Is there any MMO worth getting into in the year 2019?

Is there any MMO worth getting into in the year 2019?

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The b2p version of ESO is hundreds of hours of content, all quests voiced, lore-wise it's the best entry since Morrowind. Combat is shit, though.

FF XIV has nice esthetics and is the best WoW-like.

The new WoW raid is actually well-designed, it's quite challenging at mythic.

All three games also have sizeable RP communities (only know about lore-friendly ones, don't care about erp).

No. MMORPGs are dead.

Yes my Aryanisch brüdder, this summer, this summer we heil... We heil and we KILL!

This is a good one too.

ESO is poopcrap, nu-WOW is too easy and shitfaggotry.

Unironically, FFXIV.

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Don't listen to the people shilling XIV. You'll find that it's one of the most shallow theme park MMO's that's ever existed yet people will constantly praise it because they've stockholme syndromed themselves into believing it's good.

It flat out failed in its original incarnation and since then they've been as placcid and safe (read: boring) with things as they possibly can be. The servers are absolute dogshit, the combat is slow as balls (inb4 MUH OGCD autists) and the dev team routinely lies to hype people up and then doesn't deliver.

>They've waifucucked into believing it's good.

PvE is like wow's, an absolute shitshow as tab bar mmos have crap PvP (inb4 upset keyboard warriors).
Every fight is a slow DDR, sometimes you get a button masher and rarely an extra button, extremely static feels like tbc-wrath wow raids with more obvious AoE signalizers.
Makes wow seem more alive. And wow it's fucking wow. It's a goddamn actual instanced mmo, you teleport to the instances via a menu. These are the people telling you that "Everything in wow is in queues and that's baaaad!".


Also looking for some MMO to play, closest thing I got to was Black Desert but it seems it's too much crap that needs dealing with.
I think I'll just wait for WoW Classic and call it.

This summer bros, we're going home

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how does one get past the ARR MSQs?

The Phoenix freeshard of DAoC is kino

At this point how much does it cost to get all the xpacs in WoW? It seems like a shame since leveling is so fast you just blow through empty zones doing quests and barely reading the questlines since half of them are irrelevant...

Wow or classic is your best bet, if you like less challenging games centered on talking to mtf pre-op trannies then ff

Soon brüdder, soon vanilla, which means white which means PRIDE.




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Which makes me realize, is vanilla considered good because half the game wasn't just a race to reach the end-game? Played wow until cata, now it seems like the endgame is the only reason to play and leveling is just a mandatory exercise to get there. Its easy to complain about a game, like the last few expacs, for having less content when all the the leveling is taken out.

Pay 20 dollar I think, that boosts you to either stormblood or heavensgay.
Worth it.

Unironically, Return of Reckoning
game has been going through consistant updates since EA dropped it and the new team brought it back. Really fun RvR with a healthy population

only have to buy the newest xpac to get it all, you also get a character boost so you can start with BfA content
part of yes, leveling is a big part of the game since it takes weeks or even months, while in current wow people get bored of the game in 2 weeks
its also more challenging to get anything done so everything you achieve means more, you also have to work with other people so its more of a social experience where reputation on your server is a huge thing

You're literally shilling WoW when complaining that FFXIV is bad? We both know which MMO is currently doing much better.

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>much better
>XIV burned to the ground after a single flop
>WoW has somehow survived despite numerous flops and will still survive after the BfA flop
While I don't like WoW myself these days you'd still be amiss to say XIV is doing better. Especially when XIV gets bled dry for all of Square's other projects.

it may be a decent game, but the ashetics attract furrys and hyper fags

>No arguments
No, I just dislike XIV and I'm not blinded by "Muh wife" faggotry. XIV is literally worse wow. Which is saying a lot.
The only redeeming quality XIV has is the fact it has no memeforge loot.

>Tab bar mmo PvP

>good PVP
choose one

I love ESO but I hate WoW and its clones (SWTOR, FF14 and Rift) and Gookshit. So, it's just really my taste.

not any better

Lol ok retard.

Based & redpilled.

Oldschool Runescape unironically

I just want an MMO that steal's WoW's transmog / wardrobe system. It's so nice as I'm someone that just like's collecting outfits. FFXIV put in something like it but it's extremely fucking limiting so it's pretty much useless.

Why games don't just let you pick how you want to look by now is just beyond me. That's one of the best parts of MMOs.

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Runescape 3 has cosmetic overrides but I hate them and I unironically hate you for having a shit mentality.

I don't get why you're thinking every FFXIV is some waifu-loving brainwashed weeb. I play a male character in every MMO and always go for shit that looks practical. I'm not a fan of making myself look like a dollar store stripper. Also if FFXIV is a worse WoW then why is it currently more popular overall? Blizzard are literally destroying their most popular series with BfA and don't seem to show any sign of giving a shit.

I can assure you that the reason XIV failed originally was because of the director and management. Go watch the Noclip documentary on it, Yoshi-P brought back FFXIV from near death and it's currently doing extremely well. WoW is not going to do well when BfA is currently showing signs of being near vanilla levels of sub-numbers, along with top streamers literally leaving their game for other MMOs because Blizzard don't seem to give a shit about their game anymore. XIV is definitely doing better right now considering there are thousands of refugees from WoW signing up and playing actively.

ESO has a motifs system. There is a ton of them.


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>It's doing extremely well
Don't try to parrot that shit to me shill, I've played the game and experienced its content. It's shallow as all hell and the encounter design is dogshit by standard with a few good things sparsely dotted around. The only saving grace of XIV is Soken's music with the sheer amount of work he puts into it compared to everyone else.

