Reminder not to buy Catherine Full Body and support censorship
Reminder not to buy Catherine Full Body and support censorship
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
epic i love it
Feels good to own this industry, fellow /ResetEra/ chads.
Are these threads made just to samefag?
>buying localizations
Delicious pasta
How will /pol/ ever recover? WE OWN THIS INDUSTRY, LADS!
This is why amerimutts must cease to exist
Why does America have to ruin everything they touch? I thought they support the freedom of speech unlike China.
Cease with the Twitter screen cap
>buying games
Japan got you covered
>Original Catherine sold 154,299 first week, and couple of months later it sold half million, always popular and high in demand, the steam version was also a success
>Catherine full body sold 51,824 first week and still have lots of unsold copies
Full body was a mistake
I'd rather take my news from polygon thank you very much
>mfw all this stuff unironically makes me happy
fuck racists
Traps / trannies are fucking disgusting, it deserved to flop
Whats the issue? I played this shit ages ago and it had a tranny then and literally noone gave a shit. Is it over the new trap character?
I'm so glad I'm not white.
Because i dont support censorship like you cucks
You now remember when NeoGaf went down and /pol/acks on Yea Forums were celebrating that their reign of terror was now over and they'd never influence the industry ever again.
>playing tranny weebshit game
Big yikes
Based discord trannies destroying vidya forever, unironically
When will they stop to ruin everyone's experience?
>anime girl images
yup it's the tranny discord again. The 41% is calling you.
what if instead of the tranny thing, they just completely make Erica a born straight girl
/pol/tardetties on cope watch
if you don't buy it they're not going to know if it's because you think the game is transphobic, because you're mad the game is censored, or because you're just not interested
"vote with your wallet" is a fucking joke
You're on an anime website, my man. How does it feel to be less welcome than actual trannies? LMFAO
>Trannies samefagging now
Jesus Christ
braindead and seething
What will they even do? There really isn't new kind of bigotry in the dialog when compared to original. Hell, if anything there's less of it since Vincent doesn't tell Erika that she can't become pro-wrestler anymore because she does in one of the new endings (and honestly he still should have said that just so she could prove him wrong).
The "bigotry" in game is stuff like him freaking out that Rin has a dick, or Erika not becoming trans in another ending. And how the fuck are you going to adjust that? Those are pretty big parts of the story, that would require shittons of work to adjust.
in the best ending where everyone is better off, the tranny doesn't transition
it doesn't take place before they transition or whatever dumb explanation, because toby's in that ending too
I choose to believe these aren't aimed at Trump, but some little kid, or maybe Steve Bucemi's character in The Big Lebowski
Someone give me the tl;dr on what tranny content might be getting censored.
all the complaints I've heard are about Erica, nobody's saying shit about Rin
changing the Eric ending is as simple as changing Eric to Erica in the picture with Eric and Toby
>Change pixels so that Eric is back to Erica in the ending
Wow, that was hard.
fyi that group was literally full of /pol/ tier folks screaming the n-word and complaining about jews and sjws
Atlus's remakes have never sold as good as the original game though
They're making money off double dipping fans for little effort and the renewed interest in merch as always
Why couldn't you have made this thread, without oneangrygamer?
Oh right because you're a fucking pathetic shill that spams Yea Forums all day in an attempt to fish clicks, and don't even care about the topics of the headlines you spam. Fuck off.
>mfw remembering they censored some gay kiss in some show and all the /pol/cucks on Yea Forums were cheering
Reminder that convictions mean fuck all when you toss them aside the second what you're fighting against favors your own beliefs.
I'm thinking they'll remove the ending where the tranny turns into a normal gay guy.
sure thing tranny
It's ok when we do it because we're saving western society from muh degeneracy
I miss when mental illness wasn't disregarded.
So how's your AIDS going?
Ever considered that maybe indeed it's not /pol/ who is against censorship? Or that /pol/ isn't a hivemind?
