Anthem does worse than Andromeda

>two flops in a row

what went wrong? is this it for Bioware?

will they get a third chance or will they get absorbed by another EA studio by the end of the year?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn.. swtor is probably looking like a successful project now (considering that it's still somewhat active after 8 years)

EA has killed so many good studios over the years they better fucking put a bullet in Bioware for being utter shit now.

i played the first mission so far,
It was really fun actually, everything felt pretty good.
It looked incredible however it made my CPU run hot AF, after the 1st mission it had my watercooled and OC'ed 9700k at +90c

uh, I think that's your problem buddy. there's no reason for a water cooled cpu to go above 55 C under load

yeah its never happened to me before, not even with stress tests.

I was running it on ultra with 1440p @ 144z


>anthem was 5 years in development
It's dead, dog.

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Fine, since Mass Effect 2,

>The A-Team made a worse game in 6 years than the B-Team in 5

most interesting plot twist to come out of Bioware in over a decade

Try again.
Bioware has NEVER made a good game. They make the equivalent of supermarket romance novellas with Fabio on the cover. Trite bullshit for simple minded cucks.

>Trite bullshit for simple minded cucks.
so US and console crowd in general.

Even better is the A team's budget was 200 million and the B team had 100 million.

>picture bioware related

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>Dragon Age Origins turns 10 in November
>Bioware hasn't made a decent game in almost 10 years
I remember getting my parents to buy my first gaming PC for KotOR

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And after Andromeda was done they literally got everyone to work on Anthem. How the hell is it possible for a game like this to have such little content and zero interesting missions / story etc?

talk to us in 2 hours of the same gameplay same weapons and same missions, then we'll see if it's 'pretty good'

Wonder what happens now...
Several things can happen.

Bioware tries to fix Anthem and learn from their mistakes as they work on Anthem sequel.
Bioware returns to making simpler in scope story driven single player RPGs.
Bioware is disolved by EA just like the sister studio.

No news on Dragon Age IV so far too, but I think it's being worked on

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yeah for sure, for it's time at least it had diverse content, those cgi movies were top tier and when you even compare the content and story to current disney movie garbage it isn't even that bad

who would have guessed that fucking swotor in retrospect could be viewed as good

a new dragon age will happen, there were talks about it on several sites, but if this trend continues then it will be worse than fucking anthem

the diversity hires really did kill bioware in the end

>for it's time at least it had diverse content
nigga it was a WoW clone with WoW clone content with some Starfox missions tacked on. The story got even more retarded than Disney as time went on. You're a goddamn retard if you consider SWTOR good, even in retrospect.

better than andromeda and anthem and the last jedi? is it really that crazy to consider swotor better than that

reminder baldur's gate 1 is the only good bioware game

Yes. Just because other things are also shit does not make the other shitty thing less shit. Final Fantasy XIII didn't become good when XV came out.

Dragon Age 4 was announced at The Game Awards last year with a teaser trailer and the hashtag “TheDreadWolfRises” but they said it’s very early in development still. Same Dragon Age Inquisition team, minus the director and a few leads.

Will most likely be shit.

>Same Dragon Age Inquisition team

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>How the hell is it possible for a game like this to have such little content and zero interesting missions / story etc?
Every ounce of time and money went into the overworld which is absolutely gorgeous but wasted on such a hollow shell of a game.

>''This doom and gloom isn't all conjecture, by the way. BioWare employees themselves say that the developer has bet everything on Anthem's success. Speaking anonymously to Kotaku, a number of BioWare's designers, developers, and other staff members say that the company's future rests on Anthem. If the game doesn't succeed, Kotaku's report says, "BioWare will look very different in the future" — and not in a good way.''

it's ogre

overworld looks nice, but it's empty as fuck and even the GRAPHICS argument falls flat when you see the fucking hub area, it's the most bland worst looking hub in this generation of games, what the fuck were they thinking, compare it to the E3 footage, they fucked themselves with bullshots and fake trailers

Well, RIP in pieces then

>EA want this game to sell 1 million units a week

I just do not see this happening

Are we all out of tracked critics/review sites for the game now, or are there a few left to maybe drop it into the 50s?

Well yeah but that's why I said every ounce of money went into the overworld. Those faces on the NPCs in the hub are terrifyingly plastic.

>Open Yea Forums for the first time of the day
>Notice a sticky thread
>"RIP in Peace Bioware, 1995-2019

Oh god, i can't wait.

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I see it happening. Normies and children are all super hype about iron man simulator 2019. I'm not joking, I teach high school and every boy has anthem on their lips.

especially for normies when fucking apex legends launched recently, all the kids are playing it and all the twitch streamers are streaming it, a good free game, any game launching in this time period will suffer in sales because of apex

Mass Effect has always been shit. prove me wrong.


