Hmm, kind of true...
Hmm, kind of true
this is sad
That's autism, you don't want that for your kid belive me.
That's not what OP is saying.
Right now we're in a age were games has become a temporary thing instead of being something we can go back and play in 20 years.
Online only games, as soon as the servers goes down, won't be playable without someone emulating them. And at the same time, in 20 years, I or someone else will be able to play Super Mario Bros. on the NES, a game made in 1985.
she said MORE fun not just fun. For an autistic child that girl is not very pedantic
Wow, I kind of relate to this...
Kind of sad.
I want to fucking die.
there's still plenty of single player games being made but if's western you just whine about identity politics and if it's japanese then you whine about weebshit
there were multiplayer arcade games in the 80s too and when the arcades went away so did those games
nothing's changed you're just spewing some i'm so le old xd garbage
Arcades are casual shit, we're talking about real games here i.e PC games
That little bitch needs to learn how to socialise or she'll end up hitting/biting other kids like an undisciplined dog.
>OP brain good
>your brain bad
>there were multiplayer arcade games in the 80s too and when the arcades went away so did those games
That's not what I said, and most multiplayer games aren't made for arcades either. Most are made to using a client which contacts a server.
>nothing's changed you're just spewing some i'm so le old xd garbage
If you took at least 5 minutes to actually think about the difference, you wouldn't sound like a retard. I can still find and play the old arcade games, one way or another.
Show us your 1cc Touhou user.
Shut the fuck retard, chances are higher that she'll become a murderer thanks to the other retard kids either bullying or picking on her for whatever shit they could think of.
devs didn't stop making story focused games and nobody's forcing you to play multiplayer games, tard
Multiplayer? Maybe.
Battle royal? Definitely not.
Yeah, only in anime
your retarded
>having fun
I guess you don't know what current day MMOs are like.
People without friends are entirely responsible of their lonelyness.Just get out of your comfort zone and start socializing
Single player - Your acquired items and grinding are on full display
Multiplayer - Some kid playing with his schoolmates have racked up 10x more points than you could ever hope to achieve in a season.
All the power goes to groups rather than the individual.
I sure do love Yea Forums - Twitter reposts
This is even more true
Umm finna having a hard time seeing how this is video games lulmao
Nobody calls her hot anymore, hope she deserves being ugly.
You can still play multiplayer arcade games though. I have two arcade sticks and an HDMI cable that goes from my PC to my television for when I have some friends around who like that sort of thing.
You need to lay off the hentai/anime and go outside if you actually think only boys have behavioural problems, you mouth-breather.
Something's not right here...
No, people become murderers because they get bullied in high school cause they weren't socialised as children.
Nah, worst case scenario she'll become a cutter, get a few tats and develop daddy issues.
>haha I want to die (nt rly ironically lol) us poor millenials lmao hate life
What part of "close shut the jaws of oblivion" you didn't understand?
>You can still play multiplayer arcade games though.
Only because of piracy.
quite a fantasy world youve invented for yourself
You're pathetic
we were all having the best sleep of our lives before we were born
And that is bad because?
If you have multiplayer game with Co-oP you want co-operation to be rewarded. And if you think that one person can achive more without pulling his guts than a group then ... try again.
Why would people with behavioral problems be outside, though?
You aren't going to meet many autistic loners. That's the whole point.
Upvoted for ironic depression
Non-existence >= life >>> death
Tiananmen Square pooh bear
>tfw never cat-call women because I'm a huge sexist with unrealistically high standards of what is attractive
Faggot death is part of life.
Non-existence i don't remember so might not be bad or good.
>the first modern school shooter was a woman
That's what you belive, in fact you are beta like me.
Who doesn't aim high enough and is complacent, otherwise you would not use this site.
Then what if the parents of that said children were the ones that forbid them from having social contact with others? (mainly out of some irrational fear of their children getting murdered, kidnapped or something else)
And thats a good thing.
>he doesn't know about cr*st*l c*f*
Good, let's keep it that way. You'd be banned instantaneously.
Death is part of your crumbly biological shell, which also enables you to live, but not life itself.
>[Devotion triggering intensifies]
Based Taiwan
Ok how do you define life, looks like for you being and life are the same. Or you are oversimplifying your statement. Tell me because i don't know what you are thinking.
>inb4 faggot
Some devs have, some of the most popular devs out there for specific types of single player games have done literally exactly that.
Remember when Bethesda made Morrowind? Now we have Fallout 76. And don't give me that shit about "just play another game lol". I'd play games like Morrowind plenty if a game like it and near its scale released more than once a god damn year.
So THAT was the trick the whole time!
yeah now you know how it felt when your faggot ass turned every single fantasy game into an MMO.
God I hated you fucking fags. Every single franchise had to be the next WoW. Well now it's your turn to eat the exact same shit you force fed others.
Exactly. This is what I don't understand about homeless people. Just get a job, rent a place and not smoke crack. Can't be that hard, I'm doing it and so is the majority of the country. What's stopping them from just not being homeless anymore?
