Is there a single fucking controller in the past 25 years that has gotten this simple fucking input method right?

Is there a single fucking controller in the past 25 years that has gotten this simple fucking input method right?

Even retro controllers often turn into a mess of progressively shittier revisions that make it hard to find a non-shit controller.

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I never felt a snes dpad, what's so special about it?

Lazy cunts can't bother to make new buttons just ofro the dpad, so they copy the actionbuttons and but a cross on top of them. But the dpad needs it's own buttons, with optimal travel, firmness and angle.

Most dpads from the last few gens are fine, I think the only bad ones were gamecube, xbox, and 360

It's a little rubbery but responsive, been tempted to clip the plug off the end of mine i've had for a couple decades and put a USB head on it.

Everyone seems to agree that the genesis pad is better.
Best Dpads are on the PSP and Vita though.

>Best Dpads are on the PSP and Vita though.
surprising to hear, I fucking hate the PS2 dpad.

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The later versions of the Genesis controller had a shitty cost-cutting d-pad.

Too bad the autistic placement of the buttons makes it less comfortable for games that would actually use a d-pad. A Dualshock style layout would have been much better, but Nintendo just -had- to be different.

Why don't controllers have mechanical switches for buttons?

Wii Classic Pro.

I enjoy the feel of the dual shock 4 d pad but not so much the dual shock 3 pad

Cost cutting shittery.

I actually don't mind both sticks being high, only thing that bugs me are that abxy are smaller than SNES and NES buttons.

But top position is top tier.
Top > Bottom > Asymmetric

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PS1. And no, there's nothing wrong with sectioned d-pad faggots.

I've heard it's quite good. Shame about the proprietary connector, though.

Sticks on top is great for 3D games, sure, but not so hot for 2D stuff. That's why I prefer bottom, it's still quite comfortable for 3D games, but also has the best layout for 2D games, so I feel like it's the best of both worlds.

Why would that be bad? Feels more failsafe than if it isn't.

What? It's just a snes controller with handles and sticks

I don't like the sticks being on the bottom because the sticks stick out. The buttons and dpad feel better to me being on the bottom because they're flat.

There are people who think they're bad because they can't get use to it and claim it is imprecise. Kind of like tank controls.

>What? It's just a snes controller with handles and sticks
Not really. A Dualshock is a much more apt comparison to the SNES controller. I haven't tried a DS4, but the DS3 felt like cheap trash.

Tank controls may be a thing of the past for the vast majority of games (unless it's a game with dramatic camera angles like Silent Hill, because changing camera angles with free movement would break the game), but the idea that it's imprecise is really strange. Tomb Raider gets a lot of shit for it, but the controls are extremely precise, almost to a sort of autismal degree. I read on this board a few months back about the inability to adapt to tank controls was associated with having a sub-100 IQ, but who knows.

>I read on this board a few months back about the inability to adapt to tank controls was associated with having a sub-100 IQ
You don't actually believe that do you?

Not really, no. I don't understand it either.

Xbone controller's is decent.

I believe it. Plebs will cry anyway.

Agree, but it still sucked in the end.

Genesis, Saturn, and the Vita D-pads are some of the best.

>last year it was announced that some company got the original production blanks for stuff like sega saturn and genesis pads from sega
>they were going to make new USB and bluetooth versions
>fast forward, the controllers come out
>they're apparently the worst quality of all time and the buttons fall into the controller body and shit like that

god damnit can't someone just make the saturn dpad again

the psp dpad is awful atleast on the original version

I have this one and it's great. Connects to everything and feels great even tho I have yaoi hands. Was surprised how sturdy it is.

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Best controller ever. Bar none.

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Dat's ecspensiv!

i've heard they're quite good, but just a hair below the originals. that could just be memeing though

>posts a controller with quite literally the single worst d-pad ever designed in a thread about d-pads

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The Lstick is pretty snappy. Good enough to use as a dpad


And you know it

Love the good ol' snes Dpad. Even knock off third party controller Dpads like 8bitdo bluetooth snes pads will still fuck up after just a year of use meanwhile the snes controller I had since the snes launch still works perfectly.

Playing an emulated game on a 360 Dpad is actually possible, but not enjoyable

Doing so on a GC Dpad is a actively negative experience that feels awful the whole time

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mind you i haven't hold original snes controller in years this one is really good. all the face buttons feel great and this US treatment on Y and X just helps i've had europe version of snes in childhood and triggers, bumpers and analogs are just right for this thing. can connect, play and spend no thought on it. until there's QTE in steam game and steam reads it as xinput so A=B and yada yada. oh and it has great phone holder so you can play steam link in your bed.

tl;dr: I recommend it

This thing actually had the best dpad ever on a pc controller. emulated the fuck out of everything in the 90s/early 2000s with this. great controller.

