Korea time

gather round children it's korea time, so put down your shitposting and come watch brood war
ASL continues with the round of 8 tonight
>EFFORT (z) vs. MIND (t)
Can the sadness terran compete with the immortal, perfect zerg machine?


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Other urls found in this thread:


here's the schedule for the rest of this week's games.

>LAST (t) vs. SHARP (t)
>RAIN (p) vs. HORANG2 (p)

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hell yes motherfucker

Best matchup tonight lads
>neo sylphid
>match point
Any likely the last good match of the quarterfinals

Mind is going to get bogpilled by Effort's alien ass. As always, never had a lot of confidence in Mind's performance while Effort is looking fantastic.

>get called a genius, the 'brain terran'
>never win a major tournament despite playing the most OP race while being so supposedly smart

Wipe him out, effort

>despite playing the most OP race
Mind plays terran not protoss

I thought it wasn't until tomorrow, sweet. Guess I'll go get some dinner before the stream starts.


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he won a msl dumbass

my alien effort the last bonjwa will win

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prolly an effort steamroll.

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time to crack open a monster

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Sharp vultures the fuck out of Last, and wins 3-1. Rain's gonna ass rape Horang2. Effort beats Mind tonight game 5, then beats Mini by cheesing him game one and causing mini to have a mental breakdown.

Effort v Rain and Effort v Sharp would both be amazing finals

>Seethrough stargirl

Not wholesome

this match is worthy of being a final. if this was an actual final tasteless and artosis would flake on us to go cast a kusoge nobody gives a fuck about in some country full of shitty players. today is going to be really cool. I hope mind wins.

dang, they ain't kiddin, that's a lot

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Can't wait to go to bed early tonight boys, 3-0 Effort.

>if this was an actual final tasteless and artosis would flake on us to go cast a kusoge nobody gives a fuck about in some country full of shitty players.
If they fucking flake on this ASL finals I'm going to lose my shit


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>terran 2
>tasltess and artosis talking
>scvs and drones mining
is this ASMR

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>if this was an actual final tasteless and artosis would flake on us to go cast a kusoge nobody gives a fuck about in some country full of shitty players. today is going to be really cool.
Fucking lol. mfw I remember that this actually happened

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>FOUR (4) hours earlier than normal

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it's terran 1, terran 2 is GOAT though.

People who prefer the korean ""casters"" are like aliens to me
Would unironically rather listen to rapidregret. Would rather drink bleach than listen to rapid regret tho

>floating 510 APM with barely anything to do

effort's wrists are gonna break like Flash and Jaedong's did soon enough if he keeps this up

What, you guys don't like Rapid? I personally think I- I mean I think he's really good and has a great knowledge of the game.

>proxy factory
the fuck is he trying to pull here?

no bully rapid

Only OP when played very well which isn't as easy.

between noregret, rapid and the third new guy (wolf something), rapid has the worst synergy with the rest and has the worst knowledge of the game. he can improve and there was time for him to improve, but he did not

All according to keikaku

the more exploding wrists the more power Jaedong has

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you have to out dishonest the dishonest zerg to win

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Solo rapid is surprisingly okay, its when he's paired with other people there's problems. I don't want noregret to ever show up anywhere ever again though

stop living in 2017, he got much better now

effort getting dabbed on early

>tactful instead of tactical
you on crack homeboy

>skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.
I mean it still sorta works. kinda.

Effort the ayy lmao god. What a comeback.

that fucking turnaround goddamn



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ow geez. this might be a 3-0

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I'm glad my favourite player from back in the day is still this strong

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trying to lose

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Wrapped up in my blanket cocoon right now.

Standard bedshitting from Mind.

What the fuck happened? I step away for 1 minute and it goes from Mind winning to Effort steam rolling.

can someone please explain to me how mind is a progammer? he is literally retarded, literally.

How the fuck did Effort afford all that?
His macro is absurd considering the disruption to his economy early

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If I remember correctly his matches in the groups were really sloppy or just cheeses. I felt like he got through over some better players there.

mind got too cocky with his vultures and always had 1 or two not two or three, and he also forgot about the marines that could've sealed the deal, so he lost

>massacre your enemy's economy
>instead of pushing, just sit in your base anticipating mutalisks
The marines would have been enough to kill the natural.


3 hatch baby, it's risky but you get so many larva early on you can do what you like in the mid game

He skipped straight to lurkers after 6 mutas because he had the read on Mind's movement and map control

Considering mind couldn't close that out, it probably will be.

