Would you buy a game full price if it came with a waifu fig?

Would you buy a game full price if it came with a waifu fig?

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Other urls found in this thread:


that's disgusting and sexist

>no penis


Me on the left

No, that would repel the real girls that come to my place.

Does anyone realize that this Chinese woman has an African body?

Me in the back

Can I have a husbando fig instead?

Just tell them you got it ironically.

I just want a thick asian woman to rub my white hands all over.

I've never seen it work in the past. Usually any packaged figures squish the game case for the game that comes with it.

It's so bad that I'll order figures and games completely separate, just so Amazon doesn't mess it up.


the fuck are you talking about nigger.

I've spent hundreds on sexy figures before, so yeah.

>make white girl
>call her Asian

What the fuck?

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She has the form of a black woman's body and not a Chinese woman's body. What part are you not understanding?

chinks have inferiority complex about their slant eyes and nigger noses

Stop, this is Illegal! It is against the law!

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You people must be experienced, whats a bigger pussy repel, a warhammer figurine or a waifu one

The only person ive seen like that is white women you really are dumb.

al bhed aren't asians

>he cant get pussy while buying warhammer and anime figures
unbelievably beta.

They must have had African genetics.

I've brought women over and I have dozens of titty figures. if you're at the point where you're bringing them to your room, I don't think they give a shit about that kind of stuff

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Absolutely, yes. I'd buy any game that came with a figurine of my waifu.

Nigger africans dont look like white women.

Even girls can understand why a man would like to have a space marine figurine, they look badass. Waifus though set off red flags. Men who aren't pathetically lonely don't surround themselves with non-real females.

Only if it's my waif.

No one cares women just think you dont give a fuck

But white women with giant asses and thighs look like Africans.

You’re probably bringin in nerdy, not attractive girls. For them it doesn’t matter

I will never understand the appeal of figurines.

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Nigger you cant find a shitskin bitch that looks like that.
Your entire race is stupid just like you.

>I've brought women
>post moeshit image
Yeah fat landwhale from your anime club

You're really hung up on this huh

Are you retarded? They so common that it's actually a stereotype.

Show me the supermodels you're banging, user

faggots not allowed in this thread

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how come the one on the right has nipples but the one he is working on doesnt? do they file them down or something?

i guess that's why you drop yourself all the time

it's cute, sometimes clothes are removable and I think new shit is nice and squishy

I’m not the original replier, bud.

I would if I could, but even if I did my point still stands. Normal (hot) girls actually give a fuck how your room looks like.

more like waifu pig. Look how fat that is! Gross

if they care enough that it makes them lose interest in you then are they really that normal? that seems like a trite thing to get worked up over. it's as bad as being told you're unappealing due to the brand of toothpaste you use. it's just autistic.

>caring about what people think about your preferences because they're hot
Very pathetic high schooler mentality.

Ah yes, enjoy your "mature" mentality while others enjoy hot pussy.

Yeah, sure.

I guess the others also meant not you since you're posting here on 4channel instead of scoring that hot normalfag pussy lmao

>dat waist-hip ratio
so this is power of weebshitters incelinos

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nice gif, have you showed it to your cats yet?

I'd just buy the figure.

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Wakka and Yevon would be disappointed in this lust for such animals.

If only real women had such a ratio.

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Ugh, cringe

You see a pleasing thing with the eye and you do a smile with your mouth.

>I’ve brought women over

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>playing with dolls

gay as fuck

>I will never understand the appeal of figurines.

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No, I'm not into figs.

She looks like my aunt so fucking much, it's disturbing. I wonder why I never realised it until today.

Only if it's a fig of my one and only waifu

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those arms and thighs

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the worst part is that they 3d scanned a mom for it haha.


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chun li is fat so no thanks

those look cool but it'd be hard hiding my powerlevel if I had those lying around

How does that guy get any work done without touching his dick!?!?

whole lot of implying there bud


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tfw no ganguro gf

...as a child.

>virgins calling otber virgins virgins
Yea Forums - Video Games

Based, teach these fucking geeks user.

>implying girls come to your place in the first place

she looks nothing like the slut on the left though
when will people get over this meme that anime characters look white


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They're not even human

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>Would you buy a game full price if it came with a waifu fig?
No, I'm not an INCEL loser that wanks off to toys and have a real life waifu fig in the form of a gf.