How? Anthem is boring and uninspired, but at least it is functional. Andromeda was a trainwreck from every side, bugs, story, visuals, writing - it was all shit.
Was it virtue signalling?

I can't. Because I've never played them. Looked like some cringe star trek rip off.

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Bioware will be shut down, replaced by Respawn as the golden goose of EA. Then they'll force the studio to make another "AAA" game that flops, then another, and another, then EA will purchase another studio and the cycle continues.

if they keep slashing the price, I could see it happening! they could sell one million units if one unit is $1

I'd buy that for a dollar!

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it's always been overrated as fuck, it's babbys first RPG, but because it's more action adventure than rpg and it looked amazing and had high production values for the time normies flocked to it, I'm talking about 2 here mostly because that was the height of the mass effect craze

I'll wait for the game to cost 25€, it looks like something I'd enjoy but it's still too rought right now.

Weird, not even my 9900k does that.

51 hours into the game and 490 ilvl.

This games flaws are;
>Not being able to share gear
>Not being able to respawn in Strongholds
A lot of fun waiting 25min for a ress because your team of randoms dont know shit.. and yes I started a timer, not the first time this happend so I wanted to know how long i waited.
>Getting white(common) drops from chests in Grand Master 1 even if you have over 100% luck
>Need to walk around for 10min in a fucking town after every contract to get a new contract
>Fuckers who use open mic and force you to always play with 0% voip sound which results in no communication because you CANT FUCKING TYPE INGAME
I want to like this game... luckily I only paid €14.
1 week of playing and there's nothing more to do than farm Legendaries, which doesnt give you anything new from Masterwork.

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I love the designs

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>battlefront 2, anthem, andromeda, mirror's edge catalyst, unravel 2, a way out, battlefield v, titanfall 2

all fucking flops, most of them both commercial and critical, but all commercial flops

only two things they have is FIFA and now apex legends, and apex might turn out to be just a flavor of the month battle royale

Not for that long necessarily. EA's cycle of shit has been due to vidya market being overheated as fuck for years, but now the constant explosive growth is slowing down fast and expansion of AAA-industry is hitting the wall fast. They can no longer promise investors that generic product Y will automatically outsell previous generic product X. That's the reason why big corporations are trying to shill "games as service" and shitty overpriced DLCs, they can't find enough growth from just selling more games as there are not enough new consumers, so they need to make people pay more money for each game they buy.

any germans here? does that say 'hopefully no koln lime ban'? what does that mean?

pc or console? how are the load times, and loading in general

>waiting 25min for a ress

massive yikes, now I won't even get the game for cheap, the loads and the slow walking in the hub, so much dead time in this game it's insane

ShitWare need to hire more brown coder ladies.

Obviously hwyte straight males are the source of these problems inside the studio.

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at least Androgynmeda was so bad it was entertaining
Anthem is a boring non-content shit

it's a movie reference

What happened to gamers? In the past all they needed was good graphics to sell games.
Why do they suddenly care about gameplay now?

looks like that great group of women (and allies!) can't code for shit

Because when everything has good graphics then graphics aren't the defining factor in sales.

vielen dank

this, at least it was a fun shitshow, this is just boring and will be forgotten in every way by the end of the month

The presentation does have problems too, especially the loot designs are boring, bland and repetitive. It's weird really, how they had all the time in the world to create detailed environments and enemies but the loot in shoot n' loot game looks like it was all done in a single day's work.

nothing looks better than red dead 2 and normies already played that, they already played destiny, and now they have their free battle royale games, anthem is a game for no one

I play on an SSD, 1080Ti, i7 computer so loading times for me are between 10seconds to 2min depending.
BUT and this is a fucking huge but, there are too many loadings in this game. If you arent in the front line in Strongholds be prepared to get loading screens because you arent at the next checkpoint.
This happends a lot.

>waiting 25min for a ress
Yup, and this were with 3 randoms that were all alive.
One Stronghold we had 1 afk in spawn and we all died so noone could ress.. had to ALT F4 to be able to play again because you can't just FUCKING LEAVE. Youre stuck in a fucking "Waiting for ress" screen.

This game is a joke but it have a lot of fun moments. Sadly I quit today because it released 2 days ago and it's just a fucking mess with new players not knowing shit and wasting your fucking time.

Also Ive read that they are prepared to make Crossplay a thing? PC and console play together? Sounds like fun...

Why do the console versions still not have any reviews? Am I missing something?

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If Fortnite proofed something, it's that normie zoomers just want easy to pick up games that run on their smartphones and cheap laptops.
For referense, you can see the other 2 dead in the distance (white outline).

Played it for about 5 hours today.
I like it.
I generally like games Yea Forums hates, and dislike the games Yea Forums likes.

My brain probably has defects.

not updated by the site, major sites scores will just transition over, will happen first work day next week

Probably cause EA has the $15 thing and most critics saw that as a better option to start it early

Does that usually happen? Most times a major game release on Metacritic will have reviews on it as soon as it's released, from my experience.