Yeah, I agree, I think /pol/tards should be lobotomized
Never planned to buy it to begin with. Doubly not buying it now.
I miss when we talked about videogames and didn't have to shoehorn in politics at every fucking moment
>censored some gay kiss in some show
What show?
Yeah okay sure whatever tranny
Supporting trannys is a mental illness.
Literally fake news
>Have you considered it's not /pol/?
I'm sure some completely unrelated third party started tranny drama on the videogames board
That wouldn't work story wise
baste heckboy
No way they'll do it. The new endings for K and C are pretty big selling points, getting rid of one of them would real kick in the nuts for western fans.
It's a fully animated segment. Western branch of Atlus really isn't good enough to adjust something like that, they could barely do the UI of Persona 5.
Maybe /pol/ wouldn't be building this big group of people that are sick of them if they actually only bitched at legitimate shit instead of crying about forced agendas every single time a gay appears on screen. Just my 2 cents.
Man, am I glad that suicide will be picking you off one by one until your numbers dwindle.
I ment in the new timeline
Good, if it's censored it deserves to flop even harder here.
I already preordered the collectors edition. Can't wait til it becomes Amazon's best selling game and trannies have a meltdown.
Makes no sense. The divergence point is when Vincent meets Catherine, which causes the butterfly effect, and Eric was born long before it happened.
i'd rather have seething normalfags than fucking trannies
You'll have both. I'm afraid it's not negotiable.
I guess I’ll just stop playing games. Bye guys
Yes, the falseflagging tranny discord
If this guy is winning the culture war, then what does that say about you?
>not a new IP
Stop samefagging already you pitiful faggot.
the only thing in common with those posts is calling out /pol/, somebody's defensive
Look how he recoils, 'Ive been found out'
based and redpilled
It was /r9k/
Kill yourself tranny
>everything that shows my side in a bad light is falseflagging
>everything that's posted to look like a group I hate is absolutely 100% them and never ever baiting and shitposting
oh the mind of the retarded newfag election tourist
The only thing you're winning is an overdose of pills or a rope necklace.
I won't be buying it, I will forever have this on my shelf as a reminder of better times.
they targeted trannies...TRANNIES!
hopefully they learn a thing or two from this like respecting my f*cking pronouns...
veronica keeps ignoring me?
I love how this screenshot runs an old version of discord and has no defining timestamps
Tranny discord seething as usual.
That's all? Some random faggot used as part of a joke about Miss Baker staying forever alone?
Typical defense of a falseflagger
What's this tranny meme? Why is /pol/ calling everyone trannies now? Is it the new cuck?
rope 41%
If the tranny discord were real, we'd have had full logs by now. /pol/tardetties don't fool me.
MLP content
Look closely. It's eight Yea Forums not Yea Forums's /pol/. Go into their Gamergate thread and you will see them constantly talk about OAG and how to spam their shit here. You will notice if you call out the thread for advertising OAG they will call you a tranny and other names in hopes of shaming you. If you go into Yea Forums /pol/ you can have discussion and its not a Breitbart page full of clickbait controversy like OAG.
It's not censorship, sweetie. It's localization!
You’re literally not fooling anyone but yourself
It's more like the new "JIDF". Or the new "ShareBlue". It's the classic new "Some invader force from outside that is subverting our based and redpilled magapede ways" boogeyman.
We are WOMEN. Chromosomes don't mean shit! MA'AM. ITS MA'AM.
Death to fucking /pol/...we must show them trans people are legitimate.
Started as a rightful callout on some tranny discord that is spamming /r9k/, /pol/, and Yea Forums. Devolved into an insult that just means "person I don't like" just like pretty much every other insult that spawned out of /pol/.
>>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>transgendered children
>If the tranny discord were real
Imagine being this bad at pretending
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
Stop posting fake news. Valve does NOT censor lolis, only Snoy does.
hi tranny discorder
>muh two rogue employees
Genuine schizo.
ban everyone in this thread and Yea Forums will become a slightly better place
I had to look up if that was a real thing and I hate that it is. Jesus fucking christ this world is doomed.
