>ruins your game
What the fuck were the devs thinking of adding this dumb fuck into RE2, remake included? He completely ruins the portion of the game he's in, atmosphere does a 180 from a comfy, slow-paced game with occasional horror elements where you take your time exploring and soaking in the surroundings ala RE1 to a shitfest where you can't stop moving lest X shows up and gives it to ya. Resident Evil 1 was the perfect, quintessential RE game, it was by far the absolute comfiest game in the series, you spent your time plodding around a cozy mansion taking your time to explore and find shit and solve puzzles, and although you didn't have a giant, looming threat hanging over your back the game still found ways to occasionally break out of the comfy mold and scare you before returning back to a "staying in a rainy night playing some vidya all bundled up" atmosphere. RE2 starts out feeling exactly like that (although the police station isn't AS comfy as the mansion, it's still up there in terms of comfy locations to explore and take in) as soon as Mr. X is thrown into the mix everything flies out the window and it feels like you're not even playing the same game you paid for anymore. Can't wait for modders to remove him, what they should've done is just have him shown up at fixed places with cutscenes or a handful of boss fights instead of him being a stalking enemy.
Mr x
Other urls found in this thread:
>comfy horror
>remove him
not before they remove his clothes
Turbo Erect Mr X
>taking your time
>in a world full of zombies
go play hello kitty
>comfy horror
Just try to fucking tell me that RE1 (especially the remake) isn't the epitome of comfy. Every room you move through feels warm and cozy, the zombies aren't a big enough threat to spook you outside of a few well-placed jump scares, and the music and sound design set the atmosphere really well. If you're not playing it like a hyper-autistic speedrunner, slowly exploring the mansion and soaking it in is incredibly cozy, and once you kill and burn off most of the zombies all the rooms are empty so there's even less of a horror threat. That changes a bit in the second half of the game but it still doesn't drop as low on the comfy-meter as the drop that happens when Mr. X is introduced in RE2.
Is this the latest copypasta bait?
Fuck it, I'll bite. Tyrant isn't a problem in the slightest, it's babbys who don't know how to play and run around like a headless chicken that makes him a problem. You're too used to being told how to play and where to go, just complete the objective and he'll disappear. He's in the game for about 3 mins, and won't go away just because you run around a table for halfhour.
You also can go back to the station a third time, and he's not there.
I find it fun having to bait his punch and dodge him. It was pretty terrifying on my first when I had to go through room full or zombies or lickers with him chasing me
But that I dumped so many hours into it, it's so easy to dodge all enemies
It's not copypasta bait in the slightest.
>You're too used to being told how to play and where to go, just complete the objective and he'll disappear.
How is that the case? If anything the appearance of Mr. X pushes you from playing the game however you want it to being forced to run through as fast as you can to just finish the objective and get him to disappear. He's only in the game for "about 3 minutes", as you said, if you use a guide to look up what to do and where to go and just run through without touching anything else. If you're playing the game blind, trying to explore and figure out puzzles and find shit, then he's there for a hell of a lot longer and just ruins the experience of trying to slowly make your way around a police station piecing shit together for yourself. His addition ratchets up the pacing from a slow simmer to an overflowing, full flame boil.
Something tells me you've probably never played RE1, nor the remake. I'm a complete pussy when it comes to horror games, I literally never play them because I just can't make it through, but enjoyed RE1 thoroughly on both editions because the comfiness of making your way through a mansion like that overpowers any fear factor that might exist.
>why is the atmosphere in this horror game oppressive
>why is this game challenging
Reminder you post on a board with these people
>if you don't love me at my hatless, then you don't deserve me at my hat
what does mr x mean like this?
God you're such a fucking whining faggot, stick to Flash games
Threadly reminder that the tyrant in RE2make was made for casuals and should be either removed or completely overhauled to give players an actual experience other than their fag fantasies.
How many times are you going to say "comfy" go play minecraft
Oh boy I just want RE3R
the zoomers are going to cry so hard
Are you telling me you guys actually enjoyed the segments of the game with Mr. X in them? You actually considered them enough of a high point to say any of that? Don't lie so that you can fit in and look like a "hardcore" gamer, the Mr. X segments were annoying as fuck and only served to detract from the game, they added nothing interesting or cool and served as more of a hindrance than anything.
Mr X is completely avoidable what's your point???
Yeah I can't wait to see how they cope with a Mr. X that can sprint and has a rocket launcher. I can already taste the asspain.
Nemesis is actually easier to kill than MR X in RE2R. You just gotta learn the dodge mechanics and boom nemesis is a no brainer.
Imagine being this much of a crybaby faggot.
He adds tension, urgency, and strategy. He's one of if not the coolest thing in the remake compared to his original version and makes me excited as fuck for Nemesis if they do RE3 next.
Sorry if not everyone's a little bitch like you.
learn to read posts before you quote them you baiting newfag.
Considering Mr. X literally can't catch you if you're running and can only melee you, I'm gonna say you're full of shit, even if you're right that Nem isnt that hard to deal with.
Hey bro it's stressful but feels satisfying after getting your business finished while getting chased by x. Imo anyway...
X is unironically one of the best additions in the remake. He creates dynamic tense moments where if you slip up things can quickly spiral out of control. This shit is perfect for horror settings.
This should be a fucking word filter, I swear
I don't know, I guess what I honestly expected from RE2 was more of the same feeling and experience that I got from RE1 and RE1's remake. I honestly thought it was going to be more of the same, Mr. X showing up completely threw that out the window and scrambled things up enough where I don't get any enjoyment or satisfaction out of the parts that he's present in. I'm playing blind so far but it honestly just makes me want to look up a walkthrough so that I can skip his bullshit as fast as possible.
He's not there during the first and third runs through the station, only during helicopter - cog puzzle. You should have already explored everything, had the chance to do so, and get a final chance when you use the second secret lift. Hee only chases you from putting the fire out to the cog puzzle, you're acting like he's permanently following you. It's not bad AI, it's you not knowing what youre doing. Grab cog, then lever, finish bookshelves, cog puzzle, DONE. You can come back later and explore without him.
Yes. It's fun to juke him, run the West Wing Gauntlet, bait and flashbang him, then solve the puzzle and get the magnum whilst he doesn't know where I am. It's like Indiana Jones shit. Like OP, you're acting like he chases you throughout the whole game. He doesn't.
He's easy to avoid, you'll get used to him. Also he's not present the whole game either. At worst he'll just make you waste a minute because he's blocking a puzzle. Honestly without X the game would've been boring as fuck. The lickers pose zero threat, but with X in the formula suddenly you're getting T-raped in every hole. It creates a lot of tense and cool dynamic moments so the game doesn't just become "go from point A to point B".
I agree, RE1, and Code Veronica are examples of comfy horror games.
I wouldn't mind Mr. X if he just showed up in the alternate scenario like the originals.
What's the best way to avoid him for someone who doesn't like playing around with him? Never shoot, never run, and wait somewhere in a room when you hear his footsteps?
Finally, knew I wasn't crazy for considering RE1 a great example of how a horror game can be comfy. There really is something about that game which hits all the right spots for a primo, wrapped up in blankets feel good time punctuated with occasional lighthearted spooks. And agreed, having him locked to the alternate scenarios (or perhaps behind hardcore mode?) would've been ideal
fuck you and fuck your comfy mansion, go play sh2 or kys.
OP is right and you guys shitting on him sound like tryhards
Play Alien Isolation on Hard and then you will see true horror
what the hell, are you ever played SH4, games use chasing enemy mechanics so rarely that this was one of the best part of the re2, only shit thing is that it only lasts 15 min, i hope they do RE3 allway around that mechanic just to cuck casuall potatos like you.
>enemy does the exact thing the developers were trying to do, achieving the desired result
>remove something that's barely 10 mins on screen
Zoomers are way too much into shooting and/or running games of theirs. They do not even understand that a classic survival-horror can be absolutely therapeutically comfy.
>What's the best way to avoid him for someone who doesn't like playing around with him?
Wait in the under-stairs' safe room / in STARS office / Clock tower room, with the door juuust a bit ajar, and wait for him to walk past into the opposing direction, until he audibly goes thru' a door.
The Weapon Locker room is also decent hiding place; you can stand at the very end of the room, behind the mid-shelves, and see his ugly fedora head walk past the door's window. If he's not seen or heard you go into the locker room, he will never check it.
Similarly, once you unlock the main hall's secret room under the statue, that too works as a safe space. He cannot follow you there. However, zombies during B route CAN.
>games use chasing enemy mechanics so rarely
t: zoomer who has not played a single modern horror game.
Every other game since Penumbra has been all about hiding and running from enemies, with that shit even now leaking into survival-horror.
do you enjoy anime. you really sound like you watch anime.
I think the alien was too deadly in Isolation. Since it's so persistent, I got overexposed pretty quickly and just felt annoyed whenever it entered a room. And when it found me, I knew there was no point in running or hiding, so instead of panicking I would just let go of the controls and let it kill me.
its boomer who havent played modern horror you dipshit.
do you know what is deffernece between hiding and kiteing. you fucking zoomers are the worst, somebody spices up the soup whith actually good segment and you shit yourself at first moment, git cuckd
Yeah, that's precisely why I loved RE1 so much, because it wasn't like every other "run and hide" generic horror game out there that takes up so much of the market. RE1 was a different brand of horror, one more about getting dumped into an interesting location where you take your time exploring, surviving, looking for notes, and puzzles, etc. and not running around trying to hide from shit like in games like Alien Isolation. That shit shouldn't be present in a RE game, it honestly feels like the devs working on the remake saw it present in every other horror game out there on the market and thought it'd make their game better if they had it too, without understanding what exactly made RE1 so comfy to play in the first place.
