It's all about to crash, isn't it?
It's all about to crash, isn't it?
Why did you ignore the games that DID come out to praise?
none of which are western
I guess having diverse teams of minority and women isn't all it's cracked up to be.
No, quite the opposite. It's about to get better. AAA games getting
I bet these games still make a ton of money (apart from Crackdown). Nothing will change, companies will keep putting out this drivel because consumers are retards who lap up whatever is marketed well.
Why are you expecting anything good from them? They haven't put out anything good in like 5 years
That's true, but if all i get is japanese games and indie/small scale western games I'll be fine.
These are all from studios that are finally feeling the burn of their business practices.
Ubisoft has turned narrow, but they've found their niche. It's just not a niche that Yea Forums would like very much, but if you do, they have good stuff.
>western AAA
Fucking finally.
Liberal minded people can't make good games, Resetera BTFO.
Clearly its not a niche most people like, looking at that score
>this is how 2019 begins
Westcucks BTFO
The best game of 2019 is a remake.
This industry sucks.
>listening to critics
Yea Forums really has come full circle, huh? Imagine being such an ugly stupid retard that won't play any of the good new releases because a bunch of loser reviewers don't like it.
Kingdom Hearts deserves a fucking 6
This twisted game needs to be reset. We'll start over from scratch, and entrust gaming to the next generation.
Even the critics are right sometimes.
>next generation
thats what got us here in the first place. buying all these low effort pieces of SHIT
>entrust gaming to the next generation.
Oh yeah can't see how gen z would possibly produce anything but the greatest games.
No. I always go with user ratings and watch videos online before deciding to play a game. Critics are for pea brains
Its been two months, calm the fuck down, christ.
epic will create chaos.
fucking BR type of games are driving it downhill
sorry I'm a sheep and my favorite youtuber influencer doesn't talk about good games to play, just AAA drama
>Ubisoft has turned narrow, but they've found their niche. It's just not a niche that Yea Forums would like very much, but if you do, they have good stuff.
What niche? They make generic open world games and generic loot shooters, like every other triple-A developer. Now with a 100% more SJW.
Is english your second language, or are you too daft to pick up the undercurrent of "but most of the time they're wrong"?
>The best game of 2019 is a remake.
Slay the Spire is not a remake.
>They make generic open world games and generic loot shooters, like every other triple-A developer.
Nah, the ubibox collectathlon is its own thing. Others try to make it, but they're fucking it up, see: Anthem.
> Now with a 100% more SJW.
> while quoting an article about how it's not SJW enough
get real.
those games failed because of lack of diversity.
>get real.
Ubisoft apologized for that. And the player character in the game is bisexual and will fuck both male and female npcs alike.
dumb frog poster
It's not a strict remake.
>aaa company
all their games are super generic and repetitive so that they can cater to the most people possible, ubisoft isnt some small aa team trying to make their lifetime dream game
>And the player character in the game is bisexual and will fuck both male and female npcs alike.
You mean the player actually gets to choose how they play their character? Heresy!
It's fine. Japan is making a comeback, and I've got a gigantic backlog that will potentially last me years. I say let it burn, and maybe something good will eventually grow from the ashes.
>Ace combat 7
Is that the one with the dog with the JPEGdigree?
According to the Strauss-Howe generational theory, Generation Z will be an adaptive generation. It will be a generation of artists. It will produce art that will lead to a new “high”, a new Golden Age. Generation Y is simply going through a crisis that is only temporary. It will pass.
I didn't realize AC was a dating sim.
God forbid games include roleplaying.
They lack a catalyst. Then again, if things go to shit badly enough, they just might get it.
>Western AAA finally getting BTFO
>Same studios that hire people based on gender and skin colour
>Same studios that but in SJW shit to appease a select few
>Same studios that riddle their games full of Microtransactions and lootboxes in full priced games
It feels fucking good
I didn't realize AC was a role playing game.
>>Western AAA finally getting BTFO
The annual Call of Duty or FiFa game makes more revenue than RE2, KH3 and Ace Combat 7 combined.
finally, thank god
i really hope so man. im 22 now. i wanna play good games when im an old shit
Microsoft will make a comeback next gen like Nintendo did with the Switch. Gaming would be better off though without EA, Activision/Blizzard, Ubisoft, and Sony. Streaming will most likely fail but if Sony fucks up next gen I can see AAA gaming falling and Microsoft and Nintendo picking the scraps while picking up more indies and releasing more AA and some AAA titles.
