Post funny videogame things

Post funny videogame things


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I was liking the game up until the part I found out that she fucks girls

why dont you like lesbians?

I want Dana to body slam me.

You start.

What would that even do?

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we're off to a bad start

Cute and funny.

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>i hate this fictional character because she gets more sex than me

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>dildo jokes
No wonder this game is so popular on reddit

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I want to cum on her smile

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She fucks both boys and girls. Thats hot as fuck, gay boy

sounds like a floozy to me

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nah, she's bi.

sorry redditor, I know you want to fit in, but that won't work now

Yikes. Seems cringey.

because it is. I dunno why another non-game got so popular

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the brown chick is supposed to be cringy. no idea about the other girl thoigh.

YIIK? More like YIIKES!