My thoughts too, if you look anywhere else outside of Yea Forums and talk to other fans of the RE series, even out of my irl friends, it's almost a unanimously shared opinion that the Mr. X portion is the absolute weakest part of the game. Second you go on Yea Forums it's a bunch of people leaping at the chance to call you a pussy for not enjoying something that goes way against the classic RE grain.
Not even remotely the same kind of game or experience that classic RE should deliver.
Thanks. Are there any specific actions that attract him to you? I assume shooting a gun is one of them, what about running?
I'm an Alien fan, and that's the only reason I liked Isolation. That style of gameplay and the rubberband AI was not my cup of tea at all, only the universe saved it.
Not really. What does this have to do with classic RE formula?
Playing this for the first time ever and i just finished Leon story, should i play Claire right away in the B scenario or do her A first?
Is Leon A > Claire B > Leon B > Claire A the best way to play this?
Holy fuck this asshole just stays on your ass the entire fucking time, why are you guys lying about it being easy to avoid him altogether? Sure every time he shows up you can juke him and run away, but he'll be right back on top of you within the next 30 seconds even if you don't fire any shots. It feels eerily similar to the AI from Alien Isolation where it keeps teleporting the enemy somewhere around the corner if you get too far away and evade him, all this shit I've been hearing about "he just patrols the entire police station dude if you don't make any noise and play it safe you won't see him and he'll be gone within 3 minutes!!!" is pure bullshit. How is having to run around for half an hour at full sprint without being able to stop and do anything "fun". This isn't scary, this is just a pain in the fucking ass.
dude i'm playing this for the first time, just shotgun him in the face and he will kneel then you can walk away or hide in a save room or simply walk in the other direction until you lose him
you just need to advance to story a bit to get rid of him
The scenarios in Bio-hazard: Resident Evil 2 (2019) do not matter, there is nothing significantly different between them like the original games.
Claire A is the same as Claire B
Leon A is the same as Leon B.
It doesn't matter, just do whatever you want bro.
but it's not the same? i checked it a bit and Claire A starts in the police station like Leon and meets Marvin while Claire B starts in what looks like a cemetery.
I think what meant is
Leon B is Claire's A
Claire B is Leon's A
>that's precisely why I loved RE1 so much, because it wasn't like every other "run and hide" generic horror game out there that takes up so much of the market
Same. Just replayed all of RE1-4 months ago, and they were still engaging and enjoyable on a whole new level compared to modern horror titles. Silent Hill games I still replay nearly annually as well.
>Are there any specific actions that attract him to you?
Running speeds up his rubber-banding homing towards you. I've also noticed that if a zombie spots you and starts yelling, that also catches his attention.
Gunshots practically make him auto-home towards your current position, though that can also be used to distract him at times.
Occasionally, he just literally teleports. I saw him go to West side once, only for him to walk towards me from the burning chopper yard's stairs, that lead to a legit dead-end.
A:I is exactly what's wrong with modern "horror" games.
>but it's not the same?
Not him, but it is practically 1:1 the same.
You fight ALL the same bosses on A and B, no matter the character, and Leon is always the one who has to deal with Super Tyrant, Claire with G4.
There are NO alternative story takes and events on A/B at all.
The whole "Zapping" system is completely absent in 2019.
Literally the only thing that changes is the starting position, and the fact that B routes replace all 9mm with .45acp ammo.
t: Just beat both As and Bs last week.
well yeah but in Claire A Marvin's lines were a bit changed like he was talking about her brother and shit so i think all play all 4, doing Claire B now
>I think what meant is
>Leon B is Claire's A
>Claire B is Leon's A
Not him, but that's wrong.
Leon A = Claire A.
Leon B = Claire B.
The different bossfights, death scenes, and story bits of the original are now all gone. Like how MrX chased Sherry because of her G-sample pendant.
>I want a horror game.
>wtf there's a big monster man chasing me shit game.
You know, I'm the first one to complain about a video game because I'm very easily annoyed, but he really isn't an issue at all.
>Occasionally, he just literally teleports. I saw him go to West side once, only for him to walk towards me from the burning chopper yard's stairs, that lead to a legit dead-end
That's actually a new one that replaces the original. If you manipulate him right you can have two of them chase you in that hall.
>muh comfy maymay
Get gassed, you cretin.
>Can't wait for modders to remove him
theres a trainer out there that lets you disable his AI or something if youre a absolute shitter.
>Just replayed all of RE1-4 months ago, and they were still engaging and enjoyable on a whole new level compared to modern horror titles.
Yep, they're still tried and true classics. Really wish we got a proper updated RE2 though with upscaled prerendered backgrounds and new models though.
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep all that in mind.
>Occasionally, he just literally teleports. I saw him go to West side once, only for him to walk towards me from the burning chopper yard's stairs, that lead to a legit dead-end.
This is the feeling I've been getting. Every time I shake him, even if I'm being silent it feels like he teleports just around the corner, fucking hate game that do AI like this or Alien Isolation.
As you said,
>A:I is exactly what's wrong with modern "horror" games.
The teleporting bullshit for hide and seek type enemies just completely breaks the immersion. There's no satisfaction in evading or outplaying the enemy in a smart way if it's just going to teleport the enemy ahead of you to the next room in a really blatant manner. There's no chance to use your mind to catch a quick break and shake them off you and you never really get a moment to take in the atmosphere around you (which was great when you weren't being chased in that game.) It'd be so much fucking better if games like that had an AI that actually patrolled the whole area without any bullshit and only followed you if you gave yourself away until you were able to shake it again. It'd feel a lot more terrifying moving around if you're not sure where on the level it is, if you're going to run into it, if you should be playing it stealthy or if you're safe, but when games use teleporting AI you pretty much know that none of your choices really matter because the enemy is always nearby and leashed to your location. Takes a lot of the tension right out of the game
Mr. "Pleb Filter" X
Mr X is literally not that difficult though You're just new to him and feel interrupted. but he's plenty comfortable as an easily beaten bully stomping around the rainy station with you
Yeah shut the fuck up retard Mister X is easily one of the most interesting elements in the same way Crimson heads were in the re1 remake they completely overhaul your strategy that you've been using the entire game once mr. X showed up I found myself being a lot more careful than I was I found myself planning out routes through the RPD in order to get to the Bookshelf once I got the lever if an area wasn't cleared out that needed to be cleared out I would aggressively Run in kill whatever I could and book it before mr. X could show up juking and outsmarting Mister X is some of the most satisfying parts of the game.
He can hear you running. Walk
Again, like I said earlier, it's not about how easy it is to juke or avoid him. That's not the issue at all. His appearance in general completely breaks the flow and feel of the classic RE formula and just adds factors to the game that aren't scary, aren't hard, just really fucking annoying.
Read the posts above instead of jumping to conclusions. RE isn't your generic "run and hide" horror game, it's an entirely different subgenre of comfy horror.
How is "comfy" in any way a meme, or buzzword? It's a brief, concise way to describe how a game makes you feel, in a way that makes everyone who reads it understand exactly what you're talking about. If you can't wrap your head around that you might be retarded.
So every playthtough you play thrpugh the same identical path twice?
>What is Resident Evil
You're not actually afraid of slow zombies, giant snakes, angry mexicans, dobermans and frogmen are you?
What nobody complaining about X seems to understand is that once you know he's there, it's incredibly easy to adjust your strategy to his presence. Just make sure you clear high-traffic areas like the west and east hallways, the west office, the library, and the S.T.A.R.S. office hallway. Once you do that, getting around the RPD is a cinch, even with X stomping around.
>in a horror game
dumb zoomer. go back to r*dd*t
>Mr X is literally not that difficult though
You dropped this selfie of yourself. Show me where I said he was difficult, I've repeated multiple times that he isn't difficult or scary, just annoying because he fucks with the pacing and intended feel of the RE games.
Wrong. Crimson Heads don't fulfill that same role at all, did you even play the remake? You can kill them fairly easily, they only show up in very limited amounts if you don't dispose of corpses (or prespawned in a few places), and most importantly they don't fuck up the pacing because they're not an all-knowing, omnipotent being that teleports all over the mansion to stalk you regardless of what you're doing. Crimson Heads actually ADD to RE1's feel instead of taking away from it because they break up the comfy exploring feeling with occasional high tension rooms.
This post is why nobody should take Yea Forums seriously.
>The game should be catered to ME! Horror shouldn't be tense! Challenges are HARD! Make the game hold and coddle me!
Looks like the only zoomer here is you. Go play RE1 (or the remake) and the original RE2 and try to tell me that classic RE aren't comfy. They're survival horror, not pure horror, and that makes the world of the difference.
You havent even completed the literally half hour Mr X segment and fought G1, how are you gonna spend hours on Yea Forums complaining its too much when its like at most an hour of collecting ammo amd you're done with him?
>the first 3 re games all had stalking enemies
I bet your first re game was 4, fucking idiot.
Again, as stated before, Mr. X isn't a challenge, he's an annoying pain in the ass. No one likes having him in the game, it's just retards on Yea Forums trying to act tough by pretending that one of the easiest, least challenging parts of the game is somehow a pleb filter when it's really just an annoying as fuck hindrance that messes with your ability to enjoy the game for what it is.