But is it limitless? The thing about WoW is you basically just have a collection system where when you pick up an item you unlock the ability to use it's look forever. So you can literally choose from anything as long as you've picked it up.

Is there a max number of "motifs" you can have or how does it work in ESO?


I just want to get past the MSQ. It's pretty bad.

most important part of choosing a MMO are the mods

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>lore-wise it's the best entry since Morrowind.
eat shit and die

Star Wars: The Old Republic

You say that and yet... If I want deep and engaging PvE battles I'd play wow.
If I wanted deep and engaging PvP Id' play something that isn't a tab bar mmo.
if I wanted a good game I wouldn't play a mmo.

Yeah mods are super important.

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>actually enjoys mindless button mashing actionmmoroleplayinggame
project harder, pal .

Wow classic later this year.

>But is it limitless?
>Is there a max number of "motifs" you can have or how does it work in ESO?
You can get them all.

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wouldnt play a game without body mods

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World of Warcraft. Anything else people tell you is just fanboys of some chinese looking trash seething.

Guild Wars 1.

Servers are still up.

I think it's fishy that we're getting such sporadic and barebones updates on Classic, as if they're not even fully committed to making it. Or maybe they need more time and haven't told us yet.

Damn that's pretty nice. I bought this originally and never played much of it. Maybe I should pick it back up.

I googled this pic. The different shoulders is actually a mod. Keep in mind.

Current BfA PvP is pretty good. They need to have more balls when balancing healers but otherwise good.

Fuck off tranny.

You would if it just let you be a pervert standard. pic related

>Actually enjoys tab bar mmos
>Can't even read
I don't even need to buzzword!
Reckoning only redeeming feature is being based off warhammer.
Too bad it didn't have good combat like vermintide and it was just wow but pvp based.

Im playing ESO and really enjoying it so far. But its not really an MMO. Its singleplayer with other people running around


but thats never going to happen

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XIV is a pretty game and has cool classes but it is absolutely not an MMO

Stop forcing this shit. XIV is just another wow-clone and it is worse in EVERY way, even worse than BFA. Stap it

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Wait for WoW Classic to come out in summer

95 percent of the content is solo braindead main questing, barely saw other people, the other 5 percent are the challening stuff where you need a team and actively practise, nothing inbetween, as such i didnt bother doing that, but it has an AMAZING (seriously, they need to create a game of their own about this) crafting system and the gathering skills are fun too, it scratched my runescape addiction for a big.

the prospect of someone who likes mmos and never played this, who would get into it today, makes me extremely jealous, its a great game, join the /vg/ clanchat, chill, do quests, level skills etc.. tons of people around, the clanchat makes it sociable, quests are literal goat and give nice rewards, the music and atmosphere..

i wish i could get back into it but i cant justify having already wasted my childhood on it

Personally i love life skills so both of these i enjoyed, currently waiting on a black desert online sale before trying that, as i heard it has tons of grinding skills too

>he actually played BFA

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dumb blizz drone

Explain why.

>release date never ever

God damnit

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which means you bought BfA, which means your opinion is instantly worthless

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Oh shut the fuck up. BfA might be slightly worse than Legion, but it's still fine. Your trash, however.. well, let's just say I'd rather CUT MY OWN BALLS than play your chink game. kek

WoW Classic is the ONLY mmo worth mentioning.
We're finally going home...

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BDO is pretty good

You could argue Legion, but you already lost your balls the moment you bought BFA.

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If you're not a retarded contrarian the answer is obvious. WoW is still the best currently with TESO following. Final Fantasy is for weebfags and looks retarded and ridiculous.

imagine actually wanting to play this trash with its dogshit gameplay
how much of a brainlet do you have to be to enjoy spamming 1 button?

XIV fucking sucks. I played it from ARR through to Stormblood, thousands of hours, so can reasonably review it

The classes are well designed , the game is very aesthetically pleasing and crafting/gathering is well done

My main issues are that the overworld is absolutely fucking dead - mainly due to levelling in POTD (Instanced joke difficulty content with no gear) being massively more efficient - even with SBs attempts to band aid FATEs to make them worthwhile. Flying mounts, like other MMOs empty the world out too. And little to no reason to return to old areas and the ability to queue from town for every single piece of content in the game.

The community is awful, because there's absolutely no reason to interact, since nearly all content is cross server queued so you're playing with strangers you will likely never see again. Also the worst kind of discord tranny, furry and over the top cuddly friendliness you see on Reddit is rife on XIV

The raids have absolutely no effect on the game or your characters journey/world. The bosses aren't people who actually have an effect on Eorzea - Omega for example is just old FF villains, culminating in Kefka. Why do we care about fighting him? He has no influence on the world, I don't CARE about killing him, so he's just a loot pinata. Fitting, since the entire 'raid' is spawning into a circular room with a boss sat motionlessly in the middle, then being teleported to the next - again no place or relevance to the world

The MSQ is fucking eternal at this point, has to be completed and has some of the worst voice acting and animation I've ever seen in a video game

>BfA is fine
wow an actual paid blizz shill

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I need stuff like this, games where you can grind shit all day long. I heard project gorgon is good.

WoWC isn't BFA. Every class has 30+ buttons.

Just because I posted a picture of a character it does not mean I'm a waifufag degenerate. I couldn't care less, I play the game because I enjoy it, not to parade around and eRP with trannies like a lot of other retards.

