This is Master Aqua

This is Master Aqua.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No this is MOMMY AQUA

I honestly want Sora in Smash solely for all of the KH porn that would be created from it


Her spellweaver move is pretty good

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Based and H2Opilled

Reminder that Master status grants you the ability to job.

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Glad to see that I wasn't the only one to notice how hot that angle was.

>Sora and Terra aren't Masters
>Mickey, Riku and Aqua are.

Hmmm. Really makes you think.

Roxas isn't one either

>Aqua will never say Good Morning to you in a lustful tone and seductive eyes


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god i want to smell her spats

>Riku has been fucking shit up since CoM
>as soon as he became a Master in DDD he turned into a shitter

needs cameltoe

>The shorts bulge at the top
That is 100% a diaper.

Wasn't it stated terra was a master in every aspect but name? He did bequeath riku without an issue.

>The entire Guardians of light was losing their respective fights in the finale
>Sora had to bail each and everyone of them and gank their Rivals
>they fucking 3v1'd Saix (not that Roxas needed help)
>hell at one timeline Terranort solo'ed them and they were down 3 fighters before the clash even started

These guys fucking suck

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Terra can't be a master
He doesn't job nearly enough

>spent 13 years as a possessed husk

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This is also Master Aqua.

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She was in the realm of darkness for 10 years. No way she didn't develop a couple of new kinks.

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>doesn't get the title master
>doesn't job even though he's master tier.

Passes the test, you can be a strong as you want, just don't take the title.

That's not jobbing

No, this is my wife Aqua

>and kairi dying twice right after saying "no it's my turn to protect you"
Seriously Nomura had to have done this on purpose. He's testing how much bullshit he can get away with until people snap.

This is Sully, CEO of Monsters, Inc.

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imagine the smell haha

Question. was it ever explained how aqua lost master keeper and how it ended up on destiny islands? Why is that place so connected to the realm of darkne
>this world has been connected. tied to the darkness

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And Sora, Roxas and Ven all agree to a night of partner swapping.

Sora and Terra aren't jobbers, so they can't be masters. Sora can literally defeat a God with the power of friendship and Terra has never lost a single fight and can break the laws of reality by getting angry enough. The second they become masters, they'll lose their ability to do anything but job.

>lost his body and heart, became literally 1/3 of himself
>still kicked the shit out of Xehanort into fucking brain damage, decided to wait for him to come back for another round over his body and heart
>his heart, another 1/3 of him turned to be the cum guardian, a Heartless that actually never died even once
>his body turned into Mansex, one of the strongest nobodies
>12 years after
>LW kicked the shit of the Xehanort in his body
>started to fight for control from the inside
>get his heart back
>rekt the shit out of Xehanort once more
>The Xehanort inside Terra's body died scared shitless

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And they better not become masters
There are already enough shitters in the party
Also donald doesn't even have a keyblade and is able to one shot terranort

Best Girl
Best Themes

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he can stick with his cat

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Who gets to fuck Chirithy?

>aqua jobbed to vanitas who jobbed to sully

>Also donald doesn't even have a keyblade and is able to one shot terranort

Do you mean he has to use the force of 1 million Teraflares, die in the process when Goofy straight up deflected Terranort's strike with a parry?

People praise Donald but Goofy proves himself better once again by living where others could not.

shame they didn't show how he went inside or something.

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I want to fuck Aqua

>terra's anger went inside himself


LW wasn't Terra anger, it was Terra's mind, which was essentially the true form of Terra rather than Terranort or the guardian. There's nothing gay about entering your own body.

it'a a funny coincidence how mickey's new kingdom key's designs really meshes well with aqua's colors

Is aqua he first character to straight up jack someone's keyblade just for the hell of it? kh1 riku aside

>There's nothing gay about entering your own body.

Attached: its not gay its masturbation.webm (710x400, 2.87M)

>Haven't played KH3 yet
>Keep hearing about this "Good morning" being seductive
>Don't believe it
>Check it on youtube
>It's the horniest Aqua has sounded
Weird voice direction

Sora can take both of Roxas's keyblades in their fight.

I want to marry Aqua and cuddle her spats clad body!


Namine literally speak to him as Terra. LW is the one who talked to Aqua in RoD.

It's literally the conscious of him.

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I can think of Riku using Roxas' oblivion against him, Sora finishing Xemnas by dual wielding Riku's keyblade and the Sora vs Roxas fight

fuck off Terra

>Aqua is pure and beautiful yet her English VA is some trashy Hollywood thot

Would you fuck a clone of you that was 1:1 in appearance but was biologically female?

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Roxas literally doing this right now

I don't think any of that was explained, shit was too rushed

Aqua's perfect long legs!

stop posting Terra

I'd prefer to be Ven over Terra!

We know Chirithy


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The namine lingering will connection is just so alien to me. since it happened even before recom started. The only way to make sense of it is the fact ven is loosely connected to her and him being in castle oblivion

>he'd rather be a suicidal manlet

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Can't blame him for that.

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Will Aqua ever wear a swimsuit in canon?

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>split Terra into 3 parts
>all 3 parts are super powerful juggernauts

with Aqua to take care of me yes

Why was she so touchy feely with Ven?

Namine is Kairi's nobody. Kairi met Aqua as a kid and got the right to wield a keyblade from her. Aqua and Terra are friends. That's a clear path for Namine to meet him. The real question is why Namine even told him to go help Aqua/fight the darkness? Why would she even know or care about this if she was essentially born a short time ago.