I wonder of some of the people involved later went on to make the 360 controller and stuff..

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Didn't the Xenoblade controller revision fix the issues with the switch D-Pad?
The normal one feels comfy so one with fixed inputs should be perfect

The Vita's d-pad is pretty amazing. Lately I've started using an 8bitdo SN30 Pro which feels pretty great, not perfect but a damn improvement from the Switch Pro controller's.
You can buy kits with replacement boards to do that non-destructively y'know. Just swap out the internals, keep the original rubber pads, buttons and shell.

hey guys im pretty good right :^)

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Fine for its intended purpose, terrible as a dpad.
Probably wouldn't be bad if you could swap out the housing on it, get a nice clicky microswitch dpad out of it.

Could you theoretically design something you put over it so it becomes a normal dpad?
You can buy replacement shells like these if you want to take the existing guts of one and repackage them.

As much as I love my switch I can never understand the thinking process behind this. It's like whoever designed it never played a single action game in their lives before.

It makes perfect sense, it's done so you get four independent buttons when you use it as a whole controller. It was a compromise they were willing to make for the overall direction and vision of the platform. Wish they made an official alternate one though.

I actually have no problems with this. When I use it, even for old NES games, it just feels like a normal d-pad. Maybe I just have big thumbs?

>I can never understand the thinking process behind this

you cant understand the much vaunted ability to use both sides as an independent single controller?

I happen to agree with you. Which means that the Xbone and Wii U Pro are good when you're using the joysticks. When you look to use the Dpad, the DS4 is better, as the buttons are top and line up with the buttons, making it symmetrical and high.

Of course, that means it's worse for games that don't utilize the D-pad.

Remember that you're supposed to be able to break the controller in half and make it two player. The D-pad then transforms into the ABXY buttons, which just wouldn't work if they left the traditional D-pad in.

I'm not excusing it, simply explaining the logic behind it.

microswitches are kind of expensive

Everyone shits on the 360 D-pad. What exactly is wrong with it? I've never had a problem with it, and its circular shape makes it comfier to me.

The Xbone Elite Controller D-pad is the only acceptable Xbox D-pad, and the controller is absurdly expensive considering how prone it is to breaking.

>I've never had a problem with it

"I've never had a problem with my mule" says the rural farmer to the John Deere salesman

apparently, you've never used any other dpad? all playstation dpads are also garbage tier.

a huge number of of 360 controllers shipped with manufacturing defects on the dpad that were so bad some directions on the dpad weren't really usable. for example, you would hit the down direction but it would register as right or left. the 360 dpad design was outright defective and microsoft never bothered to fix it

never heard of this once...thats not why people shit on the 360 dpad. they shit on it because its awful and unusable. for instance you cant do rotating motions in fighting games

it's ok for simple left/right inputs, it's absolute dog shit for anything with diagonal inputs

>never heard of this once

you're either retarded or lying

lol its something you made up esse, you stay in your own little delusional psycho world dont try to draw me in, im not interested

360 pad is hated because its shit period..has nothing to do with any imaginary manufacturing defect that never happened

Those are garbage. There's no pivot in them, so you can press all the buttons at once, it feels like shit.

It's mushy and imprecise, absolutely unusable for anything more than menu navigation.

ok smoothbrain

All Sony D-Pads pinch my thumb when moving diagonally and it hurts after a while, anyone else experience this?

I wouldn't be surprised if someone's made one that actually fixes that already and even then, a shit d-pad is better than none at all.

bro are you not wearing your gamer gloves?

Are you overweight or do you have particularly large/small thumbs or something? I'm not accusing, I'm just curious since I've heard people complain about this but never been able to replicate it myself on any Sony controller.

They did with the X1 Pro controller, but apparently making that is expensive.
What the hell are "yaoi hands"?
Sidewinder was great, but for that time it was quite expensive.

nah this happens if you play for a long time. when i was a kid and playing my playstation all day on a weekend or something the skin on my thumb would get kind of raw depending on the game i was playing

Never had an issue. But I've got pretty skinny fingers (my dominant hand's ring finger is ~ a ring size 6, to give some perspective).

>They did with the X1 Pro controller
I think you meant the Elite. Not trying to ride your ass, or anything. Just informing.

