Gggmanlives did nothing wrong

>gggmanlives makes Anthem review under gamechangers
>EA demands it is taken down as the review is actually paid and hasn't been properly disclosed
>gggmanlives reuploads video without any disclosure on the review being paid
>EA does nothing and leaves video up

If the video were really paid, shouldn't this piss off EA even more and encourage them to have the video taken down a 2nd time until he gets the disclosure right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares about this literal who faggot. Hell, You're probably him. Die.

This is why I love this board. This and the really interesting discussions about old classics. user never disappoints.

Go shill contrarian sonny jim shill somewhere else.

I'm just saying EA's actions are not lining up with their reasoning. Seems really fishy.

>I'm just saying EA's actions are not lining up with their reasoning.
No real surprise there.

>Yea Forums suddenly likes Australians

What went wrong?

So shouldn't this mean there is reason to believe EA is lying and gggmanlives is being honest?

Australians have subsumed this board. I'm Australian, you're Australian - we're all Australian now.

Legends has it that Australians were the ones that finally broke moot.

>>EA does nothing and leaves video up
>a month later paid shill GGG receives a lawsuit in his mail from EA for deliberately breaking the law and contract
>hes based af guys! xD

He did everything wrong. This will bite him in the ass forever.


No one on here thinks he's based, what the fuck are you talking about

That's the thing, why even sign up with EA? It would have been clear at the start with a wink and a nudge they'd expect positive coverage. And they don't even offer cash, just a one night stay in some hired mansion for a stupid video game party.

fuck off GGG you already had your 15 minutes of fame

>I chose to re-upload the video as I'd spent the last week working on it, with the disclaimer at the beginning mentioning why the other video was pulled down. It was a "sponsored" video, but I have not been paid, nor probably will as a result of the events of the last couple days.
Nah they WERE going to pay him. Unless they did and he's lying again.

Oh, I don't know anything about the particulars of this situation. I'm just saying you shouldn't expect EA to make rational, or even consistent decisions about even the simplest of things.

Probably a hope that the game would turn out to be at least decent, and thus you'd get paid for no downside.

Go fuck a Dingo, GayGayGayman
And make more reviews of bad classic FPS, I enjoy those the most

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What did he mean by this?

Sponsored without disclosure is a big problem for corps. I used to work as a Sony rep and it was required that we disclose our affiliation in all scenarios.

>I am, you are, we are Australian

Day 1:
>Gggmanlives declined to share the contract he signed related to the videos or his correspondence with an EA PR representative in which he says that he was told to remove the video for its contents.
>As an update, GGG just posted a section of the contract which supports his claim that there was no requirement for a 'Sponsored' watermark. He also says that the 'blacklist' pressure was delivered over a phone call, so it isn't possible provide evidence.
>the contract image is just a zoomed in sentence showing nothing that proves it's real
>he deletes it shortly after

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during demo
>guise its good, i travelled way back to japan to look at full game, its really good guise im having fun give it a try buy on release

after the release, when everyone shitting on the game
>quick i need to jump on ea hate bandwagon, but i did positive paid review for ea and having a contract with them
>i know, im gonna play a victim card!

way to go sunny jim

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In that case, the point still stands, removing what disclosure the video had would make things worse were it a paid review

they already paid for his plane tickets and accommodations to attend game conventions which is more than enough as it is

>What if I post negative feedback on the game, or EA?

>If a Game Changer posts a negative review or content about the company or one of our games that is honest and constructive – they will have our thanks and full support. We demand that our Game Changers act with honesty with us, with our dev teams, and with the community. Sometimes this can make things uncomfortable! EA is committed to being player first and earning the trust of our community. We make mistakes and get things wrong all the time. For our teams to improve and get better, we need our Game Changers to keep it real.

Didn't he fucking lie and say it was because it was a negative review? I recall seeing something along those lines on his twitter
If he did say that then he's a faggot who can go fuck himself
oh wait
>EA (((((gamechangers)))))
yeah he's fucking trash and his opinions now mean jack shit

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>Gamergate man
>consistently shits on gamergate

Is this nu-post irony zoomer culture?