FIFA is why EA will never ever die. That shit is printing money.
>Microsoft will make a comeback next gen like Nintendo did with the Switch.
They won't, not with the shitty studios they've acquired, some of which are literal shovelware developers.
diversity is our strength. youre probably a nazi so you wont understand.
+RE2, Apex Legends, Tetris 99
-Kingdom Hearts III is fucking garbage
With the shit sony is pulling.
They fucking will.
Regardless of wether you want to call some of their games shovelware.
I doubt we'll see a huge crash like we did in the past. Indie developers and other smaller companies will still put out games in one way or another.
They will, the fact that their focus is gameplay and not pushing SJW garbage like the rest is one of the reasons they will. The fact that they stop giving stupid ass due dates for games is one of the main reasons they're making a comeback next gen and make this worthless gen forgettable. Xbox will come full circle like Nintendo did with this shit after the disaster that was the Wii U, Nintendo's Xbone.
>playing western games
LOL sorry, I only play Chad Japanese games.
AAA gaming, perhaps. It's nice seeing all of the investor backed companies fail miserably. Activision's "e-sports" division probably fired all of the actors in the audience and cut back on the amount of teams in their shitty league.
Capcom went missing for the better part of a decade. Only releasing horrible ports for full price. Kids may praise them, but it seems like everyone forgot about the PS3 years. Failure after failure.
>They will, the fact that their focus is gameplay and not pushing SJW garbage like the rest is one of the reasons they will.
Phil Spencer literally announced they would set up a special initiative to combat toxicity in gaming. Also, Gears 5 conveniently has a strong independent female protagonist.
At this point, avoiding Square Enix published games in general is a smart option. Bandai arena fighters should also be avoided.
i havu anouncument
>unironically liking jap AAA
Settle down weebs, we still got masterpieces coming like the last of us 2 and death stranding.
>91, cute
>last of us 2 and death stranding
One can hope loot boxes get regulated in more places than Belgium, I’d love to see the day. But it won’t happen in the states so it’s just wishful thinking
>Death Stranding
Aka games done right
>Good looking games
>Games that focus on gameplay and features and not walking sims, graphics and cutscenes.
>hardly any shitty lootboxes or microtransactions
>don't pander to a minority
>gay characters arent forced and there just to set an agenda, theyre there naturally and are treated as such
Yeah imagine liking games that are actually good and not there to lick the investors boots.
Death Stranding is superior nippon art though.
Asian women are harder workers, more competent, and less whiny than worthless white slags. KyoAni is undeniable proof of this.
i want to play cyberpunk. i hope its not aids.
>setup 360 last month because theres really nothing for me to play outside of ace combat 7
>go through ninja gaiden 2
>know in my heart its the purest and best gaming experience im getting this year
Yet none of it is showing up in their games, Frog poster and Gears 5 was said already that they're not following a trend they just felt putting it on Kait was the right choice since she was technically the main character of Gears 4.
>>Good looking games
>>Games that focus on gameplay and features and not walking sims, graphics and cutscenes.
Kingdom hearts literally has over 10 hours of cinematics:
Western gaming was always trash
The only surprising thing is reviewers suddenly realizing it
to be fair it's a very good remake that's essentially a completely different game
2019 also has good stuff on the line still
Probably the best post containing a frog picture I've seen.
>that comparison
This whole post is complete bait.
>Western gaming was always trash
That's certainly an interesting case of revisionist history.
>Games are either 3D anime style shit or that asian aesthetic which looks crap 40% of the time
>0 (zero) good competitive games
>Still no good strategy games like Crusader Kings/Hearts of Iron and Total War
>Absolutely dogshit FPS games
>Console games
>Worse Co-op games
Yeah, no thanks. The utter state of the video game industry if the best game out there is from 2007 and we'll never reach the late 90's games era.
CoD is actually dying, its missing sales projections every year and every new one makes less money than the last
not even BR could save it
>people STILL shit on back compat even though it makes last gen games only better
I'm sorry that you have such shit taste user.
I'll be over here playing games whilst you continue playing your "games as a service" crap and be bled dry.
Have fun!
Take your meds WRPG-kun.
MGS 3 was also much better than thief sorry.
Japanese female devs are not only hard working but also cute
>made by Niel "we don't talk about fun" Cuckmann
I fucking loved TLOU1 and even I think TLOU2 is going to be garbage.