Having a cognitive map in a Resident Evil game?! No way, fag! This is a no brain hot cocoa game and id i have to remember whay doors go where then i simply cant be comfortable!
>The teleporting bullshit for hide and seek type enemies just completely breaks the immersion
In general, any sort of randomized / auto-adjusted "difficulty" is BS in the long run, as there's no systems to truly learn and master. Just RNG gods you can try to please, and the REm2 uses tons of such things. FYI, the game has a pretty simple "scoring" system, that keeps count on enemies you kill, shots you've missed, damage you've taken, HP items used ... etc, and either lowers or increases your "rank" accordingly.
Higher rank = more BS + tanky enemies, less ammo and shit from pickups, and X starts mysteriously running into you. Lower rank's the opposite.
I've seen this in practice myself as well. Did long stretches in the Labs without saving, and crafted some Mag ammo. Got 6 shots per pair of powder. Goofed up a bit too long for my speedrun attempt, so I loaded previous save and did it all again. Now I only got 5 shots per pair.
Also, while playing 4th Survivor, I literally run out of ammo and items during the last stretches. Got bitten and punched like a bullied kid at school, but somehow I did not die. Typically, a single bite can take you straight to Danger on HC, but now some of them didn't do jack shit to me. Made it out alive on my 1st run thanks to that.
I don't know what to tell you, man. Sounds like RE2make just isn't for you. Personally, I think the game becomes a lot more interesting when he's around, and if you take a moment to strategize and plan your route, you'll find he doesn't interrupt the flow much at all.
>Again, like I said earlier, it's not about how easy it is to juke or avoid him. That's not the issue at all. His appearance in general completely breaks the flow and feel of the classic RE formula and just adds factors to the game that aren't scary, aren't hard, just really fucking annoying.
I don't know man, this is legit my first time playing any RE game. Does he not appear in the original RE2 game?
If he does, isn't the original RE2 part of the classic RE formula?
Anyway i actually had no problems with him, i had to kite him once away from the library to complete the bridge and he kinda goes away after that. I had more problems hitting dogs.
Nothing stalks you in RE1 outside of chasing you to the literal room over, original RE2 is the same with the exception of a very small handful of Mr. X sequences that are nothing like the remakes. Have YOU played the originals or are you just pretending for internet e-peen?
It should work the same way it did in the original where you have the option of shooting him. It does get tedious after a while
Survival horroreams enduring why ever is thrown at you and surviving whole being scared. Old re isnt survival horror. Its exploration with horror elements .
Sorry man im not here to read your 500 post hours long thread about your extremely detailed relarionship with me X thay you hate and cant deal with. Retarded old me not becoming am expert on your fuckin half witted gripe.
The thing is though its like a half hour or an hour of the game and instead of coping witg it and adapting to the gameplay for this chunk of the game youve spent hours and hours on Yea Forums explaining in detail how unable you are to deal. Just fucking deal with it man, i guarantee your bitching on this site amd belavoring whatever problem you have in your head about this small little horror puzzle is ten times less comfortable than just turmong around and taking a second path when you see Mr X
>If you then you don't don't love deserve me at my me at my
I already explained to you why he is there.
OTS breaks games and turns them into babyfests. The only way to make OTS challenging is by make it impossible for you to fight while taking time. So, you break the aiming system with RNG (muh pop the legs and slash the body) and force the player to run so they can never aim properly.
Re2 literally has Mr X ambush you
But you can shoot him and stun him giving you enough time to fuck of to safety.
You really think everyone just seethes at Mr X? Its a massive cope that he can be circumvented or evaded? It really is easy, no need to get all schizophrenic and call it a conspiracy if people can deal with a simple game mechanic
>technical limitations make it not possible to have a stalking enemy for the entire game
>but they still try very hard to hack one in and make it have that feel
Stalking enemies is clearly a re staple and you can go fuck yourself you ignorant nigger.
He appears in re2 but is much more scripted
>youve spent hours and hours on Yea Forums explaining in detail how unable you are to deal
>implying people actually sit in a thread for hours and hours
>implying it doesn't just take a minute to pop in and reply to a few new posts between playing the game
Nice self projection, user. We're not all bumbling retards who take multiple hours to read a few words and reply to them, some of us are actually literate. No one's telling you to come in here and reply, but if you're going to do it it makes sense to at least read a few posts before jumping in instead of exposing yourself as a blithering idiot who takes shit out of context
He appears in the original, but he was a bit different in that game. He would attack you in scripted events, but you could fight him off, and was even rewarded with ammo for doing so. He was way easier to deal with in that game.
Okay, so the first 3 games DON'T, all have stalking enemies is what you're saying then? Why did you say that in your original post? Were you hoping I wouldn't call your bluff? How is it a RE staple if it wasn't present in the first two games?
>I don't know man, this is legit my first time playing any RE game.
Fitting, probably the same for most of the people in this thread defending this shit.
Crimson Heads stressed me out way more than X.
Listening for his stomping about and figuring out his position and where I should be going to avoid him is pretty fun yeah.
>breaks up the comfy Exploration with high-tension moments
Oh so you mean literally what mr. X does it's almost like you took my post literally like a fucking autist instead of looking at what they did to your play Styles Crimson heads completely remixed how you played once you started encountering them you had to think whether or not it was worth it to kill them again whether or not it was worth it to use oil on them whether or not it was worth it to run past them and potentially take the hit which was pretty common seeing as how fast they were and made your revisit to the mansion not comfy in the slightest compare that to mr. X who makes you think about where you need to go what rooms are safe from him what areas you might need to clear out what areas you have been searched whether it's worth it or not to disable him and grab a certain puzzle Part be it the lever or a myriad of optional goodies you could have missed it makes the game much more tense for the time that he's there.
>The game should be catered to ME! Horror shouldn't be tense! Adjusting my playstyle is HARD! Make the game hold and coddle me! Why do I have to learn?! Why are my HRT pills late!?
By the way is the tyrant the same from the beginning? Or did Ada actually kill the first one?
I was thinking maybe other clones were alerted by me doing unauthorized shit in the lab.
Youre an angry retard spending hours and hours bitching about a half hour game segment everyone else had fun with. You belabor the same few points but none of it takes and i doubt youve spent more than three encounters with the guy before going apeshit on the internet over it. We're not deaf to what youre saying, its just what you're saying isnt anyone's expereince and you whining over amd over isnt going to retroactively change our experience with the game. You obviously think RE is a comfy hide and seek game, so then go stick to RE1 amd be the guy wjo says RE2 has too much action for you. If youre going to try and rewrite everyone's experience into hating Mr X then its not going to work.
The whole point of Mr. X is to be a pace changer. You went through the Police Station the first time, you took your time exploring and clearing it out. You then went on to your first Birkin fight, explored the parking lot and surrounding areas then you got back to the Police Station and once you finish the Helicopter puzzle the game will change in pace. This is intended because now that the game has given you the chance to explore the Police Station, you should know your way around it but with the added twist that you have Lickers, Zombies and Mr. X to deal with that completely change the flow of the game at that stage. Now its about making routes around the Police Station in which you can explore the areas that are left, while finishing the Clock Tower puzzle and avoiding Mr. X.
Mr. X is supposed to be annoying, he's supposed to change the pace in which you play so that section gains tension and inconveniences you and you get a sense of urgency.
Sounds to me like you have your own definition of what this games genre is because you played RE1 and now you're disappointed that RE2 didn't live up to the same expectations of what you consider the Resident Evil series to be. Its a sequel, it wasn't going to be entirely the same and I'm glad its not. Anyways, stop bitching about it. The game is still really atmospheric during the sewer sections, and the Umbrella labs in which Mr. X's presence is not even an issue.
Everytime i read this autistic buzzword on Yea Forums all that comes to mind is some neet neckbeard shoving his fungal infested socks into a pair of anime slippers
This, trying to figure out where he is based on his stomping and making a mad dash to wherever I need to go is one of my favorite parts of RE2make.
some rooms are safe, stop being a bitch.
>Personally, I think the game becomes a lot more interesting when he's around,
not him, but I disagree.
He's a bit imposing for the first few moments, but then he just becomes an annoying Benny Hill obstacle you bait as far away as possible from your main objective, and then make a run for it.
The fact that he also does not TRULY prey for you like Nemmy did (wait behind safe rooms, lurk in vantage points, fucking circle in front of you...) is also quite disappointing.
Crimson Heads did absolutely almost none of that. The same "whether or not it's worth to kill them" can be said of the regular zombies. Crimson Heads were just tougher, faster versions of the zombies you encounter earlier and really didn't change the feel of the game as much as you're making them out to. It's still the same game underneath it all. Again, they don't stalk you, they're not invincible, they don't teleport around behind your back, how hard is any of that to understand? Having an invincible enemy that stalks you with shitty AI breaks the flow of exploration and makes it annoying as fuck to enjoy the game. Crimson Heads don't share that same property.
This. Carrying the lighter/gas around as Chris was fucking horrible.
>Mr. X is supposed to be annoying
>this game is supposed to be annoying and unenjoyable bro trust me! that's what the devs intended!
If a game or segment of a game is MEANT to be annoying on purpose it's a shit game or segment. That's objectively the truth. The rest of the remake is fine but the way they changed the Mr. X encounters from the original version is way weaker than what the original accomplished.