Honestly better than I expected, I have very little problems playing platformers with it. Pretty decent for menu navigation and simple games like PPT. Still wish there was a joycon option for a D-pad, though.

The only time that happened to me was with the GC joystick (the soft rubber begins tearing after a while, and leaves very hard, sharp edges).

Yes, got confused with the name. Thanks. The Elite's disc gamepad is at least in the Top5 of all time.

>tfw you will never have one of those devkit PS4 controllers with an official Vita dpad

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If the controller wasn't so prone to breaking, the Xbone Elite controller would be hands down the best first party controller ever made, and this is coming from someone who actually prefers the design of the DS.

I prefer the saturn dpad

what makes a d-pad good and what makes a d-pad bad Yea Forums?
the 360 controller is generally cited as a very good controller save for the d-pad, what was wrong with it? can you compare it to a controller with a better d-pad?

I don't understand how they could take the plus design from older controllers, slap it on the pro controller, and make it so you can accidentally input up and down when pressing right or left by slightly tilting the D-pad up or down when holding left or right. Like, it's inevitable it will happen during heated gameplay, how did they think this was ok? If I wanted a diagonal input I'd press both vertical and horizontal at the same time, not when I'm only pressing horizontal and accidentally tilt the D-pad.

I wish Nintenjew would make left joycons with actual d-pad.


>what makes a d-pad good and what makes a d-pad bad Yea Forums?

the player needs to be able to easily translate their desired directional press to the dpad. Hence playstation dpads are bad, because their design makes diagonals harder/less responsive to press by nature

the player needs to be able to clearly recognize which direction they are pushing/there should be good feedback or some kind of clicky or tactile feeling, not too "mushy".

the dpad needs to be springy and return to neutral instantly, there can't be any sticking, stiff or sludgy feeling

the dpad needs to translate the player's actions to digital signals faithfully, accurately and reliably

>what was wrong with the 360 dpad?
It violates basically every premise I set out above.
>Directional presses are hard/inaccurate on it. Diagonals often don't come out correctly
>The feedback is bad, it simultaneously feels stiff and mushy
>Stuff like double taps and rotation motions don't come out reliably

The best d-pad of all time was the Sega Saturn (jap) followed by Sega Saturn (US) and Dreamcast. Honorable mention: SNES

How are the analogs? I'm thinking of buying a couple as extra controllers since they're a third off what I'd be buying for pro controllers.

>that clicky vita dpad

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am i retarded or does nobody here have a dualshock 4? it has the best dpad i've used in over 20 years

i wanted to buy one, but its just such a bad controller in general. the dpad looks good, thats why i wanted it.

It's not. I find it to be very mushy and getting diagonals is kind of garbage. I also wish it was more springy.
It's probably the better d-pad of this gen's controllers, but the competition is lousy, so that's not saying much.

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are the saturn controller replicas worth trying, or do I have to track down an original + an adapter?

dpad outputs diagonals way more easily than cardinal directions, so it demands a lot of physical coordination to do what you want. wasn't for me.

i like the clickiness but the buttons just take way too much force to push down, would be a passable dpad otherwise

it's the best dpad i've ever used but i wish it was clicky or otherwise gave more feedback.

>are the saturn controller replicas worth trying
no they're all garbage
>or do I have to track down an original + an adapter?
i wouldn't bother trying, you will get ripped off by fakes.

just get an xbone controller if you need a pretty decent current dpad

Try playing a fighting game with it. Playing Mortal Kombat with it wasn't worth it. I ended up returning the game a few days later.

that thing was a wrist breaking uncomfortable pos, the dpad was ok but it was so painful to use for any period.


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I liked the xbone dpad but I bought three of those fucking things and they all broke within six months. keeping my eye on the C40, if reviews are good I might splurge since it's logitech

Why do people keep jerking this one off so hard? It's not that great.
The d-pad is fucking trash. It's one of those awkward d-pads which you can press down all buttons of, instead of resting on a ball.
It's BOTH clicky AND mushy. Don't know how they fucked it up so bad.
Plus, the shoulder buttons are terrible. Loose and too sensitive and none of them are analog. Only good thing about is the nice shape and comfortable sticks.

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>I liked the xbone dpad but I bought three of those fucking things and they all broke within six months

huh? wtf are you doing to controllers?

>What the hell are "yaoi hands"?

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This, vita d-pad is god-tier. It has a nice clicky feel that's not too audible and diagonal inputs are really easy.
It's criminally underrated.