>109 replies
>59 ips
You are an amusing samefag
Valve backtracked and have denied several hentai games with loli shit and for good reason, it's pedo junk.
Fuck off back to /pol/ already, shitlord.
Oh, a boogeyman, like the /pol/ boogeyman.
You need to let go, Ron. Lil Donnie died in the car crash ten years ago...
There is a lot of progressive japanese series though.
>Yakuza series
>Main japanese character raise a half black half jap orphan in yakuza 3
>Main japanese character is completely fine with a black photographer marrying a japanese woman in Yakuza 5
>Main character tell to a bisexual japanese woman that she should get married to women in western countries because they have more progressive laws that Japan do not have "yet" in Yakuza kiwami
>Ryu Ga Gotoku studio censored anti trans content in Y3 remaster
Nigga, it's a simple case of a bunch of trannies cheering for censorship on the western version of a game, you don't need to be a genius to see the pattern.
Trannies are less than 1% of the population. Yet everyone you disagree with is a tranny?
I don't think you're lying, but what's the difference? I'm pretty sure the majority of those faggots that did their big exodus were from /pol/ in the first place.
If they aren't literal /pol/ browsers, then they got brainwashed by /pol/. "/pol/tards" is still a fitting name for them.
Your whole identity revolves around your fetish. Which is just another reason why you'll end up killing yourself.
I won't buy Catherine Full Body, but not because of some pointless shit like "censorship" but because the two new added endings for Catherine and Katherine both completly ruins the message of the game and the point of both girls.
Long story short /pol infiltrated a tranny discord and found out they have influencers that have no life and spam /pol/ all day with interracial porn and Yea Forums with leftist stuff. Unfortunately Eight Yea Forums is running with this when they are called out on shilling a site that is noteworthy of right wing clickbait articles for controversy. People need to separate Yea Forums /pol/ and Eight's Yea Forums site.
Using the posts in the screenshot they're using shots from June 2018 to prove people on an entirely different board half a year later are from that discord
Hentai visual novels are NOT video games though. Senran Kagura and Agarest Mariage released without issues and had lolis getting lewded in it. Guess why? Because they're video games.
It started with the controversy about Reiko's discord clan invading /r9k/ (see and ) and luring retarded and insecure boys to their server for horrible purposes. With the time they became a boogeyman for everything that was wrong with Yea Forums, and since one of the main objetives of Reiko's discord was turning robots into sissy trannies, the term "discord tranny" became a popular insult.
Nazis are less than 1% of the population. Yet everyone you disagree with is a nazi?
>tranny discord that is spamming /r9k/, /pol/, and Yea Forums
Oh like the frogposters?
War never changes.
Fuck off, I'm still buying it.
>some faggot decides to kill archduke franz ferdinand
>causes two world wars
>ww2 causes murica to take over as the most powerful country in the world
>ffw 70 years
>trump gets elected
>many americans say they don't like him
>lefties protest and decide to bring politics in every single media possible
>but since america is now the most important country in the world we now have american politics into everything
>Some fag shoots an important person 100 years ago
>we now have american politics into everything
These insults don't really work when you're not even replying to a tranny, user. Though seems calling you fags /pol/cucks gets you seething pretty damn hard.
>Multiple "samefag" posts made in the same minute
based retard
The west is dead, long live Japan.
Terrible cope, tranny.
Fuck off back to your aeromatic suck off server you fucking trannies.
>seething tranny on the verge of killing himself
All the copypasta says is that Valve is censoring loli, which is true. Nothing was said about video games.
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?
