Kill skeleton

>kill skeleton
>bone (206)

Attached: 1520026203495.png (701x621, 399K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Skeleton wields a scimitar

Attached: Deek2.jpg (369x434, 31K)

>watch anime
>virginity (soulbound)

Attached: 1473683353781.jpg (425x376, 45K)

>QUEST: Collect 5 Boar Livers
>kill boar

Attached: nani.jpg (917x942, 121K)

>kill rat
>wallet with pictures of baby rats

Attached: 1480038086651.jpg (324x324, 20K)

Name one (1) game.

>kill skeleton
>wallet with pictures of baby skeletons

Attached: 1505102422318.png (1039x887, 437K)

>kill wolf
>an item drops in a sack
>pick up sack
>"Wolf Pelt"
>wolf still has fur on its dead body

Attached: xd.jpg (1024x1024, 659K)

>kill small boar
>Greatsword (x2)

Attached: 1512516745614.jpg (400x400, 17K)

>kill rat
>[Rat] has been added to your inventory

Attached: all smiles.jpg (379x568, 116K)

>kill wallet
>picture of wallet with baby pictures

Attached: 1538438595350.jpg (750x733, 66K)

Sonic Heroes

how would you kill a skeleton while leaving all 206 bones salvageable?

every bone is different so would they all be in the same item stack or would there be a separate item name for every single different bone?

there's two pastes (basically that game's slimes) sharing a bed in shining soul 2 and if you kill them you can pick up an item called "baby paste" where they were sleeping, it's a single use item that can be thrown at enemies to reduce their speed.

>Kill giant skyscraper sized monster
>Loot: Many human sized guns

Attached: louis-ck-leaked-set-parkland.jpg (2000x1333, 237K)

>Kill a spider
>loot it
>Found: Bone (1)

Attached: gahm.png (504x404, 228K)

>Can't loot enemy weapons
>Can only use identical weapons that have been left lying about.

>cut off dragons tail
>katana drops

>follower is swallowed whole by monster
>kill monster
>can loot follower's gear from it

Attached: 1527479798831.jpg (1600x900, 280K)

you fucked up, you destroyed the liver while killing the boar

Attached: 1424270308393.png (180x182, 38K)

dispel magic

Attached: 1536089891287.gif (482x560, 200K)

>kill cyclops
>cyclops eye (2)

Attached: crabcloseupshowingbubblesCarlPendlePhotolibraryGettyImages-56859cc73df78ccc15e6e707.jpg (768x512, 49K)

>kill bear
>drops full suit of platemail

Attached: 1536595829566.png (309x411, 155K)

>Kill zebra for hooves
>get Kang the Decapitator and Tuft of fur
>no hooves

>kill giant
>drops human-sized equipment

The boar was an alcoholic, obviously.

>kill self

Attached: 1549654223790.png (300x329, 226K)

has there been a game or other media about a deformed cyclops that was born with two eyes and shunned by other cyclops?

stop killing baby skeletons

>item requires a monkey tail to build
>kill a monkey
>no tail
>monkey tails are only dropped by gorillas
>1 in 1,1500 droprate

Attached: large.jpg (750x743, 48K)

>game lets you loot armor from NPCs you kill
>find NPC with super awesome unique armor
>can't loot it
Fuck Oblivion and its Palace Guards.

Attached: bubblebass activates izanami.jpg (800x596, 32K)

>kill skeleton
>bone fragment (2652)
poor guy

Attached: 1527772679224.png (870x1174, 53K)


>find baby
>equip it
>it's a shield

Attached: 1533013097937.gif (300x168, 285K)

>kill skeleton
>bone (1)

Attached: 1539191431705.jpg (512x512, 26K)

Enemies in their last dying breath bite down on their weapons until they break and with their bare hands break every single bit of ammo in their possession in half.
It's basic military procedure, user.

>Thief can steal items
>Except they cant steal good items for balance reasons

Attached: 1550985742256.jpg (612x381, 58K)

He was wearing a coat made of another wolf.

>kill rat
>unconscious rat has been added to your inventory
>it's a consumable item that spawns a rat
WoW was pretty ok sometimes

Looks like Elma from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.

yeah but it's not cool-kyou's art style, so it's not from the official manga

FFXIV has a Monocular Biclops, but that's about it.

Maybe it was a furry knight that cosplayed as a bear?