Thank god, kill Bioware already, they're nothing but a shitty SJW studio now anyway.

You misspelled Euro-poor-land.

Only good games come from the US and Japan.

They want to get us away from videogames. They are preparing another major war to reset the economy. They targeted vidya for a reason with their reverse psychology commie psyop. Screencap this.

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you misspelled europe and japan, this month alone usa gave us anthem and crackdown 3 (LOL), while japan gave us RE2 and europe gave us metro exodus


Then after EA is starting to run out of studios. Popcap maybe?

>tfw last good Bioware game.

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It came out way to early, the combat is pretty cool, so I think it has potential, but I think it will be a good game, like a year or 2 from now.

You can’t destroy a medium. Even if the industry dies there’s still going to be games developed in bomb shelters and radioactive wastelands

It was in development for goddamn 5 years already.

>but I think it will be a good game, like a year or 2 from now.
I don't think it's acceptable that we get used to this. So the game becomes OK just within the trime frame where a sequel might come out? That moronic.

Why are you making this thread constantly? Literally nobody gives a shit.
If you expected this trashfire to be anything better than that you are a fucking retard.

DA:O and ME1 were good. Stop being a contrarian ladyboy.

>fire the guy who wrote this and dragon age
>hire hamburger helper

act all ''whahappun?'' when your studio crashes and burns

Metro Exodus isn't good, but Resi 2 was.

>Mfw spend more time running around rezzing people than fighting in late missions on Xbone
Its amazing how little situational awareness people have, also I'm tired of playing with twink Storms and Intercepter. Only time I run into a Colossus or Ranger is freeplay or when one of my friends run it, who are also shit at staying alive. At least the Ranger has decent survivability and can do ok damage when needed so I'll just play as that until friends drop this in a month or so.

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>implying EA won't just scrap the game altogether and absorb bioware into respawn to make more skins and heroes for apex legends

>typing LOL in all caps in your own comment

>metro exodus
So they've made the same game for the 6th time in a row, wow, much claps

Too bad Doom Eternal is going to blow them all out of the water, and that's not even the best that's yet to come, kek

Don't get me wrong, in NO way am I saying we should get use to it or that its a good thing.

I think the "live service" model isn't a bad idea, its just most devs have taken that to mean launch a game bare bones and then build it up to a full game instead of launch a full game and add more shit to it as you go.

It probably will now unless it has some devoted players.

SEETHING valvecuck detected

I can't believe I'm the only person enjoying this game. It's a heck of a blast!

the LOL was a stab at crackdown 3 you daft fuck because it's a joke, just like you mate

>doom eternal


>the LOL was a stab at crackdown 3
I can't tell if you're retarded and couldn't tell what my original comment about that was saying, or if you're just european.


>hating on the most hyped FPS game this year

Yea, that's gonna be a double yikes from me

What's with that 5'11 dude at the back?

>Its amazing how little situational awareness people have
it's probably little kids playing, literally 12 year olds

that could have been reduced if the rez time was faster or the world was smaller and more condensed

I wouldn't even try anthem for free.

>using the term 'hyped' unironically
massive yikes

He's the one employee who codes.

is it just me or does the far right bitch look like the ben franklin tranny from sgdq

I'm maining a colossus at 490 ilvl and the only time I can die is if I get overheated / stunned and just bursted down by 2 towers and 2-3 elite hunters which only happends in Strongholds because noone care to do the fucking objectives which leads in just killings mobs for ages for no fucking reason with no drops.

This game is made for dads who sit at home to play 1 hour / day on their TVs and look at the big explosions.

>what went wrong?
The talent that made their old games left.
>Is this it for Bioware?
Most likely. I don't see EA throwing years of content and improvements at Anthem. Not the kind of company they are.

Fuck em

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>tommy writes his final line of code for lollismasher 2 before a chinese airstrikes takes out his entire squad. with a victorious smirk on his lips his burning finger presses enter and the file is sent off into the depths of the internet.

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Looks like Bioware's shambling corpse is finally getting put down.

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Maybe if I was also on EA's bankroll I'd be posting about how much I was enjoying it too.

And it looks like trash compared to E3.
Shame, since without that comparison it really is graphically great.

Oh, so that why there's like no white male characters in this shitty game

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>is this it for Bioware?

Yeah nah these stats do nothing mate. Whole game is full of clearly miscoded stats.

Well, now I know why Anthem just basically doesn't work properly. But hey, having a diverse team is more important than hiring people who can actually man up and get the job done right?

whos playing this game. looks like nobody is playing it at least here. hasnt this actually mega-bombed?

the future is brown huehue

What makes you think the studio won't just get fucked by that point, die off and then the game gets cancelled forever.