Both are literally abominations.
Also Namine being the first in over 10 years that is actually kind and encouraging toward him is too cute. I want Terra to be super-protective over her.

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The Virgin Aqua
>Tumblr-dyke short blue hair
>one dimensional character that only cares about babysitting 2 retard brothers
>Only leaves homeworld because muh master Eraqus's mission
>constant brooding about friendship and bonds, clearly socially inept
>Jobs to Demon Tide and barely keeps it at bay while being an absolute tryhard

The Chad Ariel
>Beautiful natural long red hair
>Curious and outgoing personality
>Wants to see the outside world and meet new faces
>Isn't afraid to express her emotions in song and dance
>Destroys Demon Tide effortlessly while having fun

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well she will pat your head and tell you good night before sleeping with her husband, is that alright?

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Would she wear a swimsuit just for ven?

Can namine still mess with sora's memories if she wanted to?

No. She should pat my head and sleep with me! She should wear something comfy and skimpy.

He doesn't deserve her. Not after all the shit he put her through.

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What you gonna do about it manlet?

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Goodnight Aqua!

It's not that serious dude but I'd rather have seen her with Zack

Aqua is bland. BLAND!
Post Monster-Aqua instead aqua ever going to go to the chamber of repose to get her keyblade and armor pieces?

Aqua is the most beautiful woman for my personal taste

I'm sure he could have killed the terranort with less, 1 million teraflares was just fucking overkill

>eraqus tells terra to take cake of aqua and ven
>aqua is the one who had master keeper in the end

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Zack was a minichad, and has gotten cucked way too many times already so he deserves it. However, it's never gonna happen because he got rejected and died before he could mature into a gigachad like Terra. Maybe next time lad.

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Do not lewd my wife

She leaves it on Eraqus's grave since her role was complete.

I wonder what would've happened if Donald did the same and LW just arrived.
>"What the fuck where is my body"
>"ahhhhh.. we kinda killed it?"

but she's my wife!

>Eraqus was inside Terra's heart
>he saw all the reality-breaking bullshit he did
>probably cheered him

Of course he told him to take care over them.

Doesn't the journal say that Terranort survived Zettaflare?

Grave? what grave?

No fighting user

He would have to get used to a life without fap

>every kairi except the original has great hair in 3

God why didn't they stick with her kH2 hair.

ok ace! Our queen is so yummy though!

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The one in the end credits

I'll need to check it out, but I thought he just fucking obliterated him before everyone died to the demon tower


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Time to watch the credits. I hope she gets her old keyblade back or even a star seeker. anyhing but a damn basic car key

I think I'll edge to sleep thinking of her!

Fuck off Terra, Terra and Terra.

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Who wins a three way fight between them. No keyblades.

they probably could have given him a replica

Clearly not terranort


This is Oliver Queen sister


LW by default

Replicas needs hearts. Pure rage isn't exactly useable

Terra wins

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Cum Guardian since it doesn't use a keyblade to begin with.

Could mansex and DARKNESS use keyblades but chose not to?

He's the soul and mind of Terra

If Vexen made Xion out of fucking memories, I'm sure he can make a Terra out of Lingering Will

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I feel like a heartless wouldn't be able to, since the keyblade is their mortal weakness.

Xemnas should logically been able to, but I dunno maybe he forgot how to summon it after getting amnesia.

>Sora, I know you have discovered the power of awakening, defeated the 13 darknesses, defeated Master Nort when he wielded the X-blade and now are the guardian of the x-blade, but you are still not a keyblade master.

>I feel like a heartless wouldn't be able to,

Wasn't sora a human shaped heartless for the rest of kh1 and the entirety of CoM before roxas rejoined him?

>meanwhile Sora and Terra are the strongest

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No, Kairi made a vessel for him out of pure light with her asspull light powers.

Was it ever confirmed Sora got to keep the KEYBLADE permanently? I assumed it disappeared afterwards

considering the fact LW went inside and managed to win his heart back to control Guardian


Hollywood thot trash! Aqua is pure!

This scene justified KH's existence

It wasn't shattered, Sora could probably just summon it. Xehanort managed to summon it in a different world. Until its shattered I assume Sora retains ownership. After Sora got dusted it might just be wondering aimlessly.

>Aqua after 10 years of grinding EXP from heartless and with a darkness powerup vs Sora
>"W-Wait Sora-sama I was only pretending to be retarded. Please stop hitting me AHHHHHH I'M FALLING INTO THE WATER"
>Terra as a rusted suit of armor without a heart or a body vs Sora, Donald, and Goofy
>"Wow, you managed to survive before I realized that you aren't Xehanort and have my friend in you. I acknowledge you as a master, let's spar again whenever you want"
Did Eraqus make a mistake?

Is the keyblade of heart ever going to serve a purpose?

I'm horny for Aqua but I'm also sleepy.

The lore of keyblades is so nonsense now.

Sometimes people materialize them out of their own heart out of nothing. But then sometimes keyblades are constant objects that can be given from one person to another. They can even be broken or physically lost, and require you to get a new one. Where the hell do they come from in that case? Who makes them? And what about the ability for them to teleport back to your hand when you throw or drop it? How can anyone lose their keyblade with that power?

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Why hasn't Ven killed himself already?