>tfw playing EON right now
>hero's afterimages have afterimages
We are in the worst possible timeline. Everything pink and with muhh diversity and muh pink color pallete.
None of these put any soul into their games. They come to work in the morning do their task and go home. Zero teamwork just one works on their part and doesn't know a thing about the game besides that. So apparent from dev streams. They can't even play their own game.
Why did all the uggos and retards with mental problems became game dev's.
i would buy an xbox 1 instantly if ng2 played on it. dont know what the hold up is 2bh. havent touched the game in years but everything just clicked-the controls, the physics, the animations, the art, the music. its a supreme experience for supreme gentlemen. get it together microsoft!
>this shitpost is still passed around
you dont want to get BTFO by actual thief gameplay again right?
>MGS 3 was also much better than thief sorry.
MGS3 takes place in a jungle, yet somehow manages to have more linear level design than Thief levels that take place in a city block, just to point out how absurd your statement is.
As for that blatant bait image:
>comparing a niche turn-based jrpg to a mainstream action wrpg
How about comparing turn-based jrpgs to turn-based wrpgs?
>being a casual means you have good taste now
Sure, mate.
Just get an Xbox Anaconda, Xbone is worthless now.
>jrpg boss has a billion hit points and is arbitrarily immune to every status ailment
>this is considered good boss design
>immune to every status ailment
Confirmed for never actually playing a JRPG
I turn the question back to you, why not compare the games on the right with things that are even remotely similar like Darkest Dungeon?
>game's quality is determined by how open the map is
MGS always had better gameplay but you probably wouldn't know that since you haven't played them. Not that you'd care much about gameplay anyways. Bloodborne is better than both games on the left put together, but now is where you pull the "muh not the same genre" card again. You get btfo every other day and keep posting the same garbage. Why are you unable to learn? Also why do you keep wasting your time trying to defend a shit dead genre while latching to the superior one for some semblance of relevance?
thats the new one? whens it out? will it play ng2?
>diversity is as important as graphics and gameplay
my god, i played crackdown 3, it was good at the start but then it just came tumbling down, the fuckers just made everything so god damn casual for everything. the commander would not shut the fuck up, i beat the fucking game in about an hour and a half. last cutscene played and i was just fucking done.
>MGS always had better gameplay but you probably wouldn't know that since you haven't played them.
The first MGS didn't even let you hide bodies, since they instantly vaporized into thin air, that's how little the developers cared about the core gameplay. And the controls and camera system were absolutely atrocious. It literally took several DECADES, until the release of MGSV, for the series to finally have competent gameplay.
Furthermore, Thief has far more scope and ambition in its gameplay. Consider for example the following: you can't even jump in MGS.
Meanwhile, in Thief you can jump, climb and swim, and levels are built around these mechanics, with pools and lakes that provide alternate routes, the ability to climb to sneak into a building through the balcony rather than the front door and even the odd platforming section.
Not to mention the tools at your disposal. Thief has water arrows that douse torches and clean up blood puddles, it has moss arrows that create a silent surface, it has rope arrows that attach a climbable rope to an otherwise unreachable spot.
Unlike MGS corridors, levels in Thief are sprawling sandboxes with envirronmental hazards and multi-stage objectives that can be tackled in different ways, rewarding player creativity (e.g. instead of coming up with a way to reach a distant switch, you might be able to depress it by shooting an arrow at it). Not all the creatures you encounter are hostile guards, there are also servants, innocent civilians, non-human enemies such as the undead, etc.
I could go on, but suffice to say that the idea that MGS has more going on with its gameplay mechanic is utterly absurd.
there's a chasm between asian women and western """"women"""
If it's naming features and pretending they were executed well, Tenchu has a lot more going on than Thief yet it's nowhere near as good as either Thief or MGS. You're shallow as fuck and obsessed with western stuff being superior even when they're not. Just play FPS and Grand Strategy games if you're so easily triggered by other people doing a genre better.
>vaporware from 2013
>a Destiny clone from post-Andromeda NuBioware
>Far Cry 5.2, not even bothering to cover the rehash with a wacky setting this time
Wow, it's almost like February is a dumping ground, I can't believe it. The next CoD and Ass Creed won't make a bank, AAA is finished.
Next year, hopefully, it plays it.
It's gonna be shit, the gameplay got shown in the demo, it's garbage LOL
> The next CoD and Ass Creed won't make a bank
they could be games where it just boots to a 4k .png file of a lump of shit and it would sell millions before an outrage
TIL Kojima is western. Wow dude, you sure know your shit.
