a non-contributing member of society.

>(international western company).


In Clapistan that shit is illegal.

Who knows. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. Jap society frowns on kissing as PDA.

Are they that bad ? I'm european, and american women seems fine to me. They're fun, outgoing and like to party. What's wrong with that ?

while it's legal, it's disrespectful and cringe af to be stammering around drunk in public

sour grapes

>and plans on going to school FOR Japanese language while there instead of now
That's pretty common from what I hear

I want to live in Japan because it's one of the few wealthy places left with a native high IQ population that isn't filled to the ass with niggers.

and why the fuck would I care what a random faggot on Yea Forums thinks

>"comfy atmosphere"
>imagine wandering the streets
Look, just say it. We all know what you mean. Do you not? Do you not know why you feel "comfy" in Japan? Why you feel safe to wander down random alleys? To drink in public places surrounded by strangers?


>see japan in anime
>looks comfy because there's not many cars and not many people
>most alleyways are nice and secluded
>real life japan
>metric fuck load of people everywhere
>dense as fuck so you're packed in like ants

Nah. I'll just enjoy the fantasy Japan. This shit ain't like Persona

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Same, would like a job at a foreign company that doesn't trat their workers like shit, if anything

Idiot. The 'elites' want more centralization, not balkanization.

Good man.

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Yeah this has been something I've thought about too.
I mean I still have trouble finding a gay partner here in Canada, but my chances of finding one in rural Japan are probably next to none, however I also have no family here.
Having to choose between having a partner or having a close relationship with my family is hard, fuck this.

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You didn't have to click on the thread faggot.

I'd rather go to Pattaya.

>i want to live in a country full of hyper racists

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W-was that a French Kissu?

>and I was able to hold an everyday conversation and read basic stuff without problem
You'll be fine then. Have fun, user.

He set up a website for millions, enjoyed his hobbies and made it to Japan and is now working for Google.
What's your excuse?

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6 years in Japan and can't wait to go back to my shitty country lol

Nah. I'm starting a PhD in Japan and once I graduate I'll go for a Japanese company. Greater security and all.

>Been studying Japanese for 2 years
>I'm far from fluent but I spent 2 months there last year (scouting out the place, networking with my company, etc) and I was able to hold an everyday conversation and read basic stuff without problem
You could achieve much better result for that period of time but that's good enough anyway. Good luck

same applies for any political thread here but you guys still get butthurt

Imagine seeing niggers and muslims every day and being bombarded by anti-white propaganda in your own country

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>tfw playing STALKER
>tfw I want to live in a comfy commie block in eastern europe now

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>can't speak Japanese
>leaving everything to work at a convenience store
>at 34
Your 20s is supposed to be for doing shit like this, guy should be focusing on his career.

Stop being a pussy on his behalf, your friend sounds unironically based and you should try to chase life like he does.

Same they get the best snow

Because of ugly people and good looking people.
or blacks and whites, or uppity, asshurt sjws and polite normal people.

The mere thought of one of those asian women scolding me in angry hieroglyphics for not doing something like she wants kills any interest in asia, i'd go to improve in martial arts though

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>not knowing that Japan is on the verge of being taken over by the bidets
They're almost to the point where they can wheel on over to you when you need to drop a load.


At least the reality isn't american sized.

>there's only one location in Japan
That's stupid. It's like expecting America to have cacti and cowboys everywhere.


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Walk the streets of Detroit you fucking cuck

>Greater security and all.

There is a difference between only watching One Piece and being an anime otaku


>liberal hypocrisy


>anime girls will never be real
>stuck with fake, shallow 3 dimensional whores that may be pretty, but are extremely ugly inside

Love doesn't exist in our realm, a one. It's all fuckin fake and will never last.

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lol cringy af weeb

>Now imagine living in Japan, having to deal with the first bank you went to rejecting you because you haven't been in Japan for 6 months yet.
This is fucking annoying, Japanese banks are hell and they do everything they can to avoid work or making money it seems like. I'm not sure how they continue to exist. Had to use Yuucho Bank when I first arrived.

I believe being alone in a foreign country might be heavy on your mental stability. I believe it would be good advice to give this good thought.

do you live in a shithole? job security ain't really a thing in Japan anymore, especially with Abe-chan's stupid anti-foreigner/imperial-revival bullshit

You could travel to smaller towns. Capitals and cities in general have a lot of people

>date an asian woman that has no ass
>date an overweight american woman with a halfblack child

what a choice

In paper they want centralization because they know it will lead to a collapse. The corporate left are accelerationist.

