Fortnite now has more viewers than Apex Legends, therefore, Apex Legends is bad and dying.
That’s how it works, right, Yea Forums?
Fortnite now has more viewers than Apex Legends, therefore, Apex Legends is bad and dying.
That’s how it works, right, Yea Forums?
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Can't believe people still play EA games. Consumers are truly mindless.
yup thats how it works, the farther down the catalog your thread is, the gayer you are
you dont play the sims?
>Game that forces squads
>Terrible shop system
>Has a way to revive dead team members which leaves them which nothing to fiend for themself which makes that mechanic utterly useless
Kinda wanna fuck that girl with blue hair on the far left. Also wanna fuck the other girl in the Fortnite picture. However, I do not want to fuck any of the girls in Apex Legends.
Fuck EA, fuck niggers, fuck trannies, fuck jannies
I don't play fortnite nor will i ever support it. i've never even tried it out of sheer counter-culture.
I gave apex legends a try, but upon seeing the roster of people to pick. Literally a Fat Hawaiian, a woman, a black woman, asian woman, 1 old fat dude and a black guy.
Why? Why couldn't they just put in one Token White dude that i could pick? JUST ONE? now everyone is gay and trans. What the fuck is happening...
they both are bad because they are popular with normal "people"
No, I tried it for bit to see what it was about because I never played a sims game before. But I haven't bought an EA game since Need for Speed.
>spend 20 minutes looting
>get killed in first skirmish
>enjoy the main menu bud :)
why do people like this shit? just play deathmatch
>Game that forces squads
Good, and other options are coming soon
>Terrible shop system
Ohh noooooooo!
>Has a way to revive dead team members which leaves them which nothing to fiend for themself which makes that mechanic utterly useless
Only if you're bad.
Ohhhhh nooooooooo!
Ohhhhh nooooooooo!
>spams nothing but low-quality variants of wojak and pepe edits as “new memes” for over a year
>”heh, people are mindless for playing a videogame... if only they possessed a fraction of my intelligence, then they’d realize how dumb they are.”
insecure boomer
They're both dying. People are finally realizing BR games are garbage.
Caustic is the token white dude but you have to unlock him.
Also, Bloodhound is most likely white beneath all that armor, considering his faux-scandinavian accent.
Lifeline is alright, Wraith kind of looks like she's... "sticky" cause she doesn't shower. And I think Bloodhound has a pussy but identifies as non-binary.
then don't get killed? retard
git gud
Now you know our pain whitey. Could change with a little reparations.
Fuck EPIC, fuck chinks
imagine unironically defending lootboxes or EA
Not the games fault you suck at shooters
Then play Overwatch you thin-skinned manchild, half the roster is composed of white people.
I can't believe Yea Forums fell for a Battle Royale title from EA of all companies.
EA ran out their shill budget; they could only finance the shill for a new game for 4 weeks max. It will slowly goes down on the same path of Radical Height
at what? wandering an empty map? i could literally play HL2 deathmatch and throw toilets at people, within 5 minutes i'd have more fun than 10 hours of this crap.
Gee golly I cant wait for a standard mode to "come soon" in a late BR copy cat game which already shouldve been fleshed out. Instead I get forced to a squad who die right away!!
You really convinced me otherwise, Friend!
Imagine not even trying Fortnite because it's popular. It's way better than DeadPex and has attractive white women.
>>Has a way to revive dead team members which leaves them which nothing to fiend for themself which makes that mechanic utterly useless
The revive system works so that you can only do it when completely out of combat (pretty much nobody in the area).
You have to stand still out in the open at a respawn beacon. If you haven't been shot at in that time, chances are 100% that your buddy will be perfectly safe as you drop down. Then he's basically in the same position as starting the game, be it grab a Mozambique off the ground and pray or move onto the next zone or claim the tier 1 shit you've already replaced real quick.
I have revived nearly a hundred teammates and NEVER have they proven useless after revive.. at least not without being useless before the revive, meaning they were just useless in general.
>no lootboxes after level 20
the fuck were they thinking?
Dios mio...
>rwbyfag shilling for epic
Yes, the game's fault that gameplay of BR is fucking stupid and rewards cheap play and griefing with a completely stupid one and done mechanism.
BR is garbage and you kids need to let it die.
