What happened to western gaming?

What happened to western gaming?

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American politics


Right when obungo was elected

You lovin that rap in the trailer still?
Missing the techno and fat tiddies yet?

#MeToo is came for our games and we didn't stop it.

I prefer idealized characters, but even if they wanted her more "realistic" did they have to make her balding with a comb over?

How many movie monsters have appeared in mk games?why dont they drop injustice and make horror fighter games instead

What was going to happen eventually, I'm surprised you didn't see it coming. Whatever western gaming did well will never ever come back, Japan will fall if it bends the knee to western ideals, 2020 should be fun to watch.

as opposed to the based goblino jap gaming

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She looks like the main character in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

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why do retards only use this one image

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tf2 scout on hrt


Why do retards only use this one image?

>i said the same thing as him i smart

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>blonds - low IQ brainlets
>red heads - souless
>brunette with ponytails - autism incarnations?

I don't get it? What is that image of yours meant to prove, user? She still is DIOS MIO tier there.

All according to ZOG keikaku

s-s-s-s-she is ugly
ok mad man you want to get them making faces again

If you didn't know, it was always 100% dogshit. All these "good" western games were actually made by canucks or french.

Are you a retard?

if you dont have thing to say just dont post idiot

Outrage Culture. Gamer Gate. Failing education. Inability to critically think for oneself. Just the normal collapse of a civilization so don't worry about it. Climate warming heating changing will destroy the planet tomorrow anyway.

So that's a yes. Gotcha

Depends. Do you want a stupid answer (outraged hambeasts) or the real reason which is a lot more convoluted? Tell me.

Muslim kombat

Men became weak

Spotted the soiboy

Its ma'am

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>those dead as fuck eyes

>we want the Overwatch audience

that's a tranny, isnt it?

Who is this dude?


I'm seeing enough trash-tier looking humans in real-life, why do video games that clearly do not depict strict reality need them again?

ok one angry retard

>why do video games that clearly do not depict strict reality need them again?
If it's not human it's an anthropomorphic character. 9 times out of 10 that means you're entering furryfag territory. You're not a furry are you?

Occupy Wall Street

No u

The earth has way too many people, so population control should be a thing before we run out of resources and fucking die.
However, their method for birth control was education, feminism, porn. This affected only western white people while the rest kept going strong.
At this point though, after tanking the value of western women both in terms of sexual appeal, personality and just generally trust, you can't just expect men to go after them, it doesn't work that way.
So, you have to convince them to deal with them by any means. How?
First, you destroy entertainment, where white straight men are still the lionshare of sales, leaving them in a state of sex starvation. Then, you take whatever is left and you fill it with ugly mutts, so you normalize in front of their eyes that an ugly mutt can be perceived as a "Star" (see the MCU, nothing but goblinas or potatoes).
Then, you start a character assassination smear campaign where basically they claim the only reason you think what you think is because you're not getting laid.
This according to them will push some people to "prove them wrong" by finding the ugliest most heinous feminist whale they can find, and become a slave of her will. Kinda like that father looking dead inside while pulling its drag son out of the box.
tl;dr there's a deeper meaning to "incel" than you can possibly fathom.

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Anita won
It's funny because she stopped being posted about years ago, but we're just now seeing how total her victory is

they let shareholder greed fuck up their core values.

also,they were never good, japanese games have always beat their ass at the area that actually matters - gameplay. and journalist bribes are starting to fall flat since journos are seething that a bunch of nobody bums like ninja turned into millionaires while their bum ass are still being grinded on a daily/weekly basis, so they turn a more critical eye now to these western games. where previously a small bribe would get you a good score, it now becomes harder to game the system. another important factor is that journos no longer get paid by these western studios anyway since they turned so full jew that they would rather bribe ‘game changers’ like integrity-less streamers instead.

Burger politiks and nerd culture bowing to "women".

When diversity happened and everyone felt the need to get offended over the smallest shit possible.

She is a just an irrelevant muppet of corporate media and banking owners.
There are millions of exactly the same tools with more or less popularity.

I like more mature sonya and the salt she induces so

why are gamers so mentally ill? you know your opinions are all loony as fuck which is why you only express them anonymously. if you said this shit about "da jew sjw feminists stole my waifu and i blame obama" people would mock you to your faces.

Conservatives in 2018 are literally Cartman

Are you playing video games solely to jerk off or something?

Obama did bail out the Wall street bankers.
And he was the president when sjw cancer was created to disrupt the occupy wall street movement.