Forza, Gears, Halo
Forza, Gears, Halo
Forza, Gears, Halo
Nothing on this earth is going to make me buy another mircosoft console there output this gen has been dogshit. They couldn't even secure 3rd party games Nintendo and Sony were getting.
Seems like liberals finally reached their goal.
Not only are all games now no longer fun and instead filled with sjw proganda but they are also now more or less all unplayable and super uninspired because everybody working on them only got their job doe to their skin color or gender instead of merit
Microsoft main goal is pushing"diversity" and "feminism" in gaming, not making fun game.
don´t believe just listen to their studios statementes on twitter or during interviews. 3 out of 4 times they talk about sjw stuff instead of why their games is going to be fun
That was the Inafune period. He led them astray with their ‘japanese devs bad for sales, must outsource to western devs’ philosophy. at 5he same time there were hacks like yoshinori ono (a literal sound engineer) running their long established fighting game series in the ground.
you can see that ever since RE7 was released that the turnaround has started to happen. They only needed a new engine and for the last of Inafune and Ono’s crapware to get released to finally turn a new page and save their company from certain doom.
Ono has no power anymore within the company and we likely wont have any terrible garbage like Marvel Infinite and SF5 anymore, RE has been rehabilitated, sales of MH World are through the roof, DMC5 got a solid 4 year dev cycle.
And most importantly, Capcom itself wisely realized that excessive outsourcing lead to a decline in quality. They know in hindsight Inafune was a fuckup and a money swindling conman that almost sank their company with his BS.
reminder this is the same dickhead that convinced higher ups to shut down studio clover and have capcom lose some of their biggest talent.
they said the demo was a work in progress and there will be improvements to the final game. is this cdprojects first game with guns though?
>not posting the biggest failure of them all
>Ono has no power anymore within the company
If you care about fighting games, this is a bad thing, not good.
It cost nothing to make considering unreal engine and poorly designed. Honestly weebs had God Eater 3 recently, this is why we are always more satisfied than Western gamers, we get variety.
>development hell
>getting woke
>a 40$ expansion, like the others Far Cry spinoffs
I don't see anything realy bad here. SJWs craze will get over, if Activision and Buzzfeed laid off are of any indication, that's true.
>I-i-it's okay when Japan does it
It's a good thing because Ono doesn't make fighting games I want to play.
He is not some genius fighting game director. Under his wing, Street Fighter x Tekken, Capcom Fighting Jam, Marvel Infinite, and SF5 all happened.
A guy like Itsuno knows what he is doing when it comes to fighting games. I am legit convinced Ono is a hack at this point, Inafune-style. Retiring him is probably the best they can do at this point to salvage the fighting game brand.
Nintendo *dabs*
Japanese women user
Those women told western women to fuck off with their LGBT SJW bullshit in vidya
Gaming isn't crashing, but the 60 dollar AAA multiplayer game sure is.
Imagine being like a 13 year old kid that grew up with mobile and free2play games, why the fuck would you ever give up a large chunk of your income simply to try a new video game? Especially when all your friends are already playing some free2play game? It's not worth the risk. The new generation growing up has no interest in games like Battlefield or Anthem because they're busy playing Fortnite and Apex.
The only successful 60 dollar games in the future are going to be the somewhat smaller games that focus on a more niched audience that already know what they like. Games like REmake2, DMC5 and Sekiro. 60 dollar games will become associated with a smaller group of players that are more informed and educated about what they purchase.
>If you care about fighting games, this is a bad thing, not good.
SFV was and still is trash user
>That stealth Yea Forumscore Japanese bias for games that aren't even out yet.
Calm down mate.
>Not playing games based on what 60 other people think about the games
People are really this retarded. Just play the fuckin games and enjoy them and make your own opinion. I will never understand why people listen to the opinions of .0000000001% of the gaming community that usually have shit opinions to begin with.
That's literally what's gonna happen though Yea Forumscore taste will rule supreme in the 60 dollar space because the mainstream audience will abandon full priced games for free2play.
Sekiro will save the market with more FromKino
>Yea Forumscore taste will rule supreme in the 60 dollar space
Yeah that's not gonna happen when you've still got games like Fifa and CoD still selling plenty
until the UK and germany outlaw ultimate team packs
>Kingdom Hearts deserves a fucking 6
Surrrre it does Barry. Surrreee it does.