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> WoW
> Awesome designed races with aztec and sailor style
> They have a long lingered story and well written lore
> You have access to their capitals and know how do the live and what do they eat

> Race of literal whores
> No lore, history, story or anything else
> Just whore looking appearance

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I cant believe people unironically enjoy XIV
>ps2 tier graphics with three fucking loading screens in main cities and invisible walls everywhere
>all races are generic gook shit variation of a human, human with cat ears, lanky human and walking potatoes
>combat is horrendously slow, takes like 3 seconds for a basic melee animation to play that also locks you in place so no strafing
>quests and story are absolute cringe with these retarded poorly animated cutscenes
>all quests are fetch ones. Zero variety
And Im sure it has billion more issues at max level but I wouldnt know that

1. WoW
2. WoW Classic
3. Runescape
4. ESO
(5. BDO)
6. Everquest

These are MMOs for normal people however, if you are autistic or some form of tranny/xe/hs/eriosdf gender thing or a pedo you can always try FFXIV.

>but it is absolutely not an MMO


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I bet you think Warhammer looks cool too.

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>Getting into
Not really
Most are far to developed to bother getting into at this point the rest of them are hardly MMOs. MMOs are mostly dead as a genre outside of the random trash that comes from Korea ever so often.

If anything wait for classic so you can get that Fresh MMO feeling for at least a month.

thirty buttons of frostbolt ranks that is

which you almost never get to use, especially pve
also notice you say buttons, not spells
because you have to use same spells but multiple ranks because of how trash gameplay is
bfa has way more active spells you constantly use, for every class

>someone i dont like does X
>therefore I can't do X

kek, 200 dollars for the game, 15 for each month and then you still have to pay to avoid the boring ass MSQ from the beginning.

Go suck a dick user.

Gameplay is boring though, how do you managed to continue to play?

Is black desert online worth playing if im a pve kinda guy and not too much into pvp?

>like XIV
>hate sub based MMO's because I feel obligated to play instead of actually wanting to play it most of the time

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It's a korean MMO.

No! IT's good!
Has Wrath rotations!
Look I have so many buttons!

BFA is OK. Worse than LK and Legion, but still good.
No. That's you are dumb drone. FFXIV worse in every fucking aspect. PvE, PvP, Lore.
Only cutscenes are better, but i am not playing mmo for fucking cutscenes.
PvE in wow more challenging, has good difficulty scale and gearing actually worth it cause there are Mythic raids and high level dungeon keys.
PvP - do i even have to explain?
Lore - do i even have to explain?
Graphics and design - here But the most important thing - WoW is fucking ALIVE mmo, while FFXIV is almost dead. If you are from EU it is ALREADY dead

That's your opinion doesn't matter fucking hater. BFA is good.

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>pve fag
no, bdo is for pvp chads only

>black desert online

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You can always unsub and resub whenever you feel the itch.

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FFXIV MSQ is very epic and great fuck you.
Fuck skippers.

>I just want to get past the MSQ. It's pretty bad.

MSQ's quality skyrokets when you start the pre-Heavensward part and since that it kept getting better and better.

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Hey user, isn't it time to

Why are you laughing? It has like double the concurrent users ff14 has on steam.

With such a huge population, and with so many pve skills, im sure i could be a pve master or some other gay shit?

heard you can afk all day long, thats my jam

It's easier to rp in WoW :)

>its a wow vs ff14 thread
>heres a short essay on why game (x) is bad
some things never change

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>Gameplay is boring though, how do you managed to continue to play?

Because high lvl gameplay is very fun and fast paced, plus the bosses are awesome and very fun to play. It's a diferent experience than wow, where you only spam 2 buttons while DBM tells you where to go to avoid aoes.

bros... we're going home

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Easier to erp in XIV.

Fuck you wow tard nigger shillfaggot

MSQ is fucking epic and the only reason to play XIV.

Man, the only mmo I really wanted to play is phantasy star online 2, where is the na servers?

Hey, FFXIV fags - BTFO
Ez win for wow gods

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>MSQ quality skyrockets

For part of HW sure, then it completely nosedives straight into the shitter again at the end of HW and for SB.

>Playing FFXIV on Steam


imagine being in such a terrible state that a 10+ year game delivers better, which had tons of technical limitations and a lot less people to work on.

We are at a point when only classic can bring the genre back, because while XIV and TESO are kinda fine the very moment I start playing I noticed it: Its not an MMO its a single player game with an MMO coating. If the game doesn't force you to go out and explore the world with others its already busted.

stop shilling XIV you faggots, it's the worst fucking MMO on the markest smack down next to BDO and WoW

>game gets better after the first 3 thousand hours hehe... p... pls play our dead game

>tfw no exited at all for Classic because I already played
>tfw I prefer modern wow
>tfw I prefer Ultra zero and mowing the lawn
T-tell the zoomers in classic that they can have fun.


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Explain. In detail. Procreate your faggotry faggot.

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the fact that the MSQ is so fucking terrible for level 1-50 alone makes me not want to play this game. You can't fucking say that a game gets good after 100+ hours, that's fucking awful.

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Only MMO currently worth playing

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What's the best one?

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every current mmo is literal fucking trash
speed through 1-whatever endgame is
do 500 dungeons for the name of your gear to be blue
do your first raid which migh tacctually be fun
continue your mmo lifespan by sititng near bank 6 out of the 7 days of the week with the 7th day being raid day. Oh the joys of spending 5 hours clearing the same year-long raid
maybe ill go into some zone and talk some shit to a few fags another day who knows
its still shit
fuck you


There is none.

One word: Anthem.

It’s the best game out right now and it’s absolutely amazing. Very engaging and innovative gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours and hours. Go buy it now.