MR. X was a kino edition to the game
People who have trouble with him are litteral zoomers and I can't wait to see how hard you guys scream when nemesis shoots rockets down your throats for the re3 remake. The tears will be fucking delicious
>really didn't change the feel of the game
Every killed zombie being a problem that you were eventually going to have to deal with changed the game pretty heavily, actually.
Oh boo fuckin hoo. Poor baby didnt get enough attention and says its the measure of smartness how long people research the bitchy complaints he makes about shit everyone else is fine with. Look, Mr X is a small part of a game with many phases. You literally dont have to like RE2 but the idea that it can't have a stalker enemt for a chunk is flat and pointless to argue. You saying it sucks over and over isnt convincing and doesnt override anyone elses entertainment or sense of horror in this horror game.
I just think your outrage os pointless amd your need to argue with anyone who likes the game is ridiculous when youve spent the entire thread repeating yourself on one unconvincing point about how you play for the quiet pitter patter of rain
They fucking run. That's enough to make them at least as stress inducing than X.
Both games have stalking enemies, the first one doesnt have you stalked for long because of technical limitations. The fact that you're looking at these limitations and claiming theyre design choices is retarded. Later when the limitations were gone they added the stalking enemies.
Imagine having such shit critical thinking skills.
You're projecting again, retard. Are we not allowed to have dissenting opinions on Yea Forums now? Does it all have to be one hivemind that doesn't hurt your fee-fees? I'm not "trying to rewrite everyone's experiences" or whatever the fuck kind of dumb bullshit you're going to push.
>You obviously think RE is a comfy hide and seek game, so then go stick to RE1
Retard who doesn't read posts confirmed. I'm saying it's the OPPOSITE of a hide and seek game. RE2 remake segments with Mr. X are the definition of "hide and seek", classic RE games have none of that. Maybe finish your English Comprehension course before posting on Yea Forums
You're the only one who finds it annoying, faggot. Mr X in the original was merely "oh look, its time to fight a miniboss and get some free ammo".
>Both games have stalking enemies
Mr X merely spawned in at set points. He was unable to truly follow you at any point, no matter his CoolAid scene.
He is interesting and tense the first time around but the fact that he is unkillable just makes him a bit of a nuisance in later playthroughs who wastes your time and stops you from completing objectives. You can just run past him, do a lap of the station and go back to what you were doing. Because he's unkillable you have no incentive to waste any ammo on him, which makes the the optimal route to just run past him and never face him head-on.
If you could permanantly kill him each section by downing him 3 times i thik it would have been better. It means you could buff his health a bit as well instead of making him easier to down than even your average zombie.
>You literally dont have to like RE2 but the idea that it can't have a stalker enemt for a chunk is flat and pointless to argue.
Again, retard, I didn't say I disliked RE2, just the appearances of Mr. X. You complaining about people discussing video games on a board for discussing video games is the most asinine, pointless shit there is. Same could be said right back to you, if you don't like this thread why not just not reply to it? You seem awfully worked up for some shit you say you don't care about. I personally don't like that segment of the game, no need to take it so damn personally and fly off the handle kek
>implying hes annoying
Hes fucking piss easy to bait and avoid bro, did you even experiment cos judging from your posts everytime you see him in game you have an actual seizure, screaming IRL while charging straight towards him
>can bait us punches which gives you a 10 second window to run away
>can use certain elements of the enviroment to your advantage, X cant climb through broken windows or other shortcuts
>can shoot him in the head with magnum for a nice 5 second stun
>can easily outrun him unless you gun the shit out of him which enrages him and gives him a huge temporary move speed boost (id say your one of those dudes)
>can waste a load of ammo to down him for 30 seconds
you litteraly have autism, case closed.
I hate nothing more then comfy faggot
What stalking enemies do they have then? You keep saying they have stalking enemies, but have nothing to back your argument up with. If the game didn't have stalking enemies because of technical limitations, then it didn't have stalking enemies, end of story. Just because the technology is present for it now doesn't mean you look back at 20 year old games and decide that the fact that we can do it now means that the game was meant to have stalking enemies retroactively.
Random ass zombies that take 2 clips to be put down are more annoying than mr. X.
Annoying != hard or challenging. Something can be piss easy and still fucking annoying, he's on your ass the entire time and you have to do the shit typed up in your list over and over again for that whole segment. It's boring and gets old fast.
You're additionally fucking deluded in thinking that the first two games not having stalking enemies is a technological limitation. It wouldn't have been that difficult for them to add it back then, the PSX wasn't as shit of a console as you're making it out to be. It was fully within the realm of possibilities and they didn't add it because guess what? The original devs felt that it wouldn't have added anything to the game.
mrx was honestly not aggressive enough and the whole thing wears off in like 5 minutes. in replays hes literally a minor annoyance
Are you the same person that hates on Dead Rising' s time management?
You seem to be lacking the same mental abilities.
Look man it just doesnt take. Having a stage of the game where your share the RPD with a monster was really fun and fresh. It seems like you're maybe missing some options on avoiding him and keeping a cognitive map of the RPD, because really I'm reading your posts and none of it is that prohibitive. Like really the difference between the RPD with zombies and the RPD witg zombies amd one guy looking for you in it is not that game changing, you just have to keep moving and know the map. It provides these little gotcha moments and tension, which are fun, and your frustration with that doesnt add up
But you can. You've just never played the right games.
REmake and RE2 are top comfy. Silent Hills are very comfy. STALKER is epitome of comfy.
yes he made my adrenaline pump in hardcore when I shot his hat off, you a faggot or something?
>hes on your ass the entire time
Gun blazing zoomer confirmed. During my MR x segment in leon A i only encountered him 3 times during the 40 mins it took me to do the whole "get to the sewers and hes gone for a bit" segment.
>typed up in your list
What? Is this your first play or not?
Dude can you finish the gsme before quitting and bitching ir are you goinf to
That's fucking bullshit. The Thing is a creepy horror and it's only less comfy than a fucking thriller action movie like Die Hard.
>the same person that hates on Dead Rising' s time management
Imagine thinking that there could only be one person to dislike it.
Cry more
You're too weak mentally to play these games. Its long overdue that faggots like you got filtered out of the fanbase.
>look, a fire place!
Yeah bro real comfy. Think you might need your brain checked
I haven't fired my gun a single time, I run or sneak by everything and do it silently, and he somehow still knows my location at all times. Even if I stealth over from one wing to the other without him knowing, and I know where he was last in the other wing, 20 seconds later he teleports directly outside of the room you're currently in all the way on the other side of the police building. If that's not some bullshit I don't know what is. You playing on easy?
Just stop running and he won't find you
Mister X was the best part of the remake. Sneaking away from him and having to frantically run away was absolutely brilliant.
But STALKER is full of high tension stalking moments from enemies and action gunfights. I think you just hit a normal action segmwnt then tuened off the gsme i frustration amd wemt to Yea Forums to complain, instead of playing through the short segment and getting to the rest of the 'comfy' game like you wouls have in STALKER. So now you can'T get over this one little element and youve spent more time frustrated about it than you would have just by playing through and completing that tiny part of the game.
None of those games are comfy in the slightest.
Especially fucking silent hill. Stalker is only comfy when you're sat around the camp fire, the rest of the game is intentionally drab and depressing.
>he can't dodge mr x punches in a tight corridor
git gud
>Its long overdue that faggots like you got filtered out of the fanbase.
>durr "faggots" that enjoyed all the original games and didn't like the remake should be filtered out of the fanbase durr
You're trying too hard to fit in, buddy. The new game is good in certain areas but it obviously strays from its roots.
RE2 is full of all that stuff and you bitching about the half hour that has a harder enemy in it doesnt disqualify that.
Sounds like your game is broken mate. He only "teleports' when he hears gunfire, not even that guy but I barely encoutered him that much either during my hardcore playthrough.
>he only teleports when you try to have fun
Let me guess, you love that alien turd game.
Savee rooms and... well, safe rooms with comfy atmosphere indeed are comfortable to stay in, mate. I'm sorry that you are some sort of a psycho with no emotions.
>But STALKER is full of high tension stalking moments from enemies and action gunfights
It can be, if you play it like that.
Most of my memories of STALKER games are filled with spending time in the comfy camps, listening to sick guitar beats, saying hi to the bar keeps, and hoping that the drunk sergeant won't raid the Cordon village.
All of those games are comfy as hell.
>RE2 is full of all that stuff
Indeed. The 1998 version.
The 2019 lacks the atmosphere, visual design, audio design and gameplay to be even remotely like the original.
He doesn't teleport when you fire. he moves around in real time and beelines towards you when you fire. The only time he ever teleports is when you get the jack handle.
It's the most faithful remake i've ever played, it improves gameplay in every way, the only portion that suffered was the stories. Definitely should have been more than the same run with different puzzle solutions. Mr. X is absolutely a casual filter and hes right that it's good these people are being put off by the game. The reason re went to shit was pandering to those window licking fucktards.
There are a few moments where they teleport him on purpose for tension, and he will wander on his own and accidentally end up near where you are.
But i can confidently say on my Standard run it was not an issue
Why are you so temperamental and offended by Mr X showing up? Like he literally stresses you out and ruins your experience? Pretty fuckin weak and whiny I must say. Again, none of what youre saying turns me against this gameplay feature.
Just joining the thread to drop a yikes on this post
>It's the most faithful remake i've ever played
It's literally a different game in every way except names and vague ideas about locations.