I don't get this epic games = chinese meme. Isn't their HQ located in US?
not what OP is saying retard
>kind of true
dumb zoomer, it's completely true. fuck off back to r*dd*t
They are 40% owned by Tencent
Any porn of that book girl?
And the starving negroes.
I mean just literally pick up a food and eat it. It's literally this fucking ez.
rain world in a nutshell
It's not about fun user, it's about making more money.
People who play mutliplayer games are more likely to but micro-transactions because they can show off those outfits or compete with others then.
God I'm lonely.
>it happened one time in the history of the US, so it’s not a statistical anomaly.
>modern school shooter
Does it have better graphics then the previous school shooter?Better sound?Or is it a port?
Right. I am eating right now, as we speak. Just fucking move your jaw up and down and swallow. Are you telling me these people are so poor they literally forgot how to eat? Your stomach even digests it automatically. Starving brainlets.
i wish i didnt exists lol
i no asked for life
Don't let your kids dodge social interactions. They will grow up soft and dysfunctional when faced with hardships.
Get your sons into team sports and they will perform better within their adult social hierarchies. Hiding behind your "nerddom" is only endearing in small children and women, otherwise its a genuine performance hindrance.
Maybe you faggots should have stopped pirating so much.
ok, this is epic
Why would a teacher / caretaker / whoever drag a kid away from a book? A kid knows what they want to do, they'll do what they want. If a kid wants some quiet time for once to read a book for the love of god let them. Bitch.
It took me almost ten years to undo the social retardation I had from spending all of my childhood and adolescent years indoors playing video games.
i i wish someone did this to me when i was a kid so i wouldnt have grown up into a robot
Because a teacher's job is to teach/interact with the kids, ya dip. A kid can read at home, school is where you're supposed to build social relationships and get forced to do dumb shit you don't wanna do, because that's what the rest of life is like as an adult.
You could have been at the top, kid. Now the best you can expect is a middle management job when you are old, and even then you'll be the "weird manager".
nah, i dont expect that
im just gonna stay a hiki-neet until i kill myself
>"haha dude just sign your kid up for team sports"
>fail miserably on your first day due to not having the physical abilities to play well
>rest of the team treats him like a dead weight and makes it well known he's not welcome there
>actively make his life miserable in an effort to get him to quit so they can stop playing with effectively one less player (ignoring him as a player, kick a few balls in the direction of his face "by accident" during practice, etc)
>even the coach wants kid off the team because he actually wants the team to go places
>kid gives up against overwhelming odds and starts idling in the corner of the field as he grows resentment towards the team and the coach and parents for forcing him to be there
>parents find out the kid is just idling in the corner and realize they're not getting their money's worth
>kid quits and isolates himself even further, and nothing positive was accomplished for anyone
based on a true story
Maybe there was a planned group play time and the kid thought she was better than the rest.
multiplayer is the lazy way to develop games deal with it.
>what if we apply multiplayer to selling skins, let the community create the skins/content for us, while we rake in most of the cash.
Lol, you're a born loser. I sucked dick at baseball but I enjoyed it. I wish my parents kept me going but I guess they got tired of watching me miss.
aint that the truth, epic btfo
Giving up is the worst thing you can do.
t. someone who almost gave up, but knows a few people who gave up they hanged themselves
A son with a sports background realizes the only way he can improve is with training and communications. He will dedicate more time to physical training, he will dedicate more time into improving his knowledge set and he will improve communication between himself and his companions.
You write from the perspective of a defeated adult male so self-improvement is a foreign concept to you. Its much easier for you to just sit down and cry when you don't win the first time.
She will be when it isn't fun at all with those other kids, because shitty people make fun things unfun.
And that's why they're shit now too.
you can't make singleplayer games "lifestyle games" where players constantly spend money
Nice try making this personal, except this happened to my cousin, not myself.
And i find it highly doubtful you or anyone could find the willpower to keep going when even your teammates are attempting to make your life as miserable as they can. You reek of a sheltered childhood.
Fuck off you senile nigger
It would have changed nothing. Genetics determine your fate.
fucking hell man look at how much you are emotionally projecting and just how hard god damn son.
But to answer your question, one that should not be needed to be answered given how blatantly simple it should to non retarded people, it is about teaching kiddos to learn how to socialize around people even if they end up being sort of wallflowers. Since most kids are averse to any shit they dont like or is uncomfortable to them that they will pass on shit that is good for them no matter what since kiddos are...well kiddos and cause of it they dont know better and haven't developed any sense of impulse control really cause of it.
>They will grow up soft and dysfunctional when faced with hardships.
EHEHEHEHE holy shit you loser as mother fucker that is some dumb as fuck shit even if your heart is in the right place.
>school is where you're supposed to build social relationships
>get forced to do dumb shit you don't wanna do,
You post on Yea Forums. You are a loser by default and no amount of lying and shitposting will ever change this, nigger.
my dad and mom are mostly normal
my sister is turbostacy
i used to have fun playing vidya with my younger sister but now she's a turbostacy and seems to have completely forgotten the fun times we had as kids
>dad tends to get mad easily and is sometimes antisocial
>mom is kinda dumb
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