And how many of them have wanted long term relationships with you? How many of them would have your kids? 0.

I'd pay full price not to have it

I bought a tabletop game that revolves around waifu figs. The first time playing was with my gf and her sister.
different user, I've been with my gf since 06

But your gf is fat, ugly, and american, so it doesn't count.

kek, oh how wrong you are.
How many tears came out when you typed that user? Is your keyboard ok? Should I send help to come and check if you are alright?

Ah, the trump complexion

I wouldn't mind having a few figures/statues if they weren't so fucking expensive. And I'm not going to buy some Nendoroid/Amiibo/Funko stuff.

rather dead than al bhed, ya

you can cum on them

Quality figure cost more than any game so you will most likely get crap or pay much more than a full price.

What if we cheapened the process by making a 3d printer that could 3d paint as well?

Pussy is what pussy does.

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Thats what makes her perfect.

pic of your aunt pls

Anime characters are literally white. The Japanese say so themselves

I'd buy a game full price if the waifu in it had some revealing alt outfits.

Fuck you Eidos Montréal. Just fuck you.

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No. I would buy a game full price if it came with gameplay that warranted that price.

[Citation needed]

Is that fucking No pan?

The only upcoming figure that matters.

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These SJW designs are getting out of hand. Completely soulless.

>Not ordering thousands of these so they overrun your other figma kawaii shit limb from limb

Being asian is ok on 4channel, but don't start denying reality.

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Shes literally a blonde light eyed surfer chick and her people are russian in the English version. Tidus is a blonde blue eyed surfer dude.
Yuna though looks fairly asian.

theres no such thing as an african body.
Chun li looks like a white bodybuilder.

Fucking clockwork

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African girls have titties hanging down there next to their vagina

Objectively false

It amazes me how this site continues to get worse every day even after you think it's hit rock bottom.

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Swedish bodybuilder Maya konda looks like Chun li.

At least the latest outfit has the potential to be fetish fuel for some people, I guess.

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>trying to analyze the race of a fucking cartoon

Imagine if someone was autistic enough to unironically make something like this for Homer Simpson or some shit.

Oh fucking gross, someone should tell her to lay off the tren.

Then you $20 price figure will be now $10 and that $200 figure will still be $200 because details and quality control are what fuck up the prices and you can't left that to 3D printer.

Then why is it that white women can't recreate an anime characters for shit, but Asians do it perfectly? No one wants wants to be a ham, faggot.

Is that a commie outfit

I seriously doubt most of us are actually virgins. Anons are just pretending just like when they pretend to be homos.

Imagine being so brainwashed you actually need pussy to live.

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>white women
you mean resetera discord trannies

Jonah's get the bullet, too.

depends on the waifu

>all covered up
lmao, fuck nuLara.

Imagine thinking you need to be brainwashed in order to having a presentable home that the opposite sex feels comfortable in.

people buy them to take their clothes off

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>no ass detected

I couldn’t draw myself either, what the hell is that retarded autismo logic lmao

Her ass was the last thing they had to get rid off.

Now she's the perfect feminist icon.

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>I f-fuck pussy guys look at me
Embarrassing, no one cares you harpooned a whale

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Yes user, you're so manly for having anime girl figurines and cute panties strewn about your room above the piss bottles. Yes, user, the overwhelming odor of old semen and unwashed balls permeating your mattress is exactly how your living space should smell like. Only faglords like myself keep their shit together.

No shit the latest of the games flopped. I don’t need ass and tits in my face in all games, but holy fuck those grandma outfits are disgusting

I don't need pussy so yeah I don't need my home to cater to the opposite sex.

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Not the same user you were replying too. You just type like a massive faggot. Hope you keep your anus as clean as your room.

Too bad for you.

Fucking based

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>African are ethereal beings
>Europe has a race, but Africa which is bigger and more populated doesn't
Your brain on /pol/

Africans, or niggers as I like to call them, are disgusting smelly monkeys and not even human

Girls like sexy stuff you virgin, my gf has anime tiddies folder on her PC.

When and how much?