Mutt politics

incels did gamergate and caused the entire industry to pivot away from them. good job lol

Wtf is that Sonya?? Is she an angry feminist dyke now?

You are mixing up reaction to industry becoming more and more cancerous with the cause.
Gamergate is the beginning of chemotherapy to the cancer that are corporations publishing shit like mass effect andromeda...

>chemotherapy for something that didnt happen yet
yeah thats just called poisoning yourself

Thanks minorities.

Barry Soetero was elected and all the lefties thought they were now entitled to run roughshod over everything you like

>that didnt happen yet
Horse armor dlc happened in 2006. and game review sites like gamespot were all bought off by the end of the decade.
Corporation like EA would publish a game and the paid reviews would tell the masses that the game is good even if it was absolute dog shit.
One of the only places that you could read honest reviews and someone taking a shit on a game was Yea Forums

women are the majority

Women and liberals ruin all things in this world

la goblina

>Women and liberals

Mortal Kombat 11 is absolutely disgusting and vomit inducing trash. But at the same time I am to some extent surprised to see this kind of uproar now. I mean, since when has Mortal Kombat not been a blight upon the eyes?

Gamergate set back the discussion about these issues by decades because they used them as weapons in their ideological battle against "the SJWs".
>One of the only places that you could read honest reviews and someone taking a shit on a game was Yea Forums
You're also really gullible if you think people here are honest

Is not a discussion.
Corporation and bank owners dictate what will be served to the people trough media.

I am talking about Yea Forums from around a decade ago.
Do not reply to me anymore.

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>Is not a discussion.
>Corporation and bank owners dictate what will be served to the people trough media.
And everyone already knew this shit before gamergate. It's the whole reason gamergate thought it could hop on the "ethics in games journalism" bandwagon in the first place. But in doing so they completely ruined it for everyone who actually cared about that shit.
>Do not reply to me anymore.
Suck my dick and balls.

sjws cant stop. nearly all anglo """"""""men""""""" have bent the knee to them, become wimps and cant even point out why they are wrong. yuros are only following american trends and have been very americanized.

nobody can stop sjws. you need to admit therere no western values anymore. the ending will be a self-implosion of the westacuckness and nothing will be left.

Gamergate is just the peak of an iceberg.
The corruption in journalism is worldwide and almost all media are just propaganda vessels for corporations, governments and interests groups.

Exposing even a bit of the cancer to general public helps.
President of the USA saying that CNN is fake news and revoking their access to the white house was unimaginable to majority of people in the world, but it happened.

What you call sjws, are mere corporate tools.
Muppets of their corporate masters.


You petty cunt
>Gamergate is just the peak of an iceberg.
It's more like a smear of shit across the lens that prevents people from looking out for icebergs at all.
>President of the USA saying that CNN is fake news and revoking their access to the white house was unimaginable to majority of people in the world
Are you implying that's a good thing? Do you want less transparency and accountability? How do gamergaters so consistently argue in favour of the things they supposedly fight against?

those higher ups have already been replaced with sjw leaning ideologues or just sjws. look at whats happened in the comic industry. its been completely ruined by sjws. they dont care about sales. at all.

Get cancer, corporate tool.

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Corporate happened. Since WHEN has corporate approved of anything that even has anything remotely sexual? They'll tone down anything sexual if it means more people playing their games, even IF the game is rated M.

The sonya actress in mk3 was gorgeous and fit

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This is all the fault of minorities. Minorities push political correctness "anti-racism"
Then companies in turn censor games. So its foreigners fault.
>when games was made by White western men this never happened
>now progressive minority pc culture means all games are censored.

>south park viewer
>brainless stupid opinion

every time

forgot pic

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I am talking about owners of corporations, not about workers in corporations.
As in a few thousand people that own all media corporations.
Like Rupert Murdoch and the Sky corporation,

Don't blame minorities. They're not the ones pushing that nonsense. It's SJWs (who btw, are basically homogeneous mighty whiteys themselves)

probably padding there

just research what the fuck has happened in the comic and cartoon industry especially since a few years ago. its literally been all about sjwism

denialism doenst help. you are just trying so hard to underrate sjws.

SJW/Leftism. Read, Osullivan's Law, Yarvin, etc.

