Is Evenicle worth playing for the story?
Is Evenicle worth playing for the story?
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Jesus, she's as flat as a board.
I know, right? It's great.
Yeah sadly there's only one thicc girl in the game, the rest are all loli's.
Makes it easier to kiss a path down toward that delicious navel!
Just the way I like it
hey thats where i was before I stopped too.
Its fun and all but how do you get money?
Finance is always right on the edge of running out even if I capture rare waifu monsters to sell
yeah it's fun enough.
If you are weeby enough to know what Evenicle is you will probably also enjoy it's chuuni story.
It's nothing to take overly seriously. Enjoy it for what it is.
Flat is justice.
Money has never been an issue so far. Sell your former gear, sell junk (fruits, video game carts, used gymwear etc), capture gal monsters (e.g. chapter 4 ones go for 2500 gold each).
Flat girls are disgusting.
First scene was rape, so I refunded it. Fuck that shit.
This cannot be!
There's one per each chapter and they get more and more edgy and out of place. I just turn off the sound and quickly CTRL through them.
Why would anyone pick medicine over her piss?
The story in itself is kinda basic, but the setting is interesting and the characters well written.
Did you actually play the game? Or did you mean "there is only one tittymonster in your party"?
well there's Ramius in your party and Tio who you only get to see in like 3-4 scenes
the rest are all loli's yeah
You don't know what loli means, do you?
I enjoyed the story. I loved the tone and how it's usually very cute and lighthearted but can become extremely dark and gorey at the drop of a hat.
Is Evenicle 2 already translated?
Is it 2030 yet?
Don't laugh at a man's dream user
very nice
You would learn to read moon runes sooner.
Take your dream in your hands just don't fap too much.
The arts nice but from what I played it took way too long to get from scene to scene and the combat isn't interesting.enough t keep me playing for the game play.
Maybe its just me since I'm not really into porn games in general, if I'm in the mood to fap I don't really want to spend an hour playing through a mediocre jrpg beforehand.
Not really, in my opinion. The premise is kinda odd, it tries to bundle together a harem scenario with a scenario in which you have to marry every character you want to have sex with first otherwise you will get a godly punishment, which is kinda odd. You don't interact with the characters enough before marrying them for it to mean anything, it's just announcing that from now on, you can have H-scenes with them, which just feels super weird and out of place and also pretty much denies you ever having any spontanious sex scenes. It really reads like a fundamentalist would write a h-game if he believed that sex before marriage is a sin, but he also wants to write a nukige.
The characters are rather generic and uninspired and the protagonist is absolutely cringe worthy. He acts like a legitimate child, but is also supposed to be the self-insert for the player? I mean, h-game protagonists are often oblivious, but he literally reads like hes 12 or something. The combat is very basic and very grindy (Which is a shame, I played Sengoku Rance before and I really liked the system they had there) and the h-scenes are, well, okay, I guess? Nothing worth spending so many hours on.
The game itself feels very basic also. You don't play as much as you just follow the path, there is generally no challenge, not finesse and no real way to fuck up.
Do you have any game you would recomend instead, i've played Rance 5-7, MGQ, Kamidori, Evenicle,The Dungeon of Lulu Farea and some other smaller games, it would be great if it wasn't RPGmaker or VN Unless is top-notch
Depends, what are you looking for, gameplay, scenarios, scenes?
It can even be text based, but i won't say no to good sceenes. I don't want to grind extesnively to progress through the game.
It would be nice if it had characters that are more than your . It doesn't matter if it's easter or western game, also i would be great if i didn't have to translate it manualy word-by-word.
I don't mind darker or fucked up stuff.
I'm picky i know
It's worth playing for Kath. Fuck Hannies desu
>It really reads like a fundamentalist would write a h-game if he believed that sex before marriage is a sin, but he also wants to write a nukige.
Nah, it's just the purity fags. AKA virgin fetish which is super common amongst jap losers/herbivores/NEETs.
>It can even be text based
Just do what everybody else does, load up HellMOO and rape Haruhi and orphans for a quick nut. Other players if you want to work for your nut even a little bit.
unironic fag wow
Its the only thing that makes it worth playing.
>Not expecting rape
>On a fucking Alicesoft game
Are you a newfag or something?
Ok here i go ill give it a try. What telnet client are you recomending? PuTTy?
Natal getting assraped was hot. The guro/snuff you knew was coming all through that one dungeon was not.
The combat in this game is just god awful, waiting to charge up to use better skills is stupid. Just give me a cooldown instead if you dont want to use an MP system. I managed to bear the awful combat until I was almost done with the desert level, which I just quit after realizing that the game made me flaccid most of the time except two scenes I really liked.
Think most people used MUSH
>Not pure enough to be vanilla
>Not degenerate enough to be /d/
Dropped this shit pretty fast, pick your style and stick to it; don't try to flip-flop between both.
The protagonist is a faggot and ruins the game. Just fap to the CGs and play Rance instead.
No, you play it for the fun interactions between the characters, not the plot.
So was nobody else extremely bothered by that one guy getting a bunch of people to rape the one chill dude's elf girlfriend who didn't want to be a cum dumpster like the rest of her worthless race, and that fat old fuck got a pass on it by EVERYBODY despite admitting he told them to do it because he didn't want his son/nephew/whatever to marry a fucking elf?
Why do people like this? It's okay, I played it for a while. but gameplay wise it has NOTHING going on, and i mean NOTHING. Also it has some odd pacing and tone setting, one time you have le silly protagonist with epic quirky music thinking about boobies, and the other second you have guro gang rape mind breaking shit. If you’re gonna play a JRPG with h-scenes, just go for Kamidori Alchemy Meister, it's literally a much more huge and satisfying game with plenty of h-scenes. Evenicle just feels weird, it's like AliceSoft didn't know what it wanted with it.