Also, wasnt this whole thread based on what was written in a discord chat? That have almost no evidence
>With the time they became a boogeyman for everything that was wrong with Yea Forums
But the frogposters and albinoposters are everything that is wrong with Yea Forums
>gay shit in western games
>no one cares
>gay shit in japanese games
>all hell breaks loose
There is a distinct difference. Do you think they will call you tranny all day like Eights Yea Forums? Or do they actually argue out the points like 4chans /pol/ does? A Yea Forums /pol/ attack is not clickbait and falls into it's own madness of things that can not be proven. While the other relies on rumors and what someone says not what is confirmed and verified. There is a reason why OAG is blacklisted from XSeed and why no one should take them seriously. Then again you are not wrong in this sense.
And another one just slides right off me. Keep em coming, /pol/cuck.
>tfw used to be a liberal minded person
>Everyday I just developed growing cynicism and now I don't really believe in anything anymore.
There's got to be a point when people have to start realizing they're doing much more harm than good.
For your information and are from a different channel than . The first two screenshots are from Reiko and Aero's discord that attacked/attacks /r9k/ and Yea Forums. The third screenshot is from an unrelated group.
he cute
For a couple of people who claim to not be trannies, they sure seem to be get triggered when bringing up trannies and the tranny discord. They especially shit their pants when the tranny discord gets brought up.
Holy fuck based
>Also, wasnt this whole thread based on what was written in a discord chat? That have almost no evidence
OneAngryGamer isn't a legitimate source of journalism? Tell me it ain't so, /pol/tard-kun!
But it's true
I said the same thing about people who defend /pol/ for hours on end despite not browsing the board. Crazy.
Japan needs to be an immigrant shithole too. they've had it far too good for far too long. some madmen politician in there needs to make them start accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees.
*A Yea Forums /pol/ attack is not clickbait and falls into it's own madness of things that can be proven with sources.
The virgin tranny proxyfag vs the racist CHADfrog of hope
So how many discords are invading Yea Forums anyway?
Also who are the most important raiders bosses? Gotta see if any of them are on any of my discords just to be safe.
SJWs would push both buttons at once without a second thought because they're spoiled hypocrites with no self awareness.
>And another one just slides right off me.
This tranny is about to rope RIGHT NOW.
*ignores the irrelevant insult*
*dabs on the seething /pol/cuck*
don't forget numerous bethesda and bioware SJW filled flops.
That he has the Jews on his side and all of their wealth and media control?
Actually, it's more accurate to say the Jews have that guy on their side. He's just a mindless pawn.
so wait
the people who said this was faked were actually lying?
man i come to Yea Forums for the facts not the tranny lies
/pol/ posters have literally been talking about it nonstop for months
Somebody posted a fucking screenshot from 2017 in this thread
Thanks for proving my point. 99% likely to be a tranny since you seethed right off the bat.
Cheers my froggy comrade
Just came here to hi five u. fuck racists
Transgendered children are like vegan cats, you know who is making the decisions -some guy
What's your pill cocktail of choice, tranny? Surely by now you have something you rely on for your weekly (daily?) breakdowns.
/pol/tards are so cringe
Yes user people from other Yea Forums boards may come to the Yea Forums board, also on Yea Forums. Wow!
OAG post tons of badly sourced shit yeh. They're actually used by Sony fanboys like Ichikyo57 from twitter and his friends to frame Valve as the worst offender against Japanese games while they will pretend their "based Sony" doesn't censor video games and will do their best to defend them or rebuke any fake infos spread against them. Funnily enough however they will gladly push all the fake infos spread against Valve because it goes well with their anti-PC propaganda.
>/pol/cuck projecting his seething
>So how many discords are invading Yea Forums anyway?
It's really hard to tell since anyone can make a discord for raids or even fake one and pretend that it is real. So far the only one who is confirmed to have targeted Yea Forums is Reiko/Aero's discord, which is responsible for pro-trannies threads like the steam avatar threads featuring a trans girl in the OP and some LOL threads with a gender-bender or trap comic/manga in the OP.
How is this /pol/cuck gonna react when Cyberpunk 2077 sells well?
