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man these zootopia fanfics are going all out

fuck off redditor

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Guaranteed replies

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>mods deleting LOL threads

Actually fuck off you ugly bearded trannies

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>9 plus 4 is 13
>a fortnight is 14 days

What the fuck did they mean by this

Attached: tumblr_mgnmnhBWJ41rwnp75o1_640.jpg (600x800, 76K)

>zoomer humour
>it doesnt make any sense at all
>punchline is just FORTNITE LOL

checks out

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CUte and fuNNY

>four=fort, nine=nite
doesn't take a genius to figure out

Mandalores new furrsona is pretty weird, he needs to stop spending time with Shammy.

Now where could my tools be?

This artstyle is genuinely unnerving. Something about it feels wrong.

i dont get it

4 + 9
Four + nine

There's a hidden message in this post.

Nigga what?

I wish I was a cute girl


Huh, I always thought the original comic was the edit with the first panel at the end.


stay on tumblr

you are wrong

delightfully devilish

That's fucking hot
te and fu

they realized they are a tranny


>boulder chuck
i don't get it


is this comic's punchline always "lol niggers"?


Attached: normie offering.jpg (480x477, 59K)

then don't run from it, go for it and embrace it

I hope the guy and the kid are doing alright nowadays.

The joke is that black people are prone to violence.

>parabolic aggregate of mineraloids
what did he mean by this

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Attached: 01-001_en.jpg (715x997, 371K)

don't temp me Yea Forums


user don't even start
I came here to read shitty comics not good ones

Attached: 01-002_en.jpg (715x995, 398K)

yeah go for it bro

Attached: 1549377872675.png (866x900, 159K)

it's a pretty good bait and switch

Damn, was the it an oil slick or rocket?

What anime is this

Attached: 01-003_en.jpg (715x997, 394K)

just buy some cute panties, no one will notice if you wear them, it's your own little secret, no one will know
just try it, if you don't like it you don't have to do it again

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samurai champloo

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I want to say this has been edited to make the joke more readily apparent.

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p-please stop planting these ideas into my head

fucking disgusting.
>considering Ochaco to be hot
>foot fetish
WEEEEW. talk about suicidal.


Fuck off with this quality crap I want some actual terrible comics and edits

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just give it a go user, maybe you'll like it
some cute panties aren't even that expensive
you got nothing to lose

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is there ever going to be a translation for issues 4+?

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Based and cat pilled, if birds cant spot the gigantic, lumbering fucking furred turkeys with claws and avoid them when they can fly, they deserve dying.

Dogfags btfo.

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Me on the right

The weak should fear the strong.

LMAO adorable

Attached: 01-013_en.jpg (715x991, 386K)

>can fly
>can't avoid a non-flying predator
are birds retarded?

Attached: 1525645113147.jpg (1000x1000, 140K)

>used to have a couple of lovebirds come to our balcony every morning
>eventually our cat killed the female
>the male was distraught as hell, would chase my cat around and chirp
>my cat killed and ate him too

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I wish I could do that to those turbohipsters with their huge holes in their ears

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i dont get it

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They can't stay in the air forever. Also the prey has to escape the predator every time. The predator has to succeed just once.

Attached: whatigot2.png (804x1044, 1.02M)

she's a nigger and he doesn't realize

Ok this is so retarded, why would you make this fucking comic?
Still, sad as fuck.
And stupid.


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ahahaha lmao

Attached: the_millers___sonmoms_momsons_by_onatart_daau6xl.jpg (479x2000, 1.57M)

literally me with the bike lock

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Attached: 01-021_en.jpg (715x991, 405K)

How the fuck did they manage to lock themselves to the box?

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>Your love is all that matters
Someone needs to make a pedo edit for this panel.

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So does the dad have to fuck the son's body because that's where the mom is or does he have to fuck the mom body even though it's actually his son?
Or does this comic take place in some weird dystopian future where all the fathers died in some huge war?

The only good comic racist shmorkys done.

I'd imagine it's like the chinese finger trap or like a noose. It gets tighter when getting pulled.

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Tits are ok
Ass is ok
Legs (excluding feet) is ok

But feet fetish is depraved level of disgusting.

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Attached: 01-026_en.jpg (715x997, 358K)

I think the joke is that they just want all the black women to themselves. Its supposed to be funny that hes a clansmen but its funny because no one wants black women, not even black men.

Sorry, I'm not very keen on DA fetish porn lore

Attached: remember_your_first_by_onatart_dbel1xo-fullview.jpg (900x609, 100K)

In these kinds of situations it's better to fuck both to take care of your wife's physical and psychological sexual needs.

Redditor bait

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Does this CP company make good monitors or what? I don't get the joke...

what a coincidence
i have that same sticker on the back of my monitor

>the man who made is probably around 30 years of age now

Every FUCKING time.

Attached: 01-028_en.jpg (715x997, 339K)

This must be the start of a very weird /ss/ doujin.
I want to read it.

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That's a lot less clever.

Wouldn't he notice the batman sticker though

Attached: 01-029_en.jpg (715x997, 340K)

At least it's less terrible than the other two /pol/ comics

Maybe it would help if you stopped being fat?

