Expected trash-tier game with shitty minigames

>expected trash-tier game with shitty minigames
>turns out it's a full game and it's excellent

What happened, why the hate?

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Ninten.yearolds are really desperate for games, huh?


Thoughts on this review?


>expected trash-tier game with shitty minigames
because that's what the trailers show?

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You enjoy it because you are starving for games
Do yourself a favor and buy a ps4 and you will enjoy high quality AAA experiences

My only gripe is that the game should have allowed for loadouts you could quick switch on the fly during gameplay even if it means extra cooldown.

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They're in, you can set them up in the menu and load them whenever.

Shinobu dlc in 4 days

Oh fuck, already?
feels like just last week that the game came out

It's a good review, co-op really makes the game shine. There's a lot more meat to the story than it looks like though i remember someone making a great analysis of the story

Started it up, didn't get very far at all but should I play a killer 7 game first? Or should i shut up and just play it. cause I will redownload killer is dead if i need to

can't wait

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Travis Strikes Again is a good entry even if you'll miss many references
Killer7 only has one connection to the game but is worth playing because it is a classic. Killer is Dead isn't connected with Killer7 so it shouldn't matter.

pic related, ignore what it says about travis strikes again

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As an update, Kurayami Dance is finished translating, and Falions is already working on the next fucking thing, which is the post-25W story that also has tie-ins to killer7. Also, Case 4.5 can be found at some other site, which is a Silver Case plot. Not majorly important, but does kinda give somewhat of a good reason for why Sakura goes from the naive and sweet rookie you first see to kind of a hardass by the end of the game.


thanks will take a look

Didn't know either of those existed, thanks a lot for sharing!

Anything's better than Anthem. TSA's takedown of EA/IT was on point.

is that from the game?

No More Heroes is a series that many pretend to like for nerd cred. The when TSA came out and had improved on the repetitive combat of the first two, they hated it, showing they either didn’t actually play them or just don’t remember what the games were like.

Like Anthem, KH3, and every CoD


No problemo. Not sure where Falions intends to dump the 25W/k7 thing since I think it's just legit text from what I've heard, so I don't know if MangaDex would take it, so maybe keep an eye out on Falions' Twitter. Also a few dudes called me a faggot for recommending 4.5 because they found it boring, kek, so uhh, keep your expectations low I guess.

Hopefully, if NMH3 happens, they do their best to release it at a time when fewer competing action titles come out. Like how NMH2 had to go up against the bigger budgeted and massively more marketed Dante's Inferno 2 a few days after its premiere

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Can't date Shinobu or BadGirl, not buying.

Post music

Can you please stop shilling this shovelware, Sudatards? Judging from the Metacritic scores, this game is as shit as YIIK, Jump Force, and Anthem. , you're replying to an obvious falseflagging post by a Nintentard.

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I don't know but I'm gonna buy it soon and I don't even own a Switch.

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>Judging from the Metacritic scores

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>Implying that 69 ain't intentional.

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Are some NMH fans really this desperate?
You like it? Well then good fr you. I don't like it.

WOW, glad we solved that conundrum...

Johnny looks so damn cool. How to be like him?

there's been virtually 0 hate, it gets praised out the ass by Suda fags, and the people that aren't suda fags found it enjoyable. Only game journalists gave it a lukewarm response. The WORST that's been said about this game is lukewarm.

what are you even doing dude

That floof is still cute.

It's 68 now.

>judging from the Metacritic scores,

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the OP literally says "hate", not anything about (You) disliking it or not

You don't get to claim "metacritic scores don't matter" after you spent months shoving BOTW metacritic score down everyone's throats

It's at 67 right now. But it could be worse...

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This one is legit my favourite. It's like Akira Yamaoka on speed.


>mfw it picks up at 1:00

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>Yea Forums is one person

While I loved the intro, the music, and boss of Serious Moonlight, it's probably one of my least favorite levels next to CIA due to the fact that I kept waiting (even though I knew better) to fight enemies from Shadows of the Damned only to wind up facing even more Bugs.

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Can't wait for Badman Strikes Back. Tokio is almost definitely going to appear, which is 10/10.
Also playing Killer7 right now. Suda is freaking great.


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MAIDS, bitch!!!

I wanna FUCK that cat

But I've heard that the game is awfully repetitive, and extremely short. And it's like 40 bucks? I am mildly interested, but Killer 7 is the only Suda game I have played. And most seem to agree it is his magnum opus.

>Killer 7 is the only Suda game I have played. And most seem to agree it is his magnum opus.

That's because he managed to fool the bigwigs into both giving him a significant amount of money (notice, it's his first real game to have actual voice acting) AND a significant (not complete, as there are a number of things he was unable to include in the final product) creative freedom. Perfect storm thanks to the largely successful, but incomplete Capcom 5 project.