>Wake up a little late
>1 match over already
Was it another cheese like yesterday?

>he also forgot about the marines that could've sealed the deal, so he lost

You must have paid close enough attention, but he tried to send those in and they got stopped by sunken colonies so he turned them around

For all that it seemed terrible, he only lost like 4 drones for a Proxied factory and like 6 Vultures, and he only ended up needing one sunk in his natural because Mind had to micro so much in the main he couldn't execute the attack properly. And he was on 3 hatch instead of 2, as well.

Bad jokes, very uncomfortable pitch and tone of voice, no synergy with other casters, rarely talks about the game or strategies/what he thinks the players are thinking or going to do.

Artosis and Tasteless are actually very relaxing just to listen to, they give good info, and the banter doesn't overwhelm. With Rapid I often get an urge to mute the stream since his commentary is more distracting than enjoyable.

>zerg going to be eliminated
>2 pvt in the semis

there was only 1 sunken, and with vultures dancing around it and with marines in a semicircle the damage would've been big enough

>no results searching for random lyrics I could understand
>no results from shazam
goddammit I liked that intermission song

>PvP finals
Looking forward to it :)

are you me? same thing happened to me constantly last season

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Calm down Rapid.

could ask in chat or tweet nick, dan or someone at asl.

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Yeah I think if he just waited for at least two vultures before revealing his hand he would have started oneshotting drones and been able to deal critical damage to Effort's drone count. He's nervous or something. Sending his first solo vulture didn't do shit except give Effort more time to react.

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I couldn't find the screencap of a giant clusterfuck on a mineral line on that PvP on sparkle where they were similar color
if you're some kinda faggot without a blanket sure

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i gotchu senpai

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it just gets worse every time i see it. Thank you.

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>that split


oh man those are some rough irradiates.

what kind of cat is that?

got the urge to make banana bread now

>banana bread

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>those irradiates
god effort

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>I think this might be a 3-0 (for effort)
>I'd just like to point out how that first game is not indicative of the series

When will Artosis just admit that the exact opposite of every predication he makes always happens. 3-1 for Mind inc.

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does attack type matter against buildings?


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Tasteless said it would be a 3-0 for effort, not Artosis.

most boring type of pet.

mixing in the firebats after effort lost so many mutalisks was pretty smart. just standard mismicro from effort costing him the game desu.

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that's not what he meant by indicative though I think

GG motherfucker, 1-1-1 is a great build if it's done properly

Which is why Hydras kill photon cannons so fucking fast.


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Missed the first game, how was it? Also please post a pic of the 300 iq guy in the headphones.

photon cannons are also very brittle in general, but still correct observation

cringe and yikespilled

It does. Otherwise pack of vultures would one shot pylons.

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Come on.


>Yea Forums at a party

oh that makes sense I guess

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Hydra does little damage to zealots (50%) compared to cannons which is the comparison I think is being made

>scarab was a hologram

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what game was this?

The one thing I'd love to see fixed in brood war is the reaver. It's such a crapshoot.

At least provide better feedback as to why a scarab duds or not

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god it was beautiful

hroang2 vs guemchi, I think?

its not rain, im not interested

Reaver behavior is well understood by pros. It dud'd because he got greedy and targetted the clumb in the back.

>Artosis and Tasteless always being competitive with each other and trying to be correct
I miss the old banter filled tastosis.

>tasteless says something about the game
>artosis laughs snidely
I want to make the faggot drink a bucket of ink
It wasn't any better before though where tasteless couldn't say anything without being directly contradicted

I can't believe artosis is a self-proclaimed himbo

I don't, Tasteless was a complete waste for a long time, he contributed nothing except retarded jokes and could never even remember who was playing. At least now he tries to talk about the game.

This one youtube.com/watch?v=w3bWR_aLlas or a different song?

It was much better when he didn't know what was going on and would just provide comedic relief.

Now he argues his points very strongly, and artosis can't handle it and you can feel his salt. They now both try to correct each other constantly.

oh no not that one, the song that was playing during the intermission when it was showing the maps

Was today earlier than yesterday?

Sure, but as a viewer I'd love to at least get to see why the reaver dudded. Fixing the reaver would have really drastic consequences for the balance of course, so I know it's off the table, but at least it could be easier to understand as a viewer

Same time as usual today, the games have been pretty fast tho
The game on Wednesday are going to be four ours earlier so remember that

leave zerg to me

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It's something you get used to - you can start to consistently realise when a scarab has (or will) dud

Name a cooler unit than the Firebat
Protip: you can't


This was a sick game from Effort. Sniping those vessels all game and taking basically no eco damage.

