Only less than a day more of free hours wagie, be thankful, be grateful

only less than a day more of free hours wagie, be thankful, be grateful.

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Other urls found in this thread:

thanks doc

>worked saturday and sunday for 2.5x hourly
>get monday and tuesday off paid

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>not acquiring skills in things to make you irreplaceable
>not using your wagie time to earn enough money to become independent of employers

I'm sure most of Yea Forums is smarter than this, right?

idgi, free hours from what, i'm never scheduled to work on weekends

whoever wrote that wrote it out of fear, they know they're only slightly less replaceable

be a good wagie and tell your boss you love him

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>you are the greatest boss we ever had
now that should be a red flag

keep up that attitude and you'll work overtime

yes and HOW do you think these degenerate wagies pay for their games?
move along

>attitude of talking about videogames on Yea Forums - videogames
you're a faggot

>I want literal drones
The boss here must be a psychopath.

A woman wrote this

I believe it, women are much more pragmatic than men.

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I think the word you were looking for is "Sociopathic".

Are you sure? I feel like this could have been a Mike Rowe job.

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>not using your wagie time to earn enough money to become independent of employers

Unless you're already irreplaceable and have the cash available, that's literally impossible.

>why don't you go home early
WTF obviously I'd want the boss to go home then we can slack off, I love when I do jobs without them around



i think the word we're all looking for is videogames

Wagie wagie...

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I always loved this, because it is an *acutal* 25-year old, half of the money he "makes" is actually from his parents, and he's a roommate in a house with like five other people.

lol was this written by a yandere loli?

Good grief
I hope the owner of this is stabbed

>our owner's have
stopped reading there

Wage in the Cage

What's to be done about the boomer problem?

Was this about some guy who traveled to Singapore to get a job, then decided it was boring and came back?

>twitch donations that big of a part

They don't call it MSNPC for nothing.

Post essential work wear.

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Women are all working now, don't put them off.

They are the wageslaves now!

>be me
>have actual skills
>get bombarded with job offers even though I have a job
>I am the one who offers salary
NEETs will never know this feel

I think so. It was just funny all the way through

>$615 for (((Donations)))

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We'd be a lot better off if women weren't allowed to work.

Fucking NEET psychos
This is why you'll never have a job

How do I get though 10 hours of mind numbing activity every day?

Were only slightly less replaceable. If that moron didn't get the axe after making this such a complete shitshow for the company then they're either fucking one of the higher ups or came out of one of them.

I mean, they put the fucking company NAME out there with this. Shit sticks.


>excellent with money
>donating 615 fucking dollars a month
If they were excellent with money that number would be 0.
>20 dollars for internet in 2019
I fucking wish.

No kidding, my boss only works from home and if he were to be anywhere near the office on a regular basis I would quit. He is an absolute fidgety, nervous person who cannot sit still or shut up for more than 2 minutes.

Thats somw¡e orwellian dystopian shit right there

Nightmare fuel

Look them in the eye, firmly grab their neck, and shake it.

>The fact that labour is external to the worker, i.e., it does not belong to his intrinsic nature; that in his work, therefore he does not affirm himself but denies himself, does not feel content but unhappy, does not develop freely his physical and mental energy but mortifies his body and his mind. The worker therefore only feels himself outside his work, and in his work feels outside himself.

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It’s like they drew number values out of a hat

I really hope they mean humanitarian donations. Which could be better or worse depending on the organization chosen.

>$30 room cleaner

I'm more impressed by that part. If he doesn't mean supplies for keeping the house clean (no idea why he'd budget that separately) and he means an actual human being who cleans his place up for only $30 a month, I wonder which room of the basement they must keep them locked up in.

You know it's ADL.

They hire illegals
Liberals love illegals because it's basically slave labour
Oh... and diversity is strength!!!

This is why society is being overrun by socialists and communists, retarded boomer managers.

That's code for giving money to thots and porn game devs via patreon.

>Excellent with money
>Makes over $7.5k a month
>Better cheap out on internet to save up like $30 bucks
>And also donate over $600

I never understood this this "wagie" thing. Is it anyone who work or just people with low paying jobs?

I honestly wish I had a job, because then I'd have a place to go every day that didn't involve alcohol. Should probably tone down the drinking a bit.