That's why they're so adamant about putting low IQ people in management positions. They want a chain-reaction of incompetence when it's time to pull the plug.


>it's disrespectful and cringe af to be stammering around drunk in public

Then don't get drunk? I personally like to enjoy my beers for the taste and rarely even get buzzed off it. Its not like I would down 3-4 beers and then head home. Normally I just drink a single beer somewhere with a great view and then go on with my day.

Go to a rural town and not fucking Akihabara if you want that.

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You sound like you know your shit, so I'll ask. How viable is it to move over there as a teacher temporarily and look for a more solid job (IT, business, etc.) once living in Japan? A lot of jobs you see advertised on sites like Gaijinpot and whatever require you to be in the country before you apply.

Japans overwork shit is so overblown. It's not any worse than American in general for example.


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There are black people in japan. There are no niggers
The difference is in the quality of the parenting

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This thread has further confirmed that Yea Forums is filled with miserable fucks.

do you not know the difference between a town and a city?

Only Texas

Dude, I would never want to move to Japan to work for a Japanese company. I've seen how they commute, I've seen how they work and I've seen how they get mindlessly drunk every evening and go home at midnight only to get back to the office the next day at 8am. It's not worth it. Number 1 reason for me visiting the place before deciding to move was to scout the area and check with my company to make sure that they won't pull a "you have to work Japanese hours since you're in Japan" card on me.

As a software engineer I can be as lazy as I want, go to work at 11am and go home whenever I feel like. Fuck Japanese companies.

I could, not gonna lie, but I've mostly been focusing on just doing my daily kanji reps and I've been slacking a lot with grammar. A big reason for choosing to move is so that I can fully immerse in the language and actively learn, so hopefully things will change.

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Please can you tell me why jaywalking is a crime?

Go to a fucking rural town or smaller cities. Rural Japan is fucking comfy as fuck and is exactly like how japanese anime portrays it.

>i went on Yea Forums and found miserable people
wew LAD


>wanting to live in a place with the worst work culture aside from places with literal slavery

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There's nothing wrong with racism.

So you came to Yea Forums only today, huh?

>he isn't dating asian women WITH ass

Look at him and laugh

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God I want to leave Canada so badly. I'm fluent in French, there has to be something, right?

That's lip service. In reality they recently passed a law that will allow more workers come into Japan. This time it's mainly aimed at manual labourers like construction workers and such. Probably will result mainly in SEA people coming in.

A Japanese company won't suddenly close shop do to problems back home etc.

If that works for you. I ultimately aim for a permanent stay permit, maybe even naturalization. I already put in years of effort, and will put more now with the PhD, so I have to go all the way.

Same thing but with heels, only weeab faggots with no life experience can't see that

All japanese girls are the same lol

Really hard to figure out if they are attracted or not.
Spent some time there and when I went for the kiss with a girl it looked exactly the same. Eventually she opened her mouth and got into it.

Sex with japanese girls is very good though. Smooth skin, cute moaning and very submissive/oriented towards the pleasure of the man.

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Sure, a lot of countries in Africa, kek

If you want the P4 experience, go to a rural town. If you want the P3 experience, get closer to a city. If you want the P5 experience, literally just go to Tokyo.

Gross, I saw sweat pimples

>getting drunk in the first place

>A big reason for choosing to move is so that I can fully immerse in the language and actively learn, so hopefully things will change.
You don't need to move there to become fluent at all. Immersion means native content which can be had online, including conversation practise.
Just remember that you don't get better from forcing production, only repeating what they say because its going to be correct.

t. incel

>It's nothing like in animes
no fucking shit Sherlock

>A big reason for choosing to move is so that I can fully immerse in the language and actively learn, so hopefully things will change.
They won't. You'll wind up surrounded by ex-pats, because all you clueless retards wind up banding together. If you're lucky, you'll have a couple of "Japanese" friends who have spent a few years in America before so they can speak reasonable English, and you will go through life reading the occasional road sign.