>phase is a shitter crutch in 2
>they literally bring it back for this game, unchanged
>still a shitter crutch
lol wraith is champion every game i wonder why hmmmmmmmmm
meu Deus
Why does Fortnite of all games have some of the most fuckable cartoon women? I know I'm not in the minority.
>Play as a woman in a video game
You get them every two levels from there. At some point it goes to every five levels, and the max level is 100. So there's a finite amount of boxes achievable for F2P, all things considered.
It's basically the same gameplay as Titanfall 2, which has good shooting. So you suck. Git gud. Also, if you spend 20 minutes looting and die in the first engagement, you not only suck at shooting, but you are a coward that doesn't go out and get kills. Again, it's not the games fault you suck and hide like a baby.
I'm sorry, I don't speak subhuman. Now, kindly get into the gas chamber.
BR is only popular in the first place because it rewards bad play.
I repeat, you’re thin-skinned, and probably mentally-deranged, for thinking you’re being prosecuted.
What you're explaining is probably the start of a game and you fight a squad that dropped down with you and your teammate dies right away. That mechanic is definitely not going to work mid game/late game because there will be no reason or no time to properly do that. Its a bad mechanic that people can abuse to troll their team and if it does work, it doesnt guarantee any benefits from it
It wasn't in the beginning. At some point they realised that skins of fuckable cartoon women makes a lot of money
The game is pretty generous because I’ve never spent a penny and I have a cool skin for each character and legendary skins for my favorites. I even have that heirloom knife, but I got really lucky. Plus, any gun I use also has something. Only level 23 btw.
>its the same as TF2
You've never fucking played that game. Fuck you.
Both of them are liberal brainwashing shit so who cares?
I swear to god if he had a cut and paste type in every game, id pick him and only him because i can relate to him as a character. I cannot enjoy games where the MC is a female/ethnic (Bayonetta) ETC. Female characters are the LEAST relatable to me.
>hero battle royal
I didn’t expect someone really made that
If you can't shoot and move well, you are going to lose and won't be rewarded, so no, it doesn't reward bad play. It punishes you for being bad at shootin' and movin'.
Git Gud.
It has the same core gameplay with less movement options and no titans. If you think it deviates more than that, you're a tard.
It works perfectly fine in the mid game, in fact that's the ideal opportunity to revive since there's still endless loads of low tier stuff to claim and probably gonna have a few more mid tier items to nab.
It doesn't work in the late game because the ring will have become small enough to only have 1~3 revive stations and the sound of a revived squadmate dropping in will attract everyone's attention. But that's fine, endgame is endgame.
It's a perfectly fine mechanic and I have no idea what you want out of it. I have revived and been revived plenty and seen it matter plenty.
It's perfectly viable in the midgame, a beacon is usually a minute or less away
Only very late does it stop being useful since you can't find any respawn beacons anymore
You play as characters like Bayonetta because she has a tight ass, not to relate to her.
Ahhhhh Straight White Males in video games need to make a come back. Thank god Dante is back next month.
Just look how COOL dante and McCree are. Jeez.
bruh 2 is "shootin and movin"
apex is absolutely not even in the same realm as that games movement
And less movement options and no titans deviates it pretty fucking far still, that effectively leaves the pilot kits (for the most part with some altered to fit the BR and squad focus), the gunplay and sliding.
Nah man. Doesn't emerce me into the game dude. just gives me a boner that i have to stop playing and take care of. When i'm Dante or McCree or Leon or Solid Snake lighting up the games, its fun as fuck.
How dead is PUBG
>I know how to be a fucking griefing, cheapass shitbag in these games and these games reward me for being that way to expand my BR winstreak epenis so I'm going to pretend that it's good when it's really not and just tell you to "GIT GUD" in a game where getting good means becoming a shitbag gamer like me so you can keep trying to play a shit game and make me more successful in being a cheapass
And discussion over. This is truth.
I can never tell if posts like this and the people cheering Fortnite insufferably as though it not dropping to 0 viewers overnight means Apex is going to die in a week or sone shit are ironic or not.
I'm hoping Apex stays around because as a side-effect it's pumping a bit of life into Titanfall 2 and that's a game that deserves life.
Maybe you're right. I am Thin-Skinned Something i gotta work on. But i don't have to take the fucking Agenda that these LGBT people are pushing onto me while invading the Video Game Development Scene.