>Evenicle just feels weird, it's like AliceSoft didn't know what it wanted with it.
This, feels like a bad attempt at reaching a larger audience; the tone is all over the place.
Ok time to learn how to run this thing. Wiki time.
I just wanted it to be 100% vanilla
Ewww the artstyle is so bland and shit.
It depends what you want. Kamidori is a shitton of grinding to have a contextual fap whereas Evenicle is just back to back lewds.
Not really. In the end the uncle dies and the general with the Kalar live happy ever after just with their love.
Ramius' first event was the best in the whole game, it's a shame nothing ever came close.
It's literally Senran Kagura's artstyle, it's the same artists.
Same, I just wanted a silly light hearted ecchi JRPG where you travel the world with your harem.
Yeah, this is why people bought it in the first place. It's not a good style for explicit lewdness though, and the uncensored patch just looks like shit.
Scenes are pretty awful because Nan can't draw naked girls to save his life. They're fine and cute when dressed or barely dressed. Hell they even look mostly fine when standing naked but when its time to draw them in sex positions and draw some genitalia whether male or female he goes full retard.
This game should be played as a linear VN + moege. Porn scenes are actually ruined due to Nan being absolutely shit at drawing them.
No, It's only praised by idiots like moogy who have spent the last 12 years of their life playing nothing but philosophical eroge and rpgmaker games.
Rance would have killed all the rapists, the uncle, and given that elf slut all the hugs before giving her the hyper weapon while telling her boyfriend he's a weak bitch
Tio betrays the party and gets the whole village raped, afterwards everyone is "no biggie", the protag is "let me rub your boobs and everything's forgotten". This was so fucking bizarre.
Sex in Evenicle is like saying good morning. The goddess who made their world wanted to fuck a man so bad and was too scared she'd break him so she went on a trip with a a loli dragon and schlicked her brains out and those places became holy grounds.
Being raped would be literally nothing if not for that "non consexual sex = outlaw" thing.
You're pretty edgy, aren't you?
It is.
So you can read all that salt coming from the people who also completed Rance X - at the end of Evenicle, MC and his wifes travel to Rance world, where girls are broken, raped and controlled by Dark Lord and MC probably killed.
Because her crime was being a dumb retard, not a malicious old fuck. She becomes 10/10 wife material later
And you obviously haven't played a single Rance game
That CG with Ramius and RIche bathing in the fake fountain of truth had super horrible body proportions. I have a suspicion that the H-scene CG's were drawn by some other artist.
Said boyfriend did kill all the rapists though, in front of her. Imagine if he knew his uncle set it up and he was there at that moment, his head would be flying as well.
And he gives her his hyper weapon everyday as well. Testimonies confirm her moaning loudly almost every night.
Ramius is too fucking cute, she as by far the best chemistry with Aster.
The problem is he basically let it go after his initial autistic ragefit because I don't know why
Because they fucked afterwards, he concluded it doesn't matter because they love each other too much and since he's a knight, he'd punish his Uncle according to the law.
Evenicle 2 has much better MC
Kamidori is absolutely garbage with its h. It's all boring and worst of all completely backloaded. Nothing for hours and then it starts flooding so hard you can't lift your finger off ctrl for a second.
Gurigura carries the whole thing.
Nan is just shit, even after more than 10 years drawing porn.
Judging from how he's getting progressively worse to the point even his clothed girls are starting to look like shit, I'd say its Nan drawing everything.
>up to date international politics
2004 called, they want their memes back
This game was a piece of shit when it wasted a marriage sot on that stupid fucking elf midget bitch and even worst was being forced paired with Towa H-scenes
and worst offence was how Best Girl Natal had such a garbage ending who goes through all the bullshit and in the end when she vows to be a better person for the MC he just goes and fucks off to another retarded as fuck.
Thank god the sequel isnt about Asterisk so retarded even by harem standard MC's
Words of truth, no dubs tho, try again
welcome to the entirety of human history and migration?
Plot was generic and I'd rather read a plotge
Characters were cute but I'd rather read a moege
Combat was complete shit, I'd rather play an actual JRPG
Sex scenes were so uninteresting it made hardcore rape boring, I'd rather read a Nukige
Overall it tried to do a lot of things and did none of them well.
Kath was really cute though.
Any milf to fuck in this? So far all of the girls seems like high school girl.
>Combat was complete shit, I'd rather play an actual JRPG
How is it different from actual JRPG? Because no AAA marketing?
>/vn/kek can only see things through black and whiter prisma
Disregard that autist. How is the combat?
Typical JRPG.
Super basic, sorta like early FF games (but no jobs).
what about Riche's sis
>mfw bought it by accident
i straight-up didn't know it was a porn game
Based, I was thinking the same thing as welll.
I remember getting to that scene and thinking "damn, if all the H scenes in this game are this good then the rest of the game is going to be amazing".
The rest of the game is fine, but nothing tops that scene.
Story is good enough and it has got actual newness, what does make the game stand out is the pornography mixed with the overall silliness and the simple yet engaging mechanics
Right? They're love stories in the mansion are great. They are just two perverts who are open with each other.
When can I fuck the dragons?
Is it actual milf as in mother or wannabe milf?
