>find a new game that looks interesting
>50 GB file size or more
Are publishers forcing their devs to do this or why is it allowed?
Find a new game that looks interesting
muh uncompressed audio
>third world internet
its textures too
And unused assets that aren't culled from final build because they are in packs and no one cares.
Oh and future dlc don't forget those.
>third world internet
defending 50GB downloads you brain fucked retard
>Doom gives away the DLC for free
>It comes in a fuckhuge patch that's nearly as large as the game itself
That fucker must be taking up nearly as much space as the MCC by now.
We never needed to go above 8.5 gigs.
Uncompressed audio, ultra high res textures, cinematics, it's all bloat that doesn't make video games better.
12 languages and uncompressed audio.
They do make games better if they don't come at the cost of everything else.
Also fuck DVDs they are so slow.
>50GB is a lot of data
Maybe in 2009.
>untick HD textures that farcry5 installed for no reason,
>save 20gb of space
I wish all these were optional. They should have all different languages as dlc that you can tick/untick
On one hand fetishization of high res assets is going overboard, games would be just as fun with 2007 graphics.
On the other hand, it's nice to buy new hardware and see everything cranked to max.
bro you would've had a blast if you tried to download Final Fantasy XV from Steam
it was literally 170 GB
and i sat thru it all only to find out that the game itself is complete fucking garbage
it's a 20min download nigga
During last generation 360 was the leading platform and it still used DVDs, so devs had to really step up their compression game, and make sure that every AAA release could fit into one(sometimes two) discs.
Now that Blurays are the norm, they have like ten times the space to work with, and have gotten lazy. Hell, when some smaller devs in Japan were interviewed (I think it was IdeaFactory or Compile Heart) about what it was like to develop for PS3, they were like "It's great! The system is so power and there's so much space that we don't need to optimize anything!"
That's the mentality.
Nudoom has dlc?
It's all for the Multiplayer, from what i've been told.
Imagine fucking up this bad. If this isn't proof that all the DLC was completed before the game even shipped and was just cut from the final product then I don't know what is. There's absolutely zero chance they could have looked at people's response to the MP and thought "Yeah people like this, let's make DLC"
>"Why would i EVER use a disc? I've got casettes! They work just fine! Anything bigger than what fits on a casette is shit!"
This is what you sound like
Why are you complaining about free DLC for a game you obviously hate?
What the problem OP?
Ever heard of diminishing returns? Going from 30x30 character sprites to 60x60 ones was huge and more than justified the 4x space increase. Going from 2K to 4K textures on a flower pot is fucking nothing.
>5400 rpm
I loved the singleplayer, they should have made DLC for that, but instead they made DLC for the mode which absolutely nobody liked, which is an obvious demonstration that the DLC was just assets ripped from the original game because there's no way they'd be dumb enough to make DLC for a mode that was universally hated unless it changed the mode completely, which it didn't. I can guarantee you that if the MP turned out to be popular which they hoped it would they would have charged for that DLC which was ripped for the original game.
This is a shoddy business practice and you defending it is frankly ridiculous.
I don't get it. Please use a food analogy
The problem is that it's not only storage; it's drive speed. A 5400rpm drive would be trash at streaming game assets.
I have to download uncompressed 4k textures together with the game, meanwhile my graphics card doesn't have enough VRAM for highest quality texture settings anyway.
>Wahh mah storage
>Wahh that reasonably priced storage is too slow
Fine then
RDR2 PC version is going to be like 200gb, get ready.
Ya nah
dang my dude dat shiz is still so dam expensive
Then I direct you to my first post
Idk if you are baiting, but SSD are cheap as fuck compared to their price even 2-3 years ago.
Or you could get something much slower for 20 bucks less
it's wd blue. 5400 is alright. its the green drives with ecogarbage that puts the drive on idle randomly and hangs up games.