>muh representation
Not even a collab with Resident Evil 2's remake is helping it any.
Just drop in a hot zone, there are times I go solo because my squad is pussy. You get better way faster if you consistently do this
It is spelled "immerse" you ESL
And get better at abstracting yourself to better understand the human experience instead of only thinking that people like yourself are all that is important, otherwise you are the EXACT SAME as the people clamoring for more blacks/women/gays because they want their characters to be like them too; if you hold the same perspective, you thereby can't complain about their identical wishes
If you're good you can spend the round killing dozens of shitters like you
Stop playing video games.
this was meant to be a thread, accidental post, ignore this
actually still better than blackout
they still hold tourneys and stuff, mostly korean/chinese participants
Probably because the broken hitbox on her, also her passive is way fucking better
i did start doing that because i'd rather just die in the first minute and have fun.
then i realized i could just play classic deathmatch games and skip the BR shit.
>get good
>in a game where you can literally just have better gear than others and they have no chance
holy yikes shooters are doomed
try focusing on something small and simple, try and stay off the internet for a while
if you're lonely, call up some old friends you haven't seen in a while or family if you have them
maybe it's time to give games a pause for a while (i mainly play quake now and really not much else)
I'm sure there's something you enjoy that doesn't tax your energy too much. Don't push yourself too hard, but atleast force yourself to start.
>I don't know what I'm talking about
But user, Superman is an SJW, remember?
Maybe you should take your hurt feelings and go. :^)
My bad I wasn't thinking white typing.
Maybe you're right.
I don't even hate blacks or ethnic people honestly. I just don't see why its such a huge deal that they have to go out of their way to ruin a perfectly good game by Pushing this libtard shit.
Activate secret weapon:
actual sexy waifus in Apex
But it already has skins way sexier than fortnite.
No, it's so fucking boring.
See heres where you fucked up.
I don't hate on them for being what they fucking are okay. They can suck dick or scissor all they fucking want, it doesnt affect me. But Don't get upset when you try and push that shit on me When i want to pick the One white dude. "WOW U WANT TO BE REPRESENTED? U BIGOT"
How many players does titanfall 2 have on pc by now?
oh yeah all the gear is on an even field and available to everyone right. sure.
Yes. That is literally what it means. If this is correct ( and I don't have the autism to check if it's correct) then it means that Fortnite is here to stay and Apex Legends was just a week long fad that will slowly die.
Look, I don't get how this is complex. You want to see people like yourself in video games because apparently you relate to them better and can self-insert to them better.
There are black people and women like you, who want to see black people and women so they, too, can self-insert into these characters.
I don't share this perspective because I am perfectly fine at wearing masks that don't look like me, so I can enjoy Gibraltar and being the jovial maori fellow even though I'm about as far from maori as it's physically possible to be (german and native american heritage).
>couldn't find other squads
>lost at a firefight
You're just bad
How is it agenda pushing if it's their vision? They don't draw attention to tertiary details like Gibraltar being gay outside the website bios for example. More people are in the industry now and some of them do this for reasons outside "pushing libtard shit". That would be like someone pointing at DMCV and claiming it's pushing a "White Agenda" because the new character is a white dude.
I mean hell if Apex's roster based on race and gender bug you that much then play as Pathfinder until you unlock Caustic, he's a goddamn robot.
>enemy has better gear
>beat them anyway
>then i realized i could just play classic deathmatch games and skip the BR shit.
case in point
bo4 is dead as hell, but whoever still plays it plays the deathmatch mode instead
This. Even Planetside 2 has more action.
>99.999999% of games have white protagonists or a majorly white cast
>”fair and historically accurate!”
>0.000001% of games have a non-white protagonist or few white characters
wow, you thin-skinned incels really have nothing better to do than whine about videogames, huh?
how sad lel
both are shit but I hate the overdesigned meme
Let's be real most Apex skins so far are shit, the only good ones are this one for Wraith and the raiden suit for Mirage
That's the exact way I feel and then you realize "Hey, there's a much better game called Titanfall 2" and then you realize "oh, it's 60 gb's, not sure if I'm that interested to reinstall it then"
Frankly, I just don't find the gameplay of BR's appealing. You're either a NEET who takes a shit ton of coffee and Adderall to become hyper focused, for an entire 30 minutes match with absolute pin point accuracy regardless of circumstance, or you're the kind of person who likes to pop in and get a few kills here and there not really expecting to win. Having to go through the process of 3-4 minute wait after dying just kills the fun for me.
this is the first BR that i've been able to stomach, mostly because there's not a lot of waiting in apex
the time it takes from a squad wipe to jumping out of the dropship is 3 clicks (2 if you run the timer on legend select) and 2 load screens.
