When was a PC franchise had world class visuals and optimization with a settings menu that lets you custimize everything

>when was a PC franchise had world class visuals and optimization with a settings menu that lets you custimize everything
>as soon as it becomes a console first game game it runs way worse and basically has no options menu
sorry for shitty google pic the game doesnt even let me screencap anything in it

Attached: metro.jpg (1020x764, 86K)

>playing a tech demo

>playing metro after the cod rip off last light

I'm glad the game has crashed and the devs are going to be dissolved.

>takes a picture of his screen
You look like a console gamer.

I said its a google picture you mouthbreathing retard nigger.
The game demands exclusive fullscreen ( cant even change to windowed or borderless windowed mode in the options menu have to tweek motherfucking INI files for it) so I cant screencap mine.

>>when was a PC franchise had world class visuals and optimization with a settings menu that lets you custimize everything
When was this exactly?

>can't screencap
Definitely a braindead consoel gamer.


You are a console pleb, fucking children know about print screen.

Which doesn't work.

Only because you are absoultely fucking retarded.

Not the chink shill, but try greenshot, it makes screenshot work even on shit games like Metro Exodus.

I have been trying lightshot but because of the exlcusive fullscreen it wont even take my commands to the app.
If this were on steam I could have just used the steam api built in one BTW :)

The fuck, that's weird as fuck.

>computer illiterate child cries about consoles

The original Metro 2033 was a hot mess though.

I don't care about the game. I played a bit of the first one and it bored me to death so I'm not touching any of the others. I just don't like the absolute braindead.


Attached: DDC4C71B-9437-4C5A-B23B-BDA96869881A.jpg (939x996, 127K)

>The number of civilian deaths has been estimated variously from 180 to 10,454.
That's Chink propaganda. Fairly sure the Chinese government massacred hundred of thousand protesters.

thank yourself mustard
and then ask yourself why the fuck no one cares about you and no one caters to your needs besides some cheap cash grab ports