Its true and you know it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, Inb4 movies

What's that AA game?

The left side would be completely blank if you actually included games developed by Sony.

Nope, but nice cherrypick

All those games are developed by Sony though.

Sony's first-party output has been criminally underrated for several decades. They've always been way more experimental and director-driven than those from MS/Nintendo.

Attached: The Last Guardian™_20180120153250.jpg (1920x1080, 642K)

The right side would be completely blank if you actually included games that weren't remakes.

Media Molecule (1st party studio)
Remake of a Sony Japan Studio game
>God of War
Santa Monica (1st party studio)
From Software + Sony Japan Studio collab

they're all part or fully developed by Sony

I really wished nintendo games werent so damn expensive. Even games a year old are still priced at 60 dollars

Casually forgot about all the things that Nintendo made and Sony copies
Puts a remake of a ps2 game that didn't need a remake, and is worse.
Doesn't put Zelda or Mario, but smash brothers and tries to make a non-argument against it even tho it sold more that how
Now bloodborne, a exclusive, by fromsoft, is AA

Why is bloodborne double A and not triple A?

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It's not really AAA either. Japs are notorious for keeping budgets contained.

Dude PS4/mostly PS3 was nothing but sequels and hd remaster

>Director driven
not gameplay driven.
That's why my ps4 was basically just a bloodborne and monster hunter machine till I decided to give it away

This is funny when fucking God of War shat all over BoTW in gameplay.

You're thinking of Switch. No originality, just endless Wii U ports. Meanwhile Sony is committing to new IPs that are AAA. Something Nintendo never does these days.

maybe the fucking switch console itself?
it's not "just slap a new number on a similar box with slightly better inside"

How is a refurbished Nvidia Shield innovation?

Dude, are you 12? The stupid non argument bout x being a port machine has been made for the psp,psvita,3ds,switch,PS4,PS3,xbox360,one,etc
It literally means nothing, and besides: why is convenient bad?

If Sony can make good games, why is this the most popular sony thread on Yea Forums?
Why are there never Sony threads without mentioning Nintendo?

the switch is literally just a wii u but you can remove the controllers
>OMG YOU CAN REMOVE THE CONTROLLERS *lifts hands up and opens mouth*

The point that Nintendo doesn't invest in new AAA IPs is true though. They're definition of safe and easy. Good for them, boring as fuck for someone who isn't 12 anymore.

Never liked God of war, watched my brother play it, good character designs but not for me.
Seemed a bit samey

Ok? My point stands.

>bring switch to friend easily
>can even play it on the way
>standart controllers usable in a bunch fo different ways
>actually really comfortable using only one joycon + hand strap
>easy connectivity to other switches for even more multiplayer

He is just a Snoyfag still triggered that the first two years of ps4 were literally nothing but ports and now worse versions of AAA titles compared to xbox.

still better than no innovation, stay mad snoycuck

Choose one, moviefag

I find it boring = no

We can't discuss non-Nintendo games here without mods sperging out and nuking them, so we gave up

Attached: nintendogaf22.png (639x244, 89K)

GoW absolutely shits all over Bore of the Walking Sim in gameplay. Stay seething.

Attached: gmgow.webm (620x348, 2.89M)

Sure, one screenshot is definitely proof of anything.
You probably couldn't stop yourself from posting analvore wojaks like always and that's why it was nuked.

What innovation are you talking bout?
God of war? Was a sequel, with tlou elements and rpg. Seen this shit before
Bloodborne? Dark souls but faster
Spiderman? Spiderman2 on the ps2
Uncharted 4? 1,2,3 uncharted games came before
There are some actual original titles in there but most sales come from similar titles, sequels, remasters
Meanwhile Nintendo made Splatoon, arms(shit btw). Both sold good too

>literally nothing but ports and now worse versions of AAA titles compared to xbox.
Are you describing Switch?

Attached: 1526233504849.jpg (962x788, 272K)

>new, popular game that gets a flood of threads and should be on /vg/
>"duuuuhhhhhh can't talk about da not nantundu heeeeer"

Attached: 6b7.png (645x729, 23K)

chad Matthewmatosis already debunked your "gameplay" claims, get fucked cuck.

Isn't this gears of souls?