I want to an aqua and she turn me to darkness.

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Goodnight user!

Sounds like you need Aqua to use her power of waking.
On your dick.

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He's already killed vanitas twice though

It states he was blown away, people are still arguing about it because """""Disney game""""" and we can't have words that imply death even though its been written before and even in previous titles.

Maybe she can give me a handy when I wake up from dreaming about her!

They have Chirithy literally tell Sora he died in game. I'm pretty sure if they wanted to say Terranort died in the journal, which almost no one reads, they would have.

Isn't it just Sora's keyblade that can return to him by his will?
I can't think of it happening for the other characters.

But yeah, I didn't get why Riku had to get a new keyblade, sounded like an excuse to leave it for Repliku (who never used it).

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night user.
I want to dream about her in a bikini!

People in here will never agree with these facts but here goes.

She was exhausted and went straight for Ven, everyone told her she needed rest but she rushed it and after Vanitas appeared she got emotional and rushed once again, overestimating herself.

She could take on Vanitas no issue. But not with how exhausted she was. Her losing was her own fault for sure but Nomura made sure to think up a decent reason for that particular turn of events at least.

You and I both know it'd be mostly Genderbent Sora, that's waht usually happens when a male character gets into Smash Bros.

>All these people posting Aqua but no Dark Aqua.
I wish people made more Dark Aqua. So little of her.

How are the Level 1 runs in Days and Re:Coded? Does it have damage scaling? How is Critical in Coded?

>So little of her.
So just like in the game.

Her new kink: Human contact

For days, probably the hardest L1 proud/crit run in the series
For Re:c also fairly difficult, on par with KH2 L1 crit imo
No damage scaling
Crit in coded is more its own thing scaling-wise than the "Proud mode +" that the other games have

I would do anything to fuck her thighs

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i think its worth doing level 1 on every game except those 2 and obviously CoM. ReCoded has its way of rewarding you for playing on a harder difficulty, which there are many difficulty sliders to try out. 358 can never be fun.

There's an ingame trophy for beating Re:Coded in low level, so they expect you to do it to fully beat the game. I think you can't go higher than level 15. I did it at level 1 because might as well and it was pretty fun until those fucking damage blox enemies in Agrabah and inside Riku. Fuck those enemies I swear to god, pure cancer on level 1

Terra as LW is quite nice for a soul that is alive only thanks to his hatred and rage. Like, when he isn't in "XEHANORTTTTTTT" state, he’s polite and quiet toward Namine, and calling Sora keyblade master and sparring with him for fun.

I'd fuck any part of her honestly

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>liking jobqua
get some taste faggots

>Terranort survived Zettaflare and managed to solo the Guardians of Light
>CumGuardian never died, one of the strongest Heartless to the point Xehanort kept him as a drone because how useful he is
>LW is blind. And he's nothing more than a soul haunting an armor, still one of the strongest keyblade wielders

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with Terra.

Too angry and horny.

kys pathetic male feminist

Terra is so powerful he can take over any KH3 thread

>each fucking thread turns into a Terra thread

Un fucking believeable. Did he redeemed himself and people like him now?

It's true though, Kairi's character got snubbed. There's nothing wrong with wanting a competently written/executed female character.

>caring about Carry

She's literally the worst character in the series.

There's literally fucking nothing this unstoppable train of a gigachad can't do.

>Soloed xehanort as an armor.
>Soloed xehanort as the heartless' guardian, escaped it, repossessed his body, all while holding eraqus' will inside him, something 3 of the fucking strongest keyblade weilders at the SAME TIME couldn't do.
>The absolute fucking madlad unfucked old coot xehanort by getting Eraqus to surrender him not by force but by will.
>Gets to pound Aqua every night.

Of course everybody likes him.

He's a cuck who lost his way to darkness. Xehanort is the true chad.

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He's as strong as a rock and as smart as one too.

t. Xehanort
>Made water wet

How come nobody ever posts the scene where she's walking with a budging puffy cun cun.


Grabbing his head and saying "Good Morning Ven" and giving him the bedroom eyes was too much. It's like Nomura KNEW what he was doing. Well, to be fair she was trapped alone in Hell for over a decade with no dick. She needed to fuck.

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Go fuck your cat, ven

>Can't control his darkness. Literally SCARED of his darkness
>Gets easily manipulated by smarter minds
>Accomplishes fuck all
>Dooms his friends for more than a decade
>Sits alone like a cuck in a graveyard, only speaking to Namine
>Gets beat up by Sora whenever he visits.

>Survives back to back battles against the Lingering Will and a full powered Aqua while fighting off Terra from within
>Survives the Land of Darkness
>Becomes a chad scientist
>Discovers fantastic new ways of harnessing darkness and heartless
>Creates 2 new parts of himself while keeping his original self

Terra's overrated. The only interesting things he's ever done are when Xehanort was in control.

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>There's literally fucking nothing this unstoppable train of a gigachad can't do
Except not lose his body and ruin the world for 10 years, not get tricked by every obviously evil villain he meets, tie his shoes, sleep on his front without suffocating, count higher than 10, pass the mark of mastery exam or read.


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She's gonna need both dicks most likely. The sea borders the land and Sky alike. All three are meant to be together.

Based user educating the feckless neophytes

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go watch your husband fuck your wife, faggot

>Xehanort died looking scared shitless from Terra.