When you marry them :^)
There is also 3rd dragon and dragon loli sceene
she's just rape fodder for a later chapter
>shit games are fine as long a there are huge milkers and are made by fat nips
the absolute state of this board hahahahahah
but you marry her near the end
you sure about that? hmm, thought Croix was just a rape bait, read that somewhere on the forums
I'm still at the beginning of ch 4, this game's boring af and takes ages to get anywhere
Yes, you can marry her after something happens in the story.
So she is missable? Anything missable?
She isn't missable, none of the wives are but some scenes are a part of a side quest
A legit milf
Can you or someone post that legit milf pic? I'm interested now because of this. Maybe I should buy it.
she has like 2 scenes btw
Cool, I'm super hyped now. Will buy it. I want to fuck actual milf like this.
and that's a good thing
>Evenicle's 2 theme song
Oh lord, I found a new game to play
She's a bad person
Will this ever localized?
Instant garbage
>Final boss theme is a remix of the original theme of the game
Evenicle's OST was pretty mediocre but this made up for it
Is there any game that's like Kamidori Alchemy Meister and Monster Girl Quest?
I tried Rance and Evenicle but couldn't get into either of them.
Why couldn't you get into them?
Rance does h-scenes pretty badly. As for Evenicle the game, the game world and the lore felt barebones. I'm not fan of the flat personalities that seem to appeal to the lowest common denominator weebs in games like Evenicle, Senran Kagura or Hyperdimension Neptunia. In comparison, the two games I liked tried to make their worlds 'believable.'
Was I the only one who thought there was gonna be a twist where she was actually a virgin since her hair covers her crystal?
I think at some point Alice Soft released a "what if" of Evenicle where they replace Aster with Rance.
Indeed you are retard. How is she a Virgin when she's a mother.
Also, I had to stop playing Kamidori because I was playing/fapping to it to the point it was hurting my daily life.
I thought you need to play 30 hours+ before H-scene? So basically near the end already?
The EveRance gaiden stories, yeah. Those were first print/preorder bonus for both Evenicles and are great. Too bad MG didn't bring them when they released the first game.
Kamidori is literally superior in every single way
>inb4 seething hannitards
Just compare their starting zone OST:
FUCK Evenicle. Rance is better.
but she enjoyed it so it wasn't rape
Make it 8-ish hours, also there is NG+ in Kamidori.
Kamidori is better than Evenicle but still very overrated
8 hours until you get bombarded with pussy. It doesn't stop either.
They were trying to appeal to as many people as possible since as a porn game, it's market is very niche and highly competitive.
Just a look-alike easter egg. Ramius and Aster are in Evenicle 2 on Alex's world.
Guri > Ramius > Kath > Riche
Fight me nerds
Tittymonster is worst girl.
>full width font
When is the incel invsion of Yea Forums going to stop? Go back to your containment board.
Erimo, the elf queen, Tio. Croix is more like a big sister.
Back to /resetera/ with you
He needs actual legit milf/mother not a poser milf apparently.
Nah, I like my eroge with voice acting
Why is Rance no voice? Not even in new games?
I don't remember the UI looking like this.
03 has voice acting. It's such a long running series they didn't want to suddenly introduce it since everyone has their own ideas of what Rance sounds like. Also it would be expensive as fuck considering the lengthy scripts of the new games.
Oh, well I guess Mature Sexiness Martel is the only true milf then
>70-90 characters per game
>200+ characters in X
takes too long to get to the H-scenes
in the amount of time I spent in Kamidori I got to 2 h-scenes in Evenicle
There's way too many characters and way too many lines to be voiced, besides the first games didn't have voice acting so it'd be weird if suddenly every character had a voice. Voice acting would only diminish the story
That's when you go back to watch scenes that have already played. I didn't take a screen the first time around but felt I needed to because of how retarded it is.
I don't care what others say, I like her. She's completely bro-tier it's just Kath-fags seething that she becomes the family inventor instead of their girl, and her hesitance to fuck Aster because she looks like a child makes them uncomfortable.
Ah I see
>mfw EOPs will have to wait years for Evenicle 2 and newer Rance games
I genuinely think Rance 10 will come out for you in like 2025 or later.
huh? isn't that sake?
oooh, I see what they did there...
More like never ever. Sengoku is not out despite 100%. Mangagamer is a joke just like Jast.
Don't see any problems.
>SR re-release
>maybe 03+01
cute boy
I'm ready to play it on my deathbed
I'm a Kathfag and I still liked her. The only wife I hated was Tio because she got everyone raped multiple times.
>Mangagamer is a joke just like Jast.
>Rance X – Showdown
>Translation: 24%
Help me out Yea Forums what's her battle cry again?
>Mangagamer is a joke just like Jast
This. I literally have learned Japanese in the time it's taken them to complete Sengoku. I'm not great, but enough where I can play Rance games.
English projects can stay years at 100%.
Back to /vg/ or /jp/ with you, incel.
Based Kath
>Bunny Black
>Kamidori Alchemy Meister
What are some other games or series that have H in them but still have best gameplay that a lot of regular games out there too? This shit is my favorite genre and I only know these 4.
I don't even have time to play Evenicle 2 because of KCD.
>DMC soon
>Sekiro soon
>Silksong announced
How many people work there that they can translate so many things?
Kalars aren't human so it's okay
This thread is videogame related, if you don't like it then fuck off
Didn't Mangagamer said it's coming? When?
I just saw on MG's website that they have two secret projects. What do you think those could be?
No. SP had it, but it's probably fucked. lol EOPs
Guys what is SP 1 and 2. Have they given any hints to what it might be?
Baldr coded by aliens.
And Baldr Exe is translated already. Out of nowhere by some hero.
>the cucked version translated by some N2-kun
RIP in piece Baldr
You can still play fantranslated Baldr Force Standard Edition.