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>2 cracklings can take out a stimmed firebat

ultras are babby a-move units

Every unit is cooler than the firebat, and that's just how they like it

>6 dropships


block chain is such a shit map

If it was that simple then the pros wouldnt dud so damn often

took me a second

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Who here remembers what firebats say when you kept clicking on them over and over again?

no googling.

It is a lot more interesting to watch when you are on the edge of your seat wondering if a scarab will hit and wipe the entire mineral line or not.

God defilers is such as disgusting unit. Even the casters know how stupidly OP consume is.

Dark swarm is a joke

Can't be a blockchain if it ain't useless

Need to know anything about Propane?
Or... Propane accessories?

usualy it's the other person making it dud by mineralwalking the workers or otherwise intentionaly altering pathing

You got my attention
Wanna turn up the heat?
Fire it up!

Buff when? Removing the need to upgrade speed and decreesing the cost or production time slightly would go a long way imo.

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They seemed quite vinegary and bitter against each other a handful of games back, seems they got down and talked about how to change the dynamic. Sure there is a bit of tension you can notice, but maybe not such a weird thing when its been 20 years, one of them actually plays at a high level and the other doesn't play at all.

I think disruptors are more fun than reavers. That said, the reaver/shuttle combo is better than anything sc2 has

>decreesing the cost
ridiculous cost is only thing preventing scouts from being OP

>rebalancing perfection
Pandora's Box desu, just keep your slimy fingers off the game

The scout was a mistake

I feel the same as you, and for a long time against my better judgment I'd start to get angry at the balance situation in BW for ZvT. It feels like there's no counter play for it.
But after watching a shit ton of flash games, and more importantly games where it goes to lategame ZvT and the T wins, I noticed something consistent.
When the Terran wins, its because they
Every vessel you have is a free dead defiler.
Its easier said than done to proactively irradiate defilers before they're in your natural AND to keep them alive while doing so. But it seems the key to success
If you have to float 600 minerals to do it, keep your fucking vessels alive

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Thats why I said slightly (25 units max).

>some units never used

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mein schwartzers

name 2 units that are never used

Scout and infested terran

Gosh i wish we see more valks

snout adn debourer

Cattle Brucer

infested terran and broodling

IT and devourer have seen use

Dark Archon

The last two are seen like once a year when the planets allign.

>command centre finally gets infested in one pro game
>they float it away and land it
>they DON'T make infested terran
>it gets destroyed by the terran
fuckin pathetic

It's really hard since even if you perfectly micro against scourges, they can just hit you with a plague then snipe it with a random glaive bounce when you are at 1 hp.

IMO terran air really needs a buff. Make goliath and wraith missile have splash or something. The main reason zergs have it so easy in tvz is because they have such an easy time midgame controlling the map with mutas they can tech straight into ultra late game goodies. In pvz games they basically have to take it slower since protoss actually have ways to kill them in midgame since they control the air easily.

It's so strange, Valks are supposed to be good against large groups of mutas but every time I've seen them for the past few years they always end up getting destroyed without getting damage in and the Terran will gg

IT has seen use in maps with neutral CCs sure. I wish more zergs got a single queen for infesting CCs. With a pack of adrenalings and a queen you can take out a CC super-fast

>this happened a day after a nuke was dropped
>we could have had nukes and infested terrans back to back

>he never saw late game zvz
I pity you
Used both in TvT and TvZ

I raged hard at that game, deserved loss


While mostly unseen, removing devourers would make massing carriers more viable which thankfully it is not. Of course plague can deal with carriers by itself, but the devourer is another deterrent

I think its because Valk micro is hard

oof losing 2 lurkers

mind: time to walk all my marines single file up a ramp that was just covered in lurkers a moment ago.
oh no

>Let me just line up all my boys for these lurkers!

Sasuga, Mind.

>those spines


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>I do that and thats why I'm bad

you know what mind needs to bust through all those lurkers and sunkens? nukes

no mind to think

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>250 apm vs 450

>infested terran shambles up and kills the ghost

What now genius?

wtf is a medivac artosis

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nice drop lol

Effort absolutely read Mind like a fucking book.

every time I see artosis cast sc2 i see him die inside a bit

what is defence matrix

>Not evacuating the dropships
Those could have been vessels nigger

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Kill it with valks

galaxy brain effOrt

why the fuck did you drop seeing that army there mind what the fuck

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boy howdy this is a mess for mind

i guess effort
( •_•)>■-■
is a mind reader

gg mind

Why does nobody ever repair their vessels?