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>aqua just interrupts the handshake to prey on ven
ok what were they thinking

>Got his head crushed by cum guardian

God I wish, the Terra would’ve stayed a Guardian forever.

>Vencuck came because people post stuff about Terra


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Ven and Terra are also gay for each other so it's all fine.

Merely pretending so he could have the X-Blade created user. He was done with that foolish youth and had no need of his body anymore

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>Vencuck is here

are you going to have a meltdown again, or should we give you some tick-tocking?

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>Mike and sully

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What happened to this Xehanort? Did he just die? Did Sora murder his heart? Why the fuck was he relegated to a grunt and not on the level of the other Norts?


Xehanigger a shit.

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Would've been so much better if he were the main villain

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Sora only unlocked Terranort to make it easier for Terra to push his heart inside.

The journal states that Terra banished Xehanort heart the fuck away.
So he's pretty much dead.

>Ven holding iPad


What was Nomura thinking? Doesn’t she love Terra?!? Wtf bros.... my chad got cucked...

I'm really confused by this image.

>Vencuck going for a spergout

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Just ignore it, it’s a failed attempt at trying to be funny.

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Suddenly Lingering Will being mad makes total sense.

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HOLY reddit image batman

Where is cum guardian in that image

In Aquas uterus acting as birth control. Why do you think it's called cum guardian anyways.

>this guy hates Terra because he "cucks" him
This can't be real. I refuse to accept this. No one is that pathetic.

He released a load all over her chest and corrupted her.
Literally doujin shit.

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Given that heartless generally do not look anything like their living counterparts, why does Ansen SoD look like Xehanort? Actually, why does he even look human and is capable of reasoning despite no other heartless being able to do so?

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>Implying it's doujin-level corrupting shit if it's just her boyfriend's heart

He did it willingly, so he kept his mind.
Sora did it willingly, he kept his mind.

This is why Xemnas and Roxas are different from the original self and got their own conscious and heart. Different from the original one.

Because he's possessing Riku's body. Otherwise he's just a shadow wearing a hood, as seen in KH1 and DDD
Also, he looks like Terra and Riku, not Xehanort

2 days now, still can't find the source for that pic.

Not sure.

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Do you think Aqua is secretly upset that Terra didn't keep his Xemnas look and voice?

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So was Terra conscious inside the guardian the whole time but just unable to disobey ansems will or did he just awaken during that final battle

tfw no Terra gf

This is Master Aqua.

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I fucking love that picture so much

yes, he was just a feral heartless back then.
only after LW transferred the soul into him that he got self aware and ripped out the bandages that kept his mouth shut

Mindless drone untill

>no Dinosaur, Atlantis, Pocahontas, Lady and the Tramp, Oliver and Company, The Emperor's New Groove, The Princess and the Frog, Meet the Robinsons, The Incredibles, The Aristocats, Bolt, Doug, Kim Possible, The Weekenders, Teacher's Pet, Dave the Barbarian, Cars, Planes, The Cheetah Girls 2, Camp Rock, High School Musical, Billy Zane's Anti-American Cum Guardian Adventure, Pepper Ann, Recess, Brandy and Mr Whiskers, Gargoyles, Mighty Ducks, Cory in the House, American Dragon, Hannah Montana, The Buzz on Maggie, The Proud Family, Lizzie McGuire or Dog with a Blog worlds
I'm truly cut, Yea Forums

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That's headcanon. Stop pushing it as fact.
He reached out to Riku in DDD, so he was somewhat aware.
We have no idea what happened to Lingering Will in KH3

just show me where all the good porn is already

The Lingering Chad and Virgin Xehanort.

You really have to wonder why Xehanort was so obsessed with enacting the same "summon kingdom hearts via keyblade war" schtick when Xemnas pretty much made his own just by letting the protag do his job.

That doesn't change that Sora became a fodder heartless and did not get all the advantages Ansem SoD had.

Here we go. Vencuck and his denial.

You'd have to be blind or gay to not see that it was blatant fanservice.

I want anti-Aqua to step on me

So technically, he looks like what Riku would have looked like at around 30 maybe?

>no Don Bluth EVER since it’s not Disney
>but wait, Disney owns Fox now
Anastasia better be in KH4

Sora turned into a fucking shadow. The weakest type of Heartless.
He had no dankness.

You’re actually obsessed pathetic life you live l mao

Perhaps if Riku got a major tan, maybe.

I want to marry Master Aqua

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>Namine literally speak to him as Terra. LW is the one who talked to Aqua in RoD.
This makes no sense. Namine wasn't even in Sora's memories until CoM. She had absolutely no fucking way of learning about those connected to Sora until CoM. 0.2 takes place during the ending of KH1.

hello friends, what does job/jobber/jobbing mean? is that when nomura shows himself as a hack? where did the term originate?

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needs a bulge

Tick tock Vencuck.

Nomura is a hack.

What the fuck are you talking about, you retard? Denial about what? It is headcanon. Terra was aware as the Guardian since we see him reaching out to Riku in DDD. He just wasn't in control.

>Most replies are people parroting that text to speech Youtube faggot
These threads have hit rock bottom if that were even possible for KH threads.

If he had no darkness he wouldn't have become a shadow at all, better to say he had no light since shadows technically are pure-bloods that have no light.