You've gotten used to dealing with zombies and lickers by the time Mr. X is thrown in. He's a way of upping the intensity of the situation. Removing him would basically make that half of the police station kind of boring.
You must not have played very many remakes because as much as I like it, RE2make is one of the most unfaithful remakes out there. Metroid Zero Mission and the original RE remake are the most faithful remakes out there.
Mr.X is fine, but, he should have stayed a playthrough #2 enemy instead of an annoyance in the first campaign, which is what he boils down to. The enemy doesn't introduce any extra difficulty aside having to run through enemies, which isn't hard in itself.
It does kind of ruin the atmosphere of the remake too, I agree, but not for challenge or breaking the mold so much as it feels like they tried to be like "HEY REMEMBER THIIIIIIS GUY XD!?" and completely misused the character and what made him special.
On that note, I hope to god they dont do this with Nemesis if they do a Re3 remake, because what makes Nemesis special as a Tyrant (just like the ORIGINAL Mr.x) is that you never necessarily know when hes gonna show up, and it changes depending on the story triggers you activate. With Mr.X in The RE2 Remake, it's completely predictable, you KNOW when the fuckers gonna be there because he's PROVED to be attracted to noise/movement. It's a complete god damn no brainer. It makes him a pest, completely degrading the character from a genuine menace to that annoying faggot in the coat that chases you.
inb4 Capcom's paid marketers.
Much like real life, if you make loud noises you tend to get noticed. Once the tyrant loses sight of you he's pretty easy to evade as long as you keep the racket down. He's never on your ass the entire time, he very easily loses you unless you barge through the place like a blundering moron.
You talk about "atmosphere" and "comfy" and being able to explore RPD at a slow pace, but if you continue to do that after you shake Mr. X the first time then he won't even bother you during the library puzzle, which is usually the main tripping point for most people.
Yeah that's why I said re-MAKE not re-MASTER.
>earlier post says he runs by everything and doesnt shoot anything
kill yourself right now you fucking loser.
>most of my time was spent...
Not finishing the game, apparently. STALKER's random encounters and main story are FULL of action, you avoiding the main plot and so many encounters doesnt change that.
Look obviously you are an atmosphere puritan who plays horror games for the feeling of camping in the woods rather than horror. Just wait for your niche mod to get rid of Me X, and do in RE2 what you do with STALKER, avoid the aprts of the game you dont like and intentionally keep yourself hidden in early parts of the game for the satisfaction of rain and campfires. You dont convince the rest of us though.
>RE2make is one of the most unfaithful remakes out there.
Now who's the one that hasn't played many games?
DEmake2 is practically a whole new game with RE2's name slapped on it. And the latter is the only reason this generic 3rd person shooter's getting so much hype now, rather than being instantly forgotten like all the others like it.
>Now who's the one that hasn't played many games?
>DEmake2 is practically a whole new game with RE2's name slapped on it.
Why would you say that and then agree with me? Are you sure you read my post right?
shitposters don't read
Didn’t mr x just appeared at claire’s campaign
Mr X would've been better with giant tatas.
>what makes Nemesis special as a Tyrant (just like the ORIGINAL Mr.x) is that you never necessarily know when hes gonna show up, and it changes depending on the story triggers you activate
You absolute self-contradicting dumbfuck.
>With Mr.X in The RE2 Remake, it's completely predictable
Just completely unlike the 11 (could be wrong) possible times Nemesis turns up, right?
3/10 bait made me reply
In the original game, he only appeared in the B campaign, whether Claire or Leon. In Remake 2 he appears in the A campaign, thus making him over used, thus what OP said and
You're right, I should have known that anyone who uses the term "DEmake" wouldn't have a post worth reading.
So theres NOTHING to be said for the game's plot, area design, weapons, encpu ters, story, everything? We're just gonna pretend RE2 is a game of blank grey hitboxes? Nearly everything is there except the way the guns work. I understand Puritanism here, but you have to be pretty obtuse to say RE2 remake is an unrelated superficial remake. Its all the same design and content
As much as I like Mr. X, I feel like making him more of a Nemesis like character is going to make the RE3 remake feel like more of the same. Sure Nemesis can run and shoot missles but I don't think that changes the mechanics completely.
I don't expect Capcom's marketers to have reading comprehension.
>Not finishing the game, apparently.
Imagine treating an amazing experience like STALKER as a "game you gotta finish ASAP".
>STALKER's random encounters and main story are FULL of action
STALKER does not have "random" encounters. Just dynamic systems creating an illusion of such. And unless you're a gungho Rambo wannabe, you can indeed avoid majority of all unnecessary conflicts. And the ones you may need to engage in can be dealt with a single shot or two at best.
>Look obviously you are an atmosphere puritan who plays horror games for the feeling of camping in the woods rather than horror
Nope. I love getting spooked, but hate it when it's without any other context or engaging gameplay. Endless jumpscare gallores are also boring.
Rather, it seems like (You) are not familiar with games that you can take your time with and enjoy at your own pace, without the game or the group-mentality pushing you to rush forward at all time.
This is especially visible in the nu-RE2's case, where most of the discussion seems to revolve around how quickly one has speedran through the game (after watching a perfect run on YT first), rather than how well or poorly it builds its atmosphere and creates a memorable, enjoyable experience you want to fully re-live later on.
Why do I so easily disregard posts that say DEMAKE and ITS A LITERALLY DIFFERENT GAME and ITS ZOOMER SHIT NOT RESIDENT EVIL? the game is alright and i played a good bit of it but really the tempermental pearl clutching is so fucking useless. Sure you dont have to like it but your angry protests are pretty useless and dishonest. I mean feel free to have your opinion amd reaction but I dont think anyone cares about your screeching
>this thread
The absolute state of fucking Yea Forums
What actually went wrong? When did zoomers become so prevalent here?
The internet is like 6 websites now.
Resident evil started as an adventure game but became a shooter.
I don't like it either but sales do not lie.
>He's only in the game for "about 3 minutes", as you said, if you use a guide to look up what to do and where to go and just run through without touching anything else.
There's a note next to the electric door saying one of the electric pieces is in the clock tower. You came past a door with a heart emblem when you got the detonator, it's even marked on your map if you bumped against it, which you- should've done instinctively if you were actually exploring without a guide. You now possess the heart key. You also came past the jack in the library if you didn't run through blindly. What do you think is your objective?
>Why would you say that and then agree with me?
because I'm apparently illiterate, and did not see the "un-" part in the "unfaithful".
>you have to be pretty obtuse to say RE2 remake is an unrelated superficial remake
No you don't. You however don't seem to understand a single thing about game-design, and how completely different this re-skinned Dead Space clone is from the original.
>it's all the same design and content
The design is complete opposite. Tons of the content is literally missing. The little bit there is, is either trivialized to be insignificant, brushed away details, or re-framed to be flavor text for yet another action scene.
It's funny that you mentioned "blank grey hitboxes", because that's exactly the general image I have of 2019's RE2: empty, grey, dark box world, with grey, groaning dudes occasionally blocking your path.
I disagree that Mr X isn't set up, or that a speedrun is mandatory. STALKER is a better horror camping game, but RE2 is a game about surviving an infested police station and then infiltrating the lab and fighting case zero. I dont know, MR X literally doesnt ruin the 'coziness' of the game for me.
I hope Capcom will remove Nemesis from RE3make
I just want to explore and enjoy the game at my own pace instead of being chased by some impossible to evade faggot
>It's funny that you mentioned "blank grey hitboxes", because that's exactly the general image I have of 2019's RE2: empty, grey, dark box world, with grey, groaning dudes occasionally blocking your path
This is just dishonest. The amount of content you have to disregard to say this is ridiculous
>Why do I so easily disregard posts that say DEMAKE and...
because you get easily triggered when exposed to opposing viewpoints, and need to make up excuses and narratives in order to avoid them, like a snowflake you are
>I mean feel free to have your opinion amd reaction but I dont think anyone cares about your screeching
Says a child who literally raped Capslock to screech at people having different opinion.
No, the game is not alright. It's fucking shit for the most part, and absolute blunder considering the fact that this thing was like the Half-Life 3 of Resident Evil series. Corporate slaves like you clearly would eat up any kind of diarrhea feces their bosses throw at you without complaining.
Nemesis isn't all that much of a nuisance. People exaggerate how much he's actually after you.
Fuck off Michael
I just want more gunpowder options for the grenade launcher.
>the tyrant in RE2make was made for casuals
Yeah and only casuals have trouble outmaneuvering him, so why remove them? Can't go on tiptoes around lickers? Can't run around a big crey giant moving at glacial speed? Then you're a casual. Mr. X was made for you.
Yikes. Here's your (You)
>This is just dishonest
You can keep saying that all you want, but it won't change the truth.
That is literally, sincerely how I feel about and recall the RE2019. A pathetic wasted opportunity, praised to heavens only by people who despise classic Resident Evil.
>The amount of content you have to disregard to say this is ridiculous
What content am I disregarding exactly? The game LACKS it by truckloads. It's all around streamlined, simplified and patronizing experience compared to not only the original game, but also the REmake1 that should have been the blueprint for this remake as well.
And minigun, you know he is going to have one too
>open copypasta thread to see people getting baited
>it's not copypasta
>OP is still baiting people as easily as if it were anyways
Wish they kepy the Mr. X name in-game.
Calling him the Tyrant is so dorky.