Something like that already happened recently with Telltale and The Wolf Among Us Season2

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I agree. It's a fucking shambolic absolute mess, but the core gameplay when it works is pretty addictive - that being said, like Joe said, the loot, repetitive nature of the basic game types and lack of endgame are all MAJOR gameplay features that need massively reworking in order to drag it back into life again. That's without dealing with the myriad of bugs, disconnects and fuckups like the loading screens that stop you from enjoying the gameplay in the first place.

Salvageable? Possibly, but would require a fuckton of work and seeing as what we've got is what they've been working on for 6 years, I am somewhat doubtful they can pull it off. Another team could. But yeah, probably not gonna happen. RIP Anthem/Bioware.

Isn't your friend in it a white bald blue eyed guy?

also with DLCs for Andromeda

Yeah, but somehow white females are still gonna exist..

you have a great eye user

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of course it bombed, we'll know more when next week starts

>5 versions of the game, 4 don't give you all of the content
>came out in the same month as twitch darling apex legends, which is free
>journos hate it
>hardcore bioware fans hate it
>looks and plays mediocre, normies don't care
>youtube is filled with rant videos about how the game sucks ass
>5 year development time with at least 100+ million invested
>god knows how much more into marketing, that fucking anthem neil bloomkamp shit film cost at least 5 mil
>already on sale,(first fucking week)

this is the end

kek, thanks friendo

Turns out they had no intention of making andromeda dlc in the first place, which fucking hurts to all hell

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You think the brown people will regret it when they're the ones who'll have to put up with white women's shit?

Its SO weird, not just the load of bugs bug like even simple things not working and things bioware doesn't seem sure of themselves.
Simple things like little buff descriptions being wrong and some straight up not working.
Things they don't know like just before launch people were asking them if there would be any elemental guns that take advantage of their combo system, they said no not at launch, maybe in the future, but I know there are like atleast 3 weapons that DO do shit with their combo system.

Its like someone else was making the game, suddenly disappeared mysteriously and Bioware just came across their code like 2 months before launch and tried to turn it around into a working game.

Like its been pretty well written about how broken it is but I don't think people understand to what extent.

Aaryn Flynn.
That's the person you mean.

>Lets make Destiny - Division ripoff in the world where Destiny - Division exists.

Big brained guys at EA

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holy shit

Yeah, I'm thinking that with this level of shit, there's no way 6 years of hard work and dedication went into it. Either A: The team's been doing a "Duke Nukem Forever" and fucking around, doing hardly any work and then they've rushed it in the last 6 months for release after EA pulled out the spanking belt. Or, B: The dev team has been considerably smaller than they've made out to cut costs and possibly people have left midway through development leaving others to pick up the pieces without any real idea as to what the fuck they're doing, which could explain the inconsistency - ie why some elements to the game feel really decent like the core gameplay, but the rest feels half-arsed and incomplete.

Just speculation obviously, I'm sure in months/years to come, depending on whether or not Bioware gets shut down, they'll be some "reveal all" from a developer and we'll get the full story. Will probably be more interesting to read than playing the game sadly.

Its not a bad idea, they just did it badly.

If you count only Div and Destiny then there are 4 games like this and Anthem learned from NONE of them.

I'm wondering if maybe the guts of the game was just ripped from Andromeda, its the gameplay kinda feels like a wider more refined version of Andromedas combat.
Then they just kinda tried to fit the square gameplay peg into the round rest of the game hole.

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This is probably it.

Yeah, I've got a feeling you might be onto something there.

>people have left midway through development leaving others to pick up the pieces without any real idea as to what the fuck they're doing, which could explain the inconsistency

has to be this

I dont believe Anthem is worse than Andromeda. Few games are worse than Andromeda

Its simply that back when Andromeda was out EA shilling was stronger than now. Publishers are losing territory to streamers so there are less paid written reviews and more paid streams, which leads to journos not being that afraid of speaking their mind for once.

Well, too little too late journos, fuck you all

Thinking about it, it really is SUPER similar to Andromeda. Like besides the flying almost exactly the same.

Own both man, I think the gameplay of Anthem feels better then Andromeda, but I think its worse in just about every other way.

Remember TORTANIC?

>ts worse in just about every other way.
The writing cant be worse than in Andromeda. That... thats not possible, it simply cant

FIFA alone is enough to keep ea alive

The amount of money they make from player cards alone is absurd

You mean the game thats still making ea millions of dollars 8 years on?

Yes i remember it

I mean to be honest I don't remember MUCH of the writing in Andromeda, but I can tell you I am CURRENTLY playing Anthem and can't remember much of its writing either.

All the faces look good as well I suppose.

Sorry, my face is just... tired... from everything.

>He never played Baldur's Gate or KOTOR

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You'd have to pay me to touch Star Wars shit.
Baldur's Gate is just your average dungeons and dragons fare (meaning it's shit).