Sony puts out new IPs all the fucking time, even AAA ones. They do that shit every gen. Meanwhile Nintendo's attempts at new IPs are always low budget and safe as fuck because they're shit scared of losing a single yen.

D-pad? Analog stick? Motion? Speaker in fucking controller? All Nintendo.
SotC literally butchered or outright deleted all the little nuances that made the original a classic. Also LA isn't out yet so it's automatically not a valid argument. But even so, I can guarantee that it will, at least technically, be a far-better remake.
BotW is greater in scope, ambition, replayability, etc.
Bayonetta 2? 3 is coming out. Astrol Chain is coming. But you know what? I'll give you one.

They made Splatoon and arms just a few years ago dude and bayonetta/that other play game is financed by them.

Not a single Smash thread was ever deleted.

Attached: nintendo smash spam.jpg (3603x2573, 3.1M)

Name them please, ilumate me

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>Bloodborne is AA
Funniest thing I've read in a while, keep it up

>Yea Forums hates nintendo
noone ever, you idiotic mongrel
Nintendo get's praise because it's better than s**y

>From Software
>AA studio

You are a retard.

For this gen?

The Last Guardian
The Order
Days Gone
Death Stranding
Ghost of Tsushima

Meanwhile Nintendo's new IPs are always some minimum effort low budget shit. ALWAYS.

Attached: ludo-labo.jpg (1860x1996, 831K)

People mistake Snoytards being triggered for the last two years as hate

Nintendo gets praise because this board is infested by NoA shills. As evident when this board collectively sucked Treehouse's dick for playing games.

Attached: nintendogaf shilling collage.jpg (1024x683, 267K)

>The Last Guardian
>Literally starting with a ps3 port

>some experimental literal-who prototype existed before
>this somehow is a good thing for sony bootlickers

I don't remember playing it on PS3.


>everyone else has a different opinion than me
>they all are wrong, not me

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Because Sony fucked you by selling you a console with a promise and then making you buy two more to get 30 fps.


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That was a tech demo, Sony literally announced and hyped the last guardian forever and denied any claim of it being pushed.

It was a month after release and the only RDR2 thread on the board, pay attention sweetie

All of the right is child-friendly. None of the left is. Parents will buy all of the right for their babbies because Disney and Cartoon Network constantly advertise Nintendo games and kids will beg their parents to buy those for their entertainment and birthday/christmas gifts.

Sony games only get advertised on teen/adult channels. You are an adult. You aren't a fucking baby that takes advertising to heart. Some adults play games, some don't. You probably even have more important needs that need to be met before you buy vidya.

The right will sell just fine even if it isn't perfect because kids are blind and will like nearly anything pastel/neon and "cool" that you put in front of them (see: Fortnite). The left HAS to be highly detailed and near-flawless or else adults will save their money for other shit. It's as simple as that.

Interesting thread, I feel it was probably deleted due to others bitching about the Smash threads so much in it and bitching about moderation:

Remember goys, it's ok when Nintendo does it.

Attached: zelda downgrade.jpg (1280x720, 236K)

You forgot Dreams, Sony's most innovative new IP

>The order
Dark souls but faster/Lovecraft
>The last guardian
That was a PS3 game before you know?
Ubisoft but pretty
A cars game innovative?
Not realeased yet, and dead rising came out long ago
>Death stranding
We don't even know how it plays, and it has not been realeased yet
>Ghost of tsushima
Not realeased yet, and sekiro
How is any of that original?

>janny gets BTFO for being a hypocrite cocksuckers
>makes it even worse by proving posters right
I swear, this board is moderated by single digit IQ monkeys.

Another hour, another thread of Snoy niggers seething at the mere thought of Nintendo. This kind of obsession can't be healthy.

>painted box art vs actual screenshot
Yeah man, why can't paintings be video games?

Attached: nintendogaf21.jpg (527x226, 59K)

Those are all original IPs. And they have actual budgets.

Meanwhile only BoTW has ever had a budget from Nintendo and that game was safer than fucking Ass Creed sequels.

Still came out, for the console announced and didn't charge you 700 dollars for two more consoles on top of your 600 dollar console to get a playable experience

Imagine how upset it makes janny upon seeing continous threads of a game exclusively not on Switch. You have to understand, it makes the Reggie dick throbbing in his ass very painful.