It's so fucking easy to immerse yourself in Japanese content with the internet. Moving thousands of miles away isn't going to improve your laziness.

france, french speaking parts of belgium, the caribbean or somewhere in africa

alternatively you could live nearly anywhere because you speak english

the paying there is alright but you could work there for 30 years doing the same shitty job if you're not willing to change

I try to give anything the benefit of the doubt. How dumb of me.

K. Keep telling that to yourself, bruh

? I'm not disabled.

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It's from Peepo Choo

Japan will be the last man standing, but it will falls. Sorry, user. I don't like it either.

>permanent stay permit
You need to either marry a local for 3 years (of which 1 needs to be spent in Japan), or you need to live there for more than 10 years and apply, or some shit like that. I'm not 100% sure.

Why? Do you mean become an actual citizen? If you're from any European country or USA/Canada, rejecting your citizenship to get a Japanese citizenship makes no sense whatsoever. Your passport is already strong enough and Japan can be really fickle when it comes to passport/citizenship stuff. Plus you'll always be a gaijin to them, there is no actual integration, even for western-looking Japanese nationals that were born in the country from Japanese parents. Also Japan forces you to renounce any other citizenships you may have, so it's not even possible to get dual citizenship.

Getting PR visa is good enough.

Avoiding other foreigners as much as possible is a must. At least it's likely most end up in Tokyo, which I already moved away from.

Why is there a white woman in you picture?

Have you ever studied any other languages like French or German? How would you compare Japanese to these, when learning? 2 years is a short time to acquire a fluent ability in my opinion.

>You sound like you know your shit, so I'll ask. How viable is it to move over there as a teacher temporarily and look for a more solid job (IT, business, etc.) once living in Japan? A lot of jobs you see advertised on sites like Gaijinpot and whatever require you to be in the country before you apply.

>How viable is it to move over there as a teacher temporarily
Japanese do their hiring in march/april for teaching (other jobs are almost the same because of graudates, but they still hire), so good job on missing the fucking 2020 olympics major hiring.

>look for a more solid job
Depends on how much of a paycut you're willing to take and what industry you're in, they have hiring companies here which do the job of applying to companies for you. If you're really desparate you can get one (without knowing japanese) no problem; however, you'll be working silly hours for maybe min wage to +500k~1000k (Depending on sector).

Knowing Yea Forums's newfaggot agebase I'm going to assume you're in Uni.
If that's the case, go work a proper job for 2-3years and then go to Japan, work part-time as an English teacher and THEN move onto a proper job.
If you've already been working for a number of years, apply to some places English teaching places as soon as possible. You might be able to get an interview.

The funny thing is, they would actually do a lot better if they took in some young working class immigrants:
Also, their young men are doing pretty badly:

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That's different, politics ruin good on topic threads. I'll bitch if a good discussion was ruined by stormniggers, but if I see a political OP I just don't click on it.

The best way to get permanent resident is to score an 80 on their meme test and reduce the time to 1 year.

that's how you know it's a an arse for biting

Friend I know what I have to do.

Naturalization is the bonus step, more symbolic than anything. I'm not saying I'll 100% go for it. I know about having to renounce your original citizenship. My EU pass is already pretty good, yeah.

And I even know about always being a "gaijin". It doesn't really bother me.

Having watched 930 episodes of Detective Conan.
I know that feel of wanting to live there

They probably will.
Hopefully they use a point system to only bring in desirables.
Japanese society isn't crystalline, after all. They can adjust but only when they absolutely need to.

Maybe you're right. I'm doing well where I am though, and I'm a hikki so it doesn't matter a whole lot where I choose to stay indoors.

I don't have the desire to move to Japan for the thrill of it, personally. I can get all their media and goods easy enough in this day and age.

This. I know a guy who works in a hospital and has met some Yakuza guys that come in with mysterious injuries. Apparently they're always cracking jokes and making fun of the silly excuses they give the hospital staff as to why they're bruised all over every other week.

I wish they'd stop this. There was an informal equilibrium between the police and yakuza. Everyone pretty much stayed to their own areas and there was rarely a problem. Cracking down on them now is just going to turn them more violent in response.

haha fuck off aqua poster

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>visit Japan recently
>get to the immigration line in the airport
>everyone is a balding incel


You'd also need to be hired for one of the appropriate positions. Theoretically I could get a university teaching job with my future PhD, but practically chances of that are ultra slim.

Those types date アラフォー women. I see couples like that from time to time.