Nothing yet, but in a few weeks, they're gonna start with the convention traveling and announcing shit. We could get Evenicle 2 sooner if it really sold very well.
Why did they not translated 18+ version? Btw who did it?
I get the impression that Eve did really well for them.
I dunno. Probably some barely intermediate Japanese learner. Above that people lose the desire to translate this for free.
I really want Oyako Ranbun senpai
Good. I don't care.
It’s funny that Evenicle took Rance’s Kalar race, saw how much they were getting raped, then decided to just make that their default purpose in this world. The one Kalar who tried to stay pure and have a normal relationship couldn’t even get that.
I would say it's worth it, nothing specially really, took me 35-40 hours to 100% it. I still prefer Evenicle to lets say normal Senran Kagura games since it's the same artist. Bonus points since it's uncut and mosaic free, even on steam.
is eiyuu senki any good?
Nothing posted in this thread has been remotely attractive. Senran Kagura style ripoff with none of the interesting character design or proportions. JEGfags truly have the worst taste.
Nigger it's not a ripoff when it's the same artist.
How can this artstyle be a ripoff if the same artist made both SK and Evenicle?
Is it true Aster is a cuck?
I heard there are some hentai game with gameplay recently funded by kickstarter. A localization by offcial company to be exact. A strategy game like Kamidori if I'm not mistaken. Anyone know what game?
>how can you rip off your own style and do it badly
Mighty No. 9
what do people see in normie vanilla haremshit?
>Senran Kagura style
We live in a timeline where Evenicle is more relevant than Senran Kagura.
>tfw can no longer play eroge or nukige after getting married
I loved Evenicle because of the gameplay, the H is just a bonus on top of that. Same thing with Kamidori, Bunny Black and Rance.
>translating and editing complete. In scripting
What does this mean? They are just a localization company. What scripting?
I'd like to know this as well. Kamidori and Rance 7 are easily my favorite eroge games because they're actually fun to play and really fleshed out. I'm an autist who likes gameplay as well as porn. Evenicle is okay, but it's nothing spectacular.
Thats my wife s*aro.
You picked a bad wife m8, my wife and I played through evenicle and MGQ together.
Scripting means they have to actually put the translated lines into the code of the game and make sure they display correctly and there's no weird errors.
unironically HDoom
Are you suggesting that Inafume made Megaman or that Nan made Senran Kagura? Because both are wrong.
Best timeline.
>tfw no Evenicle 2
>tfw no Bunny Black 3
I’m never going to learn Japanese.
Not like that matters, Senran Kagura went down the shitter a long time ago
They should just make SK a porn series instead. Bonus points when it pisses off yurifags
What is this game? Can't find it in vndb. Oyako saimin?
I heard BB 1 and 2 are utter shit compared to Kami?
Correctly it's Oyako Rankan.
Scripting goes from inserting the text into the engine to hunt for line breaks, translating the UI, editing the CGs, names, switching mosaic CGs with mosaic free ones. You also have other hurdles like for example Sengoku Rance having a 12 character limit, so names longer than that don't get displayed properly. AFAIK the fan-translation just left them untranslated.
There's other smaller things too since generally Japs can't code for shit and their engines are a nightmare to work.
My wife loved saya no uta. I just can't see myself playing these things with her. Should I try? What to do during the lewd moments?
2 is utter shit compared to anything, 1 is just average
Sometimes the lewd is just like another part of the game that you read through, sometimes it puts you in the mood. Either way only good things can happen.
You need to make sure you both have the same fetishes though, don't play through stuff with her if all she's gonna do is go "eugh that's gross" at everything. But if that was the case you shouldn't have married her in the first place.
>We live in a timeline where Evenicle is more relevant than Senran Kagura.
Rightfully where it belongs Yuri is trash and im glad that shitty series is dying
Alicesoft or Eushully?
Alicesoft if you like JRPGs or strategy games
Eushully if you like squad based JRPGs, honorable mention to Softhouse Chara
What is squad based jrpg?
I guess I won't know unless I try. Thanks brah.
Which did porn better between these two?
I liked the concept of having to get to a certain point to marry a girl. Its kinda funny to see the protag be proud about how he has 10 rings on his fingers for all his wifes.
the problem I had is that after the first 4 you get too many girls to care about. the 4 party members you interact with at certain places and they banter eachother, you can see them grow and learn more about them. the later girls just feel like extra girls, you barely get anything from them other than some hscenes. Ironically I would have preferred to be stuck at 4 girls and have more stuff with them rather than a 10 girl roster.
I found the system to be better than an MP systme. in an MP system you either save up all your mana for a boss, or its so plentyful you just spam the most powerful attack constantly. With this system recharging mana is easy and quick but you cannot just use it over and over.
No the 4 girls are the worst girl. I want more scene for later girls.
Is Evenicle 2 translated yet?
>when she asks you to kill her to save her pride but instead you marry her
It just came out
nan got better for Evenicle 2 tho
It came out here in Japan on Friday.
She's a shut-in NEET like character who has a hoarding problem and piss bottles inside her room. She's not wearing any clothes because she's too lazy to do her laundry.
The combat system sucks
How do I break the game so I won't have to grind shit
show proof
i didn't ask you neets when it came out. i asked if it was translated.
>ramius is into porn books
>there is never a scene where she asks you to try something from the porn she read
>all the girls have some relation to eachother
>no threesomes that explore that chemistry
>there is magic but its never used
>a bunch of CG is wasted on rape when vanillafags dont want that, and edgyfags dont want vanilla. shouldve spend the time drawing more vanilla
>all the threesome stuff is only described with no CG
>hasnt made friends with a panda
what a fuckin loser
Just press A to go into auto mode and then hold CTRL to speed it up. There.
