>this pile of shit is 11 years old
>people are actually nostalgic about it
Get me the fuck out of this timeline
This pile of shit is 11 years old
Ulduar was great.
this was like my first vidya i had on the pc when i was 8 so ofc i feek nostalgia
the only people who unironically enjoyed wrath are the eternal kara pubbers or those who started after 2.4
People were nostalgic for it as soon as Cata launched, so the timeline you want split a LONG time ago.
Incidentally it is also the timeline where Warcraft the movie took off and spawned a cinematic universe that eclipsed WoW like WoW eclipsed the RTS games.
Wrath was great, spent hours with some bros starting brawls in Wintergrasp every day until raid time.
If it wasn't for the scrapped/cancelled raids, imagine what would have been, vrykul raid, drakkari raid, nerubian raid, instead we got malygos, ToC and rehash Naxx. But no, the assfucks at blizzard had to rush it like greedy drooling mongols, bc didn't even make the 2 years mark. Fuck them
Wrath introduced a lot of the stuff that people (rightfully) criticise today. It was a beginning of the end when it comes to introducing features that make the MMO feel both less of an MMO as well as less of an adventure.
But god damn if it didn't get some stuff right.
northrend was fucking awful
Warcraft movie was a failure, what are you even on about
>enjoy wotlk because I was in high school at the time and have fond memories of raiding LK 10 man with close mates
>a decade later it's ridiculed by some turboautists who think that having to walk to dungeons and spam in LFG is what made the game great
you have no friends and nobody likes you
>he will never know the joys of posing as a young grill to get free boosts and gold while you hop from guild to guild destroying raid cores with your drama
LFG among other things killed all sense of server community and ultimately the game lost the feel of an MMO.
Wrath truly killed community in World of Warcraft.
It was a great conclusion to the plague arc
>all these people who were/are too timid to join a guild and make friends complaining about LFR, something they apparently don't even use
> Extremely popular things over a decade old are remembered fondly
I can't believe 2007 years ago, I feel so old LOL, I guess it's just old guy things #hashtag!
>people who were/are too timid to join a guild and make friends
>complaining about LFR, something they apparently don't even use
what the fuck are you trying to say you fucking sperg? the logic in your statement is absent
Also, most guild members were timid silent types, with only a handful who are usually talkful in TS or ventrillo, so you don't know shit.
>Get me the fuck out of this timeline
*grabs kitchen knife*
Just tell me where you live.
>Implying there was ever a better time to play mage in arena PvP
I wasn't sure if I was just retarded or if his post made no sense
>tfw ret during 3.0
we have to go back
I have a friend who keeps on insisting that WotLK is the best expansion by far.
Which is kind of a pain because I'd like to set up a private server and he refuses to play on anything that isn't WotLK
literally the best wow expansion
Im kara pugger and I hated wotlk. I wanted frozen wastes filled with undead to smite instead of gay vikings and electric dwarves
>3. something shammy when we got quad totem
It was the best time for my class but it was shit for everything else desu.
The only good thing about Wrath was how OP Death Knights were at release
>3 viable tanking specs, one for each scenario
fucking golden age of dks that was
How can you be so fucking dense?
Kill yourself.
I loved grouping with all blood dks where we would roll through all the dungeons without healers or tanks, also soloing group quests was insane.
WoW was never good. People who like the current state of MMO are brainwashed, and probably have Chinese heritage. WoW is like a 14 year old game now. It needs updated. It's bound by old technology.
totally, me and my bros were enjoying some Metro Exodus on the Epic Launcher and they were like "You wan pray Fortnite?" And I was like "No, me wan pray worrd of warcraft"
Fuck, I thought I was guessing but it turns out I was closer to the truth than I thought. Sorry, Poohboy.
oh this made my stomach sink realizing it did come out 11 years ago.
thats racist
Well just get the fuck out of here then.