You are the corporate tool, you moron, are you actually telling me you're not even aware that you're helping corporations with this bullshit? You've made everyone tired of this conversation with your trivial nonsense and transparent excuses to go after women and SJWs, and whenever you DO accomplish something it only serves to make corporations stronger. You claim to be against the entanglement between corporations and news outlets, but actually you're so against news outlets telling you things you don't want to hear that you'll happily sabotage their ability to criticise corporations as long as it keeps your hateboner up. Hey, remember when you people held up youtube streamers as a viable alternative to traditional journalism that would happily put all those SJW websites out of business? And how it then turned out that youtube streamers don't even have any professional standards or oversight and that they're all far more shamelessly in the pockets of big corporations? But at least they won't make you think about the implications of making every character a straight white man by default, because they, like you, think that's just fine! And as long as corporations keep providing you that shit to shovel down your gullet, you don't care.

Its 100% minorities. No minorities no pc culture to accomadate them. No diversity nonsense.
Even this site is affected by that shit.
And bull fucking shit most sjw are minorities.
Sarah jeong?
All those various black sjw? Lile the one that wanted pewdiepie to lose his channel?
They ain't white you silly fuck.

really ought to nuke all the beady eyed anglo fucks

Weak men letting women tell them what to do.

>Sarah jeong?

And what is YOUR solution btw? Because it's all fun and games to criticise but if you don't have a solution, then you're just another whiner.

We should kick minorities out of Anglo countries. No more foreigners no problems.

>But at least they won't make you think about the implications of making every character a straight white man by default
and the SJW outs himself

If you think some low level retard with pink hair and nose ring has more impact on the comic industry than the owner of Marvel and the owner of Warner brothers than you are beyond braindead...

As I said they are all just muppets of their corporate owners.
Corporate tools.

My solution is to stop listening to corporate tools pretending to be "pro-consumer" as long as it pisses off women.

Angloid cucks invited those minorities in.

Jusse smollet? All the race hustlers? All the muslim advocates? all the asian race ranters?
Are they all white? are they not minorities?

So basically, we're supposed to just shut up and not say anything while everything we like gets censored and toned down in order to pander to women?

No one ever asked. They enter illegally and they are let in by corrupt leftist politicians minorities vote for.
So your fault again.


>yes don't dare question women cis scum!

>dude stop watching this fake ass wwe shit and watch some real sport like ufc

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>implications of making every character a straight white male
Not him but your argument lost all merit right here, you’ve outed yourself as an SJW puppet cuckold. Head on back to ResetEra.

Well, if that's your actual issue, then just whine to your heart's content, but be honest, and don't pretend you give a shit about journalism or that you're anything but a good little corporate whore.

Its people like you that are responsible for this. You anti-western anti-white faggot.

>minorities, despite being outnumbered, decide the majority votes
You cucks voted them in.
Your women that is.

And how will this stop stuff like MK11 increasingly making the women less attractive while the men remain relatively untouched? I'm fine with the latter btw, but why does the former need to be sacrificed?



weak and effeminate anglo men happened.

Its this guyAnti-white sjw.

Am I therefore your enemy? For telling you the cause of your issues?

So basically you approve of what's happening and just want us to shut up, that's all. You want us to just say "we like sexy things" blatantly, that way you'll just continue to ignore us and say "see, don't listen to them. THey like sexy women, and you know sexy women is bad for games"

t. SJW corporate bootlicker


do you even understand how voting works minorities tip voting and get pandered to for issues they care about.
Anti-racism and pc shit is what you minorities want.
So you brought this on yourselves.

Ripping out the parasite that allowed the SJWs is the only solution.
Also this guy isn't me.

And why pray tell shouldn't we talk about how media misconstrues us? We just want eye candy, but media wants to call us rapists for it.

I love this gif so much

>So basically you approve of what's happening and just want us to shut up, that's all.
Excuse me for entertaining, even for a moment, the notion that you actually cared about the entanglement of journalism with corporate interests. I don't know why I believed that's what the conversation was about at any point.
>You want us to just say "we like sexy things" blatantly, that way you'll just continue to ignore us and say "see, don't listen to them. THey like sexy women, and you know sexy women is bad for games"
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here but it looks like a confession that you have to lie about your stances and goals in order to get people to do what you want which isn't a very good look.

Greedy parasitical immigrants caused this like you.

There are no independent news.
You have games made by a corporate owned developer studio published by the same corporate owned publisher reviewed by the same corporations reviewers and shilled by the employees of the same corporation on youtube and manchurian imageboards.

Some times there is conflict between two big corporations as they attack each other for more market share and in the cracks you can see a bit of truth.

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Theres literally a troll just spamming all threads with /pol/ tier anti-western race baiting for the last 6 hours.

To be fair west really is cucked.

you really need to get permabanned