1-50 is not bad, it's just that 50-70 is much much better.

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>Open thread expecting to see if there are any MMOs still alive outside of the big companies

Dunno what I expected from Yea Forums, really, you guys have shit taste.

>all quests voiced, lore-wise
who the fuck cares
>Combat is shit, though.
then it doesnt has anything worth

Any mmo that would be comming would be shilled until it launched and died a month later.

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Start up WoW when 8.1.5 drops (if you have friends). New races to level with other content.

bu-but europeans accepted transexualism and weren't racists antisemite homopobes?!?!?
w-what the heckies girlies?!

>the wow vanguard out in full force criticizing xiv
>none of them even the real problem with the game
Since you all clearly don't know what it is, I spell it out for you. The worst thing about xiv is it spawned /xivg/

True, true. Seeing how this exact shit happened with Maple Story 2.
Guess it's over for MMORPGs

>tfw be a FFXIV player
>tfw I am actually moving to Japan
can't wait

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It's not even a competition anymore. BFA killed WoW.

The better thread to have would be Classic vs XIV.

Classic should be better but the modern WoW devs will almost inevitably fuck it up.

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Eden > Nasomi

It's not like there are any other MMOs worth talking about.

Unless you consider private servers, but most of those are pretty shit.

>WoW devs will almost inevitably fuck it up
This is the only reason to want classic.


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I noticed that ERPers/Trannies avoid pvp based MMOs like the plague. When are we going to get another PVP based game similar to RYL/RF Online? I heard DK Online will release soon, anyone played that before?

What is good about Eden, does it have a lot of players like Nasomi?

WHo would win in a duel?

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this is a cave for erp degenerate mentally-deranged subhuman being
just wait for classic, a true mmo experience is when you are farming for bear asses and then you see a elf huntard comming for your ass giving you that adrenaline rush and ingame awareness

Despite all its faults XIV is nice, the soundstrack of this game is stellar.
Though once you have gone through all the content it feels really pointless, especially since the community isn't that nice (maybe I've just been unlucky? I made a couple friends but most of the people I met were either depressed fags or drama ungry shit-stirrers).

Considering that retail WoW is shit is there any other MMO I should try out while waiting for Classic, anons? I miss world PvP.

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>he says when BDO is a festering den of ERP

>maybe I've just been unlucky?

You haven't. FFXIV is basically a holding pen for the dregs of society.

>Considering that retail WoW is shit is there any other MMO I should try out while waiting for Classic, anons? I miss world PvP.

I wish I could try WoW Classic when it drops but YoshiP decided I won't be able to.

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Is FF XI still online and active?

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Is WoW really as dead as people say? I haven't played in a long time but I'd be sad to see it die in my lifetime.

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>I miss world PvP.
Return of reckoning might be up your alley.
Just don't let the warhammer world suck you in.

You should watch the keynote, I was staggered at how much it actually looks like they're doing things corrrectly. Anything that has any real impact is staying how it was, but we're getting some QoL stuff like being able to auto open mail etc.

BDO isn't really a PVP based game

This is him now.
What the fuck bros...

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>who would win in a duel?
Nidhogg. why? because I've never played wow and the wow fags aren't defending their boy.

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It's the same as it's been for a long, long time, which is to say, it's dead outside of whatever guild you're in. There's basically no reason to ever interact with anyone else

I have played wow since TBC and BFA finally made me quit. Now I am trying out FFXIV, just 48lvl but honestly the game feels alright. Also its easier to relate and communicate with other players in FFXIV than in wow, because for some reason FFXIV is full with losers just like me. I absolutly hated how almost every guild in wow talked about their family lives, kids, wifes GFs. So far FFXIV feels like a game made for incels like me. (I have yet to meet trannyfags and I hope i won't)

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WoW fag here.
Nidhogg easily, Nithogg's mechancis are world boss hence even worse than Nidhogg's meme fight.

>anime reaction image
you're not fooling anyone, tranny

Blizzard died the day they banned Red Shirt from asking questions at the lore panels.

BDO is a massively PVP-focused MMO

>weab game is full no life of losers
woah who woulda thunk

That's an Incel user, a protozoic transexual. He'll soon evolve into a cute girl (tm) (not cute) (not a girl).

>get banned from your passion
>Shave your head
>Go on a chink hunt
based red shirt dude.

but I'm a negro my man

>gearing worth it
Nigga even method wouldn't agree with you, ask any of their members
they're just too autistic to give up their position as world first mythic clear everything

Just because you can PVP in a MMO doesn't automatically make it into a PVP focused MMO. A PVP focused MMO forces competition unto you for everything that you do, even progression. There's a hierarchy system with in game rules set by two opposing factions led by IRL players that is also forced unto everyone in the game. RF/RYL the people govern others by being at the top of the PVP boards and on the past it was a non-stop blood fest of 1,000 vs 1,000 player battles.

>random retextured nu-wow NPC dragon Nb.200103219401
>legendary dragon with an awesome design, voice (for which coherent pieces of a made-up language has been created) and storyline introduced at the peak of XIV
Gee I wonder

>Also its easier to relate and communicate with other players in FFXIV than in wow, because for some reason FFXIV is full with losers just like me. I absolutly hated how almost every guild in wow talked about their family lives, kids, wifes GFs. So far FFXIV feels like a game made for incels like me
>(I have yet to meet trannyfags and I hope i won't)
Unironically stay away from housing areas and /xivg/. Don't accept any fag into your friend list because even if you delete them afterwards you, your bright orange-colored name and all your infos will still be on theirs.