>kill ???
>Shoggoth Flesh (9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

>kill mudcrab
>iron helmet
>iron pauldron
>iron cuirass
>iron rerebrace
>iron plackart
>iron couter
>iron vambrace
>iron faulds
>iron gauntlets
>iron cuisses
>iron greaves
>iron sabatons
>iron shield
>iron sword

>this makes the pickpocket skill useless other than for fun
Annoys the shit out of me.

>cut off a monster's tail
>no tail in the rewards

Attached: 1474088765449.jpg (800x733, 80K)

that's stupid, in real life all weapons, munitions and other equipment have built in cynaide caplets they break open to prevent capture by the enemy

>let's the save the game before messing once with something that'll irredeemably ruin the save if you save again
>in the process of messing around you acquire the infamous

Attached: 1448058493894.jpg (640x640, 210K)

>kill bandit
>Kidney Stones (6), Varicocele (1), Teratoma (1)

>kill skeleton
>Bonemeal x6
>"Bonemeal is a finely ground powder with modest magical properties made from the bones of the bonewalker, an undead creature often found guarding ancestral tombs."
poor guy

Attached: 04-5.jpg (546x416, 44K)

Obviously you cut it off wrong so the valuable parts are too damaged to be of any use you fucking retard

>kill enemy
>loot: 4 bullets

>reload save
>enemy shoots more than four bullets


Attached: pepe4.png (550x535, 198K)

Yeah, but that only happened after cyanide became mass produced in recent years. In the old days people had to do it the hard way. In all sci-fi games it is implied that the industrial cyanide complex has fallen apart.

>kill spider

>pickpocket an enemy
>Kidney (1)

monhun dicksuckers out

>kill rat
>humanity (1)

>kill enemy
>photo of family (1)

Attached: 1523348789198.png (909x584, 185K)

>tail is a 1 in 1,500 drop

Attached: Demonic Gorillas.png (514x241, 16K)

What's the drop?

I actually finished this game a couple of days ago and I'm genuinely curious. Is it the Taming Wand?

>kill female NPC
>no clitoris in list
when will someone finally make a game which allows me to live out my fantasies.

>Thief can steal items
>It's completely useless except on a few enemies with extremely rare items
>You only fight them in the endgame
>You can only fight them once

>kill bandit
>Uterus (1)
why was this included in the modpack who thought it was a good idea aaa

Holy sword?

>Swat butterflies with a giant hammer
>Pristine Butterfly Wing (1)


monhun complainers out

the recipie is 30 rathian spikes, not 30 broken rathian spikes

pet the pig faggot

This one has a lore explanation at least.

>kill baby
>loot Umbilical cord
>eat Umbilical cord

>kill monster
>it drops an item belonging to a monster in the same area

Attached: 1550922035209.jpg (2000x2129, 344K)

>kill skeleton
>suddenly overburdened
>check inventory
>Skull (60)

>game lets you throw your shield

Attached: ctrl alt delete the movie.gif (434x316, 1.99M)

Fuck this so much

the rats are baby darkwraiths?

>enemy plays dead
>carve it
>"Head" obtained
>monster wakes up
>steals the head back
Guess the game, and yes this actually happened to me and the odds of it happening are really low.

>kill female NPC
>loot clothes
>NPC is naked

Attached: 1485386780773.png (269x335, 6K)

>sneak up behind enemy with a unique heart item
>loot heart item
>enemy dies

they were eating the corpses

>kill a lone undead
>equipment from one of the previous game's characters

Attached: 1438156792187.png (457x396, 184K)

I am pretty sure most of the enemies in bards tale dropped family pictures from time to time

Is Humanity present in sewage?

Same girl?

Attached: 1533398254874.png (386x594, 91K)

maybe you hit that one perfectly and just grazed one wing so the other one wasn't damaged

based gypceros

That part of Skyrim was pretty fun.

>Kill ent
>300 certificates that can be exchanged for logs

>kill npc
>chastity belt (1)
>cock ring (1)
>scrotum clamp (1)
>anal plug (1)
>shibari ropes (10)

>cut off a monsters tail
>tail (x2)

Attached: 1525148684303.png (475x543, 164K)

>kill first enemy
>it drops a ton of loot
>narrator gets tired of listing off all the drops so he just skips them in the future
>nothing drops from enemies after that

No. Bochi doesn't think she's terrible (and she's right).