THIS. Retards are all heat over a fakeposter. People on Twitter still complains this game is transphobic
*dabs on the seething /pol/cuck*
we're on 4channel, you dumb nigger
>complete meltdown
Dear lord you crazy trannies have 0 tact. Get a life, work on your mental health.
>It's okay when I talk about politics on a videogame board, because it makes people upset
Literally, unironically /pol/ logic
keep on replying
keep on seething
>Implying the white man dosen't have more wealth and media control then the jews
All I'm doing is showing off my hatred for frogposters, why does that upset you so much?
When you suicide can you livestream it for us
Cheers, /pol/-kun
When you quote the bay bay democrat that comes here to spam, reply to xim with this.
And this is the most communist place on the internet.
I'm asking for discord names user. Don't want to get involved with retards.
seething. /pol/cuck.
Still proving my point. Your brain is mush.
If you read the article you'll see that the main source is the discord screenshot that has been posted multiple times in the past days. In other words, nothing official yet.
How does it feel knowing that everyone around you thinks you're an abomination?
You have no point, your point is "I have a response to my post"
Holy fuck this guy still goes on with his stupid fanboy shit? I remember him ranting that he wasn't a "Sony fanboy" despite acting just like one and being friends with massive Sony fanboys too.
We also hate trannies on 4channel.
Why do trans pretend Yea Forums is anything but openly anti liberal?
This same person said something similar on twitter, so I think it's probably true
Yeah that meltdown definitely proved your mental health is completely in the gutter.
Why even make fake screenshots when you have real ones you can use? What compels you to do this?
Irrlevant to the topic at hand
Based discord trannies controlling the video game industry. The world bows to the 1%.
Put on a trip so we can keep asking you for a suicide livestream, tranny faggot.
Based and redpilled
Based frogman spreading nothing but TRUE NEWS. Catherine is still uncensored for the moment since the discord is basically nothing evident
What exactly does the tranny discord raiders even hope to accomplish than make people hate trannies even more? Before I never thought or cared about their ilk, but now all I can see is a group of the most vile and disturbed individuals. What is the point of all this?
I like how the time on this screenshot means it was literally taken this minute
Fucking nice job, dipshit
There's a person with an identical avatar on resetera, definitely not a coincidence.
Ok, work on your mental health. The whole tranny thing doesn't help.
You say this, but what could they censor? They can't remove Eric from the endings and they sure as fuck can't turn Rin into a transgender. This is a lost cause on their part because nothing is actually offensive to civil people.
Good advice, no buy then
I can't give you names since most of the sources are screenshots that may or may not be real.
In the case of the original tranny discord it is even harder to tell since they have deleted and remade their accounts and channels multiple times.
Still, I would prefer an official announcement and not just twitter/discord speculation.
Again, wrong discord channel.
At least you can realize that no one loves you since no one loves trannies.
Isn't there an easier way of faking this shit? I want to do some "muh discord tranny" memery too.
Join the 40%
Just another reason on the list to learn Japanese, I can play all of the greatest games in the world without having to bow down to Western censorship
I can put literally any words I want in this box, and you will reply, because you're not actually arguing shit.
They're gonna put IT telling ITS boyfriend at the wedding IT' is going to get surgery asap. That's the fix, and it's obvious.
They'll probably give her spats and everyone will praise it as an improvement.
Then just alter the text, probably fill it with memes.
>this desperate and seething to try to pretend the tranny discord you're part of is fake
Give it up you mentally ill faggot.
The actual winning side
But you aren't going to actually do it.
Please give me a step by step on how to fake this shit so that I can make some silly nonsense
t. Discord Tranny.
I mean, you can literally just make a quick server, make a few accounts, change the nicknames and post whatever you want then screenshot it. It's not hard to fake.
I should know since I've made some that I used on two other boards to turn everyone against a show I don't like.
Great now answer my question, why does me calling out frogposters upset you?
Our argument is for you and other trannies to improve your mental health.
