Did it age well?

Did it age well?

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yes, this is a classical painting of games

age well? Mate it was so poorly optimised it diead in infancy

>classical painting of games
Completely wrong, but yes, the game is excellent.

Is there any way to optimize the game and make it a little less janky? Any good mods?

its a good game with some jank that makes the faggot trannies here seethe.

pretty much this

Hasn't finished aging yet

Good shit, but it still feels like a new game to me

Age well? Didn't it just come out not long ago?

>game was dead 2 months after release
>no mod tools until 2020


Isn't it like 1 year old? The fuck are you talking about?

Did they fix bugs and optimisation?

>Dead after 2 months

Pic related

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The game has been out for a year, what kind of question is that? Do you mean have the majority of bugs been fixed? In that case, yes. If anyone has been holding off on playing, it's perfectly fine now. In a 120 hours worth of playing I only had very occasional visual bugs (clipping etc) but nothing game or even quest breaking. The load times are still ass and I guess you need a pretty beefy rig, but other than that you're good.

Best game 2018, best RPG in god knows how long.

Its better now than release, depends on what system you play on though. Pop in on the consoles is still pretty bad, but the tradeoff is better fps

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This, unironically the only game that has come out the last 5 years that is even worth trying. Its up there with morrowind, probably one of the last true rpgs where decisions have consiquences..

>single player game

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>Its up there with morrowind
Especially as far as shit combat goes


The combat is honestly a hit or miss, i personally love it, but there are flaws. Fighting multiple opponents is pretty shit desu and archery is op

Literally GoTY All Years

Attached: ALWAYS.jpg (302x248, 85K)

Combat in KCD is way better than Morrowind. It just takes awhile to get the hang of it.

>shit combat

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>The combat is honestly a hit or miss
Well, yeah. Literally.

Yes? How can you even defend it?

By playing a lot of DnD.

Not really a defence

It's basically oblivion shit combat except rng determines whether you hit or not even though you visually hit. It's garbage.

guess they never miss huh?

Geez, you couldn't be more obviously trying to fit in while not knowing what youre talking about.

Im so glad i didnt pre order this complete dumpster fire of a game

I heard online population is still growing

I played it in December and it still lags pretty badly in large fights on the pro, around 15-25fps.

>Did it age well?
What, since last year?