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BASED Pandemonium poster.

can you faggots try to find new things instead of reposting furfag comics and incredibly low quality instagram memes

Attached: lefty lucy.jpg (960x468, 158K)

wait so why did the holes in the earth happen and how are the variant villagers related to it? what the hell

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Attached: the memes went too far.jpg (761x748, 70K)

I thought this was a kek thread, instead I got cringe.

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I want to hold hands with Domika!

Attached: domika arms.jpg (700x916, 725K)

I beg to differ. He has a handful

Attached: flower-cuck-comic1.png (1000x1500, 97K)

lol us gamers am I right? this is so us

never mind found it

use saucenao

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>Right to left
Why the FUCK

>poor little monochromatic oppressed furries tortured by fictional forces of nature
Oh great how fresh. How many frames of this comoc are loterally going to be a bloodied nose puppy laying on the ground wishing someone could kill him? Not trying to mock the artist but yikes this genre is played and enjoyed by those with a victim complex. Fuck it

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I mean it makes me laugh every time.

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The UN has been notified of your post.

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finally some good fuckin content

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The comic reads right to left but it's obviously western.

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Attached: vr is amazing.jpg (700x1479, 179K)

they have to wear girl's clothes or it's gay

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Attached: 02-008e.jpg (715x990, 393K)

just another example of us smokers getting PLAYED :(


Is this the Pandemonium thread?

Attached: lore.jpg (1600x5882, 3.91M)

How common is it really for muslims to be harassed in public
These city people have very different lives

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Some artists just like doing that style because it's something they're used to i suppose.

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now thats funny

muzzies smell so bad its no fucking joke, I'd rather stand on the train/bus for the entire ride rather sit next to one.

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>chavball z

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Is he default dancing?

Can I fuck the islam girl instead

Ochaco is cute as fuck.

I don't follow MHA besides watching the anime, never taken much part in discussion of it. Do people seriously not consider her cute and find her hero uniform sexy?

I'm a Midnightfag myself, mind you.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 58 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.46_[2018.09.22_17.50.45].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

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If you try please be careful. You could blow up in an instant.

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That's not a nice way to make fun of his premature ejaculation.

Attached: 02-017e.jpg (715x993, 367K)

>le ebin juice maymay xD am I right guyz??? xD

not every bird can fly
not every bird species has land based predators so they might not be afraid of cats because they don't know what they are
the fact is housecats are the world's worst invasive species because bad cat owners exist worldwide

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Seriously why the fuck does Lana’s family out of the entirety of Gen 7 gets the most lewds

Attached: 02-018e.jpg (715x991, 431K)

>perfectly fine and good LOL thread full of terrible comics and fun
>some autist always feels the need to dump an entire multiseason "good" comic
>it's almost always dramatic furshit
>he barely gets any replies
>he still continues

I don't understand why it always happens

never play with my head like this again


>Is your refridgerator running? Well, you better go catch it.
With banter as shit as this, being killed by a drunk driver was the best thing to happen to her

Attached: 02-019e.jpg (715x992, 468K)

This looks like something shadman would make.

Attached: 1525224422522.jpg (563x843, 229K)

Autism my friend, autism.

it's ok, it's directed by m night shalamaladingdong
this one is more straight forward

Attached: game_over_by_gunshad_dd08hk6-fullview.jpg (1024x1499, 236K)

ignore him, he's helping us stay on page 1

Attached: 02-020e.jpg (715x994, 374K)


No it doesn't since it's actually pretty good

Does anyone else really hate boobs? I'm just not attracted to things drawn with boobs and they're always exaggerated too.

Attached: 02-021e.jpg (715x993, 421K)

this is good
but what the fuck is up with the 'i'

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ADL out in full force

I still don't get it

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epic reference redditbro!

what hentai is this

Attached: 02-022e.jpg (715x992, 406K)

>it's almost always dramatic furshit
It's alright the first time but at this point I already got a full read of the comic through these threads, so there's no point

I want to fuck D.Va

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It's the quIrk of the artIst, pay It no mInd
the vr comic
>girl is actually imagining that she has a brother who uses her to satisfy his own vr fantasies
the comic
>lol porn
this comic
>lol porn

Attached: doa_in_a_nutshell___commission_by_gunshad_dczl1rs-fullview.jpg (1280x2154, 572K)

Why are people mentioning birds when this comic doesn’t have any

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why is the girl on the right drooling in the last panel

Looks like someone can't get past the panda

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Attached: 11.jpg (1200x1749, 341K)

based bernd

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a) that's not drool that's a wavy mouth
b) she's probably into it

Attached: 2012-12-10-Dating-Simian.jpg (900x319, 93K)

lmfao what is this comic, chunky 47??

what the fuck



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this isn't cute or funny...

>some guy replicated it

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Attached: 02-029e.jpg (715x994, 451K)

I went looking for Aisha 34.
I couldn’t find any.
Only one I am aware of is Unalterbach and a few paint stick figures.

>thread auto saged