Never buy into "be thankful you have this job", anons. You are not a charity case - you are good at what you do and that's why you've been hired.
Always remember that you DON'T want to be at your job - that's why they have to PAY you to be there.
If you wanted to be at your job then your boss would set up a ticket booth and start charging you to be there. It's a job, not a theme park.

>work shit job while acquiring skills
>use skills to get job where you are irreplaceable
>save money to invest in rentable real estate
>become a landlord and be set for life

From the style of it, it looks like one of those "sit down to pee" signs you see sometimes. They are supposed to be humorous, but still completely serious.
I would really like to see the person who placed this.

You need to work harder...your boss really needs that new yacht for the next season. While you'll pay your rent and be broke rest of the month again.

"Wage Slave" is problematic now, because "slave" can be racist against niggers. As Yea Forums has dropped the "fag" suffix (such as in normalfag, fagfag, singlefag, heterofag, homofag, dogfag, catfag, etc) in a push to be less toxic, "wage slave" has become "wagie".

>a person was paid to make this retarded display

That was made by Michael Scott, wasn't it

i don't mind being at my job though. It's not some mindless retail job, so maybe that has something to do with it. I basically get paid for doing stuff i'd be doing at home, albeit in an industry rather than for personal reasons.

Wagies are people stuck in low-pay dead end jobs, I think.
It's why they're wage "slaves", they are stuck in their position.

Maybe "donations" is like when you give money to the ADL or SPLC and you can claim it as a deduction on your tax

If you had a job that treated you like the OP sign implied I'm sure you'd end up drinking more after work.

boy, I sure am salty I have 16 hours less each week to try to insult people on the internet. life sure is tough for little old me.



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Refers to anyone who has a job they do not enjoy

>I can't believe how much you pay me... Do you want some back?
>I canceled my vacation plans... I'd rather be at work!
>Given the chance to keep working here... I'd gladly accept a cut in pay!
>I really don't need a raise... My review was more than enough!
FUCKING RUN IF YOUR BOSS(ES) HAVE THIS SHIT. These tidbits make this tacky board more than just godawful boomer humor.

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It applies mostly to people who can't afford any other option other than working a shit low prestige job that will only allow them to live paycheck to paycheck. In a market that favors the employer and not the employee what choice do people have?

If your boss is buying sail boats odds are you aren't paying rent, you're paying a mortgage. You're also probably not hurting for money and could buy a cheap sail boat of your own if you plan a bit.

...score. At least I could afford it and wouldn't have to steal money to do so.

If you don't have any sort of special skills, but you still gotta pay bills, you end up getting one of these jobs. Then you make just barely enough money to keep paying your bills and remain alive. You'll have little time and resources available to move out of that position into something better, though it's possibly. I'm sure it's not desirable by your employer though.

Then again as it's easy in general to get stuck in jobs you don't enjoy doing because at the end of the day you have to not starve.

>Easiest job I've ever worked 4am to 1pm making $11/hr just because people were bitching about how my company makes too much money
>Literally fucking around on Yea Forums on a break I shouldn't be taking but they can't keep track of so many people
Can you guess it? I bet you can.

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>If your boss is buying sail boats odds are you aren't paying rent, you're paying a mortgage
You're gonna have to explain that logic to me


Thank you based employer/owner. You are based, based for the win.

I'm a trade apprentice, and I've been in a couple of companies now since there's an ebb in the work flow right now. But every single company has helped me find a new place through their own connections. I couldn't imagine working in a field where you're seen as a replaceable cog in the machine.

The company "apologized" for the incident but I think the damage is already done. Looking up "Permacorp" on google, there's more articles on this board than anything else about the company.

Part of me hopes the person who came up with and wrote all of this was fired, because as they said, there are thousands of people out there unemployed in their local area.

Not him but buying a house is something you do after saving up a decent chunk for a deposit, and it also requires stability in your life like that given by a good career

this is written by some shallow employer who doesn't know how to connect with his employees, so he writes passive-aggressive notes to scare the workplace. You don't do this kind of shit. People aren't at their office stealing wages, they are keeping afloat the company. work isn't a favor the boss is doing to you, it's an exchange of labor for money.

Yep, been stuck here 11 months