You only need manual for a few boss battles.
What do you think dipshit?
>a bunch of CG is wasted on rape when vanillafags dont want that, and edgyfags dont want vanilla. shouldve spend the time drawing more vanilla
/vn/tard pls
Get back to work translating my video games.
Don't worry, you'll get your translated games in 2 or 3 years EOP-kun
I saw some, still shit.
If the game is properly balanced, MP is your most valuable resource. The way RPGs work, if you have two fights back-to-back with the same resources against the same enemies, if you already beat the first group then there's no question you can beat the second. This is especially true if you've leveled up in the meantime. But if every fight slowly drains a finite resource like MP, which you need to heal damage, or use stronger moves to prevent more damage from occurring, then your progress is tempered by how well you managed said resources. And maybe you'll reach a point where you have no choice but to teleport out, resupply, and try again with a better understanding of the dungeon and a stronger party thanks to the EXP you've gained. If you don't have these elements, then progress through an RPG is extremely mindless and unengaging, since you'll just select the same commands and fight the same enemies that get less and less threatening over and over with no incentives to learn anything.
sure you did nerd
I'm going to need pictures of this.
For research.
What the fuck, what kind of boards do you have?
Any milf in 2?
You speak to me in your jap again and i'll have your head Satoshi.
Glad you believe me.
I aint seeing the whole set just to answer that.
NSFW obviously
Good taste.
Why does this not show up when I search in e-h?
Because you touch yourself at night
Brehs, more often than not I find CGs or other art of girls more fappable when it's the girl lewdly clothed and/or undressing rather than openly naked.
That's common.
Definitely a different artist. Riche looks NOTHING like herself and Ramius is very poorly drawn.
Because e fags should be shot in the streets
Ex is for newfags who didn't pick up legacy Ads-Be-Gone or get their account elevated in the early days. Or donate to gold star level, but fuck that.
At that point g.e becomes a strictly superior version of sad panda.
>lost my account for panda in 2015
>still can't register no matter what I trying to do
Last time I tried was 2017. Did they banned Russian IPs for panda or something?
VenusBlood Frontier. Plays closer to Sengoku Rance than it does to Kamidori though.
Is this a good game?
Haven't played the whole thing so I can't really say. They have a demo on their website you can try out though. I thought it was pretty fun.
Only if you are into tentacles, rape and corruption since that's 50+% of the game.
I suffer from brain damage, how do you get into g.e?
Also for sad panda, do you need an extension to open the log in page?
I don't know but for me I can only log in when I'm not in incognito mode, otherwise it doesn't let me
If it's just an easter egg, then Alicesoft got some really angsty sense of humor.
Pic related
>people unironically think that's canon
You need to defeat the panda in honorable combat in the g.e website and then he lets you pass through the icebears hiking in the woods to the Loli principality where you can gain access to the login screen
Wtf I see a nipple. Please think about the 4channel advertisers!
Why is everything that threatened 4channel advertisers start with N?
It's too late, I'm already pulling my advertisements from this website. I do not want my christian children to see a squirrel's tentacle penis.
i bought the sequel and am patiently waiting for a translation patch.
any word on one being worked on?
NOOOO you can't do this. Think of the children.
It seems you didn't think this through. There will be no patch, just a separate English release maybe.
incognito means proxy and they ban most of public proxies
I bet you it's one of the secret projects.
It was funny thing to spam when Evenicle was released
Those are probably Rance 01/02/03, they need to get them translated before releasing Rance X
Really? Why?
We'll see but I'm putting my money on Eve 2 translation.
Did they translate more Rance games?
they did, they're just taking their sweet time releasing them
Sengoku, Quest and IX are all sitting at 100%
I mean most people would prefer to play the remakes of the first games before playing the final game in the series right?
03 is 10/10 game
fight me
What's g.e?
Or are you talking about e-hentai?
Not really.
It used to be in the past.
oh well ill just buy the english version if it comes out before a translation patch
looks like a flat daidouji. isn't is great?
I haven't played Rance games from Quest to onwards, but you already lose tons of plotlines, lore and characters by not having played I, II, III and IV. I heared that Rance X ties everything together so it'd be really stupid to play it when you haven't played all the previous games.
If the secret project is Oyako. How mad will you be?
But they told me 4 is terrible by current standard and it's story is irrelevant.
I still reflexively call it g.e, though with the server move/site redesign they got rid of the gallery prefix. g.e used to be a more defining shortener for the main site, "e" doesn't stand out enough and "e-" just looks awkward.
IV is pretty terrible, but it introduces a lot of lore and characters returning in Kichikuou, VI, IX and X as well. The guy who called it irrelevant was a retard
Semi-related, but what Rance has the most anal and does Evenicle have a good amount of it?
Based. All cute anime girls need intense anal.
laurent da bes
When is a new Taimanin getting a translation?
Rance discovers anal in VI
Rance is way too much of a vanillafag for anal, the only translated game that has it is VI.
Which is shittier Jast or sp?
I'm I going to edge for 20hrs before said scenes?
They don't release anything and keep shilling old translated titles.
The worst part is that they have Nitro+ license. It's jsut theory but no one release Nitro games for a reason. They're cancer.
Literally every release by SP was marred by problems.
And? We got NOTHING from Jast. To quote from certain man, It's better than nothing.
>Fuck Hannies desu
piss off, blasphemer
the priestess and kalars had the best scenes, also Silent best girl
Are you like those Fuwashitters that welcome edited machine translations?