What if EA lied and it really was about a bad review?

this is all a clusterfuck probably fueled by gggmanlives autism
the guy uploaded a video with a stupid watermark, and that was not permitted by EA, because it implies it is a shill review
they just told him to remove that watermark, and keep the review, because they accept bad criticism in the EA shills program
the thing about the program is that they pay the dudes to cover the game, and provide keys, but the response NEEDS to be legit
that is the thing about that EA program thing
stupid fucks on twitter create an outrage out of nothing, to fuel more click ad revenue
ggg doesn't even fuels it any further
EA response inmediately about it
the insectoid and the bearded fuck blown it out of proportion BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEIR BUSINESS IS ALL ABOUT: STUPID OUTRAGE FROM THE /POL/ WORLD INTO VIDYA
people believe the shit as always, and keep posting about it
fucking journos and commentators, man


>ggg shills Anthem a few weeks back, gets paid trip, party invites etc
>people call him out on his shilling
>takes a break from the internet due to "toxic gamer culture"
>makes "anthem review" again, this time everyone is shitting on it so him shilling would be obvious
>says it's bad
>uses the watermark he used from previous shilling video
>EA has a completely different "sponsored by EA" message and mark needed for paid videos, as unlike the previous shilling this time he was directly getting a check for his video
>ggg decides to delete the video and reupload it with no marks
>this would make it blatantly obvious he was being paid
>to save face, decides to lie and say that "EA TOLD ME TO TAKE IT DOWN FOR BEING TOO NEGATIVE I'M BLACKLISTED"
>he thinks this will allow him to keep his video up, no one will know he's shilling, and he can get gamer cred for EA BAD
>doesn't understand he's fucking implicating EA in near criminal conduct
>articles fucking everywhere
>EA says they don't know what he's talking about and that he was paid
>shits bricks
>admits to the press he was paid for the video
>refuses to disclose the "contract" that says he had to take the video down for negative content
>pressure mounts
>claims the blacklisting/content threats weren't mailed at all, but now during a phone call which can't be proven
>SkillUp and various other press onto his shit
>currently radio silence from him, EA possibly about to rape his ass into oblivion for blatantly lying about them blacklisting him for negative content and also reuploading sponsored content with ZERO attempts at disclosure this time


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then who gives a shit? the guy is literally a contracted EA employee, they can do whatever they want with content they paid for.

or did you somehow forget that your youtube friend simulator is a paid shill?

he basically lied because he got tired of being called a shill for 4 months straight and tried to play the victim to save face like a retard


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The funniest part is him claiming he wasn't a shill after all the shill videos and his desperation to not be a shill but get money anyways led him to this shitpile

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this is fucking great

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I hope EA sues his ass into oblivion for both knowingly breaking the law and jeopardising them and slandering them

Not only was he trying to shill. He's fucking retarded. He put 0 thought into saying EA stopped him from uploading his video.

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>>EA has a completely different "sponsored by EA" message and mark needed for paid videos, as unlike the previous shilling this time he was directly getting a check for his video
I don't understand. So if he's getting a direct payment then he's not supposed to put a watermark on his video? Why?

>people unironically shilled REUBEN SANDWICH meme man over the true /ourguys/

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he probably over-reacted to EA's call, because this situation paints the picture bad for both

I mean the only people who've said the review was paid are either EA or game urnalists.

Previous video was "GameChangers" basically an affiliated group, not one that pays him directly for a video but has other perks.
His second video was being paid for directly with money by EA, so he needed to disclose it. He decided not to and lie about it.

My point exactly EA should be losing their shit at the new upload too.


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Every review of his are the same
>here's this old shooter nobody cares about, anyway it's like 7/10, it's competent
He has absolutely nothing interesting to say about anything. It's like reviewing a cheese sandwich and saying it tastes like cheese

>fuck you pay me
What a dumb cunt

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thanks boomer man, for concisely explaining this stupid, stupid situation

May your sips be strong and crisp

Sponsored as in paid or sponsored as in I'm a game changer so I think I'm what they call sponsored?

