What the fuck happened to him? Why did he lose every fight in 3?

What the fuck happened to him? Why did he lose every fight in 3?

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it's the new haircut.

He expected that Mickey would back him up for real instead of doing something only when Riku gets knock out. Even Donald is more useful in this game than Mickey

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Sora literally defeated every single ORG XIII member plus Aqua in this game.
Biggest wank I've ever seen.

Riku has sucked dick ever since he stopped using darkness.

The barber shop took his powers

Nomura wanted to pump Sora's dick full of air so most of the cast had to job.

>Sora literally defeated every single ORG XIII member plus Aqua in this game.
Technically Roxas defeated Saix.

Also Terra beat Terranort and according to the cutscene, Riku is the one that beat Ansem SoD.

I still can't believe that's how he got his haircut.

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He became a keyblade master and way to the dawn is what gave him his power

I only noticed it because of pancake's video, like holy shit

Riku has always been a jobber to make sora look better

Others character than bland as fuck sora ? Being useful ? No way with cuckmura.

Who cares? He was cool and he got the best girl.

I don't fucking understand this logic. It's a video game not anime, what you're asking for is less bosses.

And what don't you understand exactly ? What's the point of making other characters if they end up being extras ? Nobody is asking for less bosses actually, but if you could actually play as them and if the game wasn't half assed it would have made the others characters actually do something.

Everyone was fucking jobbing in 3, it felt like I was watching Bleach.

I'm pretty sure this is the right place to ask this: I'm stuck after I passed the Toy Story level. Right after, I went grinding for gummi space ship parts. Also I didn't pay attention to the cutscenes after the toy story level cuz that shit is pure cringe. Wut do?

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Turn the game off dumass.

He needs a chalice.


The biggest crime was Ephemer choosing Sora instead of his personal friend Ven. This game made Sora into a Mary Sue.

While also doing nothing but shitting on him for being "weak" for nearly the entire game.

keyblade master title makes you a jobber.

His new haircut is faggy. Aqua and Riku are the only Keyblade master besides Mickey and both got BTFO. So who wins? The non keyblade masters obviously, Sora and Roxas. And is it just me or did Keyblade master really lose all meaning after all the jobbing since KH2?

Like in KH1 it was this supreme title of someone of Super Saiyan levels, now Aqua and Riku aren't even up to Mickey's level. I give Riku credit, in Chain of Memories he was at his A game but it's been a hard road back to relevancy. I'd say KH2 but he was a background character and always running the charade as Ansem's double so he was just a really tall spy in KH2 till the final hours, where he proved his worth. OK, so KH2 and Chain of Memories are Riku's A game. Everything else is downhill for him.

Aqua's never been at her A game and I'm a huge Aquafag. Plz post Aqua feet or Aqua tits.

He beat those 1 wave of heartless that one time I guess.

It wasn't really him, it was that sora needed to beat everyone. I mean, it's not like there aren't like 8 other key blade wielders that we could've taken control of and do some individual fights.

>Nomura is a fucking terrible director and this game really shows it.

I say, it feel really good to have someone inside me

No Homo

Nah, he was important in Days and DDD. DDD set him up to be equal, if not stronger than Sora. They really botched him in 3.

Roxas finally won after 2 games specifically about him losing. Despite being an absolute beast, I hope he just says fuck that and refuses to really train in the way of the keyblade or whatever. He's had hell he deserves to spend the rest of his life living in a mansion.