>QUEST: Collect 5 Boar Livers
>kill boar
>[Boar Liver] (x3)

Attached: claire_face_confused2.jpg (310x313, 25K)

Whats the point of Superbosses and final bosses having Loot, anyway?
Like there is no point to this shit unless you want the player to fuck around in new game +, maybe

Attached: 1550956099347.jpg (1560x1425, 600K)

It stole them from the boars that don't drop any.

Obviously the soldiers it ate you dumbo.

>kill female zombie
>skull (2)

Attached: 1457162098730.jpg (255x255, 19K)

EO4 had you literally grinding the final boss for the most powerful materials in the game
Completely unnecessary but damn does it feel good to beat the Superboss Modifier-less with it

The sewage in dark souls is probably 100% liquefied hollows at this point, a talented chemist might be able to extract all the aggregated humanity without using the rats as a catalyst but it seems like only seath had any interest in research

You got it user. Your reward is this screenshot of the probably the worst MH player I almost got the pleasure to play with back in 4U. They DC'd from the room shortly after I was able to take this pic. I really wanted to see how bad they were.

Attached: The best French player.jpg (320x240, 68K)

>kill monster
>obtained Head (3)
>monster only had one head
I am super scared right now

>Kill Badger in distant remote part of the map, it's got slightly different stats than other badgers
>Left Ear of Zorok the Sorcerer (99)
>Just killed Zorok and took his left ear as a trophy not twenty minutes ago
>game is single player

Attached: 2spook.jpg (320x181, 12K)

>kill skeleton
>300 oak planks

Attached: Vetion.png (512x373, 28K)

>Open dumpster.
>Human fetus.

Attached: images[1].png (225x225, 4K)

>kill small enemy
>drops a coloring book

Attached: cavesponge.jpg (4096x2540, 415K)

technically it's just a voucher for 300 oak planks.

>farm an enemy for materials
>scales or tails never drops
>meanwhile your storage is filled to the brim with the crystallized soul of the said enemy that only occurs once every 1,000 years and can only be harvested during the eclipse of the blood moon
Shit like this makes me want to believe that there truly are forces out there that controls one's outcome in life. And if they are real why the fuck are they using their powers to fuck with some lonely virgin's vidya experience.

Attached: 1474156091148.png (566x420, 112K)

That just raises further questions.

>500 faints in total
I refuse to believe that somebody can play that much monster hunter and still suck that hard, I mean he can't have a 100% loss rate

>Kill Badger in distant remote part of the map, it's got slightly different stats than other badgers
>it's a snake
>oh, it's big.

>open inventory
>all your items disappear

Attached: 1527283336110.jpg (672x560, 75K)

>Open chest
>a rag and a bottle of green kool-aid

Attached: 1550944504323.jpg (552x528, 23K)

I swear man it's fucking real. I was amazed that they played for just 124 hours and have 500 faints. That's like a faint every 15 minutes. I really wish they didn't DC. I wanted to experience a quest with them. I don't even think I would've been mad if they triple carted.

Jesus christ grandpa go to bed.

He was building a house for his skeleton family and you killed him when he was on his way to pick up the lumber he already paid for

>kill mantis
>parasitic worm (1)

>it eventually disappears from your inventory

Attached: MetallicExcellentBellsnake-size_restricted[1].gif (435x250, 1.65M)

>kill enemies wielding a pretty good sword
>5% drop rate
>never drops
>I can still see the dead corpse wielding that damn thing

Attached: 150645165563.jpg (318x313, 13K)

>kill dragon
>taiyaki (1)

Attached: 1544190660382.png (601x846, 422K)

>kill enemy in pvp
>no loot

why even pvp?

Attached: 362.jpg (702x558, 128K)

>New Quest.
>Go swimming.
>Reminder: You really feel like swimming right now.

>kill female character
>penis (1)

Attached: 1550089968805.png (322x375, 141K)

dont you want to make your number into an even bigger number?

>kill enemy in pvp
>he drops me a Xbox Live Message
>my mom is gay
what a twist

>kill rat
>rat (50)

>Rob the chosen of God
>get 11000 yen

user is a fucking monster

I mean it's incredible, I am pretty sure a literal 5 year old would get the hang of dodging after 100 hours trough sheer muscle memory. Kinda impressed he's still trying tho

>Kill enemy in PvP
>25 Dragon Bones

>bone fragment (2652)
what did you do to that poor guy?