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LOL Get a load of this retard

time for 2k to make a proper football/soccer game and to kill off EA for good

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Yeah, because isometric rpgs with a stupid story are high quality.

>no whites
>its a shithole

those models looks so dated, like ps3 tier shit

Ahhh, so much beautiful diversity!!! Fuck making a good game, as long as it's inclusive! Oh, except for white men, they can't be in games anymore. Too triggering

when even polygon of all places is dunking on you maybe it's time to call it quits, lmao

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>want to progress the story?
>FUCK YOU, go do these inane challenges, some of which you have literally no control over

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>You'd have to pay me to touch Star Wars shit.
I agree wholeheartedly.
>Baldur's Gate is just your average dungeons and dragons fare
This couldn't be further from the truth, it's the least average of D&D fare



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I've been listening to this in celebration while reading these threads, what about you anons?

nigger, you even play it?

EA should have just used this tech and licensed out Iron Man from Marvel and made a solid as fuck Iron Man game, make it single player only and copy the success of Spiderman PS4

lose the guns, shoot from arms and armour, keep the enemies they even look like generic chitauri, keep even the planets make part of it take place in space other half in NY or random locations over the world, add in a few boss fights, boom major success both commercially and critically


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I don't know what on Earth made anyone think this was a good idea.

It's far too naive and characters are underdeveloped. It doesn't feel like real modern humans wrote it. Reading Baldur's Gate's dialogue creates the same disconnect like 1930s romance novels.

nobody on consoles plays shit like this, it's either dumb sports games or singleplayer focused games. nobody on PC buys games on Origin and only want to use the garbage that is Steam.
they fucked themselves with this.

>buy studio that made a popular game/series
>give it more 'mainstream' appeal, milk it till it runs dry
>then beat the corpse a bit just incase
>when it's well and truly dry have the studio try something different
>when it inevitably doesn't work, take them out behind the shed

I've seen this pattern plenty of times before and I think I know which step bioware is about to experience

You could even integrate that multi-universe stuff they did for the Spiderman movie for multiplayer.

>mafia 3 has a better score on metacritic than anthem

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I can agree partially there. But what's wrong with kotor? it's a great game. second one is fine too, once you get past the fucking asteroid.

>crackdown 3
Welp you just validated yourself as a retard.

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>what's wrong with kotor?
You'd have to pay me to touch anything Star Wars related.

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destiny did massive on consoles, so did the division, they were trying to copy those two games, and if done right the success could be both copied and you could even do bigger numbers

anthem isn't that game tho

oh for sure, that game would be a guaranteed success story, not even current bioware could fuck it up

why though? get diddled with it on the tv?

Wow, you found ONE congrats!

I'm sick of it and its manchildren fanbase. The worst cringe are those there is no good or bad only balance posters I see regularly on here. You can all go to fucking hell.

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Hahahah fuck me.

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How do I get the pc version to run?

fucking FINALLY someone with some sense!

don't let them get to you man. balance fags suck up and spew the same shitty rhetoric they watch in the movies. only real fun way to play any light/dark, good/evil, game is to be a dick to anyone who isn't your companions. and even then, it can be fun. But to each their own.

>what went wrong?

They are doing games no-one asked for.

share holders did. they wanted Destiny 2: money boogaloo.

or get it on GOG, it's less than 4 bucks at the moment

>Getting 1-4 for doing strongholds.
>All on GM1 / GM2. Today post patch? TONS of white and blues.
>A single MW on contracts, and a single MW on strongholds from the final boss.
>You get tenth of the coing as before also.
>Removed the difficulty explonation, so people don't have to cry about.

Attached: WindyWhoppingHind-size_restricted.gif (327x251, 2.45M)

>No endgame
>all people can do is chase masterworks/legendaries
>people getting like 4 masterworks a stronghold
>awww geez how can we fix this?
>why fix it? just lower drop rates lol
Renowned developer guys.

Endgame, polished gameplay is just too videogamey

>Fuck making a good game, as long as it's inclusive!

Apex legends, Team Fortress 2, Fortnite (inb4 edgy unpopular fedora opinion) and Assassins Creed: Odyssey are all good games with diverse characters/development teams.

Inclusiveness and making a good game are only mutually exclusive if you've leaked out of the containment board

Isn't that the NPC that asks the female PC out for coffee if you play a female, then when you reject him (both options are no) he then apologizes to you for rejecting him? Absolute fucking soi and a disgrace to the white race.

Post Baldur's Gate 2, Bioware was never good, and no this isn't bait.

mass effect was the beginning of the end

>Isn't that the NPC that asks the female PC out for coffee if you play a female, then when you reject him (both options are no) he then apologizes to you for rejecting him? Absolute fucking soi and a disgrace to the white race.
Yes, it fucking is.
Time stamp is 11:54 if the link doesn't work.

truth hurts, doesn't it?

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that's brutal

Has there been any reponse from Bioware/EA to this shitshow?