Nice try, EA, but I won't pay money for your shit games.
I give Call of Duty 3 years before it goes Free2Play multiplayer only.
>Delusional Xniggies
If by crash, you mean force publishers to realize that moderate budgets and "B" class games that sell in moderate numbers are better than massively inflated projects that are interesting to no one, then yes.
If it isn't a Nintendo Sony or select Japanese developer it will be always be a shit game. Having said that Division wasn't bad
post this again in two weeks when GOTY comes out see what happens.
I know kojimbo is a westaboo but come on
>all those Youtubers that EA got to shill New Dawn
>said shills couldn't show the same "love" for Anthem
Those are three biggest non-Nintendo releases in the past couple months. Expensive gaming will crash soon, with only Nintendo maaaybe tenaciously lugging through this shit. Mobile trash will prevail.
Crackdown 3 is actually legit fun, its a lot like the first one. I haven't beaten it yet, but its easily much better than the second game.
Not sure why everyone on Yea Forums just assumed it sucked, since when do we actually listen to reviewers instead of trying it ourselves?
I've never actually seen anyone explain why Crackdown 3 is bad either, its like people saw the reviews and assumed it was terrible
Everything except Nintendo yeah
Pixy please.
And in four weeks when the game of the generation comes out.
its worse than one in every way
Why can't westerners make good games anymore?
>steins gate that as release almost a decade ago
>re2make, steins gate elite and sunless skies
yeah, unironically a great start
buy his game Yea Forums
they are clinging to the last remaining niche of the gen 7 normie
>muh crash
fucking retard
I'm with you, user. Crackdown 3 is good fun. The problem is that everyone is chasing something more than "fun", and that's taken them down the path of Anthem. They want something that can occupy all of their time for weeks on end, and interest them in a way that no previous game has. This attitude leads to inevitable disappointment, and it's only going to get worse.
That said, there is no reason that Crackdown 3 should have taken so much time and money to develop, it's a relatively simple game (as it should be).
The fact that you still have to obsess with MGS ONE hindered by PSX tech is proof enough that westerners peaked decades ago while MGS kept improving. Hell most of your points completely fall apart by just considering MGS2, a sequel that dropped just a few years after. And on top of that, MGS has a story and action element completely lacking in Thief. There are no memorable boss fights. No actual action gameplay in Thief. When you consider all MGS series is, Thief is nothing but a fart in comparison.
Every single ubisoft game, apart from rayman, is some variation of the ac 2 formula, they suck and are boring, if you play like 3 ubi games you have played them all. I got tired of them when ac revelations came out
It's funny how Far Cry 5 mocks the Ubisoft template only to fall straight into it regardless.
to many investors, too much money put in any project
>That said, there is no reason that Crackdown 3 should have taken so much time and money to develop, it's a relatively simple game (as it should be).
Honestly, its been in development for so long that it was probably dealing with a lot of corporate meddling. A lot of the earlier teasers and trailers made it seem like they were going to try and "modernize" the shit out of the game, but what we got ended up being a mildly underwhelming sequel that is better than 2, but objectively worse than 1.
Though, to be fair, the first game is really something special and I doubt we'll ever see a game that is that much fun in that many ways again
The worst thing about Crackdown 3 compared to the first game is the commander/announcer.
Some vaguely ethnic chick with an accent and no enthusiasm can never compare to KILLS FOR SKILLS AGENT. KILLS. FOR. SKILLS.
Holy fuck this, I cannot stand Ubishit.
>Have to use their shitty launcher
>It's been compromised a fuck ton of times anyways (lets pretend thats not an issue)
>Now I have to use Epic games store to download their games (still require Uplay)
>God fuckin forbid the game isn't some rehash of a liked game (AHEM SIEGE) which combines elements from other games in a way only a kid with down syndrome would find fun (HAHA WALL BANG AND LIKE THE ABILITY IS A WALL HACK! *LOOKS AT YOU THROUGH BULLET HOLES*)
>God fuckin forbid it's not Ass Creed 12 at this point
>God fuckin forbid you want to play something other than TOM FUCKIN CLANCY STEALTH SHOOTER (Jk its an action game)
Now you understand.
*clinks teacup*
Even with 60s scores it sells more than your favorite japanese games.
Gaming will not go anywhere, it's the omst profittable entertainment media in the world.
imagine being this retarded lmao
Doubt any of those games will outsell Monster Hunter World but ok.