Enjoy your 46th play through of Fallout New Vegas or whatever you old foagies play *flosses on you*
more like zombies
>we now rate games based on viewers
>no one plays them anymore
>instead people fucking watch video games
... la puta...
Basically cuckold porn, you're watching someone else fuck a girl instead of fuck her yourself
Agreed I also don't know how they plan to make money selling cosmetics for such ugly characters.
>Online only games with massive DL sizes
This needs to stop. I'm not going to download some shit game that's over 50GB, devoid of art style, and runs like shit because of it. Not even a blizzard fanboy but if overwatch can look as good as it does at a 15GB~ish file size there's really no excuse for other "AAA" studios. Nobody even cares about the fidelity of textures in a multiplayer-only game. It's pure unoptimized bloat
People don't watch video games, they watch their e-friends and give them money. You can stream Fortnite right now on Twitch with no commentary and no face cam, and you will get 0 viewers, maybe 3 viewers who are lonely and will try to talk to you in the chat because they know there's a higher chance of you reading what they say.
No one actually watches the video games. It's a industry for lonely people to feel like they are part of something.
>year 2025
>you can only buy and play new vidya if you are a streamer
>peasants have to pay to watch streamers play
>publishers have made their devs focus on ai to keep games populated
Guess how we know you don't actually play the game
I watch video games. Let's Plays can get really fun with the right player.
Admittedly, not these types of games. You don't Let's Play Overwatch or Apex Legends.
grug says neither game make pee-pee hard so neither game good
This is half true. Sometimes I watch streams for only gameplay too though when I don't feel like playing, but I want to keep my mind in the game. I also sometimes watch games I can't afford at the time to weigh in if it's a game I really want to play, or not.
i've had two games where i got revived and literally had no loot on me except one gun and i still managed to kill the last guy and win when my teammates were downed. you can have a modless wingman+level 1 armor and still be a tremendous threat
Imagine being one of the people who monitors Twitch game viewers solely to make the "Fortnite/Apex has more viewers than Apex/Fortnite, other game dead haha xddd" thread.
Imagine being that pathetic.
Imagine the sheer void of purpose in your life you'd have to have to spend your free time monitoring the viewers of battle royale games on Twitch.
Apex games are more like 15-20 minutes
But he is correct. USA is not white
>Looking at porn
>Not just having sex.
I wasn't being specific
theres a few cool ones but i do generally agree chartacters in general look pretty shitty. the car themed pathfinder skins are nice, caustic has the cool madmax one, samurai bloondhound is nice
really wishing bangalore and lifeline gets something where their face or hair gets covered up, i legit cant those types of black women designs
>autistic build battles
>unoptimized pubg-clone
neither having cute grils is just expected of Western studios
>posting deathcult recruitment pysops
Don't really mind Lifeline's design, Bangalore though on the other hand looks really unappealing
I can't even imagine how garbage your rig must be to not be able to run this game at 120 fps with relative ease
I can't imagine how garbage your brain must be to not notice how poorly the game runs
Literally yes in this case
battleroyale is just "free for all" mode for zoomers, that's it
wait, I thought people said overwatch had awful netcode?
Fuck tencent and fuck EA. If you enjoy BRs you deserve the noose
>muh tinman square
>see! this is why i cant win a game!
based trashcan
Respawn hates EA
there is literally one single chinese person there you illiterate faggot.
I just hate the fucking construction bullshit. All I want is Fortnite sans the building. Having to channel the spirit of a minecraft autist in the middle of a gunfight is complete horseshit.
He doesnt know
Caustic players are shit.
this nigga don't understand the concept of shitposting
>those hands
holy transsexual mackerel batman
>rwbyfag is a complete retard
Why am i not surprised?
>paying to watch streamers play games
>paying for a monthly membership to rent a license for the game you want to play
>every feature is locked behind a pay wall
>you have to buy bundle of features to get the full experience despite not even owning the game
screencap this
tfw I will never be able to donate steph curry money and have my donation read on national tv.