>my gf(male) has anime tiddies folder on her PC.

You need to be brainwashed in order to care that much about pleasing the sex that should be pleasing YOU, you absolute gamma.

PROTIP: It's a two way street

>africans are a single race

>recreate anime characters
>anime characters have mandatory plot and backstory
>asians have negative ass and tits unless obese

When people say African, they mean blacks.

I want more Rainbow Mika figures. I love the Kotobukiya one but it's basicallythe only good one.

Protip: Power dynamics are not a social construct.

the nigger said africa.

>le ebin futa xdd

Why is X like the only Final Fantasy game that looked like it had actual Asian characters?

They only looked asian in the cutscenes.

I don't know what you're trying to get at but on Friday night, I had a woman tell me how much she enjoyed sucking my balls because they smelled so good. After I was done pounding her out and before she left, she pulled me in close inhaled deeply with her face pressed against my (well-groomed) beard. It's a two-way street, I present myself as pleasing to them and they please me.

Are you that one autist who keeps posting those dumbass "hotglue" threads?

Yrs if she's wearing skimpy clothing.

This post physically made me cringe

Didn't even know those were a thing

>while the girls are in your living room you are in your bedroom lurking Yea Forums
>the girls actually come to see your big brother

Tidus looks white. Like an Australian. Only Yuna looks asian. But they all have that typical japanese slightly ambiguous cg model.

>This entire thread

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Why the fuck isn't incel filtered yet? Literally in every other post.

havent noticed it in this thread. Theres a long list of words they refuse to filter.

Some of us are not fags who think about trannies 24/7 like you.

Imagine being stupid enough to type this out while thinking "This is totally convincing, they'll believe this story for sure!"

Reddit trannies are invading

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Incel should be filtered to "chad"

no they don't, you dumb amerimutt.

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t. incel

Kill all incels

they spend a minute calling him korean and russian.

Is this the Buyfag thread?

she looks like an asian bodybuilder you dunce.

Thanks for the compliment.

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Point is, a lot of amerimutts are so self centered and dumb they can't self insert into anime without saying they're all white.

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people arent saying anime is all white just mostly white looking. Some characters are jaoanese and look white,
Its fucking obvious as shit for anyone that has eyeballs.

The major has blue eyes and a white looking face and skin tone compare her to the real women in the pic.
Its a stylised representation of a "japanese" woman but it resembles a european.

Find an asian bodybuilder that looks like chun li.

the major in GiTS 1995 is one of the few examples I agree where she looks more white but 99% of the time anime characters look japanese unless stated otherwise. WAY too feminine and soft looking features to be white. Especially anglo.

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>blue eyes

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Japs don't have that jaw, Sameface or Alive features wishful thinking eurasians.

In the original she had blue eyes. You sjw faggot.

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if you said slavs it would be a close comparison but anglo white women look NOTHING like anime. Way too masculine jawlines and sharp features.

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Japanese games typically use an ambiguous almost raceless model.
Its like they took the most best looking jaoanese person and a european person then merged the images.

Dem ching chongs be getting surgery to look white ohnononono

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Nigger, you just posted a "masculine jawline" under your own definition.

That’s what they did

That's not the Motoko the girls in the video were shown though, was it?


>t-the other Motoko is s-surely Asian!

>Would you buy a game full price if it came with a waifu

The fuck is with you idiot anti-anglo posters.
Taylor swift looks like an anime character.
Gema Ward. I swear you fools have no idea what anglos look like.

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Your mom wont mind. I know, because I fucked her yesterday.

It’s just seething nips trying to shill their insectoid race

t. anglo

I'm anglo myself and even I recognise we aren't anime. Stop we-wuzing shit. It's embarrassing and just as bad as niggers.

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>modern women caring about anything other than penis
>modern women not toughing out having sex with a weeaboo for the sake of their fleeting pleasures
nice joke, user


>Futa on Futa is the only good type of futa
>also the only futafags that don't spam their fetish and keep to themselves
What a coincidence

Shut the fuck up you lying schizophrenic racist.

if saucenao doesnt work, look at the pic then find the signature then google "[signature] twitter" and it will work

No I'd probably be less likely.
I'd happily buy waifu figures separately though.