Release > sitting on license for DECADE and don't release anything at all. Like hostage. Look at Nitro+ titles. A lot of them are western audience friendly. Hell even twitch audience. Cool and fancy. It's $$$
I welcome bro posting.
This is why you get trampled by everyone, EOPs.
>trampled by everyone
If you know Japanese why are posting in EOP thread? Instead of 2chan or 5ch or /jp/? Why are you cares about EOP and translations?
Literally only JOPs shitter are mad at edited machine translation. Just play your moonrune game and fuck off to 2ch.
Because to lol at you EOPs I have to know the depths of your EOPness.
Wow, someone really got salty. I sense you tried to learn Japanese, but couldn't do it.
Btw the Japanese site to discuss eroge is neither 2chan, not 5ch.
Stay mad bro at your precious Japanese games machine translation KEK.
>learn Japanese
What a clown. Learning ancient language for his weeb. Keep it up David-san.
>implying sharting isn't the best
>what if my dick tentacles also had tentacles?
Idiotic spic.
>literally boiling
It's so fun making a fool out of David-san
>Because to lol at you EOP
So you trying to show off and feel special in thread where no one know Japanese instead of discussing VNs with other people who know Japanese or japs? That's pretty pathetic. Are you underage?
He doesn't really know Japanese either. It's obvious from his replies. Pretty much underage or just desperate for attention.
is there a way to get nude sprites? I heard there was an item you can grind for in chapter 6
Stop being salty, faggot.
It's written by a woman and it seems no man deflowered her butt yet.
Nisp hate anal except to humiliate
This site is 18+ tryhard. But give me more (you). I like it.
He probably knows. I recognize him. It's user who shitposting about N2/N3 levels. In Yea Forums and /jp/. Great example that learning language will not make you better person and that even underage shitposter can learn JP
Yeah, I got that item. It's literally a random drop, I got it in Chapter 4. You can equip it in slot #3 and the girl will be using her underwear sprite e.g. the same as in Kath in that scene in the OP.
Wait what? I just bought this under the impression that there'd only be rape and stuff at worst
tfw played an hour of Euphoria blind and immediately uninstalled
>piss bottles
Absolutely disgusting. But also bonus points for being a true kindred spirit.
Yet you can't.
Is that so? Actually kids are better at learning new language so I guess it's not that surprising. But it's really funny how he's so triggered by machine translation.
There are scenes where they brutally rape and murder people later in the game. It's super jarring considering the rest of the game is a cutesy moe slice of life with vanilla sex.
You can still refund if you absolutely can't handle it.
Evenicle 2 might just be a shameless rehash of the first game with more brown, but it's also the first Alicesoft game to get me legitimately hard. It's not just that Nan finally got better and past his slump of retarded expressions with his nu-art, it's also that it seems after 30 years of existing Alicesoft at long fucking last realized how vital context is for eroticism, and that's a good thing.
If they're uncommon and can be skipped then I'll deal but if they make up a solid chunk of the H-scenes I'm gonna tap out
You're the subhuman using that shit.
I have real skill that you can't learn drawing. And I learned how to draw from 0.
Generally speaking there's 1 brutal rape scene per each chapter + sometimes 1 comical rape scene (e.g. various tentacle monsters).
Believe in Aster, his family, and their friends. Overcome evil, and all will be well for those that could be saved.
Cool, but I only enjoy Japanese anime-style art, not your Tumblr type.
There's like 1 for each chapter, though the game has like almost 50 H-scenes overall.
You can easily CTRL through them since they are really short.
I like it. Machine translation games are so cool bro. Who the fuck need ancient language for his mommy weeb games? You? My bad.
>they are really short.
Fuck no, I tried reading that Colpis scene in chapter 1 and it took fucking forever with them drugging her and taking turns raping her.
Alicesoft's stories are usually pretty good. Evenicle is like a saturday morning cartoon but with sex and rape
>Natal getting assraped was hot
get the FUCK off my board
Haughty Ojous are the one redeemable thing to come from that god forsaken island nation, so why did they have to treat her the way they did?
I draw Japanese-anime style art. Why tumblr? And if you want to show off you should learn how to draw. At least try it. You can make fun of /ic/, since a lot anons in /ic/ want to draw in manga style.
Haughty ojou-samas are the literally created for anal sex.
Anal is for literal fags. God created a perfect self lubricating hole that literally acts as the gateway to new life and you'd rather dip your wick in a feces bin? I get homos use it out of necessity but what's wrong with you?
I think there is also the naked emperor which makes the sprite nude. I guess I will grind
Your existence offends me.
Sue him.
I know it is an alicesoft game, but it comes off as trying to appeal to everyone at once. The people who got the game for the vanilla stuff will have to skip thru the non vanilla stuff and vice versa. It makes it a drag for both audiences
And spanking
But I like both?
Because I tell the truth? You know I'm right
The ANUS that you want to put your DICK in is where literal, unironic SHIT comes out of. Only people who enjoy the smell of shit plunge that hole.
You're the 1%.
how many games the rance series has?
i found to download
is the first game realy only 1 mb?
MC is worst part of Evenicle.
It's dos game bro.
Not him, but I much prefer the vanilla stuff. But the dark stuff was still very effective in raising the stakes and making me feel engaged. I wanted to protect the vanilla life after all, and it made me feel like a hero when I did.
Makes me think of Toshin Toshi 2 where as you go on the sex and acts you need to do for it become increasingly terrible and feature shit like anal raping a child and genociding a sentient species with your dick.
oh boy, 80s hentai games then?
You are very gay.
