God I wish I had a monster girl gf

God I wish I had a monster girl gf

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How much would you pay for one?

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God I wish I had a monster gf

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Me too. Can I talk to your mom?

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Nah you just want a pet that you can fuck without risk of AIDS. Sex robots when?

What if the monster is your mom?

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tfw no gardewaifu

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Good taste.

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>tfw no monster wife

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me too bro

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This inflatable pool accessory even has a cupholder, cool

just get a regular human gf, they're already monstrous


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what the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums

The built in pillow bumps are also a nice touch, there's even an extra for two users.

Azure's are male tho

who in their right fucking mind ever thought this was a good idea to create upon this cursed world of us

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But you don't know what kind of monster are you getting.

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the real question is what the fuck is wrong with you?

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that looks like a kindergarten classroom

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God me too

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I see a goodra one

She's such obvious waifu bait but goddamn if i havent thought about it in autistic detail.
>Give her a ring /necklace with her own shrunk pokeball on it.

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I want to die between those thighs

Imagining right now

It's not fair anons

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I want a monster girl to """"rape"""" me everydays

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Why not a cute gardevoir(male)?

go ask your ''father'' for that you faggot

Normie pleb taste.

>born early to have shit human wives after a golden age
>born too soon to have some mutant or cyborg gf
... Are we even going to have the IA gf? A cortana would be nice...

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>gets "raped" for a week
>dick starts to hurts after a while
>overstimulaiton makes erections harder to sustain
>can't properly fuck her
>she starts fucking your ass instead

also giving all the sexual control to a woman makes you a sub-beta bitch

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>I think
She's literally screaming at the top of her little snek lungs.
Quit talking about yourself you snake, it's not all about you anymore.

That's a galame user.

Sorry man, I don't wanna fuck Nurses from Silent Hill or whatever.

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>monster girls
lmao enjoy dying waiting for genetics to advance substancially, i'm getting my waifu in some years, a few decades at most

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This. A man needs to learn how to properly mandhandle and choke the life out of a bitch.

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God I wish I had an orc gf that would wrestle me before we have steamy orc sex.

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>inside of her hands is fluffy
I never noticed that before

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God I wish I was a monster girl gf. in some way, I kindda am

Anyone remember that story posted on Yea Forums in 2010-2011 about the Gardevoir fucking user and then gets killed by a guard from Oblivion?

Really want to read it again.

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Thats mama Luigi to you Mario


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