When will western games be good again?

When will western games be good again?

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>tfw spellforce 3 didnt copy the sexy high fantasy girl as cover and instead went for some garbage composition
the genericness made it memorable


I remember being okay with first Spellforce back in the day, is 2 worth sinking time in?

i bought both of them on steam way back in the day, but i stopped playing because every time i wanted to play i had to enter in the product key, it got so annoying that i just gave up. were they good games?

It's kinda like mass effect 1 and 2, second game simplified some stuff, but it's more "focused".

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Technically this is a western game.

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Why are Ruskies such weebs.

Another tool for escapism alongside with vodka.

That makes sense. Poor broke fuckers.

The director for Spellforce 1 and 2 was Volker Wertich, the same guy that did the Settlers 1 and 3, both excellent games for their time.
last time I checked he did stupid mobile games, so there's your problem..

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Western fantasy games will never be good until they understand how to make fun combat.
Seriously not a single fucking western game has good melee combat.
The most famous western games (TES, Diablo, Dragon Age) all have the shittiest combat.

Eh, I mean it happened to TV where sex came (back?) into shows for adults, so maybe the same can happen for vidya? Not anytime soon though.

Fatty made Mine craft by himself, honestly it's possible if you super geek and code the fuck out of a game. Instead you have slackers, pretty people being hired for tech departments/ sjws who bend work culture to their whims over the hardworking but beta males, and people that don't use vision but a fucking sales sheet for what kind of game they want.

As opposed to what, rolling simulators or attack/item/magic static jrpgs?

remember me?

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spellforce 1 is really fun, 2 is garbage, havent played 3 - not really planning

but holy fuck, plot of SF1 is a mess and garbage

Pathfinder Kingmaker
Atom RPG
Witcher 3
Kingdomcome Deliverence

basiclaly germans and east europeans/russians are the only hope game industry has

Also, paradox and THW nordic hopefully will replace EA/Activision/Ubisoft shit

Yep. Old bad games = good games now

once kiddos and normies move into VR/consoles for good and the only people left in the classic video game industry once again will be nerds making games for nerds

15-20 years maybe
just dont kys, anons, we will make it

Rolling simulators are better than *click**click**click* wrpg any day.

That game sucked nigga

Shallow ass and highly railroaded RPG/character building system
Tedious and repetitive hack n slash level/encounter design
Forgettable bog standard RTS gameplay

Said western games, not western movies and "Wow I'm so deep" story romps.

The demon wave...

clearing the whole map was one of the most intensive shit I've ever done in a game

>loved spellforce 1 back when it was released
>loved the expansions
>couldn't get into spellforce 2 at all and just quit early
feels bad man

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Did you forget about me?!

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I liked Spellforce but 2's campaign was pretty forgettable.

friendly reminder that EA bought this studio and killed it 7 years later after releasing a shitty card game and a browser game.
thanks EA, once again

How's Spellforce 3 doing? Heard there was an upcoming update.

17 years old already, and Disciples 3 was utter shit.

Never played any of these games, is it worth it?

probably never

My problem with spellforce 2 is certain parts of the game made me head scratch. Like the dot stacking was the dumbest shit.

I thought that overall Spellforce 2 was except for the Addons. The Spellforce 1 Addons were god tier and the highleven content and quests were great.
The Spellforce 2 Addons were nearly all trash, especially the ones released later. I am still salty about that.

Other than that its still solid.

SF2 is a shit game. SF1 is one of my favorite games, but I fully admit that nostalgia plays a heavy factor.

>stop recommending games, I want to have the opinion that western games all suck!

Spellforce's click and fight system where you can click on whatever you want to interact with first and all possible actions are then shown under each of your characters portraits to be executed from there was fantastic. I don't know if they came up with it or if there was some other games that also did this, but I miss it in pretty much every top down click-to-move game I play. Sorely underrepresented.

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is spellforce 3 any good?
i didn't even know about it and just saw it on steam. did this even get any marketing? the trailer has geralt as narrator so that's pretty cool