The best Sonic game ever made is what?

The best Sonic game ever made is what?

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Sonic 3 & Knuckles

this or arguably Sonic Mania.

For 3D games it's SA1 or debatably SA2.



>sonic team
>never made a single good sonic game

None of them you autistic dribbler

Sonic 3 complete and Mania

Sonic CD

Anyone who likes 3 is a casual who doesnt understand what made Sonic good, and probably couldn't even name 10 2D platformers, let alone their top 10.

But Sonic Colors was good though

But what if I like 3 AND CD?

Mania or generations


>Doesn't understand what made Sonic Good
Neither did the people who made CD

Attached: SMA5.png (519x527, 266K)

Fuck off eurotrash

There has never been a good one

am i insane for holding this above all else?

Attached: sonk hegog.jpg (300x426, 47K)

CD objectively
>inb4 the inevitable clueless retard complaining about the confusing level design for their tiny brainn nd how you can't go fast despite it being blatantly false

sonic 3 and knuckles is the best game of all time

too late

>Sonic Colors and Lost World below Heroes and Unleashed
The absolute state of the Sonic fanbase.
Even Forces is better than Heroes.

No, it's pretty good. I like 3&K better because I think the Sonic 2 levels take a nose-dive near the end, but it's a pretty good game.

CD's just "good", but nowhere near the best. I know you got meme'd into parroting that opinion, but it's just not true.

>Anyone who likes 3 is a casual who doesnt understand what made Sonic good,
>likes CD
Beggin ya to reflect on your life decisions

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>I know you got meme'd into parroting that opinion
Nice projection actual braindead mongoloid, I don't expect you to understand CD anyway

>Colors is somehow worse than Adventure 2 or even Unleashed
Nigga you dumb

It's also extremely ironic because if there is a parroted opinion is that CD is not actually the best one, spread by brainlets like who have little to zero self conscious
Sonic 2 is a product of america appealing to americans, Sonic CD is a product of japan and it's creator, andit still shows to this day

eat shit boostshitter

sorry I'm phoneposting

>Unleash is not boostshit
Nigga you even dumber

>spread by brainlets
>hurr durr muh long tracts of land/ muh springs facing each other = large brain gameplay
Also what's even the point of going back in time to destroy the badnik generators + metal sonic projectors when you can just collect the time stones and cruise it in the good future for the rest of the game?

Unleashed is half boostshit
Colors is all boostshit all the time


Sonic Generations.

Played it with my wife's son at the time and it's the game that got me back into gaming as a whole

>>hurr durr muh long tracts of land/ muh springs facing each other = large brain gameplay
Who are you quoting?

>Also what's even the point of going back in time to destroy the badnik generators + metal sonic projectors when you can just collect the time stones and cruise it in the good future for the rest of the game?
>complaining about other options and variety because there's a easier one
>what's even the point of playing the game if can watch the end on youtube

>Who are you quoting?
Quoting you ya simp since CD's levels are barren like your head.

its unleashed. it always was and always will be. dont care if this makes classic shitters cry and stomp their feet.

I don't want to live in a world where the Shadow the Hedgehog game doesn't exist.

FPBP, but some may consider that cheating due the intial release format, but it is usually considered a complete product these days and was intended to be one before release.

the answer is 3&Knuckles.
the cure for boost shit is adventure 3.


Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Chaos.

VR Chat

>Soulless Mania