>The Last Guardian
irrelevant shit
bretty gud, i give you that
>The Order
irrelevant shit
>Days Gone
not out yet iirc, not sure what to think of it
>Death Stranding
see above
>Ghost of Tsushima
what ?

That is all snoythreads, they don't have enough actual games to make threads about.

>game delayed for two years just so it can get Switch release
>features removed so Switch version looks better
Imagine actually defending Wii U. Normal people don't, nincels do.

I love how this bullshot dosen't show any horizon for botw and just shows some poor grass texture

Attached: Zelda-Breath-of-the-Wild-Map.jpg (1500x844, 137K)

Why do you type like a third-world nigger?

So the thread was deleted for being 100 percent off topic shitposting, well done sonyfags.
Ruining it for xchads.

>that resolution
Absolutely YIKES

>thread dies because noone cares about it, not even sonyfags
>they rather shitpost in nintendo-hate threads and regular nintendo threads, like the seething cucks they are

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Still came out, and don't defend gamepad gimmicks.
Unlike the last guardian.

>thread dies
How new are you to Yea Forums, shill?

You got me to check that thread also, granted I gave it a quick glance but that one certainly shouldn't have been deleted:

Attached: 1381456240853.png (900x866, 363K)

>3rd person cinematic action game

It's funny how Nintendo is either innovative or gimmicky depending entirely on what narrative Nintenshills are pushing.

Attached: Nintendo E3.gif (349x248, 1.85M)

>third world
american education
>inb4 mudslimes
not in my city, still cleaner than 56%

can be both, depending on how well it works.
Snoyfags would never undestand not loving everything a company does.

>The point that Nintendo doesn't invest in new
Because all their current IPs are successful

Bloodborne but it's AAA

Why does it constantly slow down?

You have no excuse to type like that unless blatantly underage.

Nah, best selling Switch game is a fucking Wii U port.

What do you mean have actual budgets? All games have actual budgets? Is the money spent on a game representative of how good it is?

Its hilarious how almost none of these are correct

>no argument, the post

Attached: 1471777674630.png (480x477, 266K)


And the best selling PS4 game is a PC port

This shit can also be flipped in Sony way retard
You guys were drooling when Sony showed a controller with a Facebook button and a light that makes it last fucking 5 minutes on battery

Fromsoft is in AAA territory now, sure.

Nintendo's games have the budgets of cheap phone games. Even fucking Mario Odyssey looks like something you'd find on Steam's shovelware corner.

It's funny how Nintendo stole Sony's share button and Nintenfatlards never ever mention it.

>Share button is bad
Imagine being this faggot

>Even fucking Mario Odyssey looks like something you'd find on Steam's shovelware corner.
Show me one

That's because the development is gameplay before graphics and cinematics

So you haven't play it? Why? Don't you own a pc at Least?
And by that logic fucking EA is god as they spent all their budget on commercials and none in the game

that just goes to show how successful the IP is

Where are the Sony 97s?

It is useless when talking about a GAME CONSOLE, not a fucking MEDIA PLAYER

normalfag trash
pure focus on gameplay

You literally can't dispute this.

Attached: 1522761908001.png (761x389, 241K)

>Meanwhile Nintendo's new IPs are always some minimum effort low budget shit. ALWAYS.
see It really is okay when Nintendo does it because they know their audience. Sony also knows its audience, and they just happen to be completely different audiences. One of them is blatantly more critiquing than the other, which puts them at high expectations that they need to meet in order to sell to teens and adults.

This whole argument is the equivalent of looking at Fisher Price toys and ranting about how they aren't as good as home gadgets or muh waifu statues.

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launch title software vs. late cycle releases is not a fair comparison to make. If you're going to show the Switch's early stuff, Playstation's early stuff should be shown as well.

It's a good feature when Switch stole it though

There is literally nothing wrong with capturing gameplay footage, faggot. kys.

That share shit existed on phones since forever dude how is that sony's creation?

>Bing Bing wahoo for toddlers is not prime normie shit

Attached: 13948578208111.jpg (1096x416, 64K)

>At 720/30fps

>Yea Forums user prefers movies to actual games
Why am I not surprised?

Attached: 1539512467588.png (391x462, 241K)

Still better than nothing. Especially for screenshots. There is literally no reason to hate this feature except for console wars reasons. Meanwhile on Switch, you can't even record longer than just 30 seconds and all images come out compressed as fuck.