That requires actually doing more than clicking a link

Of course you are.

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The fuck are you talking about the original argument was anime chatacters look white. You fucking stupid faggot. Tell the japanese artists to stop drawing anime like we wuz white people.

>Fucking robots have races now
Or do they mean Made in Japan, which is basically irrefutable?

>Futa on Futa is the only good type of futa
No the fuck it's not. That shit is nothing more than people trying to make it an excuse not to look gay. Futa on Futa and Futa on Male are the only futa you see now a days. There is no Futa on Female anywhere. I do see the usually masturbation one but that's it. It's just a buch of guys trying to use it as an excuse to look not gay.

learn to fish so you don't need to beg someone to fish for you. it'll save you time in the long run

This doesn't look like your typical meitu shit, this is some kind of makeup or surgery shit of my nightmares

I know that.

Doesn't stop people begging, nor does it stop spoonfeeding

>futa on femalefags bitch about their lack of material
>when literally any doujin site like exhentai/nhentai, and image sites like sankaku/gelbooru have way more futa on female than futa on futa and futa on male combined

Is it gay if you get fucked by a futa?

if you lurk korean social media this is really common.
They sometimes do quick cosmetic transformations to be white for a day and walk around pretending to be white. With blonde hair and blue eyes.
The blue eyes thing is really common lately with asian girls all over the world.
Theres also ones that do the full im white transformation and move to England.
They also coded language to indicate if they idenitfy as white like "ima banana"

They don't user, you're just mentally ill.

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I don't think any dumb smelly futafag has any right to complain about lack of content, plenty of closeted homos producing around.

Someone post the Asian dude who got surgery to look like a creepy white doll

user you are the only mentally ill one here.

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Just noticed the mods deleted my post
The truth hurts mod-kun, but you will have to accept it some day

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They literally draw anime characters without the asian eye fold.
With caucausian profiles. Its clear as day. you have schizophrenia.

>the slant eyed mods are trying to hide the truth

lay off the matza balls shlomo

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I don't think anybody would argue that a canonically English policewoman is going to be Japanese

they draw anime characters with eyes the size of tennis balls.

or do white people unironically resemble alita battle angel IRL?If I have shiz you have autism.

>63% white

>Anime characters can literally have blue hair and red eyes naturally without anybody batting an eye lid and people are arguing about whether they're white or nipponese
You faggots are idiots
Unless specifically stated, anime characters are raceless

What race plays Alita in the movie?

i'd actively not buy a game that came with that shit! Especially one built so damn poorly, proportions are fucked

>1% black
1 drop rule nigguh

I don't see a dead fetus hanging from her birth canal.

who's the second asian on the left ? for purpose.

Europeans have large eyes asians even call europeans round eye.
The fuck are you even?
And you can clearly see they do not drawn the epicthantic fold.
The blue hair and red eye one like rei are supposed to be albino.

Imagine missing the point this hard. They could've used any race and it would've had the same result.

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so you want asians to have a more realistic art style? Then shouldn't whites also? Or is it already realistic to you?

>The blue hair and red eye one like rei are supposed to be albino.

ok he's a troll

Emily browning. 100% hwite

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>1% nigger

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No unlike you i dont want them to do anything im happy with them doing their own thing. you sjw faggot.

WTF, im in the Twilight Zone ?
Back in the day OP was always the faggot, but it seems it's totally reversed now.

If they used a nip it would look stupid with those slant insect eyes

Honestly thought she was japanese when i first saw her

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I've come to the verdict that this threads intention was to not actually discuss video games

are you saying reimisnt an albino?
Red eyes in anime is just albinoism because they think it looks cool. Same with all the white hair.

common trick from Yea Forums posters that think they're being clever is have a thread about a subject and then instantly sperg out about some other subject

>le /pol/ boogeyman

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It is basically a 3D pinup that you can cover in cum. Wouldn't want to have one myself but I get it.

thats just a common issue all over the site. Now that you mention it the anime is not white fag is supposed to be a Yea Forums troll.


Video games?

>Discord Trannies

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The waifu faggotory is the cringiest shit on this board.