>the ones you may need to engage in can be dealt with a single shot or two at best
uh, no. even if you're playing on easy and facetanking a ton of bullets, there are a lot of encounters you have to shoot to finish and it takes more than a couple of shots. maybe one or two per regular human enemy, but not per encounter.
>it pushes you
It does not. Else you can say "difficulty pushes you from playing the game however you like".
X is easy. Adds some tension.
Anonymous is better
Go back to IeIeddit, child.
Speedrunning RE games has always been a thing, even in the first REmake. Imagine actually believing that a game where you're stuck in a city full of zombies can be "comfy". What all the three PS1 games have in common is how they turn into an action game by the last act, you're supposed to have this cathartic release after whole sections spent avoiding or getting by the skin of your teeth.
Imagine having the gall to compare this series to fucking STALKER of all things. Like the sun and the moon. If you want STALKER go play the game, don't try to project your "comfy" vibes into a game that was never designed to be.
>uh, no.
uh, YES ?
>even if you're playing on easy and facetanking a ton of bullets, there are a lot of encounters you have to shoot to finish
I've never played on easy. Master difficulty in fact improves your 1-hit potential.
And yes, most of the encounters indeed are against human NPCs. Meaning they go down very easily, unless you suck ass and try to pray-n-spray with a rusty AK or something.
Also, depending on the situation or game, you can indeed avoid plenty of fights.
He was never called Mr. X in the first place. That name came from toy packaging and the RE2 novelization.
I would love to see an Ecco thread with all these babies crying about how they cant get passed the octopus
>the ones you may need to engage in can be dealt with a single shot or two at best
>two at best
there's fights with mutants you can't avoid. show me how you can kill them in two shots. you're talking out your ass.
Seething retard. Sure that could have done better or more. Game is still pretty great. But go on and tell yourself another story about consumer brain-death and corporate brainwashing. I guess I'm a monster for enjoying a modern re-do of RE2. I guess I just don't care and its evil monsters like me that rob you of your golden god every day. All because I evaded Mr X.
>i play STALKER by playing on the hardest difficulty then hiding
How is RE2 remake different
You can avoid Mr X just like you can avoid anything in STALKER
>Speedrunning RE games has always been a thing, even in the first REmake
Why do you use REmake1 as some sort of beginning of it all example? Speedrunning has been a thing LITERALLY since 1996 original, period.
However, you clearly again fail to see the significant change in design philosophy in the new and older games.
While in the past the whole matter of speedrunning was always an optional self-imposed challenge, now it has been turned as the go-to reason to play the game.
Even the process of speedrunning has been triviliazed, as besides the S+ rank, you don't need to worry about number of saves, uses of F-Aid spray, and never of collected documents and shit.
>Imagine having the gall to compare this series to fucking STALKER of all things
What's wrong with that?
>If you want STALKER go play the game,
But I don't want my Resident Evil to be a STALKER game.
I want it to be Resident Evil. Something the 2019 demake is not, as it is litearlly a higher budget OTS shooter like Evil Within, and nothing more.
And sorry, but both STALKER and classic RE games were comfy as fuck to P-L-A-Y. Perfect games to launch up after a long week at work or school in order to chill out.
What do you mean lacks content? Like, spiders?
Learn to understand the stuff you're reading you damn turbo nigger.
>there's fights with mutants you can't avoid
True. And those are fairly rare on the bigger picture.
Not to mention a shotgun deals with most of them very quickyl.
>show me how you can kill them in two shots.
Nigga, you can KNIFE all but Pseudogiants in a SINGLE HIT.
It's like nu-Yea Forums would not have ever even touched STALKER!
It's not about running well, it's about running period. Running simulators are a fucking abortion.
Speedrunning is a known 'go-to' because its a hallmark of the series since 1996. You can literally play RE2make slowly and meticulously. What makes you play it fast except you running to avoid Mr X like you dis in the original? What about RE2 original speedrun? Do they invalidate the game too?
From the movie?
Original speedruns were a mere choice, here you have no choice. How fucking hard is it to understand?
>no running is allowed period
So is Mario 64 a running simulator? Monster Hunter? STALKER? Super Smash?
Can you BE any more brain dead and dishonest? Please muster up ONE REASON why being ahle to increase your pace with a button ruins a game. Surely you didnt mean what you said.
Why are zoomers so triggered by Mr X? I hid from him once and then never saw him again my whole time finishing rpd on Leon A. They just have to sprint everywhere and shoot all the time during their "comfy" game?
Its still a choice. My first play was six hours. Why do you say it isn't?
>What do you mean lacks content?
A & B campaigns have been trivialized and are literally the same now.
Zapping system is all gone.
No more crows, spiders, moths, harmful cocroaches, or poison ivys.
Zombie Brad nowhere to be seen.
Bow gun is removed.
Factory area is removed.
Sherry's section in the factory are removed.
All push-block puzzles removed.
Street sections are mostly cut-out or shortened.
Ink-Ribbons are Hard-only feature now.
No Extreme Battle mode.
No Arrange mode.
... and I'm probably forgetting something.
Now their going argument is that any game with a jog button is Dear Esther
What ruins the game are the completely botched A and B scenarios and the clearly rushed lab section.
All my playthroughs i don't think Mr. X even killed me once with his grab. I don't know why he's had such a negative impact on the game because i had fun
Are you legit retarded? If you don't sprint Mr X doesn't here you and will just fuck off searching randomly until a set piece happens. For you literal retards you can also just have ads smash him and then go explore everything without the mild inconvenience.
I dont know either, apparently these pro-expert classic RE masters have trouble though
In the originals, speedrunning was not something you constantly boasted of and compared yourself to the world. In the DEmake, it's all kids talk about, because the whole game is designed to be a simple run & gun trash with as minimal amount of adventure-game elements as possible.
1 shotting with the knife isn't reliable for fights, unless you're savescumming before each encounter, only using your knife and then coming here to say you can beat each encounter in 2 shots after reloading your save a dozen times.
Explain to me precisely what you think you mean by this
Dude, it's not that bad and makes repeat playthroughs actually fun and interesting, otherwise you know exactly where and what the enemies are. Quit being a bitch
Mr. X is your bitch if you played SPC CB before this game.
>Game is still pretty great
It's mediocre AT BEST, totally brought down by its numerous flaws and lazy corners.
Seriously, would this game wield any other name but "RE2", it would not be even mentioned on Yea Forums anymore.
I played the hell out of the classic RE games as well but maybe i just like video games
Currently searching for all Mr. Racoons and doing the no healing challenge on Assisted. This is a fucking cakewalk, but what is the deal with the Samurai Edge? Is it just really bad or do zombies on Assisted take as much damage as they do on higher difficulties? I could unload up to a whole magazine into one of those fuckers and they still weren't really dead.
yeah they added the playthrough timer to appeal to fps addicted zoomers.
>All push-block puzzles removed.
What a tragedy. Fuck off back to /vr/
>people posting runs on YouTube and twitter meams the game is mandatory speedruns
Fuck off smoothbrain follower. The game literally does not demand a speedrun and if you let a social media speedrun fad force you to sprint through a single player game then you're a follower who plays games ways he doesnt like because of memes
haven't played assisted so idk
>1 shotting with the knife isn't reliable for fights,
Knife literally 1-hit kills anything fleshy with a single alt-stab to the face, and is easiest to pull out against Bloodsuckers. For a more casual player, a pump-action / TOZ + buckshot is the easier method.
How about you fuck off back to Resettera?
Oh right because RE2 remake is not even a video game because you can jog, right
Dude, I don't want an enemy that forces me to run through most of the game. Imagine if Pyramid Head chased you across Silent Hill endlessly or you had a fucking Phanto in every Super Mario level. It's not about "can I do it", even a mongoloid can. It's as he said, it's a fucking nuisance. It's not scary, it's just a fucking pain in the ass,
A and B scenarios were shit in the original too. There's a reason why Capcom never did shit like that ever again.
Fuck off, retard.
No they weren't. Glad we sorted this out.
>discord tranny with hateboner for Capcom telling people to fuck off to resetera
>forces you to run most of the game
It doesnt though. You can run past him with a 3 second jog if you see him in a room IF YOU WANT, but walking literally keeps him off your ass so fuck off dishonest troll
They were.
Take your meds michael
People complaining about X are on the same level as game 'journalists', twitch thots and Overwatch players.
>autistic screeching is not an argument
You should listen to your own advice, OP.
Is it just me or does he walk faster with each encounter in the original RE2? I could swear that was the case
I think it's just OP alone going nuclear.
Thats exactly what RE/REmake were about though.
I haven't played remake but i don't remember much about him from RE2 so he can't be that big a deal
What a delusional dumbass post. Did you not play the game, or are you incabale of turning a corner?
He wasn't in the game much and he fucks off when you run into the next room.
So was this a troll thread?
never used that Russian meme. Still on TS.
Interesting mental gymnastics you got there, boi.
take your .44 caliber painkiller, Todd.
Still not OP, kid.
What do you think, genius?
Why have you made this same exact thread over a hundred times since the games release? Especially when not a single person agrees with you.
>So was this a troll thread?
Yes, the Crapcum-shills trolling sensible people and looking down on the series' original fans.
>not a single person agrees with you
says a shill living in his echo chamber and ignoring half the post ITT alone.
Never stop being retarded Yea Forums
I cant tell because there are some okay arguments here and there but at the end of the day they cant make an entire point and resort to surrounding. I guess it was all trolling but i wish i could know for sure
Seek help michael
Mental illness.