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Mass Effect can be described with one word - overrated, and when companies stop buying hype for a game that was never that good, you get Andromeda.

>implying origins or bioware kotor are any good

the only good thing bioware ever made was baldur's gate 2, even the first baldur's gate was a steaming pile of trash when it was released

>Inclusiveness and making a good game are only mutually exclusive if you've leaked out of the containment board
Or if you're an obsessed leftist ideologue. /pol/ and those faggots harbor the same hatreds and political conspiracy theories so it stands to reason that they'd produce slanted trash with an emphasis on agenda over creativity. The only difference with the games you linked is that they were made by developers that haven't shifted into full on ideologue mode like Bioware.

babbys first action rpg

The truth is that the last fortnite features a majority of non white and female playable characters, and a smash hit, and literally set forth the ideal in which a game should be designed today and in the near future, whether done successfully or not.

If you dislike inclusiveness and diversity in games, simply accept the fact you're limited to playing weeaboo hentai games and retro nintendo rehashes. Diversity is the future of gaming.


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ME3 was a PR nightmare, DA3 was plagued by the open world features, Andromeda was a massive failure across the board, Anthem is just as bad plus way more tech issues. That means that Bioware hasn't had a success since ME2. 8 years ago. If EA doesn't shutter them, they never will.

>what went wrong? is this it for Bioware?
They forced the frostbite engine down their throats forcing them to scrap any work they did on engines actually made for the shit they were working on and start anew forcing them to make the tech needed to make frostbite actually work for the shit they were making but at the expense of any actual progress made to the actual content of the game itself.
Shame really since the suits forcing them to work on the in house made/owned engine is decent idea on paper. Shit is just dumb to force the scraping of in progress shit simply cause of any and all lack of understanding of how shit actually would work out for the best.

>there are white men who forked over 60 or more $ of their hard earned cash for this shit

>blame EA for bioware being a bunch of tranny SJWs
nah fuck this shit, bioware did this on their own

they had like 200 million and 5+ years to develop a game, and this is the best they've got?

One thing of note but the voice acting is really awful. I don't mind when a game spends a long time on voiced dialogue but at least makes the characters and their voices interesting.

>most likely
still having hopes I see

In 2004 Blizzard made a game where you can seamlessly go from Elwynn forest into Stormwind without a loading screen.

In 2019 Bioware made a game where you can't go from the world into a city without a minute loading screen.

Bioware is the most incompetent developer in the industry.

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I bought andromeda a few weeks ago, it’s one of the best games I have ever played. If the earlier games are even better then I really need to play them. I couldn’t find them on the playstation store, so I’m hoping for a remastered version soon.

They left that in their employee's room apparently.

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>BioWare will look very different in the future
Actually good news then if it means leaving the disease behind and move on.

Even WoW is plagued with loading screens these days though. It's honestly disgusting.

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literally pic related but IRL

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What? I know people didn’t like the game, but I just don’t know why. I normally skip all dialogue or ignore cutscenes in games but andromeda actually had me paying attention and listening. I flirted so much with that blue chick peebee and it paid off in the end and got to fuck her. Best moment in my 30 years of gaming.

Angry Joe gave it a 4/10 which is the only correct score for this

It is a below average game. 6/10 makes it seem better than average. This is a problem with reviews in general though.

Anyway, the game is shit, and will remain shit for the coming future. People expecting this to improve in 6 months will be disappointed. This being anything near a full game will take more than a year.

One thing they do have on their side is the promise of free DLC and their commitment to development of Anthem with no sequels. If they can keep that promise then it stands a chance of being very good, as the overall concept is great. But the disastrous mismanagement of this project to date does not lend confidence in those same idiots and pricks being able to fix it.

>I flirted so much with that blue chick peebee and it paid off in the end and got to fuck her. Best moment in my 30 years of gaming.

am I being trolled at this point?

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They are probably deciding the damage control move. I bet on russian bots/"trolls" in metacritic and white males employees.

It was my first video game fuck and it was awesome. Well...fable doesn’t count cause that was just grab a whole bunch of random sluts and go back to my castle and somehow not get an STD.

based lad, best vidya moment of his life was when he fucked peebee, true hero

its a shame because the gameplay is just great

but of course normies who want loot games dont understand what makes games like d2 or poe classics of the genre, its the loot itself, the itemization more specifically

in a few hours of anthem campaign, playing colossus, I immediately understood that it would just be me equipping autocannon and juggle with wall of fires, coils, mortars, and that going up further in levels and in 'raids' would just net me more of the same without any real flavor

I usually never buy games at release but anthem does gameplay right and if content follows in the form of better encounters then its going to be great assuming you totally forget about 'loot' and just use the bigger numbers, you're not going to 'build' a javeling as much you're going to enjoy mastering them

I didnt play andromeda, but if you enjoy the casual fun of nu bioware games you should try dragon age inquisition

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they all look as sin

They could have made the guns interesting like something out of boarderlands but instead we got weak ass cod guns

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So realistically, this was put together in a year right? It does not feel like a 5 year in the making game when so much shit just doesn't work. Did EA make them restart? Like what happened?