>Implying it's not console faggots arguing about whose bing bing wahoo box is better

I wouldn't take a game for free if it came with a waifu fig
not to disparage those who do, but it's not something I have any interest in owning

Are racists posts starting to get deleted now?
Fuck, guess gookmoot actually is getting his mod support after all. That or the Yea Forums mods are doing double time for this board.

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It isn't. Nothing is more pathetic than gaymerz talking about their favourite waifu. It's the single most embarrassing thing about being associated with this hobby.

ME GOOD YOU BAD goldface-crying wojak console-wars are legitimately boring, i don't know how it keeps canada and brazil's attention for so long

I was like you before too you worthless nigger, but i watched more anime and got a better perspective.
When a character is european in anime, it's plain as day.
I respectfully ask you to reconsider your position, if you will.

Same exact reason people cried over the fact the newest Smash lacked trophies.
To either masturbate to them or just get horny looking at them.

>I became an even more delusional weeb

>he cares about what girls think of him

That one is supposed to be white you retard.

no idiot you were not like me and you dont have a better persoective.
You are an anti-white racist retard and i will not change my position you,don't even fucking understand my position because you are an idiot.

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Pardon me, but this is 4channel
G**kmoot is doing his best to keep his one advertiser, there's no room for toxicity of 4channel the family friendly image board.

It already looks fucking stupid wtf are you saying

you mean they are banning posters they think are white and leaving up racist blacks posting and shilling? yep.

Too many underaged posters.
Or longtime mental retards.

>You are an anti-white racist

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Damn you have to remind me. I was trying to find a Death/Grim Reaper figurine/diorama. You know the hood and scythe the whole shebang maybe some anons know of some good scale and model.

>i'm fighting the good fight by having a pissing contest with other autists about ethnicity in anime

See this is the issue with you anti-white sjw retards you dont get the point of that post. Seras has a typical anime girl face. Yet she is explictly English.
So what does that tell you? context matters.

Sit down and dilate discord tranny
He just kicked your hormone ridden ass back to resetera

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>anti-white sjw retards
I'm just able to notice the difference between asian and white characters in the chinese cartoons I watch, you retarded cumskin.

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Dumbass misses the point again. There is basically no difference in one moe blob face from the next.

>you mean they are banning posters they think are white
Sounds good to me. Fuck them and fuck the aussies too.

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Its just one dumb "anime is white" poster trying to get (you)s. Ignore it.

hi mod. Fuck you.

Lmao, ok.


>Would you buy a game full price if it came with a waifu fig?
It's 2019, so it'd be more like:
>Would you buy a $60 waifu fig that came with a game demo?

>all anime characters are white

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yeah mr popo is white you fucking dumb racist fag.

This is a descendant of samurai. Yoshikage Kira.

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Mohammed, are you white?


oh no your argument is invalid.

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I've got two anime titty figures, but I didn't buy them.

They're a memento from my Granddad after he died. He had a friend who painted model aeroplanes, and my Granddad thought it'd be a nice hobby to pick up in his retirement - but he didn't find aeroplanes to be that interesting. So he had a think about what he liked, and he came to the conclusion 'beautiful women!'. So in the last ten years of his life, he learned to paint by painting anime girl figurines.

I miss him lads.

What's your point? I'm not claiming all anime characters are nonwhite. Some are white like Kira but to say every anime character is white is foolish. Kira doesn't invalidate Avdol if that's what you're thinking.

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Way to ruin a figurine thread, faggots.

The mod is deleting posts that arent even breaking the rules again.

>So in the last ten years of his life, he learned to paint by painting anime girl figurines.
What a fucking champ, you got any photos? I'm deathly curious to see the work.

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Can we go back to talking about sexy vidya figures?

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why should i even argue with you racist shits when you,fucking report the posts and delete them.
You're gay and you,lost the argument.