That call never happened, user. He made it up to save face.

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>after EVERYTHING he's still wondering if he's going to get a check from EA
You can't make this shit up

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still more based than any soituber going full blown politics commentary on vidya, or worse, going full blown snob by uploading 3 hour reviews, and over analyzing every stupid detail

wow look e-celebs!

He said paid. Paid as in paid money. He admitted this to the press before since he's realizing he's in trouble, but is avoiding tweeting any statements because he's trying to save his fanbase from finding out. He's also watching the comments on his video like a hawk and removing any pointing out his shilling while leaving hearts on the EA BAD ones to boost them to the top.

That fucking guy holy shit. If he just held his stupid mouth shut nobody would've noticed a reupload from some not-that-popular youtuber but now he's possibly showing a contract thus proving that he was a payed shill.

he panicked first but it did not matter anyway

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watch mandalore/sseth/raycevick you nigger faggot

Honest question.
If he just reuploaded the video with the right watermarks, do you think he would've gotten away with paid shilling? Was him lying and calling for gamers to rise up his fatal flaw?

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the tweet about the blacklist (already removed) is his second google result if you search for his name
it is honestly PR done for him, sadly
I still don't understand why americans follow the political game to every other medium
like, who gives a fuck about this trash in vidya? I understand how a political career can be ruined by this shit, but a vidya reviewer? wtf guys, stop clicking on this garbage content, fellas, and stop watching the insect and the soibeard

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Sseth doesn't even play the games that he covers in his videos, fuck off m8

I am literally dissing this type of channels, lad
I find vidya commentarists as cancerous as snob game critics
everybody is taking vidya too seriously, both in terms of politics (like wtf) and what games mean.... and in reality all these people are just unemployed art and journo majors trying to find a job

America is a business.
hahaha he really thinks that'll save him from legal

name one good video gggmanlives has even done

I enjoyed his wolfenstein rank video

>mountains of controversy
>video only got 150k views still

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The link doesn't work for me, deleted?

>SkillUp and various other press onto his shit
Show me, I am rooting for this guy to burn. His fanboys are still oblivious on his vid.

He deleted all his claims about being blacklisted.

Mandalore just does game reviews of older games brah.

>did nothing wrong
he signed up for their shill program and shilled the game already you stupid redditor fuck
>EA demands
>encourage them to have the video taken down a 2nd time
the arrangement is quid pro quo not some official contract,
>EA does nothing and leaves video up
EA don't own the video, and even if they could dmca it they wouldn't because it would just be throwing more fuel on the retard drama bonfire
bottom line is, EA employs shills including your favourite e-celeb streamers to shill their shit and this ggg guy is a bottom feeder youtube parasite like so many others.
simple as

The retard didn't understand how big of a lie he was telling to save his ass from being called a shill again

He does newer indie games too.

let me check the guy, I don't know him

They'd demand it taken because of legal violations that both they and gggmanlives would be responsible for, at least if it were a paid review.

Meanwhile in the bunker

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Oh jesus what is this lad doing, these bogans aren't bright at all. Skillup laid into him, I can't wait to see how he tries to dig himself out of this.

he's one of the more well informed youtubers out there that isn't a massive jew at the same time

He's pissed because he was lied to as well. The Aussie cunt literally used him to push a lie to save his own ass.

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This my fav
no surprise I guess

>back to basics
This will be his epitaph.

I forgot I also enjoy Ahoy's retrospectives

>I just want it to go away

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why does everyone on this board hate on this dude? I hated his We Happy Few review but other than that he's a chill as fuck dude, fights sjw and political bullshit and focuses on reviewing shooters instead of every big release

why does Yea Forums hate him again? He's one of my current favorite content creators just because he's content is so straight forward

>that tweet
Holy shit. Why not just upload the new video with the correct watermark instead of trying to create internet drama around it?
>patreon money
Oh right.

