You may ONLY post patrician gamer fuel in this thread

You may ONLY post patrician gamer fuel in this thread

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mexican cola is pretty shitty. but it's nice that my brother likes it.


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Recommend me some non-alcoholic drinks to pick up at Walmart
I'm sick of having cola, lemon-lime, and milk be the only options

and occasionally tea

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Just get some hard lemonade you faggot.

Find me a sweeter soda.

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If you don’t drink this then you are probably retarded and need to off yourself already.

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>drinking lotion
what the fuck

Coconut water, limeade, chocy milk

The choice of intellectuals

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>not drinking one of the OG medicines ever
It’s like you want your dick to hop off, your stomach to mold, and your nipples to turn like hard cheese... jesus.

Dr. Pepper is good, Pibb is better

maybe post front of can and not the contents u spergtard

Based and Pibbpilled

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>not Dr. Thunder
Absolute PLEBS

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im a redneck and i can cofirm this lel
the mandarin one is pretty gud

Absinth after you've achieved making 100 skill points of survival in fallout new vegas.

Aloe Vera glorious master race

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More like not poorfags

>drinking Durr Pepper since they changed their formula years ago to taste like fucking rotten cherries
I swear to fuck, several years back they had "Heritage Dr. Pepper" locally which was not only Dr. Pepper with sugar but also the original formula and it tasted fucking godly just like it did back in the old days. I can't drink nuDurr Pepper. It's god-awful.

I never see jamaica or Tamarind.
can't even imagine how they taste.

This guy gets it.
Cures stomach issues, low sugar, mild curative effects for headaches and soreness, just overall the best drink around.

i drink sparkling water i always save wild and black cherry for friday and saturday

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>american corn syrup

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in Japan they sold aloe yogurt at the conbini.
It was actually pretty good.

>Calling someone a faggot for not drinking hard lemonade
Do you drink La croix too you fucking fairy?

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What a shitty fad this was.

>Mexican cola it pretty shitty
>It's made with actually sugar cane unlike the burger high fructose corn syrup

Nigga wut

fuck u bubble tea is my fav drink evar faggot

dont @ me

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come at me.

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Probably guzzle cum too.

delicious water, maybe juice/soda/wine coolers a couple times a month at most

You don't go out much do you user?

Bubble tea is for twinks and chinks prove me wrong

Get on my level plebs

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Nah, he's just american

I cut out the middleman and drink straight corn syrup.

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So good but here its really fucking expensive

Non-alcoholic beer, drink beer like soda

wow, REAL vanilla!

Aussie masterrace comin through

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endless pics of cute guys on my phone

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keep posting cute boys

Y'all some fag ass bitches

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>Not toilet water

These really aren't that bad.

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If i wanted cough syrup i'd drink cough syrup

post more pls


My own cum

Materva tastes like shit

this, but Steel Reserve. any game gets better with booze i can't even imagine playing them without.

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best drinkfu coming in hot

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I know the retarded jokes you're going to make about the name, but this is genuinely the best soft drink I have ever had. It's absolutely amazing.

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I'm a cheap motherfucker too, user.

>all these diabeetus fatfags

I'm actually starting to like the taste and when i don't drink it for awhile i still crave it even after getting higher quality booze.

How the fuck has nobody posted coffee yet

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The greatest drink ever made

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i liek coffee but with alot of sugar and flavoured cream but it hurt my tummie so i don't drink it alot

Some kind of chinese semen?

I know you're being a femnigger, but please never type "alot", even as a joke.

looks like nigger drinks
were do u get jap drinks?

The taste doesn't shock my like it used to, but I still need potato chips or taquitos or something with them.

Calpis you can get anywhere with imported goods, but Hiroshima Cola is quite literally only in Hiroshima. I looked into importing a case, but for a dozen of them you're looking at $200 shipping.

its litteraly just a word u fucking sperg
of hurt from a word huh
also wut does femnigger even mean???


a lot
It's two words
You don't say "alittle" or "afew"

alittle bit of hurt from afew words on a screen huh
thats alot of alot of alot faggotry maybe try alittle to stop afew times from being that

Coffee. Black or with just a tiny spot of milk. Always with a tall cup of water to balance out the acidity because GERD is a bitch. Lady Earl Gray and Darjeeling tea are always good choices as well, especially for JRPGs or Horror titles where being too jittery can be a disadvantage.

If it's not a serious game, for cheap beer Rolling Rock, four cans can get my slightly tipsy, good for fucking about in TF2 pubs. If I'm playing something and want to get a bit more than tipsy, I keep a bottle of spiced coconut rum and mango juice that I mix together and it does the job.

I don't drink much soda, but if I do, it's usually Coke Zero, Diet Coke and regular Coke just don't taste that great to me.

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Rubbish opinion. They use actual sugar

Did he stutter?
I love jarritos, but it can't compare to cheerwine, which is made with HFCS.

You alot gay

iced pekoe tea

My mom tried it, she said it's shit.

Best choice.

Looks tasty.

Cant find these badboys around anymore in my state cause they were so KINO and BASED

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Asian grocers

Mineral water

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probably most basic drink ever
also boring
shit taste

Microwave plebs get out

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Fishdicks.. not even based mozzarella sticks with based sauce. Gross and cancerous...... be careful out there user