The first game is an average sized pre-windows adventure game and nothing more. It was to fit on a floppy disk.
Those were the times. It's pretty good though for what it's worth. If you can get over the dated visuals etc.
11 games. some with remakes, remakes add 0 in front of the number.
How am I gay if I beat my meat and went out of my way to acclimate as much sin as I could? I'm just saying tonally it reminded of that.
When should I play remake taking gameplay into consideration?
When you learn Japanese.
Old classic games are very dated. Play Kichikuou.
Yeah Kichikou is probably a good start.
You can always play the classic games afterwards. But Kichikou -> 6 -> Sengoku should be a pretty good start I think.
Kichikou is amazing too so it's fun this way.
Or you can play 02 > 6 or start from 6
Actually I know Japanese so I want to know the order I should play. If I'm playing the remake first I'm afraid it will make 4 and the rest becomes boring. I'm not thingking of playing classic 1-3 just remake.
Do this then
01 > 02 > 03 > IV+4.1+4.2 (Optional) > Kichikou (Optional but still highly recommended) > 5D > VI > Sengoku Rance > Rance Quest Magnum > Rance IX > Rance X
So playing remakes first won't ruin the rest of the series gameplay?
Stop having autism and you'll be able to enjoy any good game any time.
>Stop having autism
where do you think we are?
If you're worried about the games right after the remakes feeling jarring and don't want to wait for them to be remade too, then I would just recommend you to just power through the originals quick regardless. They're quite short so you can get through them in like a day each or so. Perhaps even two in one day.
That said. Kichikou is unironically a good starting point regardless. Kichikou is a great introduction to the world of Rance at large since it actually takes place in most of it. It's a grand style game that really conveys what type of character Rance is and by extension what type of stories the Rance games are.
Then you can move either backwards or forwards from there.
Nah can't do. I have austism.
Does Evenicle take place in the same world as Rance?
They have different gameplay you can say.
"Modern" remakes are 01 and 03. 02 is "old" remake. You will notice difference in quality instantly between 01 and 02.
Every game has different gameplay, so it's okay. The only problem you could get is going to be the change for the moderm style to the old one.
Maybe, Rance 01 is not that great gameplaywise and Rance 02 is a literal remake of the game, all the shitty mechanics and outdated gameplay is still there. Rance 03 on the other hand is amazing and a complete overhaul of the original. The original games are non-canon now anyways and there are some new characters introduced in the remakes.
No, they're different worlds that share a lot of the same creatures
While Kichikou is great but have most brutal Rance isn't skipping Kichikou will be good idea if you don't know anything about Rance? Kichikou spoil a lot things in X. Does anyone here experienced X without knowledge from Kichikou?
I wish more games had spanking.
I heard Rance make cameo in Evenicle 2 and fucks one of the main villain. Is it true?
Nah by the time X comes out. A lot of fags already forgot what happened in Kichikou.
So how is Evenicle 2?
That's probably Everance, a small game that comes with the preorder
The Cartel is liking it so far.
Those fags still exist?
>Tactical Roadrace Simulation
TLwiki is completely dead this time, but the guys are there, sharing and working on stuff. Moogy made soemthing with Makoto But Jast is being Jast with their title.
Based alicesoft faggot
Alicesoft does have an edgy and angsty sense of humor.
X is basically one huge Kichikuou love letter, skipping it to avoid spoilers is like playing through IX without beating Mamatoto.
Where can I pirate this?
On the internet, retard.
Yeah sure let me get fucked over on a site that claims to have it. I'll just get a virtual machine.
Man I already can tell Charlotte is going to be my favorite Evenicle 2 wife.
I'm in the middle of Evenicle but are there any other commercially released English versions of real games? Not just VN. What I like about Evenicle is the actual gameplay, H is just bonus for later.
Still 720p. Why??
Alicesoft in general are RPG makers with erotic content. If you want more of the company, Rance VI+ 5D is there, with Beat Blade Haruka in the more resource management + Turn Base RPG.
>Still 720p. Why??
Most Japs don't have desktop PC's. They game on the consoles and only have small laptops for the computer stuff and eroge, hence the low ass resolutions on all these games.
You only play it because it's basically the closest thing you'll ever get to actual Senran Kagura porn. Some of the characters are uncannily close to the girls from that game.
>redeye whitehaired semendemon
I played it because it's Alicesoft, not because I give a shit about Senran Kagura.
i hope you can actually switch out your later wives
isn't this game just 3rd rate rance
Yeah, got it for Senran Kagura porn, stay for Ramius.
Its a pretty fun romp of a game. I think they went overboard with the main character being such a fuckin perv though.
Girl on the left better be a barefooted waifu
I never really liked Ramius all that much. But Charlotte looks to be quite intelligent, at times seductive, coffee-colored, and comes with a stacked little sister to have threesomes with. Clearly superior in just about every way.
You're in luck, you degenerate footfag
Wellp. time to preorder
I bet she's the best girl on Evenicle 2
Her and her sister appear to be a solid 1-2 punch
>Better combat
>Better MC
>Better heroines
>Better game flow
>Story that doesn't feel like a bunch of random SoL mini adventures put together, and more like an actual odyssey
>Better art
I thought parts of it were funny, but I don't remember the story being particularly special.
>and comes with a stacked little sister to have threesomes with.
yeah, just like those threesomes in evenicle one with the girls.