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Ace is pretty decent I'd say:

Did GGG really think he could ride off on the #FuckEA train and no would notice?

>fights sjw and political bullshit
It's videogames.

he's a paid shill, apparently.

nice try, jewjewjew

He used to be okay but then turned into a paid shill who hides/lies about it. See Wolfenstein, Fallout 76, Anthem, etc.
Here you go.

Just because some dipshit agrees with me politically, doesn't mean I need to like him. His behavior during this shit is very unlikable and disingenuous.

only it was a sponsored video not a game changer video.


Seff and Mandalore are great

Yes. It's working to an extent with a good portion of his viewers not knowing about what's really going on. Just skim the comments of his video thanking him for standing up to evil EA.

Read through the thread you brainlet phoneposter.


>literal who shill thread #552177967


it seems like last year Yea Forums was sucking sonny jims dick, now we hate him for some reason?

>fights sjw and political bullshit
I'd rather he wasn't political or trying to anger anyone.

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Seth is good, Mandalore is good

this user is gay

Oh look, ggg's discord fags have discovered the thread.

OK so now I think I understand the motives, after seeing the backlash
the ggg fuck got paid for making a review, and he used the game changers watermark in the video to somewhat create the false sense that the video was not a shill video
at the same time, the game is ass, so the situation was rather weird
BUT, EA asked to remove it, but their official statement don't disclose what is the contract: instead of saying "remove the watermark" they talk about some kind of agreement
shit hits the fan, GGG is outed as an official shill, that legit uploaded a negative review
EA contacts and tells him that the review IS PAID, and not a game changers gig.... with the obvious motive of dissing the situation and maybe taking down a bad review
who gives a fuck, if this was a sponsored review? IT WAS A SHILL REVIEW THAT TURNED SOUR

Sseth does not play the games he reviews.

>trying to pull a fast one on tens of thousands of eyes and a company who was closely monitoring you
How dumb is he?

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Sure but he entertains, I play video games for that experience, I watch youtubers for entertainment.

Who cares? Calling his videos reviews is pushing it anyway.

you like his content because you're a fucking brainlet that cant handle any commentary that isnt from some jenkem heaving mental invalid that cant go more than 5 seconds without bringing up some shitty discord in-joke like "hehehe SHIEEEET rueben sandwiches amirite sunny jims xdd" and probably shits his pants at the mere thought of using a word longer than 2 syllables in a single sentence

>everyone likes sseth until sseth himself stupidly provides irrefutable evidence that he barely plays any of the games he reviews and just steals from smaller youtubers, Yea Forums, and /vg/
>shills have no defense but "he's funny lol who cares"
Like fucking clockwork.

neither does dunkey and people cant seem to get off his dick for some reason

Yea Forums always trying to keep a decent australian man down

I don't know him, but I'll make a note never to watch any of his content.

>sseth doesn't even play the games!
so? i'm not watching his vids for a lets-play or to see his skills.

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From what I've heard, this guy seems to be a more gaming focused TheQuartering.

What's a video that represents him in a good light to you? I'll watch it.

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Mandalore rarely ever tweets about current events but even he looks like he's having a laff at shillmanlives

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I present you the normalized Youtuber quality scale
it is measured in ReviewtechUSAs
the bigger the number, the worst the youtuber, all normalized by the shittiest commentator/reviewer youtuber in existance, ReviewTechUSA
you can't make this shit up
this fuck can parrot whatever the blogs are parroting, or even Yea Forums threads like there is no tomorrow

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yes i expected him to thoroughly complete that dating sim he made a vid about.
are you retarded?

you're the only one that cares

Where's the lie?

That’s how you know how bad GGGman fucked up.

user, I am talking about why I watch entertaining reviews on YouTube, in a thread about gaming YouTubers. Don't be such a cocksucker.

>1 video uses other people's footage because it would've taken literally hundreds of hours otherwise

kek someone's mad their gaming youtube channel didn't take off

>review old games
>other guy known for reviewing old games is involved in a massive shilling scandal making you and others like you look bad by association
I'm not surprised he's giggling or pissed off.