If Xemnas and a 30 year old Riku fused, they'd look like Ansem.

term comes from WWE
it’s about intentionally losing to set the climax for the better man to finish the job after you
it’s your job to lose the fight, regardless of how good you are

She has full control over Sora memories and those who are linked into him. She literally created with that power.

It's canon and happened before 0.2 by Nomura. Namine even reference it in 3.

>no Don Bluth EVER since it’s not Disney
Then what the fuck is Merlin?

A spanking is in order.

No. Namine didn't start shifting through Sora's memories until CoM. That's why he was lured to the castle in the first place
And Namine didn't discover the links to everyone else until CoM.

Nomura is adding all this dumb shit to the series while forgetting what he already wrote, and he's contradicting the series. 0.2 is the start of the cancer with all it's dumbass retcons. Like Mickey telling Aqua about Riku and Sora saving the worlds, which completely contradicts Blank Points when Aqua didn't find out about Sora until Ansem told her, which made her break out in tears.

Namine, Aqua, KH1 and KH2 Kairi > Rest of the female cast

you got to take control of Sora after he became a heartless in KH1 because he kept his mind, meanwhile Terra’s mind stayed in LW.
he could’t have his mind in both the armor and the heartless at the same time. now you’re the one who’s going to make headcanon shit up to explain how LW didn’t have Terra’s mind or anything in it, the armor was it’s own being and self aware

First, it's inside the dream realm. It's means literally nothing, even then -

>Heartless are made from hearts, and even if mindless, they have some instincts
>one of the most Important memories for Terra as LW is about Riku

Of course his Heartless reacted toward Riku.

You call it headcanon but the journal out right states that LW started wrest control from Terranort. Accept defeat.

Shadows occur when the person in question had very little darkness to speak of. Sora became one because of the aforementioned lack of darkness.

Ansem was as powerful as he was, because he embraced and embodied darkness in life. His experiments with hearts, including his own also helped him create the perfect conditions to be as powerful as he possibly could be.

Sora did not have that advantage. He had Kairi.

Sword in the Stone is licensed to Disney, while Anastasia was by Fox

makes sense, thanks

Fuck you

>focuses more on muscles and abs than tits and hips

user, I...

every tiem

Keyblades have to be the stupidest thing ever. Stop liking these TRASH kids games.

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Ansem wasn't powerful at all though. As a heartless he was weak until he possessed Riku.

Yup. KH is clearly a tool for venting as many bullshit plot points as his heart desires.

I still remember the relative simplicity of KH1 where things were played straight. Kind of.

But KH2 brought us Xigbar-Ocelot so all is forgiven.

Doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense, it's the creator word and his story. We know for fact that Namine got power over Sora memories and those who are linked with him. Namine did it before 0.2.

Nomura stated it's canon. It's canon. It got a reference in 3 as well.

Not weak - lacking a vessel. Potato Ansem was pure, concentrated darkness at that point in time is all.

You what. How is it more focused on muscles and abs then her boobs and hips. How could it be drawn to focus on her boobs and hips enough according to you instead? Shes not even that muscular either

Good, you accepted it.

What a shitty art style.

>Doesn't matter if it doesn't make sens
Yes it does you retard. It can't happen because it doesn't fit into any of the game's timeline. It's a god damned plothole, because Namine factually doesn't dig through Sora's memories until CoM
God you Nomura dicksuckers are the worst
>"Nomura is great he can't make mistakes the KH story is perfect!"

most of the bullshit was kept tucked in Jiminy’s journal inside Ansem’s Reports.
by following only the cutscenes, all you got was a scholar gone mad after studying too much darkness and taking advantage of a greedy jealous boi to sell his soul to the devil for power

what the fuck is wrong with Nomura. I can't believe he thinks Versus would've been good with him onboard if anything it was spared from his autism

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Nomura makes retcons every fucking minute since KH1. It doesn't matter anymore if it's canon and literally happened. In Nomura mind and canon, Namine got her power from the start and Found LW from looking probably into Riku.
Namine then talked with LW before 0.2 and helped him reach Aqua.

not to mention the game was so vague it implied Hollow Bastion was Ansem SOD’s castle where he studied all that shitin the library, kept all the strongest heartless in the game as his pets and even had a portal to hell in the throne room. you start that area with Beast and there’s a whole deal about saving Belle and beating Maleficent but no way in hell that looked like Beast’s Castle, it even had a completely different music from the film’s soundtrack so it couldn’t be referencing that

Yeah, finding all the journals was a good way to fill in some plot holes.

Also this is a fairly stupid thought I had just now but there are kids playing KH who weren't born when a google search of Xehanort only gave one result.

I think one of the biggest problems in KH's overarchive plot is we never learn dick all about Namine. We don't see how she started life like we do Roxas, we don't see how the Org finds and kidnaps her, we don't see how they learned she has power over Sora and his connection's memories or why she does for that matter. We're just expected to accept it all for no reason when nearly everything else in the series has been explained to an autistic degree. Honestly I blame Xion, if Days didn't focus on that deviantart OC Namine would have had to be the one getting some much needed backstory.

I look in disbelief at KH3 today the same way I get weirded out when I see how Haley Joel Osment looks now compared to his face in the Sixth Sense

Inarticulate children parroting niggerspeak once again.

Can Xaldin wield the keyblade?

He touched Aqua's keyblade and it didn't go back to her.
Is that why he is Number 3 and not Vexen?