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Could it? I was never much into private servers because they usually are full of poorfags/3rd worlders and corrupt mods.

is the gathering in ff14 still full of timegated shit? fishing/cutting/mining was great but the timegated content was ehh..

Reckoning was made as a "WoW but with unit colision and HEAVY ACTUAL FOCUS ON PVP" because y'know.
it's warhammer universe needlessly violent war is the meal of the day.

Is it about time Blizzard released WoW 2? These graphics and engine were outdated like ten years ago.

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>Lore - do i even have to explain?

WoW's only good lore was everything about W3. Since they decided to go full time travelling stuff it became literal shit. Nobody cares about the story, the plot or the characters anymore.

>Is it about time Blizzard released WoW 2?
yes, in mobiles, with autoplay and all

Doubt there will ever be a WoW 2 since the mmo market trend is long dead and they care more about investors now. Also it might turn into an Everquest 2 situation which would be far from ideal.

FFXIV has a boss using Giga Drill Breaker on the raid, it's not even a fair fight against WoW.

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play chinkdale while waiting for classic
play classic while waiting for pantheon

There was an Everquest 2?

People probably wouldn't even be interested in it. What would the story even be about? It's been such a disgusting, awful clusterfuck since they adopted the idea of creating an overarching narrative towards the end of MoP and pushing their generic fan favorite "main characters" and dialogs under the spotlight for no reason.
Blizzard lost its spark, only reason people are still playing WoW is because they're so used to it and are too attached to the game. A WoW2 would die in a year.

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It's patched regularly, less players though

Also doesn't have any of Nasomi's customization that's out of era

Um...yes? Its like a decade old now. The fact that you don't know ahows how irrelevant the IP is.

are you crazy? game is barely playable and lags like shit in fights
you cant do big fights with better graphics because most people's PCs would not be able to handle it
and there is nothing wrong with those graphics, they look perfectly fine when looked from perspective you play in

I know I'll be memed hard for this but Blade & Soul is also game in this genre that still exists.

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Is it true this is a tranny game?

this ironically

>no content
>literally nothing to do in it
>everything cosmetic is locked behind an RNG p2w scam
>the most awful community
>the most unoptimized PoS client ever
>bugs from 2013 still in the game
>server full of indonesian bots and brazilian roaches

Why are you even mentioning this game

It has the most trannies and women by a long shot. Which is, incel memes aside, not a good thing. You'll also meet a fair share of actual mentally ill if you try socializing in this game.
If you're interested, just play through the main story and try every optional dungeon/raids, it does have its moments. Just don't try getting close to the community.

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>That comfy mmo that became a shell of its former self after it went f2p and was promptly invaded by huehues and Ivans.


tera was never good

Tera was good for 3 months

No, it wasn't good ever. Action combat has no place in MMOs.

>he wasn't in TFT
It was probably the most fun I ever had in a dumb MMO

That's disappointing, you might as well be playing a single player game if their is no real community. I also don't understand how any sane person would spend this much to dress up a character.

>How to spot the idiot who just parrots years old information that even then wasn't really true.

>Like a good little NPC

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actual retard brainlet

I can summon Bahamut and that hypes the shit out of me every single time.

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>To much of a brainlet to understand that the focus of FFXIV is more on culture
>Doesnt realize that WoW stopped world building over a decade ago
>Stormwind doesn't even have a culture

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The 1-50 process is very quick. Its ok to admit if you have no idea what you're talking about.

While SB isnt as good as HW. Its not bad either, and only gets better with time.

so you're a simpleton?

Aion. Still have great pvp memories of it, best I ever experienced in an mmo. Was pretty fun for a couple years until NC decided to focus more or less 100% on the asian market and left the other regions to their own devices. Their decision to remove like 50% of the map and making the newer ones smaller while 95% of the remaining playerbase were non-english speaking hackers just put the nail in the coffin.

The best raid in MMO history, and indeed the greatest achievement in gaming is in ffxiv.

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I sure hope your not the potato in that pic, because if your are, by all means akh morn yourself.

I want to go back bros


This. Retail WoW can never recover after FFXIV. Classic WoW can't even compete against Shadowbringers this Summer.

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BDO flags you as killable by anyone once you reach a certain level

People complain about WoW becoming a series of sitting in town and queuing for something, but FFXIV is literally that but even moreso. I don't understand how people defend this piece of trash

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>people who disagree with me can't think for themselves
no, you're just a queer

>Retail WoW can never recover after FFXIV. Classic WoW can't even compete against Shadowbringers this Summer.

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A complete engine update is really needed. I'm gonna assume that engine limitations are what stops Blizzard from implementing new alternative content like osrs style profession minigames.

>BFA is good

Cmon mate, i'm a 9 year WoW veteran and even I can't agree to that shill. BFA had a very rough launch and they've barely picked up the pieces. Don't even get me started on how badly they've fucked the Alliance v Horde lore right off the bat

>gear is all that matters

Yeah, WoW was your first MMO huh?

Its going to be quiet fun when classic comes.
The casuals of Yea Forums will talk about it a lot at first, and then just stop outright as they wont admit they wouldn't get to level cap.
The raiders of Yea Forums will talk a lot then clear the content incredibly fast, since it was never that difficult in the first place.

It'll have a big launch, and then fade away incredibly fast. Unless they do like, say, Everquest does and have progression servers. But they won't, because EQ didn't throw all their shit out the window like blizzard does so they dont have the time nor even ability anymore, to implement something like that.

I-I am user.

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Well that and all their talented workers keep leaving because the place is more and more becoming a shit place to work.