I got around to playing this and was shocked how quickly he got removed from the story, based on how much people have been bitching about him.
I thought it would've been a longer sequence but it's literally just that clock tower puzzle and then he's done.
Currently hating the sewers though.
the knife is not that reliable. between the movement speed, getting the animation to hit the face and failing having an enemy right next to. you sound like you're reading this from the wiki
You could run in OGRE2 as well. You even needed to sometimes, to evade enemies.
He's being retarded, his post is completely pointless
I dont know what to tell you but that is not my experience at all
>All push-block puzzles removed.
That's entry level Sokoban, the two of them. The one in RE1 was harder than both of then combined.
>most of the game
but thats not really true is it
and there are multiple rooms he will never enter, and after a while just leaves
I played RE2 remake because of Mr. X. He is the most fun enemy in the game, period.
Why do people hate him? He is basically by FAR the easiest enemy in the game. You can outrun him, you can hear him from a mile away, you can easily hide and avoid him, you can even stun him if he catches up with you. He is 0 threat, just pure fun to play around him.
Zombies and lickers are meant to be avoided. Even opting for the zombie's leg means wasting 4-5 bullets. Always avoid the lesser enemies, you are going to need these 483912 bullets for the bosses.
>Currently searching for all Mr. Racoons and doing the no healing challenge on Assisted.
Did that, too. Samurai Edge is great on assisted, zombies lose limbs at 3 shots max, guaranteed.
None of that matters.
do you mean immersive? because none of those games you mentioned are comfy
I fucking DARE you to respond to any of the replies to your post and succesfully argue Mr X, an enemy that exists in only two 20 minute segments, forces you to run the entire game.
You are a troll or havent played
>Random ass zombies that take 2 clips
use a stronger weapon, go for the legs, or run past them.
Why are there typewriters in a super modern lab next to a fucking PC? That is more annoying than X..
Uh guys its really quite simple, imagine getting your toenails peeled off for 18 straight hours. That's exactly what they've done here.
You can hack/navigate through a PC to get documents. Typewriters, not so much.
what if a scientist needs to leave a note? like "pete's sandwich DON'T EAT!"
well i had no problems after getting the shotgun but still.. i was aiming all shots at the head too and sometimes they exploded with 1 pistol round while other zombies were fucking bullet sponges
So what, the thread is over? Did everyone come to the conclusion that this was a troll thread, or did people just settle down amd leave?
>wtf people have different opinions??
No i mean why did everyone suddenly stop arguing? Fuck off
Comfyfags are the most annoying cunts on Yea Forums.
>muh exploration
Its fucking videogame. Why dont you leave your house for once and actually do some worthwhile exploration, nigger?
I believe mr. X should have had some lines to scream while chasing you.
mod adding angry black man voice for him when?
>Where you at, white boy?
>dark corridors with zombies and lickers trying to tear you apart is comfy
It has rain sounds in it amd he likes to wait in rooms by the windows. Mr X made some noise and made him leave the rainy window room so now he says fans of the game are slaves
X isn't even that much of a problem. He might spook you at first but once you know he doesn't enter certain rooms like save rooms or the stars offices he's not that much of a problem.
>playing as claire
>mmm, imma get me some of that
If it's comfy then it's a shit horror game. Horror and comfort are mutually exclusive states of mind. You're upset that you played a horror game and it was horrific.
Hilariously this
>muh cwomfy
get fucked retarded mouthbreather
B has G5 and the true ending. You're right that the other changes are not a big deal but telling someone that playing both A's is the same as playing A->B is explocitly wrong. A->B is completing the game, you can't do that by just doing two A's.
I've never seen such a pathetic thing in my entire life. If you can't handle the game, don't play it, and certainly don't be a woman and ask for the game to be lowered to your pathetic level. You're a disgrace.
I can agree that it's comfy as fuck when your inside on a rainy night and you can hear the rain pelting away at the window but why the fuck would you play a survival horror game to have a comfy feeling?
get out child
How exactly should I be using the grenade launcher in Claire B? I had the shotgun in Leon A to blast open zombie skulls so I could eliminate ones in corridors you go through a bunch to make things easy for myself, should I save that just for bosses? When do I get the SMG?
>Occasional horror elements
You are mentally challenged
Is OP the result of years being saturated by walking simulation masquerading as "horror games"?
Literally just get a VR headset and sit in a warehouse with a storm outside. I understand the idea of comfiness in a game but if you're trying to get it out of Resident Evil games in 2019 then you're going with the wrong tech.
Use flame rounds on lickers if you HAVE to kill them. Otherwise use them on bosses, but save enough to deal with the ivies in the lab. Use acid rounds on Birkin and lickers exclusively. Use the SMG to delimb zombies if you're good at dodging crawlers. Also use it to kill G monsters if you're no good at dodging them (like me).
I mean a virtual warehouse. Point being VR is what you want for comfy or at least youtube white noise rain
Oh fuck I forgot about the spark shot. Sparkshot is GREAT at killing G monsters. Two shots and they're done. Shame you have to run by at least 4 to get it.
>Getting tag teamed by a pair of Mr X
Thanks fren. So far I'm not a big fan of her revolver.
>Enraged speed boost
Holy shit is that real?
>he thought RE1make was hard
Found the poser fag
If you don't make any noise it's rare to run into him. I liked situations where i get jumped by a zombie i forgot about and wondering if i should yolo it or safely shotgun it and try to get out before i acquire what is about to be given to me free of charge.
He can grab you? I only ever got punched once & figured he was just silver mike tyson
"Wahhh Mr.X to scawy and hard"
"Umm, he's supposed to be on you, retard"
"Well REmake was COMFY"
"Okay retard"
"W-w-w-wow you th-think REmake was harD?!?>!!?!? Look guys he thought it was hard! I didn't think X was hard!!!! He thinks REmake is hard!!!"
Holy shit you gamecube schizos are cancer
I think he'll only attempt the grab while you're injured, since it's a 1-hit kill if you don't have a sub-weapon.
Claire B revolver is actually crazy good. The 9mm handguns do 150 per shot when you fully focus. Claire's .45 does 180 by default and 270 when focused, and it recovers focus really fast after shooting so you can do massive damage really quickly. The reload sucks, but man is it powerful.
>Damn girl you got a nice ass
I think it's funny how we make fun of SJW and other cucks in Neogaf and other shitty websties, yet we have retards like OP doing shit like this. I guess there will always be retards playing games, it's just a matter of what type of flavor your get, depending on the website.
I cant believe Capcom, in 2019 no less, has made a casual filter of a resident evil game.
There always has to be the contrarian faggot
It's weird, on the first playthrough I was saying "this sucks, now it's like Ao Oni (a game I find too scary to play)" but by my second playthrough I was actually kind of enjoying his presence.
It's hilarious to see the mental gymnastics from these fags.
>Get filtered
>"I-it was just bad game design, I p-played the older games a week ago so I'm the authority here"
Holy shit there is nothing worse than people using the older games as shields for their stupidity. ESPECIALLY when they just fucking played them so they could "Prepare" for this one.
So not ONLY do they not actually have a frame of reference time wise, they think their shitty "critique" means anything
Because he's the feature of the game that isn't persistent, he can actually be the "X factor" for someone that's played the game already
The revolver actually really sucks u till you get the enhanced ammo, then it becomes a slightly weaker magnum. Really great at installing killing zombies, shame you get it so late, though.
I might be wrong, but I read somewhere that damage is pretty much equal on the zombie's body. Headshots just have an increased critical chance. I typically just focus with the handgun/smg on legs for groups or knife/shotgun for perm clears in high traffic areas (or areas like the library).
On Claire B, you can get the SMG pretty early. The book and gem are in the same spots as usual, and the box is in the showers locker room.
OP is autistic
Most of the body is like 90% damage. Hands and feet are 20%. There's also a damage reduction as enemies get more injured.
>Running from Mr X
>Burst through a door
>There are 2 lickers in the next hallway
He was worth it just for shit like this.
Body and head shots are equal, legs and shoulders are like 80%, and arms are like 50%. If you can't reliably land headshots, shoot them in the chest. Except with the shotgun or magnum. If you're using the shotgun or magnum on a zombie and not shooting them in the head, you're wasting your ammo.
Mr. X was spooky but wasn't much of a problem for me. If he really got you in a corner you can tank a hit, he doesn't hit hard in Normal and he pauses for a good 3 seconds afterwards, basically letting you pass him.
You know what's hilarious?
Is when so many people had all these ideas about Dynamic difficulty, that it was lowering ammo that spawned, changed enemy HP, or made bosses more aggressive.
Then it was found out that all it did was Damage taken and dealt, and Hardcore only had a 5% damage deal deviation so all those "I had 100 acid rounds and died, then I only used 20 and beat the boss" stories suddenly stopped popping up.
Bads will find any reason to make an excuse why they got shitter slammed, and they lost their last bastion of scapegoat shittery
In Hardcore he is a fucking beast dude, a single punch puts you in Danger as almost anything
Is there a Mrs. X? I can't imagine he'd have picked that outfit out for himself.
Yeah Mr X is incredibly.organic, it's like theres an actual guy in the game with you when you bust through a door and there's a tyrant minding his own business and kind of looking around
>no big musclegirl chasing you and putting you into headlocks
Is Mr.X the biggest casual filter this generation?
This game was the only time I enjoyed an enemy that actively chases you and looks for you. I never really liked any of those hide and seek horror games.