Attached: calm down son.png (500x385, 83K)

>New Mission: find and kill its children

Attached: F0924509-7596-4586-AEB9-02329996554C.jpg (341x432, 26K)

>carry around vampire dust at all times
>enemy kills me
>loots me

Attached: 1544457950817.jpg (540x519, 45K)

Yeah I'm sure if I was that bad I would stop playing, but they kept trying and trying. I like to think eva is still trying to this very day.

>Kill boss with awesome armor
>only the helmet can be taken

Attached: 1458249604176.jpg (600x600, 53K)

Post your mom feminine penis.

Is The Noob Comic completely dead? It had its charm and it was funny to learn all the old school MMO stuff through it.

project zomboid?

>kill enemy in pvp
>it's the same shit you are wearing right now
>it's only the same as your's because you were wearing the previous pvp enemy's equipment which also happens to be the same as what you have obtained now
>the previous enemy had obtained that shit from killing another enemy in pvp, who also just happened to be wearing the shit looted from you
This was a very real thing in a very real game.

Attached: 1447694480745.gif (195x229, 1.29M)

[updated] return to the eunuch for your reward

>kill enemy
>it drops a picture of its Yea Forums family

Lmao rekt

>Kill a Janitor
>1 hot pocket
>0 gold
oh noo....

>QUEST: kill 40 skeletons
>deep in the undead dungeon, overburdened with skeleton loot, finally kill the last skeleton
>quest completed
>as a reward, 60 skulls immediately appear in your inventory
fuck dragon's dogma

Nioh? I am so fucking tired of seeing that red armor everywhere, nearly as bad as the princess dress in DD:DA

I never thought I would live long enough to see someone mention The Noob here. Or anywhere in general.

Attached: 1512538683487.jpg (422x348, 14K)

put them on your pawns retard

God the loot system was a mistake in Nioh.

I already have 99 virginities in my storage from grinding the Yea Forums dungeon but I've yet to get a single gold drop from one, seriously fuck this

>play overwatch
>autism (bind on pickup)

Don't underestimate Yea Forums. It's about the only place in the internet that can still surprise me how much they care about things forgotten everywhere else.

Attached: image.png (530x350, 39K)

I was farming points for the transformations and I was drowning in fifty identical armor sets at any given moment, I can't believe none of the devs anticipated that it would turn out like this

My brother from another mother. I've been periodically revisiting it in hopes I would see a new comic one day.

Attached: 1510384826852.jpg (257x200, 12K)

you just reminded of pretty much the entire metro tomfoolery on the hardcore difficulty at least
>find stash of various loot
>you can clearly visually see multiple cartridges,bullets,shotgun shells,,etc
>1 rifle bullet added

Attached: 1384277307414.png (424x470, 139K)

>kill skeletons

Attached: 1550487489528.png (488x426, 95K)

>loot ur mom
>virginity (1)
>it's mine

Attached: 1451218900586.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

>kill swarm of insects with sword
>full plate

>Kill animated full plate armor.
>1 boar liver.

>kill baby
>wallet with pictures of parents
>they are the final boss

Attached: shit just got real.gif (260x187, 1006K)


>kill giant spider
>get one of its fangs
>attach fang to one of its legs
>make a scythe

Attached: 1501517183538.gif (400x225, 1.52M)


>loot carriage
>it's consumable

Liver cancer metastases.

I swear I know that face from somewhere...

Attached: 1511581012318.png (1280x1002, 1.21M)

>kill enemy
>a gun with slight differences in dmg and firerate than the one I currently have equipped

Attached: 1539490112935.jpg (362x374, 64K)

>kill self
>find your body after spawning
>"[Item] added to inventory" message a hundred times

Other than the disgaea games, what are some games that break this trope?
In disgaea, a handful of the best, endgame, gamebreaking items can only be obtained by having a thief in your party who can steal them off bosses or high powered enemies. It's also a really quick way to gear out parties at just about anypoint in the game by stripping enemies of loot on the same map over and over again.


Attached: 1533013934839.png (400x400, 193K)

damn it, guild wars 2

Attached: 495px-Shooshadoo_wielded.jpg (495x600, 49K)

>kill skeleton
>drops 3 gold

Attached: 1549490419802.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Topium Kekium

Bottles and cans just clap your hands

>loot enemy
>Bitcoin (1)

>kill wallet
I hate gatcha games

Don't ever use the phrase "Topium Kekium" again.

What happens if I do?

Attached: 1477166021011.png (336x366, 96K)

Topium Kekium

Attached: 1541923244866.jpg (517x328, 16K)


God damned brazilian organ thief boars.

The Dark Sword.