It does not, clearly you're seething over trannies though since you are one.
Where the fuck is it currently 12:28 PM dipshit?
Based /pol/frog
Cringy incel
Do you think there's a never ending chain of mailmen, delivering mail to other mailmen?
Would you say these have proven to be more cancerous than u mad, implying, and greentexting when it comes to discussion on Yea Forums?
Sounds like too much work, to be honest... I remember back in the day we had an easy website to fake messenger conversations. I wish there was a Discord equivalent.
this nigga based.
Yea Forums always had frogs, there's no dedicated frogposters. Frogposters are Yea Forums, progressive democrat liberals are not. I don't know what makes you think you have the right to call horseshoe since you're fucking retarded for even claiming there's "moderates" here.
>"localizers" are intolerant of another culture
>calls members of other culture bigots
>don't realize that their censorship is an expression of their own bigotry
It's pretty easy.
Death to all trannies.
No you fucking moron. Your last screenshot was from Reiko's discord. The same discord that attacked /r9k/ a while ago. I don't know about that other faggot from resetera, but it wasn't part of their discord channel. By mixing screenshots of different groups with different targets you only lose the credibility of your argument.
>Yea Forums has always been a right-wing political activism site!
this gets funnier every time i see it. right up there with
>Yea Forums = /pol/!
all people are cancer
This thread is really just an encapsulation of just how fucking stupid and shit this board is and all of you should be intensely embarrassed. It has everything.
>Extremely piss poor bait attempt at trolling because all trolling is now is acting like a retard until people tell you to knock it off? Check.
>People who are clearly acting like they're knowledgable on a subject via 5th to 6th or even 7th hand knowledge and are literally one google search away from being proven wrong, pretending to know anything when they clearly know nothing? Check.
>People who are on a video game discussion board and know precisely zero about video games, video game history, and how video games are developed? Check.
>Blibbering retard sentences and buzzwords that barely carry any actual meaning or cohesion? Check.
>Being a faggot contrarian and in doing so becoming a corporate bootlicker? Check
>Buying into shitposting memes as if they're fact and not blatant lies made to stir up people? Check
Congratulations.What an awful fucking board.
Give it up tranny discorder
Yea Forums never liked progressive liberals, dude. It's different. You can be for venezuelan economics and still find dickchoppers like you repulsive.
Yikes. Kill all Frenchfags.
>Ctrl+F /pol/
>47 results
The amounts of anal pain and obsession in this thread is amusing, keep it coming lads.
Based and niggerpilled.
So instead of arguing 'If you're not a tranny, why does it bother you when I shitpost about trannies on Yea Forums?' now you're arguing.. that's literally not an argument.
It's almost like you're posting for furthering a /pol/ shitpost and not for anything about videogames, or even your original question.
Tl;Dr you can't keep your shit straight, you're an unironically bad poster.
God, you're irremediable.
Well naturally, since everyone that triggers trannies and neon haired dykes = "nazi"
>Ctrl+F tranny
>47 results
speaking of anal pain and obsession
>altering art
>altering music
>altering games
>altering dialogue
when does it stop?
Why do people support censorship?
It is the ultimate form of a strawman argument. Not only do you prevent a differing statement from being heard by others but you also put your own statement in its place.
This doesn't make your statement stronger, it makes it weaker. You become incapable of dealing with counter-arguments because you don't address them, you evade them. You don't know what people think alternative to you because you don't listen. It turns you into a babbling idiot.
Why do people do it?
What do they think they are gaining?
one word response...
Wow that's a text diarrhea dump. Not surprising considering the state of your mental health.
The faggot tranny proxyfag
The CUTE pepeposter
The NO FUN ALLOWED bitter user that noone likes
>Ctrl + F (You)
>32 results
Mods disappear at this hour which is why the board always gets flooded with off-topic garbage like /pol/bait threads every single night around this time.
Die tranny scum. Your head belongs on a pike.