So, I just found out that RB herbs apparently don't count towards the healing items thing.
>implying REmake2 didn't SAVE the Mr.X concept
His original optional boss that would appear in a few rooms form was a plain Miss. I appreciate that they tried to give scenario B way more bosses to combat repetitive fatigue but after fighting 3 different forms of G you really think a Tyrant in a coat is going seem like an interesting threat? Turning him into a stalker enemy and letting G handle the boss fights was a good idea.
Fucking this
>"Wow dynamic difficulty really fucks over good players boo hoo"
>"Explain speedrunners then"
>"Well, speedrunners have to beat the game as fast as possible, dying and taking damage are no goes"
>"Lmao tranny lol"
>"So trannies are better at videogames than you?"
>the positional audio is shit so you can't tell if he's right through a door or 3 floors above you
only problem I have with Mr X
I don't think Mr. X is difficult, but he definitely is annoying.
There's something to be said about how he alters the pace of the game. It's already a short game, but now you're forced to speed past certain sections. The pace before he's introduced is much slower as you're learning the layout of the police department.
They should have just kept him as a surprise in the second run of the game like in the original. He worked in the original because you already had a mental map of the police department and basically knew what needed to be done.
Nemesis will have stealth mechanics in RE3 Remake
Imagine walking into a room and his boots are poking out from behind a curtain.
The damage deviation is actually closer to 60%
I'm still partial to the idea of Nemesis putting a Shaq cut out on a toy train so you shit your pants at the shadow it casts
>Lowest Hardcore rank 70% damage dealt
>Highest hardcore rank 65% damage dealt
I know these things are tough to read user so I'll put my biggest brain on for you.
If your max damage was 70%, 70% is now 100%
the deviation from 70% to 65% is like 8%
So at best your losing 8% damage, which isn't going to affect someone that's skilled enough at the game to even notice this shit
Smoothbrain dumbass
You don't play horror games for comfy feels you dumbshit, that's for shit like action and RPGs
>>"Well, speedrunners have to beat the game as fast as possible, dying and taking damage are no goes"
Not to interrupt your imaginary argument, but speedrunning is like 60% resetting when shit that's completely out of your hands goes wrong.
How does this change the fact that for most of the run they're sitting on the highest scale of the difficulty? Because they failed? Are you some sort of retard?
you're an absolute retard
Mr X was the best thing about the game and he should have been chasing you through the entire lab, the game's too easy without him
also he should be able to run when he sees you forcing you to hide
They could end up taking a hit at any point of a run.
Imagine if your character trip randomly sometimes while Mr. X was chasing them like in every slasher movie.
that's the equivalent of being caught by another enemy as you run from him
How does that change the fact that people can manage to do so without getting hit? If you were as skilled as you imagined yourself Dynamic difficulty wouldn't be the deciding factor if you could beat the game or not, these speedrunners even skip 90% of the healing items because they just slow them down, if their task was to complete it regardless of time they'd consistently beat it 100% of the time. Dynamic difficulty is a crutch excuse for shitties that are bad at video games
Guys, he's just as afraid of you as you are of him.
>I want to play this survival horror game right here, in my comfort zone, and do everything at my pace!
Fuck you, no.
They "can" being the operative word, it's certainly not 100% of the time.
I frankly don't give a shit about the dynamic difficulty thing, I'm just saying your shower argument was dumb.
I unironically wish we had a gamemode as a tyrant like this. Searching a zombie and monster-infested area to weed out the last surviving traces of humanity sounds fun.
I liked watching him shove around and bully zombies. I always try to look behind me to see it
Can someone tell me what the frequency thing does if you bring it in the nap area? I finished the game and forgot to use it there, also what's the deal with that special weapons case right after getting the 3 medalion? I never got to open it.
>If it's comfy then it's a shit horror game
I want reddit to go.
There's a backpack upgrade there. The case has an attachment for the lightning hawk or sub machine gun
nap area is an inventory upgrade
weapons case is a magnum upgrade for more damage, or a silencer for the smg
It opens the sleep pods. There's an inventory expansion, raccoon collectible, document, and a zombie in there.
Why doesn't Claire have butt cleavage in this game like Revelations 2?
Having SOME source of anxiety is a must for a decent horror game. Comfy on a first play through doesn't sound right at all. It can work for something that's just horror themed like Luigi's Mansion.
cool but how do you open the case?
Did you pick the badge back up after using it to unlock the STARS weapon locker?
That's for you to find out
I did wonder why i could retrive the dongle but i threw it in my box and forgot about it.. oh well i'll play this game at least 3 more times.
He literally doesn't ruin your game. The whole mr. x segment can be beaten in like 10 minutes if you know what you're doing. Even less if i'm being honest.
Daily reminder that Chief Irons did nothing wrong
Go be pozzed on Fortnite OP.
They are stressful and tense. "enjoyed" isn't the right word, but the game wouldn't be the same without it.
I've never played an re game before this one but I thought X was handled really well
>makes you think about how to avoid him
>makes you think aboout your ammo count and if you can afford to stun him and go past him
>isn't all that punishing with how plentiful herbs felt, but still strong enough to be a serious threat if you need to do something in the room he's in (moving the bookshelves with him in the room was fun)
>makes the safe rooms feel not safe, which is the essence of a horror game imo
>easy enough to kite around and get past him without wasting bullets if you know what you're doing
If anything I think he should have appeared in the sewers at some point
Mr. X is a bad mechanic. People who think he makes the game difficult are mongoloids. The issue with him is that he fundamentally changes the game into something other than RE.
Damn, nemesis isn't RE
>I get to decide what Resident Evil is
As someone who played the original in '98 this is what Mr. X would have been if Capcom could into seamless maps back when they were making the original RE2.
To deny that this is in the spirit of RE2 makes you a faggot.
It's survival horror. Not survival exploration. Mr. X was always SUPPOSED to be menacing. The failure of him to be menacing in the original is due to graphics and technology not intent.
>playing claire B
>juke Mr. X when he appears
>shoot him enough to make him disrespect the american flag during a handegg game
>never see or hear him again until he lifts the helicopter up
Its really not that hard
>comfy horror
Take you (you). You earned it.
>Capcom took away my complete control of my environment
>This isn't survival horror anymore
I am really glad someone made this crossover.
I never new majority of Yea Forums were bad at Yea Forums And before you say "we're all not one person" just keep what I said in mind when you read the next 50,000 threads complaining about a mechanic that you know you never had a problem with. You classify it as bait when it's really the OP being bad at Yea Forums
I dont get this A and B route in the remake. Do you just start a new game as Clair once you finish the first part with Leon? Do you finish it as Leon and then play as Claire? I truly don't get it anymore, I'm getting too old.
Mr X just turns it into alien isolation and it sucks. All you have to do is go stand in a safe room until he walks by in the direction you're not going so you can slip past and then hope he doesn't pop up again while you're doing where you need to do. Not an interesting game mechanic by a long shot a d it takes all of five minutes before you've seen behind the curtain and it's not the slightest bit tense. Reminded me of alien isolation where I'd get into similar, boring loops of "hide in the corner until you can't hear it anymore" and then "run for it but probably just reload my save and hide in the corner and wait again."
Honestly it was a great game but it's not even in the same universe as REmake.
not really, if you die too many times you can just enable assisted mode, which makes enemies do less damage and enables health regeneration. (I think it does some other stuff too, but I'm not sure)
man you're a brainlet.
They wanted you to FEEL like you were being stalked without actually doing it, only because they couldn't. the idea was to be unnerved knowing that they could pop out at anytime, always watching you. always following you. regardless if they actually were.
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There, never see it again
>doing frugalist run
>in the lab, downstairs, licker comes through roof
>shoot him to pieces
>second licker I forgot about drop RIGHT FROM ABOVE me, sending me to danger
I mean, come on. I know I'm a retard, but a BIT of luck isn't too much asked for, is it?
There are time when you're running down a hall or coming to a door, you don't hear his stomps, and boom. There he is anyway. I like it. Gets your heart pumping. Like a horror game should.
I literally completed puzzles near him, just shot him in the face ffs. It isn't even tense, after a while he was like my special needs friend that i had to stop from sperging around.
Also you just need to complete the library brigde, go to the clock tower and he will be gone soon after that.
He only scares you once when he smashes through a wall to cut you off otherwise you can hear him from miles.
You can do frugalist on any difficulty. You are on assisted right?
As for that room I always come to it with 2 grenades and I throw the first one down right before the first licker drops. Killing the first licker just that bit faster leaves enough room to react to the second one before it can attack. It's pretty consistent.
I didn't say it was tense or scary, retard. I said it isnt because you can almost immediately see behind the curtain and it's just an inconvenience at that point. Bad game design all around. Crimsonheads were top tier game design, Mr X is kind of embarrassing.
Yeah, assisted. Just taking my time and looking for Mr. Racoons and such.
I have several grenades, I think I will do it like you said.
Why does "comfy" send zoomers into a rage?
And yet you choosed to stay in a save room like a pussy instead of hanging around him while doing your tasks even though he's not scary, tense or that hard to handle. An inconvenience is having to trek from one corner of the map to the other, dealing with small inventory space and returning to your box every 5 minutes but definitely not Mr. X who is a breath of fresh air from the somewhat slow and predictable first part of the game.
Yea being followed around by an invincible enemy with no AI whatsoever was a "breath of fresh air." Retard. Even alien isolation handled it better.