>kill skeleton
>get a note
> says you have to reply to this post or your mom dies in her sleep tonight

wtf game devs?!

Attached: bazinga trap 20.jpg (400x400, 125K)

>kill slime
>bone (1)

Topium Kekium

>Skeleton wakes up
>I've got a bone to pick with you!
>Kill skeleton
>Pickaxe (1)

Attached: 1476801115758.png (500x350, 147K)

This never happens. If you’re gonna meme about the stupid loot in Elder Scrolls games at least do it correctly.

Daggerfall kind of, not by killing and looting it but when pickpocketing any monster you will see the same random messages you get when you attempt to pickpocket NPCs, so you might pickpocket a rat and it'll say that you found a letter it was writing to its mom.

i recognize this style, but i feel like it was something embarrassing

some games do have hidden parameter based on the time you create the character that affect your built or luck. That may be it.

>Kill OP
>Sauce for picture

>open sauce
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.


Not the guy who requested the sauce, but I'm fucking angry!

Attached: 1477161635445.jpg (236x236, 8K)

>beat monster to death with a blunt weapon
>get multiple tails as a post hunt reward

Attached: hammertime.png (388x352, 153K)

>kill bird

Dickass sneaky thieves combined with some great charisma and "face" characters in the party work really well in Divinity OS 2.
Have the 3 party members distract nearby people, while the thieve sneaks in and robs them for half of the loot they're selling.
Then, thieve sneaks off and runs far far away, while the initial person talking to the merchant than purchases their remaining stock and inventory and walks off. The NPC realizes that they now have way less merchandise than they should and comes running back and demands to search your shit, let them do it while playing stupid while the thief laughs their ass off.
Then later you buy more of their inventory after you level up or do some quests. Or you can just have your dick ass thief murder them in cold blood afterwards

>combine feather with a stick
>crafted: stone arrow

Attached: 1542990755089.png (350x362, 50K)

>kill self
>respawn and harvest your corpse for flesh
>eat yourself

Attached: 7204.jpg (450x324, 52K)

I was gonna mention it too. I actually re-read everything a couple years ago but I don't know if it will ever update.

>kill snake/lizard

>kill lizard
>lizard tail (1)
>lizard tail (1)
>lizard tail (1)
>lizard tail (1)
>lizard tail (1)
>lizard tail (1)
>lizard tail (1)
it just keeps re-growing

>kill rat
>no tail
>6 copper coins

>Kill undead burglar
>Skeleton key

>kill giant skeleton
>big bone

>fashion big bone into a weapon
>Crafted: Big Bone

I thought she got a spin off manga, was Cool also doing the art for it?

Why did nobody at bioware actually proofread that shit? Sentence fragments are something we're taught about very early on, for fuck sake.

>Monster Hunter
>You can only carve 3 pieces of material from most big monsters you kill, which are usually just a single scale, fur, fang or claw out of the monster's whole gigantic body
>The jew guild only gives you a few pieces of materials from the whole monster if you capture them alive
Killing a single monster should give you an entire armor set seeing how massive they are.

>Thief can steal unique items from enemies and bosses
>Other classes can't just kill the same enemy and loot the same item from their corpse
Hate this shit in RPGs, basically forcing me to bring a dickass thief on my party every time I fight a boss, looking at you Octopath.

sauce pls

Maybe KL is bad at writing mails

You're just a fetch boy. The guild would never approve of you taking what is theirs, plus they'd know if you took more than you could. They come to claim that shit anyways

>enemy is carrying nice high tier equipment
>gold and maybe some crafting materials

>Can steal literally someone's heart and instant kill them

>every single enemy allows you to loot everything they're wearing when they die
>except one

The fucking palace guards in Oblivion pissed me off so much when I spent like 20 minutes kiting them in circles around the tower slowly killing them with a bow, only for their fancy white armor to not show up in their inventories afterwards.

>thief class
>steals opponent's weapon while they're using it

Attached: 1550083130042.gif (220x123, 45K)

Maybe it was a bear cosplaying as a knight? Or a Bear Paladin?

give me the sauce. PLEASE

Attached: 1549388129090.jpg (970x545, 50K)

>multi-player game
>thief can steal from monsters
>thief loots entire forest of trolls
>other players complain that trolls aren't dropping treasure, is this a bug?
This actually happened.

>kill dude in an honorable battle
>everyone cheers
>loot corpse
>[You have been caught stealing. A bounty has been placed on your head.]

