>P2P paywalls

Why did we allow this?

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They saw a bit potential revenue stream.

Because its okay when Sony does it

So what do you guys think will be the next tax for playing on consoles?

Digital Library maintenance tax

Backwards compatibility is most likely going to become PS+ exclusive.
You're probably also going to see some games going streaming exclusive, and have to pay an additional fee to stream those. In addition to PS+ of course.


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Wouldn't that take away from PS Now sales?

>we should thank microsoft for this
>even nintendo is jewing their users
>still going just after sony
I mean they're all cancer but this prove how Yea Forums is pckekendogaf

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because stupid normalfags actually think paid services mean better service. and its wrong. sony's serves are an absolute fucking joke.

It'll probably just be an evolution of PS Now of some kind.

I was too lazy edit them into one pic but I hate the practice regardless of the company who does it.

sega actually started it but lets not talk about them and focus on the nintendo pc boogeyman

At least Sony is delivering a decent online service unlike Nintendo

They're both scum for using p2p paywalls. Same goes for MS.

imagine being a consolecuck and having to spend money on video games

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imagine being a consolecuck and having to spend money to use your own internet that you already paid for

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>choose to be a retarded console peasant
>why did we let this happen

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Imagine if there was a monthly tax by the government for bringing friends over to your house or going over to a friend's place. That's what charging for p2p is like.

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Blame Xbox and the 360 for bringing this shit in the first place

Cause Microshit started it and others saw that it was free money

Any video game with a multiplayer focus that does not offer dedicated server hosting software is a scam.

It's so fucking stupid. On PS4 you can pay $60 for CoD, $50 for the Season Pass, $60 for PS+ to play its Battle Royale mode.


You can just download Fortnite/Apex for free and bypass every single pay wall. Why the fuck would anyone choose the former over the latter?

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>i'd rather suck cock and play for free with half a billion chinese cheaters, russians and huehues
mustards are delusional faggots

But you're the one paying for a p2p paywall here so by default you're the one sucking cocks.

psnow is gamepass for ps4 now since you can download your games.

24 free games a year for 60 dollars. Good picks for games of the month most of the time. Pc is for losers a good setup it like 1000 dollars fuckkkkk that

Those games aren't free if you're paying for them. I'd rather actually own my games instead of having them locked behind a service.

Everyone pays for online anyway unless ur pc but pc has no games so ha!

This post reeks of either falseflag or under 18.

I hope you realize atleaste deep down that hackers aren't exclusive to pc. Nor are 3rd worlders.

>Only console peasant because:
I like the exclusives
All my IRL friends/colleagues game on PS4
I'm alone when I play on PC

We recently received taxes added to digital purchases. As usual, we received a horrible explanation. I'd have a lot more respect for Amazon if that is why them and Sony were fighting.

Paying to play on the internet that im already paying for is the number 1 reason i haven't bought a ps4. And yes, M$ is to blame for starting this bullshit and dumb people are to blame for swallowing it.

At least they implemented it in a way where you don't have to have it. What multiplayer games do you need it for?

>What multiplayer games do you need it for?
Every single one on ps4.

no, every games that is primary not multiplayer. so you need ps+ for gta v online, but not for fortnite. its still a retarded service.

>you have to pay for it
>if you stop paying you don't get to play them anymore

Retarded underage consolekiddies with their mummy’s credit card let it happen. t. have multiple 12yo cousins who all have Xbox one’s and pay for this shit.

>I'm alone when I play on PC
Of course, nobody play on PC.

No you don't. All free to play and subscription based online games don't require PS+.
Leaderboards and other asynchronous online play with other players doesn't require PS+.