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This. Diversity isn't inherently bad (unless you're a /pol/fag) but diversity isn't inherently good either (unless you're a SJWtard). What matters is the talent behind the games. EA and Bioware thinks they can substitute talent with "diversity" but have proven that it means nothing if you can't deliver. No amount of "diverse" employees will save you if all you make is crap.

of course I agree but thats not the goal of the studio
they could have made plenty of things like this better, better menus, customization, items in general
instead, we get p2w customization of javelins, because thats what makes money

on the very negative side for me is all those pointless challenges that require you to painfully navigate through menus to 'track' them for some unknown obscure reason
I'm fine with randoms popups like you killed x times x enemies or some shit like that but the menus need to disappear asap

EA probably forced them to switch to frostbite, again, frostbite works well on smaller maps and not so dense worlds but even then it's prone to glitching out and the current hardware just can't support it hence the massive load times and several loads even in the open world

likely this was being developed on some other in-house engine and around 2 years ago EA forced the change because they wanted their bigger and better destiny/division clone fast, several key people left bioware also

Why do women destroy vidya teams?

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What actually happened? Graphics aside, half of this isn't even in the game anymore. There is no mission with this kind of feeling or scale

diversity leads to shit games like these tho
they literally employ people based on their skin color/country of origin instead of talent
this is how you get technical messes with shit story/characters and gameplay

They split the team making on mass effect ,the other one anthem .

The UI was some of the worst shit. Are there professionals out there who focus on this stuff? They should have gotten one. Everything is bad, from choosing missions to how you customize your guy.

I honestly dont believe anthem is that bad.
No, i do not play it and do not plan to, but it seems fishy. Like a negative hype train, which formed because of previous EA blunders and shitty behaviours. It became trendy among youtube talk men to say EA BAD, and their fans followed.
Game is probably just mediocre, not 4/10. No review made impression of genuine trash game like f76 ones did.

>When the game duplicates your javelin in town
The one thing you interact the most with in the city and they could not even get that right. If you need more than that to see how lazy this game is, idk what to tell you

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>"BioWare will look very different in the future" — and not in a good way.''
I honestly doubt it could get any worse

Im living in canada and a war will ruin our country already on the brink of total meltdown.

why would you waster your time playing a mediocre loot shooter
this isnt a niche genre either, theres tons of competition and they're all better
you only play mediocre games when you have no other choices
you sound like a shill or a retard
make your pick

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They think, they will be spared from etnic cleansing because they were on the right side of history.

what went wrong?
when you trying create game for all(majority) of people and up mediocre/shit game.

> If you need more than that to see how lazy this game is, idk what to tell you
>idk what to tell you

this guy does.

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zoom zoom

It is bad. Not the worst game ever made, but it just isn't good. Lots of people want to blame that on some anti-EA cult but sometimes a thing is disliked because it isn't good.

There are a lot of technical difficulties. My team had to kill themselves multiple times in the last several missions to get the game to keep going. Enemies will phase out of existence right in front of you. The UI is absolute ass and I have broken it several times just trying to equip stuff. That's just a few of the things. There will of course be people out there who like it and that's fine, but from my experience, it is bad

They started developing before both of those game bioware took too much time and final product is a rush mess.


Yeah I tried it. The combat is utter trash and the storyline is stupid and I stopped playing after a few hours and haven’t thought of it since.

literally had to put down the blinds because the sun made it impossible to see 75% of that image

The MLG-Doritos-Mt Dew days are gone. That gaming culture kind of died after Gamergate, and nothing's been the same since.

Thanks man

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good, the great vidya crash is already under way

I truly believe that white women are the most privileged group today. They can claim oppression while not being oppressed at all.

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Remember when Bioware used to make good games? These days they're following trends making shallow loot shooters.

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the team who worked on BG is long gone

Well most of the old bio crew is gone. It isn't even the same studio, its just that in name only

what a fucking mess this is

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>this isnt a niche genre either, theres tons of competition and they're all better


Play Destiny 2, Warframe, Borderlands 2 or The Division if you want a proper looter shooter experience.

>that fort tarsus hub with npcs just standing still doing nothing until you talk to them
how can this game be from 2019

>there's a loading screen for changing equipment

I mean this kind of incompetence is systemic. This kind of shit has been happening for a long time but people always gave Bioware a pass because muh story. Since Bioware is no longer relevant people finally call them out on their ineptitude.

>both options are no
What if I WANT to go out with him? What the fuck why even put an option in the first place?