The GC controller was pretty good for the games designed for it(Sunshine, Melee, Starfox) but it was pretty trash as an overall controller.
Button placement is pretty alright and makes a lot of sense, but the horrendous d-pad, awkward c-stick and lack of a second Z button hurts it significantly.

>tfw have both a genesis and saturn controller
>tfw they're both the shitty versions with the bad d-pad
Shit sucks. Every fucking controller I own has an awful d-pad--my best is a god damn DS3.

Every 8bito controller has a good d-pad but you're not allowed to recommend those on Yea Forums.

im not tossing them across the room or vise grip them or any other stupid shit, but i do drop them from my lap sometimes. thats been enough to make the bumpers nonresponsive on two of them, and the last one had plastic break off in the joystick assembly and the joystick gets caught on that. my Dualshock 4 goes through the same shit with no problems, so im blaming microsoft switching out off the metal parts for cheaper plastic with the xbone design

The regular XBONE d-pad is fine. Strong pivot, fairly comfortable. Not sure what complaints you could have with it.

XBOX 360 d-pad was trash though, don't know what that other user was talking about.

Sticks are better than control pads for 2D games

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Xbone d-pad is too low profile

I think the ps2 dpad was great

With PS3 it's easy to press right while only touching the top or bottom portion of the pad because its interior design is awful. Same applies to other directions. It's junk.

While on the subject, does this one work on the switch?
Is this the SN30 pro or something else?

Dualshock is the most autistic layout though. It's clearly thrown together as a "me too" product after Nintendo's success with the analog stick and it's actively harder to use in 90% of games on ps2, 3 or 4. bottom analog sticks is pure cancer.


Hohohohoho no, no, no.
It's probably going to be shit too, with the modular d-pad.


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There's a reason why d-pad won over digital sticks. They're better at at top-down and fighting games but shit at sidescrollers.

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This looks like a mess.

All the Model 2 Sega controllers had good d-pads if I remember though. Not sure about Genesis 3 but I know that the original Model 1 controllers had super fragile d-pads that would become garbage after a small amount of use.

But yeah the good Model 2 controllers I’ve got have the best d-pad of any console.

Absolutely disgusting, how they sacrificed the dpad for their shitty gimmick

The pokken controller is curiously pretty good.

No one uses those for games consolepleb.

been using it since i've had my ps3 fat, and after it died been using it on pc and it still works perfectly

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*blocks your path*

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>It's clearly thrown together as a "me too" product after Nintendo's success with the analog stick
This is a really autistic way to describe it.

At any rate, I believe that having symmetric controls is generally more comfortable and sensible than having asymmetric controls, and that whatever set of controls is positioned closer to one another (analog sticks in the case of Dualshock) is going to be more uncomfortable than the spaced out set of controls. So, yes, the DS is less comfortable for 3D games than, say, the Wii U Pro Controller.

That being said, with a 2D game, you're pretty much never going to touch the analog sticks and your thumbs are going to remain in the same position, whereas with a 3D game, your right thumb is going to be shifting between the analog stick and the face buttons pretty frequently anyway, so I don't think the positioning of the analog sticks matters as much. Therefore, I feel like the DS is generally the best controller design if you want to play 2D and 3D games.

Personally, I think a bigger gripe with the DS analogs is the convex design, and their height.

There's a official 3rd party option that does this, but the tradeoff is it doesn't have any of the internals required for wireless or the gimmiky bits the joycons are known for, so it's really for strictly playing portable only.

What the fuck am I reading.

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>He doesn't play 2d platformers

U wot? Playing sidescrollers with a fightstick is absolutely sublime, if it wasn't so huge I'd bring that thing absolutely everywhere.
D-pads won out because they're smaller and cheaper to manufacture.

The Vita has an excellent dpad. Very definitive inputs. The only handheld beside the NGPC I'd consider playing a fighting game on.

yeah yeah sure thing gramps, here go load this floppy into your c64 and dont forget to take your medicine alright?

Nah, born in the middle of the 16 bit era, gained a appreciation for using fightsticks for 2D games of any kind when a friend lent me his fightstick. Built my own and use it whenever I can with 2D games.

Dualshock layout is trash. Bottom left stick is so fucking awkward.

The ergonomic reasons as to why it's trash and why people go with asymmetrical sticks is really simple and logical. If your thumb is in a resting position (stick is "above"), the most relaxed range of movement happens in the up-down direction, which is exactly what you want since most of the time in a game you're going forward or backward. If your thumb is extended left or right, the range of motion with the least resistance is pushing or pulling the stick to the left or right, which is exactly what you're doing most of the time with the camera.