Attached: The Last Guardian™_20180122133644.jpg (1920x1080, 449K)

>anime nincel prefers a literal toddler bait game over actual titles intended for older players
No wonder Nintendo still refuses to activate voice chat on Splatoon with people like you around.

Attached: 15267379931211.jpg (600x600, 58K)

Astro Bot looks as polished as Odyssey and that was made by like 15 devs from Sony Japan.

Nintendo is going for the mentally handicapped shitters.

1080p 30fps for 60 mins on Pro. It's a good feature if you don't want to invest in a capture card

>Astro Bot
>He actually believes that
Snoyfags are hilarious, my god.

It fucking cracks me up how a literal who VR game from Sony ended up being superior to Nintendo's center piece flagship title.

>Still better than nothing
But capture software/hardware already existed back then and better...

>That share shit existed on phones since forever dude how is that sony's creation?
And motion controls were invented by nintendo right? You hypocrites have zero self awareness.

And now I don't need to buy a capture card to show off videos and pictures.

>seething normalfag tranny posts a fucking discord emote
Like clockwork.

Attached: 1549139401372.jpg (606x592, 42K)

>It fucking cracks me up how a literal who VR game from Sony ended up being superior to Nintendo's center piece flagship title.
Sure, which is why nobody, not even sonygaf gave a shit.

>On pro
Exactly, and it still 30fps
When it came out it was shit, no otherway around it and in some instances it caused frame drops

Both sides are cherry picked to hell and back, you prove that OP always a faggot. Fuck off

720p is still better than nothing faggot

>Addressing actual point
>But n-nintendo
Can't even see the goalpost now

Hey anime pedo, why do you think Nintendo still refuses to activate voice chat on Splatoon when Switch has OS support for that?

Attached: 1523787521379.jpg (1024x1024, 124K)

It's literally Project Spark 4 years later.

But you still do, if you want good video quality

Nice argument faglord.

Its fucking wild, Nintendo brainwashed their fanbase to accept anything.

If Sony made the same shit Nintendo did they would be torn to pieces and rightfully so.

>actual titles intended for older players
I'm 30 and none of the other 7 IRL gaming buddies that I have, all of them owning both PS4s and Switches, play or own any Sony titles. Every Sony game is marketed to the 12-20 y/old friendless zoomer

Dumb conformist we already had capture cards

>Nice argument faglord.
You liked Astro Boy, which automatically makes you a cuck.
Go back to your wife's boyfriend

>he's still this desperate
You have been outted tranny, it's time to go cry cry in your DIscord server!

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I thought we were talking about PS4 games?

AAAAA cardboard innovations

Didn't answer the question, anime pedo. Why do you think Nintendo is so afraid of you?


Attached: This-Changes-Everything.jpg (381x215, 19K)

nah, dreams engine is actually technically innovative and allows you to make assets, project spark just had packs of premade pieces you bought as DLC
just compare PT remakes between dreams and spark

Console wars are for retards. Prove me wrong.

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Because what's the point? The game is so frenetic and dumb fun that unless in comp you don't need it

Another thread that proves that tendies never win against Sonychads in straight up arguments.

Nintendo has been shit, full greed, no effort since the early GBA, I've been trying to explain for years Sony offers a better product. Games and hardware. Sure Nintendo can still make a great game ever once in a while but the amount of praise they get here is unwarranted, something they go 3-4 years without releasing a good game

sony makes more new ips than nintendo because they don't have nearly as many powerful ips you literal mongoloid, the two best selling video game franchises of all time are nintendo properties, switch will end up with a dozen first party 15-20 million sellers when ps4 will get maybe two if lucky

It's funny that you only see Sonybros making these threads.
It's almost like Switch owners are too busy playing video games.

Then why can't you make threads without mentioning Nintendo to stay relevant?
That insecure?

Do """"Sonychads"""" even play their own games? Feels like all they do is get mad at Nintendo.

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Damn, you did him nasty


lmao, i get you don't want to associate your beloved nip game to western aaa trash but jesus
being developed by two studios with sony's funding is certainly NOT an AA game

This. Who the fuck actually enjoys playing westernized single player action games? There's only one guy in my group of friends that buys this shit and he buys literally every new game

Let's be real though senpai: Toy Pop Zelda Link's Awakening remake is an absolute embarrassment. Like literally you cannot defend this dogshit. Not in a universe where remakes like SOTC and RE2 exist.