>not buying a bunch of figures with huge asses and making an ass wall

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What the fuck I need this

Could you porkchop/Sonico fags just off yourselves?
I'm almost convinced that people into this shit are just other fat women that think supporting tubby here will make them less disgusting

stop the ironic cancer before you attractive actual retards

Literal pleb
Go back to Ireland and sucking up to anorexic virgin magnets on instagram

Anime is white

fuck off
i like fat asses and huge boobs both of which pochaco has the perfect amount of

You know what you're right, I don't have time for this foolishness.
Just remember than as long as one nonwhite character exists you can't say all anime characters are white.

t. low test

and this is Kosaku Kawaijiri from the same goddamn part of the show.
you animeonlys need to fuck off

Attached: kosaku darku.png (1280x720, 967K)

Attached: 1525012563014.jpg (1000x1498, 270K)

something you can do for free with your computer with more than 5 billion times more content and a large portion of it with higher quality

I'd hot glue all over that and stick on some respectable clothing items, something homely and ladylike

Attached: Blank+_e3d8ea42ff7494f6c9773ca17a9e92dc.jpg (1000x531, 172K)

We posting figures?

Attached: Elphelt.jpg (550x800, 170K)

Same. Extremely expensive toy/decorations. I can fap to whatever, it won't cost 200 bucks.

No. Enjoy your Yoshi.

Attached: 1525147778771.jpg (2272x4960, 3.02M)

>hating porkchop and sonic


absolutely based

Attached: 1543685534964.webm (720x406, 580K)

Why does Elphet have such a nice figurine but not I-No or Baiken when they are way more iconic?

also as for this thread, anime characters are japanese. Hell even black characters like Marina look more authentic cosplayed by japs.

Attached: 1531564355368.jpg (686x1200, 159K)


please do not associate steve with gay traps


I want Porkchops fat brapper on my face!

>that smile
absolutely nice.

Sorry but what is this? I can only think of the critters from Lost Planet 2.

I think some characters get figures made merely because the guy in charge likes her and the company okayed his proposal since it looked like it would rake in cash.

Attached: Edna.jpg (560x850, 146K)

if it has a dick, its gay okay

The jacket looks a whole lot like a ww1 german uniform actually.

I like to stare at them because I like well made statues. Seeing all the little details people add is a treat too. Makes me want to make my own.

Also some are pretty hot

Attached: 1539640234158.png (245x245, 15K)

How many official futa figures have been made?
And do they come with their own mosaic censorship?

>benis in vag is gay

every red blooded american loves futa.

speak for yourself gayboy

ive never seen one

Thought it was the bugs from Starship Troopers


depends, of characters like Chun-Li? Absolutely none, but ban has a few that come in futa form

Futa is American as apple pie and baseball, because the less men you have in a sex scene, the better.

But only if they don't have balls.
Balls are Unamerican, Russian bullshit.

>American as apple pie

Attached: show%2Fthumb%2Fbv0dhy.gif%2Ffit-in__1200x9600.gif (640x360, 3.19M)

Here ya go. Literally Chun Li.

Attached: song.webm (640x640, 2.77M)

Why is that prick always so angry? I hate him and hope he dies soon

the only good futa is futa with balls, having a dick with no balls is hellllla gay

Unironically agreed. Thank god there's so much good futa x futa SFM stuff on rule34.

Needs bigger thighs

I've told twice to girls that I was into furry porn
They liked me anyway, so I believe your story


Attached: 1478169296922.png (206x256, 117K)

Close enough. It's at least SF2 Chun.

so you only watch lesbian porn?
fucking cuck

>female penis

Moot was right all along.

>Discord Trannies

Totally, but they never make my waifus.

Attached: sad.gif (372x262, 1.72M)

kys tho

When you got to the lightning part the camera zoomed right through her ass or am I remembering this wrong?

stupid frogposter

>Projecting this hard
The balls have no purpose execept to make you gay

>balls are touching
People who like balls are absolute plebeians.

No, other men have touched the figurine when making it, and owning one makes you a cuck.

Somebody answer!


Attached: Mee.png (533x534, 262K)

It’s a way to proudly display your virginity


>that ass smack

eidos was a mistake.

I just liked collecting trophies in Smash and reading the descriptions of characters and things I didn't know about. I never found any of them fappable. Spirits are literally a step down since not only are they just a 2D png, they don't even have any flavour text to accompany them.

NOT ONLY is this user based, he is also INDUBITABLY redpilled.

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>he thinks this is white

Attached: anime.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Depends on the quality but considering it is something tacted onto the game I would assume it would be shit.

Poor Rose though. I don't think she has ever had an official released figure.

gayest thing i ever heard.