So this is pretty much a class for tremendous weenies who are afraid of real confrontation...

So this is pretty much a class for tremendous weenies who are afraid of real confrontation, but want to play an online game anyway?

Attached: Sniper-0.png (300x435, 143K)

Based and Redpilled.

>snipes you
nothing personel kid, better luck next spawn

That's not a spy... or is it?

>tfw agressive sniping with the mod that removes the black scope overlay
Oooh baby, killing scouts has never been so fun

Better a spy that actually has to risk getting close and needs to play mind games than a cowardly NPC sniper.

Fuck the melee hitbox tho

>random rocket crit

>needs to play mind games
*backstabs you from the front*

Attached: 6843098112.png (422x398, 191K)

>t. seething soldiercuck and demofag

>soldiers and demos
>complaining about snipers

Yeah, it's almost like random crits are an outdated mechanic that the game would be better off without...

This doesn't happen if you stop flailing around like an autist to deal with the spy.

Huntsman sniper is how you play sniper like a man.



Ah, the Uncle "I started playing in 2013, yet argue why crits were included on release" Dane's argument.

can valve even ban you for using the transparent model shit?

Attached: j a c k p o t.gif (700x387, 2.48M)

>Yeah, it's almost like random crits are an outdated mechanic that the game would be better off without...

Attached: danelet.png (899x570, 161K)

>duhh uncle dane
classic tf2 thread

The game is 11 years old, everyone got over random crits ages ago, but then danelet brigade had to stir shit up.

Snipers are anti-fun garbage in virtually every single game they're in.

>have a game based around fun, action packed, and engaging short-to-mid range combat with interesting matchups and counters
>add a gun/class that does nothing except stand there and point, click, and one shot kill from a mile away, where you have no realistic chance to counter them
>countering involves either being a shitty, boring sniper yourself, or sneaking up to them and getting a free, uninteresting kill

Attached: steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_162752716_preview.jpg (500x313, 24K)

>literally eat shit for years
>hey guys how about we stop eating shit
>FUCK OFF idiot everyone's already gotten used to it anyway
Damn, you sure make a good point.

Attached: shish.jpg (707x682, 74K)

>transparent model
Well they let you full on remove it ( "r_drawviewmodel 0" ) and you only have to edit hud files + drop a vpk in your custom folder to get them to become seethrough, therefore there's no reason to think they would ban it.
However, removing the scope overlay is banned in most comp leagues.

>r-random crits are bad because i'm bad
based and danepilled

The fun in FPS games is derived from shitting on your enemies, and that's exactly what I'll do, you can cry and whine if you want, it won't stop me, only your skill can.

Uh oh, did sniper main feel attacked by learning his class is uninteresting, linear and outright detrimental to game design?

I posted this in another thread:
How about this as a middle ground between Pro and anti crits?
>If your next shot is a crit, it starts to glow like being boosted by the kritz or the end of match crits.
That or as someone else posted the weapon gets "hotter" looking the higher of chance it has to crit. This way random crits stay BUT anti crit people have no excuses not to plan around the fact someone could crit you.

Fuck, guess I gotta stop playing sniper now...
git gud you seething cuck

Attached: hahhahahahahhahahahahahahooohhhhagaa.jpg (324x291, 28K)

How do you conclude that someone has to be bad to dislike random crits?
Everything about them benefits players who:
>can't reliably get kills without them
>can't count damage and therefore use health as a resource to their benefit
>don't know the effective range of weapons
Those kinds of players seem to be bad. Perhaps you have a confession to make about your own skill level?

>Thanks for standing still, wanker!

holy fuck based

Thanks for standing still, wanker.

based, redpilled and beat me to it but you forgot the Reminder

Attached: yore ugleh.webm (500x640, 336K)

>plan to surf enemy's rocket
>ow whoops rocket randomly went shiny, too bad :)

Namecalling has been the only consisting "argument" pro-rng anons have been posting.
Just let the game die desu, at this point it deserves it.

>plan to surf enemy's rocket
>be retarded and get killed instantly
how can ONE man be THIS based

Most of them, yes. A lot of them are seething since a good sniper will snipe them while rocket jumping/sticky jumping

>People still arguing about random crits 11 years later

Attached: 1547068094897.gif (360x360, 1.5M)

crit vs no crit debate is way more relevant today, 10 years ago it was easy to find no crit no dmg spread normal respawn timer server, good luck doing that today

Random crists are bad but they don't really ruin the game, I personally wouldn't want them removed.
The only people pushing for no crits are compfags who want to trun casual into "6v6 but with more players", in hopes that it will encourage more people to play their shitty minigame that they don't even want to play.

You say that but there are "silly" youtubers that want to remove them as well. I don't agree with them, but it's not just compfags.

>Anti-crit fags still seethe after a year because crits are still in game
>Have tantrums in-game whenever they get a crit kill or get killed by a crit
Is the tf2 youtube community 100% retarded?

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More like everybody seething because sniper is fucking annoying no matter who you're playing as.

There's plenty of people who remark that random crits are stupid because THEY ARE, but that doesn't mean they riot to get them removed.

>reminding you you're not the one-man army you think you are, one bullet at a time

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>thing is bad
>but I don't want it gone

I just like making people angry. Last time I played some dude rage switched to soldier and spammed me with the righteous bison for the rest of the map.

Attached: RIP.jpg (841x491, 92K)

Attached: lol.png (1522x1052, 176K)

As a casual player, my opi'ion is that comp is the only way to make more valve employees interested in working on tf2 again.
And I don't want it to push aside casual or even become the main attraction in the game, but I think it would be an alright thing if new players discovered the game with competitive and started playing with casual maybe?

It may just be my point of view but it seems to me like people are quick to blame compfags when it comes to tf2's issues, and I think it's quite sad. Like, people think compfags are valve's favorite or something, but as it stands, the most valve ever did for competitive was implementing their own broken, slow and annoying "competitive", make a blogpost or two and add medals.
The fact turbine is still in valve's competitive map roster or that they never gave a cent for any event ever should make you think twice.
Competitive players never asked for MyM, it was just valve's lazy response to overwatch, it was so rushed it's not even funny.

But comp is also broken, like it's not even debatable that the current format doesn't work as a fully fledged competitive format because it's slow, repetitive, closed to improvement ane stuff.

I think that the new "no whitelist 6v6" tournament will greatly help everyone.
>valve understands how com pneeds fixing
>fixes the format
>game gets more players
>more valve employees start working on tf2
>more content
Wouldn't it be great?

>fixing comp, format etc.
Maybe they should start by fixing the engine and other stuff first.

Ideally, sure, but the current two man team can't do that, it would probably take less effort to put tf2 to source 2 than to try and fix the current iteration.
I think that taking notes after the no whitelist league ends and reacting accordingly is the list we can hope for.
Or we can take the Blackpool and realize we're not getting any more content and that the heavy update is the last update and the team only does server maintenance afterwards.

>5 scunts on enemy team
>switch to heavy
>spam ctrl the moment they try to attack me
>autists cant aim and rage
>see big fucking red dot on wall and spot sniper in 0.05 seconds
>stand behind a wall and continue raping scouts untill they rage into playing sniper
>use contracter glitch and crouch so retards cant hit me
>they leave

Attached: wheeze.png (554x554, 47K)

>tfw the biggest counter to spies is 180 turn
>tfw on every map whether it is community or official retards run to stairs to trickstab you like some Eceleb
>tfw you turn around

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