Nintendo needs to stop making everything for fucking pre-teen kids. I remember an era where they still bothered to care about a non-manchild audience.

>like SOTC
Are you unrionically considering that poor excuse of a remake good? Jesus, console war kiddies have completely deluded themselves.

everyone knows Sony is the top tier when we talking about gaming. Most of the games I REALLY wanna play are on PS4. It's just that Nintendo is more fun. I like when Nintendo wins an E3, when it unveils a new Zelda, a new Pokémon. Honestly, I think Nintendo should've dropped the console race a long time ago and foccusin all their energy in developing games instead. I think that is bound to happen eventually.
Anyway, I like Sony. Like I like an object in my house - a TV, a computer. But I love Nintendo like a friend. A friend that more often than not acts retarded and embarasses me. But that's just the way it is.

>play their own games
um sorry sweaty but we don't care about childish concepts like "playing" "fun" and "games", this is the current year

Attached: images.jpg (267x188, 8K)

Has its issues but it's better than Funko Link for sure

AAA isn't some label you have to earn, it's the amount of money that went into developing a game. Pretty much anything FromSoft puts out is AAA.

Fucking Farming Simulator is a AAA game you dumb fucks.

>They've always been way more experimental

Attached: 1550936160437.jpg (634x815, 120K)

A literal shit "remake". It reduced Wander's animations, made him stone-faced, fucked with the during, added countless glitches, etc. It was a more-or-less a way to recover losses from Last Guardian's long and expensive development and abysmal sales. There is no game that benefits the "Soul/Soul-less" meme than the SotC remake.

Not "during", but "fur".

But it's Sony so it's GOTY 4EVER AAAMIRIGHT BROS?

I forgot it's Sunday and the kids are out of school.

Attached: 1548947464946.jpg (480x640, 12K)

ITT: Tendies mad as fuck that they got destroyed once again.

>this is the best Sonythread they can make
Pretty pathetic actually, why not talk about games you like instead?
Oh right, Sony only makes movies

Sony makes the best games. Those are facts.

No, they make shit games. They make good "cinematic experiences".


Attached: the playstation exclusive template.jpg (1404x6410, 2.81M)

Then where are your threads, why does nobody talk about them?
People like obviously only care enough about them to shitpost, so who actually cares?
The only time you see snoyfags is when they are REEEEEing, which is admittedly amost always.

This what the fuck. I wanted to pick up BoTW this week since im kinda done with smash but that shit is still full priced after 2 years. Fucking japjews.

There is no solide definition of AAA just now. Fromsoft isn't exactly blockbuster games but they are still very popular.

I swear Sony fans are so insecure about everything. No to mention that they're oblivious to the fact why this board and people hate them in general.

>No to mention that they're oblivious to the fact why this board and people hate them in general.
Worst part is, the hate is completely self inflicted.
If they could stop seething for a few weeks, their reputation might recover.

Bumping only cause there is a Smash Bros image in your pic

PS4 has no games as good as BotW. Maybe Horizon, but I doubt that, looks like Far Cry Primal with robots.
Anyway. The main issue with SCE is that they cucked themselves, allowing the US branch to be in charge. That means weeb games get castrated, if you remember Yakuza 3 remaster, the transgender arc is totally gone, and I bet it's not because Japanese values have changed, but because it's inappropriate in the US.
What does that mean? Switch is the ONLY console for Japanese games. This is a gift for Nintendo, while 2018-2019 is a disaster for Western games so far, expect core audience to turn to the Nintendo console.
BTW OP made this thread to bait and troll, quite obvious, but I thought I'll put my thoughts here. PS4 is for the West and casual gamers now, Nintendo has more unique singleplayer and co-op games and each can pull 100+ hours of enjoyable non-grindy gameplay.

You guys expected that a company that makes these statements shouldn't cater to such people?

Attached: soo.png (1570x1260, 279K)

>no ape escape 4
Sony is dead

yes its true. the switch is trash and nintendo are lazy cunts. however, i would never buy a ps4 because sony is evil right now. and if the switch actually gets a revolutionary pokemon game, i would buy a switch. because pokemon and zelda and such is still way better than any sony movie game. bloodborne, i can live without until it comes to pc.

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