Is Divayth Fyr the most interesting mortal in the Elder Scrolls?
Is Divayth Fyr the most interesting mortal in the Elder Scrolls?
Yes. Although King Helseth is pretty based.
>4000 years old
Yes, he could technically be killed but I'm going to call him immortal from a practical perspective
Also yes, I'd fuck my clone wives too
>King (((Hlaalu))) Helseth
He basically just adopted the Hlaalu name in a power move to gain influence.
get rekt nerds
Going to the Clockwork city with him was pretty cool.
I killed him for his ring. Shouldn't have annoyed me all game long with his assassins
When does this happen? I think I remember going to the Clockwork City in Tribunal to find Sotha Sil (only to find Almalexia got there first, was pissed) but I don't remember Fyr being along for the ride. It's been 10 years plus since I played though.
No; but his title is my prize.
i earned my Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor and gold skin very early, so I wear it.
He'll still die of old age eventually, he's drawing his life out, he's not immortal.
I was afraid you were gonna say that.
Barenziah is also pretty cool.
>Empress Consort
>Queen Mother of Morrowind
>most famous for fucking a khajiit
>getting BARB'd was canonically censored out of later reprints of her biography
sensible chuckle.gif
>One of the most powerful wizards ever
>Has his own harem he made with his incredible magic
>Lives in his giant tower exempt from all laws
>Wears a full suit of incredible armour from another dimension
>is over 4000 years old no sign of slowing down
>was friends with a living god
>Has multiple legendary artifacts sitting around his tower
>The last living dwarf is in his basement
>treated the Nerevarine with his exclusive cure while everyone else sits around with their thumbs up their arse over Corprus disease.
>Has no known faults whatsoever.
He's a mary sue.
Yeah, i would say Heimskr is pretty interesting as well. Even though he is annoying.
>house Telvani makes him a tower to try and gain his favour
>he doesn't dven give a shit
His Mary Sue status gets completely absolved by the fact that he barely plays a role in the games.
He is just old fucker minding his own business in his mushroom house
The real Mary Sue is Vivec aka Kirkbride's selfinsert
I know it's engine limits or whatever but I hate how eso armor is just a normal map and some accessories. Form fitting breastplates are dumb
Why? Necromancy, restoration and alteration could all theoretically make one immortal in TES
For me, it's Alessian Order...
All hail Marukh! There is but One God.
Khajiit moon base.
Imagine having sex with your khajiit wife in a temple of Nirni on the moon. That would be weird haha
Without a doubt.