Optimization in PC

I have a good PC but my games keep crashing and is somewhat slow on certain occasions.

Games crash/make the screen turn black for a few seconds/hang and then turns back to normal. Everytime there is an update on games (suprisingly, except Steam), my PC just slows down considerably.

Any tips other than full restarting your PC, checking for viruses, and updating your drivers?

Also, I lower the graphics on games because of said problems, but Geforce Experience says its "unoptimized" and recommends me to up the graphics. Should I "optimize" it to help with the hanging/freezing/blacking.

Lastly, my PC also bluescreens occasionally when these happen. I already did the usual + mdsched and it found no problems.

Relevant specs:
Gigabyte 1050ti
AMD Ryzen 5 1400 3.2 GHz - unoptimized
8GB Ram - one attachment
Windows 10

Attached: 1234.jpg (1000x887, 123K)

By unoptimized in AMD Ryzen 5 1400, I meant not overclocked

thats not that good of a pc. also dont use geforce experience yikes those optimized shit are submitted by users as dumb as yourself. if you are getting bluescreens thats not good, but also hard to diagnose, could be ram is bad or needs to be reseated, gpu reseated, overheating issues, bad setting somewhere in bios, etc

Maybe your HDD is dying, check its smart and maybe do some low-level test.

The Geforce "Optimization" is just recommended settings for your video card. If it's recommending you go up from your current settings it thinks your video card can do better than your settings. It's not 100% reliable but if that happens across every game the issue is likely elsewhere. I'd start testing components like the RAM and HDD, sometimes running out of RAM on a slow hard drive will do a lot of swapping and fuck everything up. Though you also mentioned your PC bluescreens around when this happens, that's probably a good lead, whatever error it spews out after it BSOD's.

Your PC isn't amazing but it's not terrible either.

Is the graphics card over Locked?
Do you have a quality power supply?

I forgot to mention that the blue screen is the MEMORY MANAGEMENT


What you're describing sounds like an unstable OC.
Also that computet is rather bad.

To add to , do you have two monitors? Even if not I'd recommend running HWMonitor and playing something intensive for a bit, so you can then check the max temperatures (or real time if two monitors) various things in your system reached, mostly the CPU and GPU.

The thing is "the pc slows down" could be pretty much anything.

Well there's your lead then. Do a RAM test on the stick and see if it's fine.

Run memtest overnight.

What do you mean its smart

blue screen error is MEMORY MANAGEMENT

if you mean overclocked, no i havent overclocked anything, and yes

I've never heard good things about And from anyone. Now that Nvidia prices are dropping (granted, CPU prices are up due to the shortage) ever consider switching to Nvidia? From all my friends, all I hear is that the sole advtange of AMD is that it's easier with multiple monitors. Just get a Nvidia chip and look for a decent priced i-7 if you can't afford an i-9

What PSU do you have?

It can be some bad driver, did you install some something before this problem occurred?
Also run sfc /scannow in the command prompt, it will check integrity of system files.

1050Ti is NVIDIA retard.

Check you're pagefile settings.

i don't know if its windows 10 mismanaging the page file but i managed to fix random blue screens related to memory management for both AC:Odyssey and Star Wars Battlefront II by setting a manual page file size rather than let windows 10 handle it.

i'm also running a ryzen CPU with a nvidia GPU

If you are that stupid to not solve the problem yourselves by googling, you might as well buy a console.

>What do you mean its smart
SMART is the name for a monitoring system that checks your HDD's overall health. There's a lot of utilities online that will give you that information if you wanna quickly check how that's doing.

>blue screen error is MEMORY MANAGEMENT

Run memtest as another user said. These issues seem random and of varying performance hits, definitely sounds like something may be wrong with your RAM and it fucks up when allocating the memory, sometimes fatally.

What kinda comment even is this? I agree Nvidia is consistently better quality but not only is his video card already Nvidia but changing his AMD CPU would be an expensive solution that may not even do anything.

Not every problem can be solved easily, I tried to fix my uncles old pc with random bsods, and I'm pretty sure motherboard was faulty in some way.

EVGA not sure what series though, 750 or around that I think

Nope, been like that since day 1

>so you can then check the max temperatures (
depending on motherboard, he may have a temp gauge in it. Even if he doesn't, they sell them for fairly cheap wit the software that allows you to check temp. Just have to hook it onto a prong on the motherboard. I bought one and it works very well, despite not coming. Less than $20 fir anti

So you bought pc and it had bsods since day 1? Sounds like a warranty case.

Why would he need to check motherboard temperature themselves? I don't think I've ever heard of a motherboard overheating issue and I'm fairly sure all modern motherboards will report CPU and GPU temperatures. OP you should really download Speccy. It will give you an overview of temperatures of everything, the SMART information for the HDD.

That usually stands for the Watt's available, so like 750W. Which would be far more than you need for your PC so you are fine on that front.

Again, Memtest. If your computer is having completely random slowdowns while running at graphical settings below what you could be running and literally crashing saying there's issues related to memory management, check the memory.

Temp is around 50-60C
A friend built it for me
Ill check out memtest thanks


Admit you fucked up when building that PC. Again, just buy console if you cannot handle to put together slightly harder LEGO.

Check your RAM. Either it's too full when gamign or you need to run memtest to see if it's fucked.