Last time riche and ramius had a threesome they just left the early fucking all up to the imagination adn instead just showed riche getting plowed. Seriously, its like the devs have this harem idea but their brains are too eroded by harem SOL shit that they cannot understand the concept of showing two girls being fucked at the same time side by side
The hope is Evenicle 2 will improve on that issue. There are a few more multi-girl scenes in the cgs.
evenicle one was such a disappointement. Even though you have a full harem you only fuck them one by one. Even though half of the girls are into porn they never use them for anything. Just think about it, how many BJs are in the game, how much paizuri, how much anal, how much toys, how many times does another girl get all hot and bothered and start going full yuri, how often do they use the clone seeds.
yeah, like once, just to tick a box. other than that its vaginal sex, non-porn CG (and even those are lacking), rape, or just dialogue. even moege has more spicy scenes
Good thing 2 literally starts with a loli scene from when the protagonist was a kid
Is Evenicle 2 just a VN? Its not an rpg or anything?
It's an RPG.
>Is Evenicle 2 just a VN?
So anyone know what Aster is doing in Evenicle 2? Why isn't he going around kicking ass?
Why do we need Dr Dick?
>erveryone watches some slutty princess get used as a cumsleeve
>be forced to waste one of your marriage slots for used goods
>The game outright tells you that you can technically keep getting more marriage slots if you keep kicking ass, even after reaching the rank of Zero Knight
>Implying one can be wasted
Aster can technically make his way up to unlimited pussy.
Here's the gameplay introduction on the official site.
So assuming Archfiend Adam's body was blown up across all the worlds, wouldn't that mean there could be like 6 Evenicle games?
-left Arm
-right arm
-Leg leg
-right leg
>all these pedophiles giving (You)'s
a lot of alicesoft games have some really goofy fucking enemies
not even mad, that just got me by suprise
Does that include you?
I don't think Alicesoft even does "just a VN"s
Do these games have anal?
They did the Rance I and II digests
Lounging around fucking Ramius. It's what he would have spent the entirety of Evenicle 1 doing (if he even got that far), if Riche didn't force him to make something of himself. All he wanted to do was fuck girls, but he never would have had the drive or opportunity to succeed as a Knight once he started fucking Ramius and never would have achieved his dream of fucking his sisters.
i get you, man. they're always a fun surprise.
Didn't some parts of him end up in Rance's world? That's the connection between all of the worlds, yes?
Technically what constitutes as rape is how the girl feels at the end. If it starts as consensual but then she changes her mind at the end, that's rape. Similarly, if it starts out as non consensual, but then she likes and wants it at the end, it's no longer rape.
Therefor, you must always make sure to end on a positive note however long it takes.
Years ago I found the idea of facesitting pretty repulsive. I remember seeing someone on Yea Forums post about it and thinking he's a weirdo.
Now I want anime girl butts on my face for all eternity,
She was forcibly injected with euphoria-inducing drugs. The rape ruined her entire life, she wasn't happy about it. Just because she turns it to her advantage later doesn't negate that it was rape.
So where are all of his other wives at?
The setting is surprisingly interesting and the story itself is fun enough to keep you interested. The idea of the world itself is way more interesting than the story though, like most cases with japanese games.
this one belongs to me
Seems like they might have gotten split up when they jumped worlds. Maybe Aster got divided into multiple copies himself again and so each girl is wandering with their own Aster on each world now. He is QD's descendant after all. If she can spread versions of herself across all the worlds, maybe he could do it to, if accidentally.
Fucking her lazy ass was the best thing in the game.
>when the lead saint uses countermagic to stop the anti-pregnancy spells riche was using.
>Colpis is Best Girl
>Can't marry her
Then what the fuck is even the point of playing this game?
>Maybe Aster got divided into multiple copies himself again
I fear for the female population of the world if that happens.
Hot Take: Rape is disgusting and it being forced into every Japanese H-Game or Adult VN is getting fucking old already
You are very gay,
>wanting to marry a multi-rape victim
hot take: without rape, you wouldn't have been conceived.
Rape is disgusting in real life, but this is a fictional world in a product and is not forced if they're used for a reason, like in this game.
But you marry an even bigger whore that unironically enjoys taking huge monster cock while being broadcasted on national television????
nigga you just don't understand
>is not forced if they're used for a reason
That's a bad excuse because just like in Rance anything you get afterwords is an afterthought and the true "reward" of the scene or event is the rape scene itself
monster cock doesn't count.
>Rape[...]being forced into every Japanese H-Game or Adult VN
Don't you see? By including ludicrous amounts of rape, they are making a grander statement about the forced inclusion of rape, and how you can't stop it from happening no matter how hard you struggle. They are raping the rape.
hottest girl
How do you guys feel about japan caving to ps4 censorship. Is this the beginning of the end
Or maybe, just a hunch
They are doing it because their primary audience are virgins who want to live a power fantasy
Which I'm not even saying as a "lol fukken incels" thing because I'm a weeb virgin as well
And I think you don't understand Rance's personality nor the reason why is he uses sex as reward. And you could say is an afterthought but the fact that the rape was the reason and used for the creation of one relationship (which could be both in the good or bad way) is a good use of the sexual act to create the story.
>They are doing it because their primary audience are virgins who want to live a power fantasy
Exactly, they are subverting expectations. You go in expecting a fetish you want and then, bam, like a cock straight in your mouth you're bombarded with shit you don't want but keep soldiering through. They have raped you and your sensibilities, and you are now stronger as a result. It may have hurt the first time, but as you masturbated through the horror, you turned that weakness into a strength, a new fetish. What started in pain ended in pleasure, and you are now ready to continue and broaden your horizon. Truly, works of art.
>And I think you don't understand Rance's personality nor the reason why is he uses sex as reward
I'm not talking about the character, I'm talking about the game series as a whole
The entire series was "How can we add this sex scene in as a player reward?"