Imagine wanting to make a movie but you are such a talentless fuck that cant compete with the minds of cinema. So you make a shitty artsy game
Your favorite Japanese games don't have these budgets or costs associated with them either.
So for Nioh, selling 1-2 million copies is a huge win and a profit.
For something like Anthem, 4 million copies sold is a huge loss, you spent more money than you earned.
Someday you'll become a grownup and learn how budgeting works, and what makes a success and what doesn't.
niche weeb games don't rent 5 ad spaces in times square and promise EA shareholders big money
4 million * $60 = 240,000,000 USD
thats already way more than enough actually
someday you'll become a grownup and learn basic math
-Apex over Kingdom Hearts
Please end yourself
That doesn't meet EA's projected sales, and that won't make them not kill Bio-fag-ware.
Now stay seething little cuckwarrior loser. So sad you cannot play childish little bitch games anymore with little robot men flying around in Avatar-ripoff environments.
Good thing the original announcer is there too, and says exactly that. Did you even play the game?
EA get like 20$ on a physical copy of a game and 30$ if its digital
stay mad retarded weeb its only your own fault that you are too retarded to comprehend basic math
nice strawman but completely wrong
>liking kingdom hearts
>Crackdown 3 bigger than Resident Evil 2
Fuck me, you retards can warp your sense of reality to be negative and upset about anything can't you? Even Metro Exodus is a bigger release than Crackdown 3.
Apex Legends came out in the last month and is one of the most popular games since Fortnite.
Also, people on Yea Forums have been trying to bait a video games crash since I first got here nearly a FUCKING DECADE AGO.
Get over it you virgin. Regardless of how you feel about the video games coming out this month, there isn't going to be a video game crash. If nothing else, the very fact that game development is so accessible by start ups and indies means that big companies don't OWN the industry, preventing video game droughts.
Even when there are no triple A's coming out there are still niche titles that have massive appeal feeding constantly into the gaming ecosystem.
Virgin RDR2
>RDR2 failed to win Doritos Pope's GOTY award
>loss to a game with a lower meta score
>7.9 user score
>did not maintain its 97 metascore across 100+ review
>Only competition was Spider-Man, Celeste (lol) and God of War
>only mention of RDR2 in 2019 is the shit online mode
>Won the Doritos Pope Award
>8.5 user score
>maintained its 97 metascore across 100+ reviews
>defeated every game that released in 2017 including Nier Automata, Nioh, Cuphead, Sonic Mania, Horizon, Mario Odyssey, Fortnite, PUBG, Persona 5, and many of the best games of this gen
>continues to make westfags seethe two years after release
A little yeah, my brother has gamepass on his Xbone so I got to try the game out for 3-4 hours the other night. Glad to hear that the original dude is still in though, the new chick has no charisma
Cloud tech people got bought of by epic games and so the game was probably on hold after that, they probably owned all the tech too.
>shallow VN shit that's also a rerelease
based retard
Yeah one is an open world game and the other is a linear game with skyboxes lower than the average height in Scandinavia.
Oh wait the linear game with a million walls still looks like shit 6 years later. OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!
>This whole post is complete bait.
Yeah, the guy is comparing an Open World game against a JRPG.
that's not really a good comparison and makes him look like a troll
Nintendo has survived every crash
At 1 time before Sega entered the scene it was Nintendo or Fuck off.
Even companies like Capcom, Konami even Sony has to develop puppet companies so they could put out more than 4 games at 1 time
Crackdown 3 is actually good though
They’re games were never good we just got blindsided by the impressive graphics at the time
>60 dollar games will become associated with a smaller group of players that are more informed and educated about what they purchase.
Doubt it. The $60 game will be for idiots who hate people and have findom fetish with Japan. Xtreme Volleyball 4 and whatever new Senran will be the $60 staple for weebcucks while everyone focuses on cheaper releases.
I will when I get paid
So this Friday I will
>Kingdom Hearts edgelord asking someone to kill themselves
Good job showing your lack of intelligence and inhibition
I mean, missing TSA but that game never reviews well, and those games are all pretty great.
IW flopped, WW2 and BO4 sold insane amounts.
faggot kill yourself
all shootans are garbage because the concept in general is boring
As long as I can be a slut in cyberpunk I'll be happy, even more so if a good modding scene grows around the game
If those games focus on giving me moretantalizing content and edge me even more than they currently do for 60 bucks I'll be fine with this future