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if this got overblown, wait for his Rage 2 review, that is very obviously shilled by him
I still remember the backlash, and how he praised the gameplay.... when it was clearly Mad Max 2 + some kind of Wolfenstein type shootan, with that horrible purples and punks everywhere
he did not acknowledged any of that

patiently waiting for him to inevitably crack and then blame Yea Forums for "forcing" him to do all this

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Here comes the SSeth discord. Take cover!

>1 video
One video just made it blatantly clear, but there's more than one vid where he's stolen footage from others.

I don't have a discord, but your faggoty ass seems to know a lot about it, tranny.

>n-no u!

sseth is aids and his discord is full of /pol/tards

>a group of people all have a similar viewpoint

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>another e-celeb thread

Looks like a different guy, but I'm six minutes in and liking this guys content anyway. Blood looks crazy fun too. I'd never even heard of it and I'm big on Doom, SW & DN.

no u

No u

What a shame. I like his videos on older mods and some of his retrospectives.

why you fucking faggots dont just stay in your discords and jerk each other there?
i dont give a damn whos who have a discord, i dont use that damn thing, fuck off


Only people that use discord care about dicord faggotry.

Also Yea Forums is full of /pol/tards

>heh! today gamers are all retarded blunder culture faggots. I'm going to cry EA bad and cash in!
>oooh fuuuuuuuuuuuck


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I wonder why he's not tweeting a public defense and only telling his paypigs it's a lie?

>"confuses" reddit for Yea Forums
Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>Bites the hand that feeds him
>He's getting his fucking ass railed from every angle for being such a pathetic shill
Justice really does exist.

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cause EA would rape his ass extremely hard in court

The numbers have spoken.

Why watch gggmanlives when you could watch civvie 11?

>even reddit thinks he's full of shit
pic related its gggman

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>the bad guy turns out to be the good guy all along

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Bless, and so it shall be.

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>paid reviews
>nothing wrong

>one trillion negative reviews of Anthem
>EA only targets his specifically for removal

Why not watch Mandalore as well while at it.

literally who

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Mark Brown when he's not being a faggot

You know, it takes quite a lot of work to make EA come out as "the good guy" in anything. There's being a fucking retard, and then there's being A FUCKING RETARD.

t. aussie kunt

I feel like mandalore's got his own style that's different from gggman. Civvie 11's got that right kind of autism to replace gggman, though.

How about Ace while at it?

ggg you shitposted here last time then changed your twitter because you got salty when somebody said you sucked
you have to go back

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how will he ever recover from this

this is a career-ending level of a fuckup

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He's whatever his audience wants him to be at the time.

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gggshill doesn't have any style

I thought his style was boomer who loved shooters or something like that.

There's no turning back, wouldn't surprise me if he's never invited to events again and he loses a small chunk of subs. Sadly he'll still have retards following him.

>Start being a corporate shill on YT
>People call you out
>"oh shit mate"
>Try to shit on Anthem to get some trust back
>Backfires and starts snowballing worse and worse

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Pretty much.

Mandalore is 100 times more likeable because he actually puts in effort and cares about the games he talks about. GGG just spouts Yea Forums's favourite buzzwords, says sonny jim a couple of times and calls it a day.

Anyone is better than GGG right now since they're not paid to stealth shill.

he's a faggot

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Even Jim Sterling?

There's 2 kinds of EA watermark. Game changers do it for free while the sponsored by EA watermark is used for actual paid reviews which this case was.

Yeah at least Jim has a unique style and some integrity. Every single GGG review is exactly the same boring shit.

GGG has brought himself to Sterling's level. That is the measure of his fall.

you get at least sometthing from jims video
ggg's videos are fucking nothing

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so EA pretty much have slap a lawsuit on GGG for non disclosure right? and what if this doesnt happen?

ggg's content is on par with background tv you leave on while doing the laundry, cooking food, taking a shit, etc that you barely even listen to

He is fucking done. Who would hire him at this point?