> there's like no white male characters in this shitty game
Not just that, there is no characters that just look like healthy humans, disregarding race.
Every fucking one ive seen looks like a retarded victim of dozens generations of inbreeding, with weird facial features and expressions. Its just doubtful these sickly mutts could survive anthems harsh world.

the first kotor is better than the buggy shitstorm that is the second game, MUH GREY MORALITY XD

I guess that's what you call black humor

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Just because it's been announced doesn't mean it's gonna happen. EA have cancelled projects before. I think BioWare is at a real risk of getting shutdown.

>Bad gameplay
At least it's a polished turd.

Ive been playing the division for the past month or so because I got bored with destiny after hitting 650.

Im starting to get bored with the division now because this week was a global event that basically gave me 4 full classified sets by just getting carried through challenging missions and now idk what to do because I have no friends.

Is anthem really honestly the worst looter shootet ever made? I paid 60 dollars for Defiance on release day and I really cant imagine anything being a worse decision.

Anthem is far better than Mass Effect Andromeda, there's no reason for that score.

This game needs a 75-80 minimum.

>ME3 caused one of the biggest shitstorms in the video game community in recent history
>ME:Andromeda was a shit show
Why was anyone surprised by this?

Can I get redpilled on what the problem is with the game? It looks like a boring Warframe clone with jet boosters added to me.

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No but it's nice to be proven right

its the other way around
Andromeda needed a lower score

Just put Bioware out of its misery....

It's that but with a poorly written story (from a developer that once prided itself on good writing), lots of bugs, and endless loading screens that take way too long.

I dab on 'em

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Trash bait

>man up

Watch your language, incel boy

>the best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one

And then he goes on to explain how this post is not satire. What a fucking time to be alive.

Do we need to thank her for BioWare's demise? She did some counseling on their games if I recall correctly.

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>Baldur's Gate
So exactly what this user just said.

not all the blame, but some of the blames goes to their diversity hires and the effort to appease the current san fran, ny upper echelon of gaming vidya journos and their desire to see diverse, minority, lgbtq characters ands such related sub-stories in games

Can someone please explain to me why the higher-ups in these publishing companies keep going for diversity in their hires when it clearly ruins franchises and loses money? It boggles the mind how a bunch of businessmen who supposedly know how to run a huge corporation can fall for the diversity meme time and time again and watch game releases flop. One has to truly wonder if they're being paid by some mysterious force to push this diversity agenda.

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Maybe they shouldn't be more political correctness and social justice, and focus on making a good game.

>fortnite is successful because brown characters

Did you even read his response post?

seems like they need to bring in kotick, firer of trannies for a consultation.

"""allies""" are probably the coders since a lot of programmers are limp wristed faggots who are subservient to women.

I kinda stopped reading that half way through, thanks for pointing out that there's more to it, kek

Will there ever be a dev studio that literally has 5 guys working 80 hour weeks to code a game while there are at least 50 HR people?

>a lot of programmers are limp wristed faggots who are subservient to women

This is so fucking true, you have no idea. I work as a programmer and while most of my colleagues are guys, they are almost all effeminate pussies who think all women are goddesses. There's like one cool dude who I can have a normal conversation with and both of us hide our views because even the boss is a pussy whipped faggot.

How many lines of code did all of them together write and what percentage were written by the dude in the back?

F2P yet?

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Good question. If I was running these companies I'd tell them to fuck off. What are they gonna do, cry on twitter about it? You think SJWs are the ones buying these games? I don't get the pandering

The boss of BioWare is still a guy, so I can only assume all of those women give fantastic blowjobs.

Long time division and destiny player here. Aside from a crap story (which isn't something I care much about anyway,) I don't understand what people are so unhappy. I haven't had any bugs or crashes and the combat is fun.

>Works on my machine



Mario Bros and PAC-Man were easy to pick up and run.

No they’ll just beat them.

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Multibillion dollar corporations think that 100 people on twitter and a few click bait articles means millions of people care. Protip: if you ask people on the street, even minorities, about this shit 90% of them would either think it is silly or they don't give any fucks.

I'm glad it's over.

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Seems like Benjamin Frankling will lose his job. Back to speedrunning i guess.

>what went wrong?
Buy studio, make it bad, kill the studio.

Every time.

Its a matter of time now.

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Oppossed as common misconceptions, Bioware was never good.

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Modern Bioware is okay with following the latest trends for short term success while destroying their long term reputation. The bad thing about this is that they don't even realize the only reason they're relevant is because old Bioware actually tried to make good games instead of shallow cash grabs. New Bioware is living off of old Bioware's legacy but they're trying to do everything they can to destroy that legacy. They're doing a good job at that because Bioware is so irrelvant now that with each release people care less and less. The journalists that used to defend Bioware won't them anymore. Bioware is finished.

Holy fuck, does that character exist solely to put 56% and above "white passing" cis males in their place or something? What a emasculated beta.

i mean im having fun