Pretty much what I wanted to say.
Cathrine: Full body voice actress
I thought this was an all female site with Cathrine dishing the gossip and did not know what a "full body voice actress" was.
They need to cut down on the words in these things
Can't a mod perma-ban this retard?
I love how is that everytime this is posted, the trannies immediately back off
SJWs are just plain ol dipshit authoritarian losers. Dipshit authoritarians have been around since the dawn of man, SJWs are just the flavor of the current generations. Somehow they think they're unique though.
>shut it down
Why have Americunts become like commie Chink bugs?
People will pretend cancerous discord groups are a new thing and all, but this kind of shit has been happening the entire time. Before discord it was just IRC groups getting together to shitpost. Yea Forums in particular had people getting together to try and ruin shows for people.
Well.. I guess it just different sides of the same then, while one will never be white, the other will never be a woman.
Based. Whats with Taylor Switch being all over the thread?
Cry more schizo bitch. You'll never be able to fulfill your power fantasies.
Now that the garbage has settled down in this thread, are they really censoring Catherine Full Body? And what bigotry are they going to "adjust" anyway?
I just want to know what the goal is.
What do they think they are achieving?
this is your brain on being completely obsessed with your fetish to the point of it bleeding into your everyday life. These trannies sit on discord all day thinking of ways to spam Yea Forums with this crazy bullshit purely because it makes their permantenly limp dicks slightly wiggle.
This is what pure hedonism looks like. Don't let your fetishes rot your brains like trannies, anons. Trannies seriously need legit mental help.
You lose lmao
Seems like it from the whole good ending no tranny. Which the reason I at least buy games is for accuracy, which is complete bull, considering a stupid minority is causing these changes from their complaining
One on the left looks like the fat kid from Even Stevens
The funny thing is that most of you transphobic incels will become cute transwomen while the others will likely die alone, unable to accept themselves as transwomen. 4channers make the cutest girls.
no ill buy it cause im not a mental retard who cares about /pol/ shit because it is still a good fucking game now stop trying to make these thinly veiled /pol/ shit threads
OP is literally related to tranny shit, I don't know what you expected
dear god these trannies are even crazier than I thought. Why is every tranny so extremely mentally ill?
Can anything stop discord trannies? They have the media and the law on their side.
How exactly are they going to change it? Just remove the ending entirely? Or just photoshop Erica out of the ending?
You'll never be a woman, just a freak in a women's clothes.
Nice delusion you fucking tranny pedo incel.
I have a fiance.
You have 40% more chance of killing yourself
Being a retard obsessed with your fetish is still better than being a retard obsessed with other people's fetishes.
Give me your discord link, I've seen the screenshots
real life isn't a video game buddy
Your mental health has been lost for years.
Did you take your meds today?
so much dumb outrage surrounding the game,but the comments the voice actress made on twitter seems to back up that they probably will change things
Based. Now lemme glass those queers
so let me get this straight
twitter/tumblr aren't going to buy it because of transphobia and they don't want to support atlas/the team in japan
Yea Forums isn't going to buy it because they don't support the localization making chances/censoring the original messages in the game
nobody buys the game (outside of puzzle fans who haven't played the original)
what feedback does atlas receive from this?
>Mods delete the frogman of hope but the proxyfag is still alive
Yea Forums mods are the worst by far
They are convinced that they need to strike back against a system that is allegedly trying to destroy them. Ironically they are convincing people that they are unstable nuance and fueling more hatred toward them.
>peoples I don't like are Nazi
Hey guys whats going on in this thr-
this is one of the worst threads i have ever seen in my fucking life
Trannies are the ultimate incels, they always bitch about how normal people are "bigots" for not being attracted to you abominations.
i grew up being super liberal due to being a gay and black guy. it takes a lot to break that conditioning and be able to think for yourself. most people are, sadly, incapable of ever doing that, and as a result, cant think for themselves and parrot ideas they're fed by people who influence them.