> they would actually do a lot better if they took in some young working class immigrants

Get back in the oven

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To teach english in Japan do I have to learn Japanese too? I already know English so I'm assuming I'm good to become a teacher for it?


The fuck was going on in switzerland in the late 70s that caused that spike?

This is what I missed the most. Shit at 7-Eleven or Lawson were some much less expensive and higher quality than things at American convenience stores. I loved the selection and the smaller portion sizes in vending machines literally everywhere. Being able to use public transportation without niggers is pretty great too.

Naturalization is completely pointless unless you want a government job. I'm a lawyer and the only reason I'd consider naturalization is if I wanted to be a prosecutor over in Japan. But even that would require me to pass the ridiculous Japanese bar. Ultimately, naturalization is just useless 99% of the time.

I'm looking for a company like that, wanna go to Japan as maybe an expat
Shame that I'm working for a Japanese company here in Europe rn

If you want to be a JET monkey then no.

>You don't need to move there to become fluent at all.
Yeah, I am aware. However living there actually forces me to consume the media (TV, books, etc) and makes it easier to access a lot of things I wouldn't normally come across in the west (like reading a menu in Japanese, or looking at street signs, or having to talk about taxes/bank/bureaucratic stuff, etc) and expand my vocabulary and language. Plus, my company paying for my Japanese lessons, I get an actual schedule from native Japanese teachers coming to our office to give me 1:1 classes, which I don't really get in the west (or are very expensive). There's italki or other stuff like that online, sure, but it's not the same.

>You'll wind up surrounded by ex-pats, because all you clueless retards wind up banding together.
That's a risk, but I've lived in many other countries in the past and I'm familiar with the struggles of moving to a new culture and environment. I never had issues making new connections with the locals and I'll make as much effort as possible to connect with as many Japanese people as I can. I've spent significant time in Japan already (although as a tourist/temporary visitor) and I've made plenty of friends. I've got a really awesome bar in Shinjuku I used to visit a lot and I've made many friends, bartenders know me by name, we chat almost daily on LINE, etc. I won't be just among gaijins.

I've always had a knack for languages. I speak 4 languages somewhat fluently (English, Italian, Spanish, and French) and I know a bit of Dutch (lived in Netherlands for a few years) and German.
Japanese is a completely different beast though. The sentence structure is nowhere comparable, the way concepts are expressed in the language and the heavy context-aware sentence composition really makes it a whole language on its own. You can't really compare it to western languages. Plus the writing system is a wild beast in itself. It's a fun challenge though.

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Don't bully Aqua! She is a nice young lady and a water goddess!

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I am young and fuck that type because I like milfs and gifts

>go to japan
>think Japanese women are different
>realize they are materialistic as fuck

Yeah no, women are all like this no matter where you go.

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What about doing videogame concept art or manga?

Are the chances good for staying in Japan?

I'm not disagreeing.

I've looked around and for most of the big companies you usually don't need any knowledge in Japanese but it will help you get by more than anything, and some outright don't want you speaking Japanese with students if you did know it

>friend spends years learning japanese to go live there and teach english to kids
>gets set up in a rural area where they dislike foreigners
>kids arent obligated to learn english where he teaches so he doesnt grade them
>hes a glorified baby sitter
>wants to move back to the USA after quitting his career and leaving his long term gf

The ONLY positive outcome he has, is that his japanese girlfriend is super fucking hot and is willing to move back to the USA with him.

why is redit here again
fucking lowlifes

>Cracking down on them now is just going to turn them more violent in response.
Good, it just shows that they aren't the humanitarian racketeers they pretend to be. Yakuza are scum, they've always been scum, they just used to be better at controlling the media through coercion and throwing journalists off roofs.

The countless "noble" criminal Yakuza movies are just as hilarious as all the "noble" samurai flicks out there, except at least the samurai had the excuse of living in a dogshit hellhole.

They want you to be at their mercy, essentially.

mah brother

Worth it.

Not really. Why the fuck would Japanese companies hire/sponsor the visa of westerners so they can make manga for them?
How retarded do you have to be?

Japan is one of the countries with the most talented pool of 2D artists, if you were somehow so good that Japanese companies would specifically look to ship you from overseas over there (hint: it will never happen), then you'd already be able to make bank in the west. And a LOT of bank.