Attached: 1550921696141.jpg (682x690, 96K)

>kill noble
>1 gold

>get rare item to drop
>most recent patch made it worthless on the auction house

>kill legendary radroach
>get sniper

It ate another cyclops.

but in Octopath the steals are always fairly unremarkable. Usually just a high value consumable of some kind, but still something you could get elsewhere. Collect is more helpful early on due to the large amount of money you can get from boss monsters, but still nowhere near necessary.

That said Therion's class ability is immensely useful for looting every town you visit so it's still good to have him at a respectable level.

>Guards beat you up
>Loots your unconscious body

Goddamit Kenshi

Attached: 1549736549218.jpg (590x768, 90K)

I wanted that armor so fucking bad

The Alliance does not provide quality education, and unfortunately Cerberus does not do educational background checks as well.

>kill special npc/boss with cool gear
>actually drops that cool gear

Attached: 75102ca60f84bcd102518bc443272c24.jpg (1079x1500, 1.14M)

They where hidden in his anus and your to disgusted to loot them all

>kill goblin
>drops Goblin Mail
>equip Goblin Mail
>"The Goblin Mail is too small."

Attached: 1542481634525.jpg (397x398, 22K)

Attached: dog.jpg (480x600, 53K)

>Kill rat
>Flesh light added to inventory

Attached: 1550342464448.jpg (372x350, 71K)

>kill undead robot
>skeleton crew


>kill bandit
>Fetus has been added to your inventory
what did they mean by this?

Attached: 1550871126416.jpg (1440x1318, 95K)

>kill wheel skeleton
>cautiously approach
>it gets up and pins you to the wall and spins in your face until your skin peels off
>i am become skeleton



Briarhearts in Skyrim

>people other than me played this

> bind on pick up

Attached: f.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>dive to underwater cave
>kill giant shark monster
>loot: 4 torches (lit)

Attached: what1.jpg (244x220, 12K)

>mage class
>go on raid
>uses all mana and doesn't bring restoration items

Attached: 1515447066_1515063067_Feeders.gif (500x484, 1.67M)

ooof. Old memories resurfacing


Azure Dreams is fairly 'popular' here, user. At least, it's the only other place in the internet I've seen such a high number of people talk about it.
Selfi best girl.

>enemy steals an item
>kill him
>you don't get it back

Attached: 2.png (554x437, 366K)

>enemy steals an item
>they run away

>kill skeleton
>bone dust (1.29x10^26)

>kill a nigga
>drops dead

Attached: 1549782771419.jpg (1024x566, 57K)

Well, the most important item on most enemies tend to be their weapon and if they're holding it then its kind of hard to steal. Maybe if a game ties in a magic system to theft for mind tricks and such.

Attached: 1550985728069.gif (607x609, 821K)

>kill bard
>lute (1)

>enemy kills you
>they keep attacking/shooting your dead body until you reload a save

Is Lee dead?

what gaem

>kill jester
>a kilogram of feathers

>carrying drugs to sell
>get ambushed and killed along the way
>they take my drugs to sell
>get killed by shek guards

Attached: 1526471019476.png (400x400, 152K)

>get banned for cheating

>kill rat
>gold coin (3)

Attached: 1534463702859.jpg (300x300, 14K)

His job is done, jannies and mods are shitting up the board more than he ever could.
We Yea Forums now

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This always fucked me up in Duke Nukem 3D when I was a child.

>finish quest
>NPC offers you choice of reward
>none of the items are useful
>pick the one with the most resale value
>bonus: NPC buys items so you sell it back right away

>kill final boss
>loot final boss' super powerful weapon
>game is over and there's no New Game Plus so it's useless

Attached: 1535655626704.jpg (550x550, 106K)

>Kill yeti
>obtain ketovu
>female only

Attached: muh.png (128x128, 46K)

>finish quest
>NPC gives you a reward
>inventory full
>can't finish quest until you take the item

>do quest for someone in town
>Reward is some "family heirloom" that's just a low level weapon or some item worth a lot of coins
>Would feel like shit if I sold it but it's useless to me
>Either drop the item in their house or drop it in my down house and let it sit forever

Strike the skull and split it along the unfused parts. The skeleton dies and the bones are only separated and not technically broken.

I generally hold on to the item for a while, then dump it when I forget about the quest and run out of inventory space.