Nice science vessel micro bro. Just move them into the scourge.

>losing those vessels


looks like Mind has lost his

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APM is a precious resource

>didn't even fucking lift the CC

Absolute shitter. Get this faggot out of here.

>Mined out

how do ultralisks reproduce?

4channel gold sent

repair is slow and it takes APM. Still worth it though, vessel count is the only counter to the endless zerg bullshit


Captain Buck, he is an idiot.

You could literally just keep a few SCVs with your army and repair when you have a moment to breath though. It's so easy to do.

gg ez

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>non-flash terrans

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they don't
zerg are a-sexual and they all are born from identical larva
do you not pay attention to whats happening

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This 1x best of 5 in a evening is really not enough.

Fucking GSL has 4x best of 3 in one evening.

Well at least they actually talk about and analyze the game this season.

Delicious S t a r g i r l shoulders.

Mind is shit but jesus watching 3/2 marines losing to ultras is just sad. I had no idea how flash managed to do it, but tvz looks stupidly unbalanced right now.

Absolutely shameful display from Mind. That was ro16 play at best.

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Very carefully.

why is dark swarm + ultra allowed

So why do we never see mech terran v zerg anymore? Last few seasons have been all bio-ball, which is sort of boring to be honest.

do you have a single fact to back that up

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stargirls boobs look very low today

because soulkey solved mech terran

To punish he who hath turned his back on science

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>Light got cheesed out twice while Mind whose been playing like shit got through

mech switches are too punishable by zerg, and 1-1-1 has been countered lately but early goliath builds do well against muta

Darchons are now moderately common in PvZ. You already get Templar tech, and if you hit a maelstrom on a muta clump it disappears

just maek carrier lol

To be fair, he probably didn't deserve to make it past ro16. Neither of his wins were very convincing.

Glad to have a zerg in the semis
Hoping for a zvt final

mech is high risk high reward, and many progamers don't want to take the risk
>vultures die fast but come with free mines and can 2-shot a drone
>tanks are slow but have amazing damage
>sieged tanks are even slower but have even more amazing damage.
>goliaths are good anti-air but kinda shit ground-to-ground

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One day a Terran pro will forget they exist and decide to make battlecruisers to counter carriers and then get hit by scouts, and it would be the most hype match ever. Well, a man can dream.

Tasteless looking like hes on comedowns from a coke and young korean cunny binge

One hell of a saturday night and the make-up department tried their best to cover it

Bio ball is exciting, the alternating layers of counter-tech that shft the initiatve backwards and forwards is great.

Because the zerg will just maek mutas and beat you anyway. Even if you fight off the mutas with goliath, once dark swarm hits it's lights out.

Is zerg the weak early strong late race? Early game seems too short or inactive and they get into mid fast

>tfw I made a Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff edit for a ksl thread a couple months ago, not realizing other people do it as well

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>weak early

Kinda. Late game zerg is basically unbeatable by any race. Terran just have a harder time controlling them in the mid-game, so most times zerg runs away on tech. In pvz with good toss players, zerg never gets to go into late game hive tech despite having as many bases as they do in the tvz games, just because they have to spend money and make a standing army or the protoss just smashes them. Not like this non sense where they just make a muta ball that cannot be killed and pump lings and bank gas for tech.

Depends on the matchup. Zerglings are the best starting unit and are really really good at killing workers, its why in PvZ and TvZ the toss and Terran wallin and why ZvZ matchups are a degenerate race to mutas and all end in 10 minutes or less.
However, in TvZ because bio is so solid they're forced into a defensive position and have to buy time and tech up into defilers. Meanwhile in PvZ its the opposite where the Zerg is the one with map control and they're trying to bust down the Protoss defense with Hydras or massing mutas to outnumber their corsairs and just straight up win since Dragoons suck against air.

Yes and no, its matchup dependent and in this game pretty much every race gets a turn to be the "Map control" one in early game.

sweet arty and hella tasteless edits are gold, never stop making them

Usually the main focus is usually on teching/macroing up as quickly as possible and then exploding out a ton of mid game units. They can make ton of zerglings early, but terrans and protoss have strong defensive options if they see them coming and it'll really hurt the economy. Zerglings early on tend to be very cost-effective against marines and zealots, but the zerg usually has low econ and can't take advantage of it. The emphasis is usually on a bare minimum of lings for scouting.