Has product placement in video games ever worked on you?

Has product placement in video games ever worked on you?

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Tried caloriemate because of this.
It's kinda good but I prefer the knockoffs.

probably a little bit but not enough to justify it

Came to post this, heh. Did you try the actual chocolate flavor one that appears ingame? It's the one with red "calorie mate" brand logo. Different flavors have differently coloured logos, like green for fruit iirc

yeah i tried caloriemate shit sucked just a feint hint of whatever flavour it was in the shape of a shortbread
playing vanquish made me wanna smoke but i didn't
i also gave regain24 a shot and it also sucked pretty hard

Wait this is an actual food?

Maple flavor is better than chocolate flavor.

not them, but I did, I think I liked it better than the vanilla one, I never tried the fruit ones

Yup it's a snack/energy supplement bar. Every bar has 100kcal. The composition is a bit like that of a cookie, except that they feel noticeably dense and "compressed". Also very dry.

Yeah, those calorie mate turd cakes taste like wood shavings.

Yeah I tied the chocolate one. My only issue is it's just so dry you need a drink at the same time.

Ugh, yuck. I’d rather drink onions for a nutritionally balanced meal replacement.

No, but I'd try it out definitely.
I think most people didn't try it because it's unavailable where they are.


you say that as if French onion soup is not the most simple, deliciously satisfying fuckawesome soup ever.


I ate a ton if Burger King when I was into Fight Night Round 3.

>first introduced 20 years after the game is supposed to take place
bravo kojima

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The MGS3 you play is actually Venom's simulation.

I love onions but mushroom soup is better, and in general if we're talking soup google solyanka - the ultimate weak boys filter.

sounds like a good time

>in a soup
LMAO real manly all this lard shit you stuff yourself with you greasy fat fuck

One day I swear I will taste those bars.

To this day I still get cravings for cluckin bell

Actually it has, I still use this shit to this day. Smells great though, it's like a cheaper and slightly more chemical Dior's Fahrenheit, not quite something for kids.

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>using axe

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Nigga you just have no fucking idea.

Also it reminds me of old Motherbase. I can't let go of these feels.

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ok skeleton

100k cals?

You could say this about most technology in metal gear

thats why its a shit series

For guns it does. I'm so broke, fuck. Trying to save up $8,000, only a couple thousand more to go beofre I can have a semi-auto .50 bmg.

Attached: ARM_10SBF-Rifle-Angle.jpg (2100x1232, 277K)

I didn't know CalorieMate was a real food until I went to Japan and saw it on the shelves

It sucks

I'm sure I've been influenced to buy products from game placement but nothing comes to mind immediately

No, its not 100k. It's 400kcal
Which is 400000 Calories

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Oh god user, you need help.


I have this problem too.

>really need to save up money to upgrade my toaster of a PC
>go to gun store to ask some questions regarding new bullshit laws in my state
>see Winchester 1897 some guy just brought in to sell
>want because Killing Floor 2
>gun store owner says if I buy it now he'll knock 50 bucks off the price

I think you can guess how this story ends.

I actually bought Calorie mate on my trip to Japan because of MGS. Not really because I was dieting or something, but out of sheer curiosity.

>caloriemate good
>ipod bad

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>thats why its a video game

if normies dont recognize, use or buy it, its good - Yea Forums unironically