>character travels to some distant land
>Kills some monster he/she never saw before
>In game bestiary is now fully filled out and illustrated with the monster's weaknesses, strengths, habitat, and even some fun facts about it

>Enemies use trash garbage weapons and armor
>but drop legendary weapons and armor once killed

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I hope so, he's been mia for like a week now. Or maybe he offed himself months ago and the mods finally managed to block his script


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It's like, the circle of life, man, we were dust once, we will eventually return to dust, man.

Well, at least he didn't drop a kilogram of steel, now that's some heavy shit.

>Kill giant rat
>His friend becomes a giant rat

Attached: EH.png (1016x633, 346K)

>shoot roosting dragons tail on top of tower 400 yards away
>he fades into dust and a sword appears in your inventory

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The hunter is permitted a handful of carves by the guild, then they take the corpse and reward you with parts from the relevant monster species, but not necessarily from the specific monster you just hunted. That's why you get several rewards that you didn't carve yourself immediately after the hunt, before the monster can reasonably have been expected to be processed, and why you get rewards from captured monsters as well.

>kill goblin
>drops goblin mail
>try to equip
>"its rude to read other people's mail"

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>kill goblino
>drops a gun

Attached: Loot.jpg (640x527, 71K)

>Kill human enemy.
>Loot their limbs.
>Walk into town.
>NPC's start to notice.

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>have quest item on inventory
>finish quest without using item
>item is forever stuck in your inventory

>uterus is fully modeled

>kill user's soul

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>Mess around kill guards and stuff, spend all your money
>Actually saved because you cant read Russian

fuck off

At least he had no hemorrhoids or scrotum affected by testicular torsion.

In Morrowind you can steal shit that costs millions or something. The problem is that no shopkeeper has enough money. Except for the crab, of course.


>kills NPC
>files missing, game is corrupted, cant even progress
who the fuck code this shit

Attached: imagef.png (800x720, 376K)

>finish quest
>NPC offers choice of rewards
>pick the hat just in case it looks cool
>inventory icon is a generic hat
>hat looks nothing like icon
>it's another ugly hat

Attached: sad cat.jpg (500x333, 43K)

>kill your mother
>(1) Dick added to your inventory
what's the meaning of this??

Attached: 1541937785729.jpg (960x720, 119K)

>you can steal some of the most powerful items from friendly NPC's
>you're way too low level to use any of them

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What that picture from

give sauce nigger, yandex turned up nothing

I'm ready to fight this thief with my virginity

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nvm its dragonmaid shit, should've recognized it

sauce has been given already

Angry Beavers

Attached: Cyclops-TheAngryBeavers.jpg (440x340, 32K)

Look at that freak with his two eyes!
Do you think he sees double?

>Kill boss
>Loot weapon that trivializes that boss

What game?

>Kill anonymous
>Loneliness (1)

Oh hell yes, this time I got a cool hat!

>kill wild animal

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>inventory limits based on slots, not weight
>every wild animal part you loot has five variations

Fucking Porings.

It can make sense depending on what you killed and what you looted. E.g. A 10 foot fat ass boar having a glove or some boots makes sense. A dragon having parts of a suit of armor or a weapon in its belly makes sense too.

Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead.

I don't think those would be usefull anymore after having been digested for god knows how long.

Rdr2 does this

>you can steal some of the most powerful items from friendly NPC's right at the start of the game
>there's no level restriction on them

Attached: thanos dabbing.png (1920x1080, 2.41M)

>Kill wolf
>no pelt
>Kill wolf
>2 pelts

>shoot robot
>drop your head

Attached: imgUploader_1528931978801_mega-man_keychain.jpg (1066x1600, 105K)

>Kill wolf

Attached: at last.png (447x378, 11K)

>Kill sheep
>Wolf pelt

>kill wolf with sword
>don't get the sword

>kill Archdemon Nefarion, Lord of the Cursed Valley
>wolf pelt

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>he's been mia for like a week now.
not true, i saw him on Yea Forums celebrating the end of the horse show

Has there ever been a game with actual persistent items that you can loot or steal?

>kill wolf
>wolf pelt, worn wolf pelt, damaged wolf pelt, blood-stained wolf pelt, dirty wolf pelt, smelly wolf pelt, soft wolf pelt, rough wolf pelt
>you cannot loot the target because your bag is full

Attached: delet.jpg (480x459, 24K)

>kill final boss
>loot ultimate sword of power
>credits roll
>no ng+

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What do you mean by persistent?

Maybe the real treasure was the monsters we killed on the way?