>Hey remember that faggot that lied to try and throw his employer under the bus for patreon money?

For a channel of his size, his Patreon is pathetic.
Likely the reason he shilled.

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>Seth is good
Literally just compile a bunch of greentexts from here about any game he reviews and you get the exact same result as his "reviews", I still think he is ok despite that though

Then that proves EA is lying and ggg was just a game changer.

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>EA demands it is taken down as the review is actually paid and hasn't been properly disclosed
They did not. It was his own decision.
The shill wanted to get back on the good side of EA again, but after getting BTFO'd, reaploded the vid again.

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It's Streisand effect. If he just reuploaded it while not saying any shit, he would get away with it instead of this

He is well-spoken and makes quite a few good points in his videos, I can't deny that. But at the same time he's overrated as fuck throughout the entire industry. Jim's videos come down to the following
Gameplay/first impressions
>"this game is not like my favorite Nintendo games and it's not on Switch so I'm not having fun with it"

Gaming industry
>"look at how companies are trying to fuck consumer's with lootboxes! I bet this problem is only going to get bigger and there will be countries that will sue said companies for breaking laws on gambling"
>fast forward several weeks/months
>"See? I told you it would happen! I'm an oracle! Aren't I an oracle? I surely am because I PREDICTED IT WOULD HAPPEN DIDN'T I!"

Shitty no-game Steam garbage
>"Wow, look at this shitty game I'm playing for no reason other than to point out how shitty it is!"

Assuming he isnt doing this full time, 300 extra bucks a month doesn't sound half-bad.

His reviews are complete shit. I only really subbed to him in the first case because he reviewed old fps games that I like and I was interested in hearing an alternate take on them.

what if he is telling the truth, and the EA corporate fags told him to remove the review because it was paid, then did a 180 because he tweeted about it?
let's be honest here: the guy is putting his career in legit jeopardy for some shit review, while EAs credibility is always on the line
he is either telling the truth, and now entering the autism chamber to avoid the backlash of EA's reps lying
or he is legit retarded, and tried to clear his name with the blacklist thing.... that honestly sounds very stupid taking into account that he is a nobody outside of circlejerks
no disrespect to the guy, but I can't hardly believe he is pulling off a stunt for some Yea Forums points, lads, and this lie could cost him OTHER SHILL DEALS

he used the wrong watermark and tried to get away with not telling people he was a paid shill

>I only really subbed to him in the first case because he reviewed old fps games that I like and I was interested in hearing an alternate take on them.
same. this is what he needs to stick to. old and forgotten action games. i can go anywhere for reviews about the newest aaa cashgrab.

Who do you think has more to gain from lying here, a multimillion dollar game company or some literally who game reviewer that people already dislike for going full shill?

all this shit only shows that EA shill reviews need to be positive, and if not, they have to be in the Game Changers program
HE WAS PAID so EA is asking for a refund

he's a moron

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They didn't because they had other "paid reviewers" who also gave it bad scores.
Out of ALL THE HORRIBLE REVIEWS for some MYSTERIOUS REASON they only made Gggman take down his review?

I just realized that Civvie, who his videos barely broke 10k views and only made the channel recently, has more money that that cunt

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but do you honestly believe people will subscribe to his ass for muh EA victim?

then he is a retard, and his "blacklist" tweet was just an exaggeration that all commentator youtubers are milking for views

I don't remember exactly what it was but I remember there being something a while ago that convinced me this guy was a cunt. What might it have been?

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>mods allow this thread
>based schrier thread gets deleted
anti semitism

Shut up and sit down, dumb retard. At least get an idea of the topic at hand before posting.

implying patreonfags don't "get paid" by their own families/relatives

his sub count is currently going up and will probably continue to go up until the usual outrage gaming news channels start taking turns fucking him in the ass over this

why? I can post whatever the fuck I want, and it is probably more simpler than all this gossip garbage being posted, lad

>177 relatives

Attached: gabe_newell_steam.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

then that sounds sad as fuck
outrage culture, ladies and gentleman
the review is not even that interesting
I enjoyed the 7 pesos review a lot in comparison

you tell me

Attached: sub.png (1010x542, 30K)

174 $1 tier donors
2 relatives $20
1 girlfriend $10
1 dad $200
it is not rocke science, lad

wtf, lads
I have to agree
this is pathetic
who are this people? the reddit guys that act out of pity? the boogie audience??