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perhaps he could be worthy due to his sense of honor and duty, just like how Axel got one thanks to his pure heart and bromance with Roxas

>arm band to accentuate her arm muscles
>boobs look smaller than usual and unappealing
>more detail in her abs and traps than her boobs
>she's not even muscular in game
>waist could've been smaller, hips could've been bigger
>lingerie tacked on to try and make up for lack of femininity in photo

Come on user.

>Aqua wear cat ears and spins around while opening chest so she can make her own fun while shes in the dark pit

Wew lad yeah.

He loved the shit out of these games too, I'm glad he's been with the project for so long.

A reminder the series stopped after this game and everything afterwards doesn't exist.

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It happens in 0.2 it's just dumb though. It's literally because she wasn't holding my while laying on the beach when Destiny island was returning to the light

I, too, love leaving shit unresolved and never progressing

Tanking a fireball with her own body when she can use magical shields is just plain stupid.
If Nomura wanted Aqua to job, at least make it more like the opponent caught her off guard by making Vanitas "nothing personnel" Aqua by teleporting behind her after she blocked the fireball with her magic shield to catch her off guard.

>muh letter in a bottle
Could have just been a thank you note, or an invitation to a knighting ceremony for all we needed to care back then, every plot point 2 introduced it tied up.

The only unresolved thing in KH2's ending was the letter in the bottle and even then it could be one of those "you decide what happens next" endings.

It's on pixiv bruh

If Namine can erase Riku's memories by association with Sora and can talk Terra though Ven though Sora, then can she just erase Xenmas and Xehanort's memories?

BBS Remake when?

Attached: 8479584_p0.jpg (450x690, 235K)

"Vanessa & Luna Sensual Lift and Carry - HD WMV"

Thanks, I suck at searching stuff at pixiv but thankfully a related pic that looked similar showed me the artist name, exhentai did the rest.

Aqua such a girl

The time travel shit with multiple Xehanorts is just way too stupid and over complicates everything. I think the game implies that Young Xehanort was sent back to the past (and will have his memory wiped for some reason?) after Sora kicked his ass in the future, but what about the other Xehanort clones?

How does it work for Terranort from the past if he was beaten and had his body reclaimed by Terra in the future? Wouldn't that instantly delete all of Xehanort's future selves?

As a "writer"/director I think Nomura's strength is hype moments and twists but seems he has difficulty to connect these moments.

For example in this case he wants Aqua to be badass and dominate against Vanitas but he also wants Ventus to be reawakened in this scene. This causes his brain to shortcircuit.

The Terranort in 3 is the one reformed from Ansem and Xemnas' defeat, or at least his body is. No idea why it reverse aged by 10 years unfortunately, that's an actual plot hole.


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Terra body returned without heart or mind. A meat puppet.
Xehanort just got another Xehanort inside of him.

>$11.99 for a 13 min clip
no thanks, but thanks for the sauce

Terra is a lucky guy

But if Xehanort split from Terra, then he shouldn't be possessed at this point. This is also not explained.
Or it's a Terranort from another timeline, which mean there is still a Terra somewhere, just like there's still a Xion in Sora's heart

Micky implies Terranort was present in the background in 3D too

Ansem and Xenmas are replicas and their hearts go back to the past I guess. I actually did a number count and apparently Riku was also present in the original 3D Organization as Ansem's vessel. Riku just gets promoted when Vexen comes with the replica plan

What the hell with all this vencuck shitposting? Ventus is a literal baby and never was aqua love interest, she just cared for him like a mother

When Terra and Aqua have a kid, how is it's stat spread going to work?
Is it going to be an STR/ENDchad like the father, a bitch mage like the mother, a super powered MAG/STR/END ubermensch or a mediocre "alright at everything"

i dont mind the ship, but there's barely anything that shows affection beyond the typical camaraderie we're to expect from KH.

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There's very clearly something odd going on with Aqua's jobbing in KH3 besides WAIFUFAGS btfo.

First off, we have Vanitas very sarcastically call Aqua "Master." As if - that's not who she is. But you know what, her jobbing against Vanitas isn't really so bad. She beats him pretty decisively until he shoots a blast at the helpless Ventus. She tanks the hit because that's what good guys do.

What people are confused and mock her about is her just giving up against the Dark Tornado. But with it she pauses, as if she realizes something about it beyond it just being a big tornado of heartless.

Remember, this is a series where a lot of people are fatalists(even Sora at the end). Fatalists in the sense that they whole heartedly believe some things HAVE to happen.

In fact, Sora's quote to KH3 mentions it.

"They can take your world, they can take your heart - cut you loose from everything you know. But if it's your FATE - then every step further will be another step closer to home."

So to make a long story short - tons of these characters are playing the long game, which sometimes involves acting in a way a video game protagonist won't(destroy the enemy in front of you). To their benefit or collective detriment is anyone's guess.

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358/2 Days remake first, with the original co-op multiplayer still intact.

I thought their reformed body became old man Xehanort, which was what Yen Sid told Sora after he killed both Ansem and Xehanort with the keyblade.