>quest: collect 5 wolf pelts
>dark forest
>Sunday morning
>so full of noobs that you can't find 5 wolves to kill

Kill noobs and loot their wolf pelts.
Top of the food chain, baby.

Arrows or bullets run out even for ai, everything has to be carried such as armour, health potions, weapons, keys etc.
Even more fun if the ai needs to go to blacksmiths, armourers, alchemist when their gear is stolen, broken or need a refill.

>find a wolf
>it's the wrong reskin variation of wolf

>quest at starting location
>kill [NPC] and loot [ITEM] from his corpse
>there is a crowd of players waiting around the NPCs spawn location and he is killed instantly whenever he spawns
>it's a complete shitshow when everyone tries to loot him

Could be interesting in a "campaign" type world, wreck the goblin forge and they're stuck with using branches and whatever they can loot off of scrubs

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sounds like something a jrpg would do, maybe final fantasy

>can kill enemy in pvp
>can loot all their items
>can take their body and bury it to gain their stats

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>get item carry quest
>walk by wolf
>it howls smugly as you walk by while trying to find your way out of the fucking forest to deliver the water bucket before the timer expires
>quest tracker doesn't switch to water delivery quest even though you can't do anything else with a fucking bucket in your hand

>quest: kill 36 skeletons
>reward: 60 skulls

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>think you've finished all the quests in a region
>DING! Your reputation has increased!
>suddenly every NPC around wants you to do minor chores like talking to the next door neighbor about gossip shit, and picking flowers from the nearby field

Just the good ol' Desire Sensor working its magic per usual

>kill water elemental
>water (1)

I call it the "critical need detector".

>Find anicent sword on the ground
>Party member says "wow that looks old!"
>Sword Model looks shiny clean

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>kill unique NPC "Roktar the Shieldless, Master of the Axe"
>drops a shield
>no axe

Attached: confused_anime_girl_with_questionmark.jpg (374x347, 39K)

That'd be pretty cool.

Hey, it can be and/or. So as long as it has the same meaning of the game laughing at item drop rates, and saying "Nah, how 'bout no item for you."

>the weed is the most expensive drop

>thousands of years before the established setting, humans and OP magical creatures lived in harmony
>The OP race is somehow wiped out or nearly wiped out by weak humans
>It's never explained how they managed this feat
>fast forward to present day when the OP race takes their revenge, even though humans are stronger/more technologically advanced they are still fodder
Why can't anyone ever do this right?

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You wouldn't believe how valuable that weed really is
It helps people connect to god for longer periods of time, if made into a potion.

Even worse
>Steal item
>Can't sell it to traders
>Can only sell it to fencers
>Traders fucking KNOW you got that wolf pelt from Big John 5 towns over

To be fair, everyone stitches, carves or brands their name into every single item they own. It's just common sense.

If I ever make that video game I've been wanting, I'm adding this. Thank you.


>kill slime
>1x slime (999)
>2x gold (1,029,003)

Fuck you bill

How about a MH game where you play as a rouge Hunter, and the goal is to illegally hunt monsters to make bootleg armor sets for maximum dosh. But while doing the hunt, you'll have to deal with a guild hunter that'll sabotage your hunt, and you'll have to deal with both the monster and the guild hunter.
That sounds like a nifty idea to me.

That's a factor in canon. Guild Knights exist to hunt down poachers.

It was a bigger liver than your average boar

I swear it’s always better to capture than to kill.

>kill thread
>0 gold

A legendary liver?

Your not supposed to cheat to collect it. That tail cut isn't even close to being the hardest in the game

Ja, exactly. That'll spice up the gameplay by having some Hunter x Hunter fighting,along with the monster.
Hell, if online is a component, you can have a guild knight invade a hunt, much like Dark souls, and you can finally have some PvP combat in Monster Hunter.

But the controls are clearly meant for fighting slower big monsters. You'd have to have some sort of other controls scheme or moveset. I feel as if the PvP is best left to the last 60 sec of a hunt where you knock each other around. I'd actually prefer a Guild Knight game. Their outfit is too swag, reminds me of being a musketeer or a red mage.

>or dont

>Did you beat Monster Hunteryet?
>Nah man, I've been playing Poacher Hunter.
>Poacher Hunter?
>Huh, so what do you do in that?

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monster hunter is supposed to be about comradery between hunters as they kill innocent monsters


Probably the most underrated enemy in runescape back in the day because you could get a ton of water vials free.