Since it's an MMO thread with WoW shills. I started WoW recently and now after not even 1 week at max level i am bored as hell not knowing what to do to gear up since everything is either LOL TRY YOUR RNG ONCE A WEEK or GRIND THE TRU AZERITE IN YOUR NECKLACE.

You have to be a colossal retard in absolute denial if you unironically think Classic won't be a gigantic success.

Fuck blizzard for all the rng bullshit. I'm sick of it. I like how I can raid in XIV and get drops consistently and even if I get shit luck I can use tomes and books to get gear. Fuck rng.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to play it.

But I'm not going to stick to it. I doubt many will. It was good for its time, simple as that. It will have no staying power.

run mythic+

Think we'll get another tweet war between WoW and FFXIV?

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>But I'm not going to stick to it. I doubt many will. It was good for its time, simple as that. It will have no staying power.
you're a total dipshit

Day of the mash soon ((lalafell))

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Hwat about camelot unchained?

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do 3D anime MMORPGs even exist anymore in 2019?

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You make a compelling argument.

MMOs need to get back to basics. WORLD BEFORE QUESTS. WORLD BEFORE QUESTS. It's that fucking simple. You do not build a world around the stories, it's the other way around. This is how you get convoluted shitty game design like Neverwinter or ESO where the world feels stilted and empty because everything caters to little shitty questlines that mean nothing.

>Classic will be bad!!
yes you are a scholar as well


Current WoW is definitely boring as hell and shit. Play something else or wait for Classic.


Didn't say it'll be bad. Said it will lack staying power. The audience of WoW when it first came were a hell of a lot more casual than modern casuals. The content of vanilla will be cleared very quickly since none of it was that difficult. Bosses had very simple mechanics for instance, and some classes were just plain useless.

That and there will be no mystery or things to look forward to.

A lot of people will simply not hit cap. Those who hit cap will run out of things quickly. It will have a good launch, then just die.

you mean try to get a Myth+ group but not getting in since your is nonexistant? yeah not working


MMOs should just go back to the open world adventuring aspects with forced partying and difficulties.

>and some classes were just plain useless
I'd like to hear what classes you believe were useless.

I guess i'm just lucky to have a decent group of friends that play it, I only log on to do shit with them and ignore everyone else and it has been a blast. But yes, I know people that change their characters looks like twice a week, it's ridiculous.

Why? It's a fun mechanic. If FFXIV does one thing very well gameplaywise is the building up of cool stuff and unleashing very cool spells/skills/attacks if you are doing your rotation correctly. There's nothing more gratificant than summonning this big fucking dragon at the right time and destroying the DPSmeters in 20 seconds. Of course I don't think people used to spam 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 til 2 procs and then keep 1 1 1 1 1 1 understand this.

>People complain about WoW becoming a series of sitting in town and queuing for something

Becoming? It has BEEN that way ever since Cata when they introduced LFR, or even as early as late WOTLK when they introduced LFD.

Post-WOTLK WoW feels more like a lobby game than an MMO, with all the teleports and cross-realm with people who you'll never see again, etc.

You aren't playing a MMO if that is all that you do, I recall my XIV experience being like this and it honestly shouldn't be categorized as a MMO.

planetside 2

Nice joke.

>the gameplay is all about how many buttons you have to press!

literal brainlet

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>Doesnt know the difference between gameplay mechanics, and having more buttons

That's gonna be a yikes from me.

Success in launch numbers but absolutely terrible retention rate. This is what happens to all "classic" Themepark style MMOs.

WoW Classic is not only the last hope for old style MMORPG's, but the last hope for old style games in general.

That's what I mean. Sitting in queues is the game that WoW turned into, but FFXIV was designed to be that from the ground up and it's fucking shit. At least in 2.0, I didn't play before that.

You're right, I'm absolutely fucking livid that daybreak is ditching the only functional MMOFPS to make another battle royale, especially after how badly they botched H1Z1. At least apex forced them to delay release so they can add content other than 20 season passes.

Old style MMOs is a niche crowd in 2019. Especially when this old style MMO demands a $15 ($18 if a leaf) per month sub fee. Private servers at least have an excuse because they're free to play.

They stil wont drop that 30 dollar entrance fee though

BfA zones are the best since Wrath. Legion zones were actually fucking horrible and the game was not worth playing until flying was brought back, and I say this as someone who thinks flying ruined the game.

Taking Legion gameplay and putting it in the new BfA zones would have been enough, but taking away artifacts and not getting anything was a kick in the pants. Azerite by 8.1 is better because the abilities matter.

Gutting the professions is unforgivable and shows that Blizzard has truly lost their way. Leveling is fucking sad for how poorly they've used their existing resources. There should be nuWoW mechanics like overarching challenges and pursuits to level up on instead of doing the horrible abandoned questlines in fucked up timelines. I still don't understand why they ruined Archaeology in MoP and make it worse with every expac.

Characters in story need to talk like 80% less. Night elves vs. undead is a cool story because there's death and war but otherwise the whole fucking thing is just morons fanficcing with old characters. Garrosh and Yrel were good, use your new god damn characters.

>super hero bullshit is at peak popularity
>the current owners of COH are doing nothing with the property
>pic related is all but forgotten
It boggles the mind.

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If it has a persistent online world that's crowded it's categorized as an MMO.

vanilla has "less buttons" but way more mechanics and depth to the gameplay outside of just pressing buttons

everything from gear and stats, to various talent specs and talents' interactions with various gameplay elements, classes having specific roles in raids and having to do certain things that only that class can do, etc.

the only classes with "1 button rotation" are mages and warlocks, every other DPS class has at least 3 or 4 buttons + buffs and cooldowns to manage. And then there's healers needing to use different ranks of heals depending on the incoming damage, carrying around alternate sets of mp5 gear, etc

and there was no shit like LFR, no hand-holding babby shit that walks you through and showers you with free epics, you had to earn your gear

but no, Beta For Azerite is a much better game because you "press more buttons", right?