>puts a heart on the comments to push them to the top

For me, it was when he said Observer was a game for psuedointellectual söibois and then praised Wolfenstein II in a preview a week later.

>Company says they will pay you for honest reviews
>Make an honest review
>Don't get paid
EA was in the wrong here. Maybe they shouldn't have lied through their fucking teeth with their little paid review program.

>pls watch muh favorite Yea Forumsceleb
No thanks

I'm amazed that people who create online content don't understand how the internet works yet. This will FOREVER be brought up against him.

Nah man they're actually quite good.

you guys know there is only one vidya youtuber
his autism is unrivaled
his opinions are out of this world
his quake world modding videos are legendary
he is a legit autist living the dream

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read the thread retard

I believe when he says he doesn't care about Anthem. He did it for the money and it's biting him hard.

ofc you probably don't know about him, because you are all a bunch of zoomers

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Anyone else feel like Zaric works as a corporate shark or did at some point? He gets the publisher mindset and inner working way more than your average person should.

Kek even Spoony makes more money than this faggot


His shtick is he's an Australian FPS reviewer who says SHIIEEET to accentuate his point. You're better off watching someone like Civvie11, for example.

I respect his autism but he's boring as hell.

ok I'll check.

elephant in the room

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You just know

legit kino

hey guys, remember when youtube used to be a site for fun videos instead of a site for e-beggars?

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Why the fuck would I read an e-celeb thread that is defending EA?
What the fuck has this board actually come to?

That’s both funny and fucked

forgot the screencap

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ok retard

I miss it.

It's not defending EA, it's shitting on e-celeb vermin.

AdSense was a mistake.

>is there a reason to believe that the soulless megacorporation is going to lie to varying degrees with a team of lawyers sitting down to figure out how to lie without "technically" doing it if they ever need to prove otherwise

I wonder


>you get at least sometthing from jims video
I can't remember the last thing I got from any of his videos. All of them are literally AAA INDUSTRY BAD #FUCKAAAINDUSTRY. While it's hard to disagree it doesn't bring anything new to the table.

A lot of youtubers and people were saying that. The demo was extremely polished and had more content front-loaded. It gave there impression that there was a lot more to the game than there really was.

>Be a shill
>Get paid for favorable reviews
>Has done this plenty of times in the past


This poofta gets the rope with all the other game tabloid journalist and streamer faggets.

Getting real tired of seeing a new eceleb getting shilled here every fucking week. Buy an ad or fuck off.

>s-s-stop eceleb threads!!! >:(

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Which demographic uses the word "poofta"?

What a fucking shilling faggot. Absolutely disgraceful, unsubbed.

>taking money from EA/Shithesda
>literally sold out
>nothing wrong

Attached: Now what.jpg (600x449, 48K)

>A literal who
>also an e-celeb
Pick one you can't have both.

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Still video game culture.

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if you wanna post reddit shit go do that on reddit
it's that simple

>Australians are the reason why we have chink hiro ruining the site

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>Yea Forums now hates the based guy who reviewed the moonman mod and kept stifling laughs at the racism

wtf bros

ahhh he was my friend all along

normies, the fact that they announce it in the comment section makes it even more pathetic

turns out your based guy is a faggot

This dude was always a faggot in my book when he talked shit about Razorfist.

Who made a bigger fuck-up? Gggmanlives or Sseth?


but I want to Sseth get his shit right too

even michael pachter? kek.

But Razorfist is a faggot too.

