Post highly problematic content in Videogames.
Post highly problematic content in Videogames
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What's the problem?
No worry, they already censored NA FGO recently, be prepared for censored Abigail.
What they censored?
Good thing the delay gives them time to censor this filth.
They lightened Detroit Emiya's skin tone in the PV, once Shinjuku comes out later we'll find out if the in game card was also tampered with.
She isn't getting her tummy tickled
Lets be honest here, sex should exist in vidya games unless you consider it a culture for babies.
kuro makes my pp hard
Emiya looked like a blackface, so they removed his lips and changed his skin + removed joke about him being from Detroit.
This is not the thread I was promised in the OP
Now this is problematic.
>update old promo material to match his ingame look
based brainlets
What a hard problem..
I'm going to say the c-word!
Life ain't just cunnies and rainbows, user.
Honks tits too small...
Well it should be
That's very problematic, user.
Jesus, user, calm down.
Its tera still worth give a shot?Elins are such eyecandy.
hot damn those are some thicc thighs
Haven't played Tera in years, probably dead at this point.
There's nothing wrong with this statement.
He's not alone though, as a thigh guy, elin's do something to me that no other MMO race ever has.
That's not censoring, they just fixed ugly looking contrast. It's purely aesthethic.
Because elins are small all around but the thighs making them a perfect fuck-race.
3d ferns, fully modelled
Sony doesnt want you to see this
fully modelled, 3d ferns
why im seeing this everywhere?
Wtf has the artist ever seen a vagoo?
sony let out a statement justifying their new move to censorship by saying they are staying true to their "core values".
No, it comes from the Evo/Dead or Alive stream:
Core values, you say?
Admit it, you cried manly tears in this
Sony =/= FGC
Any game that makes propaganda for glorious US army, instead of portraying them as filthy mercenaries doing evil for jewish money
Most of it's not even the good kind of problematic, just 2D women and lolis.
Tera is abaolute garbage. It's literally kept alive by people buying extremely overpriced cosmetics, which tend to clash horribly with the game's aesthetic.
Plus the game itself is imbalanced as all fuck and has really shitty elements you can't look past, not even by making pure loli fap-bait.
That fate is trash.
I love Kuro!
>when you fail at anatomy so badly that you make the outer labia look like a knee
What do you love about her?
I think I can make that happen
Remember Luka, you have to dial 8 every day if you want to stay a grill.
No they said it was about international values, core values is a fighting game thing.
Mickey Mouse just wants to grab em by the pussy.
>I doing it!
This is why we love FGO :)
That brown assertiveness.
*dad walks in*
Yeah, maybe that's a knee if you had a kneepad surgically implanted over your knee, you dumb bitch.
I have a feeling Evenicle 2 won't make it to Steam this time around. This scene is the protagonist fucking this girl when they were both still children
ohh is it out now? time to go shikoshiko
That's how she steals your mana.
remember, morons will call ANY tampering "censorship".
The way they were freaking out made it seem like he was whitewashed
They made him look vastly less retarded if anything
i wish u all had trips so i could filter you
>Emiya looked like a blackface
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. Also, I thought this thread was about problematic vidya content, not cunny fanart; I suppose I got up too optimistic to think that.
>update old promo material to match his ingame look
Which isn't what they're doing by any stretch? He does not look like the right in-game.
The game was bad at launch and they've only made it worse since.
So problematic is just shorthand for hot girls?
According to contemporary vidya standards, of course.
>The way they were freaking out made it seem like he was whitewashed
That's exactly what they're doing though. And the first thing they confirmed was that they're removing the Detroit Emiya line for being offensive.
But isn't that just body-shaming women for being beautiful?
lmao but it was a funny line
Times like this makes me feel happy I bothered to learn Japanese
>And the first thing they confirmed was that they're removing the Detroit Emiya line for being offensive.
I'll wait to see if the actual line was removed (it was in the CCC Event which is't for like 2 months) and not relying on shitposters
>I'll wait to see if the actual line was removed
It's a strange position to take to think that the head of the NA FGO team was lying when he said it was going to be removed.
Good is bad.
Beauty is filth.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
The fine points of double think, user. Get used to it.
Nah. I'll just concentrate on actual problems.
This is an actual problem though user.
Give it another decade or two. This goes way beyond video games.
there's big difference between saying he will do something and actually doing it.
I was speaking in response to the doublethink training, not the overarching issue of why there's a lazy implementation of Newspeak appearing.
You're right, it's only logical to assume that he won't actually censor the Detroit Emiya line after saying that he would do so, especially in light of these recent instances of NA altering DEmiya's design in promo material.
What is my wife doing in the middle here
Guess I'm sliding my dick in the middle one.
Taking the black cock as yours cannot satisfy her anymore.
Kuro is the sexiest fictional character ever conceived
what is the problem ?
>No womb tattoos
That illya feet is not in my face
Black Illya isn't good
>that resignation on Miyu's face
Oh my
I want to suck the balls of the user who is pumping kuro full of mana!
Straight from Project Diva.
Your wife is a slut.
Only if you're a girl.
Kojima being a part of his own games.
old but relevant.
You're wrong
user they literally made him 3 times whiter
I'm right, I can't be wrong.
You're wrong because I know I'm right.
fucking ribs unf
Mojarin is the name.
Good luck son.
Jokes on you that's my fetish
Next fate vn is looking good
hello there !
is this koikatu or cm3d? maybe it's about time to install and mod shit up for kuro
>fat fuck mr. wizard
>talking about core values
the only core values that faggot has is the mountain of cheeseburgers he gets paid in.
thanks !
That's some real shit art you have there mate.
How dare you, sir?!
But if I'm right that must mean you're wrong.
She dont look like a little girl in this scene
looks like belle delphine tryin to take a shit
When does Copen's game come out again?
dumb cuck
No u
Her micro is the best costume.
>Detroit Emiya
This is offensive how? Because he's black and Detroit is full of black people? Is it the fact black people exist in Detroit?
2019. Then again DMfD was supposed to come out in 2017.