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Sure, but you aren't playing one and many people aren't either which makes that world really pointless to begin with. A world like that shouldn't be categorized as such.


I can confirm that I know of at least two trannies who are playing this game every day.
Both of them can easily be considered mentally insane.
Not even kidding.

I would've been kinda interested in XIV for after being absolutely done with WoW forever yet still there's that MMO(RPG) itch, but I've come across so damn many red flags concerning its playerbase and that it's a damn FF game.
I'm probably gonna get shit for this, but oh well:
I do not like FF since I saw this dumb ass movie (Advent Children it's called iirc) about it as a child, which really rubbed me the wrong way and that feeling has stuck with me ever since. I can not shake it off. Whenever I look at FF I'm like
>oh, it's another one of those pretentious """""deep""""" games with over the top serious characters who are practically invincible exept when you hurt their precious feelings
>oh look, this universe those people are living in doesn't make sense at all
I know this is most definitely wrong to think about it this way, since every FF game is different and there's reasons on why they're so popular. I get it. Don't give me crap about it.
Yet I can't bring myself to like it.
I hope someday some new MMO is gonna come out and save me.

That doesn't make any sense. You're in a persistent online zone that's not instanced (everyone shares the same weather and economy, mobs and fates continues to spawn, kill each other, and roam even without player intervention creating a world), players can talk and play with each other in massive numbers (Balmung commonly has hundreds of people and walking and talking in certain persistent open zones), it's only going to get more populated once the cross world visit feature hits in April, FFXIV is a MMO first and a main series FF game second. How you choose to optimize yourself in this MMO depends entirely on you and who you surround yourself with.

Stop playing on Aether datacenter you retard.

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>You're in a persistent online zone that's not instanced
>not instanced
Why do FF fags have to constantly lie about their garbage gookshit anime waifu simulator?

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

So you've not played vanilla?

Of course, it is a MMO but it stops being one when all that you do is
>Log in
>Log out
Which is the reason why I dropped it in the first place, it doesn't feel like a MMO when all that everyone does is either this, craft, botmining or idle in the newest hub.

define how it's instanced

>Raidlogger faggot that doesn't do any other content or have meaningful mates
You're the cancer that killed MMOs

>he was on Faerie the whole time

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Do you know what instances are, retard? There are loading screens between every single zone.

More depth than any current MMO that's for sure user.

Classic will be successful but nowhere near on the scale people think. It'll be still good but there will be a lot of grim reminders to people. 3-4 months after launch the playerbase will have a massive drop. Remember that most people will definitely not reach 60, its just the modern gamer doesn't have the dedication on mindset, when he's used to loot pinatas.

Lets be realistic here most of you ITT couldn't even finish quests what requires actual reading. Or when it sends you in an over the world adventure.

>Lets be realistic here most of you ITT couldn't even finish quests what requires actual reading.
Not everyone is as retarded as you.

The loading screens don't matter. It's still a persistent zone all the hundreds if not thousands of players share together.

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Cancer? No, I was responsible to get thousands of people off their asses to do hunts and made thousands of friends throughout my active years. Sure, I enjoyed raiding but I wanted to maximize the experience as much as possible. Unfortunately, the game lacked in every possible aspect.

What? Did I hurt your zoomer feelings?

>the majority of newfags will miss out on the nu-Vanilla experience by using addons and guides that'll tell them where to go and hold their hand all the way through

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No, I'm letting you know that not everyone is as much of a dipshit as you are. You're one of the only people who have trouble with quests when you don't have quest markers.

>The loading screens don't matter.

>implying the sub fee is bothering anyone
Even if that were true I'd rather have a slightly less successful game with no 3rd worlders and poorfags thank you

I'm not, but I bet most of you are.

>there are people in the year 2019 that still complain about sub fees
I'm a NEET and I can get 15 bucks a month at least.

>that zipper

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Sunk cost fallacy causes many players to defend their title even in year 2002+17, and FFXIV has more prerequisites required to get to any given patch's content than any other, making this worse. It's extremely comparable (though not a clone) to WOW but you'll see people acting like this comparison is blasphemous. You can see this reaction clearly when XIV players cite DBM while WOW players cite DDR. The only major MMO that's tried something different (ESO) is ironically the one that gets shit on the most for its combat, when tab target games have been panned for their combat for over half a decade. I'd mention GW2 but terrible weapon balance has ruined what little viable combinations there were and this removed much of the system's appeal.
You're going to have a tough time talking to people about MMOs when one faction thinks having more buttons is an argument. XIV's rotations are completely sterile; anyone mentioning them as a strong point or believing they're complex needs some help. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 is fundamentally the same as 1 1 1 1 2 3 4. OGCDs are equivalent to procs. Fight design is what makes or breaks these games, and the players might get a better return if they were honest with developers and themselves about the combat. No class in either WOW or XIV feels good, some just feel less bad.
This user is mostly right on the money, and is why older games (EQ, FFXI, WOW pre-cata, etc) are looked at with such fondness even when the implementation of their ideas weren't the best. Combat is not the only part of an MMO, though it is obviously a big one. Even WOTLK, which started the "queue simulator" trend, has some appeal because the world retained much of the focus. Gameplay has been reduced and simplified to capture the lowest common denominator because that pulls in the most money. The genre is "solved" and the quality has suffered for it. Studio priorities and datamining have also taken away much of the magic that MMOs had.