I recognize this set up. Shake man, cool out

Just finished the game. Was pretty good though sucks that aqua jobbed twice. At least they made Terra a chad. Glad they finnaly resolved all the character arcs except Sora and riku

Cum guardian can't time travel, it's just linked to Xehanort but they can swap it around as shown when Ansem SoD used it on Aqua and Hayner but Terranort had it in the war. The nort inside the reformed Terra's empty body is the Xehanort from BBS before he fought lingering will, that's why he doesn't recognize him. Also Xion's heart did leave Sora, it's just subtle because her power allows her to siphon it slowly instead of all at once like how Roxas' shot out.


We also don't know Terra and Aqua's history before they came to Land of Departure.

Who knows? Maybe Aqua was a tomboy on some island.

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An END/MAG kid named Lutum.
Mud in latin.

He'll have his father's stupidity, his mother's fragile physical frame and her jobber genes

I don't think their past actually super matters. The only time it should come up is during an Eraqus game because people don't really think about the fact that The Land of Departure is empty outside of it's Master and his students so there is a guy running around stealing kids and training them.

I don't know about The Guardian not time traveling but I like the idea that Terranort is from the past. Thats actually the most sensible explanation honestly.

END/MAG in itself is a pretty chad build. None of this pussy dodging shit, just straight tanking and magic.

>singling out Terra for low INT when BBS is the "Everyone is dumb: the game"
However, I agree with your overall idea. If it gets the jobber genes you know they'd be like "Strongest kid ever" and then he'd go D-Link Aqua to make sure the jobbing sticks.

>I don't think their past actually super matters.

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It took him 12 years to realize that he just need to win his heart back first instead of beating the shit out of his body and hoping Xehanort would get out.

Fucking Terra.

>talking about Aqua and Terra
>You bring up Ven

>That putrid artstyle
Ventus got grounded grounded grounded

>so there is a guy running around stealing kids and training them
Is there any reason not to hate Eraqus.

>LW keeps beating Terranort in hopes Xehanort will give up and get out because Terra isn't smart enough to try to fight inside his own heart

This is now my headcanon.

>Maybe Aqua was a tomboy on some island.
She was a tomboy, at least. Her and Terra used to spar when they were kids, but when Terra started getting fucking beefed beyond what she could do, Aqua turned to Magic.

Nomura can point at anyone in the cast and say "Their past was actually super important the whole time". He did it with Ventus. He did it with the Organization members and he could do it with Aqua and Terra

So, you become super tight friends with Group A. Then Group B. Then Group C. Let's say you forget your time with all three groups, sort of. Your heart still remembers, vaguely. Well, enough to create drama.

Let's pull a Douglas Adams and say Group A is in the past, Group B is in the present, and Group C is in the future, but circumstances have it so that those locations are places you can travel to.

Which group is your "home?" Which group is your "true friends?"

From Group A, B, and C's perspective, they lost a dear friend and are trying to get them back. But with that effort comes frustration and confusion. And it's not like everyone can just be friends equally. The friendship of war buddies versus the friendship of childhood, versus the friendship of fate, versus...

Well, you can see the issue.

Friendly reminder that the ending should symbolize Sora just going on another adventure instead of dying, and anyone who accepts Hackamura's stupid fucking attempt at making Versus XIII a thing again should be rightfully called a retard.

>Terra build is max STR/END/WILL
>but 1 int

I can get behind the theory that Terra empty body got possessed again by another time traveling Xehanort.
But I'm not convinced for the Xion part. That would mean the Organization found a way to siphon her specifically into one of their replica. But why her?

I mean wasn't it obvious with the secret ending that he's alive

Group B. They were your friends first.

The secret ending if taken at face value means he's playing the Reaper's game. Meaning he dead. But if he wins, he comes back. Or can become a reaper, a composer, etc, etc.

Why do you even care?
If it's fun, I'll play it that's all

>needing INT when you have WILL
If I can punch my way into New Vegas not realizing there was a quest to help you get in then I have proved with enough WILL, there is a way.

What does this rambling have to do with KH?

You don't understand that the KHverse will literally bend over backwards to do the emotionally right thing. Xion was forgotten by everyone and Roxas was completely fused back into Sora but they ultimately came back none the worse for wear. If you've got friends in different time periods then you better believe the space-time continuum will fold in on itself so you can all be best friends together forever.

Xion was effectively a copy of who she was at the beginning of Days, using data and and a replica that Vexen had left over.
It's only when Axel was about to die and Sora popped in that her heart came back and she remembered them.
He's not, he's dead and stuck in a TWEWY situation of having to do some shit before he can be alive again. Welcome to DDD2, this time featuring V13Noc-I mean Yozora taking over YX's role.

What? I thought it just meant Sora and Riku dropped into another world.

Nomura heard Jump In The Line too many times planning out KH

>(Jump in the line, rock your body in time) OK, I believe you!

>But why her?

Because Saix and Vexen's manipulation, and Xenmas just went "sure".

Though I think Xenmas probably told her before the final days boss.

Ah I see I'm not familiar with twewy. Though I don't see him actually dying. Do you think they'll change the protagonist next game?

Here is what I don't get. Why do the Unversed who make up 13% of the population commit 50% of the crime?

Plenty of characters, Sora included, already died in KH. And all of the TWEWY characters are also dead.
Death doesn't mean anything in both verse.
He'll stay as the protagonist

Just beat Dark Inferno. Level 36 so not exactlt under leveled but not too far gone either. Holy shit in his third stage he fucking goes and goes and goes doesn't he? Actually very fun boss, the mechanic where he can cancel out of his end lag a certain number of times made for some whacky situations.

u mad lite boi?