Stop shitting on him, he may be a shill and ultimately a lying snake who wants to save his face, but think of this as an opportunity. He's getting EA
into trouble and that's all that matters, you don't have to like him, but every time EA gets hit its progress towards finally putting them down for once as a company
once and for all, don't we all want to see EA come crashing down, or has Yea Forums been infected with EAshills? Stop shit talking him even if you dont like him no matter
how scummy he is, this is necessary evil, a tactical maneuver towards our true goals. Apex Legends zoomers fucking ruined the chances of EA failing, this event
alone wont change everything but its a step, let him be the hero for a moment, its all about seeing EA come crashing down.

^I'm on board with the goal. Fuck EA.

As a reviewer, the moment you enter the realm of "paid reviews," your opinion is straight up worthless, regardless if it was "honest."

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Total biscuit would have ripped GGGmanlives a new one about the whole situation

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Glad he's fucking dead now i guess, the least
thing we want is people sympathizing EA

This is all a EA trick people

>Reacting this much to a fucking youtuber
Just when I thought nu-Yea Forums couldn't get more pathetic.

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Not real

>Total biscuit would have ripped GGGmanlives a new one

Too bad cancer ripped him a new one first.

Attached: Let Go Total Biscuit.jpg (255x247, 8K)

thank you for your honesty, Your true nature has been revealed, EAshill
Begone demon

He deleted the tweet. Here's the archive:

>it's actually real
holy shit kek
my bad

he should review metadoom and samsara because i'm sure he'd love it

YouTube reviewers are all faggots.

2/10 try harder.

I keep seeing her being poster here lately. Someone redpill me on her, I'd rather not give her views so that youtube itself start shilling her videos in the recommendation section.


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smart move
I use incognito windows to avoid getting my cookie tainted if I open some shit youtube video from here and stuff like that

passable tranny that likes vidya. Especially Resident Evil.

I miss TotalBiscuit, and I don't care who knows
he was a fucking mentalist, but he knew what he was about, and didn't stand for bullshit. He would make a two hour video over the most inane controversy that didn't really matter; that's the autism we need more of in this roll-over-and-die discord-using "maybe...maybe I do donate to women on twitch... and that's okay" consumer base.

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I never cared for his content, but there will never be anyone quite like him again and I didn't realize how valuable his videos were until he was dead
I would give everything just to hear him tear down this aussie cunt with everything he had

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>giving a game a negative review is shilling


this is great
he is such a whiny bitch

>His wife streams herself watching E3 last year
>C&C mobile spinoff
>"I'm kinda happy that my husband is dead and can't see this"

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What's that from? Google and Yandex aren't helpful.

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how in the hell is this thread up after all this time is beyond me
is Yea Forums broken today for some reason?

Thank you based boomer

Did anyone notice that gaming companies and youtube started getting en-mass hate ever since he died? Has he laid a curse upon the gaming industry?

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>consumer advocate dies
>consumers feel they have nobody representing them
>direct their anger at the companies themselves
Not hard to see the logic.

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I've noticed the opposite really, people seem a lot more apologetic for companies. TB wouldn't have stood for any of the shit Epic is pulling now, but you have half of Yea Forums going COMPETITION GUD

I don't give a shit about any of the details of what's going on, who fucked up what, or how ggg is responding to it.

What matters is that a supposed consumer advocate took a sponsorship deal with EA. Fucking EA. The fucking Emperor Palpatine of the video game industry. The company we've all wanted dead for years. He lost any credibility he ever had with that move, the rest is just making it that much worse.
He'd better have a sister with turbo cancer or some shit who needs an expensive surgery if he wants to justify this on any level whatsoever.

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>interesting discussions
80% of all the threads are shitposting.

>gggmanlives unironically prefers Half-Life Source over Black Mesa
what the fuck

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Jim, is that you?

implying that they are not same person

l2>imply faggot

implying that i am a faggot

He has to have the most basic bitch pedestrian observations about games I have ever seen. He's vestigial.

I never implied it. I outright said it. Now fuck off.


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reminder that Jim is a fat faggot who thinks socialism would give us better games

Anyone that shits on EA's shoes is /myguy/.

wow ,rude