>all quests voiced
This is a negative.

>No class in either WOW or XIV feels good, some just feel less bad.
I think Classes in WoW felt good from Vanilla (as dumb as it got) to around Cata.
The rest of your post is spot on.

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8.2 will save wow and salvage bfa

lol no.

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post >yfw WoW is saved for the 18th time

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>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 is fundamentally the same as 1 1 1 1 2 3 4. OGCDs are equivalent to procs.

No they are not.

Attached: Another rotation chart.png (1912x2492, 905K)

Shadowbringers is going to destroy World of Warcraft.

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I disagree, when I installed the trial version I was surprised to realize all the quests were voice acted and I really liked that having come from gw2. Of course It was only the first 2 zones so I don't know if all the quests just use like 5 VAs total in rotation or something

And yet it's still the same boring, tab-target gameplay.

>1 2 3 4 5 6 7
you're fooling nobody except yourself

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FFXIV has shit for content. WoW is trash but it has triple the amount of content and the world is an actual world. Also holy fuck at the limitations FFXIV has, the zones has a fucking loading screen between them and you can't even fly from one zone to another. You can't even whisper your friend if he's a dungeon, what in the serious fuck?

FFXIV's engine/core game feels like a free to play game from 2008.

Imagine playing theme park trash in 2019 and WoW or WoW clones at that.

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I miss WoW having complex rotations not based on WOAH PROCS PROCS MASH KEYBOARD XD. I remember WotLK's Feral Druid, shit felt good to play when you pulled it off properly.

WoW is worse than everything (You) said.

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become what you must

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I mean no MMO's are good nowadays, the age of being social online games is over, Most people I see in the MMO's i've been in over the past years are usually insufferable people. The 90's and 00's were great for it, but it's not what people want anymore.

Say what you will about WoW but it does feel MUCH better to control than XIV.
You can't even look up in that game for fucks sake

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If the game does not force you to do group activities its shit.

A lot of the flavor abilities being removed did a lot of damage. Having 4 DOTs back then might be the same outgoing damage as the consolidated 1 DOT now, but the feel is a lot different.
Are you seriously trying to use one of the simplest jobs in the game as a counterpoint? Adding "and here is where you use melee abilities if you have over 90 mana" everywhere on this chart doesn't suddenly make XIV's red mage complex. It's DPS complexity on the level of Dark Arts spamming DRKs,

it's true? inb4 you think oblivion and skyrim had good writing you dumb house nigger

>Priority system class
>"1 2 3 4 5 6 7"

>Are you seriously trying to use one of the simplest jobs in the game as a counterpoint?

YES. Because the simplest job in FFXIV is still more complex than the hardest class in WoW that is just "spam 1 till X happens"

That is a fun point.

Red Mage, which is considered the simplest class in FFXIV, needs more thought process than the majority of WoW specs.

XIV is literally a waiting sim. Everything has delay, even mounting and turning your character while running.

get a better computer and latency you poorfag


>havoc is the hardest class in WoW
why are you even talking about WoW when you clearly haven't played it? i'm not even saying that WoW's classes are particularly hard to play, but havoc is the most braindead in the game by far.

Nope. WoW is a trainwreck, FFXIV is boring as fuck and nothing else is worth talking about. The genre is dead, move on.

Richer than you and 500 mbit fiber, no latency issues. The game is just really, really shit at anything dynamic. You can get hit by le big red circle 2 seconds after moving out of it even if your latency is sub 30 ms.

dl/up speed doesn't matter retard. it's all about your UDP latency.

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>RDM: 1 2, 1 3, oooo a proc 4/5. Repeat -> 6 7 8 once a minute
haha, gottem, it's totally not a 12345678 game
>DRG: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ignore this please

Still better than 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

>nu-WOW is too easy

yeah, no. unless you lfr. doing mythic 10++ is harder than tbc ever was faggot

>doing mythic 10++ is harder than tbc ever was faggot

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Have you been to the /vg/ general? Even the diehards are unsubscribed.

Post your timed +15 or kill yourself instantly.

I stopped playing this garbage after the first month, kiddo.

I've been trying out wow both for comparison's sake and for something to do when I'm bored of xiv, and it's a little ridiculous how many of the classes in there boil down to "spend gauge/cooldown to build another gauge/resource, use resource for more powerful attacks, hope to god that procs happen so you can keep your gcd rolling". I guess the specs help make up the difference a bit, but I haven't really found anything close to the wide disparity in class identity that xiv has.

I've been having a lot of fun with ESO, feels like a hybrid between mainline and MMO

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Guess you're killing yourself then.

hes right though
besides sunwell and the retarded requirements of attunement quests needed to raid in the first place bc was insanely easy

>not subscribed
>still cares enough to seek out wow thread and post

>attunement quests needed to raid

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XIV isn't for me. I feel like it's less of an MMO and more of well, an online FF game. I'm not really into JRPGs since they're just so long and drawn out for the sake of making it take longer to beat. I'm sure the payoff at the end is nice, but I'm not going to play hours and hours of a game I don't enjoy playing only for something cool happening at the end.
It's the epitome of "It gets good after 80 hours bro lol"

>I have never done difficult wow content yet I still comment on it

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they werent hard but the fact that you needed to do every single one of them to progress to the next tier made them a slog

>never done difficult wow content
Who are you quoting?


It really wasn't a big deal unless you only had 2 hours a day to play like some zoomer casual.