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No, it'll be Sora and Riku again.
Because Vanitas touches himself at night, usually thinking abiut Aqua.

You are the only person who enjoyed that as a Secret Boss.

Its kind of a difficult fight at first until you figure it out or just tank it with healing items/curaga but
>no cameo, just a heartless with 2SWORD LMAO
It was shitty.

Jobs harder than Vegeta

I don't mind, I liked the heartless secret bosses in 1 too. The fact that he's a suped up version of Invisible, the best heartless that never appeared after 1 is also neat.

Besides you already have a reference boss as the secret gummi ship boss.

>he hasn’t played TWEWY

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You sound like a blast at parties

Imagine just flipping her over and using her ass as a pillow.

I disagree solely because she doesn't have a character


keep fantasizing vancuck
it was ephemer's heartless


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>No KH beach episode with every girl wearing a sexy bikini
My disappointment is immeasurably

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Keyblades are literally just Plato's philosophy of the ideal

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it's good that you have an imagination but keep the fantasies to yourself
I wanted to play as Axel.

Nah I'm just a fan of Kino and that's what the ending gave me

my nofap just got nuked from orbit

This is actually pretty hilarious considering how bigger Xion’s rack’s gotten.

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Still feels like we should have gotten keyblade armor.

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He's a superbosses rather than a secret boss. Like Xemnas in KH1 and young Xehanort in BBS would be secret bosses

That being said dark inferno is still pretty fun

>I'll make my own Vs XIII
>with plaid and heterochromia

>not enjoying a rad heartless design

I want to kiss all their tummies all over

That's quite an upgrade

She doesn't have that puffy vulva like Olette

Attached: Olette_KHIII.png (1690x4496, 3.94M)

So we all agree that Roxas is the best character in the entire Kingdom Hearts series, right?

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God bless Vexen.

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Nice pic. Her new outfit suits her incredibly well

>all this art out of nowhere involving aqua now
What gives, not complaining but I thought KH was gay
I like the armours in this series. Guard Armor, Keyblade warrior ones, etc

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>Xehanort gets TWO kino suits of armor
>All his Replicas also get cool armor
>Sora still nothing

Better be good when we finally get it

It was but something changed

>ephemer's heartless
No wonder I didn't recognize it. Fuck gachashit.

Daddy Vexen a best.

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I haven't actually played x but I've heard someone mention it in a KH thread before
mfw no aqua purification doujins

The red scarf is the clue I think , it also might not be a heartless but a darklink

shit fetish

Xemnas isn't a secret. Very few superbosses in KH could be considered secret, as their unlock conditions are just "beat the game." I think YX in BBS had some dumb shit, as did No Heart so they're secret bosses.

got you covered bro

Attached: purification.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

YX was just "go back to the LoD" like the Vanitas remnant in the KBG wasn't it? And No Heart was just a special Mirage Arena battle like.

You have to beat Vanitas remnant and then randomly decide to go back to LoD.

Yup, common non WWE example is Worf in TNG. The show kept banging on about how strong and bad ass he is and so kept having him lose to whatever needs to be established as threatning.

The guy got it, your post is pointless.

how else will everyone know I read tvtropes though

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>Riku's keyblade breaks and he needs a new one
>Axel's keyblade shatters completely
>he has it back when they all seal the keyblade

*sealed kingdom hearts

Maybe the power to materialize it even if he doesn't physically have it, is unique to Sora. That's probably why when Roxas had Sora's keyblade pinned by one of his own, he was surprised when Sora could still materialize it.

Nomura just wanted to give Riku that godawful car key to the regalia. Such a bland design and it was the first sign to me that 3 wasn't going to live up to any expectations.

Not unique to Sora but probably unique to the Kingdom Key of light. Also are we not going to talk about how Mickey did the equivalent of slapping a personal paint job on a base element of the universe?

I only realized that he got a fucking haircut from the Demon Tower because of Just a Pancake.

Such a stupid fucking sequence of events.

What if Sora actually gets armor in 4 since he has no gummi ship?

Keyblade of the 7 princesses of heart>Soul Eater>Car Keys>Way to the Dawn

Why do people even like Way to the Dawn? It's so ugly compared to the original Soul Eater.

It was more like he fused it with Starseeker.

Didn't Terranort also do it while fighting LW?

I always wanted to play as him throughout KHII. Also I assume he has no history in the threads like Ventus has gotten.

Imagine the smell

>LW takes keyblade
>Terranort let's keyblade go, jumps in the air, and dives towards LW
>LW let's Terranort's keyblade go, to prepare to attack
>Terranort's keyblade is no longer being held, so he simply summons it back

They had water and probably magic that could clean themselves up.

Fuck off Rowling.

>Terranort's keyblade is no longer being held, so he simply summons it back
That's what I meant. So its a thing about if a keyblade is somehow blocked by anything, nobody except Sora can summon it back? That sounds shitty honestly.

Why do I want Aqua to put on a bikini and give me a lap dance before letting me make sweet love to her while she calls me her good boy so hard?

Yeah, but before that Aqua had been roaming the Real of Darkness for a long time. Even if she was able to bathe on the sea, her clothes were already soaked in her bodily fluids. I imagine when she was brought back to the Realm of Light everyone could smell the musky odor coming from her clothes. That's probably why Sora asked her to go back to Yen Sid's Tower before rescuing Ventus.